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Jagann¢tha in Cha´²¤-p¢°ha -Arun Kumar Upadhyay, IPS B-9, CB-9, Cantonment Road, Cuttack-753001 0671-2304172/2304433, Mob-09437034172 Email <[email protected]> 1. Introduction-Cha´d¤-p¢°ha or Durg¢-saptaºat¤ is 13 chapters (78-90) of M¢rka´²eyapur¢´a called dev¤-m¢h¢tmya. Two stuti (praise) poeme of Harivamºa-pur¢´a are also part of that. Though cha´d¤-p¢°ha is a part of pur¢´a, it is divided into 3 charitra (of 1, 3, 9 chapters), based on 3 vedas classified as per 3 gu´a. In addition, the 3 charitra are having qualities of mantras like vedas and tantra. It is description of Dev¤ in female form as well as male forms of Brahma. Thus this is combination of all aspects of vedas, pur¢´a and tantras and has to be understood with help of all. The aspects of each charitra are indicated below as per the textCharitra 1 Charitra 2 Charitra 3 §¾i Brahm¢ Vi¾´u Rudra Devat¢ Mah¢k¢l¤ Mah¢lakºm¤ Mah¢sarasvat¤ Chhanda G¢yatr¤ Tri¾°up Anu¾°up ¹akti Nand¢ ¹¢kambhar¤ Bh¤m¢ B¤ja Raktadantik¢ Durg¢ Bhr¢mar¤ Tattva Agni V¢yu S¦rya Svar¦pa §gveda Yajurveda S¢maveda In first charitra, Brahm¢ awakens Vi¾nu by praying Yogam¢ya, hence he is ¨¾i. In second charitra, Vi¾´u showed anger (2/9-10) and from his mouth came out great energy which became Dev¤ after joining with energy of all gods. In third charitra, ¹iva has acted as messenger of Durg¢ (8/24), thus he is the ¨¾i. They have been explained as part of Dev¤ in Pr¢dh¢nikarahasya also. Here, it is shown how all elements of Jagann¢tha also are explained. 2. Vi¾nu and Jagann¢tha-Distinction between them is shown in charitra 1. When Vi¾´u was sleeping under influence of yoga-m¢y¢, he has been called Vi¾´u. When he awakens (1), he has been called Jagann¢tha. In Vedas, Vi¾´u is the form of Sun which attracts with gravitation, Indra is the radiation emerging away. Indra as radiation is present everywhere, even in vacuum (2). Inter-action of Indra and Vi¾´u has created 3 zones of solar system, called 3 sahasr¤. Here, viºva is any region enclosed by a boundary. The boundary is seen and its form is ¹iva, the encloser is Vi¾´u. Jagat is an abstract thing (3) which is the chetan¢ (consciousness). This does Chiti (arrangement, order), so it is chiti. Lord of jagat is Jagann¢tha. In context of sun, the body of sun is Vi¾´u, his 3 steps are zones of heat, brightness, light at 100, 1000 and 100,000 diameters. Parama-pada is the last limit where sun is visible. It is called collection of suns (§k.1/22/20) or Brahm¢´²a in S¦rya-siddh¢nta (12/82). The energy in these zones is rudra, ºiva, ºiva-tara, ºiva-tama. Beyond solar system it is free of local fluctuations and is Sad¢ºiva. Attached with ambhas (water, spread matter of galaxy), it is s¢mba. Indra is radiation spread from sun, planets are in their orbit due to attarction in Vi¾´u form. Due to both Indra and Vi¾´u-life forms are created and maintained. that is awaken form called Jagann¢tha. 3. Nimba as K¢l¤ and Jagann¢tha-There is no direct reference to Nimba tree. This is -1-

called Margosa (Arabic, Greek) or Azadiracta indica, in botany derived from Persian Azaddirakhta; meaning tree which frees from disease. All over India, K¢l¤ is worshipped as Nimba tree. In Cha´²¤-p¢°ha itself (4), K¢l¤ form wiped out spread of Rakta-b¤ja, which means virus based in blood. This is called virus or biological warfare in modern times. Among plants, nimba tree is most useful as anti-biotic for destroying virus, so it is a form of K¢l¤. Jagann¢tha idol is made of nimba tree as He is described in K¢l¤ charitra only. K¢l¤ is original form of creation which was dark and unknown and hence it is called K¢l¤. K¨¾´a also means dark as it attracts (kar¾a =to attract) and absorbs all colours and becomes dark. Thus, Jagann¢tha is called dakºi´¢-k¢l¤, i.e. creative form of K¢l¤ (dakºa=efficient, right hand etc.). All over India, K¢l¤ is worshipped with nimba tree or its branches. In Bengal, nimba also symbolizes ¹¤tal¢ which is epidemic form of K¢l¤. At beginning of samvatsara (year) in Chatira month, it is customary to take new nimba leaves with jaggery etc.Tamil Ladies, while worshiping M¢- K¢l¤ dress in red, carry branches of the nimba tree, and dance in public places swishing the branches as an act of exorcism and to purify the world. The multi-headed occult goddess Yellamm¢ (a highly revered goddess in south India) sometimes assumes the appearance of a young nimba tree. Young maidens worship this Goddess by cladding themselves all over in nimba branches. In Andhra pradesh, K¢l¤ is propitiated in the month of ¡¾¢²ha to ward off evils and to bring peace and happiness. This is time of Ratha-y¢tr¢ of Jagann¢tha also. Temples of K¢l¤ and her forms- Peddamm¢, Ka°°¢, Maisamm¢ (Mausima of Puri), Pochamm¢, Yellamm¢ in Hyderabad get fresh coats of paint, and are decorated with nimba and mango leaves. There is a story of Nimb¢rka, a Ved¢nta-¢ch¢rya that he shown like a sun over nimba tree. The same song is sung in Chha°ha festival from Kashi to Bhagalpur on both sides of Ganga river. After 3 days fast in K¢rttika ºukla 4 to 6th, song prays sun god that it may be seen throgh nimba tree on 7th day when fast is to be broken. 4. Balabhadra, Subhadr¢-Subhadr¢ is Mah¢lakºm¤ of second charitra. It comes in middle like Subhadr¢. Bhadra is a structure. All objects are enclosed within curved boundary, that curving force is called bala or valana. Visible world is thus Bala-bhadra, it is knowable and form of Mah¢-Sarasvat¤ of 3rd charitra. Subhadr¢ is space joining all bhadra (structures) and is thus created from individual forms of all gods in chapter 2, verses 9-31. Her body (ratha) has been formed by joining energy and objects of all devas, so her ratha is called devadalana. She has been called Bhadra-k¢l¤ (3/9, 4/39), Nih-ºe¾a-deva-ga´a-ºakti-sam¦ha-m¦rty¢ (4/3) =formed by exhausting the joint power of all devas. Third charitra mentions hala (plough) and musala (rod) in dhy¢na of Mah¢-sarasvat¤ which are held by Balabhadra only (5). Her prayer indicates all Bhadr¢ (5/9, 81) all forms formed by chiti (arrangement) and bhadra (strucures) till verse 80, pratibala (5/120), bal¢d (6/4,9,11), bala (6/19,20,22), balin¢, balam (7/14,16, 8/4,12, 27), bal¢vale (10/2, 3). 5. Sudarºana-This has been referred for the first time in K¦rma incarnation after devas and asuras joined for mining called samudra-manthana (churning of ocean which is spread of minerals on earth crust). After that, there was fight for products, and R¢hu, son of Simhik¢ was killed by V¢mana (Vi¾´u) with his Sudarºana. Here, it means a disc shaped weapon. In space, R¢hu is a point of moon orbit which is cut by zodiac (kr¢nti-v¨tta). Thus kr¢nti-v¨tta has been worshipped as Sudarshana-chakra at many places in astronomy text Siddh¢ntadarpa´a. However, after dhanu¾a-yaj®a at Mithila, R¢ma was given º¢rnga-dhanu¾a by -2-

Paraºur¢ma as weapon of Vi¾´u, not Sudarºana. Thus, Sudarºana includes (6) all other weapons including º¢rnga. All the weapons held by various forms of Durg¢ are thus sudarºana. Sudarºana was kept by §¾abha devaji, but was not actually used. Bharata tried to use it against B¢hubali. Last time sudarºana was used by K¨¾´a against ¹iºup¢la and Saubha vim¢na of ¹¢lva.

References (1) {dîUw ê$n-`moJ{ZÐm§ `Xm {dîUwO©JË`oH$mU©drH¥$Vo Ÿ&&66Ÿ& (AÜ`m` 1) {dîUwH$U©_bmoX²^yVm¡...g Zm{^H$_bo {dîUmo: Ÿ&&68Ÿ&& {ZÐm§ ^JdVt {dîUmoaVwbm§ VoOg: à^w:Ÿ&&71Ÿ&& {dîUw: earaJ«hU_h_remZ Ed MŸ&&84Ÿ&& {dîUmo: à~moYZmWm©`..Ÿ&&90Ÿ&& OJÝZmW ê$n-à~moY§ M OJËñdm_r ......Ÿ&&86Ÿ&& CÎmñWm¡ M OJÝZmW.....&&91Ÿ&& (2) Three fields are loka,veda, v¢k-created due to balance between Indra (outward radiation) and Vi¾´u (attraction)C^m {OkWwZ© namO`oWo, Z nam{Oko H$VaíM Z¡Zmo:Ÿ& BÝÐíM {dîUy `Xnñn¥YoWm§ Ì¡Ym ghò§ {d VX¡a`oWm_²Ÿ&(F$H²$6/69/8) qH$ VV² ghò{_{V ? B_o bmoH$m:, B_o doXm:, AWmo dm{J{V ~«y`mV²Ÿ& (EoVao` ~«m÷U 6/14) ZoÝÐmV² F$Vo ndVo Ym_ {H$ÄMZŸ& (F$H²$ 9/69/6) ewZ§ hþdo_ _KdmZ{_ÝÐ_² (F$H²$ 3/30/22)Ÿ& (3)Jagat is functional,creative.abstract,consciousOJÁOr dZ§ OrdZmYma^yV_²(ZmaXn[ad«mOH$mon{ZfX² 4/50) OJËàöî`Ë`ZwaÁ`Vo M (JrVm 11/36),OJV:emídVo _Vo (JrVm 8/16) OJVì`ŠV_y{Îm©Zm (JrVm 9/4),OJ{Ûn{dÎm©Vo (JrVm 9/10) Viºva is closed with a creator.It can be of cell (kalila) sizegyú_m{Vgyú_§ H${bbñ` _Ü`o,{~ídñ` òîQ>ma_ZoH$ê$n_²Ÿ& {dídñ`¡H§ n[ado[îQ>Vma§ kmËdm {ed§ empÝV_Ë`ÝV_o {V Ÿ&& (ídoVmídVa Cn.4/14) (4) aº${~ÝXmo: àVrÀN> Ëd§ dŠÌoUmZoZ do{JZmŸ&&54Ÿ&& (5) KÊQ>m eybhbm{Ze’ _wgbo......(AÜ`m` 5-Amaå^) (6) gwXe©Z eVH$, gwXe©ZmîQ>H$ ñVmoÌŸ&


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