Ch10 Composite Columns And Structural Systems

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Composite structural members are members in which steel and concrete act together through mechanical interlock, friction, and adhesion. Composite members are designed to maximize the efficiency of the two materials by using, whenever possible, the concrete in compression and the steel in tension. In addition to exploiting the stress–strain characteristics of the two materials to increase the ultimate capacity of the member, composite systems attempt to gain additional benefits from the synergy of their interaction. For example, the concrete can be used to limit global and local buckling problems in thinner steel elements, and the steel in tubular and round sections can be used to increase the confinement of the concrete and therefore help to maintain its strength in the postpeak region. Buildings are seldom constructed only of composite members. Most often, composite columns are used in the lateral load-resisting systems in combination with either other composite members to form composite systems or other types of structural elements to form hybrid systems (Goel and Yamanuchi, 1993; Yamanuchi et al., 1993; Deierlein, 1995; Deierlein and Leon, 1996). Composite members are very popular in floor systems where composite beams, stub girders, and composite joists and trusses are the most economical alternatives in mixed-use structures (Viest et al., 1996). The stability benefits derived from the presence of a floor slab for floor members are not addressed in this chapter. It should be noted, however, that additional care needs to be taken in negative-moment regions of composite flexural members to ensure that the required rotational capacity is reached (Dekker et al., 1995). Thus, utilizing the beneficial aspects of composite action requires design checks that are different from those for typical reinforced-concrete or steel construction. Additional stability design provisions from composite beams with web openings and for composite joists and trusses are also available from an ASCE Task Group on Composite Design (ASCE Task Committee, 1994a, 1996). 456

Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures, Sixth Edition Edited by Ronald D. Ziemian Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



In addition to floors systems, composite members are also being utilized as lateral load-resisting elements in braced and wall systems. In braced systems composite elements are desirable because they delay both global and local buckling, strengthening and stiffening the system significantly more than with conventional steel bracing (Liu and Goel, 1988). In wall systems, composite members are being used to facilitate the connection between reinforced-concrete walls and steel frames in hybrid systems and to delay shear cracking and improve hysteretic performance in reinforced-concrete systems (Harries et al., 1993; Shahrooz et al., 1993). Descriptions of composite and hybrid structural systems are given elsewhere (Griffis, 1986, 1992; FEMA 450, 2003), and this chapter is concerned primarily with stability effects related to composite columns and their connections. Composite columns are formed either by encasing a steel shape in concrete (called SRC construction) or by filling a structural pipe or tube with concrete (CFT construction). There are many possible variations of composite columns (Figs.10.1, 10.2, and 10.3), but they are generally used in the following situations: •

Encased shapes in columns forming perimeter frames in high-rise structures. Prefabricated steel column “trees,” consisting of one- or two-story columns and short beam stubs on either side, are often used as erection columns and later encased in concrete. The encasement is used mainly to increase the stiffness of the columns and reduce the drift under wind or seismic loads. Examples of this type of application are the Gulf Tower and First City Tower in Houston (Griffis, 1992). Very large encased shapes or round concrete-filled sections acting as corner columns for innovative structural systems in high-rise construction. In these systems, the steel section is small and is used primarily for erection purposes in the case of encased shapes and for formwork in the case of concrete-filled tubes. Examples of this type of application are the Bank of China in Hong Kong, Two Union Square in Seattle, and the Norwest Center in Minneapolis (Griffis, 1992; Leon and Bawa, 1990). Maximum reinforcement requirements. Encased shapes are used in special situations where the amount of steel required would exceed the maximum permitted by current codes in a concrete section. Transition columns between reinforced-concrete and steel columns. This situation often arises in office buildings with a reinforced-concrete parking garage occupying the first few floors and a lighter steel frame making up most of the upper stories. Reduce column slenderness. Concrete-filled tubes are often employed in structures with high story heights where the additional stiffness provided by the concrete reduces the slenderness ratio of the column. Impact and/or fire protection. Composite columns are used in areas where impact and/or fire protection are crucial.



FIGURE 10.1 Typical cross sections for encased composite columns.

Primary seismic load-resisting system. Extensive use is made of both encased shapes and concrete-filled sections in other countries, particularly Japan, for seismic design.

Until recently most applications of composite columns have been in high-rise structures. Applications of composite columns in low-rise structures in the United States are scant because of the perceived poor cost-to-benefit ratio. For SRC construction this is due to the need to have several construction trades on site and to the expense of forming reinforcing cages in situ. For CFT construction most problems arise from connections and fire protection. Many of these objections can



FIGURE 10.2 Typical cross sections for concrete-filled tubes.

FIGURE 10.3 Bidirectional moment connection to a concrete-filled tube utilizing flared stiffeners.

be overcome with prefabrication and use of newer technologies (blind bolts for connections, for example). Moreover, as design provisions evolve and new design recommendations are adopted, it is likely that more extensive use of composite columns and other forms of composite construction will be made in the near future. The advantages of composite construction were recognized early in the twentieth century (Talbot and Lord, 1912), and most multistory buildings were built with composite columns for fire protection until lightweight, sprayed fireproofing became available. Recently, composite members and systems are becoming popular again, primarily because of their stiffness characteristics (Griffis, 1992) and seismic resistance (Goel and Yamanuchi, 1993). Two excellent complementary references on composite construction for buildings have recently become available: one for fundamental mechanics issues (Oehlers and Bradford, 1995) and one for practical issues (Viest et al., 1996). Both provide more detailed discussions of many of the issues addressed in this chapter. In addition, the proceedings of several recent international conferences provide an up-to-date overview of recent experimental



research and analytical advances (Roeder, 1985a; Buckner and Viest, 1988; Wakabayashi, 1991; Easterling and Roddis, 1993; Javor, 1994; Buckner and Shahrooz, 1997; Hajjar et al., 2002; Leon and Lange, 2006). No attempt is made in this chapter to summarize this extensive literature. For older research, on which many of the current design provisions are based, the third edition of this guide should be referenced. A complete history of the development of composite construction is provided by Viest et al. (1996, Chap. 1).



More recently, the fifth phase of the U.S.–Japan cooperative earthquake research program focused on steel–concrete composite and hybrid structures and included several research projects on: (i) concrete-filled tube CFT systems, (ii) reinforced-concrete steel RCS systems, and (iii) hybrid wall systems. A special issue of the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering (Volume 130, No. 2) was published which includes several articles summarizing the research findings from these projects. The editorial of this issue presents an overall summary of the articles. The issue also includes a forum discussing the goals and outcomes of the fifth phase of the U.S.–Japan program. This section summarizes some of the major findings from the U.S.–Japan program relevant to the stability perspective of this chapter on composite columns and systems. 10.2.1

Axially Loaded CFT Stub Columns

As part of the U.S.–Japan program, Sakino et al. (2004) conducted a comprehensive series of tests on 114 centrally loaded CFT short columns with a wide range of geometric and material parameters to: (i) establish a generally applicable design method for CFT columns, (ii) clarify the synergistic interactions between the steel tube and filled concrete, and (iii) characterize the load–deformation relationship of CFT columns. The parameters included in the tests were the tube shape (circular and square), steel yield strength (262 to 853 MPa), circular diameter-to-thickness ratio (17 to 152), square width-to-thickness ratio (18 to 74), and concrete strength (25 to 91 MPa). The experimental results were used to develop the following equation for calculating the nominal axial strength Po of circular CFT columns:  Po = As × 0.89 σy + Ac × γu fc + 4.1 ×

2t × 0.19 σy D − 2t


where As is the area of the steel tube, σy the steel yield strength, Ac the area of the concrete infill, fc the concrete compressive strength, D the tube diameter, and t the thickness. The strength reduction factor γu = 1.67D −0.112 is used to account for the effects of size on the concrete compressive strength. The first term in Eq. 10.1 uses 0.89σy as the longitudinal stress capacity of the steel tube to account for the



effects of tensile hoop stresses required to confine the concrete. The second term in the equation includes the effects of size and confinement on compression strength. Comparisons of experimental results with nominal strength predictions using Eq. 10.1 were quite favorable with a mean value of 0.989 and standard deviation of 0.052. The experimental results were also used to develop an equation for calculating the nominal axial strength Po of square CFT columns: Po = As × σcr + Ac × γu fc


where σcr is the longitudinal stress capacity of the square steel tube accounting for the effects of local buckling and is calculated from σcr =

σy ≤ σy  2 σy b 4.00 0.698 + 0.128 × t E 6.97


Equation 10.3 was developed using experimental results for hollow steel tube stub columns by modifying them to account for the change in the local buckling mode from hollow to CFT columns—hence, the term 4.00/6.97. The comparisons of experimental results with nominal strength predictions were quite favorable with a mean value of 1.032 and standard deviation of 0.058. These predictions were slightly conservative for columns with small width-to-thickness b/t ratios, which is probably due to the strain hardening of the thicker steel tubes. 10.2.2

Effective Stress–Strain Curves in Compression

Sakino et al. (2004) used the experimentally measured axial load–displacement responses to develop effective stress–strain curves for the steel tube and concrete infill of the CFT column in compression. These effective stress–strain curves implicitly accounted for the effects of steel tube local buckling and the transverse interaction between the steel tube and the concrete infill producing tensile hoop stresses in the steel tube and confinement of the concrete infill. They are quite comprehensive and applicable to CFT columns with the wide range of material and geometric parameters included in the experimental investigations. The effective stress–strain curve for the concrete infill of circular and square CFT columns in compression is given by Y =

VX + (W − 1)X 2 1 + (V − 2)X + WX 2


in which X = εc /εcco , Y = σc /σcco√, V = Ec εc /σcco , W = 1.50 − 0.017 fc + √ 2.39 σh , where Ec = 6900 + 3320 fc in megapascals, εco = 0.94 × (fc )0.25 × −3 10 , and fc = fc × 1.67D −0.112 . The parameters required to completely define the stress–strain behavior are included in Table 10.1, where fc is the concrete cylinder strength, fc the concrete



TABLE 10.1 Parameters for CFT Concrete Stress– Strain Model in Compression Parameters σh σy σcco fc εcco εco

Circular Columns 4.1 × 23 1+

4.1 × fc

2t × 0.19 D − 2t

Square Columns

2t × 0.19σy D − 2t

2t 2 (b − t ) b3 

 σcco σcco − 1 for ≤ 1.5 fc fc   σcco σcco > 1.5 3.4 + 20 × − 1 for fc fc


1.0 + 4.7 ×


compressive strength accounting for scale effects, εco the strain at fc , Ec the elastic modulus, σcco the confined concrete strength, εcco the strain at σcco , and σh the hoop stress in the steel tube. Figure 10.4 shows examples of effective stress–strain curves developed using Eq. 10.4. Figure 10.4a shows effective stress–strain curves for circular CFTs with (i) fc equal to 55 MPa, (ii) D equal to 305 mm, (iii) D/t ratios equal to 50, 75, and 150, and (iv) σy equal to 317 and 552 MPa. Similarly, Fig. 10.4b shows effective stress–strain curves for square CFTs with (i) fc equal to 55 MPa, (ii) b equal to 305 mm, (iii) b/t ratios equal to 32, 48, and 64, and (iv) σy equal to 317 and 552 MPa. As shown, confinement improves the strain ductility of the concrete infill of square CFT columns, and it increases the strength and strain ductility of the concrete infill of circular CFT columns. Sakino et al. (2004) proposed elastic–plastic effective stress–strain curves for the steel tubes of circular CFT columns in compression. The effective yield stress was equal to 0.89σy . This reduction accounted for the effects of tensile hoop stresses σh required to provide confinement to the concrete infill. Figure 10.5 shows the effective stress–strain curves proposed for the steel tubes of square CFT columns in compression. The tubes are categorized into three types (also referred to as ranks) depending on the wall normalized slenderness ratio αs , which can be calculated from  2 σy b (10.5) × αs = t E As shown in Fig. 10.5, type 1 or rank FA steel tubes undergo yielding and strain hardening before local buckling. Type 2 or rank FB steel tubes undergo local buckling at the yield stress, and type 3 or rank FC steel tubes undergo elastic local buckling before the yield stress is reached. After local buckling, all


Stress (Mpa)



fc′ = 55 MPa; D = 305 mm


Dt = 50; sy = 552 MPa


Dt = 75; sy = 552 MPa


Dt = 150; sy = 552 MPa


Dt = 50; sy = 317 MPa


Dt = 75; sy = 317 MPa Dt = 150; sy = 317 MPa

0 0

0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008


Strain (mm/mm)

Stress (Mpa)

(a) 60

fc′ = 55 MPa; D = 305 mm


bt = 32; sy = 552 MPa


bt = 48; sy = 552 MPa


bt = 64; sy = 552 MPa bt = 32; sy = 317 MPa


bt = 48; sy = 317 MPa


bt = 64; sy = 317 MPa

0 0

0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008


Strain (mm/mm) (b)

FIGURE 10.4 Concrete effective stress–strain curves for: (a) circular CFTs; (b) square CFTs. 1.2

eB, sB eB, sB

Stress (MPa)

1 0.8

eR, sR

eB, sB

eR, sR eR, sR

0.6 Type 1 or Rank FA


Type 2 or Rank FB 0.2 Type 3 or Rank FC 0 0


0.004 0.006 0.008 Strain (mm/mm)



FIGURE 10.5 Effective stress–strain curves for steel tubes of square CFTs.



TABLE 10.2

Parameters for Steel Stress– Strain Model in Compression


Type 1 or Rank FA αs ≤ 2.37

Type 2 or Rank FB 2.37 ≤ αs ≤ 4.12

Type 3 or Rank FC αs ≤ 4.12


σy 0.698 + 0.128αs




σR εR

σy × E

6.06 0.801 − + 1.10 αs2 αs

√ 1.19 − 0.207 αs 3.59

σy + εB E

0.698 + 0.128αs × 

4.00 6.97

σy E

σB E

√ 1.19 − 0.207 αs

√ 1.19 − 0.207 αs


σy E


σy + εB E

three types achieve some residual-stress capacity that remains constant with increasing strains. Table 10.2 summarizes the parameters required to define these multilinear effective stress–strain curves shown in Fig. 10.5 for all three types (or ranks) of steel tubes. In Table 10.2, σB and εB are the stress and strain corresponding to the onset of local buckling, and σR and εR are the residual stress and corresponding strain postlocal buckling. Sakino et al. (2004) showed that the axial load–shortening responses predicted using these concrete and steel effective stress–strain curves in compression compared favorably with the experimental results for circular and square CFT columns for the wide range of material and geometric parameters included in the investigations. 10.2.3

Moment–Curvature Behavior of CFT Beam-Columns

As part of the U.S.–Japan program, Fujimoto et al. (2004) conducted extensive tests on eccentrically loaded circular and square CFT beam-columns to determine their fundamental moment–curvature (M–φ) behavior and to evaluate the effects of various material, geometric, and loading parameters. A total of 65 CFT beam-column specimens, including 33 circular and 32 square CFT specimens, were tested. The parameters varied within the experimental investigations and included: (i) steel tube yield stress (283 to 835 MPa), (ii) compressive strength of the concrete (20 to 80 MPa), (iii) diameter-to-thickness ratio of circular tubes (17 to 152), (iv) width-to-thickness ratio of square tubes (19 to 74), and (v) the axial load level (15 to 60% of axial load capacity Po ). The experimental results included the specimen M–φ relationships and estimates of moment capacity and ductility. The experimental results indicated that: (i) using high-strength concrete reduces the ductility of CFT beam-columns, but this can be countered by using



high-strength steel tubes or tubes with smaller b/t or D/t ratios; (ii) moment capacity enhancement due to concrete confinement by the steel tube is likely for circular CFTs with D/t ratios less than 75 and it is negligible for circular CFTs with D/t greater than 75 and for square CFT columns; and (iii) the effects of steel tube local buckling should be included when estimating the moment capacity of square CFTs with large (type 3 or rank FC) b/t ratios. Fujimoto et al. (2004) also developed fiber models to predict the M–φ relationships of the tested specimens. These fiber models used the effective stress–strain curves in compression developed by Sakino et al. (2004) for steel and concrete. As described earlier, these effective stress–strain curves implicitly accounted for the effects of tube local buckling, concrete confinement, and scale effects. In tension, the concrete fibers were assumed to have zero stress capacity, and the steel fibers were assumed to have bilinear stress–strain behavior. The yield stress in tension was assumed to be equal to 1.08 and 1.10 times the nominal steel yield stress for circular and square steel tubes, respectively. The fiber models were found to predict the M–φ behavior and the moment capacities of the tested specimens with reasonable accuracy. As part of the U.S.–Japan program, Varma et al. (2000, 2002, 2004, 2005) conducted experimental and analytical investigations to determine the behavior of high-strength square CFT columns and to evaluate the effects of various material, geometric, and loading parameters on their stiffness, strength, and ductility. The parameters included in the experimental investigations were the steel tube yield stress (266 to 630 MPa), concrete strength (110 MPa), tube b/t ratio (32 to 48), and axial load level for beam-columns (10 to 40% of the section axial load capacity Po ). Four CFT stub columns were tested under pure axial compression, eight CFT beam-columns were tested under constant axial loading (20 or 40% of Po ) and monotonically increasing flexural loading, and eight CFT beam-columns were tested under constant axial loading (10 to 30% of Po ) and cyclically increasing flexural deformations. The experimental results included the axial load–displacement responses, and the monotonic and cyclic axial force–moment–curvature (P–M–φ) responses of the high-strength CFT beam-columns. These were used to determine the axial stiffness, axial load capacity, flexural stiffness, moment capacity, and monotonic and cyclic ductility of high-strength CFTs. The experimental results indicated that the axial stiffness can be predicted using the transformed section properties of the CFT section. The axial load capacity can be predicted with reasonable accuracy by superimposing the yield strength of the steel tube (As Fy ) with 85% of the compressive strength of the concrete infill (Ac fc ). The initial flexural stiffness of CFT beam-columns can be predicted using uncracked transformed section properties. The secant flexural stiffness corresponding to 60% of the moment capacity can be predicted using cracked transformed section properties. The deformation ductility of high-strength CFT beam-columns decreases significantly with increases in the applied axial force level and the steel tube b/t ratio. The steel tube yield stress does not seem to have a significant influence on the ductility. The moment capacity of high-strength CFT beam-columns can be predicted conservatively using ACI (2005) 318-05 recommendations and



more accurately using the modified Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) method developed by Sakino et al. (2004). The Eurocode (CEN, 2004) provisions overpredicted the moment capacity of high-strength CFT beam-columns. 10.2.4

Modeling the Behavior of CFT Members

In addition to the U.S.–Japan research, Hajjar et al. (1997, 1998; Hajjar and Gourley, 1996, 1997; Tort and Hajjar, 2007) have conducted significant research on the behavior of CFT columns and beam-columns. The focus of Hajjar’s research has been to develop and calibrate macro–finite elements that can be used to predict and model the behavior of CFT members with a wide range of geometric and material parameters and for various loading conditions. Their approach has been to first compile comprehensive databases of experimental research on CFT members (columns and beam-columns) conducted around the world. Then these databases, including extensive details of the experimental approach, observed behavior, and measured results, are used to develop, calibrate, and further validate macro–finite-element models. For example, Gourley et al. (1995) compiled a comprehensive database of experimental research conducted on CFT members through 1995. Hajjar et al. (1997; Hajjar and Gourley, 1996, 1997) used this database to develop, calibrate, and validate a concentrated-plasticity-based three-dimensional cyclic nonlinear macro–finite element model for square CFT columns. This model consisted of a 12-degree-of-freedom elastic beam finite element with concentrated plastic hinges at the ends. The cyclic behavior of the concentrated plastic hinges was modeled using a two-surface bounding surface model in threee-dimensional stress-resultant space (axial load plus major and minor axis bending moments). The bounding surfaces were developed by fitting polynomial equations to the cross-section strengths of CFT columns that were determined from extensive fiber analyses. The fiber analyses used elastic–plastic stress–strain curves for the steel fiber and the effective stress–strain curves recommended by Tomii and Sakino (1979a,b) for the concrete fibers. Strength and stiffness degradation due to cyclic loading were modeled by kinematic hardening and isotropic hardening or softening of the bounding surfaces in stress-resultant space. The element was calibrated using experimental results reported by Sakino and Tomii (1981), Bridge (1976), Tomii and Sakino (1979a), Cederwall et al. (1990), and Shakir-Khalil (1991b). The calibrated element was limited to CFTs made from conventional strength materials. More recently, an updated version of the database (v4.0) developed by Gourley et al. (2008) was published by Hajjar’s research group. This is one of the most comprehensive databases of experimental research conducted on CFT members, connections, and systems available and includes the U.S.–Japan research. The databases include relevant details of the experimental approach, testing matrix, observed and measured limit states, and experimental results for major experimental programs. Tort and Hajjar (2007) used the results and limit states to develop a mixed finite element formulation for CFT members. The formulation included comprehensive cyclic constitutive models that accounted for confinement, concrete cracking



and crushing, steel yielding and local buckling, and slip between the concrete and steel. It was developed and calibrated for CFT members made using conventional or high-strength materials. They also implemented a comparable steel finite element, where the formulation is suitable for both braced and unbraced frames with steel girders and steel or CFT braces framing into steel or CFT columns. The formulation is implemented in OpenSEES, which is an open-source finite element analysis program available from the website One to three elements have been found adequate for modeling members with highly nonlinear curvature and high axial compression. Tort and Hajjar (2007) used the finite element program to conduct parametric studies of damage limit states and to develop a framework for reliability-based, performance-based design of CFT structures.



The flexural strength M at any given axial load P can be calculated by assuming a position of the neutral axis, drawing the stress distributions, and summing their moments about the plastic neutral axis. This locus of points is shown as solid lines in Fig. 10.6, which schematically illustrates the ultimate strength of SRCs and CFTs. The lines correspond to the theoretically “exact” solution when nonlinear constitutive models are used for both steel and concrete, and the effect of confinement is appropriately modeled. To compute the capacities, a process analogous to that for any reinforced-concrete beam-column, in which the reinforcing bars are transformed into an equivalent thin steel section, can be used. Although this method is both tedious and computationally intensive, computer programs based on subdividing the cross section into small elements (finite elements of fiber models) are available for both SRC and CFT sections (Mahin and Bertero, 1977; Gourley and Hajjar, 1994; El-Tawil et al., 1995; Gourley et al., 1995). Many commercial reinforced-concrete computer design packages include some variation of the Mahin and Bertero (1977) approach as an option. In general, all these models assume strain continuity between the steel and concrete portions, an assumption that is not supported by much of the data from experimental programs in which the interface behavior was monitored. This assumption, however, which simplifies the problem considerably, appears to have negligible influence on the ultimate strength and a relatively small influence on the stiffness of the cross section. The parabolic shape of the interaction curves is similar for SRCs and CFTs (Fig. 10.6). For SRCs, the difference in flexural capacity between the balance point (point D) and the pure flexure case (point B) decreases as the amount of structural steel and longitudinal steel reinforcement increase. Increases in the yield strength of the structural steel, for example from an A36 to an A572 material, significantly increases the capacity of the section at both points B and D. As one would expect, increases in concrete strength do not seem to have a major effect on the flexural strength at point B because steel yielding governs the strength, but they tend to increase the distance between points B and D in the interaction diagram. For most CFTs, the shape in Fig. 10.6 is preserved because in the limit the CFT section can be



FIGURE 10.6 Interaction curve for a composite section.

modeled as a reinforced-concrete section with distributed steel. For circular CFTs, however, the balance point tends to lie higher in the axial load axis than that of a comparable SRC or rectangular CFT section. In addition, for CFTs the difference in moment capacity between the balance and no axial load points tends to be higher as the concrete strength increases and/or the tube slenderness increases because the addition of axial load increases the contribution of the concrete compression block. These differences are illustrated schematically by the theoretically “exact” CFT and exact SRC curves in Fig. 10.6. It should also be noted that for CFTs the effect of the wall slenderness (D/t ratio) has a significant impact on the postpeak strength as the axial load level increases (Bridge and Webb, 1993). While the presence of the infill concrete tends to increase the resistance to local buckling by a factor of up to 1.5 above that of hollow sections (Matsui and Tsuda, 1987), failures controlled by concrete crushing tend to be very brittle because the beneficial effect of the confinement provided by the steel cannot be maintained. For square hollow sections, Bridge and O’Shea (1996) found that the concrete infill provided restraint to inward local buckling that enhanced the tube strength over that for a hollow bare steel tube and that the enhancement could be taken into account using steel design specifications and codes that allowed for the increase in the elastic local buckling coefficient associated with the change in buckling mode. Contrary to some research, O’Shea and Bridge (1996) found that the concrete infill did not enhance the axial strength of circular tubes as the buckling mode was predominantly outward. Most analytical studies show that the differences between the results of this type of exact approach and those given by a simplified theory using rigid-plastic stress blocks such as those shown in Fig. 10.7 are small and insignificant for design (Roik and Bergmann, 1992). This is shown schematically in Fig. 10.6. The axial and



FIGURE 10.7 Stress distributions for key points on the interaction diagram.

flexural strengths are determined by assuming nominal yield strengths for the steel and 0.85 of the cylinder strength for the concrete. For encased shapes, Fig. 10.7 shows the plastic stress distribution for several of the points in the interaction surface shown in Fig. 10.6. The axial strength Pu , shown in Fig. 10.7a, is given by Pu = 0.85 fc (db − As − Ar ) + As Fy + Ar Fyr


where fc is the concrete cylinder strength, d the overall depth, b the width, Fy the yield strength of the steel shape, Fyr the yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement, As the area of the steel shape, and Ar the area of longitudinal reinforcement. A simple and elegant solution for other important points in the interaction surface for the rigid-plastic case can be found by following the procedure proposed by Roik and Bergmann (1989, 1992). Consider the typical case of an encased shape bent about its major axis and having only four bars as longitudinal reinforcement. Assuming that the neutral axis lies in the web of the steel beam, the plastic



stress distributions for points B through D in Fig. 10.6 correspond to the stress distributions in Figs. 10.7b through d . Points B and C correspond, respectively, to the case of no axial load and to an apparently arbitrary point in the interaction diagram above the balance point. In fact, points B and C correspond to the same moment because the stress blocks lying within the distance hn in both Figs. 10.7b and c have their centroid at the plastic neutral axis and thus do not contribute to the plastic bending capacity of the section. In addition, it needs to be recognized from both Figs. 10.7b and c that the axial forces from the reinforcement and the shaded portions of the forces from the steel shape cancel out. Adding the stress distributions in Figs. 10.7b and c and considering axial loads only, the total axial load Pconc would still be that at point C . From superimposing the stress blocks, this axial load will be that given by the concrete section alone under a uniform stress of 0.85 fc because the contributions from the steel shape within the distance hn also cancel out, resulting in Pconc = 0.85 fc (bd − As − Ar )


The depth of the compression block a can then be calculated from Fig. 10.7b by assuming that the compressive force in the concrete is equal to the tensile force in the web of the steel shape within the distance 2hn , which leads to a=

tw dFy 0.85 fc b + 2tw Fy


A direct calculation for hn , however, can be made by subtracting the stress distribution in Fig. 10.7b from that in Fig, 10.7c and again considering only axial forces. In this case, all stress blocks except those inside 2hn disappear. Within this distance 2hn the concrete will have a stress of 0.85 fc while the steel will have a stress of 2Fy . Because the total axial load is still Pconc , hn is given by hn =


fc b

Pconc + tw (2Fy − 0.85 fc )]


Knowing either hn or a, the moment capacity of the section for both points B and C in Fig. 10.6 can easily be calculated. The final point that needs to be defined is the balance point (point D). The maximum moment will be obtained when the neutral axis is at the centroid of the cross section (Fig. 10.7d ), because in this case all the forces are additive with respect to moment. From Fig. 10.7d , it is clear that all contributions to the axial load from the steel shape and reinforcement cancel out and thus the axial load at this point corresponds to that of 0.85fc acting over half of the cross section, or Pconc /2. The balance moment Mbal is given by Mbal = Zx Fy + 0.5 bd 2 fc +

n  j =1

Ari dri




where Zx is the plastic section modulus, Ari the area of any rebar, and dri its distance to the plastic neutral axis. Equations 10.6 through 10.10 permit a very quick and accurate calculation for the key points in the interaction curve. Although Fig. 10.7 and Eqs. 10.6 through 10.10 provide a solution for only the simplest case, the above approach is general. It also applies for cases where the neutral axis is either in the flange of the steel shape or outside the steel shape and for any number and bar-type distribution. Equations for bending about both axes and for concrete-filled shapes are given by Roik and Bergmann (1992) in a much more general format. The two general approaches discussed above also apply for the case of biaxial bending. The exact approach only differs in that the assumed inclination of the neutral axis changes with respect to the principal axes of the cross section (El-Tawil et al., 1993). The validity of this approach has been verified experimentally (Morino et al., 1988, 1993) and analytically (Virdi and Dowling, 1973; Gourley and Hajjar, 1994). Although a rigid-plastic approach is also possible in this case, it is not possible to derive simple, general equations for this case. A simplified approach utilizing the rigid-plastic capacities computed for both principal axes has been proposed by Roik and Bergmann (1992) and adopted for the Eurocode (CEN, 2004).

10.4 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS FOR CROSS-SECTIONAL STRENGTH The discussion presented in Section 10.3 is limited to composite cross sections made from conventional strength materials, that is, steel yield stress Fy ≤ 75 ksi (525 MPa) and concrete compressive strength fc 10 ksi (69 MPa). The use of higher strength steels and concrete materials in CFT members has been studied extensively as part of the U.S.–Japan research program (Section 10.2). Using the results from these studies, Sakino et al. (2004) developed and validated a modified AIJ (MAIJ) method for calculating the cross-sectional strength of square CFT members. This method can be used for CFTs made from both conventional or high-strength materials because it accounts for the effects of steel tube local buckling (depending on wall slenderness) and the concrete compression blocks have been calibrated for both conventional and high-strength concrete. The MAIJ method calculates the cross-sectional strength of CFT cross sections using the steel and concrete stress blocks shown in Fig. 10.8. As indicated in the figure, the method assumes strain compatibility and complete plastification of the composite cross section, which is similar to the rigid-plastic approach described in Section 10.3. The compressive stress capacity of steel is reduced to SFy to account for the effects of local buckling. The reduction factor S , which is a function of the tube slenderness αs (Eq. 10.5), is given by S =

1 0.698 + 0.128 ×

4.00 × αs 6.97

≤ 1.0




S sy

guf′c Xn b





sy b CFT cross-section



FIGURE 10.8 Modified AIJ method for calculating cross-sectional strength.

For values of αs less than 4.12, there will be no reduction in the compressive stress capacity of the steel. The concrete compression block parameters (k1 and k2 ) shown in Figure 10.8 were calibrated for both conventional and high-strength concrete (up to 120 MPa). The values of these parameters can be calculated from k1 = 0.831 − 0.076(γu fc /41.2) ≥ 0.65 k2 = 0.429 −

0.010(γu fc /41.2)

(10.12a) (10.12b)

in which the concrete compressive strength fc is in megapascals, and γu is the scale factor discussed earlier. The cross-sectional strength for any combination of axial load P and bending moment M can be obtained by establishing force equilibrium using the stress blocks shown in Fig. 10.8 and Eqs. 10.11 through 10.12. The effect of transverse reinforcement on the concrete strength is typically ignored when calculating the cross-sectional strength, but designers should be conscious that transverse reinforcement will have a major effect on postpeak behavior. This is of particular importance under seismic loading, where strength and stiffness degradation will be influenced by the amount and distribution of transverse reinforcement. Designers should also understand that the confining effect decreases with increasing concrete strength because the amount of microcracking and resulting dilatatory behavior decreases with concrete strength (see Fig. 10.4a). In addition, the effect of transverse steel is dependent on its spacing and presence of crossties for the case of encased sections and on the wall thickness for the case of concrete-filled tubes (sees Fig. 10.4b). O’Shea and Bridge (1996) have found that for tube diameter-to-thickness ratios greater than 55 and concrete strengths in the range 110 to 120 MPa, the steel tube provides virtually no confinement to the concrete when both the steel and concrete are loaded together. Confinement effects could be obtained only if the concrete was loaded and the steel was not bonded to the concrete. Unbonded tube construction has been considered by Orito et al. (1988). The effect of shear on the ultimate axial and flexural strength depends primarily on the shear span M /V ratio, the amount of axial load, and the detailing of the shear reinforcement. For a cross section with a large axial load and high shear span, it



would appear that the shear resistance of the concrete and steel should be additive. Conversely, for a lightly loaded column with a low shear span, where a substantial portion of the concrete cross section may not be effective due to flexural or diagonal cracking, it would seem prudent to limit the shear strength to that of the steel section and the shear reinforcement. The differences in capacity computed from either set of assumptions are very large. This is illustrated schematically in Fig. 10.6, where the flexural capacity of any cross section can be limited by the capacity in shear given by either the steel alone Vs or the combined capacity Vs+c . In preparing this plot, it was assumed that the column was in double curvature and that the ultimate moment capacity could be reached at either end (Vs = 2Mult /L = Aw Fyw ). For Vs+c , it should be noted that the concrete capacity is dependent on the axial load, and thus the function is nonlinear. The rigid-plastic stress distributions discussed in Section 10.3 are consistent with an assumption of uniform shear throughout the web. To calculate the ultimate strength properly, the web yield stress Fy,web should be reduced to Fy,web = τw =

Fy − 2τw2

V dtw

(10.13a) (10.13b)

where V is the shear at the cross section d in the depth of the steel member and tw is the thickness of the web of the steel section. Note that shear will be the dominant failure mode in many columns used in seismic areas, in which case careful detailing for shear transfer is needed.



In principle, the design of a composite column for stability should be no different from that for a reinforced-oncrete or steel column. Two interrelated problems, however, one practical and one philosophical, arise when considering a composite section. The practical problem centers on how to compute an effective moment of inertia of the member for stability and drift calculations. This process is not straightforward because it is difficult to characterize the amount of cracking in the concrete. This cracking arises both from the type of loading and the long-term behavior of the concrete. Insofar as loading is concerned, the amount of cracking that can occur is a function of the level of axial load, how the loads are introduced into the column (i.e., connection details and sequence of construction), and the tensile capacity of the concrete. On the other hand, long-term effects such as creep and shrinkage are viscoelastic, time-dependent processes (Bradford and Gilbert, 1990; Oehlers and Bradford, 1995). Creep behavior is influenced primarily by the level of sustained axial load, the age at loading, and material properties (type of cement, water/cement ratio, and



aggregate characteristics). Shrinkage is influenced by both material properties and curing conditions (temperature, humidity). In general, these phenomena are important at the service level but do not play a major role at ultimate loading (Bridge, 1979, 1988; Nakai et al., 1991; Leon and Bawa, 1990). Creep and shrinkage can be important at both the member and system levels. An example of the latter is the forces that arise as the result of differential creep and shrinkage in high-rise structures that incorporate a perimeter frame and internal core walls. In practice, many of the problems associated with creep and shrinkage can be mitigated by proper material selection and careful construction sequences. At the design stage, however, many of these details are not known, and thus highly simplified and conservative approaches need to be taken. Most codes resort to assuming empirically that only a portion of the transformed area is effective when the ultimate strength is reached. The difficulty in assessing stability arises from the different approaches adopted by codes for reinforced concrete and steel (Deierlein and Leon, 1996). The stability provisions for reinforced-concrete structures (MacGregor, 1993) are based on calculating member forces using a second-order analysis in which the beams and columns are assigned reduced stiffnesses to model the frame behavior as the applied load approaches the structural stability limit point. The resulting forces therefore account for inelastic second-order effects directly, and the calculated member forces are compared to the beam-column cross-sectional strengths. On the other hand, the steel design procedures (ASCE Task Group, 1997) use a second-order elastic analysis combined with an axial force–moment interaction equation to account for geometric and material nonlinear behavior. The interaction equation accounts for member and frame stability either through the use of an effective buckling length (KL, with K > 1) or by a direct-analysis procedure that permits K =1 given that additional factors are accounted for including frame out-of-plumbness and partial yielding accentuated by the presence of residual stresses. Regardless of the details, the approaches differ fundamentally in terms of (i) the assumptions used conducting the second-order analysis and (ii) the method of checking the member strength based on the cross-sectional capacity versus the member-buckling capacity. In U.S. design practice, there are two additional complicating factors that arise from code differences. The first is that there is no set of consistent load factors for steel and concrete except in model codes for seismic design [Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 450, 2003]. The second is that there is no consistent methodology for handling the very common case of hybrid structural systems. Further research is needed to resolve these issues.



Interaction between the steel and concrete portions of composite members results from a combination of chemical adhesion, friction, and mechanical interlock (mostly bearing). The most dependable composite action arises from the use of mechanical shear connectors (generally headed shear studs) that transfer the



forces between the two materials by direct bearing and shear. From the strength standpoint, the studs need to be designed to transfer all the shear forces at the interface between the steel and concrete that are consistent with the development of the plastic capacity of the cross section. This is typically defined as a full-strength shear connection. When fewer studs than these are provided, the system is said to be partial strength. Although the concepts of full and partial strength are useful to describe the behavior of members such as composite beams where the two materials are in contact at a small and well-defined boundary, their application to composite columns is not as straightforward. Studies have shown that the ultimate strength given by a rigid-plastic approach is usually achieved by short composite columns under monotonic loading irrespective of whether or not mechanical force transfer is provided. Thus full strength is not as meaningful a design parameter in composite columns as it is in beams, except for the case where fatigue or seismic loadings govern the design. In such cases, mechanical shear connectors should be provided because adhesion and friction are not reliable force transfer mechanisms under these types of loads. Full and partial strength are different concepts from full and partial interaction. Full interaction implies continuity of strains and curvature across the steel concrete boundaries. Because most shear connectors provide a nonlinear shear strength–slip behavior (i.e., some slip is needed before the resistance builds up) full interaction cannot be achieved in practice even at service load levels. In most practical cases, the achievement of ultimate strength in composite systems requires substantial slip at the steel-to-concrete interface, resulting in severe discontinuities in the strain profile between the steel and concrete. Because most computer programs developed to calculate ultimate cross-sectional capacity rely on an assumption of strain compatibility between the materials, large discrepancies would be expected between their predictions and available experimental results. This, however, is not the case because at ultimate capacity, when strain discontinuities do exist, their effect on the stresses is small because both materials are on fairly flat portions of their respective stress–strain curves. A powerful argument for proposing the use of rigid-plastic stress distributions for calculating composite member strength is that they circumvent the need to account for these discontinuities in interface strains. As long as the strains are larger than both the yield strain for the steel (Fy /E ) and the strain consistent with the attainment of the maximum uniaxial strength for the concrete (about 0.002 to 0.003), the stress distributions in Fig. 10.7 can be achieved. The use of rigid-plastic stress distributions also obviates the need to design for the perpendicular forces that develop at the interface if the steel and concrete are assumed to remain in contact. These forces are small except for areas adjacent to large concentrated loads (Robinson and Naraine, 1988) and can easily be handled by the horizontal projections (heads) of most mechanical connectors. In both axially loaded specimens and flexural specimens, test results can be interpreted to imply that chemical adhesion provides a substantial contribution to the shear transfer in the service load range (Roeder, 1985b; Wium and Lebet, 1990a,b). Quantification of this effect is impossible given both the difficulties in



measuring this property and the large scatter that can be expected from varying surface conditions, loading history, casting position, size effects, and concrete mix proportions, to name a few of the relevant variables. The longitudinal bond between the steel tube and the concrete infill of a CFT column has been investigated by several researchers, including Virdi and Dowling (1980), Shakir-Khalil (1991a, 1993a,b), Morishita and Tomii (1982), and Roeder et al. (1999). These studies indicate that the bond strength increases with the roughness of the steel at the steel–concrete interface. The bond strength does not change when shear connectors are used, and the shear connectors contribute to the load-carrying mechanism only after slip has occurred. The bond strength for square CFTs is smaller than the bond strength for circular CFTs, and the concrete compressive strength does not seem to have a consistent effect on the bond strength. Roeder et al. (1999) compiled numerous bond strength test results from previous researchers, including 104 circular and 49 square CFT bond tests, and combined them with their own experimental results. These studies indicate that the bond strength decreases dramatically as the width b or width-to-thickness ratio increases. The width b or diameter d of the CFT column has a significant influence on the shrinkage of the concrete infill, which makes it an important parameter for bond strength. A linear regression analysis was performed using all of the experimental data, and the results were used to develop the following expression for average maximum bond strength (f2σ ) in megapascals: f2σ = 2.109 − 0.026(d /t)


with 97.5% of the specimens having an average maximum bond strength greater that that predicted by Eq. 10.14. Equation 10.14 predicts larger bond stresses for stocky tubes with smaller d /t ratio and smaller bond stresses for thinner tubes with larger d /t ratio. At the ultimate load, the bond stress can be assumed to be uniformly distributed around the periphery of the interface and along a length equal to the lesser of the column length or 3.5 times the diameter of the tube, as shown in Fig. 10.9. Due to bond deterioration considerations under cyclic loading after initial slip at the serviceability load, the bond stress can be assumed to be triangularly distributed over a length equal to one-half of the tube diameter due to bond deterioration considerations under cyclic loading after initial slip (see Fig. 10.9). The bond stress evaluation is needed for axial load transfer; bending moment develops binding action that enhances the local bond stress capacity. Because shear connectors do not work well with natural bond stress, axial load transfer should be accomplished entirely by bond stress or other mechanical connectors. At ultimate capacity and in the absence of mechanical shear connectors and adhesion, all forces must be transferred by friction. The normal forces necessary for friction arise primarily from shear stresses and the differential expansion of the two materials under load. Shear stresses arise from moment gradients and the assumption of no vertical separation between the steel and concrete components (i.e., the assumption of equal curvatures in the steel and concrete portions). The



Bond Stress May Be Distributed Uniformly Around Inside Perimeter f2s

Length No Greater Than The Length of the Column or 3.5 Times the Diameter of the Tube

For Ultimate Load Resistance


Length No Greater Than d/2

For Serviceable Behavior During Multiple Loads

FIGURE 10.9 Bond Stress distribution models (Roeder et al., 1999).

differential expansion results from different values of Poisson’s ratio (ν) and is dependent on the level of stress and the mix proportions. This effect is very different for SRCs and CFTs. At low levels of stress, the steel expands more than the concrete (ν ≈ 0.3 for steel and ν ≈ 0.15 to 0.20 for concrete in the elastic range). This does not result in any appreciable development of frictional forces unless the entire load is introduced directly to the steel shape. As the concrete stresses increase over 0.5fc , the dilatational behavior of the concrete begins to take over as microcracking progresses and the apparent ν of the concrete increases over that of the steel. In SRCs the confinement effect provided by ties is insignificant because the amount of transverse reinforcement is volumetrically small and cross ties are typically not used. In CFTs, on the other hand, the expansion of the concrete is controlled by the steel section. For round tubes this results in large hoop stresses and the development of a very efficient confinement effect. This increases the nominal crushing strength of the concrete and helps maintain the strength in the postpeak region of the stress–strain curve. The beneficial effects of the encasement are present even in extreme cases when no shear connection is present and adhesion has been prevented with the use of lubricants (Orito et al., 1988). The hoop stresses, on the other hand, result in biaxial state of stress in the tube wall that can lead to early yielding or buckling. For rectangular and square CFTs, the effect of confinement will be smaller because of the ineffectiveness of this type of cross section in developing hoop stresses. The amount of friction that can be developed depends primarily on the surface conditions, degree of compaction of the concrete, and any longitudinal out-of-straightness. While experimental results for CFTs show this effect clearly (Virdi and Dowling, 1980), test results for SRCs are somewhat inconclusive in this regard (Bryson and Mathey, 1973; Dobruszkes and Piraprez, 1981).



It should be clear from the above discussion that the force transfer between the steel and concrete portions of a composite member is a complex phenomenon. At this time, there appear to be no mechanistic models that adequately address the numerous interactions described above, and the experimental data needed to calibrate such models are not available. It is clear from the vast majority of the experimental results, however, that a model that incorporates a sophisticated interface force transfer mechanism is not necessary to accurately predict the ultimate strength of a composite cross section. Rigid-plastic models such as the one described above or finite elements with fiber models that assume no slip between the concrete and steel predict the ultimate strength equally well provided that the strains achieved in the model are large.



Over the years, a large number of design approaches have been proposed for composite columns. Good summaries of these can be found in Furlong (1968, 1974, 1983, 1988), Basu and Sommerville (1969), Virdi and Dowling (1976), Roberts and Yam (1983), Roik and Bergmann (1985), Shakir-Khalil (1988), Bradford (1995), and Varma et al. (2002, 2004). In the United States the design of composite columns by the AISC (2005) specification is based on the work of Aho and Leon (1997). The Eurocode 4 (CEN, 2004) procedure is based primarily on the work of Roik and Bergmann (1992), based on calibrations by Roik and Bergmann (1989) and Johnson (1997). The Japanese provisions are based on the work of Sakino et al. (2004). 10.7.1

AISC Composite Column Design

The AISC provisions recommend two methods for determining the nominal strength of composite sections: (1) the plastic stress distribution method and (2) the strain compatibility method . The tensile strength of concrete is not included in the determination of nominal strength. For the plastic stress distribution method, the nominal strength is computed assuming that the steel components reach the yield stress of Fy in tension or compression, and the concrete components in compression reach a stress of 0.85fc . For round CFTs, the concrete components can achieve up to 0.95fc ; with the increase due to confinement effects. For the strain compatibility method, a linear distribution of strains across the section is assumed. The maximum compressive strain is equal to 0.003 in./in., and the stress–strain relationships can be taken from tests or published results. The AISC provisions specify that for the determination of nominal strength, the compressive strength of normal-weight concrete is limited to values greater than 3 ksi (21 MPa) and less than 10 ksi (70 MPa). The compressive strength of lightweight concrete is limited to values greater than 3 ksi (21 MPa) and less than 6 ksi (42 MPa). The specificed minimum yield stress of structural steel and reinforcing bars is limited to 75 ksi (525 MPa).



For encased composite columns, the cross-sectional area of the steel core has to be greater than or equal to 1% of the total composite section area. The concrete encasement of the steel core has to be reinforced with continuous longitudinal bars and lateral ties or spirals. The minimum transverse reinforcement area is 0.009 in.2 /in.(6 mm2 /mm) of tie spacing. The minimum reinforcement ratio for continuous longitudinal reinforcing (area of reinforcement/gross section area) is 0.4%. For CFT columns, the cross-section area of the steel tube section has to be greater than 1% of the total composite area.  The maximum b/t ratio for the steel tube of a square CFT is limited to 2.26 E /Fy . The maximum D/t ratio for the steel tube of a round CFT is limited to 0.15E /Fy . The nominal compressive strength Pn for axially loaded composite columns is determined for the limit state of flexural buckling according to   Pn = Po 0.658(Po /Pe )

for Pe ≥ 0.44Po


Pn = 0.877Pe

for Pe < 0.44Po


where Pe = π 2 EIeff /KL2 and the parameters Po and EIeff are defined in Table 10.3 with As = area of steel shape, in.2 Ac = area of concrete, in.2 Asr = area of longitudinal reinforcing bars, in.2 E = modulus of elasticity of steel, ksi

 Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete = wc1.5 fc , ksi wc = unit weight of concrete, lb/ft3 fc = specified compressive strength of concrete, ksi Fy = specified minimum yield stress of the steel section, ksi Fyr = specified minimum yield stress of the longitudinal reinforcing bars, ksi Is = moment of inertia of steel shape, in.4 Ic = moment of inertia of concrete section, in.4 Isr = moment of inertia of longitudinal reinforcing bars, in.4 The P–M interaction curve for the axial force–moment capacity of the composite cross section can be developed using the rigid-plastic approach described in Section 10.3. The “exact” P–M interaction curve can be approximated using straight lines to connect points B, D, C, and A, as identified in Fig. 10.6. The axial forces and moment capacities corresponding to these points can be calculated using the stress block distributions and equations shown in Fig. 10.7. The cross-section



TABLE 10.3 Parameters for AISC LRFD Column Equations For SRC Columns

For CFT Columns

Po = As Fy + Asr Fyr + 0.85 Ac fc

Po = As Fy + Asr Fyr + C2 Ac fc C2 = 0.85 for rectangular and 0.95 for circular

EIeff = Es Is + 0.5 Es Isr + CI Ec Ic  C1 = 0.1 + 2

As Ac + As

EIeff = Es Is + Es Isr + C3 Ec Ic

 ≤ 0.3

C3 = 0.6 + 2

As Ac + As

 ≤ 0.9

Axial force, P

P–M curve may be further simplified to a bilinear interaction curve defined by two lines connecting points B, C, and A. This bilinear P–M interaction curve can be modified to account for length effects, as shown in Fig. 10.10. The section axial capacity corresponding to point A is reduced to Aλ to account for length effects using Eqs. 10.15 and 10.16. For design by LRFD, point Aλ would be multiplied by the resistance factor φc for composite columns to reduce it to AD . Similarly, flexural capacity corresponding to point B is multiplied by the bending resistance factor φb for composite beams to reduce it to BD . Point C is adjusted by the same length effect reduction factor applied to point A to obtain Cλ . For LRFD, point Cλ is then adjusted downward by multiplying it by φc and to the left by multiplying it by φb to obtain the point CD . The LRFD composite member P–M interaction curve accounting for length effects can then be approximated using straight lines joining BD , CD , and AD , as shown in Fig. 10.10.

A Al As

Strain-compatibility Rigid-plastic 2005 Simplified E C Cl Cd D

Bd B Moment, M

FIGURE 10.10 Axial force–moment interaction accounting for length effects.




Eurocode 4 (CEN, 2004)

The Eurocode approach to designing composite columns is based on the strength design method. Starting with a squash load calculated by combining the resistance of the steel, concrete, and reinforcement, this strength is then modified for column slenderness as necessary. Rather than using an overall resistance φ factor as AISC does, the Eurocode employs partial safety factors during the course of the design calculations. The squash load Npl,rd is calculated by Npl,rd = As

Fy Fyr 0.85fc + Ac + Ar γs γc γr

Fy Fyr f + Ac c + Ar γs γc γr    Fy Fyr f t Fy = As η2 + Ac c 1 + η1 + Ar γs γc d fc γr

for encased shapes


Npl,rd = As

for concrete-filled tubes (10.18)


for concrete-filled circular tubes (10.19)

where As Ac Ar Fy Fyr fc γs γc γr

= area of steel = area of concrete = area of longitudinal reinforcing bars = specified minimum yield stress of the steel shape, pipe, or tube = specified minimum yield stress of the longitudinal reinforcing bars = specified compressive strength of concrete = partial safety factor for the structural steel = 1.1 = partial safety factor for the concrete = 1.5 = partial safety factor for the reinforcing steel = 1.15

Note that the 0.85 appearing in Eq. 10.17 can be increased to 1.0 for concrete-filled tubes with λ < 0.5, where λ is defined below. The benefit of good confinement conditions can only be taken into account for concrete-filled circular tubes (Eq. 10.19) and if the column is relatively stocky (λ < 0.5). The coefficients η1 and η2 , which account for concrete confinement, are functions of the slenderness and the ratio of the eccentricity e of the axial load to the tube diameter d (which for concentrically loaded columns e/d = 0) and are defined by e

η1 = η10 1 − 10 ≥ 0.0 d e η2 = η20 + (1 − η20 ) 10 ≤ 1.0 d

(10.20) (10.21)

where η10 = 4.9 − 18.5λ + 17λ2 ≥ 0 η2 = 0.25 (3 + 2λ) ≤ 1.0

(10.22) (10.23)



Length effects are handled by the eurocode with a different approach than in U.S. codes. In the AISC specification, length effects for composite columns are accounted for by finding a reduced interaction diagram, similar to the approach employed for a noncomposite steel column (Fig. 10.10). In Eurocode, on the other hand, the slenderness parameter of the column is defined by λ= Pe =


As Fy + 0.85Ac fc + Ar Fyr ≤ 2.0 Pe

(EI )eff π 2 = Ncr (KL)2

(10.24) (10.25)

KL = effective length of the column (EI )eff = Es Is + Ec Ic + Er Ir Es = modulus of elasticity of steel Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete = 0.8Ecm /γc , with γc = 1.35 Ecm = secant modulus of concrete Er = modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel Is = moment of inertia of steel Ic = moment of inertia of concrete (assumed uncracked) Ir = moment of inertia of reinforcing steel

The Eurocode calculates the axial strength of a column by reducing its squash load Npl,rd by a factor κ that accounts for the slenderness of the column (Fig. 10.11); the governing design equation is Pu ≤ κNpl,rd


where Pu is the design axial load. The reduction factor κ is based on the European strut curves (Fig. 10.12) and is calculated by

1 ≤ 1.0 λ2


1 − α(λ − 0.2) + λ2 2λ2


κ = fk −

fk2 −

with fk =

and α = 0.21 for concrete-filled circular and rectangular hollow sections (curve a); α = 0.34 for completely or partly concrete-encased I-sections with bending about the major axis of the profile (curve b); and α = 0.49 for completely or partly concrete-encased I-section with bending about the minor axis of the profile (curve c). Thus, the eurocode uses multiple-column curves specifically derived for various composite sections.



FIGURE 10.11 Eurocode approach for accounting for slenderness effects.

FIGURE 10.12 Strut curves used in Eurocodes.

The slenderness effects are then taken as the shaded region in Fig. 10.11, leaving the usable flexural strength as the distance between the line joining κn Npl,rd and point A in the failure envelope. Point κn Npl,rd accounts for the effects of variable end moments and is given as κn = κ

1−r 4

with − 1 ≤ r ≤ 1


where r is the ratio of the end moments Mmin /Mmax . For slender columns with small eccentricities the Eurocode also requires that the effect of creep be included in the calculations by modifying the modulus of elasticity of the concrete.



Second-order analysis should be used if the second-order moments are a significant (more than 10% of the first-order moments). The second-order moments can be obtained by multiplying the first-order moments by the amplification factor k , where k is defined as β k= ≥ 1.0 (10.30) 1 − N /Ncr and

1.0 for bending moments from lateral loads in isolated (pinned) columns β= 0.66 + 0.44r ≥ 0.44

The Eurocode also has checks for local buckling of the steel in compression members. The limits for local buckling are based on a depth-to-thickness ratio of the section. For rectangular hollow steel sections with h being the greater overall dimension of the section, h ≤ 52ε (10.31) t for circular hollow steel sections, d ≤ 90ε2 t


b ≤ 44ε tf


and for partially encased I-sections,

where ε is based on the yield strength of the steel and is defined as ε=

34.08 Fy


with Fy in ksi. The 34.08 is the result of a conversion of units to ensure that ε is nondimensional. These calculations can be ignored for a section entirely encased in concrete, as the concrete is assumed to prevent local buckling from occurring.

10.8 STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS AND CONNECTIONS FOR COMPOSITE AND HYBRID STRUCTURES The current International Code Council (ICC, 2005) code references FEMA (2003) 450, which recognizes the following different types of composite structural systems. Because many of them have a counterpart in steel and concrete, the prefix “C-” has been used to name the corresponding composite system.



Composite Partially Restrained Frames (C-PRF) C-PRFs consist of steel columns and composite beams joined by composite semirigid connections (Leon, 1990, 1994; Johnson and Hope-McGill, 1972; Kato and Tagami, 1985). In this case the connections utilize the slab and its reinforcement to provide negative-moment capacity and stiffness to the system. Composite Ordinary Moment Frames (C-OMF) C-OMFs include a variety of configurations in which steel or composite beams are combined with steel, composite, or reinforced-concrete columns (Deierlein et al., 1989; Sheikh et al., 1989; ASCE Task Committee, 1994a). The term ordinary is used to indicate that little of the detailing required for critical structures is envisioned in this type of structure. Composite Special Moment Frames (C-SMF) C-SMFs are similar to C-OMFs except that much more stringent detailing is required to provide behavior similar to that of a steel SMF (Minami, 1985). In this case, any composite columns are required to meet all AISC requirements for b/t and h/t ratios and to have all the transverse reinforcement required for columns by Chapter 21 of ACI (2005). As in most ductile frames, the columns and joints are required to develop the full strength of the beams and hence provide for the development of a stable strong column–weak beam mechanism. Composite Concentrically Braced Frames (C-CBF) C-CBFs are similar to their steel counterparts except that some of the members (beams, columns, and braces) are composite. There is considerable debate on the applicability of braced frames in areas of high seismicity because the tendency of the braces to buckle results in poor energy dissipation characteristics, especially if the structure undergoes inelastic behavior. To alleviate the buckling problem, several researchers have proposed utilizing buckling restrained braces or composite braces (either encased shapes or concrete-filled tubes) where the stiffening effect of the concrete prevents local buckling (Liu and Goel, 1988). Composite Eccentrically Braced Frames (C-EBF) When the eccentrically braced frame concept was originally developed, there was some concern as to whether the floor beams, which are in effect composite beams, could accommodate the large rotational ductilities demanded by the system without causing local failures. Extensive research has been carried out in this area, indicating that the floor elements are capable of withstanding the very large shear deformations required by short links (Ricles and Popov, 1989). RC Walls Composite with Steel Elements At least three possible variations of this system exist, and they correspond to cases of hybrid structures. The first utilizes concrete panels as infills in steel or composite frames. The second is where large steel sections are used as boundary elements in concrete shear walls. The third one is where steel or encased composite beams are used to tie two reinforced-concrete shear walls (Shahrooz et al., 1993; Harries et al., 1993).



Steel Plate-Reinforced Shear Walls Since the early 1980s, the concept of utilizing steel plate shear walls has been popular (Thorburn et al., 1983). The concept is similar to the use of plate girders in bridges, except that the main element is vertical rather than horizontal. These systems have been used successfully as retrofits in critical steel structures (e.g., hospitals), where access to the structure was severely limited by the need to keep it operational during the retrofit construction. The system basically behaves as a CBF with the tension field action taking the lateral loads. Composite steel shear walls, in which the steel plate is covered with concrete and composite action activated by mechanical connectors, have been postulated as a system with better energy dissipation capacity. Another variation could be a sandwich configuration where the space between two thin steel plates containing studs is filled with concrete. In this case, the steel plates act as the formwork and could be welded directly to an existing steel frame. Great care is needed in connecting the plates to the boundary elements because the shear wall is such an efficient structural element that it can easily overstress the adjacent columns and beams. The structural systems discussed above give a flavor of the many variations that can be developed by combining composite elements. The stability design of many of these systems has not been investigated extensively and thus the suggested design procedures are conservative (FEMA 450, 2003). The design of connections in composite construction has recently been reviewed by Leon and Zandonini (1992) and Gourley et al. (2008). 10.9


Significant experimental and analytical research of composite columns has been conducted over the past few years by researchers from many countries. These experimental and analytical results have been used to develop comprehensive design guidelines for composite columns with a wide range of geometric and material properties including high-strength materials. Some of these design guidelines have been adopted in newer versions of design codes, while some of them are still being assessed. There are some philosophical and design questions regarding length effects, especially the behavior and design of long slender composite columns. In all regards, research into the stability of composite systems continues to provide for advances in the design of composite and hybrid structures. REFERENCES ACI (2005), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete and Commentary, ACI 318–05, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI. Aho, M. F. (1996), “A Database for Encased and Concrete-Filled Columns,” M.S. thesis, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. Aho, M. F., and Leon, R. T. (1997), “A Database for Encased and Concrete-Filled Columns,” Report No. 97-01, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Atlanta, GA.



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