Ch 6&7 Notes

  • November 2019
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At 150,000 m above sea level, atmos. pressure is almost 0. Humans cannot reach w/o using protection. Atmospheric pressure at 12,000 m is about 20 kPa pressurized cabins. Mt. Everest 8,847 m above sea 1/3 at sea level.

Pressure on a diver 10 m below 2x surface pressure

Atmospheric pressure at La Paz is 51 kPa 4,000 m above sea level. 0 m at sea level 101kPa on you

Viper fish lives 8,000 m below sea level no fish below, 80,000 kPa

500 m below surface pressure is 5,000 kPa. Need suits to be safe. Wreck of Titanic 3,600 m below sea level. Pressure is 36,000 kPa

1960 Trieste deepest ocean 11,000 meters, 110,000kPa

This arrow represents the force of air resistance pushing up on the object. This force is subtracted from the force of gravity to produce net force. This arrow represents the net force on the object. Because the net force is not 0 the object a) This shuttle moves forward is in free fall still accelerates downward but at nota as b) fastThe as shuttle it constant speed.air This shuttle would because gravity pulls it down would without resistance. be itsarrow path ifrepresents there were towards This thenoforce of gravity on Earth. This would be its gravity. path if not traveling forward. the object. if this were the only force acting on the object it would accelerate at 9.8m/s/s

a) After the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand its horizontal velocity is constant.

b) The ball’s velocity increases because gravity causes it to accelerate downward.

c) the actual path of the shuttle follows the curve of the Earth’s surface. This is known as orbiting.

c) the tow motions combine to form the curved path.

Examples of projectile motion -A football being passed -A leaping dancer -Balls being juggled -An athlete doing high jump -Water sprayed by a sprinkler a) When you exhale a muscle in your chest moves upward decreasing the space in your chest.

b) the decrease in space causes the pressure in your lungs to increase. the air your lungs flow to high to low pressure.

1st Law: An object at rest remains at rest until an object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

C) Exhaled air carries carbon dioxide out of the lungs.

2nd law: The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the force applied.

3rd Law: Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.

a) The curved top of the wing forces air to pass above the wing to travel a longer distance than the bottom.

b) as the wing moves through the sky air passing below the travels in a fairly straight path.

c) The air above must travel faster to converge with the air below decreasing the pressure above.

a) Air speed on the left side of the ball is decreased because air being dragged around the ball moves the opposite direction of the airflow. The result is a region of increase pressure on the left side.

b) Air speed on the right side of the ball is increased because of the air being dragged around the ball moves in the same direction as the airflow. Results in a decreased pressure on the right side of the ball.

c) Because the air pressure side is greater than the left side the ball is pushed toward the right.


0 m/s downward v= 9.8 m/s downward

14.7 m v= 19.6 m/s downward

24.5 m

v= 29.4 m/s downward

The pressure is equal in all areas

Upward force since the bottom is giving more upward force than top.

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