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  • Pages: 12
CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual

Appendix B: CDR Downloader B. B.1


CDR Downloader is an application designed to download Call Details Recording (CDR) list from CGW-P and CGW-I systems. A downloaded file is saved as a *.csv file for future maintenance using compatible software (such as Microsoft Excel).

This release is compatible for CGW-P version 3.xx and CGW-I version 3.xx firmware.



To install the application, insert the supplied CD into the CD-ROM drive. The installation should start automatically. If the installation procedure does not start, perform the steps as follows: a.

Select StartRun. Run window opens (Figure B-1).

Figure B-1. System Alarms Screen b.

Click Browse. A standard browser window opens.


Browse to the CDR-Downloader Installation directory and double-click the Setup.exe icon (Figure B-2). CDR Downloader Setup window appears (Figure B-3).

Figure B-2. Setup.exe Icon


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual

Figure B-3. CDR Downloader Setup – Step 1 d.

Click Next to proceed. The next setup window appears (Figure B-4), displaying the default path for installation in Destination Folder area.

Figure B-4. CDR Downloader Setup – Step 2 e.

If required, click Browse and select a new destination.


Click Next to proceed. The next setup window appears (Figure B-5), displaying the default name for the program.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual

Figure B-5. CDR Downloader Setup – Step 3 g.

If required, type a new name.


Click Next to proceed. The next setup window appears (), displaying a message that the installation procedure is complete.

Figure B-6. CDR Downloader Setup – Step 4 i.

Click Finish to confirm. The window closes and the CDR Downloader application is ready for operation.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual


System Operation

To initialize the application, select StartProgramsCDR Downloader CDR Downloader. CDR Downloader window opens (Figure B-7). This is the main window through which you will perform all system operations.

Figure B-7. CDR Downloader Window

Only one instance of the application can be open at a time. It is recommended to create a shortcut to the desktop for this application simply by dragging it to the desktop while holding down the Ctrl key. The system supports the following operations: Adding a device to the list (see Paragraph B.3.1). Direct download of a CDR file (see Paragraph B.3.2). Downloading CDR files according to a scheduling scheme (see Paragraph B.3.3).


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual


Adding a Device to the List

To add a device to the list, click Add device. Device details window opens (Figure B-8).

Figure B-8. Device Details Window Fill the fields as follows: a. Device Name (mandatory) – a descriptive device name. Legal entries: Up to 20 alphanumeric characters (do not use the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |). The file name prefix of saved CDR files will correspond to this field. b. Location\Notes (optional) – free text of up to 50 characters specifying cellular gateway location and/or notes. c. Representative Name (optional) – free text of up to 20 characters specifying contact person’s name responsible for the specified cellular gateway. d. Representative Phone (optional) – free text of up to 20 characters specifying the contact person’s phone number. e. Device Version – the firmware number of the target cellular gateway. Legal entries – digits 0…9 only. Format: X.XX (currently only versions 3.XX & 3.XX are supported). f.

Device Password (mandatory) – the administrator password of the target cellular gateway. Default: 1234.

g. CGW-P and CGW-I radio buttons – determine the type of the target cellular gateway.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual h. Modem Phone number, IP Address and Com Port radio buttons select the PC device used to connect to the cellular gateway. Irrelevant fields shall be grayed according to selection. i.

Modem Phone number filed – active when Modem Phone number radio button is selected. Displays the phone number to be dialed by a selected modem in order to establish modem connection with cellular gateway remote modem (modem supplied with gateway with preinstalled parameters).


Modem combo-box – active when Modem Phone number radio button is selected. Contains a list of modems (internal and external) used to connect to a remote cellular gateway. Allocate modems according to connected account phone networks and traffic (expected usage for availability considerations). If a required modem is not on the list, click the adjacent Update Modems List button. If the modem still does not appear, reinstall the driver.

k. IP Address field – active when IP Address radio button is selected. Enter the target cellular gateway host IP address (gateway should be connected and configured to a network with an open route to PC with specified port not blocked anywhere within the route). Parameter format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (XXX – 000..255). l.

Port number field – active when IP Address radio button is selected. TCP/UDP port used for establishing connection between CDR Downloader and target cellular gateway using TCP/IP based LAN connection. Default: 10250).

m. Com Port combo-box – select a COM port with serial cable directly connected to cellular gateway RS-232 port (you may choose COM1 through COM8 of your computer, although it is possible that some ports may not be present, as a provision for USB serial adaptors usage that could be temporarily disconnected). When setting a schedule to device connected via a removable COM port, verify that actual COM port assignment corresponds to allocated COM port). n. Click OK to confirm the creation of the new device account. The new device appears in the Device Name pane.

The Device Name pane can contain up to 15 devices.


Direct Download of a CDR File

To download a CDR file directly from the target cellular gateway, perform the steps as follows: a. Select a target gateway in the Device name pane. b. Click Get CDR Now. Get CDR Now window opens (Figure B-9), displaying the path where the file will be saved (default). If required, click Browse and change this path. 6

CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual

Figure B-9. Get CDR Now Window c. Click OK. Display returns to the main screen. Downloading session information is indicated as displayed in Figure B-10. When connection session is completed, main screen will show the last connection status and downloaded file will be saved on the PC (if successful). The name of the downloaded file is always appended by the download time suffix (including date, minute resolution, hours in a 24-hour format), except for the csv extension.

Figure B-10. Connection Session Status

If a CDR file is successfully downloaded, CDR list in the cellular gateway will be erased. If scheduled downloads are active or queued, downloading commence

from after

selected queued

device downloads

shall are



CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual


Downloading CDR Files According to a Scheduling Scheme

To download a CDR file according to a scheduled scheme, perform the steps as follows: a. Select a target gateway in the Device name pane. b. Click Set Schedule. Schedule details window opens (Figure B-11). Device Name field displays the name of the device as previously defined in the Device details window (Figure B-8).

Figure B-11. Schedule Details Window c. Download to path field displays the default path for saving the file. If required, click Browse and change the path. For improved file management, it is possible to specify a different path for the files of each cellular gateway. d. To manage the disk quota, select the Limit folder size to checkbox and enter a value in the adjacent field to specify the maximal folder size in megabytes. This situation is considered erroneous (quota error). CDR records are not deleted from cellular gateway. e. Select a radio button to set the scheduling parameters. The available options are: No schedule – scheduling mode is disabled. To download files use the direct method (Paragraph B.3.2). Fixed day in a month – set the schedule for a certain time of day on a fixed day of month, e.g. on the 15th of each month at 21:30 hours. Legal value for dates: 1 to 28. When set so, download will take place under the following conditions: -

The scheduled time has come, and last download was at least 24 hours ago.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual


More than a month has passed since the last download.


Last download has failed (less than three times).

Every days – set a value to specify a fixed interval of days and specify the required time, e.g. every 3 days at 21:30 hours. Legal values: 1 to 99. When set so, download will take place under the following conditions: -

New schedule.


More than X days (X * 24 hours) have passed since last download.


Last download has failed (less than three times).

Scheduled downloads will be skipped and re-scheduled for the next day if due to failed downloads or other previously queued downloads the time lapsed exceeded the No longer than time limit (if set). Every hours – set a value to specify a fixed interval of hours, e.g. every 15 hours. Legal values: 1 to 23. When set so, download will take place under the following conditions: -

New schedule.


More than X hours have passed since last download.


Last download has failed (less than three times).







downloaded, the CDR list in the cellular gateway will be erased.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual


Graphical User's Interface


Color Legend

The Device Name pane displays a list of devices. On the left of each device name appears an icon, the color of which indicates the device status according to the following legend: White Yellow Bright

No schedule has been set for the device. A schedule has been set for the device. Currently processing CDR download from device.

green Dark green Red

A scheduled download is now queued for download. Communication problems have occurred during the download process.

Figure B-12. Device Name Pane – Icon Color

To view device/schedule/last download information, select the relevant gateway in the Device Name pane.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual


Status Bar Messages

The status bar displays status messages and error codes as detailed in the following table: Message


Downloading now

Download is currently processed


Last download was successful

Waiting for download Download is queued 900



No local modem was found


No dial tone


No answer from remote modem


Busy tone


Failed to create socket


Failed to connect


Failed to open communication port


Failed to communicate - the system is busy


Wrong Version


Wrong Password


Time out


Folder reached it's size limit


No space on PC


Failed to delete records


Failed to save the file


Failed to create the file


Communication error


Failed to communicate - system setup not active


Failed to initiate programming mode


Failed to read records from the system


Wrong device type


Failed due to immediate termination by the user


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual


Application Shutdown

To shut down the CDR Downloader application, right-click the application icon in the tray bar and select Shutdown CDR Downloader from pop-up menu and confirm shutdown in the dialog box. The shutdown process may take up to three minutes.

Clicking the

icon in the top right corner of the

application window does not close the application! It is minimized, while scheduled downloads continue in the background. If download is in progress or there are queued downloads, a shutdown confirmation dialog box opens (Figure B-13). Perform the following: Click Yes to shut down. Click No to allow the download process to finish and then shut down. The application enables downloads to proceed for another 30 minutes only, at the end of which it terminates. Downloads terminated prematurely due to shutdown receive the status of Failed due to immediate termination by the user and will be instantly queued for download once the application is re-opened.

Figure B-13. Shutdown Confirmation