Cgw-p Chapter 5

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,874
  • Pages: 14
CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual

Chapter 5: Call Management 5. 5.1


This chapter details the outgoing and incoming call management procedures that are performed through the screens accessible from the Call Management menu.


Call Management

The system supports call management and routing for cellular and PBX calls. It is possible to configure the system to route outgoing calls via specific cellular channels. Incoming calls are routed according to rules (CLI, MSN or B – specific) PRI channel.


Incoming Call from Cellular

CGW-P enables the following methods of routing incoming calls from cellular: Routing an incoming call from cellular to a specific PBX destination (see Paragraph Routing a call from cellular to an ISDN PRI group (see Paragraph Routing a call from according to CLI detection (see Paragraph Intelligent MSN routing (see Paragraph


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual Routing a Call from Cellular to a Specific PBX Destination To route incoming calls from cellular to a specific PBX destination, perform the steps as follows: a.

Select Call ManagementCall From Cellular. Call from Cellular screen opens (Figure 5-1).

Figure 5-1. Call from Cellular Screen b.

Select the Enable checkbox in the Cell Routing column. The fields in the cell routing column are enabled.


Enter the destination phone number for routing in the Cell Routing column. An incoming call that is received on the adjacent channel will be routed to this PBX number. Figure 5-2 displays an example of settings. In this case, calls received by channels 1 to 5 will be routed to extension 1201, and calls received by channels 6 to 10 will be routed to extension 1202.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual

Figure 5-2. Routing an Incoming Cellular Call to PBX Number


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual Routing a Call from Cellular to an ISDN PRI Group It is possible to route an incoming cellular call to a predefined ISDN PRI group. Incoming calls received by specific SIM cards will be routed to the ISDN channels that are contained in the group. To set up a group perform the steps as follows: a.

Select Call ManagementCall From Cellular. Call from Cellular screen opens (Figure 5-1).


Click Set Groups. Groups screen opens (Figure 5-3). This screen enables to define parameters that will be implemented on all the channels associated to this group.

Figure 5-3. Groups Screen c.

Select the ISDN radio button.


Using the PREV or Next buttons browse to the required group. The selected group appears in the field between the buttons. The channels associated to the group appear in Selected column.


Select channels in Available field in Channels area (use the Shift or Ctrl keys for multiselection). The channels are moved to Selected field. Calls will be directed to these channels.


Select groups in Available field in Alternative Groups area (use the Shift or Ctrl keys for multi-selection). If the groups that were selected in Channels area are busy, calls 4

CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual will be routed to the channels in this alternative group. Make sure that the groups selected as alternative are defined. Do not select a group to be an alternative to itself (i.e. do not set Group 1 as an alternative to Group 1).


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual g.

Select a mode in Channel Selection Mode. The options are: Cyclic Up – the PRI channel will be selected in ascending order and will continue from the last selected channel. Cyclic Down – the channel will be selected in descending order and will continue from the last selected channel. Linear Up – the channel will be selected in ascending order and will continue from the first location in the channel list. Linear Down – the channel will be selected in descending order and will continue from the last location in the channel list.


Enter an extension number in Default Extension field.


Click Apply. Select Groups screen opens (Figure 5-4).

Figure 5-4. Select Groups Screen j.

Select ISDN channels and click OK. Apply Parameters screen opens.


Click OK. Parameters are sent.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual Setting CLI Routing The Calling Line Identification (CLI) feature enables to direct an incoming call to an extension according to the number detected by CLI. To set CLI routing definitions, perform the steps as follows: a. Click CLI Table. CLI Table screen opens (Figure 5-5).

Figure 5-5. CLI Table Screen b. Click Add. CLI screen opens (Figure 5-6).

Figure 5-6. CLI Screen c. Enter the calling cellular number in CLI field and the destination PBX number in Extension field. d. Click OK. The new cellular number and extension appear as a new entry on the CLI table.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual Setting Intelligent MSN Routing The Intelligent MSN routing feature enables to associate and implement redirection of calling cellular numbers to the latest associated PBX extension. To enable intelligent routing, perform the steps as follows: a. Click Intelligent. Intelligent Routing screen opens (Figure 5-7).

Figure 5-7. Intelligent Routing Screen b. Select the Enable Intelligent MSN Routing checkbox. The fields in the screen are enabled. c. Set the length of PBX extension numbers in Extension Digits Length field (range: 0-16). d. Select the number of digits in the Comparison Length of incoming call ID field (range: 0-16). Digits are counted from right-to-left (last to first). e. To clear history, click Clear Intelligent MSN Routing History. A confirmation message appears. f.

Click Yes. History is cleared.

CGW-P saves the records of the last 1,500 outgoing calls.






presentation from PBX extension as well as from the returned cellular subscriber.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual


Outgoing Calls from PBX

To route outgoing cellular calls from the PBX extension to the specific cellular channel or groups of channels, select Call ManagementCall from PBX. Call from PBX screen opens (Figure 5-8).

Figure 5-8. Call from PBX Screen CGW-P enables the following methods of routing outgoing calls from PBX: Routing outgoing calls from PBX through cellular groups (see Paragraph Routing outgoing calls using LCR tables (see Paragraph Routing outgoing calls using white and black lists (see Paragraph


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual Routing Outgoing Calls from PBX through Cellular Groups Setting the cellular groups enables to group certain channels and apply rules to this group. It is possible to route an incoming cellular call to a predefined ISDN PRI group. Incoming calls received by specific SIM cards will be routed to the ISDN channels that are contained in the group. To set up a group perform the steps as follows: a. Select Call ManagementCall From PBX. Call from PBX screen opens (Figure 5-8). b. Click Set Groups. Groups screen opens (Figure 5-9). This screen enables to define parameters that will be implemented on all the channels associated to this group.

Figure 5-9. Groups Screen c. Select the Cellular Channels radio button. d. Using the PREV or Next buttons browse to the required group. The selected group appears in the field between the buttons. The channels associated to the group appear in Selected column. e. Select channels in Available field in Channels area (use the Shift or Ctrl keys for multiselection). The channels are moved to Selected field. Calls will be directed to these channels. f.

Select groups in Available field in Alternative Groups area (use the Shift or Ctrl keys for multi-selection). If the groups that were selected in Channels area are busy, calls will be 10

CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual routed to the channels in this alternative group. Make sure that the groups selected as alternative are defined. Do not select a group to be an alternative to itself (i.e. do not set Group 1 as an alternative to Group 1). g. Select a mode in Channel Selection Mode. The options are: Cyclic Up – the PRI channel will be selected in ascending order and will continue from the last selected channel. Cyclic Down – the channel will be selected in descending order and will continue from the last selected channel. Linear Up – the channel will be selected in ascending order and will continue from the first location in the channel list. Linear Down – the channel will be selected in descending order and will continue from the last location in the channel list. Balanced – the channel use will be balanced according to the average channel usage, so that costs will be evenly spread over all SIM cards in all channels. h. Click Apply. Select Groups screen opens (Figure 5-10).

Figure 5-10. Select Groups Screen i.

Select cellular channels and click OK. Apply Parameters screen opens.


Click OK. Parameters are sent. Routing Outgoing Calls Using LCR Tables The Least Cost Routing (LCR) feature enables to direct calls from PBX to cellular specific groups according to a prefix or cellular operator (see Number Portability in Chapter 4).To set LCR tables, perform the steps as follows: a.

Select a table for a channel from the combo-box in the LCR column.


Click Set Tables to apply rules to the selected table. LCR Table screen opens (Figure 511).


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual

Figure 5-11. LCR Table Screen c.

Enter the table number using the PREV or Next buttons. The selected table appears in the field between the buttons.


Add destination cellular number prefixes to the group. It is possible to enter prefixes manually or select a name of an operator from a list. To add prefixes manually, perform the steps as follows: 1. Click Prefixes. Add LCR screen opens (Figure 5-12).

Figure 5-12. Add LCR Screen 2. Enter a prefix number in Prefix field. 3. Set a cellular channel group number in Group field. 4. Click OK. The new prefix appears on the LCR table.

To add operator names, perform the steps as follows: 12

CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual 1. Click Operator Name. Add Operator Name screen opens (Figure 5-13).

Figure 5-13. Add Operator Name Screen 2. Select an operator on the list. 3. Set a Set a group number in Group field. 4. Click OK. The new operator appears on the LCR table.

The operator names are defined in Operators Name screen that is opened through the Number Portability




Portability). To make this list available when defining LCR, make sure that the Enable Number Portability checkbox is selected.


Click OK. The LCR parameters have been set.


CGW-P Installation and Operation Manual Routing Outgoing Calls Using White and Black Lists The white and black lists enable to define which prefixes are allowed and which are restricted (respectively) for dialing through the gateway via the cellular network. To set the white and black lists perform the steps as follows: a.

Click Set Lists. White/Black Lists screen opens (Figure 5-14).

Figure 5-14. White/Black Lists Screen b.

Click Add in the Allowed or Not Allowed area. Add Prefix screen opens (Figure 5-15).

Figure 5-15. Add Prefix Screen c.

Enter a prefix in Prefix field (up to 7 digits).


Click OK. The new prefix is added to the list.


Repeat steps to d as required to add more prefixes.


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