Cc2404 Revision Table 2009

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 2,154
  • Pages: 8
Units 1. Basic physical science

• Topics Seven base units (metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela) Some common derived units for quantities including speed, acceleration, force, energy, power, pressure, frequency, charge, potential difference, resistance, capacitance, magnetic flux Powers of ten shorthand (10n) Prefixes (pico, nano, micro, milli, kilo, mega, giga) Standard form ( eg. 1.286 × 105); prefix and its symbols for a particular multiple Significant figures States of matter (solid, liquid, gas) Definition of density : density =

12. Heat and temperature

mass volume

Floating and sinking Mass, force and weigh Hooke’s law Definition of heat and temperature Temperature scale (Fahrenheit, Celsius, absolute scales) Body heat and body temperature Conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation Humidity, relative humidity

• Outlines

• Conversion between different units (e.g. 1000 kg/m3 = 1 g/cm3)

• In calculations, answers are usually written with 3 sig. figures. • characteristics of the three states of matter • • Calculation using the definition of density; recall the density of water (g/cm3 and kg/m3) • measure the density of regularly shaped solid, irregularly shaped solid, liquid and air • Archimede’s principle

• definition of heat and temperature • State the freezing point and boiling point of water in Fahrenheit, Celsius and absolute scales • State the body temperatures of various activities and conditions in Celsius

• definition of relative humidity (RH); factors affect the rate of evaporation • How is the relative humidity affect human body

Core temperature vs. surface temperature Surface temperature measurement Liquid crystal thermometer Core temperature measurement Mercury temperature Thermistors Thermocouple Infrared thermometer

• function, advantages and disadvantages of different types of thermometers


20. The eye and sight

• Topics Regulation of temperature Thermostat Control of a heater Control of body temperature Feedback and control Law of reflection Diffuse reflection v.s. regular reflection Law of refraction refractive index Total Internal reflection

Thin lens and the thin lens formula

The power of a lens Structure of the eye Accommodation of the eye Depth of field and depth of focus Resolution of the eye

Response of the eye to variations in wavelength and intensity

33. The sound and hearing

Defects of the eye including short sight, long sight, presbyopia, astigmatism and colour blindness Transverse and longitudinal waves Wavelength, frequency, speed, amplitude, phase and the wave equation. Properties of Sound

• Outlines

• • • •

refractive index and its relationship with speed of light in the material State the conditions for occurrence of total internal reflection Definition of the critical angle Application in endoscopes 1 1 1 • u +v = f • Application of the thin lens formula • Magnification of images • Unit of power – dioptre (D) • Compare the structure of the eye and camera • The meaning of unaccommodated and accommodated • Radian as the unit for resolution • Ultimate limit of resolution and it’s relationship with the separation of the cones in the fovea • The functions of rods and cones • Sketch the sensitive curve of rods and cones in different wavelength • Sketch the response of rods and cones against light intensity and the definition of scotopic vision

• Sound as longitudinal wave • v = fλ

• vw = (331 m / s )

T (K ) 273 K


• Topics Sound intensity and sound level


Hearing – perception and physical quantity Frequency response Loudness

Effect of noise

5. Medical ultrasound

natural of ultrasound generation and detection of ultrasound factors that affect reflection of ultrasound ultrasound scan

ultrasound diagnostic and therapy

• Outlines

• I=

I P ; β (dB ) = 10 log 10 I ; I0 = 10-12 W/m2 is a reference A 0

intensity • Reason for dB as the unit for sound level measurement • typical sound levels and intensities especially the levels causing long term and short term damages • Nodes and antinodes in standing wave • sketch the resonance of air in a tube closed at one end and open at both ends • definition of fundamental, overtones and harmonics • Calculation related with the wavelength and the length of a tube when resonance is happened • relationship between perception (pitch, loudness and timbre) and their corresponding physical quantities • understand the reason of frequency response of the ear • frequency range for the normal hearing • frequencies for ultrasound and infrasound • difference between loudness and intensity • loudness vs. frequency curves • unit of loudness (Phon) • limit of the acceptable sound level • long term effect of noise • other effects of noise and possible protection measures • frequency range of the ultrasound • limits of the resolution of ultrasound • know that a ultrasound transducer works like both a speaker and a microphone • reflection depends on the difference in acoustic impedances of the two media on either side of the boundary • pulse –echo measurement • ultrasound A-scan and B-scan: understand the working principle, apply to calculate the thickness of tissue • intensity range used in diagnostic and therapeutic, applications in diagnostic and in therapeutic, • limitation of resolution and penetration depth of ultrasound imaging

Units 6. Pressure and fluids

• Topics

F • P = , SI unit of pressure: Pa, 1 Pa=1N/m2 A

Liquid pressure

• pressure due to the weight of a liquid: P=Dgh • Patm = 1 atmospheric pressure (1 atm)=1.013x 105 N/m2 =1.013 x 105 Pa

Atmospheric pressure Gauge pressure and absolute pressure Measurement of gauge pressure

Measurement of blood pressure


Electricity I

• Outlines

Definition of pressure

Electric charge, electrostatic forces

Charging by contact and by induction,

The electric field Electric potential difference (voltage),

Capacitor, energy storage in capacitors

• knowing that pressures in human circulatory system are gauge pressures • know the relation between Pg and Pabs • Pascal’s principle • understand mmHg as unit of gauge pressure • conversion between mmHg and Pa • origin of blood pressure • systolic pressure and diastolic pressure • laminar flow or turbulent flow in blood artery and their resulting sound • sphygmomanometer and stethoscope • Understand the principle of determining systolic pressure and diastolic pressure, Koroktoff sounds • Meaning of a record of blood pressure measurement result • electric charge, rules of electrostatic • The unit of charge • Charge of electrons • Factors that influences electrostatic force • The sign of electrostatic forces and charges involved • charging by contact and charging by induction, • an electroscope • conductors and insulators • charge polarization • the principle of lightening rod • electric field lines for positive and negative charges • electric filed line between two parallel metal plate with opposite charges • definition of electric potential difference, EPE B − EPE A ∆V = VB −VA = q Electrical potential energy, kinetic energy. or ∆ V=∆ EPE/Q, and ∆ EPE=∆ KE • charging and discharging of a capacitor

• Topics


• Outlines

• equations for charge storage C =

Q 1 , and energy stored U = CV 2 V


in a capacitor, • dielectrics and increase of capacitance by inserting dielectrics

• C= The electric current,

• concept of dielectric constant (relative permittivity) • concept of charge flow, direction of current in metal wire • I =

The electrical resistance, Ohm’s law Resistors, resistivity

κ εo A , membrane of living cell as capacitor d

∆q ∆t

• Ohm’s law : I =

V for simple circuit R

• resistance and resistivity of resistors, R = ρ


• Calculation involving simple electric circuit. • R= R1+ R2+ R3 +…

1 1 1 1 = + + + ... R1 R2 R3 • R Electrolysis

• Understand electrolysis of a salt, • cathode and anode as well as how ions move under current

Electrical power, electric energy

• electric power and : P=IV • For resistor, P=I2R=V2/R,

DC current and AC current


Electricity II

Electrical signal transmission through nerves

The heart beat and ECG measurement

• energy = power x time. • the difference between a dc current and a ac current, • For ac, peak current (voltage), effective (rms) current (voltage) and conversion between them • For ac, peak power, average power and conversion between them. • Know the basic nerve cell • Know resting/action potentials and related polarization /depolarization of a nerve cell, • heartbeat, principle of a ECG measurement, how it is related to the heartbeat • the waveforms of a typical ECG wave pattern. • some common cardiac disorders that can be diagnosed by ECG as well as their shape-dependences.

• Topics


Physiological effects of current

Magnetic field created by magnet Magnetic field created by a wire carrying current

• • • • • • • •


Electrical safety

11. Magnetism

• • • •

Magnetism of the Earth Compass principle

Force on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field

• • •

Hall Effect

• •

• • • Magnetic induction: phenomena,


20. EM waves and UV

Electromagnetic spectrum

radiation Light as wave: wave equation Light as particle: photon

• Outlines Defibrillator, artificial pacemaker three mains effects of current neural stimulation: indirect and direct stimulation frequency range and different range of current as well as their effects in indirect stimulation the electric hazards of currents on human body hints for electrical safety precautions the structure and working principle of a commercial plug relation between geographical poles and magnetic poles of the Earth how compass works rules of magnetic forces direction of the magnetic field lines created by a permanent magnet right-hand rule to determine the directions of magnetic field (or current) created by a straight current-wire or a current -loop magnetic field (lines) created inside/outside of a solenoid left-hand rule to determine the directions of force created by a magnetic field on straight current-wire Relation between force and current, magnetic field the principle of dc motor Hall effect: application of left hand rule for moving charges in a fluid analyze the polarity of a Hall emf the Hall effect and the measurement of blood velocity, E=Blv Comparison between the two different techniques: the ultrasound and electromagnetic method, the features of each technique

• Faraday’s law, Lenz’ law • analyze the induction and the direction of induced current in a loop using Faraday law and Lenz law • the principle of ac current generation • the principle of transformer, • voltage transformation and current transformation • electromagnetic spectrum and their approximate wavelength ranges • relation of wavelength or frequency • application examples for each type of radiation

• Apply the wave equation fλ =c • The relation between frequency, wavelength and photon energy :

• Topics


UV radiation and its protection

• • •

21. medical laser

Simple atomic model Light emission How lasers work:

• • • • • • •

• • •

Mechanisms of lasers interaction with tissue :

selective absorption of laser

22. Ionizing radiation

Interaction of energetic photons with matter:

• Outlines E=hf=hc/λ , The electron volts (eV) as unit of energy, 1ev= 1.6 x 10-19 J. Classification of three types of UV radiation and their wavelength ranges factors that affect UV radiation health risks associated with UV, especially skin how UV is measured: instrumentation, UVI: how UVI is obtained, erythemal action spectrum, Suntan and sunburn: their relation with type of UV The meaning of Z-number, The charge of electron and proton excitation and de-excitation of atoms, the light emission equation ∆ E=hc/λ =hf difference between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission, three characteristics that differentiate the laser from a ordinary light source, laser energy, laser power, intensity (power density) and fluence, Power=energy/time Intensity (W/cm2)=Power /Spot area Fluence (J/cm2)=Intensity x exposure time Pulsed laser: Difference between CW lasers and pulsed lasers Instantaneous power and average power Pulse width and repetition rate.

• photocoagulation, photo- vaporization and photo chemical ablation • temperature range for the two thermal processes in laser-tissue interaction • physical – biological processes related to different absorption mechanisms • some simple applications of photocoagulation and photo-vaporization in laser surgery and beauty treatment • the three absorbing components and their absorption range • principal absorption mechanism in each application • principle and examples of some medical application of laser • ionizing radiation and Attenuation mechanism: photoelectric effect and Compton Scatter(ing) and their comparison • linear attenuation coefficient: its dependence on Z-number, I=Ioe-µ x

• Topics

Units Production of x-ray

X-ray imaging, X-ray therapy (radiotherapy)

• Outlines • half-value thickness • structure of an x-ray tube • typical x-ray spectrum produced by x-ray tube • tube current and voltage, tube power, • efficiency of x-ray tubes • mechanisms of two features of the x-ray spectrum: • maximum frequency of x-rays produced from a x-ray tube • the principle of x-ray imaging and main mechanism of attenuation involved for imaging • the principle of x-ray therapy and main attenuation mechanism involved in x-ray radiotherapy • biological effect of ionizing radiation

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