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2003 d Q. 1. Name the largest component of biogas. 1 Q. 2. Name the metal used for making the body of an aircraft. 1 Q. 3. Name the factors which affect the rate of reaction. 1 Q. 4. Name the two components of baking powder. 1 Q. 5. If the magnification of a body of size 1m is 2, what is the size of the image? 1 Q. 6. Write four characteristics used for selecting a suitable fuel. 2 Or What is a solar cell? Name two materials mostly used for making solar cells. 2 Q. 7. What is nuclear fusion? Give an example for it. 2 Q. 8. For producing electricity, the energy from flowing water is preferred to energy obtained by burning coke. State two reasons for it. 2 Q. 9. State the rule to determine the direction of magnetic field produced around a current carrying conductor. 2 Q. 10. How is neoprene obtained? Why is it considered superior to natural rubber? 2 Q. 11. Three resistors are connected as shown in the figure. Through a resistor 5 ohm a current of one ampere is flowing: 3

(a) what is the p.d. across AB and across AC? (b) what is the current through the other two resistors? (c) what is the total resistance? Q. 12. An organic compound X is an essential constituent of wine and beer. X is responsible for the intoxication caused by these drinks. Oxidation of X yields an organic acid Y which is present in vinegar. Name the compounds X and Y and write their structural formulae. 3 Or State two reasons for counting sulphur amongst the non-metals. Which properties of sulphur make it

possible to bring it from a deep mine to the surface of the earth by the Frasch process and to purify it by the sublimation of liquid sulphur? 3 Q. 13. List four essential conditions for life to originate and flourish on a planet. Why do we not expect existence of life on the planet Mars? 3 Q. 14. For the reaction 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) -->2SO3(g) at equilibrium at 1000 K, the molar concentrations of SO2, 02, SO3 are 1.44, 1.98 and 0.41 respectively. Calculate the equilibrium constant for this reaction. 3 Q. 15. What is meant by quenching, annealing and tempering of steel? 3 Q. 16. Draw a ray diagram of a microscope 3 Q. 17. Differentiate between soap and detergent. 3 Q. 18. Draw a labelled diagram of solar cooker. What purposes are served by the blackened surface, glass cover plate and the mirror in a solar cooker? What would happen if the plain glass mirror of a solar cooker is replaced by a concave glass mirror? 5 Q. 19. Why are stars not the permanent objects of the universe? Give various stages in the life of a star. 5 Or What will happen when: (a) ethanoic acid reacts with sodium carbonate? (b) propanone reacts with hydrogen cyanide? (c) ethanol is heated with alkaline potassium permanganate? (d) methanal reacts with hydrogen cyanide? (e) ethanal reacts with Fehling’s reagent? 5 Q. 20. Describe Haber process for the manufacture of ammonia. Give the role of promoter in this process. Draw a flow diagram of this process. 5 Or Give the effect of heat on sulphur. Explain with the help of diagrams. 5 SECTION - B Q. 21. What is glycolysis? 1 Q. 22. Define translocation. 1 Q. 23. What is dialysis? 1

Q. 24. How electrostatic precipitators help in controlling particulate emissions? 2 Q. 25. Differentiate between menarche and menopause. 2 Q. 26. What is eutrophication? Mention its harmful effects. 3 Q. 27. Show in tabular form the different blood transfusions that should occur among the various blood groups in human beings. 3 Q. 28. What is genetic engineering? Give the full form of GMO. 3 Or Differentiate between autosomes and sex chromosomes. Q. 29. Define reflex action with suitable examples. 3 Q. 30. Explain the human digestive system with the help of a diagram. 5 Or Describe Darwin’s theory of Evolution. 5

SCIENCE—2003 (Set I—Outside Delhi) SECTION - A Q. 1. Name the process by which energy is produced in a nuclear reactor. 1 Q. 2. Which one of the following groups are (a) most reactive and (b) least reactive metal? Au, Na, Cu, Ca 1 Q. 3. The mass of a star is about 900 times that of our Sun. Explain what would happen to its core after red giant phase. 1 Q. 4. What is the special name of those days when the Sun rises exactly in the east? 1 Q. 5. What is meant by ‘persistence of vision’? 1 Q. 6. Name the places of our country where fields of natural gas are found. Why is it called a clean fuel? Give two reasons. Or How are fossil fuels formed? How these fossil fuels were made? 2 Q. 7. Define the term ‘alloy’, Write two advantages of making alloys. 2

Q. 8. State the characteristic of satellite used for communication purposes. Write the main function of a transponder in communication satellites. 2 Q. 9. What type of mixtures are separated by fractional distillation? Name the fraction of crude oil whose boiling point is more than 3500C. Where is it mostly used as a fuel? 2 Q. 10. 48 kJ of energy is produced per minute in a nuclear reactor. Calculate the number of fissions which would be taking place in the reactor per second, if the energy released per fission is 3.2 x 10-11 J. 2 Q. 11. State and explain Le-çhatelier’s principle. 3 Q. 12. Describe the process of manufacture of ordinary glass. Explain with the help of labelled diagram. 3 Q. 13. Derive the mirror formula. 3 Or Derive the lens formula. 3 Q. 14. What is mirage? Explain how it occurs. 3 Q. 15. A bulb is rated at 200 V-100 W. What is its resistance? Five such bulbs burn for 4 hours. What is the electrical energy consumed? Calculate the cost if the rate is 50 paise per unit. 3 Q. 16. What are the factors on which the strength of magnetic field produced by current carrying solenoid depends? 3 Q. 17. A solution of copper sulphate was kept in an iron pot. After a few days, the iron pot was found to have a number of holes in it. Explain with the help of equation what reaction took place. 3 Q. 18. Give the working and construction of a nuclear reactor used to generate electricity. 5 Q. 19. Differentiate between raw natural rubber and vulcanised natural rubber. Name one substance which is used as a filler in rubber objects. Give one use of the vulcanized hardened rubber. 5 Q. 20. Give the physical and chemical differences between metals and non-metals.5 Or Explain Baeyer’s process. 5 SECTION - B Q. 21. What is the role of decomposers in our biotic environment? 1 Q. 22. What measures have been taken for conservation of wildlife? State any three measures. 1 Q. 23. Which gland secretes the growth hormone? 1

Q. 24. What is meant by osmoregulation? Explain the importance of osmoregulation for body cells. 2 Q. 25. Distinguish between tropic and nastic movements of plants. 2 Q. 26. Write a short note on Green House Effect. 3 Q. 27. Describe the process of nutrition in Amoeba. Draw a labelled diagram to show the various steps in the nutrition in Amoeba. 3 Q. 28. Differentiate between Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration. 3 Q. 29. Explain the mechanism of transport of water and minerals in a plant. 3 Or Write the important functions of blood in our body. 3 Q. 30. What do you mean by artificial propagation of plants? Give its different methods and advantages. 5 Or (a) What is a chromosome? (b) Explain different types of chromosomes with the help of diagrams. 5


SECTION A Q. 1. Draw a figure to show how the rate of a chemical reaction in general changes as the temperature of reactants is increased step-wise. 1 Q. 2. Name the classes of organic compounds represented by the following formulae: 1 (i) C2H5NH2 O II (ii) H3C-C-CH3 Q. 3. Name any two neutral oxides. 1 Q. 4. What type of force or forces keep the Sun and its planets in their respective places? 1 Or What force makes an apple on a tree to fall to the ground and what force makes a balloon filled with hydrogen to rise into air? 1

Q. 5. How can it be shown that a magnetic field exists around a wire through which a direct electric current is passing? 1 Q. 6. What is the chemical name of washing? Name the three chief raw materials used for making washing soda by the Solvay Process. 2 Q. 7. What is meant by ‘fermentation’? Write chemical equations for the two steps involved preparing ethanol by the fermentation of molasses. 2 Or Name the main products formed when a) ethanol is oxidised by an alkaline solution of KMnO4 b) propanone and hydrogen cyanide form an addition compound. c) sodium ethanoate is heated with soda lime. d) methanal is reduced with hydrogen in the presence of finely divided palladium. 2 Q. 8. To which galaxy does our earth belong? How is the shape of this galaxy described? ‘Our universe is expanding.’ What does it mean? 2 Q. 9. In cases of artificial satellites what are equatoria1’ and polar’ orbits? Which type of these satellite orbitals will be suitable for collecting data for weather prediction and why? 2 Q. 10. Which type of nuclear process is currently used in nuclear electricity generators? Give one example each for the substances used in this context as (i) coolants, (ii) moderators, and (iii) nuclear fuel. 2 Q. 11. When will the reversible reaction, N2(g) + 02 (g) ----- 2NO(g) be said to be in equilibrium state? Write the formula co-relating the concentration of involved substances in this equilibrium state. A reversible reaction has a very low value of its equilibrium constant. What does it signify for the rate of progress of the reaction? 3 Q. 12. Besides being large molecules what is the other essential similar structural character of all polymers? Give one example each for the formation of (i) an addition polymer, and (ii) a condensation polymer. 3 Or State the monomers used and one use each for (a) Neoprene, (b) Teflon and (c) Natural rubber. Q. 13. (a) What are strategic metals? Give one example also. (b) State the reason for the following behaviour of zinc metal: On placing a piece of zinc metal in a solution of mercuric chloride it acquires a shining silvery surface but when it is placed in a solution of magnesium sulphate no change is observed. 1, 2

Q. 14. Write chemical equations for the reactions taking place when: 3 a) a piece of calcium metal is placed in water. b) ammonia gas comes in contact with hydrogen chloride gas. c) sulphur is heated with concentrated H2SO4 Q. 15. State the formula correlating the electric current flowing in a conductor and the voltage applied across it. Also show this relationship by drawing a diagram. What would be resistance of a conductor if the current flowing through it is 0.35 ampere when the potential difference across it 1.4 volt? 3 Q. 16. A convex lens has a focal length of 25 cm. Calculate the distance of the object from the lens if the image is to be formed on the opposite side of the lens at a distance of 75 cm from the lens. What will be the nature of the image? 3 Q. 17. Name the three primary colours of light. A flower has magenta colour in white light. What will its colour appear to be when viewed separately under each of the lights of primary colours? 3 What are complementary colours of light? Or With the help of ray-diagrams show the phenomenon of total internal reflection of light and the concept of critical angle for a transparent medium. 3 Q. 18. (a) Describe briefly the contact process for manufacturing sulphuric acid starting with sulphur. Write the chemical equations for the involved reactions. (b) In this process SO3 is dissolved in conc. H2SO4. and not in water. Why is it so? (c) Name one large industry based on using sulphuric acid. 5 Or (a) Draw a flow-chart for the manufacture of ammonia gas by Haber’s Process. (b) How can we show that ammonia is highly soluble in water and gives an alkaline solution. (c) Name a major industry using ammonia as basic material. 5 Q. 19. (a) State two main causes of a person developing near sightedness. With the help of a ray-diagram suggest how he can be helped to overcome this disability. (b) The far point of a myopic person is 150 cm in front of the eye. Calculate the focal length and the power of a lens required to enable him to see distant objects clearly. 5 Or (a) How is a simple microscope different from a compound microscope in construction and magnifying power? A magnifying lens of focal length 6.25 cm is used by a jeweller during his work. His least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm. What magnification is the jeweller getting?

(b) What is ‘astigmatism’ and how is this vision defect counteracted? 5 Q. 20. Name the major fuel component of biogas. What are its other combustible components? Draw a simple labelled diagram of a fixed dome type biogas plant. What is the use for the residual slurry and why? 5 SECTION B Q. 21. Write the function of hormone ‘thyroxin’ in our bodies. 1 Q. 22. Name the part of hind brain which takes part in regulation of respiration. 1 Q. 23. Give an example of a vestigial organ present in human body. 1 Q. 24. Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with vaseline to block the stomata. Will this plant remain healthy for long? State three reasons for your answer. 2 Q. 25. Name two natural agents that can cause erosion of soil. Suggest two ways in which erosion of soil can be checked. 2 Q. 26. (i) Who put forward the double helical model of DNA? (ii) What are the three chemically essential parts of nucleotides constituting a DNA? (iii) How many types of nucleotides are present in a DNA molecule? 3 Q. 27. What is meant by pollution of air? Write any two harmful effects of pollution of air. Name any three techniques, used for controlling amounts of gaseous pollutants of our atmosphere. 3 Q. 28. (i) When does ovulation occur during the menstrual cycle in a normal healthy woman? (ii) Draw a labelled diagram to show the reproductive system of a human female. 3 Q. 29. Explain the process by which inhalation occurs during breathing in human beings. 3 Or With the help of a diagram describe the process by which excretion occurs in amoeba. 3 Q. 30. (i) Name the blood vessel that brings oxygenated blood to the human heart. (ii) Which chamber of human heart receives oxygenated blood? (iii) Explain how oxygenated blood from this chamber is sent to all parts of the body. 5


Q. 1. How is the rate of reaction influenced by 1 a) raising the temperature of reactants? b) Adding to the reacting mixture a product of reaction without change in volume? Q. 2. How are the molecules of aldehydes and ketones structurally different? 1 Q. 3. Name one non-metal and one metal which are in liquid state at room temperature. 1 Q. 4. Name two other planets of the Solar System which are similar to the Earth in composition and structure. 1 Q. 5. How is the strength of the magnetic field at a point near a wire related to the strength of the electric current flowing in the wire? 1 Q. 6. How is chloride of lime chemically different from calcium chloride? Why does chloride of lime gradually lose its chlorine when kept exposed to air? 2 Q. 7. What is formalin? How does it react with Tollen’s reagent? State any one of its uses. 2 Or Complete the following reaction equations: (i) CH2CH2OH+Na --> H | (ii) H—-C=O+HCN--> Q. 8. What is a galaxy? Name two common shapes of galaxies. Why is our galaxy called Milky Way? 2 Q. 9. State one point of difference between a natural satellite and an artificial satellite. Name the type of orbit suitable for a geostationary satellite. 2 Q. 10. Give one example of a nuclear fusion reaction. Describe one method for making such reactions possible. 2 Q. 11. State Arrhenius’ concept of acids and bases. Giving reason, select a strong acid and a weak base from amongst the following substances: 3 H2CO3, HNO3, NaOH, NH4OH Q. 12. How is it that we can use detergents for washing clothes even when the water is hard, but not soaps? What change has been made in the composition of detergents to make them biodegradable? 3 Or What is a polymer? How have polymers been classified? Name one polymer for each of the following applications: a) For insulating electric wires

b) For non-stick coatings on kitchen utensils c) For blending with cotton to make shrink-resist cloth Q. 13. Give reasons for the following: 3 a) Silicon counts among metalloids. b) Carbon is not used for making aluminium from aluminium oxide. c) For making hydrogen by reaction with hydrochloric acid, granulated zinc is preferred to a block of zinc. Q. 14. Write chemical equations for reactions taking place when: 3 a) Zinc carbonate is calcined. b) Ammonia gas is passed over heated copper (II) oxide. c) SO2 gas and H2S gas are together bubbled through water. Q. 15. What are electrolytes? Define Faraday’s constant for electrolytic reactions. Find chemical equivalents of Cu (II) (at. wt. 63.5 and Ag(I) (at. wt. 108). 3 Q. 16. A 5 cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 20 cm. The distance of the object from the lens is 30 cm. Find the (i) position, (ii) nature and (iii) size of the image formed.3 Q. 17. a) What is meant by ‘critical angle’ for a ray of light going from one medium into another? b) What is the consequence of making angle of incidence of light, at an interface, greater than the critical angle? c) Why does a cut diamond shine more than a glass piece with diamond cut? 3 Or Draw ray diagrams to show the formation of images when the object is placed in front of a concave mirror a) between its pole and focus points. b) between its centre of curvature and focus point. 3 Q. 18. Why is it that iron does not occur as a metal in the crust of the earth? What are the common compound forms in which iron occurs? Which of these is more often used for extracting iron? Why are carbon and limestone mixed with the iron ore before feeding it into the blast furnace? Write the chemical equations for the reduction step and the slag formation step. 5 Or Define an alloy and an amalgam. State the main constituents of the following alloys. In what property is each of them different from its main constituent: (I) Stainless steel (II) Bronze? Q. 19. With the help of a labelled ray diagram show the formation of image of an object by a compound microscope.

A compound microscope has an objective of focal length 0.5 cm and an eye-piece of focal length 2.5 cm. If its tube length is 25 cm, calculate what will be the magnifying power of the microscope. 5 Q. 20. On what principle does a solar water heater operate? Draw a labelled schematic diagram for a solar water heater. The solar constant at a place is 1.4 kW/m2 .How much solar energy will be received at this place per second over an area of 5m2. 5 Or What is the main basic Cause for winds to blow? Name a part of India where wind energy is commercially harnessed. Compare wind power and power of water flow in respect of generating mechanical and electrical energies. What is the hindrance in developing them? SECTION B Q. 2.1. State one of the evolutionary forces leading to the origin of a new species according to the synthetic theory of evolution. 1 Q. 22. Name the excretory units present in an earthworm. 1 Q. 23. A farmer floods his field everyday thinking that watering in this manner will result in a better yield of his wheat crop. What will be the result of this action of the farmer? 1 Q. 24. Describe how the sex of the offspring is determined in the zygote in human beings. 2 Q. 25. State any two practices which can help in the protection of our environment. 2 Q. 26. Define ‘nerve impulse’. Which structure in a neuron helps to conduct a nerve impulse 3 a) towards the cell body? b) away from the cell body? Q. 27. List the sequence of events that occur during the formation of a blood clot after an injury. 3 Q. 28. What is potable water? State any four of its necessary characteristics. 3 Q. 29. What is the function of gizzard in a grasshopper? Draw a labelled diagram showing the digestive system of a grasshopper. 3 Or What is the function of epiglottis in man? Draw a labelled diagram showing the human respiratory system. 3 Q. 30. With the help of a labelled diagram describe double fertilisation in plants. 5

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY— 2005 (Set I—Delhi) SECTION A Q. 1. Give an example of photochemical reactions. Q. 2. Name a metal which offers higher resistance to the passage of electricity than copper. 1 Q. 3. State a reaction in which SO2 acts as an oxidising agent. 1 Q. 4. Where will the image be formed by a concave mirror when an object is placed between the pole and the focus point of the mirror? 1 Q. 5. Which has a higher resistance: a 50 W lamp bulb or a 25 W lamp bulb and how many times? 1 Q. 6. How is plaster of Paris chemically different from gypsum? How may they be interconverted? Write one use of plaster of Paris. 2 Q. 7. Allotropy is a property shown by which class of substances, elements, compounds or mixtures? Give one example of allotropy. 2 Q. 8. Draw diagrams to distinguish between 'equatorial orbit' and 'polar orbit' of artificial satellites of earth. 2 Q. 9. With respect to air the refractive indices of water and benzene are 1.33 and 1.50 respectively. Calculate the refractive index of benzene with respect to water. 2 Q. 10. What is the cause of release of unusually large energies in nuclear fission reactions? How is the energy per fission calculated? 2 Or What is a thermal neutron? Draw a schematic diagram depicting fission of a U-235 nucleus on absorption of a thermal neutron. Q. 11. (a) State the relation between hydrogen ion concentration of an aqueous solution and its pH. (b) The pH of an aqueous solution decreases from 3 to 2. Calculate how many times the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution will change. 3 Q. 12. Explain the following regarding the manufacture of ammonia by Haber's process, the reaction being; N2(g) + 3H2(g) ^=± 2NH3(g) + heat (i) This reaction is carried out at a high temperature even though it is an exothermic reaction. (ii) To make ammonia, the mixture of Nz and H2 gases is passed over heated iron. 3

Q. 13. (i) Distinguish between an addition polymer and a condensation polymer. (ii) Choose one condensation polymer and one addition polymer from amongst the following: nylon, teflon, neoprene, polyester (iii) Write a chemical equation for the reaction involved in the formation of a polyamide. 3 Q. 14. (a) Write the chemical equation representing the reaction for the preparation of methanal from methanol. (b) What happens when methanal is mixed with: (i) Ammoniacal silver nitrate solution and the mixture is warmed. (ii) Fehling's reagent and the mixture is warmed. (c) Complete the reaction equation: 3 H | H---H-C=O + HCN- à

Or Write the formulae for the given compounds and name the functional groups present in each of them: (i) Ethanoic acid (ii) Propanone (iii) Nitromethane Q. 15. A torch bulb is rated 2.5 V and 750 mA. Calculate (i) its power, (ii) its resistance and (in) the energy consumed if this bulb is lighted for four hours. 3 Q. 16. Name three forms in which energy from oceans is made available for use. What are OTEC power plants? How do they operate? 3 Q. 17. Describe briefly the Big Bang Theory of the origin of universe. 3 Q. 18. (a) Write chemical equations for the reactions involved in obtaining pure alumina from the mineral bauxite which has impurities of iron oxide and silica. (b) Draw a labelled diagram of the electrolytic tank cell used for the extraction of aluminium from alumina. 5 Or (a)What is corrosion of metals? Name one metal which does not corrode and one which corrodes on being kept in atmosphere,

(b)How will you show that the rusting of iron needs oxygen and moisture at the same time. Q. 19. (a) Explain the following terms used in relation to defects in vision and corrections provided for them: (i) Myopia (ii) Astigmatism (iii) Bifocal lenses (iv) Far sightedness. (b) Describe with a ray diagram how a person with myopia can be helped by spectacles. 5 Or (a)What is a 'simple microscope? Draw diagrams to show the image formed by a simple microscope with the eye focussed: (i) on near point (ii) at infinity. (b)What is the maximum magnification obtainable by a simple microscope? Q. 20. (a) What are 'magnetic field lines'? How is the direction of a magnetic field at a point determined? (b)Draw two field lines around a bar magnet along its length on its two sides and mark the field directions on them by arrow marks. (c)List any three properties of magnetic field lines. 5 SECTION B Q. 21. Write the expanded form of the abbreviation AIDS. 1 Q. 22. Why is one arm in sub-metacentric chromosome longer than the other? 1 Q. 23. What is 'Green House Effect'? 1 Q. 24. What is 'eutrophication'? Write its two harmful effects. 2 Q. 25. List any four practices which help in protecting our environment. 2 Or Describe any four modes of disposal of waste. Q. 26. What is 'translocation'? Why is it essential for plants? Where in plants are the following synthesized:3 (i) Sugars (it) Hormones Or What is 'clotting of blood'? Write a flow chart showing major events taking place in clotting of blood. Q. 27. Draw a diagram of human brain and label on it the following of its parts: (i) Cerebrum (it) Meninges (iii) Medulla Oblongata (iv) Cerebellum 3 Q. 28. Differentiate between 'self pollination' and 'cross pollination'. Describe 'double fertilisation' in plants. 3

Q. 29. What is 'organic evolution'? How do embryological studies provide evidence for evolution? 3 Q. 30. Explain the process of 'photosynthesis' in plants. List four factors which influence this process and describe how each of them affects the rate of the photosynthesis process. 5

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—2005 (Set I—Outside Delhi) SECTION A Q. 1. Biological reactions in our body depend on the presence of biocatalysts. What name is given to these catalysts? How is their activity influenced by changes in temperature? 1 Q. 2. Name two metals both of which are very ductile as well as very malleable. 1 Q. 3. Write the chemical equation to represent the reaction taking place when copper oxide is heated in a stream of hydrogen. 1 Q. 4. What are the values of (z) the angle of incidence, and (if) the angle of reflection for normal incidence on a plane mirror surface? 1 Q. 5. A wire of resistance 10 ohm is bent in the form of a closed circle. What is the effective resistance between the two points at the ends of any diameter of the circle? 1 Q. 6. What happens when crystals of washing soda are left open in dry air? What is this change named as? Name two industries based on use of washing soda. 2 Q. 7. "Sulphuric acid is a dibasic acid." Write two reaction equations to justify this statement and name the reaction products in the two cases. 2 Q. 8. Explain the principle involved in the launching of artificial satellites. 2 Q. 9. Light enters from air into a glass plate which has a refractive index of 1.50. Calculate the speed of light in glass. The speed of light in air is 3.0 x 108 mar -1. 2 Q. 10. Distinguish between 'prompt', 'delayed' and 'spontaneous' fissions of nuclei. 2 Or Define a 'nuclear fusion reaction'. Describe the conditions for the occurrence of a nuclear fusion reaction. Q. 11. When does a reversible chemical reaction reach a state of equilibrium? Write the expression for the equilibrium constant (K) for the equilibrium reaction. H2(g) + I2(g) ----> 2 HI(g) <---How will the numerical value of equilibrium constant (K) change if the equation of the equilibrium reaction is written as:

H2(g) + I2(g) ----> 2 HI(g) 3 <---Q. 12. Describe the 'steam reforming process' of manufacture of hydrogen from natural gas with the help of necessary chemical equations. 3 Q. 13. Give the name and formula of the monomer of natural rubber. Why is natural rubber vulcanised? Write two uses of vulcanized rubber. 3 Q. 14. (a) Write the chemical equation representing the preparation reaction of ethanol from ethene. (b) Name the product obtained when ethanol is oxidised by either chromic anhydride or alkaline potassium permanganate, (c) Give an example of an esterification reaction. 3 Or Differentiate between a soap and a detergent on the basis of their chemical constitutions. For cleansing action when is a detergent preferred to a soap? Q. 15. If a 12 V battery is connected to the arrangement of resistances given below, calculate (i) the total effective resistance of the arrangement and (ii) the total current flowing in the circuit. 3 Q. 16. What is meant by the 'calorific value' of a fuel? How is it determined? Arrange the following fuels in a decreasing order of their calorific values: Kerosene, Coal, LPG 3 Q. 17. Write three major activities of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). 3 Q. 18. Name an important oxide ore of iron. Describe the extraction of iron from this ore under the following heads: 5 (ii) Reduction of the concentrated ore (iii) Diagram of the furnace used (iv) Chemical equations for the reactions involved. Or (a) What is an 'activity series' of metals? Arrange the metals Zn, Mg, Al, Cu and Fe in a decreasing order of reactivity. (b) What would you observe when you put (i) Some zinc pieces into blue copper sulphate solution? (ii) Some copper pieces into green ferrous sulphate solution? (c) Name a metal which combines with hydrogen gas. Name the compound formed. Q. 19. What is long-sightedness? List two causes for development of long-sightedness. Describe with a ray diagram, how this defect may be corrected by using spectacles. 5

Or What is an astronomical telescope? Draw a labelled ray diagram showing the formation of image of a distant object by an astronomical telescope. State the magnification produced by a telescope in normal adjustment. How can the magnification power of a telescope be increased? Q. 20. State 'Fleming's right-hand rule'. With a labelled diagram, describe the working of an AC electric generator. 5 SECTION B Q. 21. Write the full form of IUCD. 1 Q. 22. What is the function of genes in an organism? 1 Q. 23. Why is it necessary to conserve our environment? 1 Q. 24. Define the term 'pollution'. Describe UASB method of checking water pollution. 2 Q. 25. How are the following caused and what is the effect of each of them on our environment? 2 (i) Depletion of ozone layer (ii) Acid rain Or What is meant by soil erosion? Describe two practices by which soil erosion can be prevented. Q. 26. Name the constituents of blood. Why are white blood corpuscles called 'soldiers of the body'? 3 Or Draw a diagram of human heart and label the following on it: (i) Aorta (ii) Pulmonary trunk (iii) Superior vena cava (iv) Coronary arteries. Q. 27. Draw a diagram of the nervous system in an insect. Label the following parts on it: 3 (i) Brain (ii) Ganglion (iii) Nerve cord. Q. 28. Explain the terms, 'fission' and 'regeneration' as used in relation to reproduction. 3 Q. 29. Explain the mechanism of sex determination in the zygote. 3 Q. 30. Define the terms 'nutrition' and 'nutrients'. List two differences between 'Holozoic nutrition' and 'Saprophytic nutrition'. Give two examples of each of these two types of nutrition.

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY— 2006 (Set I — Delhi) SECTION - A Q. 1. What is the purpose of quenching steel?(1) Q. 2. What constitutes the field of a magnet? (1) Q. 3. What is the advantage of the third wire of earth connection in domestic electric appliances? (1) Q. 4. Name the process of large energy production in the Sun. (1) Q. 5. What is efflorescence? Give an example. (2) Q. 6. Draw a ray diagram to show the i.


position and nature of the image formed when an object is placed between focus F and pole P of a concave mirror. (2)

Q. 7. Give one example of each and state the role of i.


a moderator and a coolant in a nuclear reactor. (2) Or

Complete the following nuclear reaction equations:

i. ii.

AI +

He -------->

AI + H --------->

Si + ……….. Si + …….......

Q. 8. i.


If you observe the position of a star at a fixed time everyday, how many degrees higher will it appear after a month of 30 days? Describe an activity to show that a star moves a certain angle in the sky relative to its position the previous day. (2)

Q. 9. i.


An aqueous solution has a pH value of 7.0. Is this solution acidic, basic or neutral? If H+ concentration of a solution is 1 x 10-2 mol L-1 what is the pH value for it?


Which has a higher pH value, 1 M HC1 or 1 M NaOH solution? (3)

Q. 10. Describe with a labelled diagram, the Froth Floatation Process used to separate the gangue from a Sulphide ore. (3) Or Name a major ore from which iron is extracted. Write chemical equations for the reactions that take place in the blast furnace for the extraction of iron from this ore. Q. 11. Give reasons for the following: (3) i.

Metals are regarded as electro-positive elements.


When a piece of Copper metal is added to a solution of Zinc sulphate, no change takes place, but the blue colour of Copper sulphate fades away when a piece of zinc is placed in its solution. Articles made of Aluminium do not corrode even though aluminium is an active metal. (3)

iii. Q. 12. i. ii.


What is the ‘fermentation process’? Name the gas evolved during the fermentation process. List the two products formed when the enzyme invertase acts on sugar present in molasses. (3) Or

Complete the following equations and write the names of products formed

i. ii. iii.

CH3COONa + NaOH -----> Heat CH3COCH3 + HCN --------------> CH3OH + O2 --------->Heat ag catalyst

Q. 13. A 5.0 cm tall object is placed per pendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 20 cm. The distance of the object from the lens is 30 cm. By calculation determine (i) the position, and (ii) the size of the image formed. (3) Q. 14. i.


Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit consisting of a battery of five 2 V cells, a 5 ohm resistor, a 10 ohm resistor and a 15 ohm resistor, and a plug key, all connected in series. Calculate the electric current passing through the above circuit when the key is closed. (3)

Q. 15. i.

Why is Sulphuric acid called the ‘king of chemicals’?


Name the gas evolved when: a. Concentrated Sulphuric acid acts on Sulphur. b. Dilute Sulphuric acid acts on Sodium carbonate. State the colour change you would observe on adding concentrated Sulphuric acid to:




Blue Copper sulphate crystals Colourless cane-sugar crystals. (5)

Q. 16. i.

Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy giving one example of


each. Why is the use of wood as a fuel not advised although forests can be replenished? Or


Write the value of solar constant of Sun.

ii. iii.

What type of mirror is used in Box Type Solar Cooker? Why it is difficult to use hydorgen as a source of energy?

iv. v.

What is the maximum temperature attained in a concave reflector type solar cooker? Fossil fuels are classified as non renewable source of energy. Explain why. SECTION - B

Q. 17. What is breathing? (1) Q. 18. Name the type of blood vessels which carry blood from organs to the heart. (1) Q. 19. What is meant by a biodegradable waste? Which of the following is/are biodegradable? (2) Agricultural residue, Plastics, Insecticides, Ssewage. Q. 20. Suggest any two ways to strike a balance between environment and development. (2) Q. 21. Draw the diagram of a palisade cell of a plant leaf and label the following in it (3) i.


ii. iii.

Vacuole Cytoplasm



Q. 22. Describe the central nervous system in human beings under the following heads: i.


Regions included Three functions of any one region. (3)

Q. 23. When is blood clotting useful? In a flow chart illustrate the four major events involved in blood clotting. (3) Q. 24.


What is ‘genetics’? (5)

ii. iii.

Give the common name of the plant on which Mendel performed his experiments. What for did Mendel use the term factors and what are these factors called now?


What are genes? Where are the genes located? Or

i. ii.

Who provided the evidence of DNA as a genetic material? Why is DNA called as polynucleotide?


List the three important features of double helical model of DNA.

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY— 2006 (Set I — Outside Delhi) SECTION A Q. 1. Name the product other than water formed on burning or etnanol in air. (1) Q. 2. How can you show that the magnetic field produced by a given electric current in the wire decreases as the distance from the increases? (1) Q. 3. A ray of light is incident on a convex mirror as shown below: (2)

Redraw the above diagram after completing the path of the light ray after reflection from the mirror. Q. 4. Why does magnesium powder react much more rapidly than magnesium ribbon with dilute sulphuric acid? (1) Q. 5. An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm in front of a concave mirror. It forms a real image four times larger than the object. Calculate the distance of the image from the mirror. (2)

Q. 6.


Draw a diagram to show how two resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series.


In a circuit if the two resistors of 5 ohm and 10 ohm are connected in series, how does the current passing through the two resistors compare? Or

A bulb is rated at 5.0 volt, 100m A. Calculate its i. ii.

power and resistance.

Q. 7. Name the type of nuclear reaction by which the Sun produces its energy. List two conditions which are present at the centre of the Sun responsible for this reaction. (2) Q. 8. Given below are the pH values of four different liquids: 7.0, 14.0, 4.0, 2.0 Which of these could be that of i. ii.

lemon juice, distilled water,


1 M sodium hydroxide solution, tomato juice? (2)


Q. 9. Distinguish between natural and artificial satellites. To launch an artificial satellite in an orbit around the Earth what is the minimum: i.

Horizontal velocity required for the push? Height to lift the satellite from the ground? (3)

ii. Q. 10. i.

Name the raw materials used in the manufacture of sodium carbonate by Solvay process. How is the sodium hydrogen carbonate formed during Solvay process separated from a mixture


of NH4CL and NaHCO3? How is sodium carbonate obtained from sodium hydrogen carbonate? (3)

iii. Q. 11.

a. What is the action on litmus of: i. Dry ammonia gas ii. Solution of ammonia gas in water. b. State the observations you would make on adding ammonium hydroxide to aqueous solutions of:

i. ii.

Ferrous sulphate Aluminium chloride. Or

Explain the following terms by giving one example of each: (3) i. ii.

Mineral Ore



Q. 12. i. ii.

How is methanal obtained from methanol? Write the chemical equation of the reaction involved in the preparation of methanal from methanol. Mention one t1se of an aqueous solution of methanal in the biology laboratory. (3)


Or Complete the following reaction equations:

i. ii. iii.


Q. 13.


Name the four gases commonly present in biogas.(3)


List two advantages of using biogas over fossil fuels.

Q. 14. What is a nuclear reactor? State one function each of i.

coolant and moderator in a nuclear reactor. (3)

ii. Q. 15.

a. What is an electromagnet? What does it consist of? b. Name one material in each case which is used to make a i. ii. c.

Permanent magnet Temporary magnet

Describe an activity to show how you can make an electromagnet in your school laboratory.

Q. 16. What is an alloy? How is an alloy made? List two purposes of making alloys. Mention the constituents and two properties of each of the following alloys: (5) i. ii.

Stainless steel Brass SECTION B

Q. 17. Name the type of fission carried out by Amoeba. (1) Q. 18. Write the expanded form of AIDS. (1) Q. 19. Differentiate between tropic and nastic movements in plants. Give one example of each. (2) Q. 20. “Rapid increase of population disturbs the biotic environment” Justify this statement taking any two aspects. (2) Q. 21. Write the functions of the following in the digestive process: (3) i.


ii. iii.

Bicarbonate secreted by the duodenal Pancreatic amylase.

Q. 22. Give reasons for the following: (3) i.

The glottis is guarded by epiglottis.

ii. iii.

The lung alveoli are covered with blood capillaries. The wall of trachea is supported by cartilage rings.

Q. 23. Who proposed the “Theory of Natural Selection”? Explain this theory briefly. (3) Q. 24. a. Draw a diagram of the human urinary system and label in it: i. Kidney ii. iii.

Ureter Urinary bladder



b. Name the two major components of normal human urine. (5) Or a. Name the blood groups under ABO system. b. Differentiate between universal donor and universal recipient under this system. (5 )

c. Science - 2007 (Set I — Delhi ) Q. 1. Classify the following reactions into slow and fast reaction : i. ii.

Reaction between an acid and a base, Rusting of iron. (1marks)

Q. 2. Give the names of the functional groups (i) — CHO | (ii) — C=O 1 Q. 3. What is a Galaxy ?(1marks) Q. 4. What is the S.I. unit of electric potential ? (1marks) Q. 5. (a) Give Arrhenius definition of an acid and a base.(1 marks) (b) Choose strong acid and strong base from the following : CH3COOH, NH4OH, KOH, HCl. 2 Q. 6. What is Tollen’s reagent ? What would you observe on heating Tollen’s reagent with formalin in a test tube ? (2 marks) Q. 7. Distinguish between polar and equatorial orbits for artificial satellites. Illustrate the two orbits on a diagram.( 2 marks) Q. 8. An electric iron has a rating of 750 W, 220 V. Calculate i. ii.

current passing through it, and its resistance, when in use. (2 marks)

Q. 9. Name the raw materials that are required for the manufacture of washing soda by Solvay Process. Describe the chemical reactions involved in the process. (3 marks) Q. 10. What is ‘liquor ammonia’ ? Describe with a diagram, ‘Fountain Experiment’ to demonstrate the following properties of ammonia : i. ii.

high solubility in water. its alkaline nature.( 3 marks)

Q. 11. Give reasons for the following :

i. ii.

A peculiar smell is observed near the preserved specimens in biology laboratory. Methanal undergoes addition reaction with hydrogen cyanide,


Propanone can be used as a nail polish remover. (3 marks)

Q. 12. A concave lens has focal length of 20 cm. At what distance from the lens a 5 cm tall object be placed so that it forms an image at 15 cm from the lens ? Also calculate the size of the image formed. (3 marks) Q. 13. (a) Why is the Solar Cooker box covered with a plane glass plate ? (b) Why is energy of water flowing in a river considered to be an indirect form of Solar energy ? (c) How is the fission of nucleus brought about ? (3marks) Q. 14. (a) What is meant by ‘Electric Resistance’ of a conductor ? (b) A wire of length L and resistance R is stretched so that its length is doubled and the area of crosssection is halved. How will its : i. ii.

resistance change ? resistivity change ? (3marks)

Q. 15. (a) Name one main ore of Aluminium. Write its formula. Which two main impurities are associated with this ore ? (b) Describe with chemical equations, the method employed for the enrichment of the above named ore. Or (a) Why is sulphuric acid called ‘King of Chemicals’ ? (b) Describe the three chemical reactions that take place during the conversion of sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid in the ‘Contact Process’. (c) Why should water be never added dropwise to concentrated sulphuric acid ?( 5 marks) Q. 16. Define the term, ‘Critical Angle’. What is meant by ‘total internal reflection’ ? State two essential conditions for total internal reflection to take place. With the help of a ray diagram, illustrate an application of total internal reflection. Or (a) What is meant by a ‘magnetic field’ ?

(b) How is the direction of magnetic field at a point determined ? (c) Describe an activity to demonstrate the direction of the magnetic field generated around a current carrying conductor. (d) What is the direction of magnetic field at the centre of a current carrying circular loop ? (5 marks) SECTION - B Q. 17. Name the term for transport of food from leaves to other parts of the plant. (1 marks) Q. 18. What is a neuron ?( 1 marks) Q. 19. Describe the mechanism of blood clotting. (2 marks) Or State the two vital functions of the human kidney. Name the procedure used in the working of artificial kidney.( marks)2 Q. 20. Name the two hormones secreted by pancreas. Write one function of each hormone named.( 2 marks) Q. 21. (a) What is fertilization ? Distinguish between external fertilization and internal fertilization. (b) What is the site of fertilization in human beings ? (3 marks) Q. 22. Define the terms : i. ii.

Analogous organs Vestigial organ


Sex chromosome (3 marks)

Q. 23. (a) What is ‘environmental pollution’ ? (b) Distinguish between biodegradable and non-biodegradable pollutants. (c) Choose the biodegradable pollutants from the list given below : Sewage, DDT, radioactive waste, agricultural waste. Or Suggest three ways to maintain a balance between environment and development to survive. (3 marks)

Q. 24. (a) Draw a diagram of a ‘palisade cell’. (b) Label vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall and cytoplasm on the diagram drawn. (c) Name the two stages in photosynthesis.( 5 marks)

Science - 2007 (Set I — Outside Delhi ) Q. 1. What is the role of a catalyst in a chemical reaction ?(1 marks) Q. 2. Which class of compounds gives a positive Fehling’s test ?( 1 marks) Q. 3. Approximately how many stars are there in the Milky Way ? (1 marks) Q. 4. What is meant by the statement, “Potential difference between points A and B in an electric field is 1 volt.” ?( 1 marks) Q. 5. State the ‘Law of Chemical Equilibrium’. Write an expression for the equilibrium constant (K) for the reaction, (2 marks) N2 (g) + 3H2(g) 2 NH3 (g) + 92 kJ Q. 6. Name the organic acid present in vinegar. Write a chemical equation which represents the commercial method for the preparation of this acid from methanol.( 2 marks) Q. 7. Distinguish between ‘artificial’ and ‘natural’ satellites. Why are artificial satellites called “eyes in the sky” ? (2 marks) Q. 8. An electric lamp is marked 100 W, 220 V. It is used for 5 hours daily. Calculate (i) its resistance while glowing. (ii) energy consumed in kWh per day. (2 marks) Q. 9. (a) Write the chemical name and formula of bleaching powder. (b) Why does bleaching powder smell of chlorine when exposed to air ? (c) Write chemical equation to represent the action of dilute hydrochloric acid on bleaching powder.( 3 marks)

Q. 10. What is meant by ‘dehydrating agent’ ? Describe with a chemical equation, an activity to show that concentrated sulphuric acid is a strong dehydrating agent. (3 marks) Q. 11. Give reasons for the following :( 3 marks) (i) Oxidation of ethanol with CrO3 produces ethanal while ethanol when oxidised with alkaline KMnO4 produces ethanoic acid. (ii) Propanone forms addition product with HCN. (iii) Alcohol supplied for industrial purposes is mixed with copper sulphate. Q. 12. An object 50 cm tall is placed on the principal axis of a convex lens. Its 20 cm tall image is formed on the screen placed at a distance of 10 cm from the lens. Calculate the focal length of the lens. (3 marks) Q. 13. (a) State one limitation of solar energy available from solar cells. (b) What is the minimum wind velocity required to obtain useful energy with a windmill ? (c) Define the term ‘nuclear fission’.( 3 marks) Q. 14. (a) State Ohm’s Law. (b) Draw a schematic diagram of the circuit for studying Ohm’s Law. (3 marks) Q. 15. (a) Name the chief ore of iron. Write its formula. (b) How is an iron ore concentrated ? Describe it briefly. (c) Draw a labelled diagram of the blast furnace used in the extraction of iron from its concentrated ore. (5 marks) Or (a) Draw a labelled diagram of ‘Frasch process’ used for extracting sulphur. (b) State the principle involved in the extraction of sulphur directly out of the ground. Q. 16. A 14-year old student is not able to see clearly the questions written on the blackboard placed at a distance of 5 m from him. (a) Name the defect of vision he is suffering from.

(b) With the help of labelled ray diagrams show how this defect can be corrected. (c) Name the type of lens used to correct this defect. (5 marks) Or (a) What is an electromagnet ? (b) List any of its two uses. (c) Draw a labelled diagram to show how an electromagnet is made. (d) What is the purpose of the soft iron core used in making an electromagnet ? SECTION - B Q. 17. Name the excretory unit of a kidney. (1 marks) Q. 18. What are phytohormones ? (1 marks) Q. 19. Point out two differences between an artery and a vein. (2 marks) Or What is ‘osmoregulation’ ? How does it take place in humans ? Q. 20. Explain ‘reflex action’ with a suitable example.( 2 marks) Q. 21. Explain double fertilization in plants. (3 marks) Q. 22. (a) What is a gene ? (b) Where are genes located ? (c) What is the nature of gene ? (3 marks) Or Define ‘evolution’. Describe Darwin’s theory of evolution. Q. 23. What is ‘soil erosion’ ? Mention its any two effects. Suggest two ways by which soil erosion can be checked.( 3 marks) Q. 24. (a) Draw a diagram of human ‘alimentary canal’. (b) Label the following on the diagram drawn : Oesophagus, Liver, Gall bladder, Duodenum (c) What is the function of liver in the human body ? (5 marks)

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