Cau Hoi On Tap Quarter Software)

  • May 2020
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Question 1: You are working as a leader of the project team at ABC Corp. You are developing a Web-based application that requires various .NET applications to be integrated by sharing common data, which rarely changes. The application has to run on the Web server and provide online instant service to the users by solving their queries regarding the products manufactured by the company. Fast access to the application is required because the application provides online help to the users. Which technique would you use to develop the application? 1,Use application objects to store the data, which is to be shared and is changed rarely. 2,Use cookies to store the data, which is to be shared and is changed rarely. 3,Use page fragment cache to store the data, which is to be shared and is changed rarely. 4,Use page output cache to store the data, which is to be shared and is changed rarely. Ans: 1 Question2: You are working as the senior software developer at ABC Corp. The company is developing a project on the .NET framework for the client. The project is in the development stage. The development team is developing the various .NET components required for the implementation of the project. The development team is unable to understand how exactly the various tables relate with each other. They also need to understand the level of indexing required improving the performance of data operations of the entire application. You are given the responsibility of explaining the tables, their relationships, and the level of indexes required. Which key deliverable of the physical design document will you refer while providing the required information to the development team? 1,Activity diagrams or sequence diagrams 2,Class diagrams 3,Database schema 4,Component specification Ans: 3 Question 3:

You are leading a software development team of 15 people in ABC Corp. The team is keeping their updated files in a share located in your machine. You have given share permission only to this group of people. But one day you found that some of team members are complaining that their files are modified. You check the log file and found that no unauthorized user has accessed the share. You doubted that someone from your team might have changed the files. What type of user has ede it? 1,Masquerader 2,Both Clandestine and Misfeasor 3,Misfeasor 4,Both Clandestine and Masquerader Ans: 3 Question 4: You are working as a leader of the project team at ABC Corp. You are developing a Web-based application that requires various .NET applications to be integrated by sharing sensitive items, which rarely change. The application has to run on the Web server. Various users are expected to run the application simultaneously; therefore more than one sessions of the application are expected to run at a time. All the sessions of the application on the Web server require sharing the session specific data. Which technique would you use to develop the application? 1,Use cache objects to store the data, which is to be shared and is changed rarely within a session. 2,Use cookies to store the data, which is to be shared and is changed rarely within a session. 3,Use page fragment cache to store the data, which is to be shared and is changed rarely within a session. 4,Use page output cache to store the data, which is to be shared and is changed rarely within a session. Ans: 1 Question 5: You are working as the senior software developer at ABC Corp. The company is developing a project on the .NET framework for the client. The project is in the development stage. The development team is developing the various objects and classes required in the software. The development team is unable to understand the exact hierarchy of the classes and the parent-child relationship between various

classes. You are given the responsibility of explaining the exact structure of the various classes and the type of relationship between them. Which key deliverable of the physical design document will you refer while providing the required information to the development team? 1,Activity diagrams or sequence diagrams 2,Class diagrams 3,Database schema 4,Programming model Ans: 2 Questino 6: You are assigned to identify the several security treats for an application developed in your company. You wanted to implement the STRIDE model. You have identified the following threats: - A malicious user can perform unauthorized changes in the data stored in the database. - A user can intrude a system without being traced if a system lacks the ability to trace the prohibited operations. - An attacker is able to read the data that is transmitted from one computer to another. - A malicious attacker can make the services of an application running on the server unavailable to clients. What type of treats category you have identified in STRIDE model? 1,Spoofing identity, Repudiation, Information disclosure, and Denial of Service 2,Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, and Elevation of privilege 3,Tampering, Spoofing identity, Information disclosure, and Denial of Service 4,Tampering, Repudiation, Elevation of privilege, and Denial of Service Ans: 1 Quesiton 7: You are working as a leader of the project team at ABC Corp. You are developing a Web-based application that will provide online help to all the clients of the company about the current products and the forthcoming products in the market. The

managing director wants you to give a competitive advantage to the application over the similar applications developed by their competitors. Which technique would you use to develop the application? 1,Use cache objects to allow the application to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. 2,Use cookies to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. 3,Use page fragment cache to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. 4,Use page output cache to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. Ans: 2 Question 8: You are working as the leader of the project team at ABC Corp. The company is developing a project on the .NET framework for the client. The project is in the design stage. The designing of the software includes identifying the required functions and their calling sequence. You are given the responsibility to explain the functions required in the software and exactly how the functions interact with each other. Which key deliverable of the physical design document will you refer while providing the required information to the project team? 1,Activity diagrams or sequence diagrams 2,Packaging and distribution strategy 3,Component specifications 4,Programming model Ans: 1 Question 9: You are assigned to identify the several security treats for an application developed in your company. You wanted to implement the STRIDE model. You have identified the following threats: - A malicious user can perform unauthorized changes in the data stored in the database. - A user can intrude a system without being traced if a system lacks the ability to trace the prohibited operations.

- A malicious attacker can make the services of an application running on the server unavailable to clients. What types of mitigation techniques you have identified to stop the following treats? 1,Secure communication, Authorization, and Filtering 2,Secure communication, Auditing, and Filtering 3,Least privilege, Authorization, and Filtering 4,Secure communication, Authorization, and Throttling Ans: 1 Quesiton 10: You are working as a leader of the project team at ABC Corp. You are developing a Web-based application that will provide online help about the current and forthcoming products in the market to the clients of the company. Various pages of the online Web-based application are slightly different from each other. Therefore, when a user navigates from one page to the other only some of the information on the screen is changed. The unchanged information is the help topic names that are retrieved from the product database. Which technique would you use to develop the application? 1,Use cache objects to allow the application to store the personal settings of a user at the client-side. 2,Use cookies to store the personal settings of a user at the client-side. 3,Use page fragment cache to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. 4,Use page output cache to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. Ans: 3 Quesiton 11: Mary a senior team member in a project team is asked to manage a software development project in which the application software for an Insurance company is being developed. She asks the team members to gather the required information to develop a conceptual design for the exact problem of application software. The conceptual design helps the development team to efficiently code the software. The software programmers inform Jane about the ambiguity in the attributes of the conceptual design, during the coding phase. The software development process cannot proceed further because of ambiguities in the development process. Jane

observes the conceptual design and notices duplicity of data, which leads to a difficulty in understanding the design. What is the most effective way to resolve the problem and ensure that it does not occur in the near future? 1,Ask the team members to create a model of the application software using EntityRelationship (ER) model and use this model for future reference. 2,Ask the team members to create a model of the application software using ObjectOriented (OO) model and use this model for future reference. 3,Ask the team members to create a model of the application software using Object Role Modeling (ORM) and use this model for future reference. 4,Ask the team members to create a model the application software using the Hierarchical model and use this model for further reference. Ans 3 Question 12: Peter is a team member of a software development team, which is developing a B2C site for XYZInc using ASP .Net. The XYZInc. wants to implement the following features: - The number of users using the system at any point of time. - The static data retrieved for a user should be stored in the memory. What are the methods of session state will Jimmy use? 1,Session Object and Cache Object 2,Application Object and Session Object 3,ViewState Object and Application Object 4,Application Object and Cache Object Ans 4 Question 13: You are working as a leader of the project team at ABC Corp. You are developing a Web based application will provide online help to all the clients of the company about the current products and the fore coming products in the market. The online application consists of certain Web pages that are expected to be visited more frequently by most of the users than other pages. Which technique would you use for the commonly visited Web pages?

1,Use cache objects to allow the application to store the personal settings of a user at the client-side. 2,Use cookies to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. 3,Use page fragment cache to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. 4,Use page output cache to store the personal settings of a user at the client side. Ans: 4 Quesiton 14: XYZ Com has undertaken a project to develop application software for the meteorological department. The meteorological department requires this application software to predict the seismic activities taking place in different parts of the country. 1,000 sensors are deployed in various parts of the country to gather information about the various seismic activities. The sensors send the data to the head office where it is stored in a database. The data collected in the database needs to be used to create a three dimensional view of seismic activities taking place in the country. The required application software is used to gather, store and manipulate the required information. The design phase of the software is complete and the coding of the software needs to be initiated. Developers of the development team complain about the complexity of the problem and inform their team leader that the developed design does not match with the exact problem. What is the most effective way to resolve the above problem? 1,Identify the stages of conceptual design. 2,Create an appropriate conceptual design for the software. 3,Identify the elements of conceptual design. 4,Identify the goals of conceptual design. Ans: 2 Question 15: You are developing a secure application in the .NET framework. You are creating an application that will describe the role of an end user in the login module of the application. The other modules of the application can use the login module to authenticate end users. Which class file will you use? 1,WindowsPrincipal class

2,GenericPrincipal class 3,Either GenericPrincipal or CustomPrincipal class 4,Either WindowsPrincipal or CustomPrincipal class Ans: 2 Quesiton 16: Mary is a Web designer in XYZ Com . She is assigned to create a Web site that contains 50 pages. The basic layout of the Web page, such as the header and footer, is same for all the Web pages. How will Catherine create 50 Web pages in Dreamweaver MX 2004? 1,Using frames 2,Using a template 3,Using Web forms 4,Using layers Ans: 2 Question 17: David needs to create an online music mart Web site using Dreamweaver MX 2004. The site should provide a preview of each song listed in the Web site. While creating the site, David realizes that linking sound to most of the pages in the Web site, is resulting in more download time for each Web page. Which of the following methods can David implement to overcome the file download time problem? 1,Use some other browser to view the Web pages 2,Enable the streaming process for the sound file 3,Link the sound file to some text or graphic 4,Add a new plug-in which is compatible with the browser Ans: 2 Question 18: David is a Web designer in XYZ Com . He is creating a Web site using Dreamweaver MX 2004. All the pages of the Web site will contain the logo of the company. However, the logo of the company is not fixed and can be modified later. What method will you suggest to Mark in such a scenario?

1,Use layers 2,Create a separate frame for placing the logo 3,Create logo for every Web page manually 4,Create a library element for the logo Ans: 4 Question 19: TravelAway Airlines, Inc. is an airways company. David is a Web designer in the company and has been assigned the job of creating a Web site containing general information about the company. The management of the company wants that all the links of the Web site should be visible on the Web site always. To create such a page, what method should David use? 1,Use tables to display the links 2,Use image map to display the links 3,Use two frames, one containing the links and other displaying the content of the various pages of the Web site 4,Use layers in the Web page containing links Ans: 3 Question 20: David is creating an XML Web service named StockLevelService. The service contains a Web method named StockLevelInfo. StockLevelInfo takes a stock symbol as input and returns information about that stock. David wants to capture all incoming SOAP messages in RetrieveStockInfo () method and write the messages to a file for future processing. What should David do? 1,Enable sessions in RetrieveStockInfo() method 2,Create a SOAP extension for RetrieveStockInfo() method 3,Apply a SoapHeader attribute to RetrieveStockInfo method 4,Apply a SoapRpcMethod attribute to RetrieveStockInfo method Ans: 2

Question 21: David is creating an XML Web service named CustomerInfo that provides customer information. David writes code to keep track of error messages, warning messages, and informational messages while the service is running. David uses the Trace class to write the messages to a log file. On testing the Web service, David wants to see error messages and warning messages. On the deployment of the Web service, David wants to see error messages, but not warning messages. Which code segment should David use? 1,private static TraceSwitch mySwitch; static BankCustomer { mySwitch = new TraceSwitch(“tswitch”, “a trace switch”); } Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch.TraceError, “An error occurred.”); Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch.TraceWarning, “Warning message”); 2,public static TraceLevel level; static BankCustomer { level = TraceLevel.Error; } Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch != null, “An error occurred.”); Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch != null, “Warning Message”); 3,Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch != null, “An error occurred.”); Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch != null, “Warning Message”); Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch.TraceError, “An error occurred.”); Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch.TraceWarning, “Warning message”); 4,Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch != null, “An error occurred.”); Trace.WriteLineIf(mySwitch != null, “Warning Message”); Trace.WriteIf(level != TraceLevel.Off, “An error occurred.”); Trace.WriteIf(level != TraceLevel.Off, “Warning message”); Ans 1 Question 22: David is developing a consumer that consumes an XML Web service named CheckCreditService. CheckCreditService contains a Web method named RechargeCard. RechargeCard takes a credit card number, a billing address, and a monetary amount as input and returns a Boolean variable that indicates whether or not the card was charged. The calls to the ReChargeCard method take one minute to get completed. David does not want the users to wait while ReChargeCard method executes. David wants users to be taken automatically to the next Web page of the application. Which code segment should David use to call CheckCreditService?

1,CheckCreditService.RechargeCard(ccNumb, billAddress, Amount); Server.Transfer(“process.aspx”); 2,CheckCreditService.RechargeCard(ccNumb, billAddress, amount); Response.Redirect(“process.aspx”); 3,CheckCreditService.BeginRechargeCard(ccNumb, billAddress, amount, new AsyncCallback(CCResponse), null); Server.Transfer(“process.aspx”); private void CCResponse(IAsyncResult aRes) { CheckCreditService.EndRechargeCard(aRes); } 4,IAsyncResult AsyncResult = CheckCreditService.BeginRechargeCard(ccNumb, billAddress, amount, null, null); AsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); CheckCreditService.EndRechargeCard(AsyncResult); Server.Transfer(“process.aspx”); Ans: 3 Quesiton 23: David- a .NET developer is creating an XML Web service named PropertyService. The PropertyService exposes two Web methods name SearchMyHouse() and BuyMyHouse(). Before deploying the XML Web service, David wants to customize the default template that is displayed when a customer makes a request through the Web browser. For which, David creates a Web Form named PropertyServicedescription.aspx, which is a customized version of the default template. He places the Web form in the \bin folder of the PropertyService project. What should David do? 1,Set the Namespace property of the WebService attribute to the location of PropertyServicedescription.aspx. 2,In the Web.config file, set the HRef property of the wsdlHelpGenerator element to bin\PropertyServicedescription.aspx. 3,Create a SOAP extension to redirect the user to PropertyServicedescription.aspx. 4,In the Web.config file, enable tracing and the set TraceMode attribute to bin\PropertyServicedescription.aspx Ans: 2 Question 24: David creates an XML Web service that provides stock information to the customers of an on-line bookstore. David is implementing tracing because the service is not giving the desired result as well as David needs to redirect the trace output to the event log. Which of the following code should David use?

1,If (HttpContext.Trace.IsEnabled==True) { HttpContext.Trace.Write(“XML Web Service”, “Hello!”); } Add.Trace.Listeners(new EventLog <eventlog>); 2,if (Http.Current.Trace.IsEnabled==True) { Http.Current.Trace.Write(“XML Web Service”, “Hello!”); } Trace.Listeners (new EventtraceListener <eventlog>); 3,if (HttpContext.Current.Trace.IsEnabled==False) { HttpContext.Current.Trace.Write(“XML Web Service”, “Hello!”); } Trace.Listeners.Add (new EventLogtraceListener, eventlog); 4,if (HttpContext.Current.Trace.IsEnabled==True) { HttpContext.Current.Trace.Write(“XML Web Service”, “Hello!”); } Trace.Listeners.Add (new EventLogtraceListener <eventlog>); Ans: 4 Question 25: David has created serviced components and he want to use COM+ roles for securing these components. He is creating an assembly, which contains these roles. What code snippet should he add to the project source code for ensuring that the role-based security is implemented in assembly? 1,[assembly: SecurityRole(“Assembly”, true)]

2,[assembly: ApplicationAccessControl] 3,[assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)] 4,[assembly: ApplicationAccessControl(AccessChecksLevel = AccessChecksLevelOption.ApplicationComponent)] Ans: 1 Qeustion 26: David is creating a serviced component named BankData in the COM+ application named BankApp. He wants to secure this component by setting the SecurityRole attribute for the Manager and Users roles. The members of BankAppManagers group should be assigned to the Managers role. Which of the following options option can perform this task. 1,For the BankAppManagers group, add the SecurityRole attribute to the BankData class. 2,Include the BankAppManagers group by modifying the Manager SecurityRole attribute on the BankData class. 3,Component Services tool can be used for adding a new role named BankAppManagers. 4,Component Services tool can be used for adding the BankAppManagers group to the existing Manager role. Ans: 4 Question 27: David is creating a serviced component named UserInfo for adding the details of user accounts to transactional data sources. The UserInfo class contains the following code for adding the new user as follows:

[Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)] [SecurityRole(“Admin”)] public class UserInfo : ServicedComponent {public void AddUser(string name, string password)}.

Which of the following statement is correct for ensuring that AddUser method is either saving all the information correctly or it is not at all saving any information?

1,Add the following attribute to the AddUser() method: [AutoComplete()] 2,Add the following attribute to the UserInfo: [JustInTimeActivation(false)] 3,Specify the following code at the end of AddUser() method: ContextUtil.EnableCommit(); 4,Specify the following code to the AddUser() method: ContextUtil.MyTransactionVote = true; Ans: 1 Quesiton 28: David is creating an application in COM+. He wants to implement the transaction support for his application in such a way that COM+ always creates a new transaction on the creation of the new component. Which of the following code can help him in enabling transactions in his application. 1,Add the following code for setting the transaction: {Transaction(TransactionOption.Required) public class MyClass:ServicedComponent { public void Method() { //specify code here } } 2,Add the following code for setting the transaction: {Transaction(TransactionOption.Required New) public class MyClass:ServicedComponent { public void Method() {

//specify code here } } 3,Add the following code for setting the transaction: {Transaction(TransactionOption.Supported) public class MyClass:ServicedComponent { public void Method() { //specify code here } }ContextUtil.EnableCommit(); 4,Add the following code for setting the transaction: {Transaction(TransactionOption.Not Supported) public class MyClass:ServicedComponent { public void Method() { //specify code here } } Ans: 1 Question 29: David is developing a COM+ application for a Bank. He wants to include that method of the transactions by which he can ensure that the transfer of money from one account to other will give the consistent state of the system as sometimes while transferring the amount between two accounts, if the update has been

updated to only one account and the update to the other account could not be performed. What should he do? 1,The SetAbort() method of IObjectContext interface can be called to rollback the first update. 2,The DisableCommit() method of IObjectContext interface can be called to rollback the first update and then SetAbort() method of IObjectContext interface for subsequent updates. 3,The DisableCommit() method of IObjectContext interface can be called to rollback the first update. 4,The SetComplete() method of IObjectContext interface can be called to rollback the first update and then SetAbort() method of IObjectContext interface for subsequent updates. Ans: 1 Question 30: Consider the following code function Calc (a, b) { if (a
3,-10 4, 40 Ans; 4 Question 31: David wants to create an SWF movie displaying a moving car. In addition, he wants to embed the movie in a Web page titled as Moving Car. David is using a Web browser that does not have the Flash plug-in installed. What sequence of steps should smith follow to create and display a movie in a Web browser without Flash plug-ins? A: Create the movie displaying a moving car. B: Open the Web page using a browser. C: Create the Web page to embed the movie. 1,A, B, C 2,A, C, B 3,B, C, A 4,C, A, B Ans: 2 Question 32: You are the business requirement analyst at ABC Corp. The company develops enterprise resource management software products for the client companies. AB Corp is a client of Red Sky that has employee strength of 1000. You are asked by your company to exactly gather information about business processes taking place in AB Corp. This information is required for developing ERP software, which can fulfill the AB Corp's requirements. To gather the required information, you need to observe the responsibilities and type of job ede by each role in AB Corp. In addition, it is necessary to understand the basis and consequences of the work performed by different roles in AB Crop. Which is the best option to gather the precise required information? 1,You will conduct a meeting with target employees and ask a variety of questions using the interviewing technique. 2,You will ask an expert of the profession to prepare some questions, which can be helpful in analyzing the requirements using the surveying technique.

3,You will keep a track of employees in AB Corp and gather information using the shadowing technique. 4,You will conduct a session of cross-questioning with employees to understand their role and activities using the brainstorming technique. Ans: 3 Quesiton 34: You are the senior software developer at ABC Corp. Your team develops software for the customer of the company. The software is deployed at the customer’s site. The client informs you that the employees using the software are facing some problems in understanding the user interface of the software. They also need to know the details about the synchronization among the systems of the software. Which document will you recommend to the client to refer to get the desired details? 1,Functional specification 2,Interface 3,Requirement 4,Scope Ans: 1 Quesiton 35: David is a team leader at ABC Corp. He is leading a team of software developers that are working on a VB .NET project. The project is being developed to synchronize the business of Global Star Ltd, which deals in telecom products. In the initial phase of software development, David accomplishes the task of requirement analysis and submits the software requirement specifications to the planning team. The planning team coordinates with the analysis team to evaluate the technologies and products used to create and deploy the solution. Analyze the scenario and determine the current development stage of the project. 1,Developing a solution design. 2,Developing a master project plan. 3,Validating technology. 4,Using user support. Ans: 3

Questio 36: You are the senior leader of the project team at ABC Corp. You need to develop an application that processes daily sales reports submitted to the sales manager of the company by the salespersons. Salespersons submit their reports in the form of a table containing the customer and product details. The format in which the data is stored in the database is different from that in which the salespersons submit the report. The database contains table consisting of composite fields. As a leader of the project team, what should you do so that the data from the reports of salespersons is stored in the database tables? 1,Normalize the tables in the salespersons reports to the first normal form. 2,Normalize the tables in the salespersons reports to the second normal form. 3,Normalize the tables in the salespersons reports to the third normal form. 4,Normalize the tables in the salespersons reports to the fourth normal form. Ans: 1 Question 37: You are working as the senior software developer at ABC Corp. The company is developing a project on the .NET framework for the client. The project is in the development stage. The development team is not able to understand the level of security to be provided in the product. They are also not able to understand the exact authentication mechanism required to be implemented. You are given the responsibility to explain the exact authentication mechanism and the required level of security. Which key deliverable of the physical design document will you refer while providing the required information to the development team? 1,Activity diagrams, component diagrams, or sequence diagrams 2,Packaging and distribution strategy 3,Component specifications 4,Programming model Ans: 4 Question 38: You are the business process analyst at ABC Corp. The company is suffering with reduced production and sales since two months. You are asked by the company management to find the cause of the retardation in production. You need to gather information to find the cause of decreased production and this information will be helpful to device a solution for the loss in production. You decide to understand all

the activities taking place during production. In addition you also decide to identify the role of an activity in the production as a whole. You think that the employees can provide the required information about loss in production. Which method will be most suitable to obtain the information? 1,Obtain the information from employees using the Brainstorming technique. 2,Obtain information in the form of response to the questions prepared by the experts using the Surveying technique. 3,Obtain information by asking a variety of questions to each employee by conducting formal meetings with the employees using the Interviewing technique. 4,Gather information by tracking an employee at the workplace using the Shadowing technique. Ans: 1 Question 39: You are the senior software developer at ABC Corp. Your team has developed software for a customer. The software is deployed at the customer site. After deployment, the customer informs you that they are unable to connect to the database using the user interface of the software. The software is raising some errors and they want to troubleshoot the problem. They ask you to recommend the right document, which can be helpful to solve the problem. Which document will you recommend to the client to refer to get the details required to troubleshoot the problem? 1,Functional specification document 2,Interface document 3,Requirement document 4,Support document Ans: 4 Question 40: David a senior developer with ABC Corp has developed an application using VB .NET for the successful management of the information system in the organization. The requirement analysis phase is complete and according to the specifications of the application, David has to develop the Master Project Plan and delegate roles to the team members for the execution of the application. The Master Project Plan should encompass the roles, tools, methodologies, sequence of events, and test methods

to synchronize the effort of the development team. Which is the topic under which the above task is accomplished successfully? 1,Testing topic of the master project plan 2,Development topic of the master project plan 3,Training topic of the master project plan 4,Deployment topic of the master project plan Ans: 2 Quesiotn 41: You are working as the senior software developer at ABC Corp. The company is developing a project on the .NET framework for the client. The logical design of the project is already prepared. The leader of the project team assigns you the task of developing the physical design of the project. You need to prepare such a physical design of the project that can be directly implemented to develop the project in the development phase. What are the various key activities that you would perform to prepare the physical design of the project? 1,The various key activities that need to be performed, to prepare a physical model of the project are: - Identifying physical constraints, such as available memory capacity and selecting the development technologies. - Selecting strategies for deployment and maintenance, and creating a deployment model for the desired solution. - Performing packaging for components and services to be used in the desired solution. - Identifying component interfaces and business services, and validating the logical design. 2,The various key activities that need to be performed, to prepare a physical model of the project are; - Identifying physical constraints, such as available memory capacity and selecting the development technologies. - Performing packaging for components and services to be used in the desired solution. - Identifying component interfaces and business services, and validating the logical design.

3,The various key activities that need to be performed, to prepare a physical model of the project are; - Identifying physical constraints, such as available memory capacity, and selecting the development technologies. - Selecting strategies for deployment and maintenance, and creating a deployment model for the desired solution. - Performing packaging for components and services to be used in the desired solution. 4,The various key activities that need to be performed, to prepare a physical model of the project are; - Identifying physical constraints, such as available memory capacity, and selecting the development technologies. - Selecting strategies for deployment and maintenance, and creating a deployment model for the desired solution. - Identifying component interfaces and business services, and validating the logical design. Ans: 1 Quesiton 43: You are the business process analyst at ABC Corp. The company provides business solutions to the client companies developing custom software for the clients. AB Corp is a client of your company, which is involved in the medical research field. AB Corp decides to purchase software from your company to expedite its research projects. To identify AB Corp's needs, you decide to gather the relevant information using the Interviewing technique. What reasons will you suggest for choosing Interviewing technique to gather information? 1,It helps to obtain information about company's business processes by conducting a discussion with individuals. 2,It provides a set of questions prepared by experts, which help to gather information about the requirements. 3,It enables you to gather information about activities that take a long span of time months, or years. 4,It helps to gather information by keeping a track of employees during working hours in the company. Ans: 3:

Question 44: You are the senior software developer at ABC Corp. Your team has developed software for the client of the company. The software is deployed at the client site. After deployment, the client informs you that the users of the software want to know about the details of various types of services that are provided by the software. Which document will you recommend to the client to refer to get the desired details? 1,Functional specification document 2,Interface document 3,Requirement document 4,Scope document Ans: 4 Quesiton 45

David needs to verify and validate the final product that will be obtained after client fixes have been incorporated. He is required to configure the infrastructure components, such as hardware, automation tools for deployment, server settings and determine the bottlenecks that disrupt the functioning of the system. How will you perform the required task? 1,Preparing master project plan 2,Preparing master project schedule 3,Preparing development and testing environment 4,Validating technology Ans: 3 Question 46: You are the database administrator at ABC Corp. The employee table consists of a key field, empID and three non-key fields, name, post, and pay_scale. The non-key field, pay_scale is functionally dependent on another non-key field, post. Many applications that use the database tables require all the tables to be in the normalized form to give correct results and avoid any inconsistencies in the database. As a database administrator, what should you do to ensure that the applications using the database tables run properly and the database remains consistent?

1,Normalize the tables in the salespersons reports to the first normal form. 2,Normalize the tables in the salespersons reports to the second normal form. 3,Normalize the tables in the salespersons reports to the third normal form. 4,Normalize the tables in the salespersons reports to the fourth normal form. Ans: 3 Question 47 You are the leader of the project team at ABC Corp. You are leading a project to be developed for the client of your company. The project is in the deployment stage. The client informs you that the requirements of the project have changed a bit. The infrastructure of the internal network of the company has changed and therefore, the deployment strategy has to be changed. Now you need to send a team to the client site to discuss the deployment plan again. Which teams will you choose to accomplish the task? 1,Product Management and Release Management 2,Program Management and Release Management 3,Development and Product Management 4,User experience and Product Management Ans: 1 Quesiton 48: You are the software requirement analyst at XYZ Com The company develops software for client organization. Last two software projects developed by the company suffered time and cost overrun. You are asked to analyze this problem and provide appropriate solution so that the problem does not recur in future projects. You decide to analyze organization structure to find the solution of the problem. How analyzing organization structure helpful in solving the problem? 1,Obtaining the information about the effectiveness of the organization and the activities present that need to be modified for providing solution. 2,Defining a definite method for allocating roles and responsibilities to the employees. 3,Determining the series of tasks pertaining to the business activities of an organization.

4,Evaluating the vertical market position of the organization and an analysis of the market needs. Ans: 2 Question 49: You are the senior software engineer at ABC Corp. You develop software for a financial firm and the software is successfully deployed at the client site. Employees using the software in the financial firm complain that the software does not function correctly during peak usage hours. You are asked to debug the error. You debug the error successfully. Which is the main activity that you will perform to ensure that the modification does not cause any undesired effect on the software. 1,Performing Unit testing on the software after fixing the bugs. 2,Performing Regression testing on the software after fixing the bugs. 3,Performing Integration testing on the software after fixing the bugs. 4,Performing User Acceptance testing on the software after fixing the bugs. Ans: 2 Quesitn 50: You are working as the senior software developer at ABC Corp. The company is developing a project on the .NET framework for the client. The logical design of the project is already prepared. The leader of the project team assigns you the task of developing the physical design of the project. You need to prepare a list of deliverables, which could be used later as the guidelines in the development phase. What information will you include in the list of deliverables of the physical design? 1,The deliverables of the physical design process should include: Database schema Class diagrams Activity and sequence diagrams Programming model 2,The deliverables of the physical design process should include: Database schema Packaging and distribution strategy Component specifications

3,The deliverables of the physical design process should include: Database schema Class and activity diagrams Component specifications Programming model 4,The deliverables of the physical design process should include: Database schema Class and activity diagrams Packaging and distribution strategy Ans: 1 Quesiton 51: You are the leader of the project team at ABC Corp. You are leading a project to be developed for the client of your company. The project is in the design phase. The requirements of the client are specified. These requirements need to be specified in terms of the functional requirements before they can be developed. Which teams will play the most part in accomplishing the task? 1,Development and product management 2,Development and program management 3,Development and user experience 4,User experience and product management Ans: 2 Question 52: You are the business process analyst at ABC Corp. You are asked by the leader of the project team to analyze the business requirements of the organization. These requirements need to be analyzed for developing a management information system using .NET. You prepare a detailed report about the features of the current system that is being currently used in the organization. What is the main purpose of creating such a detailed report? 1,You want to identify various services provided by the current system to satisfy one or more requirements of the system user.

2,You want to verify if the desired functions in the application are relevant to the present and future business needs. 3,You want to identify the activities that are affecting the project development, but are not a part of the project development process. 4,You want to identify the internal activities that affect the development of the projects. Ans: 1 Question 53: You are the member of the testing team of a project at Blue Moon Corp developing software application for an e-commerce company. The software application is being developed using .NET platform. The development team is developing the components for the software application. The different components need to be integrated at a later stage of software application development phase. As a member of the testing teams you need to ensure that the final product has lesser bugs. The software also needs to be delivered in a short duration. The time allocated for final testing of the software application is very less. Which will be the best option within the given constraints to meet the requirements of the project? 1,You will perform Unit testing to test the components of the software in early stage. 2,You will perform Regression testing to test the working of the software after fixing the bugs. 3,You will perform Integration testing to verify the correctness of the application formed by integrating the components. 4,You will perform System testing to test the behavior of the entire software system after development. Ans: 1 Question 55: You are working as the senior software developer at ABC Corp. The company is developing a project on the .NET framework for the client. The project is in the development stage. The development team is not able to understand the exact calling sequence of the functions defined in the project. You are given the responsibility to explain the exact calling sequence of the functions. Which key deliverable of the physical design document will you refer while providing the required information to the development team? 1,Activity diagrams or sequence diagrams

2,Packaging and distribution strategy 3,Component specifications 4,Programming model Ans; 1 Question 56: David, a Web designer in ABC Corp. is designing the Web site for the company. The company wants that the primary navigation links in the Web site should be visible even when incomplete page is downloaded. Where should David place the primary navigation links in the Web pages? 1,Left Page Area 2,Right Page Area 3,Top Page Area 4,Bottom Page Area Ans: 3 Queston 57: While creating a Web site, David wants to consider the various factors affecting the user’s memory. Which of the following factors should David consider: A: The number of options for a choice should be limited between 5 to 9 for better recognition. B: Pages that contain information should be visually different from the normal pages. C: The browsers that an end user might use. D: Color and style for visited and unvisited links should be different. E: An end user might face problems in reading or understanding the content on a Web page. 1,A, B, and E 2,B, C, and D 3,B, C, and E Ans: 4

Question 58: David is designing a home page for a Web site? Which of the following factors he should consider for the home page: A. It should be small in size so that it does not take long time to load. B. It should be attractive. C. It should not be very informative. D. It should be informative. E. It should provide clear information about the content of a Web site. F. It should contain a link text to skip the home page. G. It should show the structural overview of a Web site. 1,A, C, F and G 2,A, B, D and F 3,A, D, E and G 4,A, B, D and E Ans: 4 Question 59: David is planning for a navigation model for his company’s Web site. The navigational model will contain a shallow hierarchy of Web pages where the result pages can be accessed after three to four clicks. Which type of navigational model he is planning for? 1,Grid Site Organization model

2,Narrow Tree hierarchy model 3,Full Mesh hierarchy model 4,Mixed Form hierarchy model Ans: 2

Qeustion 60:

ABC Com. is an Electronics company that has sales offices all over the world. The company has databases of different sizes for Intranet applications and data warehousing applications. The information provided by the databases is crucial and need high level of security. Which of the following DBMS should the organization use to create the database? 1,dBase 2,SQL Server 3,FoxBase 4,MS Access Ans: 2 Question 61: Consider the following statements: Statement A: The Codebase attribute of the <APPLET> tag specifies the directory where the specified applet class in the <APPLET> tag is stored. Statement B: An applet cannot run a program from the computer where it is downloaded. Statement C: To create an applet, a class is to be inherited from the java.applet class. Statement D: To run a Java applet, Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is not need.

Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements? 1,Only statement C is true. 2,Statements B and C are true. 3,Statements A, B, and C are true. 4,Statements A, C, and D are true. Ans: 3 Question 62: David has created an XML Web service. He used the Debug.Assert() method in his code to verify parameter values and ranges. David found that the XML Web Service did not display assertion failure messages. Instead, the service returned an HTTP

500 error message when an assertion failed. David wants to view the assertion failure messages. What should he do? 1,Modify the Web.config file to stop the Debug.Assert() method from displaying a message box. 2,Modify the compilation element of the Web.config file by setting the debug attribute to “true”. 3,Set the Debug.AutoFlush property to “false” in the constructor for XML Web service. 4,Add an EventLogTraceListener object to the Listeners property of the Debug class in the constructor for XML Web service. Ans: 2 Question 63: David is creating an XML Web service named Service1 that processes stock transactions. David wants to enable the ASPX debugging as well as David has to display custom messages to the users that are not currently running on the local Web server. Which of the following code David should use for this purpose? 1, <customErrors mode="off" > 2,
traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true" /> <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" > 3, <customErrors mode="on" > 4, <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" > Ans: 4 Queston 64:

David is a .NET developer in SimpleSolutions Inc. He has created an XML Web service for converting Dollars into Euros. David is also creating a consumer that will consume that XML Web service. Which of the following step David will use to create a proxy class? 1,Right-click Service1.asmx and then select the View Code command and write code for the proxy class. 2,Right-click References in the Solution Explorer pane and select the Add Web Reference command, provide the XML Web service location URL and click the Add Reference button. 3,Open the Web.config file and then insert code for the proxy class. 4,Right-click Service1.asmx and select the Add Web Reference command, the proxy class is automatically generated. Ans; 2 Question 65 Questied has created an XML Web service named Service1. This XML Web service exposes a Web method named MyWebMethod(). David needs to register Service1 in the UDDI. For this, he adds a new business name and a new tModel in UDDI. Which URL should David use to provide a valid access point to Service1? 1,http://Srv/AppPath/Service1 2,http://Srv/AppPath/Service1=wsdl 3,http://Srv/AppPath/Service1.asmx 4,http://Srv/AppPath/Service1.asmx?MyWebMethod Ans: 3 Question 66: David is creating an XML Web service named IntServ that contains a method named Update(), for updating the status of the production work. David needs to publish the Web service in the UDDI registry. If any user wants to consume that Web service it is required to find the service provider. If the Service provider is SimpleSolution Inc, which of the following code David should use for searching the service provider? 1,

<Envelope < find_business generic="1.0" xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api"> SimpleSolution Inc 2, <xml version="1.0" > <Envelope xmlns=""> < find_business generic="1.0" > SimpleSolution Inc

3, <Envelope xmlsn=""> < find_business custom="1.0" xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api"> SimpleSolution

4, <Envelope xmlns=""> < find_business generic="1.0" xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api"> SimpleSolution Ans: 4 Question 67: David has a SqlDataReader object named ordersDataReader. This object contains a column named OrderQuantity that has an integer value. This object also contains one row for each order received during the previous week. David needs to write code that will process each row in the ordersDataReader object and pass OrderQuantity as a parameter to a function named ordFunction. Which code segment should David use? 1,long weeklyOrderQuantity = 0; while (ordersDataReader.Read()) { ordFunction((int)ordersDataReader[“OrderQuantity”]); } 2,long weeklyOrderQuantity = 0; while (ordersDataReader.NextResult()) { ordFunction((int)ordersDataReader[“OrderQuantity”]); } 3,long weeklyOrderQuantity = 0; int orderCount = 0; while (orderCount < ordersDataReader.FieldCount) { ordFunction((int)ordersDataReader[“OrderQuantity”]); orderCount++; ordersDataReader.Read(); } 4,long weeklyOrderQuantity = 0; int orderCount = 0; while (orderCount < ordersDataReader.FieldCount) { ordFunction((int)ordersDataReader[“OrderQuantity”]); orderCount++; ordersDataReader.NextResult(); } Ans: 1 Queston 68:

David has a strongly typed DataSet object named DataSet. This object contains three DataTable objects named Clients, Orders and OrdDetails. Cients and Orders have a data column named ClientsID. Orders and OrdDetails have a data column named OrdID. Orders have a foreign key constraint between Clients and Orders on ClientsID. OrdDetails has a foreign key constraint between Orders and OrdDetails on OrdID. David wants to populate Clients, Orders and OrdDetails with the data from Microsoft SQL Server database. In which order should David fill the Data table objects? 1,Clients, OrdDetails and Orders 2,OrdDetails, Orders and Clients 3,Clients, Orders and OrdDetails 4,Orders, OrderDetails and Clients Ans: 3 Question 69: David is developer in ABC Com.. David is creating a Windows service and needs to implement the Start, Stop, Pause, and Continue events in his service. What should he do? 1,Create a Windows service application, after that create an object of ServiceController class, and then create a custom command method. 2,Create a Windows service application, after that create a method that calls the ServiceController.ExecuteCommand() method, and then override the OnCustomCommand() method. 3,Create a Windows service application, after that run the custom command method that is created from the ServiceController class. 4,Create a Windows service application, create a method that calls the ServiceController.ExecuteCommand(), and then create a instance of ServiceController class. Ans: 2 Question 70:

David has created a Windows service that processes XML messages placed in a MSMQ queue. David discovers that the Windows service is not functioning properly. He needs to debug the service to correct the program. What should David do? 1,David should start the Windows service and then attach a debugger to the process 2,David should start the Windows service and then run the .NET Services Installation tool (Regsvcs.exe). 3,David should place a breakpoint in the Main() method of the Windows service and then run the application within the VS.NET IDE 4,David should attach a debugger to the Windows service and then start the Windows service. Ans: 1 Queston 71: David has created a .NET Remoting object, SalesInfo for storing the sales information. A method, SalesDet is defined for saving the details of the sales. The component is configured using the Integrated Windows authentication to authenticate the clients. David wants to ensure that all the users of the method SalesDet, should belong to User1 group before accessing the method. Which of the following option is suitable for solving his problem? 1,[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role=”User1”)] public DataSet SalesDet (DataSet sales) {// specify the code for saving sales information. } 2,[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Role= User1”)] public DataSet SalesDet (DataSet sales) { // specify the code for saving sales information.} 3,[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Inheritancedemand, Role=” User1”)] public DataSet SalesDet (DataSet sales) { // specify the code for saving sales information.} 4,public DataSet SalesDet (DataSet sales) { string role = “User1”; PrincipalPermission perm = new PrincipalPermission(null, role); // specify the code for saving sales information. } Ans: 1 question 72: David is creating a serviced component. He wants to implement role-based security at the component level. He wants to implement this by defining a new method named IsValidateUser(), which checks that whether a user is a valid member or not. Which of the following code snippet should he add in the IsValidateUser() method?

1,SecurityCallContext sc=SecurityCallContext.Callers; return sc.IsCallerInRole(“Valid User”); 2,SecurityCallContext sc=SecurityCallContext.CurrentCall; return sc.IsCallerInRole(“Valid User”); 3,SecurityIdentity sc=SecurityIdentity.CurrentCall; return sc.IsCallerInRole(“Valid User”); 4,SecurityIdentity sc=SecurityIdentity.OriginalCaller; return sc.IsCallerInRole(“Valid User”); ans: 2 question 73: David is creating an application in COM+. He wants to implement the run time transaction support for his application in such a way that components are activated in a context without a transaction. If the caller has a transaction then the component is activated in a separate context without a transaction. Which of the following attribute for the transaction should David use? 1, [Transaction(TransactionOption.Requied)] 2, [Transaction(TransactionOption.NotSupported)] 3, [Transaction(TransactionOption.Supported)] 4, [Transaction(TransactionOption.RequiesNew)] Ans: 2 Question 74: Alan needs to create a Web page using an existing template in HomeSite+. He needs to change the background color to yellow and the the color of the text to the blue. Which of the following options will enable him to make the required changes? 1,Tag editors 2,Tag Insight 3,Tag Completion 4,Function Insight Ans: 1

Question 75: David is a Web designer in ABC Com. He is assigned a work of creating a Web site containing general information, such as company profile, projects, job opportunities, contact addresses in the Web site. In addition, he is also assigned the job of creating a report displaying number of visitors and the Web browser used by them to access the Web site. Which of the following type of Web report in FrontPage 2002 he should create to display the desired information? 1,Site Summary Web report 2,Files Web report 3,Problems Web report 4,Usage Web report Ans; 4 Queston 76: You are the project manager at ABC Com. You use waterfall model for software development process. In which phase of the waterfall model should you identify the problem perceived and the feasibility of solving it? 1,Initiation 2,Analysis 3,Conception 4,Design Ans; 3 Queston 77: Consider the following statements:

Statement A: The vision/scope document prepared in the envisioning phase describes the project goals and constraints. Statement B: The project structure document describes the project management process and helps form the team that will be involved in the development of the project.

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 2 Question 80: David is the system analyst at ABC Com. He uses waterfall model for software development process. In which phase of the waterfall model should David identify all the user requirements and perform cost/benefit analysis? 1,Design 2,Analysis 3,Conception 4,Initiation Ans: 4 Quesiton 81: Consider the following statements:

Statement A: The risk assessment document identifies and analyzes the risks associated with the project at the initial level. Statement B: The project structure document focuses on the project team structure.

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Ans: 2 Question 82: Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Usage scenarios describe the requirements of the system in the business context of user using narratives. Statement B: Use case explains the series of steps taken by the system users and the response of the system to achieve the business objective

Which of the following is true with respect to above statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 2 Question 83: David is the project manager at Smartsoft2000. He uses waterfall model for software development process. In which phase of the waterfall model should David convert the functional specifications into a design of the desired system? 1,Conception 2,Analysis 3,Design 4,Initiation Ans; 3 Question 84: Consider the following statements:

Statement A: The risk assessment document identifies and analyzes the risks associated with the project at the initial level. Statement B: The vision/scope document prepared in the envisioning phase describes the project goals and constraints.

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 2 Question 85: You are the system administrator at ABC Corp. The database containing employee information is stored on the hard disk of the main server. You need to backup this database on secondary storage device. Which key data requirements will you analyze to design the data archiving strategy? 1,Amount of data only 2,Data location only 3,Database Schema 4,Amount of data, its location and backup timetable. Ans: 4 Question 86:

Consider the following statements: Statement A: In implementation and maintenance phase of waterfall model, the new system is made operational. The activities involved in this phase are creating computer-compatible files, training the operating staff, and setting up the hardware and network before the system is up. They transform the proposed system to one that can be implemented.

Statement B: In construction phase of waterfall model, the developers get into fullfledged construction. They develop all the modules that make up the entire application. They check the programs and instructions for each module. Which of the following options is true with respect to above statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 2 Question 87: You are the system analyst at XYZ Com. You use spiral model for the software development process. In which phase of the spiral model should you understand the system requirements by interacting with the customer? 1,Planning 2,Risk analysis 3,Customer evaluation 4,Customer communication Ans: 4 Question 88: How does the differential backup method helps in taking the backup of files? 1,Copies all the files and clear the data archive to mark them as baked up. 2,Copies only those files, which are new or changed since last incremental or full back up, and does not mark the files as backed up. 3,Creates the Backup of only those files, which are changed or new since the last incremental or full back up 4,Restores the data by combining the previous full backup and the recent incremental backup. Ans: 2 Quesiton 89:

Consider the following statements: Statement A: A mask is one or more objects that are grouped in a special way. Statement B: Macromedia Fireworks provides you many techniques to mask vector and bitmap graphics.

Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements? 1,Both, statement A and statement B are false. 2,Both, statement A and statement B are true. 3,Statement A is true and statement B is false. 4,Statement A is false and statement B is true. Ans: 2 Question 90: Consider the following statements: Statement A: Specific colors can be set to be transparent using index transparency. Statement B: Alpha transparency is supported only by PNG images. Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements? 1,Both statement A and statement B are false. 2,Both statement A and statement B are true. 3,Statement A is true and statement B is false. 4,Statement A is false and statement B is true. Ans: 2 Quesiton 91: Consider the following statements: Statement A: You can select linear site organizational model as a base for navigation system if the proposed Web site provides information in a linear manner. Statement B: You can modify the linear model into five model prototypes to provide a certain level of flexibility.

Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements? 1,Both, statement A and statement B are false. 2,Both, statement A and statement B are true. 3,Statement A is true and statement B is false. 4,Statement A is false and statement B is true. Ans: 3 Queston 91: Consider the following event handler for a movie clip event: onClipEvent (load) { stop (); } Statement A: The code stops a playing movie clip. Statement B: The code stops the movie clip to be played automatically when it is loaded.

Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements? 1,Both, statement A and statement B are false. 2,Both, statement A and statement B are true. 3, Statement A is true and statement B is false. 4,Statement A is false and statement B is true. Ans: 4 Quesiton 92: Consider the following statements: Statement A: A green progress bar in the Bandwidth Profiler indicates how many frames of your movie have been downloaded.

Statement B: A green progress bar in the Bandwidth Profiler indicates how many frames of your movie are remaining.

Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements? 1,Both statement A and statement B are false. 2, Both Statement A and Statement B are true. 3,Statement A is true and statement B is false. 4,Statement A is false and statement B is true. Asn: 3 Question 93: David, a Web service developer is using the Description and TransactionOption attributes of a Web method in its XML Web service. He is using the TransactionOption attribute to enable the XML Web service method to participate in a transaction and using Description attribute to provide........? 1,Better Communication between IIS and clients 2,A session to the Web method 3,Explanation of the Web method 4,Alias of a Web method Ans: 3 Question 94: Consider the following statements:

Statement A: The Faucet Modifier for the Eraser tool is used to erase the entire stroke or Fill. Statement B: The Eraser Mode Modifier for the Eraser tool is used to select a shape and size of Eraser from the Eraser Shape drop-down list. Statement C: The Eraser Shape Modifier provides you the options for erasing.

Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements?

1,Statement A is true. 2,Statement B is true. 3,Both statements C and D are true. 4,Both statements A and B are true. Ans: 1 Question 95: David is developing an XML Web service. David wants to provide a custom authentication method using the Identity class. Which class should David use? 1,WindowsIdentity 2,GenericIdentity 3,FormsIdentity 4,PassportIdentity Ans: 2 Queston 96: Consider the following statements: Statement A: An XML Web service application allows multiple users to access a central resource through a Web server. Statement B: By making your XML Web service secure, you can prevent any unauthorized client from accessing your XML Web service. Which of the following options is correct with respect to the preceding statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 1 Question 97: Consider the following Statements:

Statement A: A dataset cannot be untyped. Statement B: A typed dataset is defined as a class that is derived from an existing DataSet class and contains a related XML Schema. Which of the following is correct with respect to the preceding Statements? 1,Both Statement A and Statement B are True. 2,Both Statement A and Statement B are False. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 4 Question 98: Mary is using XMLTextReader class to read information from an XML file. She wants to check if the current node is an element and moves the reader to the next node. Which method of XMLTextReader class she can use to solve the preceding problem? 1,Read() 2,ReadAttributeValue() 3,ReadString() 4,ReadStartElement() Ans: 4 Question 99: Consider the following statements: Statement A: Components can be manually registered by using the gacutil.exe command-line utility. Statement B: Manual registration is used for serviced components Where the components are configured according to the attributes in the assembly. Which of the following option is correct with respect to the preceding statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 2 Question 100: Consider the following statements: Statement A: A channel is used for communication between server and client. Statement B: A channel carries the data stream, makes a package related to a particular protocol, and sends the package to a different computer. Which of the following is correct with respect to the preceding statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 1 Queston 101: David a .NET developer at Jane Technoligies is modifying an existing application using COM+ services. David notices that the instances of the components acessed by an application are being managed automatically. Which of the following COM+ service is being used? 1,Queued Components 2,Object Pooling 3,Automatic Transactions 4,Concurrency Ans: 2 Queston 102: Consider the following statements: Statement A: The 800 x 600 resolution is used in devices such as MSNTV and WebTV. Statement B: The 544 x 372 resolution setting is the standard resolution.

Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements? 1,Both statement A and statement B are false. 2,Both statement A and statement B are true. 3,Statement A is true but statement B is false. 4,Statement A is false but statement B are true. Ans;2 Question 102: Consider the following statements: Statement A: A discussion forum page enables an end user to post queries and answer the queries posted by other registered users of the forum. Statement B: A Legal page enables an end user to contact the Web site management and submit suggestions and queries.

Which of the following is correct, with respect to the above statements? 1,Both statement A and statement B are false. 2,Both statement A and statement B are true. 3,Statement A is true but statement B is false. 4,Statement A is false but statement B is true. Ans: 3 Question 104: Consider the following statements: Statement A: IIS is an HTTP listener. Statement B: IIS provides a better security infrastructure. Which of the following options is correct with respect to the preceding statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.

3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 1 Question 105: Consider the following statements: Statement A: Microsoft.UDDI includes base classes and utility classes for the other namespaces. Statement B: Microsoft.UDDI.Binding includes classes that signify business entity elements. Which of the following options is correct with respect to the preceding statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 2 Question 106: David is creating a Web site for ABC Corp. He wants to create a movie of the company’s latest production on the company's Web site. The movie is proposed to contain two scenes. In the first scene the movement of the film title is displayed. In the second scene, there is a time based increase in the size of the film title. What will Harrison do to incorporate the above activities in the Web site? 1,Use the motion tweening feature 2,Use the shape tweening feature 3,Use the layering feature 4,Use the masking feature Ans: 1 Quesiton 107: Which of the following code statement is used identify an overloaded Web method by providing an alias?

1,[WebMethod(MessageName=”Method Name”)] 2,[WebMethod(Description=”Method Name”)] 3,[WebMethod(TransactionOption = TransactionOption.RequiresNew)] 4,[WebMethod(EnableSession=”True”)] Ans: 1 Quesiton 107: Statement A: Windows services are loaded automatically and run in the background when an operating system starts. Statement B: You cannot execute Windows services on any computer that has Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP installed as an operating system. Which of the following options is correct with respect to the preceding statements? 1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 1 Question 108: A hacker can hack a Web site by crashing the server, overloading server resources or network with fake requests. Which of the following methods does this type of hacking come under? 1,Spoofing 2,Locking a service 3,Network sniffing 4,Breaking Passwords Ans 2 Question 109: Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Atomicity property of a transaction ensures that the transaction is atomic. Statement B: The characteristic of an atomic transaction is that either transaction occurred successfully or not at all. Which of the following options is correct with respect to the preceding statements?

1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. 2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. 3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False. 4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Ans: 4 Question 110: Which of the following statement is true about cloaking? 1,The cloaking security feature, allows the thread token to be used if a proxy identity is already set . 2,The cloaking security feature determines the type of client identity that will be projected on to a server when the server tries to impersonate that particular client. 3,The cloaking security feature determines that a server cannot cover its own identity and uses the client’s identity. 4,The cloaking security feature determines that a server while acting on behalf of a client will not be able to enable cloaking. Ans: 2

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