Catia V5 Guidelines

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CATIA V5 Methods Guidelines

September 2005 V1.7

DMS 67941

Concurrent Engineering Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI

Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI: Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

Preface 4The following document provides an overview of the available methods using CATIA V5, and presents a compact guideline to the essential and most important procedures and methods.

4In this manual, priority is placed on those methods indispensable to the process. The remarks are to be understood as short explanations only.

4For more detailed information, the User Instructions, AM’s and AP’s referenced in this document are to be consulted.

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4This functionality in this manual has been validated with CATIA V5 R14.

Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI: Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

September 2005 V1.7

Page 2

Contents Title


Part Numbering File Management

4 6


Part Design



Sheet Metal Design



Assembly Design



Composite Design






Layers & Colours



Standard Parts / Airbus Catalog



Opposite Hand Geometry



Flexible Components



‘Made From’ & ‘Drawn On’ Parts



Working with the Airbus Vault



Data Quality






Reference Documents



© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.


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September 2005 V1.7

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Part Numbering


4General Rules

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4Naming and Numbering should always follow AM2215. 4Part Name = Filename. 4Filenames are always in Uppercase. 4No spaces are allowed. 4Always change part numbers within CATIA V5 using Save Management. 4Never rename or overwrite CATIA documents with UNIX or Windows file managers.

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Part Numbering


4Large Components with Sub-Element Parts 4Large components, such as ribs, skins and spars, can be created as a series of individual sub-element parts, represented in the DMU as a single, linked model.

4Naming Convention 4Final Model: 4 M57P5432120000

4Sub-Element Parts: 4 M57P5432120000-01,

-02, -03, etc.

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Copy with Link

4PRIMES 3 4On first vaulting, it is important that the final model and all sub-element parts are vaulted together to maintain issue status. It is recommended that the maximum number of sub-element parts are created (as empty CATParts) because further iterations cannot be added after this initial vaulting. 4Drawings are linked to the final model and not the sub-element parts.

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File Management

AM5012 / UI186

4Correct File Management while Maintaining Links 4The following method must be followed to ensure that renamed parts, assemblies and drawings update successfully. 4 Open the assembly (or part) required for change. 4 If the assembly has an associated drawing, this must be opened in the same CATIA session for the links to update correctly. 4 Use Save Management to change the assembly and parts filenames. 4 Modify the assembly, part, and instance numbers within Properties. 4 Save the assembly. 4 Swap CATIA window to the drawing(s) and rename as required.

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– (The assembly must still be open).

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File Management

AM2252 / UI227

4Maintaining & Managing UUID Links 4A UUID is a unique identifier recorded inside all CATIA documents. 4When CATIA opens a reference document (i.e. sub-assembly) both its name and UUID are checked. If the UUID number has changed it will not open correctly, and any existing links will be broken. This condition can be caused if the original sub-assembly had been deleted and restarted, creating a new UUID number.

4General Rules 4Always preserve the original vaulted CATIA document. 4Never delete and restart an existing CATIA document with File + New, File + New From or File + Save as New document. This creates a new UUID number. © AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4Never overwrite CATIA documents with new versions using UNIX or Windows. 4 Use

File + Save Management / Save As to renumber existing CATIA documents. – Keeps the same UUID number. – Maintains assembly and drawing links (User Instruction 186).

4 Only

use File + New From to create a new, unique part based on an existing part. – Creates a new UUID number. – Links to existing assemblies and drawings are not required.

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Part Design

AM2259 / AM5018

4General Rules 4Part Name = Filename. 4Parts are modelled about a local axis system. 4Only one PartBody per CATPart. (Exceptional conditions can apply). 4Multi-Model links are only permitted to Master Geometry and published elements.

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4PartBody placed on correct Master Model Layer (See Layers & Colours). 4Special characters (i.e.commas) are not allowed as element names. 4Delete any redundant wireframe and surface geometry. 4Isolate all non-essential external references. 4Only the PartBody should be shown. Hide all other geometry. 4Only approved Material Attributes are allowed.

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Sheet Metal Design


4General Rules 4Sheet Metal Parts should be created with the following workbenches: 4 Aerospace

Sheet Metal Design (ASL) - Hydro-formed and Bent Parts.

4 Generative

Sheet Metal Design (GSMD) - Bent Parts only (straight fold line without joggle).

4 Part

Design - Unique Parts not supported in the sheet metal workbenches.

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4All parts should contain both a folded and unfolded solid representation.

Sheet Metal Part Process Flow with Aerospace Sheet Metal Design

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Assembly Design

AM5012 / UI198

4General Rules 4Assembly Name = Assembly Instance Name.x = Filename. 4All Parts and Assemblies should have a Product Description (Properties Menu). 4Parts or products must only be added or deleted from a sub-assembly when it is open in its own window (at root level).

4Broken links should be immediately reattached with File + Desk and Edit + Links or by using Replace Component.

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4Constraints are permitted between parts within a single assembly. 4Fix all Assembly Components that are not constrained. 4Parts should not be hidden in the assembly structure. 4Performance can be improved by configuring the CATIA V5 Search Order (UI243). 4Only use DMU Navigator Cumulative Snap with the Rotation Option. 4 (Never

use the symmetry option).

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Assembly Design

AM5012 / UI198

4Design Tree 4The Design Tree is the Designers Working Assembly. 4The Design Tree number is the first 9-Digits of the Production (14-Digit) Assembly. 4It can hold Design Principle, SAM, GRM, Frontier, Interface and Installation Assemblies; Zoned Environments and Reference Geometry.

4The content of the Design Tree is not managed in PRIMES, and as such, the

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

completeness and validity of the environment data should always be checked.

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Assembly Design


4Using Cut / Copy & Paste (Special) 4Copy + Paste should be used in preference to Cut. The original component is deleted after the Copy operation. Example: SUBASSY3 is copied into SUBASSY2. (Note: Original is deleted after paste).

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

Paste Special

As specified in Product Structure

Break Link

Creates a new instance of SUBASSY3

Creates a Copy of SUBASSY3

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Composite Design


4Design Methodology 4Composite Parts are designed on reference surfaces using wireframe geometry to define the composite entities.

4Composite Design uses the Composite Part Design Workbench. 4There are three design methodologies that can be adopted: 4Zone and Taper 4 Discrete

zones of constant thickness and the ramp areas between these zones are designed. Solid and ply creation can be automatically performed.

4 Automatic

design method – recommended for simple components.

4Zone and Limit Contour © AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4 Discrete

zones of constant thickness are designed but ramps between zones are not designed. Solid and ply creation require some interaction with the workbench in order to complete definition.

4 Semi-Automatic

design method.

4Ply-by-Ply 4 Each

ply contour is individually defined by the designer.

4 Manual

design method – recommended for complex components and sandwich panels.

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Composite Design


4Composite Part Structure Basic Laminate M57110322 010 00

Basic laminate (rough solid) M57110322 010 00 – CSL00


Basic laminate (Engineering plies) M57110322 010 00 – CD000


Machined Panel M57110321 200 00

Basic laminate (Manuf designed plies) M57110322 010 00 – CM000 Ply Shape (Production) M57110322 010 00 – CP000

Bonded Panel M57110322 000 00

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Stitching M57110322 010 00 – CST00

Stiffener M57110322 020 00 CATProduct

CATPart Stiffener (rough solid) M57110322 020 00 – CSL00 …

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Composite Design


4Naming and Numbering 4A Top Level assembly is created for the whole panel (as required). 4Each component in the panel is treated as an assembly of 5 different CATParts. 4Composite Parts are named M57...-C####. 4 The

First 14-Digits represent the Part Number.

4 -C####

suffixes the 14-Digit number, with numbers increasing incrementally with each new iteration.

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4Part Extensions 4Solids 4Design Data 4Manufacturing Data 4Production Data 4Stitching Data


Solid Model for the DMU


Design Plies

-CM### Manufacturing Plies -CP###

Production Plies (flat patterns)


Stitching Information (included where required)

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AM2264 / AM2255

4General Rules 4Drawings are numbered with the first nine digits of the assembly or part number with a suffix indicating the drawing sheet number -01, 02, etc. (i.e. M57P54321-01).

4One sheet per CATDrawing. (No limit on the number of detail sheets per drawing). 4All Drawings should be created with the Airbus Title Block Application. 4Picture Drawings can be used in specific circumstances. (AM2255).


© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4All views should be locked prior to filing or vaulting. 4View frames should be turned off prior to vaulting. 4Section Views should not be pasted across drawings. The section should be generated from a front view which is scaled down, moved off the drawing sheet, and hidden.

4Dimensions 4All dimensions should be compliant with Airbus ISO Standard. 4Dimensions should be fully associative on exact views. 4Dimensions are not permitted on Isometric Views or picture drawings. 4Avoid Fake dimensions. Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI: Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

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AM2264 / AM2255

4Drawing Links 4All drawings should be created with valid links to 14-Digit CATParts/ CATProducts. 4The only exception to this rule is drawings that include reference geometry, which are generated from a 9-digit Design Tree Assembly. (See Table). 4 The Design Tree Assembly contains reference geometry, and all views should be considered as snapshots only. 4 Before updating any views, it is important that content of the reference geometry in the Design Tree Assembly is validated.

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

Drawing Type


Elementary/ Detail Part


Definition (Master Geometry)










P Required CATDrawing Links for Drawing Types

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Drawings View Generation / Definition No

Large Assembly Drawing?

Exact-Mode View •Overload Properties •Zone by DMU Section Box •Generative View Styles


Fillet Radii, Hole-Centres?


Part Feature Driven Dress-up


Does View Require All of Assembly? (Filtered Views)

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

Picture Drawing


Yes No

Approximate-Mode View •View Quality <= 4 •Text Attribute Links to Part Features

DMU Partial Scene

General Tips •Batch Print (Unattended) – This can save time. • Link text to model attributes (Using Text Attribute Link) • Views can be superposed when they have the same view axis (are created from the same part/assembly)

Raster-Mode View •Shaded / Inherit 3D Colours •Use Low Quality (for Visualisation)

View ‘Types’ (Exact, Approximate, Raster) are set prior to creation. Tools->Options->Mechanical Design->Drafting->View Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI: Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

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Layers & Colours

AM2232 / UI181

4Rules for Layers and Colours 4The Master Model Layer is applied to the PartBody only. (Mandatory) 4Layering convention as per the Sub Domain Master Model Allocation (Airbus Product Handbook AP 1-018-01).

4In addition, any entity (Part Body / Geometrical Set) placed on a layer (1-999) will be assigned a colour via the Colour By Layer automation tool. Layers Distributed By Master Model 81-109



Design Principle P

Frontier Model © AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.


SAM Model


Definition Model


Master Geometry


Master Lining


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Standard Parts


4General Rules 4Fasteners created with automated assembly techniques should not be included in assemblies and are represented as a point and vector.

4Definition Phase: 4A

& B Maturity - STD parts are included only in areas of potential clash or to prove concept.


Maturity - All STD parts are included with the exception of fasteners, which are shown only in areas of potential clash or to prove concept.

4Development Phase:

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4 All

STD parts and applicable fasteners are included.

4All standard parts should be positioned correctly in assemblies. 4Large numbers of Standard Parts can be grouped in a component collector node. 4 The

first 14-Digits (L57…) use the assembly number.

4 -STD##

suffixes the 14-Digit number, increasing incrementally with each node.

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Standard Parts / Airbus Catalog

AM2369 / UI202

4Catalog Brower 4Open the Catalog Browser and browse (1) for STANDARD_PARTS_CATALOG 4Select the appropriate catalog: 4 Skill

Domain Catalogs

4 Standard 4 All

Parts Master Catalog

- AIRBUS_CATALOG.Catalog. - StandardParts.Catalog.

sub-catalogs can be opened independently.

4Find the required Part and double-click to select or MB3 + Instantiate Component. 4Roughly position the part in the assembly and select OK.

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Opposite Hand Geometry

AM2259 / UI196

4Symmetrical Parts

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4Create a new right hand part M57P5346620100. 4Open in the same session the file of the left hand part M57P5346620000. 4Copy the PartBody from the ...200 part. 4Paste the PartBody into the ...201 part (Paste Special > AsResultWithLink). 4In Part Design, use the Symmetry feature in relation to a symmetry plane. 4Change the default PartBody : Body > Body.2 Object > Change PartBody > OK. 4Delete empty Body.1.

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Opposite Hand Geometry

AM5012 / UI196

4Symmetrical Assemblies 4The creation of RH Wing data is mandated as a Design Data deliverable. 4It is the responsibility of the designer to ensure that the opposite hand assembly and parts are always kept up to date.

4The Assembly Design Insert Symmetry tool must not be used as it does not produce an opposite hand assembly applicable to current Airbus processes.

4Basic Methodology 4 Create 4 Add

the OH Parts using the Symmetrical Part Methodology.

OH Parts to an OH assembly.

the OH parts with snap and constraints as necessary. 4(Please refer to User Instruction 196 for part positioning guidelines).

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4 Position

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Flexible Components

AM5012 / UI276

4General Rules 4Flexible components, when deformed, can be located in multiple positions (e.g. Spring). 4Flexible components are named L57...-FLX01 (-02,-03, etc, then A1-9, B1-9, etc). 4 The

first 14-Digits (L57…) always use the parent assembly number.

4 -FLX##

suffixes the 14-Digit number, increasing incrementally with each iteration.

4Each iteration of a flexible component must be a separate Part or Assembly. 4For reference, the Master Part number is added to the Properties Definition field. 4Flexible Parts

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4Each flexible part must reference a master CATPart.

4Flexible Assemblies 4The content of a flexible assembly is always identical to the content of its reference assembly.

4Only part positions are modified.


4Warning: Do not use the Flexible Assembly feature.

This can cause orientation problems when an assembly is converted to a product structure (_ps) format. Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI: Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

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‘Made From’ & ‘Drawn On’ Parts

AM2296 / UI251

4‘Made From’ Parts & Assemblies 4During the creation of a ‘flying’ part, several manufacturing processes/stages may be required (e.g. billet / forging / extrusion) before the machining or formed part is created.

4Each stage will have a different 9-digit stem number. Manufactured From

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

Modelled & Drawn

Billet, Forging, Extrusion L5741234820000

Manufactured From

Modelled & Drawn

Machined Part L5741234720000

Modelled & Drawn

Assembly and Drawings

Formed Part L5741234620000 Formed Assembly L5741234500000 Bracket L5791235020000

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‘Made From’ & ‘Drawn On’ Parts

AM2296 / UI251

4‘Drawn On’ Parts & Assemblies 4These include items such as fabricated assemblies, where the parts that make up an assembly are separately modelled, but are only detailed on a single drawing sheet.

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4The component parts and assembly drawing have the same 9-Digit stem number.

Typical BOM – produced in PRIMES 2.0 (similar in PRIMES 3.3.3)

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‘Made From’ & ‘Drawn On’ Parts

AM2296 / UI251

4Machining’ Made from Casting 4The machining and casting carry the same 9-Digit stem number. 4The casting model is created in PRIMES only and is numbered with a component part number (i.e. ...200 part).

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4No CATPart or drawing exists for a casting. 4The solid model represents the final machined component as found on the aircraft.

Typical BOM produced in PRIMES 3.3.3 (similar in PRIMES 2.0)

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Working with the Airbus Vault

UI227 / UI243

4General Rules 4Assemblies and parts should not be open in CATIA when storing to the vault. 4When working in an assembly with sub-assemblies, all affected CATProducts must be vaulted in the same session and not at different times. This ensures that all links are synchronised.

4Do not work on an assembly, then reset the check-out in the vault and overwrite the assembly with its old version.

4All CATIA documents, which have a UUID number that is different from the originally vaulted document, will be rejected by the PRIMES PDM system.

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4Read Only Areas (ROAs) 4Never attempt to add or delete geometry from a read-only assembly. 4Select only the minimum number of projects required in the Set Project / wsconfig Tool. This will improve performance as it reduces the number of CATIA search paths.

4The SP-Resolved and Equipment DLNames should be moved to the bottom of the CATIA Search Order to improve performance.

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Working with the Airbus Vault (PRIMES 3)


4Vaulting Design Tree Assemblies 49-Digit Design Tree assemblies can be vaulted but all Zone and Scenery Components must be deactivated before storing. This is mandatory.

4Checking-Out Design Tree Assemblies 4 From

the Windchill Browser select Windchill tab and search for the Design Tree assembly.

4 From

the menu select Tools + Transfer. The transfer panel appears in the bottom half of the Windchill Browser. Select Checkout & Download.

4 Select

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4 The

the Transfer Tab. Enter your password; enter a job name and submit.

batch process will store the assembly in the users active Workspace Browser.

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Working with the Airbus Vault (PRIMES 3)


4Vaulting Drawings linked to Design Tree Assemblies 4Drawings generated from 9-Digit Design Tree assemblies can only be vaulted with a 14-Digit production assembly. (Which uses the same 9-Digit stem number).

4Frontier, interface, and installation drawings - An empty 14-Digit assembly may have to be created and vaulted for this purpose. 4 1. 2. 3.

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4 4. 5. 6.

Initial Vaulting From the EPD Data Browser create a CAD doc. Check-in the Production (14-Digit) CATProduct first. Associated drawings are transferred automatically. Updating Check-out the Production (14-Digit) CATProduct. Drawings are checked-out into /epd/parts/. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for all subsequent vaulting operations.

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Data Quality


4Q-Checker 4Q-Checker is a mandatory data quality requirement for CATIA V5 documents. 4Q-Checker is ran interactively from the icon in the selected CATIA document: 1. From the Main Panel select the applicable Airbus Environment and the Start icon, or 2. A new option checks and creates reports for CATProducts and selected sub-components. 3. Check report results: 4Red Error 4Blue Warning 4Green OK

Correction is mandatory ; model will be rejected. Correction by user is recommended but not mandatory. No correction required; quality of criterion are OK. 11


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Activate Q-Checker Analysis Viewer


Not Used

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Data Quality 4CATPart Checklist


Checked by Q-Checker

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CATPart Checklist 1

Part Name conforms to naming/numbering procedure.


Filename and Part number have same name.


Unit length is in mm.


Part defined using local axis system.


Only one PartBody exists.


Relevant reference elements published.


Features, Elements and various bodies renamed.


All Geometry hidden except for the PartBody.


No deactivated features.(Except for external references)


Unnecessary elements removed.


Red colour not used for entities, part bodies.


Part updated .


Layers/Colours (Macro)


Part stored to vault as a CATPART type.


Airbus standard CATSetting file is used.

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Data Quality 4CATProduct Checklist


Checked by Q-Checker

CATProduct Checklist 1

Product Name conforms to naming/numbering procedure


Correspondence between Filename and Product number


Airbus Standard CATSettings file used


All instances of Primary and Secondary parts constrained (Optional)


All instances explicitly renamed


Product Stored to vault as a CATPRODUCT type

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CATProduct Links Checklist 1

Reference Element (in External References Open Body) linked, loaded and synchronised


No Out Of Context or broken links (If present, are they intentional?)

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Data Quality 4CATDrawing Checklist


Checked by Q-Checker

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CATDrawing Checklist 1

Drawing Name conforms to naming/numbering procedure.


Airbus Drawing Standard used,


First Angle Projection is used.


Only one sheet per CAD drawing.


Drawing sheet uses default name.(Sheet.1)


Title Block Application used.


All generative views associated with 3D geometry.


All views /Drawing updated .


No empty views


All views Locked.


Tolerance as per Airbus ISO std.


Font type and size as per std.(Please refer to AM 2264 Main module).


No fake dimensions.


All dimensions associative .


No dimensions on isometric view.


Drawing stored in vault as a CATDRAW type

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Data Quality Checklist

AM2266 / UI206

4CATProduct 4The following checklist should be followed before a 14 digit CATProduct is vaulted: 4 Ensure

the assembly has a product description.

4 Delete

or correct broken or ghost links. (CATDUA can remove these errors if necessary).

4 Check

that constraints are valid and up-to-date.

4 Run

CATDUA V5 to check and clean the data as necessary.

4CATPart 4The following checklist should be followed before a CATPart is vaulted: 4 Ensure

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4 The

the part has a description.

PartBody is placed on the correct layer with the correct colour associated.

4 Delete

any redundant wireframe and surface geometry. – Part Design/ GSD workbench: Tools + Delete Useless Elements. (Take care not to delete the absolute axis system or any valid isolated geometry when using Delete Useless Elements).

4 Delete

all non-approved Material Attributes.

4 Isolate

non-essential external references.

4 Run

CATDUA V5 to check and clean the data as necessary.

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AM2266 / UI206

4CATIA Data Upward Assistant 4CATDUA is a utility for ensuring the integrity of CATIA V5 data. It is primarily used for healing, removing broken and ghost links, resolving update errors, and data cleaning.

4CATDUA Report Return Codes (P1: Most Severe) 4 Priority

1: Upgrading action may lead to data deletion.

4 Priority

2: Upgrading action may lead to data modification (without deletion).

4 Priority

3: Upgrading action without data deletion or modification (no impact on data).

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4Guidelines 4Do not overwrite data before validating the results of P1 and P2 errors. 4Only use the clean option if you are satisfied with the results from the report file. 4CATProducts should be updated after cleaning. 4Always check any healed data before vaulting. 4Known Issues 4CATDUA should not used on Kinematic and Tubing CATProducts. 4Drawings using formats larger that A0 will be resized to A0 (Batch Mode). Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI: Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

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Reference Documents

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4A-UK User Instructions (UI) 4


CATIA V5 Update Information and Known Issues



CATIA V5 Colours



Minimising Ghost & Broken Links in CATIA V5



Renumbering CATIA V5 Documents while Maintaining Links



Checking-in CATIA V5 Drawings into PDMfDP



Creating Large Assembly Drawings in CATIA V5



CATIA V5 Symmetrical Parts & Assemblies (Right Hand Wing)



CATIA V5 Assembly Rules (SAM, Design Principles & GRM)



CATIA V5 Standard Parts



CATDUAV5 Utility



Managing CATIAV5 UUID Document Links



CATIA V5 Search Order Process



CATIA V5 ‘Made From’ and ‘Drawn On’ Parts and Assemblies



CATIA V5 Flexible Parts and Assemblies

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Reference Documents

© AIRBUS UK LTD. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4Airbus Methods (AM) 4


Identification of Product Models, Parts and Assemblies



Layering for Legacy CAD Tools



CATIA V5 Multi-Model Links



Picture Drawings with CATIA V5



3D Modelling Rules for CATIA V5



Sheet Metal Part Modelling in CATIA V5



Drafting with CATIA V5



Quality Control of CATIA V5 Data by Q-Checker



PRIMES Methods



CATIA V5 Assembly Rules



Machined Part Modelling in CATIA V5



Composite Parts Modelling with CATIA V5

Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI: Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

September 2005 V1.7

Page 38

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Methods & Processes, Deployment - OAMI: Guidelines for Methods - CATIA V5

September 2005 V1.7

Page 39

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