Cat Di Test Paper - Test 2

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DI Test 2 Directions for Questions from 1 to 4: Answer the questions based on the following information. The following graph gives the break-up of the Federal Research and Development Budget for 2001 across Defence, Health and Human Services (HHS), NASA, Energy and others. Further, the graph also shows the difference in the deployment of the budget by Defence and sectors other than Defence across various aspects of research, viz. Basic Research, Applied Research, Development and R & D plant.

The Federal Research and Development Budget for 2001 was $66.7 billion.

1. The ratio of the budgeted amount for Applied Research by the Defence to the budgeted amount for Development by sectors other than Defence is

j 1 : 5.3 k l m n j 1 : 4.7 k l m n j 1 : 6.6 k l m n j 1.77 k l m n j Can not be determined. k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

2. By what percentage is the budgeted amount for Development by Defence higher than the total budgeted amount for sectors other than Defence?

j 2.5% k l m n j 205% k l m n j 20.5% k l m n j 100% k l m n j Cannot be determined k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

3. If the Federal Research and Development Budget in 2002 increases by 10% over that of 2001, by what percentage will the budget for Basic Research by Defence increase?

j Will remain the same k l m n j 10% k l m n j 12.31% k l m n j 15% k l m n j Cannot be determined k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

4. In the Federal Research and Development Budget for 2001, what is the ratio of the budgeted amount for Basic Research and that for Applied Research?

j 1 : 1.11 k l m n j 1.11 : 1 k l m n j 1 : 7.2 k l m n j 1 : 8.4 k l m n j Cannot be determined k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n Directions for Questions from 5 to 8: Answer the questions based on the following information. The following table gives the vital statistics of Infosys for the years 1999 and 2000. All figures are in rupees in millions.

5. In 2000, if CAD/CAM forms 70% of the revenue from other product groups, what percentage of the total revenue is earned from CAD/CAM in 2000?

j 5.05% k l m n j 7.1% k l m n j 4.9% k l m n j 3.8% k l m n j Cannot be determined k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

6. If the revenue from exports across different product groups were to be represented by a pie-chart, what angle would the sector depicting export earnings from Internet form at the centre of the piechart in year 2000?

j 108° k l m n j 106.5° k l m n j 105° k l m n j 103° k l m n j Cannot be determined k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

7. If Operating Profit is defined as Revenue – Expenses and OPM (Operating Profit Margin) as the Operating Profit as a percentage of Revenue, then

which of the following statements is true?

j The OPM for 1999 was greater than that for 2000 k l m n j The OPM for 2000 was greater than that for 1999 k l m n j The OPM for year 1999 and 2000 was equal k l m n j Data insufficient k l m n j None of these k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

8. If the export revenue from Mainframe increased by 121% in 2000 over that in 1999, what percentage of the export revenue in 1999 was accounted by Mainframe?

j 6.33% k l m n j 16.94% k l m n j 14% k l m n j 16% k l m n j Cannot be determined k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n Directions for Questions from 9 to 10: Answer the questions based on the following information. The process of manufacturing of a unit of a certain product is shown in the network. The manufacturing process starts by processing raw material A to intermediate products B and C. The numbers given represent the time taken (in minutes) for each activity, e.g. it takes 6 min to process A to make B and 7 min to process A to make C. However, to make C, B is also an input and it takes 8 min to process B to make C. Thus, one unit of C will be ready only after (6 + 8 =) 14 min from start. The end product is H. If the multiple sequences are possible to manufacture a product, the sequence taking the largest time will be considered as the product manufacturing time.

9. How much time would it take to manufacture 25 units of H?

j 77 hr k l m n j 32 hr, 5 min k l m n j 14 hr, 10 min k l m n j 34 hr k l m n j None of these k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

10. All the processes are done by a single machine. The machine can be used only for a maximum of 10 hr everyday and that too only after giving the machine a break of 10 min after every 10 units of H is produced. What is the maximum number of units of H that can be produced in a week of six working days?

j 54 k l m n j 102 k l m n j 119 k l m n j 120 k l m n j Data insufficient k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

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