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Don Honorio Ventura State University Lubao Extension-Campus Sta. Catalina, Lubao, Pampanga


Submitted by: Cordova, Jimbo Lingad, Gerald Lobo, Rovinia Magcalas, Ann Celine Mangalindan, Monica Mae Submitted to: Mrs. Lu Anne K. Ramos-Dimalanta

INTRODUCTION Soil erosion is the natural process of soil material and sediment transfer due to runoff. Erosion depends on a series of different factors such as the climatic status of an area, the vegetation, the soil structure, the topography. An accelerating factor to erosion is usually human activities, like in the case of land use change or inappropriate land use (Evelpidou, 2006; Hacisalihoglu, 2007; Podmaniczky et al. 2010). From the factors mentioned above, the climatic status is the most direct parameter to erosion (Podmaniczky et al., 2010), since rainfall or snowfall produces the water runoff in streams and rivers, or in areas between streams in the form of sheet flow or rill flow. One main problem caused by erosion and concerning human activities, is land degradation. Land degradation occurs mostly because of sheet or rill erosion, processes very usual in areas such as cultivated lands. The eroding capacity of these processes progressively increases down slope and is strongly related to the vegetation cover (Langbein and Schumm, 1958) Soil erosion is a characteristic scene procedure of basic worry to many lands the board organizations. As a geomorphic process, soil erosion can be generally defined as the detachment and transport of in-situ soil particles by three natural agents - water (in liquid or ice form), wind, and gravity (down slope movement). The consequences of soil erosion are both the removal and loss of soil particles from one location and their subsequent deposition in another location, either on the land surface or in an adjoining watercourse. A solitary soil molecule may experience various cycles of evacuation and testimony after some time traverses going from a solitary occasion (e.g., hours) to geologic time (e.g., decades or hundreds of years). Naturally occurring soil erosion processes (detachment, transport, deposition) can be accelerated by anthropogenic activities. Land uses which contribute directly to erosion include such activities as road and building construction, forestry, agriculture, mining, recreation, and military training

and testing. Many of these activities commonly occur across large areas of the landscape over multiple events. Consequently, their impacts are both spatially and temporally distributed. These impacts include the loss of fertile topsoil for agriculture, gullying and nonpoint source pollution or sedimentation of receiving watercourses and water bodies. Severe erosion, induced by land use activities, may alter the trajectory of landscape evolution, resulting in an unstable geomorphic system. Secondary impacts on ecological and hydrological systems may create feedback loops that further contribute to landscape degradation. In some cases, the landscape may be altered to a degree that practically prevents remediation to its original condition. Land resource agencies employ soil erosion management practices, often called best management practices on a watershed scale, to minimize or mitigate the deleterious effects (e.g., soil erosion) of associated land uses. Land management practices, both structural and non-structural, may be employed at various spatial scales, from plot-sized (one acre or less) areas to entire watersheds. Structural measures include the construction of sediment detention berms, settling basins, and the application of gravel or geotextile materials to dirt trails and roads. Non-structural measures include artificial seeding, planting/fertilizing of vegetation, designating off-limits or limited use areas, or limiting the timing (e.g., seasonal, dry, etc.) of certain activities. The objective of land management practices is to minimize the human induced impacts, while maximizing use (production) of the land for its designated purposes. The success or failure of these practices must be measured against identified management goals or criteria. Landscapes and the associated processes that produce them are dynamic and spatially and temporally varied. Their tolerance and response to both natural agents and anthropogenic influences is a function of many interdependent variables.

This tolerance-response system can be analyzed by examining the behavior of individual landscape parameters, such as vegetation, soils, or water, or holistically through ecosystem, watershed or landscape-scale field studies. Such approaches are both









demonstrating gives elective methods for recreating and considering both the present moment and long haul results of land use exercises on the normal framework. Such models can reveal previously unknown information about the interaction of complex variables and allow for alternative land use strategies to be compared and evaluated before they are implemented.

ABSTRACT Soil erosion is considered a very critical environmental issue that has repercussions for almost every aspect of the world.. Proceeded with soil disintegration can result in debased soil quality and at last diminished harvest yields and benefit. Furthermore, disintegrated soil particles and appended supplements, pesticides, pathogens, and poisons, transported off‐site, may debase surface water and air quality. In developed fields, soil disintegration can be brought about by water, wind, or straightforwardly by culturing. Singular soil disintegration forms have trademark marks on various landform components over the scenes. Watched soil disintegration in a field is the incorporated aftereffect of all types of soil disintegration forms and their connections. Agronomic measures, soil the board, mechanical measures, and other soil protection rehearses have been created and used to control the antagonistic impacts of soil disintegration – affecting either the erosivity of the disintegration powers or the erodibility of the dirt scene, or both. Notwithstanding, soil protection rehearses produced for one disintegration process don't really function admirably on other disintegration forms. The determination and execution of soil protection rehearses need to represent all disintegration forms in the event that we are to structure naturally reasonable frameworks. Soil disintegration is a noteworthy risk to soil working. The utilization of vegetation to control disintegration has for some time been a theme for research. Quite a bit of this examination has concentrated on the over the ground properties of plants, exhibiting the essential job that overhang structure and spread plays in the decrease of water disintegration forms. Less consideration has been paid to plant roots. Plant roots are a significant yet under-looked into factor for lessening water disintegration through their capacity to modify soil properties, for example, total soundness, pressure driven capacity and shear quality. In any case, there have been not many endeavors to explicitly control plant root framework properties to decrease soil disintegration. We exhibit the significance of root framework design for the control of soil disintegration. We additionally demonstrate that some plant species react to supplement improved

fixes by expanding horizontal root expansion. The erosional reaction to root multiplication will rely on its area: at the dirt surface thick tangles of roots may lessen soil erodibility however square soil subsequently constraining invasion, improving spillover. Furthermore, in supplement denied locales, root hair advancement might be animated and bigger measures of root exudates discharged, in this way improving total solidness and diminishing erodibility. Using supplement position at explicit profundities may speak to a possibly new, effectively executed; the board procedure on supplement poor rural land or developed inclines to control disintegration, and further research around there is required. Soil disintegration is a developing issue and establishes a risk to soil quality and to the capacity of soils to give natural administrations. That is, water disintegration is the most dangerous disintegration type around the world, causing genuine land corruption and ecological decay, delivering various harms in oversaw frameworks, for example, yields, fields, or woodlands just as in characteristic biological systems. Soil separation, affidavit, and transport forms happen at the same time amid erosive precipitation occasions. Thus, supplements, soil natural carbon and profitable soil biota are transported. In the meantime, species assorted variety of plants, creatures, and organisms are altogether diminished. The off-site effects of dissolved soil and overflow, principally eutrophication of water bodies, sedimentation of rock had relations with waterways, loss of store limit, flooding of streets and networks are progressively perceived and the expenses evaluated. Against a foundation of environmental change and quickened human exercises, changes in common precipitation routines have occurred and disintegration procedures will be relied upon to turn out to be progressively articulated in future decades. Long haul movements may challenge the current development frameworks worldwide and in the end adjust the spatiotemporal examples of land use and geography. Every one of these progressions will expand weight on soil disintegration and hydrological forms, making exact disintegration forecast and control progressively troublesome. In this manner, improved learning and understanding the dirt disintegration procedure will be basic for managing the imminent difficulties with

respect to soil-protection rehearses. Information drawn from a worldwide arrangement of concentrates quantitatively affirm the since quite a while ago explained conflict that disintegration rates from customarily furrowed rural fields normal 1– 2 requests of size more noteworthy than rates of soil generation, disintegration under local vegetation, and long haul topographical disintegration. The general equality of the last shows that, considered universally, hill slope soil creation and disintegration develop to adjust geologic and atmosphere compelling, though ordinary furrow based agribusiness expands disintegration rates enough to demonstrate unsustainable.

ANALYSIS OF THE ISSUES, CAUSES, & FACTORS Soil is the earth's delicate skin that stays all life on Earth. It is contained innumerable species that make a dynamic and complex environment and is among the most valuable assets to people. Expanded interest for agribusiness items produces motivating forces to change over woodlands and meadows to cultivate fields and fields. The progress to farming from common vegetation regularly can't clutch the dirt and a large number of these plants, for example, espresso, cotton, palm oil, soybean and wheat, can really build soil disintegration past the dirt's capacity to look after it. Half of the topsoil on the planet has been lost over the most recent 150 years. Notwithstanding disintegration, soil quality is influenced by different parts of horticulture. These effects incorporate compaction, loss of soil structure, supplement debasement, and soil saltiness. These are genuine and now and again serious issues. The impacts of soil disintegration go past the loss of rich land. It has prompted expanded contamination and sedimentation in streams and waterways, stopping up these conduits and causing decreases in fish and different species. What's more, corrupted terrains are likewise frequently less ready to clutch water, which can compound flooding. Economical land use can lessen the effects of horticulture and domesticated animals, anticipating soil debasement and disintegration and the loss of significant land to desertification. The soundness of soil is an essential worry to ranchers and the worldwide network whose employments rely upon all around oversaw horticulture that begins with the earth underneath our feet. While there are numerous difficulties to keeping up sound soil, there are likewise arrangements and a devoted gathering of individuals, including WWF, who work to advance and keep up the delicate skin from which biodiversity springs.

Causes of Soil Erosion All soils undergo soil erosion, yet some are more defenseless than others because of human exercises and other normal causal elements. The seriousness of soil erosion is additionally reliant on the soil sort and the nearness of vegetation spread. Here are few of the major causes of soil erosion. 1. Precipitation and Flooding More noteworthy length and force of rainstorm implies more prominent potential for soil erosion. Rainstorm produces four noteworthy sorts of soil disintegration including rill erosion, crevasse erosion, sheet erosion, and sprinkle erosion. These sorts of erosion are brought about by the effects of raindrops on the dirt surface that separate and scatter the dirt particles, which are then washed away by the storm water spillover. After some time, rehashed precipitation can prompt huge measures of soil misfortune. Quickly moving storm water, flashfloods, and flooding may likewise happen in light of abundance surface water overflow, in this manner, causing outrageous nearby erosion by culling bed rocks, shaping rock cut-bowls, making potholes, and washing without end the released soil particles. 2. Waterways and Streams The stream of waterways and streams causes valley erosion. The water streaming in the waterways and streams will in general destroy the soils along the water frameworks prompting a V-molded erosive action. At the point when the waterways and streams are loaded with soil stores because of sedimentation and the valley step up with the surface, the conduits start to wash away the soils at the banks. This erosive action is named as parallel erosion which broadens the valley floor and achieves a limited floodplain. This erosive action is obvious in many waterways or

streams particularly amid substantial precipitation and fast waterway channel development. 3. High Winds High breezes can add to soil erosion, especially in dry climate periods or in the bone-dry and semi-bone-dry (ASAL) districts. The breeze gets the free soil particles with its normal power and diverts them to far grounds, leaving the dirt formed and denudated. It is extreme amid the seasons of dry spell in the ASAL areas. Thus, wind erosion is a noteworthy wellspring of soil debasement and desertification. 4. Overgrazing, Overstocking and Tillage Practices The change of normal biological communities to pasture lands has to a great extent added to expanded rates of soil erosion and the loss of soil supplements and the top soil. Overloading and overgrazing has prompted diminished ground spread and separate of the dirt particles, giving space for erosion and quickening the erosive impacts by wind and downpour. This decreases soil quality and horticultural efficiency. Horticultural culturing relying upon the apparatus utilized additionally separates the dirt particles, making the soils defenseless against erosion by water. All over field culturing rehearses too make pathways for surface water spillover and can accelerate the dirt erosion process. 5. Deforestation, Reduced Vegetation Cover, and Urbanization Deforestation and urbanization demolish the vegetation land spread. Rural practices, for example, consuming and clearing of vegetation likewise diminish the general vegetation spread. Accordingly, the absence of land spread causes expanded rates of soil erosion. Trees and vegetation spread help to hold the dirt particles together consequently lessens the erosive impacts of erosion brought about by precipitation and flooding.

Deforestation and urbanization are a portion of the human activities that have proceeded with the cycle of soil misfortune. 6. Mass Movements and Soil Structure/Composition The outward and descending developments of silt and shakes on inclining or slant surfaces because of gravitational draw qualify as a critical part of the erosion procedure. This is on the grounds that mass developments help in the breakdown of the dirt particles that makes them admired to water and wind erosion. Soil structure and organization is another factor that decides erosivity of wind or precipitation. Factors Affecting Soil Erosion 1. The sum and force of precipitation and wind speed. 2. Geology with uncommon reference to incline of land. 3. Physical and substance properties of soil. 4. Ground spread its tendency and degree. Soil disintegration is the eroding separation and transportation of soil from one spot and its statement at somewhere else by moving water blowing wind or some other reason. 1. The sum and power of precipitation and wind speed: Rainfall is the most compelling variable causing disintegration through sprinkle and extreme keep running off. Downpour drop disintegration is sprinkle, which results from the effect of water drops, legitimately on soil. Despite the fact that the effect of downpour drops on water in shallow streams may not sprinkle soil, it causes disturbance, giving a more noteworthy residue conveying limit. Vast drop may build the residue stealing limit of flee as much as multiple times.

On the off chance that downpour falls tenderly, it will enter the dirt where it strikes and some will gradually keep running off, yet on the off chance that it happens in deluges, as a rule the storm downpours doe, there isn't sufficient time for the water to drench through the dirt and it keeps running off causing disintegration. Keep running off that causes disintegration, in this manner, relies on force, span, sum and recurrence of precipitation. It is seen that downpours more than 5 cm. every day dependably caused keep running off while those underneath 1.25 cm. normally don't. (The aftereffects of soil and spillover misfortunes from air dry profound dark and later tic soils with 2 p.e., slant under a precipitation test system with a steady precipitation tremendousness of 8.75 cm. every hour demonstrate that dirt misfortune per 2.5 cm. of siuautated smash) if there should arise an occurrence of lateritic soil is 0.25 tons per hectare. Subsequently the dirt misfortune if there should arise an occurrence of profound dark soil which is heavier than lateritic soil is multiple times more. 2. Geology will uncommon reference to slant of grounds: Slope quickens disintegration as it builds the speed of streaming water. Little contrasts in incline have enormous effect in harm. As per the laws of power through pressure, a four – time increment in incline copies the speed of streaming water. This multiplied speed can build the erosive power multiple times and the conveying limit by multiple times. In one of the examinations in United States of America, it was seen that the loss of soil per hectare because of disintegration in a maize plot was 12 tons when the incline was 5 p.c., however it was as high as 44.5 tons under 9 p.c., slant. 3. Physical and synthetic properties of soil: Some soil dissolves more promptly than other under similar conditions. The credibility of the soil is affected by its surface, structure, and natural issue, nature of day and the sum and sort of salts present. There is less disintegration in sandy soil since water is ingested promptly because of high porousness. Progressively natural excrement in the dirt improves granular structure and

water holding limit. As natural issue diminishes the credibility of soil increments. Fine finished and antacid soils are progressively credible. All in all, dirt distinctness increments as the measure of the molecule increments however soil transportability increments with the decline in molecule estimate. Earth particles are harder to withdraw than sand, however are effectively transported on a dimension land and significantly more quickly on slants. 4. Ground spread, its temperament and degree: The nearness of vegetation ground spread retards disintegration. Backwoods and grasses are more viable in giving spread than developed yields. Vegetation catches the erosive beating activity of falling raindrops hinders the sum and speed of surface fun off, grants more water stream into the dirt and makes more stockpiling limit in the dirt. It is the absence of vegetation that makes disintegration allowing condition.

RELEVANT THEORIES THAT HELPS THE CASE As stated by Horton's theory (1945). Runoff starts when rainfall intensity exceeds soil absorption capacity (Figure 54a). Comparing infiltration to rainfall intensity, absorption decreases over time partly because capillary potential falls as the wetting front penetrates into the soil, and partly because soil structure at the surface has deteriorated. Rainfall generally has one or several peaks, and any volume of rain over the infiltration curve can be considered runoff. In the example chosen, even at similar intensity peaks runoff volume can vary considerably depending on when peak intensity occurs during the storm. The earlier this peak, the less runoff there will be, since absorption capacity decreases over time. However, hydrologists were unable to obtain any clear correlation between runoff volume for a watershed and rainfall intensity, and so another explanation had to be sought. Soil moisture content prior to rainfall is the second element affecting the volume of runoff. This factor is expressed either in terms of the lack of soil saturation before the rain (pores not swollen with water), or in terms of the number of hours before it rained, or by use of the Köhler index. The amount of rain absorbed is generally much higher for a dry soil than a moist one: while it may be 10 to 40 mm for dry soil, it will often be only 1 to 10 mm for moist soil. There is an interaction between the condition of the soil structure and initial soil moisture. Boiffin (1976) and Raheliarisoa (1986) demonstrated that simulated rainfall on a dry, loamy soil can degrade the soil surface faster than on already moistened soil. According to Law and Tan (1973) and Goh et al . (1993) had clearly shown that large variations in soil fertility occurred within and between soil series in Malaysia. These variations also occurred spatially at macro and micro scales (Goh et al ., 1995) thus demanding site-specific management approach to maximise efficiency.

The realisation of above has caused scientists to develop schemes or methods to measure or assess soil fertility quantitatively or qualitatively. One of the schemes called fertility capability classification system (FCC) has been discussed in earlier lecture. In plantation tree crops, the assessment of soil fertility generally takes the format of single nutrients approach as shown in Appendix 4. The soil physical and biological properties are not included because they are generally handled separately.

IDENTIFIED SOLUTION Soil erosion can be a major issue, particularly for individuals who live close bluffs or on slopes. It can likewise be a really enormous aggravation for those attempting to develop gardens or basically getting their soil to remain in one spot so as to abstain from flooding and different issues. There are a couple of various approaches to control soil erosion, contingent upon what the issue really is and how you'd want to approach containing the soil. Utilizing a couple or the majority of the accompanying tips can enable you to keep away from soil erosion around your home. Plant Vegetation – Flowers, trees, and bushes are useful for something other than looking beautiful in your greenery enclosure. They can likewise help keep soil set up. Since most plants create root frameworks that go really far into the ground, vegetation is typically quite great at "establishing" soil set up. This is an incredible answer for individuals who want to get things done as normally as could be allowed. Having plants will likewise draw in natural life to your yard and help embellish the scene.

Counteract Water Runoff – This is an incredible technique to use with plants. Since planting implies that a ton of the water will be consumed by the dirt, this aides extraordinarily. Reviewing your property however much as could reasonably be expected can likewise maintain a strategic distance from soil disintegration by keeping water in one spot. You simply need to ensure that you additionally introduce depletes with the goal that water doesn't pool, either. The utilization of French channels and different gadgets will enable you to divert water without having it erode at your dirt to an extreme. Fabricate A Retaining Wall – There are heaps of motivations to assemble holding dividers, yet soil disintegration beat the rundown. A holding divider will help keep your dirt where it has a place and can likewise make an extraordinary tasteful expansion to your arranging, particularly in the event that you use pavers. They can be made to

supplement your home and furthermore make extraordinary grower. As referenced over, the plants will work related to the holding divider to keep soil in its appropriate spot. Disintegration Control Netting – Many organizations make netting explicitly for disintegration control to help hold soil down. There are a few disadvantages to utilizing this; however it's a standout amongst the best approaches to avert soil disintegration. A great part of the netting is biodegradable, however this additionally implies the netting should be supplanted on a genuinely standard premise. It's not the best arrangement; however it's an extraordinary impermanent one. Best Solution Plant Vegetation - The loss of protective vegetation through overgrazing, sloughing and fire makes soil vulnerable to being swept away by wind and water. Plants provide protective cover on the land and prevent soil erosion for the following reasons: • Plants slow down water as it flows over the land and this allows much of the rain to soak into the ground. • Plant roots hold the soil in position and prevent it from being blown or washed away. • Plants break the impact of a raindrop before it hits the soil, reducing the soil's ability to erode. • Plants in wetlands and on the banks of rivers are important as they slow down the flow of the water and their roots bind the soil, preventing erosion.

CONCLUSION A diversified range of soils is used with increasing proportion of marginal soils. It is vital that good soil management is implemented to ensure high sustainable production for economic viability and maintain or improve soil fertility. There is also a growing concern on soil degradation and environmental pollution with high inputs agriculture but these can be avoided with good soil management. The first approach in soil management is to identify the soil constraints to crop production and assess their degree of severity. In the humid tropics, these detriments are closely related to nutrients and water which are the most limiting factors to crop productivity. Both are available via the soil to the plants, particularly those with good rooting activity. The rooting activity of plants are influenced by many soil properties such as terrain, texture, structure, consistency, permeability, drainage and inherent nutrients. They require interactive management approach to achieve the basic objectives of crop productivity and maintenance of soil fertility and to do so in an environmentally acceptable way. These soil management approaches encompass soil and water conservation management, soil fertility management, soil acidity management and soil water management. Recommendation The most significant thought with respect to arrive use in the examination region is slant. The sandy and silty surface soils in the investigation territory are amazingly powerless to wind and water disintegration when the balancing out assurance of vegetation spread is expelled. This is particularly valid in steeply inclining segments of the investigation zone. Soils on upland and contiguous steeply inclining segments of the examination zone as of now show attributes that are the immediate consequence of soil disintegration. They are dainty and sandy (because of the consolidation of sandy material got from sandstone bedrock underneath them). A great part of the rich, prolific

loess-inferred parent material has been expelled from this segment of the examination territory. Soils in lower positions in the investigation zone are thickened proposing material disintegrated off adjoining uplands is, at any rate partially, being put away lower on the scene. In something like one case, redisposition of silty and sandy material disintegrated from upslope was fast enough to cover a previous soil. We prescribe that future land utilization of the investigation zone relieve for soil disintegration. Soils in the examination region, however officially influenced by soil disintegration, remain respectably prolific and reasonable for development. Despite the fact that slender, they can bolster some development and can be utilized for an assortment of earthen fill. In any case, incredible consideration amid any land use action that evacuates or hinders the foundation of vegetation ought to be taken. Soil disintegration control practices, for example, zero-culturing and shape furrowing ought to be executed if development is to proceed (at any rate reasonably). Residue fences and soil berms ought to be set up amid any development. Space for vegetated cradle strips ought to be left if the examination zone is to be utilized as a structure site. Soils at the site are most appropriate to "low effect" exercises, for example, field or entertainment territories. Regardless of whether utilized for these reasons, care must be taken to control foot, creature, and vehicle traffic, particularly on the more extreme segments of the investigation region. Any such action that evacuates balancing out vegetation will result in soil disintegration. Both soil disintegration by wind (blowing and collapse) and soil disintegration by water (sheet wash and gullying) is not out of the ordinary if the insurance of balancing out vegetation is expelled and these soil are uncovered.

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APPENDICES Documentation: Conducted group research at Monica’s House:

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