Case 4

  • November 2019
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2. Once you become familiar with the contents of this proposed site, start designing the site. There should be five pages: a page introducing the new listings, and one page

with details on each of the new homes.The name of the intro page should be new.htm, the names of the four listings pages should be 131 Z0B1 .htm, 131 7082.htm, 13 17083.htm, and 13 17084.htm.ln your preparations for the site, create a storyboard of the site's contents and links. Make sure that you make your site easy to navigate. 3. Within each page, insert comments that include your name, the date, and a description of the page's content. 4. The design and layout of the site is up to you, but your pages should include at least

one example of the following design elements: . A style that sets the foreground and background color for a page and an element


within the page. A style that sets a background image for either the entire pa8e or an element

within the page.

. A style that changes the font family for at least one element. o A style that sets the font size for at least one element. . A style that sets the font weight and font style for at least one element. o An inline image that floats along the right or left border of its containing . A style that sets the margin size for an element or for the entire page.


Use one of the supplied thumbnail images to create an image map Iinking the introduction page to each of the pages describing the new listings. Use a graphics program to determine the coordinates of the hotspots in the image map. 6. Submit the completed Web site to your instructor.

Quick Check Answers Session 3.1 '1

. color: yellow;

background-color: rgb(51 ,102,51)

2. Web-safe colors are colors that will not be dithered by a Web browser limited to


256-color palette. You would use them when you want to ensure that your colors appear correctly without browser modification on monitors that display only 256 colors. 3. font-family: Courier New, monospace 4. font-size: 1 6ot 5. The em unit is a relative unit of length equal to the width of the capital letter "M" in the browser's default font. Because the size is exoressed relative to the default font size, textthat is sized with the em unit is scalable and will appear correct relative to other text, no matter what font size has been set on the user's browser. 6. Kerning refers to the amount of space between Ietters. To set the kerning to 2em, use the style letter-spacing: 2em.

7. Iine-height: 2 8. font-weight: bold; font-style: italic 9. The span element is a generic inline element used to contain or mark an inline content.

Session 3.2

1. Use CIF when you want to

use a transparent color, when you want to create an animated image, and when your image is an illustration ol 256 colors or less. 2. Use JPEC for photographic images, for images that contain more than 256 colors, c' when you need to reduce the file size through compression.

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