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Masters Manual Version 3.2 Document No.: I099418UM_APS Masters

 2004 Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, including photocopying, reprinting, or recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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TRADEMARKS The names of all other company, brand, product or service names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Document No.: I099418UM_APS Masters First Release: September 23, 2004

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Application Processing System

Masters Manual, V 3.2

PREFACE Purpose of this Document This manual aims to familiarise users of the Application Processing System (APS) with the Masters of the application. APS is a web-based application developed for banks and nonbanking finance companies (NBFC). Masters are the backbone of the APS. The System Administrator can set parameters for different parameter codes. Parameters are the values (or options) you get when you click on any dropdown list. These parameters help you choose the most suitable option to your requirement. These parameters should be set up before starting any other APS operation. Files which store these group of parameters are called Masters. This manual is intended to help the APS users understand the APS Masters and using them by: 1. 2.

Describing the significance of the Masters Giving step-by-step instructions for adding and authorising data


Describing the function of each Master and means of navigation between various screens


Explaining the functions of the buttons that appear on each screen


Familiarising users with the system response to actions performed

Only the System Administrator and the authorised users can perform these tasks.

Intended Audience This document is meant for use by banks and NBFCs, dealing with loans, and senior management of an organisation, who are using the automated Application Processing System (APS). It is important that all users of the APS are well versed with the basic computer fundamentals. It is assumed that the users of this system are aware of the loan and business processes and terminology of the organisation.

Document Set The APS Masters Manual is a part of the document set for using APS. This document set comprises the following two documents: i. APS User Manual ii. APS Masters Manual

Acronyms and Abbreviations Used The acronyms and abbreviations, used in this document, and their explanations are provided in the following table. These are used in many fundamental definitions and explanations in this document, and are specific to the information in this document. Abbreviation





Advance Disbursement Flag


Application Processing System

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Business IRR


Business Partner


Credit Approval Memorandum Central Processing Unit


Contact Point Verification


Cheque Submission Form


Demand Draft


Detail Data Entry Disbursement Memo


Direct Marketing Executive


Date of Birth


Disbursal Request Form


Direct Selling Agent Debt to Service Ration


Equated Monthly Instalment


Fixed Obligation to Installment Ratio


Field Investigation


High Net Worth Income to Installment Ratio


Initial Money Deposit


Income Tax Return


Loan Originating system


Loan Against Property Loan Management System (FinnOne Version)


List of Values


Loan to Value


Non-Banking Finance Company


Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price


National Automobile Dealers Association


Non-Discrepancy Check


Post Dated Cheque


Post Dated Cheque Management System Registration Copy


Rate Management System


Risk Intelligence and Control


Quick Data entry


Operations Turn Around Time


Tele Verification

Conventions Used The following table describes the symbols and typographical conventions used in this document. These conventions are used to describe the screen components in text. These will help you locate relevant information easily.

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Screen Component Button

Screen Link Message


Text Format Verdana, Bold font and bordered text is used while referring to the button names in the text. Blue text is used while referring to the screen names. Bold and underlined text is used while referring to the links. All messages are given in the Times New Roman Bold font, 11 pt. The given symbol is used to state information that requires special attention. This is presented in a shaded box to catch attention


Clear. The New Application screen Click on Edit.

Data saved successfully.


Menu Option

Bold text is used for writing menu option names.

On the Main menu, click on Approval.


Bold text is used to write field names.

Enter the Client Name.

Organisation of this Manual This section comprises five chapters and is organized in the following way: Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the Masters concept of the Application Processing System. Chapter 2, Getting Started, explains the system requirements to connect to the APS. Chapter 3, Initiating a User, describes the process for adding a user for the APS Online application. Chapter 4, Using APS Masters, explains the process of adding, viewing, modifying and deleting details in the APS Masters. Chapter 5, Using APS Masters, describes all the Masters used in APS.

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CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... 1 1.1

Maker-Authoriser Functionality ................................................................ 1


APS Master Categories ........................................................................... 2


Screen Elements ................................................................................... 3



APS Header ................................................................................ 3


APS Toolbar................................................................................ 3


Navigation Pane .......................................................................... 4


Entry/Search Fields...................................................................... 4


Screen Modes ............................................................................. 5


Screen Conventions ..................................................................... 5

Searching Records................................................................................. 5

2. GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................... 7 2.1

Accessing APS Masters ........................................................................... 7


APS Masters Home Page......................................................................... 8


APS Masters Main Menu ......................................................................... 9


Setting up a New User ......................................................................... 11


Initializing a User Account .................................................................... 11

3. USING APS MASTERS ................................................................................ 13 3.1

Adding a New Record ........................................................................... 13


Modifying a Record .............................................................................. 16


Viewing a Record ................................................................................ 17


Deleting a Record................................................................................ 18

4. APS MASTERS DETAILS ............................................................................. 19 4.1

Security ............................................................................................ 19 4.1.1

Department Setup ..................................................................... 20


Role Master .............................................................................. 23


Company Master ....................................................................... 24


Office Setup ............................................................................. 25


User Setup ............................................................................... 29


User Role Mapping ..................................................................... 33


Holiday Master.......................................................................... 34


Lifestyle Master......................................................................... 35


Security Access Master ............................................................... 36

4.1.10 Master Audit log ........................................................................ 37 4.1.11 Business Date Master................................................................. 37 4.1.12 Security Parameter Master.......................................................... 38 4.2

Common Masters ................................................................................ 39 4.2.1

Asset Category Setup Masters ..................................................... 40


Charge Masters......................................................................... 44 Change Code Master......................................................................................................... 44 Charge Definition Setup ................................................................................................... 46

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Employer Exposure Limit Master .................................................. 48


Entities Masters......................................................................... 50 Agency Setup Master........................................................................................................ 50 Architect Setup Master..................................................................................................... 51 Builder Setup Master......................................................................................................... 55 Company Setup Master..................................................................................................... 58 DSA Setup Masters ........................................................................................................... 59 Employer Setup.................................................................................................................. 64 Group Setup Master........................................................................................................... 66 Industry Master.................................................................................................................. 67 Insurance Company Setup................................................................................................ 68 The Introducer Master....................................................................................................... 71 Lawyer Setup...................................................................................................................... 71 Manufacturer Master......................................................................................................... 75 Marketing Officer Setup................................................................................................... 76 Rate/Risk/FLG Setup ........................................................................................................ 79 RBI Master.......................................................................................................................... 81 RTO Master ........................................................................................................................ 81 Super Group Master.......................................................................................................... 83 Supplier Setup .................................................................................................................... 84


External Institutes Master........................................................... 88 Bank Master........................................................................................................................ 88 Institute Setup..................................................................................................................... 89


PDC ........................................................................................ 93 PDC Bank Master.............................................................................................................. 93 PDC Bank Branch Master................................................................................................ 93 PDC City Master................................................................................................................ 95 Clearing House Master..................................................................................................... 95


Loan Norms Master.................................................................... 97


General Parameter Master........................................................... 98


General Parameter Master........................................................... 99

4.2.10 Template Master ......................................................................100 4.2.11 Miscellaneous Masters ...............................................................101 Building Master................................................................................................................101 Billing Master...................................................................................................................103 City Details Master..........................................................................................................104 Constitution Master.........................................................................................................104 Country Master.................................................................................................................105 Currency Rate Type Master...........................................................................................106 Currency Setup.................................................................................................................107 Customer Category Master.............................................................................................109 District Master..................................................................................................................110 Interest Rate Detail Master...........................................................................................111 IRR Charges Master......................................................................................................113 PLR Charges Master......................................................................................................113 PLR Charge Detail Setup..............................................................................................114 Property Master..............................................................................................................117 Region Master.................................................................................................................118 State Master.....................................................................................................................119 Building Wing Details Master.....................................................................................120 Zip Code Master.............................................................................................................122 Public Rating Master.....................................................................................................123 Referral Master...............................................................................................................124 Source Code Master.......................................................................................................126 © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Field Verification Masters .....................................................................129 4.3.1

FI Agent Master .......................................................................129


Agency Setup ..........................................................................130


FI Type Master.........................................................................134


FI Agency Product Branch Mapping Master ....................................135


Technical Verification Master ......................................................136

Processes Masters ..............................................................................137 4.4.1

Policy Master ...........................................................................137


Score Master ...........................................................................140


Fuzzy Detail Master...................................................................143


Underwriter Question Setup Master .............................................144

Rule Engine Masters ...........................................................................146 4.5.1

Parameter Master .....................................................................147


Condition Master ......................................................................148


Rule Master .............................................................................149

Documents Masters ............................................................................150 4.6.1

Document Header Master...........................................................150


Document Master .....................................................................151

Deduping Masters ..............................................................................152 4.7.1

Fraud Database Setup Master .....................................................152


Dedupe Parameter Master..........................................................156


Dedupe Weights Master.............................................................157


Dedupe Dictionary Master..........................................................157


Dedupe Check Master Setup.......................................................158

Workflow Masters ...............................................................................160 4.8.1

Activity Master .........................................................................161


Queue Master setup..................................................................163


Escalation Master Setup.............................................................165


Deviation Master Setup .............................................................167


Workflow Master Setup..............................................................169

Product and Scheme Masters ...............................................................173 4.9.1

Product Category Setup.............................................................174


Product Setup ..........................................................................175


Scheme Group .........................................................................181


Scheme Masters.......................................................................184


Promotion Masters....................................................................194

GLOSSARY ................................................................................................. 205

Total number of pages: 223 (including the Cover and Contents pages)

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1 Introduction Application Processing System (APS) allows the System Administrator to set parameters for different parameter codes. Parameters are the values (or options) you get when you click on any dropdown list. These parameters help you choose the most suitable option to your requirement. These parameters should be set up before starting any other APS operation. Files where these group of parameters are stores are called Masters. The Masters are the backbone of the APS. These are used to add all the basic details required to initiate a transaction. Adding these details is like setting up parameters so that users need not enter the same information again and again. Using these pre-defined parameters reduces processing time and increases uniformity in the system tasks. These details need to be added only once before starting the various APS processes, or whenever you need any modification to the added information. Only System Administrators and the authorised users can add, modify or remove these parameters. These details are used in almost all the processes of the APS. This basic information must be recorded with utmost precision ,as it will save a lot of effort and time later when critical and competitive business functions are carried out. Correctly created Masters also speed up the day-to-day functioning, and standardise the processes as the system allows users to perform only those tasks and use only those entities which are defined in the Masters.

1.1 Maker-Authoriser Functionality The Master entries can be described as one-time creation of data that has to be referred to frequently. Thus, the Master entries have to be unique, clear and unambiguous. FinnOne works on the principle of Maker-Author (or Maker-Checker). This means a new record is first made (or created) and then authorised before it is added to the main Master list. The maker and checker must be separate users. The functionality of the Maker-Checker facility for the various Masters of the APS is explained in this section. When you click on any Master, two options are presented – Maker and Author (for Authorizer), as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 1-1: Maker, Author Options Click on Maker to create, modify or delete a record, or to search for a particular record. Select and click on Author to check and authorise a new or modified entry to the Masters.

1.2 APS Master Categories According to the functions and tasks they define, and the type of information recorded, the APS Masters can be divided in the following categories, as shown in the table below. Category



This menu option includes Masters for creating a new user account


This option involves all the functions related to company information, user profile, user role, and access control This includes Masters on the norms and standards to be followed while processing a loan application This option includes Masters to set up parameters for verifying the applicant’s contact details by an external agent This involve all the policies and score calculators which are used for underwriting a loan These Masters define the various parameters, rules and conditions to govern the various activities of the processing operation These Masters help you set up the list of documents that may be required from different types of applicants under different conditions. These Masters define the various parameters and databases to check if the application under consideration duplicates any earlier application details These Masters help you define the workflow of the processing operation, activities associated with each stage, and when and why escalations and deviations can be applied These Masters define the categories of the products for which loan is applied, and the various promotion plans and scheme applicable from time to time This menu option lists all the windows that are currently open

Common Field Verification Processes Rule Engine Documents Deduping Workflow

Product and Scheme


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1.3 Screen Elements APS Masters component allows you to create, authorise and save parameter values for the given Masters. You can also delete or modify an existing value. Any modification must also be authorised before it is added to the system. In addition you can also add a new Master file to any set of Masters, as required. These tasks are performed using the Maker and Author screens of the systems. Some of the common elements that are present in all the screens of the system are the header, which shows the basic information of the user operating the system, and the APS Toolbar, which contains a few buttons to perform the various tasks. APS Menu Screen Name APS Header Screen Mode User Details

Entry/ Search Fields


APS Toolbar Navigation Pane

Figure 1-2: The APS Screen Elements


APS Header

After you log in to APS, all the screens of the system display a header, which contains the following user information: •

Date: The current date in the dd/mm/yyyy format

User Id: Login Id of the user who has logged in to the system

Branch: Name of the branch where the user is located.


APS Toolbar

This toolbar is present at the bottom of each screen and contains all the 10 buttons. The buttons appear enabled or disabled depending on the user role and screen functionality. © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Figure 1-3: The APS Toolbar

The following table describes the function of each of these buttons. S. No.






Click on this icon to save the record whose details have been entered or modified



Click on this icon to remove the entered details from all the fields



Click on this icon to add a new record to the system



Click on this icon to modify an existing record



Click on this icon to delete an existing record







Click on this icon to move to search for a record in the system



Click on this icon to




Click on this icon to move to the previous record in the table Click on this icon to move to the next record in the table

Click on this icon to close the window and exit from the system

Navigation Pane

The navigation pane is located at the left side of the screen. It displays all the Masters of the selected category.


Entry/Search Fields

On the right of the navigation pane are some related entry fields for the selected APS allows you to search for data for certain fields if you do not have the complete information, or do not want to fill all the details. This saves keystrokes and time, and ensures correct information. You can use these search criteria when you want to find the details of one or more particular details. Give one or more parameters for search and the system displays all records matching with the given criteria in a grid below the entry fields. When you select the required row, its details are displayed in the search fields.

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Screen Modes

On the basis of the user roles, the Master screens are displayed in any of the following modes: a. Insert Mode: You can add data in the fields and save records to the system when the screen is displayed in the Insert mode. A screen is displayed in the Insert mode when you click on the Insert button. b. Edit Mode: You can modify any existing data when the screen is displayed in the Edit mode. A screen is displayed in the Edit mode when you click on the Edit button. c.

View Mode: You can only view the details on the screen when it is displayed in the View Mode. You cannot add or modify records in this mode.

The current mode of the screen is always displayed on the right corner above the entry fields. You can go from one mode to another by clicking on the appropriate button. However, only authorised users can go to a particular mode of the selected Master, depending upon their role and information need.


Screen Convent ions

The following conventions have been used in all the screens of the system: •

Fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are mandatory. This has also been mentioned on all the screens.

APS does not allow you to save a screen or move to the next screen without entering data in the mandatory fields on the screen. If you attempt to do so, an error message is displayed, specifying the fields for which data needs to be entered.

1.4 Searching Records APS allows you to search for any record in the database if you have only partial information about the required record. You can also use the Search function of APS if you do not want to fill all the details of the record. When you search for a record on the basis of one or more search criteria, the system generates details for all the other fields as well.

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To use search criteria: 1.

On any of the APS search screens, enter one or more search criteria and click on Search . The list of all the records matching with the given search criteria is displayed.


Scroll up and down to find the required data. In some cases, details of the selected Application Id are displayed in the search fields. When you use one or more search criteria to find the required Application Id, the matching results are displayed in a grid below the ent ry fields. The grid consists of a column for each search criterion.

• •

The results are displayed in the descending order of the Application Ids, with the latest application displayed at the top. However, you can sort the data in any other order you want. You can sort the displayed data in the following ways: a. Clicking on a column heading sorts the rows according to that column, and reverses the order displayed. b. Clicking on that column heading again reverses the order of the data.

• When you select any row in the grid, its details are displayed in the entry fields.

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2 Getting Started APS Masters is a web-based component of APS. You can access it using the web browser Internet Explorer 5 or higher. APS Masters can be accessed and used only by the authorised users. The System Administrator assigns a unique User Id and password to each user for preventing unauthorised access to the system.

2.1 Accessing APS Masters You are required to use the User Id and password to log on to the system each time you need to access it. APS uses this Id and password to identify you when you are connecting to the system. The password-protected User Id is important to ensure security of the data in the system. To login to APS Masters: 1.

Access Internet Explorer and enter the url specified by the System Administrator. The APS Welcome screen is displayed.

Figure 2-1: The APS Welcome screen The following message is flashing on the screen: Please press any key to continue. © Nucleus Software

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Press any key. The APS Masters Login screen is displayed.


Enter your User Id and Password, select your branch, and click on OK . Language is set to English by default for this version of APS.

• Passwords are case-sensitive. On providing the correct User Id, Password, and branch, the following welcome message is displayed. Welcome <User Name>. You Last Logged on:

• In case you have entered incorrect User Id or password, either of the following messages is displayed:

Invalid UserID or Password or User ID does not exist Correct the User Id or retype the password. You are required to change your password after a specified period, as set by the System Administrator. To change your password, click File à Change Password and set the new password.

2.2 APS Masters Home Page When you successfully login to the system, the APS Masters Home Page is displayed. The Home Page contains navigations links to go to the other screens of the system. The Home Page displays the following information: i. Current Date in the dd/mm/yyyy format ii. User Id of the connected user iii. Branch office from where user is connected iv. The Main Menu

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Figure 2-2: The APS Home Page

2.3 APS Masters Main Menu The Main Menu of the APS comprises various categories of Masters required for the system. The following figure shows the APS Masters Main Menu. You can click on the required option to view the list of Masters in that category.

Figure 2-3: The APS Masters Main Menu The following table describes these menu options: Menu



This menu option includes Masters for creating a new user account


This option involves all the functions related to company information, user profile, user role, and access control

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Menu Options

d. e. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

Change password Initiate user Department Setup Role Master Company Office Setup User Setup User-Role Mapping Holiday Master Lifestyle Master Security Access Master Audit Log Business Date Security Parameter Page 9

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This includes Masters on the norms and standards to be followed while processing a loan application

Field Verification

This option includes Masters to set up parameters for verifying the applicant’s contact details by an external agent


This involve all the policies and score calculators which are used for underwriting a loan

Rule Engine

These Masters define the various parameters, rules and conditions to govern the various activities of the processing operation These Masters help you set up the list of documents that may be required from different types of applicants under different conditions. These Masters define the various parameters and databases to check if the application under consideration duplicates any earlier application details




These Masters help you define the workflow of the processing operation, activities associated with each stage, and when and why escalations and deviations can be applied

Product and Scheme

These Masters define the categories of the products for which loan is applied, and the various promotion plans and scheme applicable from time to time


This menu option lists all the windows that are currently open

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Asset Category Setup Charge Employer Exposure Limit Entities External Institutes PDC Loan Norns General Parameter Master – LMS i. General Parameter Master – GCD j. Template Master k. Miscellaneous a. FI Agent b. Agency Setup c. FI Type Master d. FI Agency Product Branch Mapping e. Technical Verification a. Policy Master b. Score Master c. Fuzzy Detail d. Underwriter Question Setup a. Parameter b. Condition c. Rule a. Document Header b. Document Master c. d. e. f. g. a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e.

Fraud Database Setup Dedupe Parameter Dedupe Weights Dedupe Dictionary Dedupe Check Master Setup Activity Master Queue Master Setup Escalation Master Setup Deviation Master Setup Workflow Master Setup Product category Product Scheme Group Scheme Promotion -

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2.4 Setting up a New User You can set up a new user by using the User Setup Master (See Section 4.1.5 User Setup Masters). However, before setting up a new user, you need to add details in the Department, Role, Company and Office Masters, so that you can define a user with the appropriate details. Only the System Administartor and authorised users can set up a new user.

2.5 Initializing a User Account If a user account gets locked, or a user forgets the password, you can initialise the user account. APS has a special PIN Mailer facility, by which the new password is sent to the user printer. To initializea user account: 1.

On the Main Menu, click on File > Initialize User. The Initialize screen is displayed.

Figure 2-4: The Initialize screen 2.

Seelct the User Id which you want to initialize from the User ID dropdown list.


Select one or both of the following check boxes, as required: a. Initialize Connection: To Initialize a locked user account b. Initialize Password: Initialize a password The system displays a confirmation message and in case of a new password, sends the new password to the user printer.

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3 Using APS Masters APS allows you to add, maintain and remove parameters for any Master. Each entry that is added to the system or modified needs to be authorised. Maker of an entry should be different from the person authorising it. This section gives detailed instructions for adding, modifying, authorising, viewing and deleting any record in the system. These tasks are common throughout the system. Therefore, follow these steps for maintaining all the Masters. The details of the various Masters are provided in the subsequent sections.

• Only the System Administrator and the Global Users are authorised to add, maintain or authorise a record.

3.1 Adding a New Record You can create a new record and add its details in the system. To create a new records: 1.

On the Main Menu, click on the required Menu option, select the required Master, and click on Maker. For example, click on Processes > Policy Master > Maker. The selected Master screen is displayed, showing the sub-options in the Navigation Pane, a message in the right pane to select the required sub-option.

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Figure 3-1: The Policy Master screen showing the sub-options 2.

In the Navigation Pane, click on the required sub-option. A blank screen for the selected Master is displayed if there is no record in that Master. Otherwise, the screen is displayed in the View mode, displaying a list of all the records in the Master. The system populates the entry fields with the details of the record last saved in the system. In that case, click on the Insert icon. A blank Master screen is displayed.

Figure 3-2: The Policy Master screen (View mode) 3.

Enter details in the required fields.

Some of the fields, like Maker Id and Date, Author Id and Date, and Status of the record are disabled as the system auto-generates this information when you save the data.

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Click on the Save icon or press F9. The system saves the record and displays the following message: saved successfully. The search fields are cleared and the record is added to the grid, with status as Inserted.

Figure 3-3: The Policy Master (Record added to the grid)Authorising a Record Every record that is inserted in to the system needs to be authorised. You can modify records with Inserted or Modified status. To authorise a record: 1.

On the Main Menu, click on the required Menu option, select the required Master, and click on Author. For example, click on Processes > Policy Master > Author. The selected Master screen is displayed, showing the sub-options in the Navigation Pane, a message in the right pane to select the required sub-option.


In the Navigation Pane, click on the required sub-option. The Master screen is displayed in the Author mode, displaying a list of only those records in the Master that need to be authorised. The details of the record last saved in the system are displayed in the entry fields.

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Figure 3-4: The Policy Master screen (Author mode) 3.

To search for the required record, do one of the following: a. Use the Next/Previous icon to scroll down the table, if required. b. Click on the Search icon. The Search screen is displayed. Enter one or more search criteria to find the required record and click on the View icon. The required record is selected in the grid and its details are displayed in the entry fields.


Review the details and click one of the following buttons: •

Approve: (or press F2) To authorise the record. A dialog box is displayed seeking your confirmation to approve the record. On clicking Yes, the record is approved and its status in the grid changes to Authorised.

Reject: (or press F3) To reject the record.

A dialog box is displayed seeking your confirmation to reject the record. On clicking Yes, the record is rejected and its details are removed from the grid and entry fields.

3.2 Modifying a Record You can modify only the description of any record in the system. However, you can modify only those records, which have not been authorised yet. That means, you can change details of the records with status Inserted. Once a record is authorised, you cannot modify its details. To modify a record: 1.

On the Main Menu, click on the required Menu option, select the required Master, and click on Maker. For example, click on Processes > Policy Master > Maker. The selected Master screen is displayed, showing the sub-options in the Navigation Pane, a message in the right pane to select the required sub-option.

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In the Navigation Pane, click on the required sub-option. The Master screen is displayed in the View mode, displaying a list of all the records in the Master. The details of the record last saved in the system are displayed in the entry fields.


To search for the required record, do one of the following: a. Use the Next/Previous icon to scroll down the table, if required. b.

Click on the Search icon. The Search screen is displayed. Enter one or more search criteria to find the required record and click on the View icon.

The required record is selected in the grid and its details are displayed in the entry fields. 4.

Click on the Modify icon. The Master screen is displayed in the Modify mode, and the Description field (which you can modify) is selected. All the other fields are disabled.


Make the required modifications, and click on the Save icon or press F9. The system saves the modified record and displays the following message: <Master Name> successfully. For record with Inserted status, the modified details are displayed in the grid. For records with Authorised status, a new row is added to the grid, showing the record with status as Modified.

If you click the Modify icon for an authorised record that also exists in the modified status, the system displays an error message: A similar record exists in the maker area. Make changes in the record with Modified status.

3.3 Viewing a Record You can view all the records in the Master. The system also gives you an option to view all the records, only the authorised records and only the unauthorised records (with Inserted and Modified) status. To view a record: 1.

On the Main Menu, click on the required Menu option, select the required Master, and click on Maker. For example, click on Processes > Policy Master > Maker. The selected Master screen is displayed, showing the sub-options in the Navigation Pane, a message in the right pane to select the required sub-option.


In the Navigation Pane, click on the required sub-option. The Master screen is displayed in the View mode, displaying a list of all the records in the Master. The details of the record last saved in the system are displayed in the entry fields.


Select one of the following options: •

Authorised: To view the list of authorised records in the Master

Unauthorised: To view the list of records which have not been authorised yet

Both: To view list of all the records in the Master

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Use the Next and Previous icons to scroll up and down the grid. Details of the selected record are displayed in the entry fields.

3.4 Deleting a Record You can delete an existing record in any of the Masters in the system, if required. You cannot delete the records that have child files attributed to them. To view a record: 1.

On the Main Menu, click on the required Menu option, select the required Master, and click on Maker. For example, click on Processes > Policy Master > Maker. The selected Master screen is displayed, showing the sub-options in the Navigation Pane, a message in the right pane to select the required sub-option.


In the Navigation Pane, click on the required sub-option. The Master screen is displayed in the View mode, displaying a list of all the records in the Master. The details of the record last saved in the system are displayed in the entry fields.


To search the record you want to delete, do one of the following: a. Use the Next/Previous icon to scroll down the table, if required. b. Click on the Search icon. The Search screen is displayed. Enter one or more search criteria to find the required record and click on the View icon. The required record is selected in the grid and its details are displayed in the entry fields.


Click on the Delete icon.


A confirmation message is displayed. On clicking Yes, the records are removed from the grid and entry fields on the Master screen and the system displays the following message: <Master Name> deleted successfully.

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4 APS Masters Details As described in the beginning of this manual, APS uses various categories of Masters required for the system. You can click on the required option to view the list of Masters in that category. On selecting a Master, a list of sub-Masters is displayed, if any. Figure 3-1 shows how to select the required Master in the Maker or Author option.

Figure 4-1: Selecting the required Master

All the APS Masters and their details are described in the following sections.

4.1 Security Masters in this category involve all the details related to company information, user profile, user role, and access control on the basis of user level. There are 12 Masters in this category as shown in Figure 3-2. These are described below.

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Figure 4-2: The Security Masters


Department Setup

These Masters help you set up the various departments of the bank which will be involved in the various stages of loan application processing. This Master option has two sub-Masters – Department Setup and Address Setup Masters. You cannot add details of the department without entering its address information. Therefore, to add a new department to the system, you need to enter its contact details also. If you try to save the details of a new department without adding its details in the (Department) Address Setup Master, an error message is displayed. a. Department Setup Master This Master records the details for setting up a department in the system.

Figure 4-3: The Department Setup Master screen

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The following table describes the details that need to be recorded in this Master. Field


Department Code Dept. name

Code of the department of the bank

Department Type

Select the department type from the dropdown list. The list displays the options specified by the System Administrator Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) form at. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Complete name of the department

Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

Remarks Once added, it cannot be modified Once added, it cannot be modified -

The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. (Department) Address Setup Master This Master records the contact details of the department added to the system.

Figure 4-4: The (Department) Address Setup Master screen

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The following table describes the details that need to be recorded in this Master. Field



Contact Person

Name of the contact person for the department



Identification code of the business partner. The business partner may be a dealer, broker or DSA. Address of the contact person

This is generated by the system -

Address Type

The type of the address, as required, such as residence, office, and permanent.


The country where the contact person is located

You can add various types of addresses for a person, such as residential, office, and permanent. -

State City

The state where the contact person is located The city where the contact person is located



ISD or area code of the phone where the concerned person can be contacted Zip code for the address Phone number where the concerned person can be contacted Alternative phone number where the concerned person can be contacted Number on which messages can be faxed to the concerned person Mobile number of the concerned person, if any


E-mail Id where messages can be mailed to the concerned person, if available Number where messages can be sent to the concerned number by telex Pager number, if any, on which the concerned person can be reached Duration in years and months for which the concerned person is living at the present address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address



Zip Code Phone 1 Phone 2 FAX Mobile E-Mail TELEX Pager Year at This Address Mailing Address


A selected check box indicates that the given address type is no longer applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id

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Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system


One of the address type of the person must be selected as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

the record is authorised

Role Master

This Master deals with creating a role for the user. APS displays information on the basis of user level. In APS, all the users are not authorised to access all the screens and perform all the tasks. Assigning a user level also authorises a user to perform certain tasks using the APS. The Role Setup Master screen is used to define user levels and giving them access rights.

Figure 4-5: The Role Setup Master screen

The following table describes the details that define the user roles in the Role Master. Field



Role ID

The Id assigned to the role

Role Level

The level assigned to the role

Role Description

Description of the role

Role Status

Current status of the role. The dropdown list displays the possible status for the role -- Active (A) or inactive (I).


The identification code of the rule applicable to the role, as specified by the System Administrator If Yes (Y), the selected role is authorised to handle any deviation to the policies and scoring. If No (N), the role cannot approve deviation from the pre-set policies of the company.

Handle Deviation Flag

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Once added, it cannot be modified Once added, it cannot be modified This is displayed when you select a role in the APS online system A user status can be made active or inactive in the system, as required -

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Application Processing System Product

The category of the loan, along with the product Id. The dropdown list displays all the categories -- Auto Loan (Auto), Home Loan (Home), and Personal Loan (Pers). Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Author Date


Masters Manual, V 3.2 Some roles are applicable only for certain loan products The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Company Master

This Master deals with the details of the company, such as the name, address and contact details of the company. APS displays this information while adding details for corporate applicant or guarantor, or the employment details of an individual applicant or guarantor, whenever required.

Figure 4-6: The Company Master screen

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The following table describes the details that need to be recorded in the Company Master. Field



Company Code

The Id assigned to the company


Company Name Address 1

The complete name of the company First line of the address of the company


Address 2 Country

Second line the address of the company Country where the company is located. This is part of the company’s address. The dropdown list shows all the countries specified by the System Administrator State where the company is located. This is part of the company’s address. The dropdown list shows all the states in the selected country, as specified by the System Administrator City where the company is located. This is part of the company’s address. The dropdown list shows call the cities in the selected state, as specified by the System Administrator Zip code of the company’s location. This is part of the company’s address. The dropdown list shows call the zip codes in the selected city, specified by the System Administrator The phone number where call to the company can be made The second or alternative phone number where call to the company can be made The fax number where communication can be faxed to the company Name of the employee of the company who is authorised to sign documents and checks on behalf of the company E-mail id to send information to the company url of the company’s web-site, if any


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added



Zip Code

Phone Number 1 Phone Number 2 FAX Signatory Authority

E-Mail URL Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date







The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Office Setup

This Master option has two sub options – Office Setup and Address Setup. You cannot add details of the office without entering its address information. Therefore, to add a new office to the system, you need to enter its contact details also. If you try to save the details of a new © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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office without adding its details in the (Office) Address Setup Master, an error message is displayed. a. The Office Setup Master This Master allows you to add details of the office, where the user the based. This record helps APS generate loan details for a particular branch, office level or region.

Figure 4-7: The Office Setup Master screen

The following table describes the details that need to be recorded in Office Setup Master. Field


Office Code

The Id assigned by the system to the office or company

Office Name

The complete name of the office


The name of the associated company, as entered into the system Type of the office and its code. The dropdown list displays all the office types, like Area Office (AO), Branch Office (CO), Head Office (HO), Regional Office (RO), State Office (SO), Sub-Branch Office (B), and Zonal Office (ZO) Name of the main office

Office Type

Parent Office Signatory Authority

Branch Code

Name of the employee of the company who is authorised to sign documents and checks on behalf of the company Region where the office is located. The dropdown list shows all the applicable regions and their codes, like Central (100011), East (100009), North (100007), South (100008) and West (100010) Code assigned to the branch

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system


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Remarks This is generated by the system -



The system generates this

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Author Id Author Date

Masters Manual, V 3.2 generates this information when the record is added

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

a. (Office) Address Setup Master This Master records the contact details of the office added to the system.

Figure 4-8: The Office Address Setup Master screen

The following table describes the details that need to be recorded in the (Office) Address Setup Master. Field



Contact Person

Name of the contact person at the office



The identification code assigned to the business partner The address of the office for adding details of the corporate applicant or guarantor, or the employment details of the applicant or guarantor

This is generated by the system You have for line to enter the address. You need not add details on the State, Country and Zip Code


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Masters Manual, V 3.2 Type of the office and its code. The dropdown list displays all the office types, like Area Office (AO), Branch Office (CO), Head Office (HO), Regional Office (RO), State Office (SO), SubBranch Office (B), and Zonal Office (ZO) Name of the country where the company is located


Name of the state in the selected country where the company is located Name of the city in the selected state where the company is located The STD or ISD code to be used for the given phone number Zip code of the company’s location. This is part of the company’s address. The dropdown list shows call the zip codes in the selected city The phone number where call to the company can be made The second or alternative phone number where call to the company can be made The fax number where communication can be faxed to the company


Mobile phone number of the contact person for the company E-mail id where communication to the office/contact person can be sent. The telex number where communication can be sent to the company Pager number where any information to the company can be sent Number of years for which the company is located at the given address. What about months? Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address



A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

Country State City STD / ISD Zip Code

Phone 1 Phone 2 FAX Mobile E-Mail TELEX Pager Year at This Address

Mailing Address

Maker Date


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One of the given address types must be selected as the mailing address. If none of the addresses is selected as the mailing address, the system will display an error message while saving the details

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is authorised

User Setup

This Master has three sub-Masters – User Setup and Address Setup and Login Day Masters. The User Setup Master helps you add new users to the system, and assign them user Ids. From the Login Day Master, you can grant access rights to the user for any particular day and time. Details of the user without entering the address information. Therefore, to add a new user to the system, you need to enter the user’s contact details. If you try to save the details of a new user without adding details in the (User Office) Address Setup Master, an error message is displayed. a. User Setup Master This Master allows you to add details of the APS users (employees of the company who are using APS). This one-time entry in APS helps use user level for adding, approving or rejecting loan details. APS can also be used for generating user-wise reports.

Figure 4-9: The User Setup Master screen

The following table describes the details that need to be recorded in the (Office) Address Setup Master. Field


User ID

The Id assigned to the user


The internal department to which the user belongs. The dropdown list displays all the departments of the company, as entered in the Department Setup Master

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Remarks The Id is created by the System Administrator -

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Complete name of the user


BP Type

The type of the business partner of which the user department is a part. The dropdown list displays all the BP types and their Type Codes used by the APS – Agency, Architect, Accountant, Borrow Institution, Broker and Builder Master. The Id assigned to the selected BP Type. The dropdown list displays all the Ids defined in the APS.

These parameters are defined by the System Administrator



The name of the person to whom the user is reporting. The dropdown list displays names of the employees at the supervisor’s role in the company

These Ids are pre-set by the System Administrator These names are set by the System Administrator

User Status

The current status of the user. The options are:


• Active • Inactive User Enabled Office Name

Password Initialize Sanction Limit Rule

Last Login Date

Pwd Change Date

E – Mail Product

Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

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To indicate if the user is authorised to perform the department tasks Name of the branch office where the user is located. The dropdown list displays names of all the branch offices of the company. This checkbox Indicates if the user password has been initialised The Rule ID and description of the rule that the user is required to make use of which entering, approving or deleting a loan application. The dropdown list displays all the rules applicable to the user’s role level. The date and time when the user had last logged in to the system. This is auto-generated by the system in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss format The date and time when the user last changed the password to access APS. This is auto-generated by the system in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss format The e-mail id of the user where system can send messages to the user The category of the loan, along with the product Id. The dropdown list displays all the categories -- Auto Loan (Auto), Home Loan (Home), and Personal Loan (Pers). Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The default option is Yes. -

By default, this checkbox is checked. -


The users are required to change their password after a stipulated period -

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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b. (User) Address Setup This Master allows you to add contact details of the selected user.

Figure 4-10: The User Address Setup screen

The following table describes the details that need to be recorded in the Login Day Master. Field



Contact person

The name of the contact person


BP Id Address

The Bp Id of the person The address of the inspector


Address Type

The type of the address



The country of residence.



The state of residence



The city of residence The STD/ISD code


Zip code

The zip code of the residence


Phone 1

The first phone number


Phone 2

The second phone, in case available


FAX Mobile

The FAX number The mobile number, in case available



The Email Id of the person.






The pager number, in case available.


Years at this address

The number of years the person has resided in this address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address


Mailing address

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Checked option box means the

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box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address


A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date


The Login Day Master

The Login Day Master allows you to grant access rights to the user for the required day and time. By default, all users are granted access right from Monday 00:00 hrs to Saturday 25:59 hrs. You cannot add details of the login day rights without setting up the user

Figure 4-11: The Login Day Master screen

The following table describes the details that need to be recorded in the Login Day Master. Field


User ID

Displays the Id assigned to the selected user

Login Start Time

The beginning of the period in the hh:mm format when the user can start login on a given day

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Remarks This is generated by the system -

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 the user can start login on a given day

Login End Time Maker Id Maker Date

The end of the period in the hh:mm format after which the selected user cannot start login on a given day Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

• The grid lists all the days of the week and the login access allowed for each. To

change the default or an entered time, select the day in the grid and change the time in the entry fields above the grid.


User Role Mapping

This Master allows you to map a user to the various roles, as required.

Figure 4-12: The User Role Mapping screen To map the User Id and Role: 1.

Select the User name from the dropdown list, whose Id you want to map with the required role/roles.


The grid below the entry fields shows all the roles defined in APS. Select the role you want to map to the selecetd User Id and click on Enable in the corresponding row.

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Holiday Master

The Holiday Master allows you to set up holidays and their descriptions for a branch of a company.

Figure 4-13: The Holiday Master screen The following table describes the data recorded in the Holiday Master. Field



Office Name

The branch name of the company

Holiday Date

The date on which the holiday is marked

Different branches can have separate holiday lists. -

Holiday Desc.

The description of the holiday



This checkbox indicates the status of the holiday. A selected checkbox means the holiday status is active and it is included in the holiday list of the branch. Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

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Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Lifestyle Master

This Masters lets you label the fields, as required specifically by the bank, to add lifestyle or miscellaneous details of the applicant. The screen thus prepared can be accessed to add miscellaneous details of the applicant, while adding the Basic Details of Applicant, in the APS Online application.

Figure 4-14: The Lifestyle Master screen The following table describes the data recorded in the Holiday Master. Field



Field Id

Identification code assigned to the field

Field Name

The name of the field, as displayed in the APS Miscellaneous screen

Field Label

The name of the field, as displayed in the APS Miscellaneous screen Name of the associated block


Data Type

Type of data to be entered, such as numeric only, alphanumeric, and words only



The number of the characters that can be entered in the text box for the field Indicates if the field is to be marked as mandatory


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Block Name


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Different branches can have separate holiday lists. Mandatory



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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Security Access Master

The Security Access Master allows you to define roles and permissions applicable to them.

Figure 4-15: The Security Access Master Screen The following table describes the data required in the Security Access Master. Field




The role to which permissions are to be attached



The selected check box indicates that the user role has access to the APS Master application The selected check box indicates that the user role has access to the APS online Transaction application

A user can be given access to both the components of the APS application


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Master Audit log

Figure 4-16: The Master Audit Log screen The following table describes the data required in the Master Audit log. Field Master Listing/Audit trail From Date To Date Master Name



These options indicate if you cant to view details of the Master listing or the audit trail The start date of the period for which the audit log is required The end date of the period for which the audit log is required

You can select only one of these options The date is in the dd/mm/yyyy format The date is in the dd/mm/yyyy format

The name of the master whose audit log is required

If no Master is selected, appropriate data from all the Masters is displayed

The search results are displayed in a grid below the search fields. The rows are displayed in any of the following three colours: •

Blue: To show data that has been approved

Red: To show data that has been deleted

Green: To show data that has been modified


Business Date Master

This Master allows you to set a business date for a transaction, if it is to be different from the current date.

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Figure 4-17: The Business Date Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Business Date Master. Field Current Business Date Next Business Date Maker Id Maker Date



Description The current date is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy format Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Remarks The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

Security Parameter Master

The Security Parameters Master is used for managing the security parameters of the password field. Certain parameters for ensuring password security are displayed in the grid below the entry fields. You can change the value for each of them, as required.

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Figure 4-18: The Security Parameters Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Security Parameters Master. Field



The default password value of the selected parameter

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Remarks When you select a parameter in the grid, its value is displayed in the entry fields The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

4.2 Common Masters Masters in this category involve all the details related to asset information, Employee exposure limits, entities, and loan norms. There are 11 Masters in this category, as shown in Figure 3-16. All of these are described in this section.

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Figure 4-19: The Common Masters


Asset Category Setup Masters

a. Asset Master The asset Master describes the details of asset block used by the company.

Figure 4-20: The Asset Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Asset Master. Field Asset Block Id

Description This is the Id of the asset block

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Remarks This is generated by

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Asset block description Maker Id

The description of the asset block

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

the system The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Asset Category Master The Asset Category Master describes the category of the asset depending on the insurance premium, investment allowance and other parameters. You cannot add details of the asset category without defining the asset first.

Figure 4-21: The Asset Category Master Screen. The following table describes the data required in the Asset Category Master. Field Asset Block ID


Remarks -

Category Description

The identification code of the selected asset block The identification code of the selected asset category The Description of the asset category

CO Depreciation

Description of the branch office


IT Depreciation

The IT Depreciation on the asset value


Category ID

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Mandatory Mandatory

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RBI Code L

The applicable RBI Code L


RBI Code H

The applicable RBI Code H


Insurance premium


Dep. Benefit

The insurance premium to be paid for the asset’s insurance The depreciation benefit

Investment Allowance

The investment allowance


Annual allowance

The annual allowance


Investment allowance benefits Annual Allowance Benefits GLTV

The investment allowance benefits


The annual allowance benefits


The Gross Loan to Value ratio



The Net Loan to Value ratio The life of the asset



The variance of the asset


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


Author Id Author Date


Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Model Master

The model Master describes the model of the asset depending upon the make, the manufacturer and other parameters.

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Figure 4-22: The Model Master Screen The following table describes the data required in the Model Master. Field




These options allow you to enter/view details of the asset according to its make or model


The selected category of the asset model.


The Id of the selected asset category


The model of the asset

On selection either options, fields related to the other options are disabled This is generated by the system This is generated by the system Mandatory

Make Manufacturer

The make of the asset The manufacturer of the asset.

Mandatory Mandatory


The Loan to Value ratio for the asset The net Loan to Value ratio for the asset


Body funding Body Funding %

The Body funding of the asset The body funding percentage of the asset


Chassis Funding Chassis funding %

The chassis funding of the asset The chassis funding percentage of the asset.


Variance Max Funding

The difference in the funding The maximum funding for the asset


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


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The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

d. Asset Product Master The asset product Master describes the asset on the basis of the loan product and the status.

Figure 4-23:The Asset-Product Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Asset –Product Master. Field Product

The category of the loan, along with the product Id. The dropdown list displays all the categories -Auto Loan (Auto), Home Loan (Home), and Personal Loan (Pers). The current status of the loan product for the selected asset for which loan is required. The status can be active or inactive




Remarks -

Some roles are applicable only for certain loan products

Charge Masters

These Masters help you define the various charges that are levied during the various stages of loan processing. You can assign codes to the different charges and set the upper limit for each. There are two categories of Charge Masters – Change Code Masters and Charge Definition Master. Change Code Master The Charge Code Master describes the various charges that are levied during the loan processing stages.

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Figure 4-24: The Charge Code Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Charge code Master. Field



Charge Code ID

The identification code assigned to the type of charge

Each charge type is given a code by the system automatically

Charge Description

The description of the charge code

Module Id

The identification code assigned to the module

This helps the other users understand the charge code -

Charge time

The time or stage when the charge is levied


Manual Advice

Indicates whether expert advice is necessary. The options are Yes and No. The LPP Calculation


Waive off flag

Yes or No value in this field indicate if the change can be waived off


Discount type Short received

The type of discount, if any, given on the charge The status of short amount received


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

LPP Calculation

Maker Date


Author Id

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Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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the record is authorised Charge Definition Setup This Master helps you add details to the charge defined in the system in the previous Master. There are two sub-Masters in this category -- Charge Master and Slab Master. You cannot add details of the charge before defining a change code. a. Charge Master You can add all the details of the change defined earlier using the Charge Master.

Figure 4-25: The Charge Master The following table describes the data required in the Charge Master. Field


Charge ID

The identification code of the selected charge

Charge Desc.

The description of the charge

Txn type

The type of transaction

Charge type Txn ID

The type of charge applied The identification code assigned to the transaction type The rate of the charge The type of Business Partner

Rate BP Type

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Remarks This is generated by the system (from the Charge Code Master) This is generated by the system (from the Charge Code Master) The charge may differ for each business partner type

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The amount of the charge




Calculated On

The identification code assigned to the business partner The minimum charge amount that can be levied for the specified transaction and BP types The Candidate Attributes. This value is autogenerated on the basis of the selected transaction type The date until which the specified rate is valid and need not be revised. The date is entered in dd/mm/yyyy format. The component on which the charge is calculated

Slab Type

The slab type for the charge

Round Off Till

The nearer upper or lower paisa or rupee until which the charge is rounded off One of these options is selected from the dropdown list to indicate if the charge is a receipt or a payment. The currency in which the charge is levied

The slab type may differ due to various factors, as defined in the Slab Master -

Min. Charge Amount Candidate Attr

Rate Valid Till



Advice Flag Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

A selected check box Indicates whether expert advice is necessary Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The bank can revise the rate from time to time -


The default value in this version of system is INR. The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Slab This Master helps you set upper and lower limits to the charges to be levied. You can access the Slab Master only after you have defined a charge and selected the charge type as Slab.

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Figure 4-26: The Slab Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Charge Master. Field



Charge ID

The identification code of the selected charge

Slab ID

The description of the charge

Slab Min. Amount

The lower limit for the charge amount

This is generated by the system (from the Charge Code Master) This is generated by the system (from the Charge Code Master) Mandatory

Slab Max. Amount Type

The upper limit for the charge amount The type of the charge

Mandatory -

Rate Amount

The rate of the charge The amount of the charge



The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised


Employer Exposure Limit Master

This Master helps you set the exposure limit for any company. This means, you can set a limit above which corporate loan cannot be granted to an employee of a particular company. The terms and conditions for the corporate loan are different from those of the individual loans.

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Figure 4-27: The Employer Exposure Limit Master Screen The following table describes the data required in the Employer Exposure Limit Master. Field



Currency Name

The name of the loan product. The dropdown list displays all the loan products -- Auto Loan (Auto), Home Loan (Home), and Personal Loan (Pers). The currency in which the loan is given

Employer Name

The name of the employer or the company

Only specific products can be selected for a particular company The default value in this version of APS is INR. Mandatory

Office Name



The name of the office or the branch of the company The upper limit of the exposure in Rupees

Threshold Exposure

The lower limit of the exposure in Rupees The amount of the exposure allowed

Mandatory -

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Product Name

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

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The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Entities Masters

The Entity Masters help you add and view details of the various entities that may be working for the processing of loan applications, such as agency, DSA, broker, and company. Agency Setup Master a. Agency Master

Figure 4-28: The Agency Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Agency Master. Field



Agency Id

The Agency Id


Agency code Agency name

The code number of the agency The name of the agency


Agency Type

The type of the agency


Active flag

Indicates if the selected agency is currently active or not


Activity Maker Id

The type of activity carried out by the agency. Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


Author Id

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The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

the record is authorised

Agency Branch Link Master

Figure 4-29: The Agency Branch Link Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Agency Branch Link Master. Field



Agency Id

Identification code assigned to the selected agency


The name of the branch of the company

This is generated by the system -


The status of the branch of the company

- Architect Setup Master a. Architect Master The architect Master details the architects defined in the system.

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Figure 4-30: The Architect Master The following table describes the data required in the Architect Master. Field


Architect ID

Identification code assigned to the architect

Architect Name

The name of architect

Building ID

Identification of the building associated with the architect The name of the project with which the architect is associated Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Project Id Maker Id

Maker Date


Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

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Remarks This is generated by the system The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised The system generates this information when the record is added

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b. Address Setup Master

Figure 4-31: The Architect Address Setup Master The following table describes the data required in the Builder Address Setup Master. Field Contact person BP Id Address Address Type Country State City STD/ISD Zip code Phone 1 Phone 2 FAX Mobile E-mail

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Description The name of the contact person at the architect’s office The identification code assigned to the business partner The address of the architect’s office The type of the address


This is auto-generated by the system

The country where the architect’s office is located The state where the architect’s office is located The city where the architect’s office is located The STD/ISD code of the architect r’s office phone The zip code where the architect office is located The first phone number at the architect ‘s office The second phone, if any, at the architect ’s office The fax number, if any, at the architect’s office The mobile number, if any, on which the architect’s office can be contacted The e-mail Id of the person , if any, at the architect’s office

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The telex number of the architect’s office


The pager number, if any, on which the architect ’s office can be contacted The number of years that the office is located at the given address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address

Years at this Address Mailing address


A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date


Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

City Mapping Master

Figure 4-32: The City Mapping Master The following table describes the data required in the Agency Branch Link Master. Field


Architect Name

Name of the architect

City ID

The identification code assigned to the city to which the architect is linked The name of the city

City Name

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Remarks This is generated by the system -

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Figure 4-33: The Builder Setup Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Builder Master. Field



Builder Id

The identification assigned to the builder


Builder Name Exposure Amount Website

The name of the builder The maximum amount than can be given as loan to the builder The Website of the builder


Exposed Amount

The amount of the loan that the builder has already used The maximum amount that has been financed


Total number of flats constructed by the builder


The number of flats which can be financed


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Max Amount Financed Total Flats Max Flats Financed Maker Id Maker Date


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The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Address Setup Master The Address Setup Master describes the contact details of the builder.

Figure 4-34: The Builder Address Setup Master The following table describes the data required in the Builder Address Setup Master. Field Contact person BP Id Address Address Type Country State City STD/ISD Zip code Phone 1 Phone 2 FAX Mobile

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Description The name of the contact person at the builderr’s office The identification code assigned to the business partner The address of the builder’s office The type of the address


This is auto-generated by the system

The country where the builder’s office is located The state where the builder’s office is located The city where the builder’s office is located The STD/ISD code of the builder’s office phone The zip code where the builder office is located The first phone number at the builder‘s office The second phone, if any, at the builder’s office The fax number, if any, at the builder’s office The mobile number, if any, on which the builder’s office can be contacted

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The e-mail Id of the person , if any, at the builder’s office


The telex number of the builder’s office The pager number, if any, on which the builder’s office can be contacted The number of years that the office is located at the given address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address

Years at this Address Mailing address


A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date


Masters Manual, V 3.2

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Builder-Office Setup Master

Figure 4-35: The Builder-Office Setup Master © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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The following table describes the data required in the Builder-Office Setup Master. Field



Builder ID

The identification assigned to the builder


Office ID

The identification of the office to which the builder is linked Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

This is auto-generated by the system The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Company Setup Master The Company Setup Master describes the details of the company.

Figure 4-36: The Company Setup Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Company Setup Master.

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Company Id

The Id of the company

Company description

The detailed description of the company.

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authoris ed. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised D SA Setup Masters These Masters help you set up the direct selling agents for the bank. These include Masters for setting up brokers, their details and the product and exposure limit for each. a. Broker Master The Broker Master describes details of the broker.

Figure 4-37: The Broker Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Broker Master. © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Broker name

The name of the broker





The exposure limit assigned to the specified broker Indicates if the current status is active or not


The exposure amount.



The date when the broker is added to the system


Bank Code Bank Branch

The code of the bank The name of the branch of the bank


Banker’s name

The name of the banker


Banker’s branch

The branch name of the branch of the Banker



The composition of the DSA company


Sanctioning Disbursal due

The sanctioning limit The due amount of the disbursal


Incentive due

The due amount of the incentive



The amount of the payment to be made



If the DSA has been de-activated


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date


b. Address Setup Master The Address Setup Master describes the address details of the broker. You can add these details only after setting up a broker in the system.

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Figure 4-38:The Address Setup Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Address setup Master. Field Contact person BP Id


Address Address Type

The name of the contact person The identification code assigned to the business partner The address of the person The type of the address

Country State

The country of residence. The state of residence


The city of residence The STD/ISD code

Zip code Phone 1 Phone 2

The zip code of the residence The first phone number The second phone, in case available

FAX Mobile

The FAX number The mobile number, in cas e available

E-mail TELEX

The Email Id of the person. The TELEX

Pager Years at this address

The pager number, in case available. The number of years the person has resided in this address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address

Mailing address


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A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Remarks This is auto-generated by the system

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive

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Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date


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Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Office Mapping Master

This user helps you map a DSA to certain specific or all the branches of the bank.

Figure 4-39: The Office Mapping Master screen

d. Product Mapping Master The product Mapping Master describes the Product Mapping for which the selected DSA is authorised.

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Figure 4-40: The Product Mapping Master Screen The following table describes the data required in the Product Mapping Master. Field


Broker name

The name of the selected broker


The loan product, in which the selected DSA can deal

Remarks This is auto-generated by the system To be selected from the dropdown list of the given loans

e. The Exposure Master The Exposure Master describes the exposure limit given to the broker.

Figure 4-41: The Exposure Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Exposure Master.

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Broker name

The name of the selected broker


The name of the loan product the broker can deal in


The office name

Amount exposure

The amount of exposure allowed to the broker The number of days for which the exposure is allowed The units

No. of days Units

Remarks This is auto-generated by the system This is auto-generated by the system from the previous Master This is auto-generated by the system from the earlier Master Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Employer Setup a. The Employer Master The Employer Master describes the details of the employer such as the employer name and the industry.

Figure 4-42: The Employer Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Employer Master. Field



Employer Id

The identification code assigned to the employer


Employer name DSA Emp Flag

The name of the employer The DSA EMP Flag


Worklist Emp Flag

The worklist Emp Flag


The Sector

The Sector name


Industry Id

The Id of the industry


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Super Group

The associated super group


Employer category

The category of the employer


Deal source Maker Id

The source of the deal Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. The Address Master The Address Master describes the address details of the employer.

Figure 4-43: The Address Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Address Master. Field




The Bp Id of the person

This is auto-generated by the system

Contact person Address

The name of the contact person The address of the person

Mandatory Mandatory

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Branch Type

The type of the office branch, whether CO, BO, HO or any other

Address Type Country

The type of the address The country of residence.

Mandatory Mandatory


The state of residence



The city of residence



The STD/ISD code


Zip code Phone 1

The zip code of the residence The first phone number


Phone 2

The second phone, in case available



The FAX number



The mobile number, in case available


E-mail TELEX

The Email Id of the person. The TELEX



The pager number, in case available.


Years at this address

The number of years the person has resided in this address


Mailing address

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address


A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Group Setup Master The Group Setup Master describes the setting up of groups.

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Figure 4-44:The Gr oup Setup Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Group Setup Master. Field


Group ID

The ID of the Group

Group code

The code of the group


The detailed description of the group

Exposure amount Exposed amount

The amount of exposure The amount Exposed.

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Industry Master The Industry Master describes the industry details.

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Figure 4-45: The Industry Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Industry Master. Field


Industry Id

The Id of the industry

Industry Description

The detailed description of the industry.

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Insurance Company Setup a. Insurance Company Master The Insurance Company Master describes the Insurance Company.

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Figure 4-46: The Insurance Company Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Insurance Company Master. Field



Insurance Id

The Id of the insurance


Insurance Description Contact Person

The description of the Insurance. The name of the contact person



The address of the insurance company


Phone No 1

The first phone number.


Phone No 2

The Second phone number, in case available



The FAX number The TELEX number.



The name of the country



The name of the state



The name of the city


Zip Code Maker Id

The Zip code of the city Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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b. Insurance Branch Link Master The Insurance Branch Link Master describes the Insurance Branch links.

Figure 4-47: The Insurance Branch Link Master Screen The following table describes the data required in the Insurance Branch Link Master. Field



Branch Id

The Id of the Branch


Branch Description Contact Person

The description of the Branch The name of the contact person



The address of the insurance company


Phone No 1

The first phone number.


Phone No 2

The Second phone number, in case available


Country State

The name of the country The name of the state



The name of the city


Zip Code

The Zip code of the address



The FAX number



The TELEX number. The Email ID of the branch


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The Introducer Master

Figure 4-48: The Introducer Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Introducer Master. Field



Introducer Code

The code of the introducer


Introducer Name

The name of the introducer


Introducer Information Maker Id

The information specific to the introducer. Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Lawyer Setup a. Lawyer Master The Lawyer Master describes the Lawyer details. © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Figure 4-49: The Lawyer Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Lawyer Master. Field



Lawyer ID

The ID code of the lawyer


Lawyer Name

The name of the lawyer


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Lawyer Office Link Master The Lawyer Office Link Master details the Lawyer Office Link.

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Figure 4-50: The Lawyer Office Link Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Lawyer Office Link Master. Field



Lawyer ID

The ID code of the lawyer


Office ID

The ID of the office



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.



Lawyer Address Master

The Lawyer Address Master details the Address .

Figure 4-51: The Lawyer Address Master © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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The following table describes the data required in the Lawyer Address Master. Field Contact person BP Id Address Address Type Country State City STD/ISD Zip code Phone 1 Phone 2 FAX Mobile E-mail TELEX Pager Years at this Address Mailing address

Description The name of the contact person at the lawyer’s office The identification code assigned to the business partner The address of the lawyer’s office The type of the address

The STD/ISD code of the lawyer’s office phone The zip code where the lawyer’s office is located The first phone number at the lawyer’s office The second phone, if any, at the lawyer’s office The fax number, if any, at the lawyer’s office The mobile number, if any, on which the lawyer’s office can be contacted The e-mail Id of the person , if any, at the lawyer’s office The telex number of the lawyer’s office The pager number, if any, on which the lawyer’s office can be contacted The number of years that the office is located at the given address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address

A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Author Id Author Date

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This is auto-generated by the system

The country where the lawyer’s office is located The state where the lawyer’s office is located The city where the lawyer’s office is located


Maker Date


Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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d. Agency Mapping Master The Agency Mapping Master lists the agencies linked with the lawyer.

Figure 4-52: The Agency Mapping Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Lawyer Office Link Master. Field



Lawyer ID

The Id of the lawyer


Agency ID Agency Name

The Id of the agency mapped with the lawyer The name of the agency mapped with the lawyer



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

- Manufacturer Master The manufacturer Master describes the manufacturer details.

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Figure 4-53: The Manufacturer Master screen The following table describes the data required in the manufacturer Master. Field


Manufacturer ID

The ID of the manufacturer

Manufacturer Description Maker Id

The detailed description of the manufacturer

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised Marketing Officer Setup a. Inspector Master The Inspector Master describes the details of the inspecting officer.

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Figure 4-54: The Inspector Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Inspector Master. Field



Officer type

Marketing officer or DME, as the case might be.


Inspector ID

The ID of the Inspector


Inspector Name

The name of the Inspector


Incentive (%)

The incentive (%) to be given to the inspector


Region Exposure amount

The Region of operation The amount of exposure


Exposed amount

The amount exposed


DSA name

The name of the DSA


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

b. Address Master The Address Master contains details of the address.

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Figure 4-55: The Address Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Address Master. Field



Contact person BP Id

The name of the contact person The Bp Id of the person



The address of the inspector


Address Type

The type of the address



The country of residence.


State City

The state of residence The city of residence



The STD/ISD code


Zip code

The zip code of the residence


Phone 1

The first phone number


Phone 2 FAX

The second phone, in case available The FAX number



The mobile number, in case available



The Email Id of the person.





Pager Years at this address

The pager number, in case available. The number of years the person has resided in this address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address


Mailing address


© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to

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Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

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Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Rate/Risk/FLG Setup a. Rate/Risk/FLG Master The Rate/Risk/FLG Master contains the Rate, Risk or FLG details, as applicable.

Figure 4-56: The Rate/Risk/FLG Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Rate/Risk/FLG Master. Field



Lessor ID

The ID of the Lessor


Lessor Name Rate/Risk/FLG type

The Name of the Lessor The Rate/Risk/FLG type

The Rate Slab Master cannot be accessed

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BP Type

Category of the business partner



Consortium (%)

The Identification code given to the business partner by the bank The Consortium percentage

Commission (%)

The Commission percentage


Valid till

The date until validity lasts.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date


b. Rate Slab Master The Rate Slab Master contains the Rate Slab details.

Figure 4-57: The Rate Slab Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Rate Slab Master. Field



From Rate

The start range of the rate


To Rate

The ending range of the rate


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The benefit



The status

- RBI Master The RBI Master contains Master information about the applicable RBI regulations.

Figure 4-58:The RBI Master screen The following table describes the data required in the RBI Master. Field RBI Description Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Description The description of the RBI Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Remarks The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised RTO Master The RTO Master contains the RTO details.

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Figure 4-59: The RTO Master screen The following table describes the data required in the RTO Master. Field




The Id of the RTO The name of the RTO


RTO Code

The Code of the RTO


Branch Id

The Id of the Branch


Contact name

The name of the contact person


Address Phone 1

The detailed address of the RTO The first phone number of the RTO


Phone 2



The Second phone number of the RTO, in case available The Fax number

State Id TELEX

The State Id of the RTO The Telex number



The City of residence of the RTO


Email ID

The Email ID of the RTO


City zip

The zip code of the city


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date

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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Super Group Master The Super Group Master contains details of the super groups that have been created.

Figure 4-60: The Super Group Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Super Group Master. Field



Super group ID

The ID of the Super Group


Super Group Code Description

The code of the Super Group The description of the Super Group


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

information when the record is authorised Supplier Setup Supplier setup describes the supplier details. a. Supplier Master The Supplier Master contains details of the supplier.

Figure 4-61: The Supplier Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Supplier Master. Field


Supplier Name

The name of the supplier

State ST Num.

The State ST Num.

Central ST Num.

The Central ST Num.

IT Num. Supplier dealer

The IT Num. The dealer of the supplier

Bank A/c No.

The bank account number of the supplier

VAT A/c No.

The VAT Account number


The limit allowed to the supplier

Status Valid from

The current status of the supplier From when valid

Valid Till

Till when valid

PAN/Gir No.

The PAN/Gir number


The amount of exposure

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

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The system generates this information when

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Author Id Author Date

Masters Manual, V 3.2 information when the record is added

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and tim e when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

b. Address Master The address Master contains details of the addresses.

Figure 4-62: The Address Master screen

The following table describes the data required in the Address Master. Field



Contact person

The name of the contact person



The BP Id of the person



The address of the person


Address Type Country

The type of the address The country of residence.



The state of residence



The city of residence


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The STD/ISD code


Zip code

The zip code of the residence


Phone 1 Phone 2

The first phone number The second phone, in case available



The FAX number



The mobile number, in case available



The Email Id of the person.



The TELEX number The pager number, in case available.


Years at this address

The number of years the person has resided in this address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address


Mailing address


A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Author Id Author Date


Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Office Mapping Master

With the help of this Master, you can map a supplier to a specific or all the offices.

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Figure 4-63: The Supplier Office Master screen d. Product Mapping Master With the help of this Master, you can map a supplier to a specific or all the loan products.

Figure 4-64: The Supplier Product Mapping Master screen e. Manufacturer mapping Master With the help of this Master, you can map a supplier to a specific or all the manufacturers of the asset product.

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F igure 4-65: The Supplier Manufacturer Mapping screen


External Institutes Master Bank Master The Bank Master contains details of the bank, such as the bank name, and branch name.

Figure 4-66: The Bank Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Bank Master. Field Bank Id Bank name

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Description The Id of the Bank The name of the Bank

Remarks -

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Branch Name

The name of the bank Branch


Contact name

The name of the contact person at the bank


Address Phone 1

The address of the bank The first phone number of the bank


Phone 2

The second phone number of the bank



The country of location of the bank



The fax number of the bank


State Telex

The state of location of the bank The telex number of the bank



The city of location of the bank


Email Id

The Email Id for the bank


Zip code

The zip code for the city


URL Cash/Bank

The URL for the web page of the bank Cash or bank, as appropriate


Account type

The type of account at the bank


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Institute Setup a. Institute Master The Institute Master contains details of the Institute.

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Figure 4-67: The Institute Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Institute Master. Field



Institute Id Institute name

The Id of the Institute The name of the Institute


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Institute Address Master The Institute Address Master contains details of the Institute address.

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Figure 4-68: The Institute Address Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Institute Address Master. Field



Contact person

The name of the contact person



The BP Id of the person


Address Address Type

The address of the person The type of the address



The country of residence.



The state of residence



The city of residence


STD/ISD Zip code

The STD/ISD code The zip code of the residence


Phone 1

The first phone number


Phone 2

The second phone, in case available



The FAX number


Mobile E-mail

The mobile number, in case available The Email Id of the person.



The TELEX number



The pager number, in case available.


Years at this address

The number of years the person has resided in this address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address


Mailing address


© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive

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Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Author Id Author Date


Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Courses Master

The Courses Master contains details of the courses conducted by the institute.

Figure 4-69: The Courses Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Courses Master. Field



Institute Id

The Id of the institute


Course Id Course name

The Id of the course The name of the course


Course duration Semester

The duration of the course The number of semesters in the course



The current status


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PDC PDC Bank Master The PDC Bank Master contains details of the PDC Bank.

Figure 4-70: The PDC Bank Master screen The following table describes the data required in the PDC Bank Master. Field



Bank Id Bank name

The Id of the PDC bank The name of the PDC bank


Bank code

The code of the PDC Bank



The city of location of the PDC Bank


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is dis played in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised PDC Bank Branch Master The PDC Bank Branch Master contains details of the PDC Bank Branch. © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Figure 4-71: The PDC Bank Branch Master screen The following table describes the data required in the PDC Bank Branch Master. Field



Bank Branch Id

The Id of the PDC bank Branch


Branch code

The code of the PDC bank Branch



The name of the PDC Bank


City Clearing house ID

The city of location of the branch The branch clearinghouse ID


Bank Branch name

The name of the bank branch


Weekly holiday

The weekday on which the branch does not open.


MICR Since Date

The MICR Since date



The MICR flag The MICR Code


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 PDC City Master The PDC City Master contains the PDC City details.

Figure 4-72: The PDC City Master screen The following table describes the data required in the PDC City Master. Field



City ID

The ID of the City


City type Name

The type of the city The name of the city


Service Branch

The name of the Service Branch



The MICR Flag


Branch code

The code of the branch


State Maker Id

The state of location of the city Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised Clearing House Master The Clearinghouse Master contains details of the clearinghouse. © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Figure 4-73: The Clearinghouse Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Clearinghouse Master. Field



Clearinghouse Id

The Id of the Clearinghouse


ClearingHouse Name City

The name of the Clearinghouse The city of location of the Clearinghouse


Ecs Flag

The Ecs Flag



The name of the bank



The name of the bank branch


Account No. Ledger Folio No

The account number The ledger folio number



The amount


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Loan Norms Master

The Loan Norms Master contains the loan norms details.

Figure 4-74: The Loan Norms Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Loan Norms Master. Field



Loan Norms Id

The Loan Norms Id

Salary months

The Salary months

This is auto-generated by the system -




Spouse salary

Whether the spouse has a salary, yes or no.


LCR Retirement age

The LCR The age of retirement


Years in service

The number of years spent in service


Years in Business

The number of years in business.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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General Parameter Master

The General Parameter Master -LMS contains details of the general parameters.

Figure 4-75: The General Parameter Master-LMS screen The following table describes the data required in the General Parameters Master - LMS. Field



Los / Lending

Whether LOS or Lending



The module



The scope


Key Value Key 2 value

The key value The Key2 Value



The value


Value Description

The description of the value


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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General Parameter Master

The General Parameter Master GCD contains details of the General Parameters GCD.

Figure 4-76: The General Parameter Master – GCD screen The following table describes the data required in the General Parameters Master - GCD. Field




The module


Scope Key Value

The scope The key value


Key 2 value

The Key2 Value



The value


Value Description

The description of the value


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Template Master

The Template Master contains details of the templates.

Figure 4-77: The Template Master screen The following table describes the data required in the General Parameters Master - GCD. Field



Template Id

The Id of the Template


Template name Template type

The name of the Template The type of the Template



The priority


Template Mode

The mode of the template


Process flag

The process flag can be Yes or No


HTML Specific Active Flag

Whether the template is HTML Specific Whether the active status is Yes or No


Template text

The detailed template text.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Miscellaneous Masters Building Master The Building Master contains details of the building for which loan is sought.

Figure 4-78: The Building Master screen The following table describes the data required in the City Details Master.




Builder Id

The Id assigned to the builder.



The name of the builder who is constructing the building.



The name of the project for which the loan is sought.


Building Code

The code assigned to the building.


Property Type

The type of the property on which the building is constructed.


Building Name

The name of the building for which the loan is sought.


Building Type

The type of the building for which the loan is sought


Total Floors

The total number of floors in the building for which the loan is sought.


The number of flats on each floor of the building for which the loan is sought.


Flats Per Floor © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Total Flats

The total number of flats in the building for which the loan is sought.


Start Date

The date on which the project started.


End Date

The end date of the project.


Exposure Amount

The limit of the loan approved for the project by the financing institute.


Exposed Amount

The amount of the loan already used for the project.


Exposure Flats

The number of flats for which the loan has been approved by the financing institute.


Exposed Flats

The number of flats for which the exposed amount has been used.


Verify Percentage

The percentage of completion that has been verified.


Verify By

The name of the person who has verified the percentage completion of the project.


Stage of Construction

The current stage of construction.


Building Structure

The structure of the building.


Verify On

The date on which the project completion status is verified.


Cost Incurred%

The percentage of the cost incurred by the bank for the project.


Verify Till

The date till which the verification stands valid.


The current status of the record.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised


ADF Flag

The marked checkbox indicates Advance Disbursement.


APF Flag

The marked checkbox indicates Advance Processing Fees.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system.

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 Billing Master The Billing Master contains the billing details.

Figure 4-79: The Billing Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Billing Master.




Billing Cycle code

The code assigned to the billing cycle.



The type of loan.


Approved From Date

The date from which the loan is approved.


Approved On Date

The date on which the loan is approved


Assigned Billing Cycle

The assigned billing cycle

Enabled Flag

The marked checkbox indicates that the current status of the billing cycle is active.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

The system generates this information when the record is added

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Figure 4-80: The City Details Master screen The following table describes the data required in the City Details Master. Field



City code

The code number of the city


City Name State

The name of the city The state in which the city is located


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Constitution Master The Constitution Master defines the constitution of a company (if it is a private limited, partnership, or any other type of firm, or individual (whether salaried, self-employed, or temporary employee).

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Figure 4-81: The Constitution Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Constitution Master. Field Constitution ID Constitution Description Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date



The ID of the constitution The detailed description of the constitution.


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Country Master The Country Master contains details of the countries.

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Figure 4-82: The Country Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Country Master. Field



Country Code

The code assigned to the country


Country Name

The name of the country


ISO Code

The ISO code of the country


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Currency Rate Type Master The Currency Rate Type Master contains details of the currency rate type.

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Figure 4-83:The Currency Rate Type Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Currency Rate type Master. Field



Rate Type Id

The Id of the rate type of the currency


Rate type description

The description of the rate type of the currency


Rate type description L Maker Id

The Rate type description L.


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised Currency Setup a. Currency Master The currency Master defines the various types of currencies that are applicable in the APS system.

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Figure 4-84: The Currency Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Currency Master. Field



Currency ID

The ID of the currency


Currency Desc.

The description of the currency


Currency Desc. L Issue Country

The country that issues the currency


Issue Country L


Re Val Code

The Re Val code


Re Val Type

The Re Val Type


Currency sign Currency Decimal

The sign of the currency


Round off Param.

The Round off parameter for the currency.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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b. Currency Rate Master The Currency Rate Master contains details of the currency rate.

Figure 4-85: The Currency Rate Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Currency Rate Master. Field



Currency ID

The ID of the currency


Rate Type

The rate type of the currency


Multi Factor

The Multi Factor of the currency


Valid from

The date from which the current rate is valid


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date Customer Category Master The Customer Category Master contains details of the customer category.

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Figure 4-86: The Customer Category Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Country Master. Field



Customer category Id Description

The Id of the customer category The Description of the customer


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the sys tem

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised District Master The District Master contains details of the district.

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Figure 4-87: The District Master screen The following table describes the data required in the District Master. Field



District Id District Description

The Id of the District The description of the district


District Abbreviation Maker Id

The abbreviation for the district.


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Interest Rate Detail Master

The Interest Rate Detail Master contains details of the Interest rate.

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Figure 4-88: Interest Rate Detail Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Interest Rate Detail Master. Field



Bucket Id Bucket code

The Id of the Bucket The Code of the Bucket

Auto-generated -



Fixed Rate

The product can be Auto loan, home loan, or personal loan. The Fixed Rate

From Tenure To Tenure

The beginning range of the tenure The ending range of the tenure


From Amount To Amount Effective from

The beginning range of the amount The ending range of the amount The date from which the interest rate is effective


Valid till Maker Id

The date up to which the interest rate is valid Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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IRR Charges Master

The IRR Charges Master contains details of the IRR Charges.

Figure 4-89: The IRR Charges Master screen The following table describes the data required in the IRR Charges Master. Field



IRR Type

The type of IRR



The IRR Charge


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date

PLR Charges Master

The PLR Charges Master contains details of the PLR charges.

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Figure 4-90: The PLR Charges Master screen The following table describes the data required in the PLR Charges Master. Field



PLR Charges

The PLR Charges



The description of the PLR Charges


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

PLR Charge Detail Setup

a. PLR Charge Setup Master The PLR Charge Setup Master contains details of the PLR Charge Setup.

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Figure 4-91: The PLR Charge Setup Master screen The following table describes the data required in the PLR Charges Master. Field



PLR Charge Id PLR Charge Type

The Id of the PLR Charge The Type of the PLR Charge


Period Type

Period type can be days or months



The period of the charge


PLR Description

The detailed description of the PLR Charge


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date

b. PLR Detail Setup Master The PLR Detail Setup Master contains details of the PLR Detail Setup.

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Figure 4-92: The PLR Detail Setup Master screen The following table describes the data required in the PLR Detail Setup Master. Field



PLR Charge Type

The Type of the PLR charge


Currency type Rate type

The type of Currency The type of Rate


Effective date

The date from which the rate is effective





Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Property Master

a. Property Master The Property Master describes the details of the property for which loan is sought.

Figure 4-93: The Property Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Property Master.




Property type Id

The Id assigned to the property type.


Property Type

The type of the property.


Property Description

The brief description of the property.

Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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b. Property Document Master The Property Document Master describes the details of the documents required for which loan is sought.

Figure 4-94: The Property Document Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Property Document Master.




Property Name

The name of the property.


Document Id

The ID of document to which property is mapped.


Document Name

The name of the document to which the property is mapped.


Region Master

The Region Master contains the details of the region.

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Figure 4-95: The Region Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Region Master. Field



Region Id

The Region Id


Region Description

The Description of the Region


Region Abbreviation

The abbreviation of the region.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

State Master

The State Master contains details of the states.

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Figure 4-96: The State Master screen The following table describes the data required in the State Master. Field



State Id

The State Id


State Description

The Description of the State



The country within which the state exists


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Building Wing Details Master

The Wing Details Master contains details of the building wing.

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Figure 4-97: The Wing Details Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Wing Detail Master. Field



Builder Name

The name of the builder.


Project Name

The name of the project.


Building Name

The name of the building.


Wing Id

The Id assigned to the wing.


Wing Name

The name of the wing.


Total Flats

The total number of flats.


Flats Per floor

The number of flats on each floor.


Current Exposer Wing

The wing for which the exposed amount has been used.


Exposure Amount

The limit of the loan approved for the project by the financing institute.


Exposed Flats

The number of flats for which the loan has been approved by the financing institute.


Exposure Flats

The number of flats for which the exposed amount has been used.


Maker Id Maker Date


© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/

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Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Zip Code Master

The Zip Code Master contains details of the Zip codes.

Figure 4-98: The Zi p Code Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Zip Code Master. Field



Zip Code Id

The Id of the Zip Code



The State in which the Zip Code exists



The city associated with the Zip Code



The range can be either single or multiple


Zip Code Zip Description

The Zip Code The description of the Zip Code.



The District associated with the Zip Code


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Public Rating Master

The Public Rating Master contains details of the public rating.

Figure 4-99:The Public Rating Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Public Rating Master. Field



Public Rating ID

The ID of the Public Rating


Rating Code

The Rating given by the public The code of the public rating



The Value given by the Public rating


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Referral Master

a. Referral Master

Figure 4-100: The Referral Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Referral Master. Field



Referral ID

The identification assigned to the referral

Referral Code

The identification code assigned to the referral


Company Name

The name of the company


Referral Name

The name of the referral


Incentive Flag


Referral Group

A marked checkbox indicates incentives for the referral Type of referral

Product Category

Type of loan for which referral is defined

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


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The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Address Setup

Figure 4-101: The Referral Master The following table describes the data required in the Referral Address Master. Field Contact person BP Id Address Address Type Country State City STD/ISD Zip code Phone 1 Phone 2

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.



The name of the person who has referred a customer The identification code assigned to the business partner The address of the referring customer The type of the address


The country where the referring customer is located The state where the referring customer is located The city where the referring customer is located The STD/ISD code of the referring customer’s phone The zip code where the referring customer is located The first phone number of the referring customer The second phone, if any, of the referring customer


This is auto-generated by the system -


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Masters Manual, V 3.2 customer The fax number, if any, of the referring customer The mobile number, if any, on which the referring person can be contacted The e-mail Id of the referring person The telex number of the referring person

FAX Mobile E-mail TELEX Pager Years at this Address Mailing address

The pager number, if any, on which the referring customer can be contacted The number of years that the referring customer is living at the given address Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address


A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Source Code Master

The Source Code Master contains details of the source.

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Figure 4-102: The Source Code Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Source Code Master.




Source Id

The Id assigned to the source.


Source Code

The code assigned to the source.


Source Description

The brief description of the source.


Product Category

The category of the loan.


Acquisition Channel

The channel through which The customer is acquired.


Distribution Channel

The distribution channel for the source.


Solicitation Method

The method of solicitation.


Activation Process

The code assigned to the type of interest levied. This is applicable only for credit cards.


Interest Code Rate

Interest Deviation Rate

The percentage deviation that can be allowed on the interest. This is applicable only for personal loans.


Membership Fee Code

The code assigned to the fee to be charged on the membership.


Credit Invest. Process

The Credit investigation to check the credit worthiness of the customer. It can be internal or external.


This indicates if the current status of the source is active.


Active Flag © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Name of Program

The name of the program.


Incentive Flag

This indicates if the incentive is allowed to the source.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Trade Customer Master

The Trade Customer Master contains details of the trade customer.

Figure 4-103: The Trade Customer Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Public Rating Master. Field



Trade Id Customer

The ID of the Trade The name of the customer



Trace or credit, as applicable


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Reference name

The nam e of the reference



The relation


Reference Sales Person

The Reference The Sales person


Contact mode

The mode of contact, it could be Fax, mail, Personal, or telephone Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Id Maker Date

The system generates this information when the record is added

4.3 Field Verification Masters Masters in this category involve all the details related to FI Agent, Agency setup, FI Type, and Technical verification. There are 5 Masters in this category as shown in Figure 3-87. These are described below.

Figure 4-104: Field Verification Masters screen


FI Agent Master

The FI Agent Master Contains details of the FI Agent.

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Figure 4-105:The FI Agent Master screen The following table describes the data required in the FI Agent Master. Field



Agent Code

The code number of the Agent


Agent Name

The name of the Agent



The agency that the Agent belongs to


Agent Active Business Date

In case the Agent is active The date when the transaction is carried out


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Agency Setup

a. Agency Master The Agency Master contains details of the agencies, services of which can be used for field verification. © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Figure 4-106: The Agency Master screen

The following table describes the data required in the FI Agent Master. Field



Agency Id

The Agency Id


Agency Flag

Indicates whether the agency is internal or external


Agency Name

The name of the agency


Agency Active Flag

Indicates if the selected agency is currently active or not Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Address Setup Master The Address Setup Master contains the address details. © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Figure 4-107: The Address Setup Master screen

The following table describes the data required in the Address Setup Master. Field



Contact Person BP Id

The name of the contact person The identification code of the business partner



The address of the concerned person


Address Type

The type of the address





The country of residence of the concerned person The state where the concerned person lives


The city where the concerned person lives



The STD/ISD code of the concerned person


Zip code

The zip code of the residence of the concerned person lives The first phone number where the concerned person can be contacted The alternative phone, if available, where the concerned person can be contacted


The fax number, where messages can be faxed to the concerned person The mobile number, in case available, of the concerned person The e-mail Id of the concerned person


The TELEX number of the concerned person The pager number, in case available, of the concerned person


Phone 1 Phone 2 FAX Mobile E-mail TELEX Pager

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Years at This address

The number of years the person has resided in this address


Mailing address

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address

Checked option box means the given address type can be used as the mailing address


A selected check box indicates that the given address is no more applicable

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

With this functionality, you do not need to delete an inactive address The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date


Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and tim e when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Address Type Setup Master

The Address Setup Master contains the types of addresses of the agency that can be added to the system, such as office address, mailing address, and registration address.

Figure 4-108: The Address Type Setup Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Address Type Setup Master. Field Address Type ID

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Description The unique identification Id assigned to the address type

Remarks -

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FI Type Master

The FI Type Master contains details of the FI Type.

Figure 4-109: The FI Type Master screen

The following table describes the data required in the FI Type Master. Field



FI Type Code

The Code of the FI Type


FI Type Description Maker Id

The Description of the FI Type Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

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FI Agency Product Branch Mapping Master

The FI Agency Product Branch Mapping Master contains details of the FI Agency Product Branch Mapping.

Figure 4-110: The FI Agency Product Branch Mapping Master screen The following table describes the data required in the FI Agency Product Branch Mapping Master. Field



FI Agency Product Branch ID

The ID of the FI Agency Product Branch


FI Agency Product Branch name FI Agency

The name of the FI Agency Product Branch


The name of the FI Agency



The Branch of the FI Agency



The Product may be Auto loan, home loan or Personal loan Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Technical Verification Master

The technical Verification Master contains details of the Technical Verification.

Figure 4-111: The Technical Verification Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Technical Verification Master. Field



Verification ID

The ID of the verification


Verification For



Product for which verification is required. It can be a Property, Project or Building The name of the agency doing FI


In case it is a project for which FI is being done



In case it is a property for which the FI is being done The name of the builder



Verification date

In case it is a building for which the FI is being done The date of verification

Verification (%) Remarks

The percentage of verification. The remarks


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Builder Building

Maker Date

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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

4.4 Processes Masters Masters in this category involve all the details related to Policy referral, Score referral, Fuzzy details, and Underwriter questions. There are 4 Masters in this category as shown in Figure 3-94. These are described below.

Figure 4-112: The Processes Masters screen


Policy Master

a. Policy Master The Policy Master contains details of the policy referral.

Figure 4-113: The Policy Master screen © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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The following table describes the data required in the Policy Master. Field



Policy Set Code

The Code of the Policy set


Policy description

The description of the policy


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

b. Policy Detail Master The Policy Detail Master contains details of the Policy Detail.

Figure 4-114: The Policy Detail Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Policy Detail Master. Field



Policy Rule

The Policy Rule


Policy Set Code

The code of the Policy Set


Result Rule Sequence

The Result The Sequence of the Rule


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Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Author Id Author Date


Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Policy Result Master

The Policy Result Master contains details of the policy result.

Figure 4-115: The Policy Result Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Policy Result Master. Field



Result Id

The Id of the Result


Policy Set Code

The Code of the Policy Set


Result Stream Policy action

The Result Stream Policy Action may be Black or White or Grey


Result Description

The Description of the result


Action Priority

The Action Priority


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

The system generates this information when

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information when the record is added

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Author Id

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the sys tem Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date


Masters Manual, V 3.2

Score Master

a. Scoring Master The Scoring Master contains details of the Scoring.

Figure 4-116: The Scoring Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scoring Master. Field



Scoring Set Code

The Code of the scoring set


Scoring Description Maker Id

The description of the scoring Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date

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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Scoring Rule Detail Master The scoring Rule Detail Master contains details of the scoring rule.

Figure 4-117: The Scoring Rule Detail Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scoring Rule Detail Master. Field



Rule code Scoring Set Code

The code of the Rule The code of the scoring Set



The Score


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


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The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Scoring Action Master

The Scoring Action Master contains details of the Scoring Action.

Figure 4-118:The Scoring Action Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scoring Action Master. Field



Scoring set code Score Start value

The code for the scoring set The start value of the score


Score End Value

The end value of the score


Result description

The des cription of the result


Scoring Action

The Scoring Action


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when

Maker Date

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information when the record is authorised

Fuzzy Detail Master

The Fuzzy Detail Master contains the Fuzzy Details.

Figure 4-119: The Fuzzy Detail Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Fuzzy Detail Master. Field


Fuzzy Rule Code Fuzzy Rule Description

The code for the Fuzzy Rule The Description for the Fuzzy rule

First Rule

The first rule

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system


The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

information when the record is authorised

Underwriter Question Setup Master

a. Question Master The Question Master contains details of the questions to be asked during underwriting.

Figure 4-120: The Question Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Question Master. Field



Question ID Question Desc

The ID of the question The description of the question


Std. Response

The Standard response to the question


Employment type

The type of the employment


Parent Question Id

The Id of the parent Question

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Maker Date

The system generates this information when the record is added

b. Question Deviation Master The Question Deviation Master contains details of the question deviation.

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Figure 4-121: The Question Deviation Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Question Deviation Master. Field



Question ID Response

The ID of the question The Response to the question



The Deviation



Product Category Mapping Master

The product Category Mapping Master contains details of the product category mapping.

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Figure 4-122: The Product Category Mapping Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Product category Mapping Master. Field



Question Id

The Id of the Question


Mapping Id

The Id of the Mapping


Product category

The category of the product which can be Auto, Personal, or Home



The applicable loan product


4.5 Rule Engine Masters Masters in this category involve all the details related to Parameter, Condition, and Rule. There are 3 Masters categories in this category as shown in Figure 3-105. These are described below.

Figure 4-123: The Rule Engine Masters screen

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Parameter Master

The Parameter Master contains details of the parameters.

Figure 4-124: The Parameter Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Parameter Master. Field



Parameter Id

The Id of the parameter


Parameter Name Parameter Type

The Name of the parameter The Type of the parameter. It can be Constant, Path or Query.


Applicant Specific




Parameter Data type Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

This can be Data, Number or Varchar2. Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Condition Master

The Condition Master contains details of the conditions.

Figure 4-125: The Condition Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Condition Master. Field



Condition Code

The Code of the condition



The parameter applicable to the code


Operator Type

The type of the operator.


Destination Type Constant Value

The type of the Destination The value of the constant


Condition Description

The description of the condition


Message on failure

The message that is returned on failure


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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Rule Master

The Rule Master Contains details of the rules that govern the processing procedures for a loan application .

Figure 4-126: The Rule Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scoring Action Master. Field



Rule Code

The code for the Rule


Rule Description

The Description of the Rule


Rule Condition

The Condition of the Rule


Rule Enabled

The check mark indicates whether enabled or not Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

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4.6 Documents Masters Masters in this category involve all the details related to Document header and Document Master. There are 2 Masters in this category as shown in Figure 3-109. These are described below.

Figure 4-127: The Documents Masters screen


Document Header Master

The Document Header Master contains details of the Document Header.

Figure 4-128: The Document Header Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Document Header Master. Field



Document Description

The description of the document


Parent Document

The name of the parent document


Document Field1 Document Field2

First document name Second document name


Validity Required

Indicates if validity is required

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RCU Required

In case RCU needs to be done


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

Document Master

The document Master contains details of the document.

Figure 4-129: The Document Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Document Master. Field




The name of the document


Stage Applicable

The stage of the document Indicates if the document is applicable or not


Document Source

The source of the document


Document Description

The description of the document


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The constitution


Sub category

The sub category


Doc. Classification



The classification of the document. It can be general, legacy or security Whether the document is required in original

Loan Type

IT can be Hire purchasing, leas e or other


Product category

Category of the associated loan product


Product Scheme

The loan product The Scheme that is applicable


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date


4.7 Deduping Masters Masters in this category involve all the details related to Deduping. There are 5 Masters in this category as shown in Figure 3-112. These are described below.

Figure 4-130: The Deduping Masters screen


Fraud Database Setup Master

a. Dedupe Fraud Database Master © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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The Dedupe Fraud database Master contains details of the Dedupe fraud database.

Figure 4-131: The Dedupe Fraud Database Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Dedupe Fraud Database Master. Field




The name of the person



The age of the person


Father name

The name of the person’s Father


Constitution Spouse name

The constitution of the person The name of the person’s spouse



The industry the person belongs to



The group the person belongs to



The CST Number


SST No. Category

The SST Number The category the person belongs to



The profession of the person



The remarks, if any


IT No.

The IT number


National ID Phone

The National ID of the person The phone number of the person


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date

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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Address Detail Master The Address detail Master contains details of the address.

Figure 4-132: The Address Detail Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Address Detail Master. Field



Contact person

The name of the contact person



The BP Id of the person



The address of the person


Address Type

The type of the address


Country State

The country of residence. The state of residence



The city of residence



The STD/ISD code


Zip code

The zip code of the residence


Phone 1 Phone 2

The first phone number The second phone, in case available



The FAX number


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The mobile number, in case available



The Email Id of the person.



The TELEX number The pager number, in case available.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Dedupe Detail Master

The Dedupe Detail Master contains details of Dedupe.

Figure 4-133: Dedupe Detail Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Dedupe Detail Master. Field



First name Last Name

The first name of the applicant The last name of the applicant


Date of Birth

The date of birth in the dd/mm/yyyy format



The city of residence


Resi. Zip code

The Zip code of the residence


Resi Phone no. Office Zip Code

The Residence phone number The zip code of the office


Office phone number

The office phone number


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The address


Company name

The name of the company



The current status



Dedupe Parameter Master

The Dedupe Parameter Master contains details of the Dedupe parameters.

Figure 4-134: The Dedupe Parameter Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Dedupe Parameter Master. Field




The Parameter


Token Required

The type of token required


Database Type

The type of database


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

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The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Dedupe Weights Master

The Dedupe Weights Master Contains details of dedupe weights.

Figure 4-135: The Dedupe Weights Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Dedupe Weights Master. Field



Dup code Dup. Code Desc.

The Dup Code The Description of the Dup. Code


Dup Code value

The Value of the Dup code


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Dedupe Dictionary Master

The dedupe Dictionary Master contains details of the dedupe dictionary.

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Figure 4-136: The Dedupe Dictionary Master Screen The following table describes the data required in the Dedupe Dictionary Master. Field



Full Name

The full name


Short name

The short name


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

Dedupe Check Master Setup

a. Check Master The Check Master contains details of the check.

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Figure 4-137: The Check Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Check Master. Field



Check ID Check Description

The ID of the Check The description of the check


Referral Weight

The Referral Weightage


Database check

In case positive , negative or both


Max records displayed Maker Id

The maximum number of records displayed


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Check Details Master The check details Master contains details of the check.

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Figure 4-138: The Check Details Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Dedupe Weights Master. Field



Check ID

The ID of the check


Parameter Parameter Priority

The parameter to be checked The Priority of the parameter


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

4.8 Workflow Masters Masters in this category involve all the details related to Workflow. There are five Masters in this category, as shown in Figure 3-121. These are described below.

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Figure 4-139: The Workflow Masters Screen


Activity Master

a. Activity Master The Activity Master contains details of the activity.

Figure 4-140:The Activity Master Screen The following table describes the data required in the Activity Master.

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The stage of the loan processing procedure


Activity Name

The activity name


Responsible Role

User Role who can perform the activity


Activity Description

The Description of the activity


Activity Status Rule

The status of the activity The rule code



Name of the user group responsible for performing the activity Number of days allowed to complete the activity. If the activity is incomplete after the specified number of days, the system moves it to the Cancel queue. The activity that must follow this activity


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Aging Days

Next Activity Maker Id Maker Date


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date



b. Show Activity Master The Show Activity Master contains details of the show Activity.

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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The following table describes the data required in the Show Activity Master. Field




The stage of the loan processing procedure


Show Activity

The show activity



Whether editable



The current status



Queue Master setup

a. Queue Master The queue Master contains details of the queue.

Figure 4-142: The Queue Master Screen The following table describes the data required in the Queue Master. Field



Queue Id Copy Queue

The Id of the Queue

On clicking this button, another screen opens up.

Queue name Template

The name of the queue The type of the template from the APS database


Queue Description

The description of the queue.


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

The system generates this information

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Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Queue Allocation Master The Queue Allocation Master contains details of the queue allocation.

Figure 4-143: The Queue Allocation Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Queue Allocation Master. Field



Queue Id

The ID of the Queue


Allocation Auto Allocation



This can be Role or User If automatic allocation is applicable, then the next role selected The Rule ID


If priority is to be given to the rule



The Role ID


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Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

Maker Date

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Author Date


The system generates this information when the record is added

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Escalation Master Setup

a. Escalation Master The Escalation Master contains details about the Escalation.

Figure 4-144: The Escalation Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Escalation Master. Field



Escalation Id

The Id of the Escalation


Escalation Description

The description of the escalation


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date

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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Escalation Level Master The Escalation Level Master contains details of the escalation level.

Figure 4-145: The Escalation Level Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Escalation Level Master. Field




The level to which issue to be escalated


Escalation Id

The Id of the Escalation


Turn Around Time

The Turn around time allowed



The template


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date

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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Escalation Level-User Mapping Master

The Escalation Level-User Mapping Master contains details of the Escalation level-User mapping.

Figure 4-146: Escalation Level-User Mapping Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Escalation level – user Mapping Master. Field


Escalation Level ID Role Id



The Escalation level ID


The Id of the User Role


Deviation Master Setup

a. Deviation Master The Deviation Master contains details of the deviations.

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Figure 4-147: The Deviation Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Deviation Master. Field



Deviation Id

The Id of the deviation


Deviation Description

The description of the deviation


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Deviation Detail Master The Deviation Detail Master contains details of the deviation detail.

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Figure 4-148: The Deviation Detail Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Deviation Detail Master. Field



Deviation Id

The Id of the deviation


Deviation Rule

The rule of deviation





The loan product. The options can be Auto, Home, or Personal. The role of the person


The priority to be given to the deviation



The type of template to be followed



The description of the deviation


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date



The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Workflow Master Setup

a. Workflow Master

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The Workflow Master defines the type of workflow.

Figure 4-149: The Workflow Master Screen The following table describes the parameters that are required for defining a type of workflow. Field



Workflow Id

The Id of the workflow


Workflow name

The name of the workflow


Workflow Description

The description of the workflow


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date

b. Workflow –Activity Mapping Master The Workflow –Activity Mapping Master contains details of workflow –activity mapping.

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Figure 4-150: The Workflow –Activity Mapping Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Workflow –Activity Mapping Master. Field




The stage of the loan processing


Workflow Id

The Id of the workflow

Completion Rule

The Rule for completion

This is system generated -


The description



The template to be followed


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date


Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Workflow Activity Movement

The Workflow Activity Movement Master contains the details of the Workflow Activity Movement.

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Figure 4-151: The Workflow Activity Movement Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Workflow –Activity Mapping Master. Field




The activity


Workflow Id

The Id of the workflow


Target Activity rule

The rule for the target activity


Priority Next activity

Indicate if priority is to be given The next activity


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Author Date

d. Workflow Activity DEQ Mapping The Workflow Activity DEQ Mapping Master Contains details of the Workflow Activity DEQ Mapping.

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Figure 4-152 The Workflow Activity DEQ Mapping Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Workflow Activity DEQ Mapping Master. Field




The activity



The deviation mapping



The Escalation mapping


Queue Maker Id

The Queue mapping Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

4.9 Product and Scheme Masters Masters in this category involve all the details related to Product and scheme. There are 5 Masters in this category as shown in Figure 3-135. These are described below.

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Figure 4-153: The Product and Scheme Masters screen


Product Category Setup

The Product Category Setup Master defines the various loan products that will be dealt with by the bank.

Figure 4-154: The product Category Setup Master screen The following table describes the parameters to define in the Product Category Setup Master. Field



Product Category Description

The category of the loan product The description of the loan product category


No. of Days in Year

The number of days in the year


Loan Type

The type of loan


Work Flow

The type of workflow applicable to the loan product being defined.

The dropdown list displays all the types of workflow defined in the Work Flow Master

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Form Setup

The type of form that needs to be set up for the loan product

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.


In this version of APS, only default form set up can be selected The system generates this information when the record is added The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Product Setup

a. Product Master The product Master contains details of the loan product.

Figure 4-155: The Product Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Product Master.

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Product Code

The code number assigned to the loan product


Product Description

The description of the loan product


Work Flow

The type of workflow applicable to the loan product being defined.

Product Category

The category of the loan product, if it is home loan, auto loan or personal loan Indicates whether the loan product is applicable to retail or corporate The type of form that needs to be set up for the loan product

The dropdown list displays all the types of workflow defined in the Work Flow Master Mandatory

Retail/Corporate Form Setup

Loan Norms Reqd. Common COA Grace Days Asset based

Indicates whether loan norms are required for the loan product The COA value

Mandatory In this version of APS, only default form set up can be selected -


The grace days allowed Indicates whether the product is assert based, which means if it is applicable to the specified assets Resetting Tenure or EMI

Grace Amount

The Grace amount


Min. IRR NO. of EMI

The minimum IRR The Number of EMI


Product type code

The type code of the product


Collateral Code

The code of the Collateral


Loan Type

The loan type can be hire purchasing, leasing or other The type of logo required in the card.


Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Logo Maker Id Maker Date


Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system

Author Date

Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.



The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Exposure and Terms Master The Exposure and Terms Master contains details of the Exposure and terms.

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Figure 4-156: The exposure and Terms Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Exposure and Terms Master. Field



Exposure Tracking Customer Group level

The Exposure Tracking customer The Exposure Tracking group


Branch level

The Exposure Tracking branch


Dealer / DSA

The Exposure Tracking Dealer or DSA


Eligibility Reqd.

The Exposure Tracking eligibility required


Terms CoApplicant required.

Indicates whether Co-applicant is required


Guarantor required

Indicates whether Guarantor is required


Security Required

Indicates whether security is required


Relationship discount

Indicates whether Relationship discount is given


Balance Transfer care Professional discount

Indicates whether Balance Transfer care is taken Indicates whether professional discount is allowed


Foreclosure allowed

Indicates whether foreclosure is allowed


Foreclosure penalty

Indicates whether there is penalty for foreclosure


Foreclosure lock period

The foreclosure lock period


Prepayment allowed Prepayment penalty

Indicates whether Prepayment is allowed Indicates whether there is penalty for prepayment


Prepayment lock period

The prepayment lock period


Life insurance

Whether there is life Insurance


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system

The system generates this information when

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Author Id Author Date


Masters Manual, V 3.2 information when the record is added

Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Product-State Master

The Product-State Master contains details of the product state.

Figure 4-157: The Product -State Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Product –State Master. Field


Add all States

Indicates if all the states need to be added


The State where the loan product is applicable


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Remarks If you select All States, you do not need to add name of the state separately The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

d. Product –Make Master The Product –Make Master contains details of the Product Make.

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Figure 4-158: The Product – Make Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Product –Make Master. Field




The make of the asset



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

e. The Product –Policy Master The Product –Policy Master contains details of the product policy.

Figure 4-159: The Product -Policy Master Screen © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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The following table describes the data required in the Product-Policy Master. Field



Default rule

Whether default rule is to be applied


The rule that is to be applied


The policy to be applied to the scheme

If you select Default Rule, you do not need to specify the rule -


The description of the scheme



The priority



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised


Product Scoring Master

The Product Scoring Master contains details of the product scoring.

Figure 4-160: The Product-Scoring Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Product –Scoring Master. Field



Default rule

Whether default rule is to be applied


Rule Scoring

The rule that is to be applied The scoring of the product



The description



The priority



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Scheme Group

a. Scheme Group Master The Scheme Group Master contains details of the scheme group.

Figure 4-161: The Scheme Group Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme Group Master. Field



Scheme Group Id

The Id of the scheme group


Description Start Date

The description of the scheme group The start date of the scheme is dd/mm/yyyy format The end date of the scheme is dd/mm/yyyy format


The loan product, such as Auto , Home or Personal. The type of workflow applicable to the loan product being defined.


End Date Product Work Flow

Form Setup

The type of workflow applicable to the loan product being defined.

Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

Maker Date

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The dropdown list displays all the types of workflow defined in the Work Flow Master The dropdown list displays all the types of workflow defined in the Work Flow Master The system generates this information when the record is added

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The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format.

Author Date

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Scheme Group – State Master The Scheme Group – State Master contains details of the scheme group-state.

Figure 4-162: The Scheme Group – State Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme Group –State Master. Field


Add all States

Whether all states are to be added


The State where the scheme is applicable


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Remarks If you select All States, you do not need to add name of the state. Names of all the states are added by the system The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

Scheme Group – Policy Master

The Scheme Group – Policy Master contains details of the Scheme Group –Policy.

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Figure 4-163: The Scheme Group – Policy Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme Group –Policy Master. Field



Default rule

Whether default rule is to be applied



The rule that is to be applied


Policy Description

The policy of the product The description of the rule and policy applied



The priority to be given to the [olicy



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

d. Scheme Group – Scoring Master The Scheme Group – Scoring Master contains details of the Scheme Group – Scoring.

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Figure 4-164: The Scheme Group – Scoring Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme Group –Scoring Master. Field



Default rule

Whether default rule is to be applied



The rule that is to be applied



The scoring of the product



The description of the rule and the scoring applied to it The priority to be given to the rule


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

Priority Status



Scheme Masters

a. Scheme Master The Scheme Master contains details of the scheme.

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Figure 4-165: The Scheme Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme Master. Field



Scheme Id

The ID of the Scheme


Description Scheme Group

The description of the scheme The group associated with the scheme


Work flow

The type of workflow applicable to the loan product being defined.

Form Setup

The type of form that needs to be set up for the loan product


The Currency in which payment is to be made

The dropdown list displays all the types of workflow defined in the Work Flow Master In this version of APS, only default form set up can be selected -

Installment Mode

The mode of the instalment to be paid. This may be advance or arrears


Min Tenure Max Tenure

The minimum tenure of the loan under the scheme The maximum tenure of the loan under the scheme


Default Tenure

The default tenure of the loan under the scheme


Instalment Plan

The Instalment plan under the scheme



The instalment frequency under the scheme


No. of Installments Min Amount Fin.

Number of instalments under the scheme The minimum amount that can be financed under the scheme


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Max amount Fin.

The maximum amount that can be financed under the scheme


Loan Type

The type of loan for which the scheme is defined.


The loan to value ratio

The dropdown list displays all the types of workflow defined in the Work Flow Master -

Prepay Penalty

The penalty for pre-payment


Add on Late Flag

A marked checkbox indicates that additional facilities can be added later


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Author Id

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

Maker Date

Author Date

b. Interest/LPP Master The Interest/LPP Master contains details of the Interest/LPP.

Figure 4-166: The Interest/LPP Master screen © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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The following table describes the data required in the Interest /LPP Master. Field



Interest type

The type of interest


Default rate

The default rate of interest.


Min. Rate

The minimum rate of interest


Max. rate Bucket

The Maximum rate of interest The Bucket


Adj. Ex. Interest

Adjustment of excessive interest.


LPP Criteria

The criteria of LPP


LPP Charge

The LPP Charge


Date to be used Done on

The Date to be used The Date LPP was Done on


Charged on

The Date LPP was Charged on


Min. IRR

The Minimum IRR


Foreclosure Lock Pd. (Days) PDC Flag

The foreclosure Lock Period in days


PDC Flag can be Yes, or No


Repayment mode

The mode of repayment


Start Date

The Start Date


End Date

The End Date



Round Parameters Master

The Round Parameters Master contains details of the rounding parameters.

Figure 4-167: The Round Parameters Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Round Parameters Master. © Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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Round Method and Precision Interest Method


Interest precision

The interest rounding method. The default value is Round Down The instalment rounding method. The default value is Round up The precision of interest

Instalment precision Prin base unit

The Precision of the instalment The Principal base unit


Deposit linking

Whether deposit is to be linked


LTV Multiplier

LTV Multiplier


Prime rate type Insurance Product

The Prime Rate type The insurance product.


Floating Flag

Indicates if floating rate is to be used


Fixed for

Indicates if fixed rate is to be used


Floating frequency


Score criteria

In case of floating flag, the frequency of the rate The score criteria

Asset min. age

The minimum age of the asset


Asset max. age

The maximum age of the asset



The make of the asset



The model of the asset


Installment method


More Details


d. Scheme Charge Master The Scheme Charge Master contains details of the scheme charge.

Figure 4-168: The Scheme Charge Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme Charge Master.

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The charge to be selected



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

e. Scheme-Dueday Master The Scheme-Dueday Master contains details of the Scheme-due day for the given scheme.

Figure 4-169: The Scheme-Dueday Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme Due day Master. Field




The day till when the scheme is valid



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised


Scheme -Office Master

The Scheme -Office Master contains details of the Scheme-office for the promotion schemes and products.

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Figure 4-170: The Scheme -Office Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme -Office Master. Field




The Office name



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

g. Scheme –State Master The Scheme –State Master contains details of the states for the promotion schemes and products.

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Figure 4-171: The Scheme –State Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme -State Master.

Field h. S c Add all states h State e m Status e

Description Indicates whether all states are to be added The selected state The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Remarks If you select this check box, you cannot add name of a specific state The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

City Master The Scheme – City Master contains details of the scheme city for the promotion schemes and products.

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Figure 4-172: The Scheme -City Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme -City Master. Field


Add all cities City

Indicates whether all cities are to be added The selected City


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Remarks If you select this check box, you cannot add name of a specific city The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

Scheme –Policy Master

The Scheme –Policy Master contains details of the scheme-policy.

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Figure 4-173: The Scheme-Policy Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme-Policy Master. Field



Default rule

Whether default rule is to be applied


Rule Policy

The rule that is to be applied The policy associated with the rule



The description of the rule



The priority to be given to the rule



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised


Scheme –Scoring Master

The Scheme –Scoring Master contains details of the Scheme –Scoring.

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Figure 4-174: The Scheme –Scoring Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme-Scoring Master. Field



Default rule

Whether default rule is to be applied



The rule that is to be applied



The Scoring of the scheme


Description Priority

The description of the scheme The priority



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised


Promotion Mast ers

The Masters in this category help you define the various promotion schemes announced by the bank. With the help of these Masters, you can define the scheme, which workflow to be followed for the applications added under the scheme, the city, state or duration when the scheme is applicable and the scoring rules and charges associated with the promotion scheme. a. Promotion Master The Promotion Master contains details of the loan promotion scheme that may be announced by the bank from time to time.

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Figure 4-175: The Promotion Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scheme Master. Field


Promotion Id

The Identification code assigned to the promotion scheme

Promotion Desc.

A brief description of the promotion scheme


The scheme associated with the promotion. The dropdown list displays the options specified in the Scheme Master The type of workflow applicable to the loan product being defined.

Work flow

Remarks This is automatically generated by the system when you start creating a new promotion scheme This will be displayed in the Online Application when the users selects a code -

The dropdown list displays all the types of workflow defined in the Work Flow Master

Form Setup

The type of form that needs to be set up for the loan product


The Letter of Credit

In this version of APS, only default form set up can be selected -

Promo Scheme Code

The promotion scheme code


Currency Installment Mode

The Currency in which payment is to be made The instalment mode. This may be advance or arrears The min tenure of the loan


Min Tenure

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Max Tenure

The Maximum tenure of the loan


Default tenure

The default Tenure of the loan


Instalment plan Frequency

The Instalment plan The instalment frequency


No. of instalments


Bonus frequency

The number of instalments to be paid by the applicant The minimum amount that can be financed under this scheme The maximum amount that can be financed under this scheme The Bonus frequency


The type of template that is applied to the


Prepay Penalty LTV

The penalty for prepayment, if any The applicable loan to value ratio


Maker Id

Id of the user who has added the record in the system Date and time when the record was created. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24hour) format. The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added

Min Amount Fin. Max amount Fin.

Maker Date


Author Id Author Date

Id of the user who has authorised the record in the system Date and time when the record was authorised. It is displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss (24-hour) format.


The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised The system generates this information when the record is authorised

b. Interest /LPP Master The Interest /LPP Master contains details of the Interest/LPP.

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Figure 4-176: The Interest/LPP Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Interest /LPP Master. Field



Interest / LPP Interest type

The type of interest


Default rate

The default rate of interest.


Min. Rate

The minimum rate of interest


Max. rate

The Maximum rate of interest


Bucket Adj. Ex. Interest

The Bucket Adjustment of excessive interest.


LPP Criteria

The criteria of LPP


LPP Charge

The LPP Charge


Date to be used

The Date to be used


Done on Charged on

The Date LPP was Done on The Date LPP was Charged on


Min. IRR

The Minimum IRR


Foreclosure Lock Pd.

The foreclosure Lock Period in days


PDC Flag Payment mode

PDC Flag can be Yes, or No The mode of payment


Start Date

The Start Date


End Date

The End Date


Accrual Flag

The Accrual Flag


LAN Prefix

The LAN Prefix


Other Details

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Round Parameters Master

The Round Parameters Master contains details of the round parameters.

Figure 4-177: The Round Parameters Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Round Parameters Master. Field



Round Method Interest Method

The interest rounding method. The default value is Round Down The instalment rounding method. The default value is Round up


Interest precision

The precision of interest


Instalment precision

The Precision of the instalment


Deposit linking LTV Multiplier

Whether deposit is to be linked Loan to value Multiplier


Prime rate type

The Prime Rate type


Insurance Product

The insurance product.


Floating Flag

Indicates whether floating flag is used


Fixed for Floating frequency

Indicates whether fixed rate is used The rate of the floating frequency


Prin base unit

The Principal base unit


Installment method


Round Precision

More Details

d. Promo-Charge Master The Promo-Charge Master contains details of the promo-charge.

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Figure 4-178: The Promo-Charge Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Promo-Charge Master. Field




The Promo Charges



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

e. Dueday Master The Dueday Master helps you define the valid dates for a particular scheme.

© Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

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The following table describes the parameters that needs to be specified in the Dueday Master. Field




The last date till when the scheme is applicable



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised


Office Master

The Office Master contains details of the Office.

Figure 4-180: The Office Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Office Master. Field




The Office


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

g. State Master The State Master contains details of the state.

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Figure 4-181: The State Master screen The following table describes the data required in the State Master. Field



The state in which the product and scheme is applicable


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

Remarks A scheme can be applied to one or more states. However, states need to be added one by one. The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

h. City Master The City Master contains details of the city for the Product and Scheme Setup.

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Figure 4-182: The City Master screen The following table describes the parameters that need to be specified to define a promotion scheme for a city. Field



The city in which the product and scheme is applicable


The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.


Remarks A scheme can be applied to one or more states. However, cities need to be added one by one. The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

Policy Master

The Policy Master contains details of the policy.

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Figure 4-183: The Policy Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Policy Master for the Product and Scheme Setup. Field




The rule that is to be applied



The policy associated with the rule



The description of the policy


Priority Weight

The priority to be given to the policy The weightage to be given to the policy



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised


Scoring Master

The Scoring Master contains details of the scoring.

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Figure 4-184: The Scoring Master screen The following table describes the data required in the Scoring Master. Field




The rule that is to be applied



The Scoring to be given to the rule





The description for the rule and the associated scoring The priority to be given to the rule


The weightage to be given to the rule



The current status of the record. The status can be Inserted, Modified or Authorised.

The system generates this information when the record is added/ modified or authorised

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Glossary Term


Account Type

The type of bank account, such as, current, savings, joint, cash credit, overdraft.

Address Type

Type of address, such as, current residence, previous residence, office, permanent address, registration certificate address, and residence of authorized signatory.

Advance Instalments

The number of instalments to be taken in advance from the customer.


An external entity that conducts contact point verifications (physical verification through visits).


Allocating is the process of distributing payments received towards dues under different accounts.

Amount Financed (Loan Amount)

The total amount approved to be given to the customer as loan amount.

Annual Allowance (%)

The annual allowance, in percentage.

Applicant Type

This indicates the type of applicant, such as, Individual or Corporate.

Application ID

This is the unique number that is generated automatically for each loan application, and is the same as Agreement No and Agreement ID.


An estimate of the value of property, made by a professional appraiser.


Property that can be used to repay debt, such as stocks and bonds, or a car.

Asset Cost

The cost of the asset for which the loan is requested. If the loan is required for some purpose other than purchase of asset (personal or unsecured loan), this amount is the same as the amount financed.


Business Partner of the lending institution, such as, customer, supplier, dealer, manufacturer, broker, insurance company, bank, government.


An individual in the business of assisting in arranging funding or negotiating contracts for a client, but who does not lend the money himself.

Card No.

The credit card number of the applicant.

Card Type

The credit card type, such as, Visa or Master.


The charge (head of account) to which an amount is allocated.

Chassis Number

Chassis number of the vehicle inspected.


The unique codes assigned to different products.


Property offered to support a loan that can be seized in case the customer defaults.


An agreement, often in writing, between a lender and a borrower to loan money at a future date subject to the stated conditions.


The constitution of the company, such as, Individual, Private Limited, Public Limited, etc.

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The right granted by a creditor to pay in the future in order to buy or borrow at present; also, a sum of money owed to a person or business.

Credit Card

Any card used to borrow money, buy goods, or services on credit.

Date of Incorporation

Date of commencement of business, with respect to a corporate customer.


It defines the decision shown in the application-processing module.


The process of identifying duplication of record. This process lists out all the criteria of the past record that matches with the current record.


Decline in value of a house due to wear and tear, adverse changes in the neighbourhood, or any other reason.

Depreciation Benefit (%)

It defines the depreciation benefit percentage that is applicable on the asset.

Down Payment

Money paid to make up the difference between the purchase price and loan amount.


DSA stands for Direct Selling Agent. DSA’s act as intermediaries between the customer and finance companies. They get one time or regular commission as per the policies of the lending institution.

Due Date

The date by which each installment is due for repayment by the customer. An LPP charge is penalized on a customer who pays the installment after this date.

Effective Rate

This refers to effective rate of interest, where interest is charged on diminishing balance of principal.


It defines the various criteria on which credit scoring will be done.


Equated Monthly Installment: Equal monthly installments are repaid throughout the loan tenure. In each installment, the previous interest is fully covered and a part of the principal is covered. The interest is calculated on the balance principal after each installment. The monthly installment amount is so adjusted that the balance principal is zero at the end of the loan tenure.

Final Source

The source through which business was procured, such as, telemarketing, direct sales, or marketing agent.

First Source

The initial source that attracted the customer to the lending institution, such as, an advertisement or a sales promotion campaign.

Flat Rate

This refers to flat rate of interest, where interest is calculated at a flat rate on the whole loan amount for the entire loan tenure.


The frequency of repayment. Repayment frequency can be monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. The most common frequency for repayment is monthly.

Grace Period

This is the period allowed for delay in a payment. After the grace period expires, the lending institute can charge late payment penalty.

Gross Income

The total income of the applicant, from all sources, before any deductions.

Gross Monthly Income

The total amount the borrower earns per month, before any expenses are deducted.


Group is used for identifying a set of customer based on some common parameters.


The industry in which the applicant is employed, or the nature of business of the applicant, such as, construction, trading,

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 business of the applicant, such as, construction, trading, manufacturing.

Installment Mode

There refers to whether the installment mode is Advance or Arrears. Advance: Advance installment mode indicates that, in effect, the actual loan amount that will be disbursed is the sanctioned loan amount less the first installment. Arrears: Arrears installment mode indicates that the installment for any period is due at the end of the period. For example if the frequency is bimonthly, the first installment will be due two months after the date of loan disbursal.


A charge paid for borrowing money.

Interest Rate

The annual rate of interest on the loan, expressed in percentage.

Interest Type

The different methods of charging interest. These methods of are: Flat: Interest is calculated at a flat rate on the whole loan amount for the entire loan tenure. PTPM: This stands for Per Thousand Per Month. In this method, a fixed amount is charged per thousand rupees of the outstanding balance per month. Effective: In this method, interest is charged on diminishing balance of principal.

Investment Allowance (%)

This specifies the investment allowance in percentage.


This refers to internal rate of return fixed by a lending institution. It reflects the rate at which a company generates revenue.

Issuer Name

The name of the bank that has issued a credit card to an applicant.

Late Payment

A payment made later than the date agreed on in a credit contract, and on which additional charges may be imposed.


A person who signs a lease to get temporary use of property.

Lessee ID

This is the unique ID generated for the customer while processing a loan application.


A company that provides temporary use of property, usually in return for periodic payment.


A claim upon a piece of property for the payment or satisfaction of a debt or obligation.


LPP stands for Late Payment Penalty. This is the amount paid by the customer to the lending company due to non-payment of any payable amount on due date.


It defines the Loan To Value percentage that can be provided to the customer.


The make of the asset that is being financed.


The name of the entity that manufactured the asset being financed.


The amount a lender adds to the index on an adjustable rate loan to establish the adjusted interest rate.

Margin Money

Margin money is that part of asset cost which the customer contributes. Usually, companies do not give the whole asset cost as loan. The customer contributes a certain part of the asset cost and that part is called margin money.


Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price is the full price for a vehicle as displayed on its window sticker, including optional packages.

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Masters Manual, V 3.2 displayed on its window sticker, including optional packages. Destination charges and dealer add-on items are not considered part of MSRP, although these charges are part of the overall cost of the vehicle.


PDC stands for Post Dated Cheque. PDCs are submitted by the customer in advance.


PLR stands for Prime Lending Rate. Lending institutions borrow money from the central bank at this rate. PLR changes from time to time depending on market conditions and government policies.


The amount of debt, not counting interest, left on a loan.


Type of product as defined in the product master, such as, auto, consumer goods, etc.


The profession of the applicant, such as, doctor, engineer, or architect.


This refers to calculation of interest on Per Thousand Per Month basis.


Educational qualification of applicant, such as, graduate, postgraduate, etc.


See Interest Rate.

RBI Code

Code assigned by the Reserve Bank of India to a particular asset in the process of categorizing assets into various blocks.


The rebate given to a customer at the time of termination when there have been no defaults by the customer in payment of the installments. Any such rebate is usually given for encouraging timely repayment by customers.

Reference Date

The date entered at the time of creating a note during loan processing period. It is used for performing the activity noted during the note creation.


Companies launch different schemes to finance different types of customer requirements as a marketing strategy. For example, a company may have different schemes to finance personal vehicles, commercial vehicles, house construction, education, business, etc. Schemes are differentiated on the basis of loan amount, tenure, interest rate, interest type, eligibility criteria for customer, repayment schedules, etc.


Property pledged to the creditor in case of default on a loan. See Collateral.

Security Deposit

This is the money collected from applicants as a security measure against the disbursement of the loan amount.


Status shows the current position of the applicant or the process. In respect of a loan application, the current status could be Authorized, or Pending for Authorization. In case of a cheque, the status could be received, deposited, bounced, re-presented, cancelled, cleared, hold, or unhold. Moreover, in case of contact point verification, the current status could be pending, received, incomplete, complete, waived and deferred.

Tax Rate

Percentage of the amount to be deducted as tax.


Tenure is the specifi ed period for repayment of the loan.


The period of time between the beginning loan date on the legal documents and the date the entire balance of the loan is due.


A document that gives evidence of an individual's ownership of property.

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Application Processing System

Masters Manual, V 3.2 property.


The decision on whether to disburse a loan to a potential borrower, based on credit, employment, assets, and other factors, and the matching of this risk to an appropriate rate and term or loan amount.

VAT Installment (%)

The VAT on the interest component of an installment to be paid by customer. Receivable from the customer and payable to the government.


To knowingly abandon, relinquish, or surrender a right, benefit, or claim.

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