Masuk ke maintenance mode dengan cara 1. Tekan tombol menu 2. Start mono 3. Tanda panah atas 4x - Tekan panah atas sampai lcd panel menunjukan angka 8 tekan ok - Tekan panah atas lagi sampai panel menunjukan angka 0 tekan ok - Tekan Tanda panah sampai tulisan purge atau flushing count muncul di lcd - Masukkan angka 2 7 8 3 tunggu proses nya hingga selesai - Keluar maintenance mode menggunakan kode angka 99 - Matikan lalu Hidupkan lagi printer anda
Problem: Brother MFC Printer display "unable to clean" or Error 46 Solution:
First turn of the printer Switch on the machine while holding down the “menu” button until all the leds are flashing on/off. Now you are in “maintenance” mode. Press 80 Press the “mono start” button several times until you see “purge: xxxx” Press “2783” in order to reset the purge counter. You will see: “purge:0000” Press the "stop" button. Press “99” to exit the maintenance mode.