CADD COMMANDS & HELPS CONVERT THE PDF TO JPEG :Press ' PrtSc' / Go to PAINT / edit + paste / save as ' JPEG '. INSERT IMAGE IN AUTO CADD:Type the command as 'IM' / Select - ATTACH /and draw the size of picture you want. SCALE
:See the a part dimensions in pictures (X) / select the command 'DISTENCE' and mesure that parts dimension(D) / open the' CALCULATER' / X /d= SCALE so calculate the x by d and copy the value / type the command 'SCALE' and paste the value . now we got original dimensions. FILLET
:Select the command ' FILLET' / first select a EDGE / type filletting radius or draw radius as a line/ select the OTHER EDGES / press the 'ENTER'. OFFSET
:Select the command ' OFFSET' / select the shape [eg .circle] /type the offseting VALUE /press 'ENTER'. REGION
:Select the command 'REGION' / select that shape (IMPORTANT:- your selected object will be a CLOSED OBJECT ) / press the 'ENTER'. SUBTRACT
:Draw the solid shape which you want to subtract (eg. x)/ place the x on the mother shape (eg.y) / select the command 'SUBTRACT' / select the y and press ENTER than select the x and press the ENTER / you can subtract the x from y. EXTRUDE
:Select or type the command 'EXTRUDE' / select the REGIONED SHAPE / type the VALUE AS PATH OF THE EXRTUDE /press the 'ENTER' . LEADER
:Type the command 'LEADER'/ select the first point and end point / press'ENTER' /TYPE THE TEXT YOU WANT / press 'ENTER' . REVOLVED SURFACESES:-
Draw a axis for your revolvation and draw a path line to revolve / Go to “ DRAW ” and select “ SURFACES ”