Cad Week 01 Slide

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  • Pages: 36
MME 1102 Section 2 Please download and SAVE file from:

Kulliyyah of Engineering International Islamic University


Dr. Ahsan Ali Khan [email protected] Ext.4473 Lecturer Room, Level 2, E0 Building

RULES AND REGULATIONS • NO internet allowed during class hour and hence no downloading. • Attendance must include PC no. If you move or change places please indicate in the attendance sheet.

• NO copying of other student’s assignment. • NO late submission. Assignment submission system will be disabled after class hour.

METHOD OF EVALUATION Semester 1, 2007/2008 • • • • • • •

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Project Class Assignment Home Assignment Selective Class Assignment

: 15% : 20% : 25% : 10% : 15% : 5% : 10%

SLIDE DOWNLOAD • Lecture notes for this section are available on website - (select option SAVE): For week 1 For week 2, it should be and for week 9

ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION • Student are required to enter: • Matric no. • Name : First name • Assign no. : select the appropriate one • File : filename should follow the following: Class assignment : c#w#-matric# Home assignment: h#w#-matric# For ex. Student’s Matric No: 0123456 week 1 class assignment no. 1 = c1w1-0123456 week 4 home assignment no. 1= h1w4-0123456 week 5 class assignment no. 2= c2w5-0123456

• When submitting assignment online, student must use their own computer. • At the end of every class, student must submit the given class assignment. For submission. additional 5 minutes will be given after normal class time after which the system will be disabled.

• Home Assignment will have to be submitted on the following class. You can submit anytime on class day. Late submission will not be entertained. Please record your sending code for future reference

Week 1 (a) (b) (c) (d)

Introduction to CAD Starting up Sketcher Workbench Setting up Sketcher: Unit & Grid Setting Basic Drawing Function: Point/Line/Circle/Arc/Rectangle/Profiles

Introduction to CAD • CAD is just a system that allows user to create or modify mechanical/electrical/architectural drawings. • CAD has been introduced even prior to 1960’s. In the early industrial development in 1960’s: – General Motors – DAC (Design Automated by Computer) – McDonnell Douglas – CADD

• At present, there are many CAD softwares available in the market, e.g. Autocad, CATIA, Solidworks, Pro. E, Unigraphics, I-DEAS, etc. • For this course and for this semester we are using– ALIBRE.

Where is CAD in Product Design Concept?

Major benefits of CAD • Productivity (=Speed) increases • Supports changeability – Do not have to redo entire drawing with each change

• Ease Communication – With other design team – With other applications (CAE/FEM/CAM) – Marketing (realistic product presentation)

• Better Visualization of Drawings • Analysis • Simulation and Testing of Design

A Standard CAD Process Engineering Sketch

Start Setting

Unit, Grid (snap), etc

dim Circle, Point, Line, Arc, Spline, Revolve, Corner, etc.


Pad, Shafts, Pocket etc.


Hole, Draft, Rib, Fillet, etc

Annotations Dimensions


CAD File Drawing (dxf)


There are 4 specified settings in Alibre. Each setting consists of a set of tools, which allows the user to perform the specific design tasks in a particular area. The basic setting that we are going to learn in this course are : 1. 2. 3. 4.

New Part= 2D and 3D New Assembly New Drawing New Bill of Materials

Getting Started with ALIBRE • Double Click the Alibre Design icon • Ignore Pop-up tutorial icons. • 2 windows = Home and New Part (do not cancel Home Window)

New Part Window Home Window

Tools or functions icon

Specification tree

ALIBRE Windows Layout

Information Model

ALIBRE Windows Layout (Cont.) • Model : window to display the model or part • Specification tree : Store information how the function that has been performed to draw a model. • Tool and Drawing Function : To draw 2D curve and 3D model.

Start Drawing using Alibre Setting a Workspace.

• Setting the Measurement Unit • File  Properties

• Setting Colour Sheme (option) • Tools  Options  Colour Scheme tab Select Very Light Background Scheme

Drawing a Sketch • Sketch is 2D profile / curves drawn in a sketch plane. • By default there are 3 Sketch planes which can be selected to draw a sketch – Default sketch planes : XY, YX, ZX All are perpendicular to each other.

Drawing a Sketch •

Choose a plane from design explorer window to draw sketch ex XY

Click Activate Sketch icon to enter to Sketcher workspace :


Sketch/Drawing workspace window Used to draw 2D curve like Line, Arc, Circle etc.

Useable Operation on Sketcher workspace

Grid : Square pattern You can display a grid while you are in Sketch Mode. The grid serves as a visual guide while drawing figures

Setting a Grid Procedure can be seen from Help tool

Sketch workspace window Sketcher Tool

Constraint tools

Curve drawing tools

Drawing a Line • Select Line Icon. • Click Start point on Drawing window. • Click Next point. • Click Line Icon again to terminate the operation


Modify a Line Click Select Icon to change cursor to Selection mode Select and Click a line to modify. Modification functions: •To delete a line press Delete on Keyboard • To move a line click on the line and drag to another position. •To Change a point click at a

Select Icon

Drawing Snap to Grid • Point of selection can be located at intersection of grid

Points of lines are snapped to grid. Size of a figure will follow the grid dimension

Drawing a Circle Type circle

• Select Circle Icon • Click center point of circle • Click radius of Circle •

See help->index, Circle for more option of drawing a circle

Drawing a Arc Three are 3 Methods to draw arc: • Center, Start, End • Start, End, Radius • Tangent, Start, End Tangent, Start, End procedure: •Select Tangent, Start, End Icon •Select (a body of ) a reference curve •Click Start point •Click end point Start point of arc will be tangent to reference curve

Drawing a Arc Practice • Drawing elongated hole using tangent arc

Left Arc Procedure •Draw two parallel lines •Select Tangent, Start, End Icon •Select upper line (body), •Click on the left point of lower line Repeat to draw Right arc

Drawing Predefined Profile • Rectangle by to point – Create rectangle parallel to horizontal and vertical axis

• Rectangle by 3 points – Create inclined rectangle

Click to explore the icon

• Regular polygon Draw any number of sides of polygon

Draw a B-spline • B-Spline or spline Interpolation point

Draw Spline by Interpolation point • Select B-Spline by Interpolation point icon • Click a point • Continue to next point • Double click or click 2nd B-spline icon to terminate 1st


End point, Terminate by double clic

Practice 1-1 In this practice, you will draw the sketch of the model, as shown in Figure A using Line, Arc and Circle tool. The sketch is shown in Figure B. You will not dimension the sketch. The solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference.

Figure A: Solid Model for Practice 1-1

Figure B: Sketch of Model

Practice 1-2 In this practice, you will draw the sketch of the model, as shown in Figure A. The sketch is shown in Figure B using Profile and Rectangle tool. You will not dimension the sketch. The solid model and the dimensions are given only for your reference.

Figure A: Solid Model for Practice 1-2

Figure B: Sketch of the Model

Class Assignment W1 Save as: c1w1.CATpart

Draw the sketch of the model shown in Figure A. The sketch to be drawn is shown in Figure B. Complete the drawing with correct dimensions by adjusting grid spacing to 10 mm.

Figure A : Solid model for Class Assignment W1

Figure B : Sketch of the model

Submit your class assignment (filename indicate above) at

Home Assignment W1 Save as: h1w1.CATpart Complete the drawing in Figure B with correct dimensions using all the tools that you have learned previously.

Figure A : Model for Home Assignment 1

Figure B : Sketch for Home Assignment 1

To be submitted on Week 2 class at

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