C Sharp Programming Slides 01-fp2005-ver1

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C Sharp Programming – Day 1



Course Objectives • • • • • • • • • • • •

To introduce the participants to C# programming and object oriented features of C# To understand the component oriented features of C# like indexers, properties, attributes and illustrate their usage in programs To introduce development of Assembly To introduce Windows programming and delegate based event handling in C# To understand Exception handling techniques in C# To introduce Multithreading in C# To introduce to Reflection To introduce File Handling in C# To introduce Parsing To introduce concept of Remoting through C# programs To introduce Windows Services To introduce Application Deployment

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Day Wise Plan •

Day1 −

Recap of OO


Data Types


Class & Object







Day 2 − − − − − −

Interface Assembly Property Indexer Collection Preprocessor Directives

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Day Wise Plan •

Day 3 −



Unsafe Code

Exception Handling


Day 4 −




File Handling

Day 5 −



− −

Windows Services Deployment

Day 6 and Day 7 - Project

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References • • • • • • • •

Tom Archer,” Inside C# “ ,WP Publications Peter Drayton, Ben Albahari and Ted Neward, “C# in a nutshell” , O’reily Publications Microsoft Corporation , “Microsoft C# Language Specifications “, Microsoft Press, New York. Microsoft Corporation, “Developing Windows –based Applications with Microsoft VB .Net and Visual C# .NET”,PHI Publications Robinson, Nagel, Glynn, Skinner, Watson and Evjen, “Professional C#”, Wiley Publications Andrew Troelsen, “C# and the .NET Platform “, Apress, CA,USA http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://gotdotnet.com/

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Session Plan • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Recap of OO Classes and Objects Basic Data Types and Control structures, Data Members and Methods of a Class (Creation of objects) Constructors Destructors Garbage Collection Static Command Line Arguments Inheritance Overloading and Overriding Abstract and Sealed Namespaces Structures

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Recap of Object Oriented Concepts •

Classes − templates used for defining new types. − Contains attributes and behavior

Instance of a class is called an Object

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Classes lie at the heart of every object-oriented language. A class can be defined as the encapsulation of data and the methods that work on that data.That’s true in any object oriented or object based language.



Recap of Object Oriented Concepts •

Encapsulation − Mechanism that binds together code and the data it manipulates in a class − Data members are made private and are prevented from being accessed by outside classes thus achieves Data Hiding

Inheritance − Process by which one object can acquire the properties of another object. − Supports hierarchical classification

Polymorphism -Ability of objects to respond in their own unique way to the same message

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Structure of a C# program using System; namespace InsideCSharp { class FirstProgram { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(“Hello World”); } } }

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C# is an object oriented programming language. It supports features like Garbage Collection, Versioning ,Language inter-operability and COM support. It provides benefits like web compatibility ,minimum probability of errors and reduced cost of developemnt. Namespace is a means of semantically grouping elements such as classes to avoid name collision. System is a predefined namespace and InsideCSharp is a user defined namespace. (Namespaces will be covered later in detail). In the example , we have a single class named FirstProgram that contains a single member – a method named Main. Every C# application must define a Main method in one of its classes. The public keyword (covered later in detail) is an access modifier that tells the C# compiler that any code can call this method. The static modifier (covered later in detail) tells the compiler that the Main method is a global method and the class doesn’t need to instantiated for the method to be called. The given code shows the Main method as returning void and not receiving any arguments. However, you can define Main method to return a value and take array of arguments. (covered later in detail)



Structure of a C# program • • • • • •

The extension of a C# program is cs There is no restriction on the filename unless it follows the naming convention of the OS Every statement in C# ends with ; Main is the starting point of execution of a C# program { } describes a block of code Main function must be written inside the class

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Console is the name of a predefined class in C#. Supports Console Input/Output. Method WriteLine of the Console class displays information on the Console. Console I/O is accomplished through standard streams Console.In, Console.Out and Console.Error Most of the C# applications will not be console based. Hence console based I/O is used in simple teaching applications To read a character, method Read is to be used. To read a line of characters, method ReadLine is tobe used.



Data Types Value Types

Reference Types

Value types include simple types like char, int, and float, enum types, and struct types

Reference types include class types, interface types, delegate types, and array types

Variable holds the actual value

Variable holds memory location

Allocated on stack

Allocated on heap

Assignment of one value type to another copies the value

Assignment of one reference type to another copies the reference

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All types are objects in the CTS and they all ultimately derive from System.Object. The two main categories of types supported by the CTS : value types and reference types.



Data Types – Value Types Data Types



Floating Point






sbyte double short decimal ushort int uint long ulong Copyright © 2005, 12 Infosys Technologies Ltd

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Unicode defines character set that is large enough to represent all human readable characters Bool data type represents true/false only. Does not represent any equivalent numeric values Ex: in C, a non zero value is true and 0 is false. Such a representation is not possible in C# The decimal data type uses 128 bits to represent values and used in monetary calculations. the decimal type eliminates the rounding errors that occur in various floating point calculations. the decimal type can accurately represent upto 28 decimal places.



Data Types – Value Types Data Type



Represents true/false



8 bit unsigned integer

0 to 255


8 bit signed integer

-128 to 127


Short integer – 16 bits

-32,768 to +32,767


Unsigned short integer – 16 bits

0 to 65535


Integer – 32 bits

-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647


Unsigned integer – 32 bits

0 to 4,294,967,295


Long integer – 64 bits

-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807


Unsigned long integer – 64 bits

0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615


Single precision floating point – 32 bits

1.5E-45 to 3.4E+38


Double precision floating point – 64 bits

5E-324 to 1.7E+308


Numeric type for financial calculations – 128 bits (supports upto 28 decimal places)

1E-28 to 7.9E+28


Character – 16 bit (uses Unicode)

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Variables – Value Types •

Declaration syntax of a variable in C#: Ex: int iNum; • Initializing variables: Ex: int iNum = 10; Variables in C# can be declared anywhere before referencing them. The scope of the variable is from the declaration till the end of the block in which it is declared.

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What is the output of the following program? using System; class Test { public static void Main() { int iNum = 10; { int iNum = 100; Console.WriteLine(iNum); } Console.WriteLine(iNum); } }

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ERROR The variable iNum is still in scope in the inner block

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To display data in a formatted way, use the following form of WriteLine: Ex: WriteLine("format string", arg0, arg1, arg2 ...., argN); The format string is of the form: {argnum, width:fmt} Ex: Console.WriteLine("LC is for {0} days",88); The output is: LC is for 88 days. In place of {0}, the value 88 is displayed. Ex: specifying the field width: Console.WriteLine("LC is {0,10} and SC is {1,5} days",88,49); The output of the above statement is: LC is

88 days and SC is

49 days

observe that spaces are added to fill in the unused fields.



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Ex: Format specifiers like \t can be used. Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t",0,1); The output is: 0


Ex: Console.WriteLine("value of 10/3: {0,#.##}",10.0/3); The output is displayed upto 2 decimal places value of 10/3: 3.33 Ex: Console.WriteLine("value is: {0,###,###.##}",123456.78); The output is: value is: 123,456.78 Ex: To display the currency - use C format specifier Console.WriteLine("Amount is: {0:C}",1234); The output is: Amount is: $1234



C# is a strongly typed language •

Automatic conversions (or widening conversions) from one type to another takes place if: − the source and the destination types are compatible − the destination type is larger than the source type Automatic conversions in C# does not happen that leads to data loss.

Explicit conversions require type casting. int iVal = 1234;

double dVal = 34.23;

long lVal

float fVal = dVal;

= iVal;

This implicit conversion does not lead to data loss long lVal = 23456; int iVal = (int) lVal; Copyright © 2005, 17 Infosys Technologies Ltd


The above statement does not compile as conversion from double to float leads to data loss. This is an example of explicit conversion ER/CORP/CRS/LA30FC/003 Version no: 2.0


Literals – Value Types • Also called constants. • Integer literals can be of type int, uint, long or ulong depending on their value. Ex: 12l or 12L is of long type 12ul or 12UL is of ulong type 12u of 12U is of unsigned integer type, uint • Floating point literals of type double Ex: 12.3F or 12.3f is of type float 9.92M or 9.92m is of type decimal • Boolean literals Ex: bool b = true; Copyright © 2005, 18 Infosys Technologies Ltd


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Types •

Boxing − Conversion of Value type to Reference Type − Allocates box, copies value into it Unboxing − Conversion of Reference Type back to Value Type − Checks type of box, copies value out

int iVal = 123; object oVal = iVal; iVal; int iValue = (int)oVal ; (int)oVal;



oVal 123 iValue


123 Copyright © 2005, 19 Infosys Technologies Ltd

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All types are derived from the object class, but the value types aren’t allocated on the heap. Value type variables actually contain their values. so how then can these types be stored in arrays and used in methods that expect reference variables ? Instead of writing wrapper code to convert from stack based memory to heap memory, you just need to assign a value type to an object and C# takes care of allocating the memory in the heap and generating a copy of that on the heap. When you attribute the object to a stack based int, the value is converted to the stack again. This process is what we call Boxing and Unboxing. “Boxing” refers to the process of implicit conversion of a value type to a reference type so that it can be manipulated like an object. Copies a value type into a reference type (object).A reference-type copy is made of the value type. Value type is converted implicitly to object, a reference type “Unboxing” is inverse operation of boxing. Copies the value out of the box. Copies from reference type to value type. Requires an explicit conversion. May not succeed (like all explicit conversions) Because of the allocation on the heap and copying the value type on to the heap it results in performance overhead



Control Structures – if statement •

Requires a boolean expression

int iNum = 10; if ((iNum % 2) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Even Number"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Odd Number"); }

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Control Structure – switch statement •

No two case constants in the same switch can have identical values.

Fall through rule: − − − −

Statement sequence from one case cannot continue to next case. Can be avoided by using the goto Default statement cannot fall through Empty cases can fall through.

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Why C# does not allow fall through? (1) C# compiler allows the case statements to be re arranged for optimization (2) C# prevents a programmer from accidentally missing the break statement.



Control Structure – switch statement What is the output of the following code snippet? int iNum=2; switch(iNum) compile error - control cannot fall through from one case to another

{ case 1: Console.WriteLine(iNum); case 2: Console.WriteLine(iNum); break; }

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Control Structure – switch statement char cChoice='i'; switch(cChoice) { case 'a': case 'e': Vowels

case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': Console.WriteLine("Vowels"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Consonants"); break; }

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Control Structures - loops while loop:

do-while loop:

while (condition)



{ statement/s ;



}while(condition) for loop: for (initialization; condition; iteration) { statement/s; } break; continue; Copyright © 2005, 24 Infosys Technologies Ltd


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Types – User defined types Enumerations






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Interfaces and Delegates are covered on day2.



Enumerations • •

Enumeration is a set of named integer constants. General form of an enumeration: enum name { enumeration list } enum eColors { red, green, blue};

The members of an enumeration are accessed through their type-name and the dot operator.

The statement: Console.WriteLine (eColors.green + “ has a value : “ + (int) eColors.green); Produces an output: green has a value : 1

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No two enum members can have the same name. Examples of enums: (1) Multiple enum members may share the same associated value. The example enum Color { Red, Green, Blue, Max = Blue } shows an enum in which two enum members — Blue and Max — have the same associated value. (2) The example enum Circular { A = B, B } results in a compile-time error because the declarations of A and B are circular. A depends on B explicitly, and B depends on A implicitly. (3) Each enum member has an associated constant value. The type of this value is the underlying type for the containing enum. The constant value for each enum member must be in the range of the underlying type for the enum. The example enum Color: uint { Red = -1, Green = -2, Blue = -3 } results in a compile-time error because the constant values -1, -2, and –3 are not in the range of the underlying integral type uint.



Enumerations Consider: enum eColors { red, green=10, blue} ;

What are the values of the members? red Æ 0 green Æ 10 blue Æ 11

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Arrays Two ways of creating one dimensional array: int [] aiNum; aiNum = new int[10];

int [] aiNum = new int[10];

Two ways of initializing one dimensional array: int [] aiNum; int[]

aiNum = {1,2,3};

aiNum = new int[] {1,2,3}; Two Dimensional array or rectangular array syntax: int[,] aiNum = new int[10,20];

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Arrays allow a group of elements of a specific type to be stored in a contiguous block of memory Since arrays are of reference types, new operator must be used to allocate memory to arrays



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Example on 1D array: using System; ///<summary> ///Class demonstrates array of integer values /// class ArrayDemo { ///<summary> ///Starting point of execution of the program /// public static void Main() { int[] arrofNum = new int[10]; Console.WriteLine("Assign values to the array elements"); for( int index=0; index < arrofNum.Length; index++) { arrofNum[index] = index; } Console.WriteLine("Displaying the array elemens"); for( int index=0; index < arrofNum.Length; index++) { Console.WriteLine(arrofNum[index]); } }}



Jagged Arrays •

Are two dimensional arrays in which the number of elements in each row can vary. int[][] aiNum = new int[2][];

// array with 2 rows

aiNum[0] = new int[10]; // first row has 10 elements aiNum[1] = new int[12];

// second row has 12 elements

Jagged Array

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Types : Reference Type - Class • •

Instantiated with new operator It consists of members like − Constants, fields, methods, operators, constructors, destructors − Properties, indexers, events

Members can be − Instance members. − Static members.

class Employee { int iEmpId; float fSalary; void findSalary () { // statements to calculate the salary } }

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The syntax for defining classes in C# is simple [attributes] [modifiers] class [:baseclassname] { [class – body] }[;] A member of a class can be defined as static member or an instance member. By default, each member is defined as an instance member, which means that a copy of that member is made for every instance of the class. When you declare a member a static member, only one copy of the member exists. A static member is created when the application containing the class is loaded, and it exists throughout the life of an application. Therefore, you can access even before the class has been instantiated.



Object • Steps to instantiate a class Counter oCounterOne ; oCounterOne = new Counter();

The new operator dynamically allocates memory for an object of type Counter and returns a reference to it.

A reference oCounterOne to the Counter class is created .oCounterOne does not define Counter

Note: The difference between a simple variable and the reference type variable is that, simple variable holds the value where a reference type variable points to a value. Copyright © 2005, 32 Infosys Technologies Ltd



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Objects in memory • Objects can be created in one step. Ex: Counter oCounterOne = new Counter();

Reference Variable: oCounterOne


int st


Object of type Counter

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Object Reference Assignment Consider: Counter oCounterOne, oCounterTwo;



Statement: oCounterTwo = oCounterOne; oCounterOne


Object Reference

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Access Modifiers • • •

Access modifiers specify who can use a type or a member Access modifiers control encapsulation Class members can be public, private, protected, internal, or protected internal

If the access modifier is

Then a member defined in type T and Program A is accessible


to everyone


within T only


to T or types derived from T


to types within A

protected internal

to T or types derived from T or to types within A Copyright © 2005, 35 Infosys Technologies Ltd

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The access modifiers with their description are as follows public – Signifies that the member is accessible from outside the class’s definition and hierarchy of derived classes. protected – The member isn’t visible outside the class and can be accessed by derived classes only. private-The member can’t be accessed outside the scope of the defining class. Therefore, not even derived classes have access to these members. Internal- The member is visible only within the current compilation unit. Default access modifier for a member is private.



Class - Fields •

A field − is a member variable of a class − holds data for a class .By default each object of a class has its own copy of every field

Static fields are shared by multiple objects.

public float fSalary;

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A field is a member variable used to hold a value. You can apply several modifiers to a field ,depending on how you want the field used .The modifiers include static, readonly and const. We’ll discuss what these modifiers signify and how to use them shortly.



Class – Read only Fields • • •

Read only fields are constants A read only field cannot be modified once initialized. Are initialized in its declaration or in a constructor. public class MyClass { public static readonly double dNum = Math.Sin(Math.PI); public readonly string sStrOne; public MyClass(string sStr) { sStrOne = sStr; } }

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There will certainly be times when you have fields that you don’t want altered during execution of the application. To address these situations, C# allows for the definition of two closely related member types : constants and read-only fields. Constants ,represented by the const keyword – are fields that remain constant for the life of the application and their value is set at compile-time. When you define a field with the read-only keyword, you have the ability to set that field’s value in one place : constructor.



Class – Methods • • • •

All the executable code of a class is in its methods Constructors, destructors and operators are special types of methods Methods can have argument lists, statements, can return a value By default, data is passed by value where a copy of the data is created and passed to the method

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Methods give classes their behavioral characteristics, and we name methods after the actions we want the classes to carry out on our behalf. A method is the actual code that acts on the object’s data (or field values).



A complete class /// <summary> /// This is a counter class to count /// Class comment class Counter block { //Counter variable private int iCount; /// <summary> /// This method is used to increment the value of the count. /// public void increment() Method { comment block iCount++; } }

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Methods - ref parameters ref modifier: • The ref modifier causes arguments to be passed by reference • The ref modifier has to be used in the method definition and the code that calls it void RefFunction(ref int iP) { iP++; } Call statement:

int iNum = 10; RefFunction(ref iNum); // iNum is now 11

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ref keyword tells the C# complier that the arguments being passed point to the same memory as the variables in the calling code.That way,if the called method modifies the values and then returns, the calling code’s variables are modified. Reference type variables are passed by reference to a method. but the reference of the object is passed by value. if you want the reference to be passed by reference, then use ref keyword along with the object.



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Ex: using ref parameter using System; class RefSwap { int a, b; public RefSwap(int i, int j) { a = i; b = j; } public void show() { Console.WriteLine(" a: {0}, b: {1}" ,a, b); } public void swap( ref RefSwap ob1, ref RefSwap ob2) { RefSwap t; t = ob1; ob1 = ob2; ob2 = t; } }



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class RefSwapDemo { public static void Main() { RefSwap x = new RefSwap(1,2); RefSwap y = new RefSwap(3,4); Console.Write("x before call"); x.show(); Console.Write("y before call"); y.show(); Console.WriteLine(); x.swap( ref x, ref y); Console.Write("X after call"); x.show(); Console.Write("y after call"); y.show(); } }



Methods - out parameters out modifier: • the out parameter is used in cases where you need to return a value from a method, but not pass a value to the method. • use out parameter to return more than one value from the method. • out parameter will not have any initial values but must be assigned a value before the method terminates.

Out Parameter

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C# provides an alternate means of passing an argument whose changed value must be seen by the calling code : the out keyword. The significant difference between the ref keyword and the out keyword is that the out keyword doesn’t require the calling code to initialize the passes arguments first.



Methods – passing variable number of arguments • Methods can have a variable number of arguments, called a parameter array • params keyword declares parameter array • This must be last argument of the method and there can be only one such argument. int Sum(params int[] aiArr) { int iSum = 0; foreach (int iNum in aiArr) iSum += iNum; return iSum; }

int iTotal = Sum(13,87,34);

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The params parameter can be a variable number of parameters. params parameter allows us to gain the simplicity of treating all types as objects but pay a performance penalty when you need to treat those same parameters as specific types rather than generic objects.



this keyword • •

When a local variable of a method has the same name as that of the instance variable, the local variable hides the instance variable. In such cases, "this" can be used to refer to the instance variables.

class Demo { int i; // instance variable public void fun (int i) { i = 10;

// the local variable is referred

this.i = i; // to refer to the instance variable, this is used } } Copyright © 2005, 45 Infosys Technologies Ltd


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static • •

use static to define a member that is independent of any objects static members can not be accessed using an object of a class. instead, they are accessed using the syntax: classname.staticmembername • when objects of a class containing static members are created, a copy of the static members are not made • all the instances of the class share the same static variable

+Restrictions on static methods: (a) this cannot be used in static methods (b) static methods can call only static methods - because instance methods act on specific instances of the class but static methods do not. (c) static methods can access static data directly.

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A static member is a member that exists in a class as a whole ,rather than in a specific instance of the class. The key benefit of static method is that they reside apart from a particular instance of a class without polluting the application’s global space and without going against the object-oriented grain by not being associated with a class. If no initial values for a static variable are specified, then numeric values are initialized to zero and null for reference types.



What is the output of the following code snippet? using System; Compilation error: a non class Test static method cannot be { called from a static method public static void Main() { anotherMethod(); } void anotherMethod() { Console.WriteLine(“Another Method”); } }

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The correct form: using System; class Test { public static void Main() { Test t = new Test(); t.anotherMethod(); } void anotherMethod() { Console.WriteLine(“Another Method”); } }



Method Overloading • • •

Two or more methods within the same class can have same name, but the parameters must vary. In general, the type or the number of parameters must differ. The signature (name of the method and its parameter list) does not include a params parameter if one is present. params does not participate in overloading

Method Overload

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Method overloading enables the C# programmer to use the same method name multiple times with only the passes arguments changed. In C#, the signature includes the name of the method plus its parameter list. Note, it does not include the return type.



Constructor • • • • • •

Is special method that is called whenever an instance of the class is created. It guarantees that the object will go through proper initialization before being used. It is without any return value. It has same name as its class. Access specifier must be public as constructors are called from outside the class. It can be overloaded.


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Constructors are special methods that are called when-ever an instance of the class is created. A key benefit of using a constructor is that it guarantees that the object will go through proper initialization before being used. When a user instantiates an object, that object’s constructor is called and must return before the user can perform any other work with that object. This guarantee helps ensure the integrity of the object and helps make applications written with object-oriented languages much more reliable. If a class doesn’t define any constructors, an implicit parameter less constructor is created If a parameterized constructor is defined, then the default constructor is no longer used. If no constructor is implemented then the default constructor is supplied. The default constructor initializes the data members with default values. If the constructors are implemented then no default constructor will be supplied By overloading the constructor, you are giving flexibility to users the way in which objects can be created. Invoking an overloaded constructor using this: to invoke an overloaded constructor, you can use the this keyword.



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using System; class Demo { int x; int y; Demo(int i, int j) { Console.WriteLine("invoking two arg constructor"); x = i; y = j; } Demo(int x) : this(x,x) { Console.WriteLine("invoking the one arg constructor"); } Demo() : this(0,0) { Console.WriteLine("invoking the default constructor"); } Demo( Demo d) : this(d.x, d.y) { { Console.WriteLine("invoking the one arg constructor - object"); }}



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class Test { public static void Main() { Demo d1 = new Demo(); Demo d2 = new Demo(10); Demo d3 = new Demo(10,20); Demo d4 = new Demo(d2); } }



Static Constructors • • •

used to initialize the static variables access modifiers like public are not allowed on static constructors are called only once during the lifetime of the program

Static Constructor

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A static constructor is handled in a special way : you can have only one static constructor ,it can’t take parameters, and it course can’t access instance members – including this pointer. A static constructor is executed before the first instance of a class is created. Access modifiers such a public and private aren’t allowed on static constructors.



Destructors • • •

A destructor is a method that is called when an instance goes out of scope Used to clean up any resources Only classes can have destructors ~Employee() { // destruction code }

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C# destructors are not guaranteed to be called at a specific time Destructor is called prior to garbage collection and not when the object goes out of scope. Ex: showing the destructors using System; class Demo { public static void Main() { DestructorDemo d = new DestructorDemo(0); for (int i=0; i<100000; i++) { // create many objects that garbage collection must occur d.generateObject(i); } } }



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class DestructorDemo { public int i; public DestructorDemo(int x) { i = x; } ~DestructorDemo() { Console.WriteLine("Destructor called"); } // object is created here which goes out of scope immediately public void generateObject(int s) { DestructorDemo d = new DestructorDemo(s); } }



Garbage Collection •

Automatic Memory Management Scheme

Garbage Collector always run in background of an application.

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An automatic garbage collector cleans up the heap memory on your behalf when it’s no longer needed. GC traces object references and identifies objects that can no longer be reached by running code. The GC doesn’t take up processor resources by running constantly, but it kicks periodically. A consequence of this last point is that heap memory garbage collection – and ,by extension ,object destruction – is nondeterministic. That is , under normal circumstances , you can’t be absolutely sure when the GC will run and therefore when your object will be finally destroyed . You can force a garbage collection operation at any time with GC.Collect method.



Finalize •

Finalize method is defined in Object class.

A finalizer executes when the object is destroyed.

In C# the declaration of the destructor is a short cut for the Finalize() method.

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The Finalize method is called automatically after an object becomes inaccessible. The C# language doesn’t strictly support destructors. On the other hand, it does support overriding the Object.Finalize method. The only twist in the tale is that to override Finalize , you must write a method that’s syntactically identical to a destructor. In C# the declaration of the destructor is a short cut for the Finalize() method. A finalizer executes when the object is destroyed. The finalizer is a protected method named Finalize Ex : protected void Finalize(){ }



Dispose •

Free resources that need to be reclaimed as quickly as possible.

Explicitly called. public void Dispose() { Console.WriteLine(“Dispose()”); }

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To achieve necessary explicit control and precise determinism in the destructor-like cleanup of unmanaged resources, you’re encouraged to implement an arbitrary Dispose method . The consumer of the object should call this method when the object is no longer required. This call can be made even if other references to the object are alive. Unlike, the finalizer , the Dispose method is arbitrary – in terms of its name, signature, access modifiers and attributes. You’re encouraged to use a public nonstatic method named Dispose ,with a void return and no parameters. This is only convention.



Operators - overview • • •

C# provides a fixed set of operators, whose meaning is defined for the predefined types Some operators can be overloaded (e.g. +) Associativity − Assignment and ternary conditional operators are right-associative • Operations performed right to left • x = y = z evaluates as x = (y = z)

− − − −

All other binary operators are left-associative Operations performed left to right x + y + z evaluates as (x + y) + z Use parentheses to control order

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C# operator precedence is as follows - Primary, Unary, Multiplicative ,Additive ,Shift, Relational ,Equality ,Logical AND , Logical XOR , Logical OR ,Conditional AND ,Conditional OR ,Conditional and Assignment.



Operator Overloading • •

Operator Overloading helps in creating user-defined operations The method used to overload the operator must be a static method

class Car { string vid; public static bool operator ==(Car x, Car y) { return x.vid == y.vid; } }

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Operator overloading allows existing C# operators to be redefined so that one or both of the operator’s operands are of a user defined or struct type. Restrictions on operator overloading (1) Precedence of the operators cannot be changed (2) Cannot alter the number of operands of the operator (3) You cannot overload any assignment operators such as += etc… - this cannot be overloaded explicitly. But if += is used, automatically, the operator+ is called (4) You cannot overload the [] operator but indexers can be used for the same purpose.



Operator Overloading •

Overloadable unary operators









Overloadable binary operators +


















Operator Overload

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Overloading is not allowed for member access, method invocation, assignment operators, nor these operators: sizeof, new, &&, ||, and ?:. The && and || operators are automatically evaluated from & and | Overloading a binary operator (e.g. *) implicitly overloads the corresponding assignment operator (e.g. *=)



Inheritance • • •

Using inheritance, you can create a general class that defines a common set of attributes and behaviors for a set of related items. A derived class is a specialized version of the base class and inherits all the fields, properties, operators and indexers defined by base class Protected members are private to the class but can be inherited and accessed by the derived class

The constructor of the base class can be called from the derived class using the keyword base.


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Inheritance is used when a class is built upon another class, in terms of data or behaviour. To inherit one class from another, use the following syntax class <derivedclass>:

Private members of the base class will not be inherited to the derived class.



Hidden Names and Inheritance using System; class Parent { protected int p; public Parent() { p = 10; } } class Child : Parent { int p; public Child() { p = 100; } public void displayParent() { Console.WriteLine(p); } }

class InheritanceTest { public static void Main() { Child c = new Child(); c.displayParent(); } } What does the statement c.displayParent() display? The child class member p hides the member p of the parent class. To access the member p of the Parent class, use the syntax: base.member. Refer to notes page for the above modified program

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using System;

///<summary> ///Class representing the Parent /// class Parent { protected int p; ///<summary> ///Constructor of class Parent /// public Parent() { p = 10; } } ///<summary> ///Class inheriting the class Parent /// class Child : Parent { int p; ///<summary> ///Constructor of Child class /// public Child() { p = 100; }



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///<summary> ///Method to display the Parent class’s member p /// public void displayParent() { Console.WriteLine(base.p); } } ///<summary> ///Class testing the Parent and Child classes /// class InheritanceTest { ///<summary> ///Starting point of execution of the program /// public static void Main() { Child c = new Child(); c.displayParent(); } }



Base class reference can refer to a derived class object • •

A derived class object can be assigned to a base class reference But the parent class reference cannot access the members of the derived class

Base Class Reference

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Method Overriding and Virtual Methods •

Method of a derived class can give another implementation to a method of the base class Method of the base class must be marked “virtual” Method of the derived class must be marked “override”

• •

class Employee //base class

class Manager : Employee


{ protected double basic; protected double gross;

public virtual void CalcSal() { gross = basic + 0.5*basic;

protected double allow; public override void CalcSal() { gross = basic + 0.5*basic + allow; }

} }


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In inheritance, a derived class can give another implementation to a method of the base class. This is method overriding. to achieve overriding, the method of the base class must be marked as “virtual” and the method of the derived class must be marked as “override” Ex: class Employee { protected double basic; protected double gross; public virtual void CalcSal() { gross = basic + 0.5*basic; } } class Manager : Employee { protected double allowances; public override void CalculateSalary() { gross = basic + 0.5*basic + allowances; } } ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003


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Note: If the method of base class is not marked “virtual”, even then it can be overridden in derived class by marking it new. Ex: class Employee { protected double basic; protected double gross; public void CalcSal() { gross = basic + 0.5*basic; } } class Manager : Employee { protected double allowances; public new void CalculateSalary() { gross = basic + 0.5*basic + allowances; } } ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003


Sealed modifier : methods •

Applied to methods: − Cannot be overridden


class class1 { class class2 : class1 public override sealed int F1() { { public override int F1() ……. { } ……… } }


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Sealed methods: In C# methods can not be declared as sealed directly But a overriding method can be declared as sealed By doing so further overriding of the method can be avoided



Sealed modifier : Class •

Applied to class − Cannot be derived


sealed class class1 { class class2 : class1 {



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Sealed class: A sealed class is one that cannot be used as a base class Sealed classes can’t be abstract A class is sealed to prevent unintended derivation



Abstract modifier •

Applied to methods: − Methods cannot have implementation in base class − Must be implemented in derived class and marked “override” − The class containing at least one abstract method must be declared abstract class Manager : Employee

//base class


abstract class Employee { protected double basic;

protected double allow; public override void CalcSal() {

protected double gross; public abstract void CalcSal();

gross = basic + 0.5*basic + allow; }

} }

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The abstract keyword can be used for method and class An abstract method signifies it has no body (implementation), only declaration of the method followed by a semicolon

public abstract double calculateArea(); If a class has one or more abstract methods declared inside it, the class must be declared abstract

An abstract class cannot be instantiated ie objects cannot be created from an abstract class Reference of an abstract class can point to objects of its sub-classes thereby achieving run-time polymorphism



Abstract modifier - Demos

Abstract (class1.cs)

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Abstract (Class2.cs)

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An abstract class is an incomplete class that cannot be instantiated Intended to be used as a base class May contain abstract and non-abstract function members Similar to an interface Abstract classes cannot be sealed



Namespaces • • • • •

Namespaces provide a way to uniquely identify a type. Provides logical organization of types. Namespaces can span assemblies. Can be nested. The fully qualified name of a type includes all namespaces. namespace N1 { // is referred to as N1 class C1 {

// is referred to as N1.C1

class C2 { // is referred to as N1.C1.C2 }

Fully Qualified name

} namespace N2 { // is referred to as N1.N2 class C2 { // is referred to as N1.N2.C2


} }


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Namespaces are compilation units that let you organize and reuse code. There is no relationship between namespaces and file structure (unlike Java) The using statement is used use types without typing the fully qualified name fully qualified name can also be used Ex: using N1; C1 a; N1.C1 b; C2 c;

// The N1. is implicit // Fully qualified name // Error! C2 is undefined

N1.N2.C2 d;

// One of the C2 classes

C1.C2 e;

// The other one

The using statement can also be used to create aliases using C = N1.N2.C1; using N = N1.N2; C a; N.C1 b;


// Refers to N1.N2.C1 // Refers to N1.N2.C1


Predefined Types - Object • •

Root of object hierarchy Storage (book keeping) overhead − 0 bytes for value types − 8 bytes for reference types

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All data types inherit from the System.Object class in the .Net framework, which is aliased as object.



Predefined Types - String • • • •

A sequence of characters Strings are immutable (once created the value does not change) String is Reference type and string class in C# is an alias of System.String class in the dot net framework The following special syntax for string literals is allowed as they are built in data types. − String s = “I am a string”;

C# Type

System Type



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System.String class (or its alias , string) represents an immutable string of characters. Methods like Replace(), Insert() etc. that appear to modify a string actually return a new string containing the modification.



Predefined Types - StringBuilder • • • •

Every time some modifications are done to the string a new String object needs to be created StringBuilder class can be used to modify string without creating a new string − Ex : StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder (“hi”); Properties: − Length Methods − Append() String Builder − Insert() − Remove() − Replace() StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder (“hi”); str.Append(“how are you?”) str.Insert(6,”How do you do?”);

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StringBuilder class is provided in System.Text namespace.



Command Line Arguments • • •

Arguments can be passed to Main function at the command prompt from where the program is invoked. Main function can return an integer . Four forms of Main: − public static void Main() − public static int Main() − public static void Main(string[] args) − public static int Main(string[] args) Command Line Arguments

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The arguments specified at the command prompt will be put in an array of String type. In case we need to pass a numeric value at the command prompt, then we have to perform conversion from String to numeric type. Convert class can be used to convert from one base type to any other base type. In case of incompatible conversion, an exception is thrown. Following are few overloaded methods for conversion: Convert.ToDouble -> Converts a specified value to a double-precision floating point number. Convert.ToDecimal -> Converts a specified value to a Decimal number. Convert.ToInt64 -> Converts a specified value to a 64-bit unsigned integer.



Structure •Is a generalization of a user-defined data type (UDT)-Value type. •Is created when you want a single variable to hold multiple types of related data. •Is declared by using the keyword struct. •Can also include methods as its members. •member access levels possible are only public, internal, private


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Like a class, a struct can contain other types and is sometimes referred to as a lightweight version of a class because internally it is a value type. The members of a structure are same as members in a class Defining a struct takes an almost identical form to that of defining a class [attributes] [modifiers] struct <structname> [:interfaces] { [struct–body] }[;]

Multiple interface inheritance is possible .Structures can implement one or more interfaces (Interfaces are discussed on Day 2) Members of the structure cannot be specified as abstract, virtual or protected



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using System; struct Point { public int x; public int y; public Point(int x,int y) { this.x=x; this.y=y; } public Point Add(Point pt) { Point newPt; newPt.x = x + pt.x; newPt.y = y+pt.y; return newPt; } } ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003


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class StructExample { static void Main(string [] args) { Point pt1 = new Point(1,1); Point pt2 = new Point(2,2); Point pt3; pt3= pt1.Add(pt2); Console.WriteLine("p3 : {0} : {1}",pt3.x,pt3.y); } }



Structure and Class - Similarities • Both can have members, including constructors, properties, constants, and events. •Both can implement interfaces. •Both can have static constructors, with or without parameters.

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Structure and Class - Differences



A class is inheritable from other existing A structure is not inheritable. classes. A class can have instance constructors with or without parameters.

A structure can have instance constructors only if they take parameters.

A class is a reference type.

A structure is a value type.

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Summary • • • • • • • • • • • •

Recap of OO Basic Data Types and Control Structures Structure Classes and Objects Garbage Collection Static Command Line Arguments Inheritance Overloading and Overriding Abstract and Sealed Namespaces Structures

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