C Programming

  • November 2019
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LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Select The Blank Question ________ operator is used to refer to the structure element, when structure pointer is declared Correct Answer -> Your Answer -> Select The Blank Question Usually structure type declaration appears at the ________ of the source code file, before any variable/functions are defined. Correct Answer top Your Answer top Select The Blank Question The address of the zeroth element can also be passed by just passing the ________ of the array. Correct Answer Name Your Answer Name Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following is a unformatted console I/O function to display a string? Correct Answer puts Your Answer puts True/False Question Primary and Secondary are the two types of constants in C. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What will be the output? main(){ int i; void show(int); for(i=65;i<68;i++) show(i);} void show(int i){ printf("\n%c",i);} Correct Answer A , B , C Your Answer A , B , C Select The Blank Question Arithmatic operations can be performed on characters where their ________ value is used. Correct Answer ASCII Your Answer ASCII Select The Blank Question The keyword ________ is followed by an interger or a character constant.

Correct Answer case Your Answer case Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer % Modulus operator Modulus operator <, >, <=, >= etc. Relational operator Relational operator = = Comparison for equal value Comparison for equal value || Logical opertor - OR Logical opertor - OR

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The collaboration diagram shows interaction between objects and sequence of activities denoted by :Correct Answer Members Your Answer Methods Select The Blank Question The ________ diagram is used to understand or model the flow of system through classes or objects. Correct Answer Activity Your Answer Venn Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What will be the output of the following main(){ int i = 1; char c='A'; printf("%d",i * c); printf("%d",i * (c+2));} Correct Answer 65 , 67 Your Answer 65 , 67 True/False Question An Array is a Primary Constant Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which operators are used to access the individual structure element. Correct Answer . , -> Your Answer . , -> Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The sequence diagram follows the following sequence :-

Correct Answer Use-case-transaction sequence Your Answer Use-case-transaction sequence Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which type of I/O functions are used to perform I/O operations on various ports? Correct Answer Port Your Answer Port Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What will be the output? main( ) { int a[10]={65,66,67},i=0; printf("%c",a[i]++); printf("%c",a[i]); } Correct Answer A , B Your Answer A , B True/False Question Initialisation of the conditional variable is necessary for while loop. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the another name of 'value at address' operator? Correct Answer indirection Your Answer indirection True/False Question If break is not used in cases, compiler gives an error. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If 'return' statement is written without any value, which of the following is used for empty value? Correct Answer nothing, only 'return;' has to be written Your Answer nothing, only 'return;' has to be written Multiple Choice Single Answer Question C language has been developed at Correct Answer AT & T Bell Labs, USA Your Answer AT & T Bell Labs, USA Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following modes are used to read from a file? Correct Answer r , r+ Your Answer r , r+ , w

Select The Blank Question Booch emphasises development of mechanisms with ________ model. Correct Answer Data Your Answer Data True/False Question The set of statements belongining to a function are enclosed within a pair of braces. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ is a relation operator used to compare for equal values Correct Answer == Your Answer == Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following statements is decision making instruction? Correct Answer if Your Answer if Select The Blank Question A structure can be used to ________ a floppy. Correct Answer format Your Answer read Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Two statements are written within if block without any braces, if condition is true it will :Correct Answer execute the first statement in the block and the 2nd will get executed irrespictive of the condition is true or false Your Answer execute the first statement in the block and the 2nd will get executed irrespictive of the condition is true or false True/False Question In an array of structures all elements of the array are stored in adjacent memory locations. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question puts() can display only one string at a time. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The break statement is used to exit from:Correct Answer A for loop Your Answer A for loop True/False Question Middle Level Language is the language which has both good programming efficiency and a good machine efficiency Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which function is used to open a file? Correct Answer fopen Your Answer fopen Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer %c Format specification for a character Format specification for a character gets() To accept a string from keyboard To accept a string from keyboard puts() To display a string on the screen To display a string on the screen %s Format specification for a string Format specification for a string

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed? Correct Answer Address of the first element of the array [base address] Your Answer Address of the first element of the array [base address] Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What will be the output? main(){ char name[10]="String"; int j=0; while(name[j]!='\0') { printf("%c",name[j]); j+=3; } printf("%c",name[--j]);} Correct Answer S , i , g Your Answer g Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An array 'num' of integer type for 3 rows and 5 columns should be declared as Correct Answer int num[3][5] Your Answer int num[3][5] Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An _expression contains relational operators, assignement operators, and arithmatic

operators. In the absence of parentheses, they will be evaluated in which of the following order? Correct Answer Arithmetic, relational, assignment Your Answer Arithmetic, relational, assignment Select The Blank Question ________ function appends first n characters of a string at the end of another Correct Answer strncat Your Answer strncat Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What will be the output? main(){ char name[10]="String",n[10]=""; int k; strncat(n,name,3); for(k=0;n[k]!='\0';k++) printf("\n%d",n[k]);} Correct Answer 83 , 116 , 114 Your Answer 115 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following modes are used to write to a file? Correct Answer w , w+ , a Your Answer w , w+ , a Select The Blank Question There are as many as ________ odd operators in C which can affect the evaluation of an expession in subtle and unexpected ways Correct Answer 45 Your Answer 10 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What will be the output of the following main(){ char c='ab'; printf("%c", c); printf("%d",c);} Correct Answer a , 97 Your Answer a , 97 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following fuctions require a single string as a parameter? Correct Answer strlen , strlwr , strupr Your Answer strlen , strlwr , strupr True/False Question Once file is open it is always refered by its FILE pointer Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question While passing an array elements to a function by call by value we pass values of array elements to the function

Correct Answer True Your Answer True

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