C ++ Pages 10 Language

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  • Words: 3,489
  • Pages: 10
The C++ Language The C++ Language

Bjarne Stroupstrup, the language’s creator C++ was designed to provide Simula’s facilities for program organization together with C’s efficiency and flexibility for systems programming.

Prof. Stephen A. Edwards

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

C++ Features

Example: A stack in C           !#" $% & '" (  )"

Classes •

User-defined types

Operator overloading •

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Programmer could inadvertently create  )+*, -/.  uninitialized stack.  )0* 1" 324-/ )+*.5 6678-9 $:  7 -/) . .'" ;=< 02?>@" / , % 1"

Pass-by-reference function arguments

Virtual Functions •

Dispatched depending on type at run time

Templates •

Does not help for stack that is automatic variable.

Attach different meaning to expressions such as a + b

References •

Creator function ensures stack is created properly.

Macro-like polymorphism for containers (e.g., arrays)


Exceptions Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Example: A stack in C

C++ Solution: Class

A=,37- A)0* .  $ B-= +2C>.C7-=DE %   67=FG=.@" / , % ;9

Definition of both representation and operations

gThTi9P e Oj

Public: visible outside the class

    -)0*A KLA=, I . I 7 $ J $ B-= +2 2? ,=.C7 - DM I 8/ 6 7F8G=.'" ;=< H  N N!+2 I " ( Not clear these are the only stackrelated functions. Another part of program can modify any stack any way it wants to, destroying invariants. Temptation to inline these computations, not use functions. Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

r d

UTWTQ/OX=kmlLYnSTgpoZqAdsr Constructor: initializes tu eHv gHh/S[=kwO[xQ\ytlzY eT{ kmS/gpoToZU/`a=bl}|\T\wu\/kx~RuHt| \ { Pxu€Rld S^STg‚/‚/cpo}t,d r O9[RQ\]gugkwlƒY eT{ kmS/gpoToVqlV| \T\mu\/kR~Rh fxv | \ { PRux€ld \„|HW/h=\ f S^m…H…HSTgTcd r Member functions see object fields like local variables Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


C++ Stack Class

C++ Stack Class

Natural to use

Members (functions, data) can be public, protected, or private

  )? =@"   x  A - xx.#"  ,-R.'" A=, +2   x7-/.@"   )+* A)32 % =F   A)" );=<    - „.#" ) ;9
class Stack { char s[SIZE]; public: char pop(); }; Stack st; st.s[0] = ‘a’; st.pop();

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Class Implementation

Operator Overloading

C++ compiler translates to C-style implementation C++

Equivalent C implementation

6A  + )? =83   , !'" $%  '"    6 $ 

)A-. I 7 $ C  A- ,.@" =8 7-/.'" ( "

, ? )J      !#" $%  '" ( "

For manipulating user-defined “numeric” types


75 6 J - K=.@KL 8-9.'" 75 6 J 2  N#"  2  N 1"

I 7 $   ,  ),-/)*.@" I 7 $   ,  A-9  A) *'K =9.'" A=,0  ,7,-/ )*.'"

Promote 2.3 to a complex number here

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Example: Complex number type

References Designed to avoid copying in overloaded operators

C++’s operator overloading makes it elegant

6  7 5 6  7 6 'K $ 5 "  6 $  

 7 5 6  -/76 .@"  7 5 6  -/7  6'KL76.'" ( "

A mechanism for calling functions pass-by-reference C only has pass-by-value Pass-by-reference reduces copying

 7 5 6 J7 , 7TN 21-/ 7 % J 7 56 .'"

void swap(int x, int y) {

/* Doesn’t work */

int tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } void swap(int &x, int &y) {

Operator overloading defines arithmetic operators for the complex type Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Creating objects of the user-defined type

Want + to mean something different in this context

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

// Error: sp is private // OK

/* Works with references */

int tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Complex Number Type Member functions including operators can be defined inside or outside the class definition



75 6  75 6    „7,97/N 2-/7 % J 75 6 A  . /+N2?/'" $ C 5 N2? $ 5@" / , % * $ "

Complex Number Class Operators can also be defined outside classes


75 6 C7,/78HN#-/7 7  7 5 6    5?2? " 0N2 '" / , %  5@"

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Function Overloading

% = % =

7 56 J'K 7 56   . 

// Copy constructor // invoke Complex::operator +=

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Overloaded operators a specific case of overloading

Access control over variables, arguments.

General: select specific method/operator based on name, number, and type of arguments

Provides safety

Rock of Gibraltar

const double pi = 3.14159265; // Compile-time constant void foo(int); void foo(int, int);

// OK

void foo(char *);

// OK

int foo(char *);

// BAD: return type not in signature

int foo(const char* a) { *a = ‘a’; }

class bar { // “object not modified” int get_field() const { return field; } }

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


// Constant argument // Illegal: a is const

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Template Stack Class

Our stack type is nice, but hard-wired for a single type of object


Using array of “void *” or a union might help, but breaks type safety

gThTi9P e Oj Used like a type within

C++ solution: a template class Macro-processor-like way of specializing a class to specific types Mostly intended for container classes Standard Template Library has templates for •

strings, lists, vectors, hash tables, trees, etc.

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

T is a type argument

r d

UTWTQ/OX=kmlLYnSTgpoZqAdsr the body tu eHv gHh/S[=kVt9lƒY eT{ kmS/gpoToZU/`a=bl}|\T\wu\/kx~RuHt| \ { Pxu€Rld S^STg‚/‚/cpo}t,d r LgHu/gkmlLY eT{ kmS/gpoToVqlV| \T\mu\/kR~Rh fxv | \ { PRux€ld \„|HW/h=\ f S^m…H…HSTgTcd r Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Using a template Stack cs;

Display-list example

// Instantiates the specialized code


Say you want to draw a graphical scene List of objects •

char c = cs.pop();

lines, arcs, circles, squares, etc.

How do you store them all in a single array? Stack<double *> dps;

void *list[10];

// Ugly: type-unsafe

double d; How do you draw them all?


switch (object->type) { case LINE: /* … */ break; case ARC: /* … */ break; } Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved



Inheritance lets you build derived classes from base classes class Shape { /* … */ }; class Line : public Shape { /* … */ };

// Also a Shape

class Arc : public Shape { /* … */ };

// Also a Shape

class Shape { double x, y; // Base coordinates of shape public: void translate(double dx, double dy) { x += dx; y += dy; } Line inherits both the }; representation and

Line l; l.translate(1,3); Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Add new fields to the end of the object Fields in base class at same offset in derived class C++

Equivalent C implementation

6A  +  7  6  KZ " ( "

 ?   7  6 @KZ ( " 

  97  76 @KZ " 7  6K}F " ( "

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

// Invoke Shape::translate()

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Implementing Inheritance

member functions of the Shape class

class Line : public Shape { };

Shape *dlist[10];

6A  97 L   761K}F " ( "

// Hard to add new object

Virtual Functions class Shape { virtual void draw(); }; class Line : public Shape { void draw(); }; class Arc : public Shape { void draw(); }; Shape *dl[10]; dl[0] = new Line; dl[1] = new Arc; dl[0]->draw(); dl[1]->draw();

draw() is a virtual function invoked based on the actual type of the object, not the type of the pointer

New classes can be added without having to change “draw everything” code

// invoke Line::draw() // invoke Arc::draw()

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Implementing Virtual Functions Involves some overhead class Virt { int a, b; virtual void foo(); virtual void bar(); };


&Virt::foo &Virt::bar

vptr a b

How the language was first compiled Full compiler that produced C as output C++ semantics therefore expressible in C C++ model of computation ultimately the same C++ syntax substantial extension of C

C++ $

I 7 

Virtual table for class Virt

Object of type Virt


? - $ /?* I .

Equivalent $ $ C implementation

I 7 

I ;9< -9.#"


? -

?* I .

-*,- I ;9< I ,   ,..,- I .@"

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Default arguments

C++ semantics refer to the same model as C So why use C++? •

Specifications are clearer, easier to write and maintain

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Declarations may appear anywhere

Another way to simplify function calls

Convenient way to avoid uninitialized variables

Especially useful for constructors

 8- $%  $ K 7 % =? ,3* . I 7 $ ?  $ B- $ 2>.+8/7-/.#"  7 %  $A% ?6  % 2 =96 % - .#"   +2C>@"

78J- $%   C2 $  "   6 %  " NN. 0N 2 1  !@" (

void foo(int a, int b = 3, int c = 4) { /* … */ } C++

Expands to







Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Multiple Inheritance Rocket Science Inherit from two or more classes:

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Multiple Inheritance Ambiguities What happens with duplicate methods? class Window { void draw(); }; class Border { void draw() };

class Window { … };

class BWindow : public Window, public Border { };

class Border { … }; class BWindow : public Window, public Border { … };

BWindow bw; bw.draw();

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

// Error: ambiguous

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Multiple Inheritance Ambiguities

Duplicate Base Classes

Ambiguity can be resolved explicitly

A class may be inherited more than once

class Window { void draw(); };

class Drawable { … };

class Border { void draw() };

class Window : public Drawable { … };

class BWindow : public Window, public Border {

class Border : public Drawable { … };

void draw() { Window::draw(); }

class BWindow : public Window, public Border { … };


BWindow gets two copies of the Drawable base class

BWindow bw; bw.draw(); // BWindow::draw() calls Window::draw() Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Duplicate Base Classes

Implementing Multiple Inheritance

Virtual base classes are inherited at most once

A virtual function expects a pointer to its object struct A { virtual void f(); } struct B { virtual void f(); } struct C : A, B { void f(); }

class Drawable { … }; class Window : public virtual Drawable { … };

E.g., C::f() expects “this” to be a C*

class Border : public virtual Drawable { … };

But this could be called with “this” being a B*

class BWindow : public Window, public Border { … };


BWindow gets one copy of the Drawable base class

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved



In-memory representation of a C


Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Implementation Using VT Offsets

Implementation Using Thunks

struct A { int x; virtual void f(); }

struct B { int y; virtual void f(); virtual void g(); } struct C : A, B { int z; void f(); } C c; B *b = &c; b->f(); // C::f()

Create little “helper functions” that adjust

C’s vtbl

C’s vtbl


1. b is a B*: vptr has f(), g()

vptr x vptr y z

2. Call C::f( this – 2 ) 3. First argument now points to a C Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Advantage: Only pay extra cost for virtual functions with multiple inheritance

&C::f 0


B in C’s vtbl

vptr x vptr y z

&C::f –2 &B::g 0

&C::f B in C’s vtbl

&C::f_in_B &B::g

 !"$#&%'( )&* (+,.9 /10 )2 / !3$% )* +3465,87

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved




Namespace pollution • • • •

Scope for enclosing otherwise global declarations

Occurs when building large systems from pieces Identical globally-visible names clash How many programs have a “print” function? Very difficult to fix

 (      (   

Two f’s are separate


'@   1A

directive brings namespaces or objects into



         )    " 




/J   J 4"= =   I6KDI 


// Add Mine::g() to Mine

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Declarations and definitions can be separated



         A   "

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

4 A 4"==   B    ?CD6E  ."F // invoke Mine::print 4A:1 4 /% 4   G- / H$D2 I  // Mine::pi


         )    "

     # %$'&)(+*,-*/.10 23!.&.      " 

Namespaces are open: declarations can be added




         !  @ / @  

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


/  #7  8   69/:    %;$69<  4>==  >  4"== !  ?4.1 

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


         "    %$'&)(+*,-*/.10 2-.43/&. #      %

Classes suggest a solution

      !      65 


A high-level replacement for C’s setjmp/longjmp

 ! @ :L;   '? / ( #7  CD3-+ GLC;  " / (   ?CD  +9M ! 7 C>   :  4L;     D !    )1NC    O 

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Standard Template Library

C++ IO Facilities

   I?     >  A @ 7  %A  A    )1N  O   

I/O Facilities: iostream

C’s printing facility is clever but unsafe

Garbage-collected String class

Containers •

vector, list, queue, stack, map, set

Hard for compiler to typecheck argument types against format string

Numerical •

complex, valarray

General algorithms •

C++ IO overloads the << and >> operators



search, sort

Type safe

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

C++ IO Facilities

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

C++ string class

Printing user-defined types

ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, MyType &m) { o << “An Object of MyType”; return o; }


Reference-counted for automatic garbage collection

string s1, s2; s1 = “Hello”; s2 = “There”;

Input overloads the >> operator

s1 += “ goodbye”; s1 = “”; // Frees memory occupied by “Hello goodbye”

int read_integer; cin >> read_integer; Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

C++ STL Containers

Vector •

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Mechanism for stepping through containers

Dynamically growing, shrinking array of elements

vector v; vector v; v.push_back(3);

for ( vector::iterator i = v.begin(); // vector can behave as a stack

i != v.end() ; i++ ) {

v.push_back(2); int j = v[0];

int entry = *i; // operator[] defined for vector


… v.begin()

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Other Containers

Associative Containers

Insert/Delete from front mid. end

random access


O(n) O(n) O(1)



O(1) O(1) O(1)



O(1) O(n) O(1)



Keys must be totally ordered Implemented with trees set

• Set of objects set > s; s.insert(5); set >::iterator i = s.find(3);

map Associative Array map m; m[3] = “example”;

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

C++ in Embedded Systems

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

C++ Features With No Impact

Dangers of using C++ • • •


No or bad compiler for your particular processor Increased code size Slower program execution

• •

Single inheritance

Much harder language to compile •

Unoptimized C++ code often much larger, slower than equivalent C

 Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Medium-cost Features

Virtual functions

Compiler adds code at call site to set default arguments Long argument lists costly in C and C++ anyway

Function call overhead when an object comes into scope (normal case) Extra code inserted when object comes into scope (inlined case)

• •

Often implemented with pointers Extra level of indirection in accessing data Can disappear with inline functions

Inline functions • •

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Extra level of indirection for each virtual function call Each object contains an extra pointer


Constructors and destructors •

Completely resolved at compile time

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Default arguments •

Completely resolved at compile time

Namespaces •

More compact way to write larger structures

Function name overloading •

Inexpensive C++ Features

Fancy way to describe functions and structs Equivalent to writing object-oriented C code

Can greatly increase code size for large functions Usually speeds execution

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


High-cost Features

High-cost Features

Multiple inheritance • • •


Makes objects much larger (multiple virtual pointers) Virtual tables larger, more complicated Calling virtual functions even slower

Templates • • •

Compiler generates separate code for each copy Can greatly increase code sizes No performance penalty

Uses templates: often generates lots of code Very dynamic data structures have high memorymanagement overhead Easy to inadvertently copy large datastructures

When exception is thrown, look up stack until handler is found and destroy automatic objects on the way

Mere presence of exceptions does not slow program Often requires extra tables or code to direct clean-up Throwing and exception often very slow

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


Much of the standard template library •

Typical implementation:

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

High-cost Features

C still generates better code Easy to generate larger C++ executables

Harder to generate slower C++ executables Exceptions most worrisome feature • •

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved

Consumes space without you asking GCC compiler has a flag to enable/disable exception support –fexceptions and –fno-exceptions

Copyright © 2001 Stephen A. Edwards All rights reserved


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