C Intro2

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 35
Introduction to C Part 2: Basics C Language Tutorial System Programming 251­0053 Fall Semester 08  Mathias Payer, RZ H11 <[email protected]>

C Introduction / Basics


Outline ●

Tutorial teaches basics of C

4 Lectures

09/25: Overview

10/02: Basic programming

10/10: Advanced programming

10/17: Environment

Hands-on work handled in exercise classes –

Debugger examples

Inlining assembler instructions

C Introduction / Basics


Overview (this lecture) ●

Variables –

Declaration and handling

Conversion and Casting –

Automatic conversion, upcasts and downcasts

Assignments and Operators

Input / Output –

The Unix I/O paradigm

Control Flow –

if and switch statements and different loop types

C Introduction / Basics


Variable declaration ●

Variables must be declared before they can be used Variables are declared at the beginning of the code block –

All variable declarations first, code later

C99 allows declaration in code blocks too

Variable names must be valid identifiers –

Keywords (void, int, struct, ...) are not allowed

A-Z, a-z and _ are allowed as first character

After the first character 0-9 are allowed as well

Watch out: C is case-sensitive -> fooBar != FoObAr Type int double char

C Introduction / Basics

Identifier foo; bar; ch; 4/35

Initial value & literals ●

Variables can have an initial value (assigned at decl.) –

int foo double xx

= 4; = 3.1415;

Other literals and types: –

Literals are used in the code to specify a numeric value




2342l (l as in Lancelot)

double: 23.42 23.42d 2.3e42 (=2.3 * 1042)

float: 42.23f 4.2e-23 (=4.2 * 10-23)


C Introduction / Basics



Constants ●

A constant is a variable that cannot be changed after its initialisation C has the keyword const to tell the Compiler that a value is constant –

const int MAX_CHAR = 255;

const double PI = 3.1415;

The keyword is a prefix to the variable type Only a (compile) warning message is printed if a constant is overwritten in the program Aliasing can overwrite constants –

Leads to strange effects (register vs. fetch from memory)

C Introduction / Basics


Variable scope int x; // in global scope int main() { while (...) { ... }


C Introduction / Basics


Variable scope int x; int main() { int x ,y; // in local scope, this x hides top x while (...) { ... }


C Introduction / Basics


Variable scope

int main() { while (...) { int x; // in (other) local scope ... }


C Introduction / Basics


Type Conversion

long long int

double float

int short

Automatic (implicit) conversion to 'bigger'/larger types Automatic (implicit) conversion from short or int to float and double (possible loss of precision int->float) Otherwise: Loss of precision and explicit cast needed

C Introduction / Basics


“Strange” conversion #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a, c; float b; a = 2147483647; // max int value b = a; // int -> float c = b; // float -> int printf("Values: %d %f %d\n", a, b, c); return 0; }

Values: 2147483647 2147483648.000000 -2147483648

C Introduction / Basics


Explicit casting ●

The cast operator permits explicit casting: –

valueInTypeA = (TypeA) valueInTypeB;

Cast from floating point to integer truncates value int myInt; double myDouble = 23.42; myInt = myDouble; // myDouble = (int)myDouble; // myDouble = myInt/2 ; // myDouble = (double)myInt/2; // myDouble = myInt/2.0; //

--> trunc to 23 --> trunc to 23 int.div. 23/2 = 11 flt.div. 23/2=11.5 flt.div. 23/2=11.5

Floating point division, if one or both operands are of type float C Introduction / Basics


Assignments ●

An assignment statement in C is specified by the operator “=” –

foo = bar + 2;

foo <- bar + 2

Assignments are only possible if –

left-hand side and right-hand side have the same type

right-hand side is a subtype of the left-hand side

right-hand side is casted into a subtype of the left-hand side

C also allows multiple assignment statements –

int a,b,c,d; a = b = c = d = 15;

Handy for initialization, but cryptic otherwise (bad style)

Maybe strange errors: ● ●

int a; double b; a = b = 23.42 != b = a = 23.42;

C Introduction / Basics


Arithmetic Operations ●

C knows the following arithmetic operations: –



x = 2 + 3;



x = 2 – 3;


Multiplication x = 2 * 3;



x = 2 / 3;



x = 2 % 3;

Division is integer iff both operand types are int

Modulo means reminder of the division (5%3 = 2)

C Introduction / Basics


Arithmetic shorthands ●

Assignments which assign one operand can be compressed –

x = x OP y

x OP= y

Short Form Translation += x += y; x = x + y; -= x -= y; x = x – y; *= x *= y; x = x * y; /= x /= y; x = x / y; %= x %= y; x = x % y;

C Introduction / Basics


Increment & Decrement ●

Another short hand for +1 and -1 –

x = x + 1;


x = x – 1;


Prefix and postfix possible: –

x++ vs. ++x

y = x++;

y = x; x = x + 1;

y = ++x;

x = x + 1; y = x;

x++ returns the current value of x and then increments x

++x increments the value of x and then returns x

Be aware of the difference!

C Introduction / Basics


Boolean Logic ●

C uses integers to represent boolean results –




(int)(any other value)

boolean type was introduced in C99

Operator Short Form Example == foo == 23 equal != foo != bar not equal > 23 > 42 greater < 23 < 42 smaller >= 10 >= 9 greater or eq. <= 10 <=10 smaller or eq.

C Introduction / Basics


Logic Operators ●

Boolean expressions can be linked and evaluated together –

AND – Both operands need to be true ( a && b )

OR – One of the operands needs to be true ( a || b )

NOT – The operand is negated ( !a )

Precedence: ! > && > || ●

Same as in algebraic calculations Operands a b F F F T T F T T

C Introduction / Basics

AND a && b F F F T

OR NOT a || b !a F T T T T F T F


Lazy Evaluation ●

C is lazy at the evaluation of logic comparisons –

(( bool1 ) && ( bool2 )) –

bool1 && xx++

bool2 is only evaluated if bool1 is true

(( bool1 ) || ( bool2 )) –

Careful with side effects!

bool2 is only evaluated if bool1 is false

int bool = ( a == 0 ) && ( ++a ); –

a is only incremented if it was 0 beforehand

if a = 0 -> bool = 1, a = 1

if a = 1 -> bool = 0, a = 1

if a = 2 -> bool = 0, a = 2

C Introduction / Basics


Bitwise logical operators ●

Every bit in a variable is examined and changed –

different from logical operators that use all bits to represent true or false Operator ~ << >> & ^ |

Name not shift left shift right AND XOR OR

Example ~0011 => 1100 1011<<2 => 1100 1011>>2 => 0010 10 & 11 => 10 10 ^ 11 => 01 10 | 11 => 11

Precedence: ~, <<, >>, &, ^, |

C Introduction / Basics


I/O – Input and Output ●

The printf(...) function writes to the console –

use #include <stdio.h> to include the header file

printf("Hello World!\n");

takes at least one argument (more later)

Strings must be contained in double quotes ( "<String>" )

Strings can contain ANSI-C escape sequences ●

\n (newline)

\t (tab stop)

\" (double quote)

\\ (backslash)

C Introduction / Basics


Formatted Output ●

Not only strings can be printed to the console! The first argument to printf is a String that may contain special format characters (with leading %)

printf(char*, arg1, arg2, ..., argn);

Format characters: Token %d, %i %o %x, %X %u %c %s %f %e, %E %p %%

C Introduction / Basics

Type int int int int char char* double double pointer none

Output Decimal Octal Hexadecimal Unsigned Character String (until \0) Decimal Scientific (2.3e10) Memory Address Character '%' 22/35

Output example #include <stdio.h> int main() { int myInt = 23; float myFloat = 42.23; printf("myInt = %d\n", myInt); printf("myFloat = %f\n", myFloat); printf("&myInt = %p\n", &myInt); return 0; }

myInt = 23 myFloat = 42.230000 &myInt = 0xbffeefdc

C Introduction / Basics


Reading from std. input ●

scanf is very similar to printf –

First argument is a format string

Other arguments are pointers to variables

scanf reads a string, parses it according to the format string and writes the interpreted data to the arguments

scanf(char*, &arg1, &arg2, ..., &argn);

&arg1 is the pointer to the memory location where arg1 is ●

Remember: C uses call by value (so passing arg1 would not work)!

The format string can contain the same characters as the printf format string

scanf("%d", &anInt); ●

reads an integer from the command line and saves it to the address of anInt

C Introduction / Basics


if Statement ●

if (boolean_expression) statement; –

statement is executed if boolean_expression is true

optional else block if statement is not true

if there are multiple statements, then a statement block can be used ●

statement = '{' stmt1; stmt2; ... stmtn; '}'


if (foo==bar) { foo = 15; printf(“equals”); } else printf(“does not equal”);





... C Introduction / Basics


Dangling-Else Problem if (a == 1) if (b == 1) a = 42; else b = 42;

if (a == 1) { if (b == 1) a = 42; } else { b = 42; }

C Introduction / Basics

C does not care about indentation To which “if” does the else part belong? Compiler maps “else” to the closest “if” without “else” Use statement blocks to make it explicit One of the most common mistakes!


Shorthand if-assignment ●

Often an assignment is directly determined by the if condition

if (foo>bar) max = foo; else max = bar;

max = (foo>bar) ? foo : bar;

(condition) ? expression1 : expression2; –

Is itself evaluated to an expression

Can be used inline

Handy for e.g. return values

Can be very cryptic if used inappropriately

C Introduction / Basics


while loop ●

Executed if and as long as the condition is true –

Loop is executed 0 or more times

Condition is an expression that evaluates to a boolean

while (condition) { stmt1; stmt2; ... } ...



yes stmts

... C Introduction / Basics


for loop ●

For loops have at least 4 statements –

Initial statement (executed before loop is entered)

Loop condition (evaluated at loop head)

Loop statement (executed at end of loop)

Loop body (executed if loop condition is true)

for (init_stmt; loop_condition; loop_stmt) loop_body; ●

loop_body can be replaced by a statement block

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i, sum=0; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { sum+=i; printf("i: %d, sum: %d\n", i, sum); } }

C Introduction / Basics


for <=> while ●

Every while loop can be rewritten as a for loop and vice versa

init; while (cond) { stmt1; stmt2; ... end; } ...

C Introduction / Basics

for (init; cond; end) { stmt1; stmt2; ... } ...


do .. while loop ●

Executed once and as long as the condition is true –

Loop is executed 1 or more times

Condition is an expression that evaluates to a boolean

do { stmt1; stmt2; ... } while (condition); ...

stmts yes true?


... C Introduction / Basics


break & continue ●

break can be used to 'break out' of a loop to the next higher scope continue immediately jumps to the beginning of the loop (without evaluating the rest)

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int x; for ( x=0; x<=100; x++) { if (x%2) continue; printf("%d\n", x); } }

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int t; for ( ; ; ) { scanf("%d", &t); if ( t==10 ) break ; } printf("Inf. loop ended\n"); }


C Introduction / Basics


switch ●

if is good for 2 alternatives, but does not scale C has the switch statement to select between multiple statements –

After a test the program continues at the corresponding case

The default is executed if no match is found (and nothing is executed if there is no default) switch (expression) { case constant1: stmt1; case constant2: stmt1; case constant3: stmt1; default: stmt1; stmt2; }

C Introduction / Basics

stmt2; ... break; stmt2; ... break; stmt2; ... break; ...


Duff's Device ●

Method for (handmade, compiler independent) loop unrolling for (count=NRITR; count>0; count--) mul *= count;

count = NRITR; switch (count % 8) /* count > 0 assumed */ { case 0: do { mul *= count--; case 7: mul *= count--; case 6: mul *= count--; case 5: mul *= count--; case 4: mul *= count--; case 3: mul *= count--; case 2: mul *= count--; case 1: mul *= count--; } while ((count -= 8) > 0); }

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff's_device C Introduction / Basics



? C Introduction / Basics


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