C++ Fundamental

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 809
  • Pages: 19


PROGRAM STRUCTURE • General format // Introductory comments // file name, programmer, when writtten or modified // what program does #include void main () { constant declarations variable declarations executable statements } 2

PROGRAM STRUCTURE • Example /* Filename Author Date Modified

: output.cpp : Morshidah Yazid : 12 August 2007 : 13 August 2007

This program merely prints some messages on the screen */ #include void main () { cout << “Start of program”<<endl; cout << “My first C++ program”<<endl; } 3

C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Character set – 92 characters: A – Z, a – z, 0 – 9, *, /, and etc

• Key words – Reserved words, can’t be used as identifier – Given meaning to compiler – Using lower case – Example: case, char, else, long, register, return, if, while, for, int, return, double, public


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Punctuator/Separator − Example: [ ] ( ) { } , ; : • Operator Operator + * / %

Meaning Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulus


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Identifier – Used to define names to represent variables – Formed by combining letters (upper & lowercase), digits and underscore( _ ) – Rules – Consist only letters: A – Z, a – z, 0 – 9 or underscore symbol _ – Start with a letter – Not a reserved words – No space between words – Case sensitive


C++ FUNDAMENTALS – Valid identifier: matrix_no, Total, item10, length – Invalid identifier: matrix no, ringgit$, first.val, 20names – Chose identifier that reflect the significance of variable


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Variable – Identifier that refers to memory location, hold values – Can only store one value at a time – The content of variable may change during program execution – General form data_type variable_name ; int

student_id 8

C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Variable – Example int num ; float cgpa; double total ; char grade ; char name [20]; long datnum ;


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Variable Declaration – Example int num; //declare num as integer variable int num=10; //declare num as integer variable and sets the value to 10

– Variables having the same data type can be grouped together and declare as a single declaration statement int num1, num2, num3; int num1 = 10, num2=50, num3=7; 10

C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Variable Initialization – Once a variable is declared, contains no useful value – Must be given a value using assignment statement or input from user – Example num=10; //sets value of 10 into variable num using assignment statement cin>>number; //using input from user int num=10; //declare num as integer variable and sets the value into 10


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Basic data type − int, long int − Can represent negative, zero and positive integer values − Limit of size of value that can be represented, depends on the number of bytes of storage allocated to an int variable by the computer system and compiler − Most compilers allocate two bytes for each integer: range -32768 to +32767 (long integers for outside range) − Represented exactly in computer − Example: 123 -56 0 5645


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Basic data type − float, double − Can represent any real numeric value, both whole numbers and numbers that require digits after decimal point − float – ranges approximately 6 to 7 digits of precision − double – approximately 13 decimal digits of precision − Example: 16.315, -0.67, 31.567 13

C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Basic data type − bool

− Only hold the values true or false − Known as boolean variables

− char − Represent a single character, a letter, a digit or a punctuation character − Occupy one byte, giving 256 different possible character − Example: ‘+’, ‘A’, ‘a’, ‘*’, ‘7’ 14

C++ FUNDAMENTALS • C++ program • Example • Comments

/*This program is to calculate the nett salary for workers based on total hours per week and rate per hour.*/ //get input from user


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • C++ program • Preprocessing #include

• Data type declaration

Value unchang ed

const double KWSP = 0.05; //rate for KWSP int worker_no; //worker number float total_hour; //total hours per week float rate_hour; //rate per hour float weekly_salary; //weekly salary


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • C++ program • Equation weekly_salary = total_hour * rate_hour;

• Selection if (total_hour > 40) weekly_salary = (40 * rate_hour) + ( (total_hour - 40) * (rate_hour * 1.5)); else weekly_salary = total_hour * rate_hour; 17

C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Input and Output Operator − cout

cout<<"\nEnter Worker Number: "; cout<<"\nWorker Number: "<<worker_no;

− Escape Sequences Sequence \n \t \b \r \f \" \' \\

Meaning new line horizontal tab backspace carriage return form feed output a double quote character output a single quote character backslash


C++ FUNDAMENTALS • Input and Output Operator −cin cin>>worker_no;


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