C++ Coding Employee Management System

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,983
  • Pages: 58

Coding Section

#include #include #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include #include #include<string.h> #include<process.h> #include /* class containing functions, variables regarding update in emp info */ class upddate { public: void edata(); void empl(); void wdata(); void udate(); void anewemp(); void uname(); void ufname(); void ulname(); void utel(); void udesi(); void uotel(); void urtel(); void uadd(); void uoadd(); void uradd(); char f1name[],f2name[],l1name[],l2name[],desii[],off1add[],res1add[];

float off1tel,off2tel,res1tel; char fme[15],lme[15],ds[20],ofad[50],l3name[],read[50]; long v,lo; int na,dd,mm,yy,rec; }; /* class containing functions,variables regarding employee info,date */ class emp :public upddate { public: void l(); void l1(); void l2(); void l3(); void sfname(); void slname(); void sdesi(); void exitt(); void showmain(); void exiit(); char f1name[],l3name[],off3add[],res3add[],desii[]; float off3tel,res3tel; }; /* class containing all the data related to file handling*/ class fl :public upddate { public: void list2(); void list(); void list1();

void addetail(char[], char [],char[], char[],char[],long,int,long,int,int,int); }; /*function to show the main screen of the project */ void emp::showmain(void) { int j; char choice; clrscr(); while(1) { for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,44); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(70,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,8); cout<<"*\n";} gotoxy(15,15); cout<<" ---WELCOME TO SPEAKER OFFICE RECORDS--- \n"; gotoxy(12,18); cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \n"; gotoxy(20,25); cout<<"



gotoxy(20,28); cout<<"



gotoxy(20,31); cout<<"



gotoxy(18,35); cout<<" please enter your choice:-


gotoxy(47,35); choice=getche(); upddate a; if(choice=='1') { a.empl(); } else if(choice=='2') {

a.udate(); } else if(choice=='3') { emp e; e.exiit();

}}} /*function to exit from the application*/ void emp::exiit() { clrscr(); gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"** HAVE A NICE TIME GOOD DAY **\n"; getch(); exit(4000); }

/*function to come to main menu*/ void emp::exitt() { clrscr(); emp a; a.showmain(); } /*function to show the employee info screen*/ void upddate::empl() { int j; char ch; clrscr(); upddate k; while(1) { for(j=8;j<49;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,48); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<49;j++) { gotoxy(70,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,8); cout<<"*\n";} gotoxy(19,15); cout<<" -- WELCOME TO EMPLOYEE INFORMATION -- \n";\\

gotoxy(16,19); cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \n"; gotoxy(17,22); cout<<"

1.search employee by last name


gotoxy(17,25); cout<<"

2.search employee by first name


gotoxy(17,28); cout<<"

3.search by employee designation


gotoxy(17,31); cout<<"

4.list of all the employee


gotoxy(17,34); cout<<"

5.exit to main menu


gotoxy(17,37); cout<<"

6.exit from application


gotoxy(15,40); cout<<" please enter your choice:gotoxy(44,40); emp z; ch=getche(); if(ch=='1') { clrscr(); z.slname(); k.empl(); } else if(ch=='2') { clrscr(); z.sfname(); k.empl(); } Else


if(ch=='3') { clrscr(); z.sdesi(); k.empl(); } else if(ch=='4') { fl a; a.list(); k.empl();} else if(ch=='5') { z.exitt();} else if(ch=='6') { z.exiit(); }}} /*function to search employee by last name*/ void emp::slname() { emp r; r.l(); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! enter name: "; cin>>l3name; fstream p; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); p.seekg(0,ios::beg); int count=0;

while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) {int h=strncmp(l3name,lme,15); if(h==0) { gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"! name present"; r.l3(); count=1; gotoxy(19,8); cout<<" THE DETAILS OF THE EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(15,10); cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"; gotoxy(10,15); cout<<"first name:-"; gotoxy(30,15); cout<
gotoxy(10,30); cout<<"office telephone:-"; gotoxy(30,30); cout<
g: if(count==0) { clrscr(); r.l(); gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! Name entered : "<>k; if(k==1){ clrscr(); slname(); } else if(k==2){ else{ gotoxy(22,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }}} /*functions to searh employee by first name*/ void emp::sfname() { emp r; r.l(); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! enter name :"; cin>>f1name; fstream p;

p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); p.seekg(0,ios::beg); int count=0; while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { int h=strncmp(f1name,fme,15); if(h==0) { gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"! name present"; r.l3(); count=1; gotoxy(19,8); cout<<" THE DETAILS OF THE EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(15,10); cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"; gotoxy(10,15); cout<<"first name:-"; gotoxy(30,15); cout<
gotoxy(10,27); cout<<"residence address:-"; gotoxy(30,27); cout<
clrscr(); continue; } } p.close(); g: if(count==0) { clrscr(); r.l(); gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! Name entered : "<>k; if(k==1){ clrscr(); sfname(); } else if(k==2){ } else{ gotoxy(22,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }} /*functions to search employee by designation*/

void emp::sdesi() { clrscr(); emp r; r.l(); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! enter designation: "; cin>>desii; fstream p; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); p.seekg(0,ios::beg); int count=0; while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { int h=strncmp(desii,ds,15); if(h==0) { gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"! designation present"; r.l3(); count=1; gotoxy(19,8); cout<<" THE DETAILS OF THE EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(15,10); cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"; gotoxy(10,15); cout<<"first name:-"; gotoxy(30,15); cout<
gotoxy(30,18); cout<
cout<>k; if(k==1){ sdesi(); }

else if(k==2){ } else{ gotoxy(22,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }} } /*function to show list of working employees*/ void fl::list() { char ch5; int j; while(1) { clrscr(); for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,44); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(70,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,8); cout<<"*\n";} gotoxy(20,12); cout<<"-- WELCOME TO EMPLOYEE INFORMATION --\n"; gotoxy(17,16); cout<<" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \n";

gotoxy(17,19); cout<<"

1.office information


gotoxy(17,22); cout<<"

2.residence information


gotoxy(17,25); cout<<"

3.go to previous screen \n";

gotoxy(17,28); cout<<"

4.go to main menu \n";

gotoxy(17,31); cout<<"

5.exit from application \n";

gotoxy(15,35); cout<<" please enter your choice:gotoxy(42,35); ch5=getche(); if(ch5=='1') {

fl r; r.list2(); r.list(); }

else if(ch5=='2') { fl p; p.list1(); p.list(); } if(ch5=='3') {

upddate r; r.empl();

} else


if(ch5=='4') {

emp c; c.exitt();} else if(ch5=='5') { emp d; d.exiit();} getch();

}} /*function to show update screen*/ void upddate::udate() { char ch1; int j; while(1) { clrscr(); for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,44); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(70,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,8); cout<<"*\n";} gotoxy(23,12);

cout<<"-- WELCOME TO UPDATE RECORD --\n"; gotoxy(17,16); cout<<" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \n"; gotoxy(17,19); cout<<"

1.add new employee


gotoxy(17,22); cout<<"

2.update name


gotoxy(17,25); cout<<"

3.update designation


gotoxy(17,28); cout<<"

4.update address


gotoxy(17,31); cout<<"

5.update telephone no.


gotoxy(17,34); cout<<"

6.exit to main menu


gotoxy(17,37); cout<<"

7.exit from application


gotoxy(15,40); cout<<" please enter your choice:gotoxy(44,40); ch1=getche(); if(ch1=='1') {

upddate r; r.anewemp();

} else if(ch1=='2') { upddate p; p.uname(); }


else if(ch1=='3') { upddate v; v.udesi(); } else if(ch1=='4') { upddate v; v.uadd(); } else if(ch1=='5') { upddate s; s.utel();} else if(ch1=='6') {

emp c; c.exitt();} else

if(ch1=='7') { emp d; d.exiit(); }}} /*function to add new employee details*/ void upddate::anewemp() { int dday,mmonth,yyear; char fname[15],lname[15],desi[20],offadd[50],resadd[50];

long ot,rt; int co,rec; int j; fl q; clrscr(); for(j=6;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<75;j++) { gotoxy(j,44); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(75,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<75;j++) { gotoxy(j,6); cout<<"*\n";} gotoxy(19,8); cout<<"ENTER THE DETAILS OF THE EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(15,10); cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"; gotoxy(10,15); cout<<"enter first name of the employee:-"; gotoxy(45,15); gets(fname); getch(); gotoxy(10,18); cout<<"enter the last name of the employee:-"; gotoxy(48,18); gets(lname); getch();

gotoxy(10,21); cout<<"enter the designation of the employee:-"; gotoxy(50,21); gets(desi); getch(); gotoxy(10,24); cout<<"enter the office address:-"; gotoxy(37,24); gets(offadd); getch(); gotoxy(10,27); cout<<"enter the residence address:-"; gotoxy(40,27); gets(resadd); getch(); gotoxy(10,30); cout<<"enter the office telephone:-"; gotoxy(39,30); cin>>ot; getch(); gotoxy(10,33); cout<<"enter the std code of resi:-"; gotoxy(39,33); cout<<"0"; gotoxy(40,33); cin>>co; getch(); gotoxy(10,36); cout<<"enter the residence telephone:-"; gotoxy(42,36); cin>>rt;

getch(); gotoxy(10,39); cout<<"date of joining(dy,mn,yr):-"; gotoxy(37,39); cin>>dday; getch(); gotoxy(39,39); cout<<"."; gotoxy(40,39); cin>>mmonth; getch(); gotoxy(42,39); cout<<"."; gotoxy(43,39); cin>>yyear; getch(); o:

char k; gotoxy(50,41); cout<<"Save record y/n"; gotoxy(66,41); cin>>k; if(k=='y'|k=='Y') {q.addetail(fname,lname,desi,offadd,resadd,ot,co,rt,dday,mmonth,yyear); upddate i; i.udate();} else if(k=='n'|k=='N') { upddate i; i.udate(); } else { gotoxy(50,43);

cout<<"Press either yes/no"; goto o; }} /*function to show update name */ void upddate::uname() { char desi[20]; int j; char ch2; while(1) { clrscr(); for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,44); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(70,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,8); cout<<"*\n";} gotoxy(25,10); cout<<" --UPDATE NAME-- \n"; gotoxy(20,13); cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"; gotoxy(20,15); cout<<"

1.update last name


gotoxy(20,19); cout<<"

2.update first name \n";

gotoxy(20,23); cout<<"

3.go to previous screen \n";

gotoxy(20,27); cout<<"

4.go to main menu \n";

gotoxy(20,31); cout<<"

5.exit from application \n";

gotoxy(20,35); cout<<" please enter your choice:- \n"; gotoxy(50,35); ch2=getche(); if(ch2=='1') { clrscr(); upddate r; r.ulname(); r.udate(); } else if(ch2=='2') { clrscr(); upddate p; p.ufname(); p.udate(); } else if(ch2=='3') {

upddate c; c.udate();}

else if(ch2=='4')


emp c; c.exitt();} else if(ch2=='5') { emp d; d.exiit(); }}}

/*function for loop*/ void emp::l() {

int j; for(j=18;j<33;j++) { gotoxy(20,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=20;j<55;j++) { gotoxy(j,32); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=18;j<33;j++) { gotoxy(55,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=20;j<55;j++) { gotoxy(j,18); cout<<"*\n";} } void emp::l1() { int j; for(j=16;j<33;j++) { gotoxy(8,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<69;j++)

{ gotoxy(j,32); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=16;j<33;j++) { gotoxy(69,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<69;j++) { gotoxy(j,16); cout<<"*\n";} } void emp::l2() { int j; for(j=18;j<33;j++) { gotoxy(20,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=20;j<55;j++) { gotoxy(j,32); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=18;j<33;j++) { gotoxy(55,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=20;j<55;j++) { gotoxy(j,18); cout<<"*\n";} } void emp::l3() {

gotoxy(22,28); cout<<"! wait for few seconds "; delay(3000); clrscr();

int j; for(j=6;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<75;j++) { gotoxy(j,44); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(75,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<75;j++) { gotoxy(j,6); cout<<"*\n";} } /*function to show updated last name*/ void upddate::ulname() { int count=0; emp e; clrscr(); fl y; char u[25],l[25],l1[25]; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r"); if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch(); return; } else{ e.l();

gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! enter fname "; gets(l1); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! enter lname "; gets(l); fstream p; fstream g; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.open("temp.dat",ios::out|ios::ate); while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { int k=strncmp(l1,fme,15); int h=strncmp(l,lme,15); if(h==0&k==0) { count=1; gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"! name present"; gotoxy(22,28); cout<<"! updated name "; gets(u);; strcpy(lme,u); } g.write((char*)this,sizeof(fl)); } p.close(); g.close(); remove("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); rename("temp.dat","C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat");} g: if(count==0) { clrscr();

e.l(); int j; gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! Name entered :"<>k; if(k==1){ ulname(); } else if(k==2){ else{ gotoxy(22,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }} } /*function to show updated first name*/ void upddate::ufname() { int count=0; emp e; clrscr();


fl y;

char u[25],l[25],l1[25]; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r"); if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch(); return; } else{ e.l(); gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! enter fname "; gets(l1); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! enter lname "; gets(l);

fstream p; fstream g; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.open("temp.dat",ios::out|ios::ate); while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { int h=strncmp(l1,fme,15); int q=strncmp(l,lme,15); if(h==0&q==0) { count =1; gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"! name present"; gotoxy(22,28); cout<<"! updated name "; gets(u); strcpy(fme,u); }

g.write((char*)this,sizeof(fl)); } p.close(); g.close(); remove("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); rename("temp.dat","C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); } g: if(count==0) { clrscr(); e.l(); gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! Name entered :"<>k; if(k==1){ ufname(); } else if(k==2){ } else{ gotoxy(22,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }

}} /*function to update designation*/ void upddate ::udesi() { emp e; clrscr(); fl y; int count=0; char u[25],l[25],l1[25]; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r"); if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch(); return; } else { e.l(); gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! enter fname "; gets(l1); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! enter designation "; gets(l);

fstream p; fstream g; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.open("temp.dat",ios::out|ios::ate); while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { int h=strncmp(l,ds,15); int q=strncmp(l,ds,15); if(h==0&q==0) { count=1;

gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"! designation present"; gotoxy(22,28); cout<<"! updated designation "; gets(u); strcpy(ds,u); } g.write((char*)this,sizeof(fl)); } p.close(); g.close(); remove("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); rename("temp.dat","C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); } g: if(count==0) { clrscr(); e.l(); gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! Designation entered :"<>k; if(k==1){ udesi(); }

else if(k==2){ } else{ gotoxy(22,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }}} /*function to update address */ void upddate::uadd() { int j; char ch3,desi[20]; while(1) { clrscr(); for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,44); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(70,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,8); cout<<"*\n";} gotoxy(25,10); cout<<" --UPDATE ADDRESS-- \n"; gotoxy(20,13);

cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"; gotoxy(20,15); cout<<"

1.update office addresss \n";

gotoxy(20,19); cout<<"

2.update residence address \n";

gotoxy(20,23); cout<<"

3.go to previous screen \n";

gotoxy(20,27); cout<<"

4.go to main menu \n";

gotoxy(20,31); cout<<"

5.exit from application \n";

gotoxy(20,35); cout<<" please enter your choice:- \n"; gotoxy(50,35); ch3=getche(); if(ch3=='1') { clrscr(); upddate r; r.uoadd(); r.udate(); getch(); } else if(ch3=='2') { clrscr(); upddate p; p.uradd(); p.udate(); getch(); }

else if(ch3=='3') {

upddate c; c.udate();} else if(ch3=='4')


emp c; c.exitt();} else if(ch3=='5') { emp d; d.exiit(); }}}

/*function to show updated off address*/ void upddate::uoadd() { int count=0; emp e; clrscr(); fl y; char u[25],l[25]; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r"); if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch();

return; } else{ e.l1(); gotoxy(10,20); cout<<"! enter address "; gets(l); fstream p; fstream g; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.open("temp.dat",ios::out|ios::ate); while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { int h=strncmp(l,ofad,15); if(h==0) { count=1; gotoxy(10,23); cout<<"! address is present"; gotoxy(10,26); cout<<"! updated address "; gets(u);; strcpy(ofad,u); } g.write((char*)this,sizeof(fl)); } p.close(); g.close(); remove("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); rename("temp.dat","C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); } g: if(count==0) { clrscr();

e.l1(); gotoxy(10,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"! address entered :"<>k; if(k==1){ uoadd(); } else if(k==2){ } else{ gotoxy(10,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }}} /*function to show updated res address*/ void upddate::uradd() { emp e; clrscr();

fl y; int count=0; char u[25],l[25]; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r"); if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch(); return; }

else{ e.l1(); gotoxy(10,20); cout<<"! enter address "; gets(l); fstream p; fstream g; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.open("temp.dat",ios::out|ios::ate); while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { int h=strncmp(l,read,15); if(h==0) { count=1; gotoxy(10,23); cout<<"! address is present"; gotoxy(10,26); cout<<"! updated address "; gets(u);; strcpy(read,u); } g.write((char*)this,sizeof(fl));}

p.close(); g.close(); remove("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); rename("temp.dat","C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); } g: if(count==0) { clrscr(); e.l1(); gotoxy(10,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"! address entered :"<>k; if(k==1){ uradd(); } else if(k==2){ } else{ gotoxy(10,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }}} /*function to update telephone no.*/

void upddate::utel() { int j; char ch4; while(1) { clrscr(); for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(6,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=7;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,44); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=8;j<45;j++) { gotoxy(70,j); cout<<"*\n";} for(j=6;j<70;j++) { gotoxy(j,8); cout<<"*\n";} gotoxy(25,10); cout<<" --UPDATE TELEPHONE-- \n"; gotoxy(20,13); cout<<"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"; gotoxy(20,15); cout<<"

1.update office telephone


gotoxy(20,19); cout<<"

2.update residence telephone \n";

gotoxy(20,23); cout<<"

3.go to previous screen \n";

gotoxy(20,27); cout<<"

4.go to main menu \n";



5.exit from application \n";

gotoxy(20,35); cout<<" please enter your choice:- \n"; gotoxy(50,35); ch4=getche(); if(ch4=='1') { clrscr(); upddate r; r.uotel(); r.udate(); getch(); } else if(ch4=='2') { clrscr(); upddate p; p.urtel(); p.udate(); getch(); } else if(ch4=='3') {

upddate c; c.udate();} else

if(ch4=='4') {

emp c; c.exitt();} else if(ch4=='5') { emp d;

d.exiit(); }}} /*function to update res tel*/ void upddate::urtel() { emp e; clrscr(); fl y; int count=0; long u,l; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r"); if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch(); return; }

else{ e.l2(); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! enter no. "; cin>>l; fstream p; fstream g; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.open("temp.dat",ios::out|ios::ate); while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { if(l==lo)

{ count =1; gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"! no present"; gotoxy(22,28); cout<<"! updated no "; cin>>u; lo=u; } g.write((char*)this,sizeof(fl)); } p.close(); g.close(); remove("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); rename("temp.dat","C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); } g: if(count==0) { clrscr(); e.l2(); gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! no entered by you "<
cin>>k; if(k==1){ urtel(); } else if(k==2){ } else{ gotoxy(22,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }}} /*function to update office tel*/ void upddate::uotel() { emp e; clrscr(); fl y; int count=0; long u,l; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r"); if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch(); return; }

else{ e.l2(); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! enter no. "; cin>>l;

fstream p; fstream g; p.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.open("temp.dat",ios::out|ios::ate); while(p.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { if(l==v) { count=1; gotoxy(22,25); cout<<"! no present"; gotoxy(22,28); cout<<"! updated no "; cin>>u; v=u; } g.write((char*)this,sizeof(fl)); } p.close(); g.close(); remove("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); rename("temp.dat","C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat"); } g: if(count==0) { clrscr(); e.l2(); gotoxy(22,20); cout<<"! Data not present"; gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"! no entered by you "<
int k; gotoxy(22,24); cout<<"! press 1 to enter again"; gotoxy(22,26); cout<<"! press 2 to exit"; gotoxy(22,28); cout<<"Select your choice"; gotoxy(41,28); cin>>k; if(k==1){ uotel(); } else if(k==2){ } else{ gotoxy(22,30); cout<<"wrong option selected reselect"; delay(2000); goto g; }}} /*function to manage list */ void upddate::wdata() { clrscr(); int j; fl k; for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(5,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(21,j); cout<<"|\n";}

for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(30,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(65,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(1,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(79,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=2;j<79;j++) { gotoxy(j,46); cout<<"_";} for(j=2;j<79;j++) { gotoxy(j,6); cout<<"-";} gotoxy(22,2); cout<<" THE DETAILS OF THE EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(1,3); cout<<"______________________________________________________________________ _________"; gotoxy(2,5); cout<<"SNO"; gotoxy(10,5);

cout<<"NAME "; gotoxy(23,5); cout<<"DESI. "; gotoxy(40,5); cout<<"RES.ADDRESS"; gotoxy(69,5); cout<<"RS.TEL"; } /*function to manage list */ void upddate::edata() { clrscr(); int j; fl k; for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(5,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(21,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(30,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(65,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++) { gotoxy(1,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=3;j<47;j++)

{ gotoxy(79,j); cout<<"|\n";} for(j=2;j<79;j++) { gotoxy(j,46); cout<<"_";} for(j=2;j<79;j++) { gotoxy(j,6); cout<<"-";} gotoxy(22,2); cout<<" THE DETAILS OF THE EMPLOYEE"; gotoxy(1,3); cout<<"______________________________________________________________________ _________"; gotoxy(2,5); cout<<"SNO"; gotoxy(10,5); cout<<"NAME "; gotoxy(23,5); cout<<"DESI. "; gotoxy(40,5); cout<<"OFF.ADDRESS"; gotoxy(69,5); cout<<"OFF.TEL"; } /*function to manage new emp detail into file*/ void fl::addetail(char fname[], char lname[],char desi[],

char offadd[],char resadd[],long ot, int co,long rt,int dday,int mmonth,int yyear) { fl s[10]; dd=dday; mm=mmonth; yy=yyear; v=ot; na=co; lo=rt; strcpy(fme,fname); strcpy(lme,lname); strcpy(ds,desi); strcpy(ofad,offadd); strcpy(read,resadd); fstream re; re.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::out|ios::app); re.write((char*)this,sizeof(fl)); re.close(); } /*function to show the list of employee*/ void fl::list1() { upddate e; clrscr(); fl y; fstream g; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r");

if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch(); return; }

else{ clrscr(); e.wdata(); g.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.seekg(0,ios::beg); int s; int sno=1; int i=8; while(g.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { s=i+1; for(i;i<s;i++) {gotoxy(3,i); cout<<sno; gotoxy(6,i); cout<
{ i=8; gotoxy(10,48); cout<<"press enter to continue application"; getch(); clrscr(); e.wdata(); } }} g.close(); getch();} /*function to show the list of employee*/ void fl::list2() { upddate e; clrscr(); fl y; fstream g; FILE *pfile; pfile=fopen("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat","r"); if(pfile== NULL) {

cout<<"no such file exist"; getch(); return; }

else{ clrscr(); e.edata(); g.open("C:\TC\TC\Bin\pp.dat",ios::in); g.seekg(0,ios::beg); int s; int sno=1;

int i=8; while(g.read((char*)this,sizeof(fl))) { s=i+1; for(i;i<s;i++) {gotoxy(3,i); cout<<sno; gotoxy(6,i); cout<
{ textbackground(BLACK); textcolor(RED); clrscr(); emp k; k.showmain();

getch(); }

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