Business System Question

  • May 2020
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Which of the following is a valid command? a) INPUT “Enter your name”, Name b) INPUT “Enter your name”, A Name c) INPUT “Enter your name”, TO Name d) INPUT “Enter your name”, GET Name Q2. Which of the following is true about a disk file where WRITE statement will always place a record in the next physical position? a) Sequential file b) Relative file c) Indexed file d) None of these Q3. A sales invoice a) Debits customers and Credits sales b) Credits customers and Debits sales c) Debits finished stock and credits sales d) None of the above Q4. The function to remove leading and trailing spaces from a character expression is a) TRIM() b) LTRIM() c) RTRIM() d) ALLTRIM() Q5. The % operator does a) string concatenation b) remainder operation c) rate of interest calculation d) none of the above Q6. Stricter inventory controls a) Minimize product obsolescence b) Maximize product obsolescence c) Have no effect on product obsolescence d) None of these Q.7 Top-down design a) important modules are at the beginning. b) important modules are at the end. c) important modules are at the middle. d) important modules are in a separate program. Q8. One of the field names listed below is incorrect. It is a) First_Name b) FirstName c) First Name d) First1Nome Q9. The master file of a payroll system contains a) Employee name b) No. of days present c) Basic salary d) (a) and (c) only Q10. If NAME is a character field and AGE is a numeric field, which one of the following commands is invalid? a) REPLACE NAME WITH “Rama” b) REPLACE NAME WITH [RAMA] c) REPLACE NAME WITH [RAMA], AGE WITH 150 d) None of the above



Consider the following code word= “Hello! O-Level & A-Level students” ? LEN(word) Will return the value as 33. SORT ON NAME + AMOUNT TO BANK is a valid command.

Q2.3 CLOSE ALL closes all files in all work areas. Q2.4 Basic EOQ model assumes that inventory cannot be obtained without any time lag. F Q2.5 If a database file contains 5 fields, its structural compound index file can have a maximum of 5 index tags. F Q2.6 @2.5, 10.5 SAY “Wish u all the best” is an invalid statement. Q2.7 The COPY FILE command can copy multiple files. F Q2.8 Structured programming diminishes the efficiency of coding of programs. F Q2.9 STORE [20] TO NUM creates a character variable. T Q2.10 For each @....SAY…GET used in a program, one must use a corresponding READ or READ CYCLE. Q3. 3.1 3.2 3.3

X Removes deleted records Diamond Working capital

3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10

Pseudocode ??? EOQ SET CARRY ON MODIFY STRUCTURE Adds comment to a command line Display clock on screen


Current assets Sends to printer Copies the conents of previous record to the text DELETE FILE && Adds or modifies a field TIME() PACK Programming aid Inventory control Flowcharts Display in the same line Debtor control TIMESHOW() Payroll system !!

Q4. A. D. G. J

AT Centralized CLEAR Flowchart

B. E. H. K

An expense AVERAGE RETURN fields

C. F. I L

EXIT CLEAN Skip -1 Character

Q4.1 selects the previous record. Q4.2 Each function should end with a(n) ____________ statements. Q4.3 The __________ command clears all data from the current window. Q4.4 __________ computes the arithmetic mean of numeric fields. Q4.5 The __________ option with ? command displays the text at a specified column. Q4.6 The REPLICATE() function repeats a specified __________ expression. Q4.7 Computerized Railway reservation system is an example of ________ data processing system. Q4.8 ______ are the basis of FoxPro’s indices. Q4.9 ________ is the graphical representation of an algorithm. Q4.10 Depreciation is considered __________ item. `

PART TWO (Answer any FOUR questions.)

Q5. Briefly describe in not more than 100 words a) indexing and sorting b) Management functions c) FAS Q6. a) What is a record? How does it differ from file / table? b) What is the difference between List and Locate commands. c) Differentiate between Accept and Input commands with example. Q7. a) How does a computerized payroll system work? ( 9 + 6) b) How forms are generated in visual FoxPro? Q8. a) Distinguish between structure programming and modular programming (10 +5) b) What is a relational database system ? Explain with example. Q9. a) Explain the IIF() Function with an example b) In a Payroll system, you are provided with employee number, Employee name, Department, Designation, City which is either a Metro or a NonMetro and Basic pay. Write a FoxPro program to read this file, calculate allowances, total income and net salary as follows; i. Dearness Allowance (DA) Up to Rs. 8000 60% of basic pay Above Rs. 8000 50% of basic pay ii. If city is Metro, House Rent allowance (HRA) is 30% of basic pay else if it is non-metro, HRA is 15% of basic pay.

iii. iv. v.

City compensatory allowance ( CCA) is R. 300. Provided fund is 6% of the basic pay. Total income = Basic pay + DA + HRA + CCA and Net Salary = Total income – PF Q10. A database file ADDRESS contains name and address of employee working in a company. Write a program to accept the name of a person in a variable and check if it exits in the database, otherwise display a message ----“ Name not found”. b) Write a program to print the Fibonacci series. Hint Fib(7)= 0,1,2,3,5,8,13

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