Business Requirement For Biztalk Server

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  • Words: 1,529
  • Pages: 13
BizTalk 2006 POC

Document name her Version 0.2 | 05-May-2006


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This document is the exclusive property of MindTree Consulting Private Limited (MindTree); the recipient agrees that they may not copy, transmit, use or disclose the confidential and proprietary information in this document by any means without the expressed and written consent of MindTree. By accepting a copy, the recipient agrees to adhere to these conditions to the confidentiality of MindTree's practices and procedures; and to use these documents solely for responding to MindTree's operations methodology. © All rights reserved MindTree Consulting Private Limited, 2005

Revision History Please keep the latest version on top Ver

Change Description






Initial Version



Nirmal Kumar

Prince Manuel, Aravinda


Changes in Functional Functional requireRequirements and pro- ments, Birds Eye 05-May-06 cess flow. view of process.

Nirmal Kumar

Prince Manuel, Aravinda

References Reader should read the this document in conjunction with the following documents No

Document Name

1. 2.




Table of Contents Copyright Information ............................................................................................ ........................2 Copyright Information ............................................................................................ ........................2 Revision History........................................................................................................ .....................2 Revision History........................................................................................................ .....................2 References............................................................................................................ ........................2 References............................................................................................................ ........................2 Purpose of this document............................................................................................. ..................4 Purpose of this document............................................................................................. ..................4 Scope of this document............................................................................................... ...................4 Scope of this document............................................................................................... ...................4 Definitions, Abbreviation and Acronyms...................................................................................... .....4 Definitions, Abbreviation and Acronyms...................................................................................... .....4 1 Introduction............................................................................................................... ...................5 2 Background.............................................................................................................................. ....5 2.1 Overview of the system............................................................................................... ......5 2.2 Users.................................................................................................... ............................5 2.3 Assumptions.................................................................................................................... ..6 3 Current Network Architecture...................................................................................... ..................6 4 Birds Eye view of Process............................................................................................................. 6 4.1 Existing Process Overview.............................................................................................. ..6 4.2 Proposed Process Overview..................................................................................... ........7 5 Functional Requirements.................................................................................................. ............9 5.1 Current Work Flow.......................................................................................... ..................9 5.2 Recommended Work Flow....................................................................................... .........9 5.3 Order flow for Orders via Email....................................................................... ................11 5.4 Order flow for Orders via Web Application................................................. .....................12 5.5 Order flow for Orders via Web Service......................................................................... ...12

Purpose of this document This document defines the Business requirement for the BizTalk 2006 POC project.

Scope of this document This document gives an overview of the current system and the recommended system using BizTalk for the spare parts order process in a car manufacturing concern.

Definitions, Abbreviation and Acronyms The terms in use in the document are explained below Acronym



Spare Parts Manager


Inventory Manager


File Transfer Protocol

BizTalk 2006 POC Business Requirement Specification 1Introduction This document analyses the current process of spare parts ordering process within a car manufacturing company. In addition it recommends an EAI process using BizTalk for reducing the limitations faced in the existing process.

2Background 2.1Overview of the system This project is for one of the largest car manufacturing company in India. The company manages their internal supply chain process with diversified legacy applications and process. The following are some applications used enterprise wide, 1. Spare parts Ordering System – Web application 2. Mail Robo – MS Exchange Application 3. Finance System – Oracle Application 4. Spare parts Manager – VB and SQL 5. Inventory Manager– UNIX and ORACLE 6. FTP – (Orders sent via File Transfer Protocol) The following were the limitation in their current order processing architecture, 1. Manual interventions involved for data transfer from one application to another 2. Order Tracking and consolidated view of order across the application was difficult. So the IT division has decided in implementing an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) solution with the objective of integrating and improving existing business processes in the organization. The key areas of improvement expected from this initiative are the following: 1. Process ownership and better management of the individual processes 2. Management by exception through alerts and notifications 3. Status tracking at key decision points of a process

2.2Users The main users of this application will be the System admin and the Order Tracking executives, Agencies.

2.3Assumptions The audience is aware of basic concepts of order processing.

3Current Network Architecture

Current N/W Architecture Inventory Manager

Spare Parts Manager


F i r e w a l l



Spare parts Ordering System Web Application Server

Company's Internal Network

Finance System

Mail Robo Exchange Server

Business Partners

4Birds Eye view of Process

4.1Existing Process Overview



The existing process handles orders coming via three main systems, 1. Spare parts Ordering system (Web Application) 2. Mail Robo (Email Orders) 3. FTP Indiscriminate orders coming from different systems are getting into Spare parts Manager; this handles the order there after

EMail Orders FTP

Spare parts Ordering System Web Application

Spare parts Manager



Finance System

4.2Proposed Process Overview

Inventory Manager

EMail Orders FTP Spare parts Ordering System Web Application

Web Service




Finance System

Inventory Manager Spare parts Manager

Note: A Web Service application is also added in the proposed system for sending the order.

5Functional Requirements 5.1Current Work Flow Email


Web App

Orders via various Sources

Step 1

Spare parts Manager Create Order

Step 2 Finance System



If Tot Price > $1000

Step 3


No Send Email to Customer with the reason for order Rejection

Inventory Manager

If Stock Exist



Send ack to SPM

Send Email to Customer On Rejection

Send ack to SPM

Send Email to Customer On Approval

Spare parts Manager

Steps Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Finance System

Send for Shipment

Send Order & Shipment details to Finance System

Activity Orders from various sources are received by SPM. SPM creates order (Generates order id) for every order received. If Total Price is greater that $1000 the order is taken to Finance system for approval, Else the Order is passed to Inventory Manager. Finance Email’s the customer if the Order is rejected. Else Order is passed to IM. IM Rejects the order & Email’s the customer if the Stock level is insufficient. Else the order is sent for shipment and the details are given to Finance. For both cases an acknowledgement is sent to SPM.

5.2Recommended Work Flow



Web App

Web Service

B IzTal k

Step 1

Orders via various Sources

Step 2

Send to SPM

Spare parts Manager Create Order

Receive Order

Step 3 Finance System


If Tot Price > $1000

Step 4 Approved


Step 5 No

Send to IM

Send Email to Customer with the reason for order Rejection

Inventory Manager Step 6 Send Email to Customer On Rejection

Send ack to SPM


If Stock Exist


Step 7

Send Email to Customer On Approval

Send for Shipment

Send ack to SPM

Spare parts Manager Step 8 Send Order & Shipment details to Finance System

Finance System

Steps Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Activity Orders from various sources are received by BizTalk and it is sent to SPM. SPM creates order (Generates order id) for every order received. BizTalk checks for Total Price, if it is greater that $1000 the order is taken to Finance system for approval, Else the Order is passed to Inventory Manager. If the Order is Disapproved by the Finance System an Email is sent to the customer with the reason for Order Rejection.

Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 General step

The IM creates an Order Status for every order it receives, If the Stock exists the order is sent for shipment, Else the Order is Rejected due to lack of stock. An Email is sent to customer mentioning the Order Rejection due to lack of stock, also an acknowledgement is sent to SPM. An Email is sent to customer mentioning the Order Delivery with the shipment date; also an acknowledgement is sent to SPM. Order and Shipment details are sent to Finance System for raising the Invoice. Any Errors identified in the system is intimated to the Sys admin via an Email through BizTalk.

5.3Order flow for Orders via Email

BizTalk Receive Order


Attachment Validation

Email P2

Data Validation


Recommended BizTalk WorkFlow

Process P1

P2 P3

Action 1. An order received via Email Attachment is detached and the attachment is validated for the correct file format. 2. If the format is incorrect an Email is sent to the admin mentioning the ‘from address’ and the ‘date’ on which the Email was received. 1. The Order file is parsed and data format is validated. 2. Valid flat file data format is shown in Exhibit-A 1. The workflow continuous as mentioned in the Recommended Workflow

Exhibit-A : Flat file format for Email Order Header Cust_ID,CustCategory,Order_RefNo, Ref_Date,Tot_No.of_Parts,Tot_Qty_Ordered,Order_Type, Tot_Price, EmailId Details SNo,Part_No,Qty

SNo,Part_No,Qty SNo,Part_No,Qty SNo,Part_No,Qty Exhibit-B : Flat file format for acknowledgement from IM to SPM Header OrderId, StatusCode, OrderAccepted

5.4Order flow for Orders via Web Application

BizTalk P1 Web Application

UI Validation



Recommended BizTalk WorkFlow



1. The Order is captured via a web application.


1. The Order and part details are validated using the UI Validation. 2. The Order data is validated. 3. The workflow continuous as mentioned in the Recommended Workflow

5.5Order flow for Orders via Web Service



XML Validation



Recommended BizTalk WorkFlow



1. The Order is via a web service in a XML format.


1. The spare part details in the XML are validated. 2. The Order data is validated. 3. The workflow continuous as mentioned in the Recommended Workflow

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