Business Plan

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,847
  • Pages: 22

Table of Contents

Executive summary:


Customer Empathy


Problem Statement


Ideal State


Company Goals




Mission statement


Company Overview


SWOT Analysis


External Environment


Target Market/segmentation


Product Line 1 Marketing Mix


Industry Analysis


Competitive Analysis


Target Segmentation


Product Line 2 Marketing Mix


Discussion of Business Risks


Break Even Analysis


Cash Flow


Financial Write Up





Executive summary: As a start-up company, we have to battle through adversity to achieve our spot in the market. Our main purpose is to grant the easiest and most affordable access to concerts for the youth, as well as provide them with economical concert and pop-culture clothing. We understand that our customers deal with the difficulties and hassle of purchasing overpriced tickets, and then buying exorbitant clothing to just lug it around the event. This translates to our solution: Headlinerz. We will research, survey, and create the best concert tickets at the best market price to combat this elitism and complexities of ticket buying. We will also develop, license, and discover the best trends and concert clothing to provide our consumer with the highest quality with the comfort of browsing through our website and having shipped directly to their house, which will solve the strain of carrying it around all day. Our specific products include a two-tiered system of concert tickets. The top tier, backstage pass, includes the general admission into the concert, but also preferred seating within the concert as well. It also includes the ability to go backstage and meet the artist performing. The other economical option, is just simply entrance into the concert or festival. Our prices are carefully researched based on other competitive prices, popularity of the artist, and will always be updated to successfully fit the needs of the market. Our other product line, concert clothing, consists of t-shirts, jerseys, and baseball caps for now. All our products will feature our headlinerz logo, and currently our t-shirts and jerseys will be artist specific, but can be purchased separately. The


pricing for will be affordable and adaptive to fit its way into the market hopefully at an equilibrium Our goal at Headlinerz is to provide the ultimate concert experience as well as the most memorable concert apparel. Obviously, one of our main goals to have our income greater than our expenses and make a profit our first year. In addition, as a new firm, we would to expand and get our name out there and be extremely effective at branding and marketing to ensure our legacy and popularity. In order to achieve our profit margin goal, we will strive to be as cost effective as possible and boost our sales and get our name out there through trade shows. With these trade shows, it will be crucial in establishing our company brand in order to accomplish our branding goal. We will also achieve this goal through rigorous marketing strategies such as commercials, emailing, and reaching out to other firms through social media. And for our goal of our ultimate experience, we will pick out only the best of the best concerts and will constantly be updating prices to be the most competitive on the market. We will also create and design the most fashionable and creative apparel for our customer to ensure the greatest amount of satisfaction. For our financials, we are expected to make a majority of our sales from trade shows at around 100,000 per month for each one. The success of these trade shows will effectively be the deciding factor in our success as a business. To ensure success, we will diligently research and create the most appealing booth design and website, combined with our charismatic employees to give our firm the greatest possibility of success. We will also be dependent on our ability to make sale contracts with other


firms to create profit. As of right now, we estimate about 40,000 income per month, but we will work on contacting as many firms as possible in order to maximize our production possibility. Another crucial aspect of our firm is expenses: a killer in many business. However, our accounting department will relentlessly find ways to make these expenses minimized in order to generate the greatest profit margins.

Business Rationale :

Customer Empathy Our customers are our number one priority. We understand that there will be conflicts and issues within people in our company. Our goal is to listen to these issues and then resolve them in a professional manner. We aspire to make a healthy work environment. We will do this by checking in on everyone and making sure there aren’t any conflicts that have not been resolved. Furthermore, we wish to make it clear that any employee that has an issue can email anyone in HR and that complaint will be filed and handled anonymously.

Problem Statement Headlinerz objective is to provide affordable tickets and merchandise to customers in order to enhance their concert experience. Within the U.S. there is need for affordable and memorable entertainment among teens and young adult. In reference to statistics


recorded by stubhub the number 1 most successful music tour in 2018 was Taylor swift and with her having a market of primarily teens and young adults it demonstrates the demand for entertainment among this age group. The problem is that today concerts can be too expensive for young consumers. In reference to Grace shiza an analyst of these ticket sales ticket are becoming harder and harder to purchase at affordable prices and even when found at enticing prices, service taxes and other fees end up spiking up prices even for seats that would be considered less desirable. In response our company intends to research and produce tickets and concert memorabilia that will be more affordable for young adults and will be able to provide memories that will last a lifetime.

Ideal State In order to provide affordable tickets and merchandise to consumers as well as enhancing the concert experience, Headlinerz plans on offering tickets that allow our customers to have the most fun memorable trips. Our tickets are much more affordable than the average ticket purchased to the most popular performers. Alongside tickets, we also plan on making merchandise available for buyers. Not only is our merchandise cheaper than that sold on location during these performances, but customers are able to buy all of the necessities for their concert in one place. This allows us to further enhance the concert going experience because customers are able to show their love and support for performers, but also are able to enjoy the concert without having to


worry about memorabilia by purchasing it beforehand.

Company Goals Our goals as a company include making a profit, providing the ultimate concert experience and providing quality apparel to our customers. We want to ensure that people are getting the high quality experience/product they are paying for. Additionally, being the first year of our firm, we want to get the name out there. We will be using social media and other sources in order to expand our name. Essentially, we want to be so well known that years after us will continue with this company.



Mission statement Our mission at Headlinerz is to enable our customer to have the best experience and easiest access to a wide range of economical concert tickets, as well as provide an easy outlet to purchase fun and affordable clothing that can be worn at events.

Company Overview 1. Primary Business: Entertainment/Leisure Industry and Clothing Industry 2. Legal Description: S Corporation 3. Location: Aurora, Illinois 4. History: Started up in October 2018.

SWOT Analysis

Our company provides such an easy access to purchasing tickets and apparel through website. We have quick and simple process combined with our competitive prices which really entices our consumer. Also, we have access to such a broad market due to our


ability to use a wide range of genres and artist: we are easily able to maximize our market base. However, as a given in our type of business, the issue of licensing fees and how it affects our profit margin comes in play. To counter this, our experienced accounting team will create the most efficient budget possible and allow for great profit margin regardless of licensing. Our company also has many opportunities such as the numerous amount of concerts and festivals going on every week, and the popular trends that are seen. We can easily capitalize on these concerts through our ticket sales and the popular trends through our clothing line. This will create huge demand for our products. On the flip side, there are some threats to our company. If a contract or venue for an artist we really want is unattainable or unreliable, then in order to counteract this loss we have to focus on the contracts we can obtain and focus on those. Also, the clothing market has numerous firms and will a tough market. However, our uniqueness in relation to our appearl being interconnected with our concerts as well as with our popular culture nuances will surely peak the interest of many and stick out at our consumers.

External Environment Currently, the gdp is increasing greatly. From Quarter 1 to quarter 2 in 2018, real-dollar GDP has increased by 7.6% or 370.9 billion dollars. The second quarter real-dollar GDP ended at an astounding 20.41 trillion. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment is at 3.7%. This indicates a healthy percentage of unemployment and projects growth due its proximity to the natural rate of 4%. The current prime interest rate is 2% which shows that the federal government is using


expansionary policy by having such a low interest rate, thus it foreshadows immense growth in the growing quarters and until the fed chooses to change it. The current rate of inflation is 1.9% which goes along the current core rate. This indicates healthy growth and prices going up. According to, our trade deficit has gone up by about 3.2 million and we are now sitting at a trade deficit of about 53 million. This indicates we are importing much more from other countries, and exporting our goods much less, which negatively affects our GDP and perhaps should be aware of competing for clothing from foreign markets. The U.S. exchange rate has remained constant and doesn't have a large effect currently. For our company, this growing economy will be greatly beneficial for us. The more wealth people will have due to the prospering in general, the more money people will spend on concerts and clothing. The inflation rate is held steady close to the norm, which indicates people will spend more. And lastly, unemployment is at a healthy percentage around the norm of 4%, which means there are more Americans with a steady income and thus more consumers able to purchase our products. Marketing Line #1

Target Market/segmentation Our Target Market is going to segmented from the High School VEI students. These students being around ages 14-18. We will focus our efforts on those who especially enjoy going to concerts and listening to music. It would be ideal if these students were financially able to purchase tickets, which is probably going to apply to all our customers.


Product Line 1 Marketing Mix Product and Price Price was calculated through prices online through stubhub and other ticket sales websites. We decided to grab the biggest artists who will secure high revenue for our company. Our final festival price will be figured out later on as we need to figure out who is performing. A multiplier of x1.5 and x2 for normal and backstage ticket prices. Discounted ticket prices to top name artists, backstage tickets, and meet the artist will pull in big amounts of revenue and promote good sales. We will have a big festival at the end of the year as a cap off to our year to grab more sales.

Placement Our sales and availability will be primarily through our Headlinerz website. This will give our products a more personalized place to be sold. Also our company will be featured at the various trade shows. This will give us the placement with other companies. Promotion A big chunk of our promotion and advertising will be through social media. This is a great way to reach customers our age and get them excited about our products. Also by handing out information at these trade shows, so that they remember our brand. We want to establish relationships by emailing current and potential customers.


Industry Analysis The music industry is experiencing 39% growth on a year to year basis and is valued at $130 billion globally. Just based on those numbers it is obvious that there is money to be made. Due to the current low inflation consumers are willing to spend more of their money on items such as our quality clothing line. Since the live music industry has been rapidly increasing since 2012 there is a high demand for what we are selling which will make it easier to market and sell our products.

Competitive Analysis Our biggest competitor would be Apex Entertainment located at Neuqua Valley high school in Naperville, Illinois. They more focus on event planning and concerts than apparel which is one thing that we provide that they don't. Another major competitor would be One-Click Tickets located in New York. Again, they focus more on tickets versus apparel. Overall, our concert product line will have the most competitors in our market, however, having the unique apparel line is something that we have that most of our competitors do not.

Target Segmentation Demographics: High Schoolers (14-18)--other VEI students Geographics: students in suburban areas (near popular cities)


Psychographics: fun, stylish, enjoys music Socio-economic factors: average-high income households

Marketing Plan- PL 2

Product Line 2 Marketing Mix Product: For high schoolers who can't afford to go to a concert or can't afford apparel, we provide unique designs for cheaper prices that will be just as valuable as real merchandise. We are solving the problem of expensive apparel and getting quality apparel all in one place. Price​: T-Shirts- Features our logo and artist-specific aspects as well… $30 Jerseys- Features logo & artist specific aspects…. $75-80 Baseball Caps- Features logo… $20-25 Placement: A majority of sales will come from the website as well as the trade shows we will be attending in California, Tennessee, and Illinois. In terms of our apparel, we plan to sell our t-shirts for $30, jerseys for $75-80, and hats for $20-25. We priced it in a way where our merch is slightly cheaper than real merchandise but still allows us to make a profit. Positioning:


We want to create an image of having affordable yet, high-quality apparel. We want our brand logo to be seen as valuable to our customers. This image will appeal to our target market because of the influence pop culture and music have on our clothing choices. The idea of having unique and cheap apparel will attract teens that attend events like concerts and even provide apparel for parties.

Discussion of Business Risks ● Hard to compete with artists’ apparel ● Could be difficult to manufacture when it comes to the customizable part of the apparel ● Licensing fees ● Can’t appeal to all teenagers’ music interests

Solutions● Market it as “affordable” ● Have one basic design that we alter every time we advertise a new artist ● ALWAYS have our logo on our products ● Change color/add pictures rather than change the whole design


Break Even Analysis


Based on our numbers from the income statement and collaboration with the marketing teams, it is estimated we will break even after selling about 1,200 items. Although it seems far, trade shows and sales contracts will help us reach our goal.



Cash Flow



Financial Write Up With collaboration between marketing departments, we have estimated our sales, expenses, and profit to the best of our ability. Based on the income statement, we are projected to have an average of $889 a month. However, we hope our sales from trade shows will carry over to slower sales months.​ Since we are a new company, it will be beneficial to have “wiggle room” within our budget so we can adjust and fix things we see problematic. The loan will help our starting costs while maintaining a profit. Our liabilities, especially our payroll and salary expenses, will take away from most of our sales. Once again, these are just projections. Once our website gets running we will begin taking orders and will sell our hearts out at each trade show. We are excited to embark on this journey of Headlinerz, as it will be a twisty path with lots of ups and downs, but at the end of the day, we invite you all to Experience The Music.


Appendix Bank Balance

Works cited


Loan Amortization Table

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