Business Modelling Using Uml V1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,277
  • Pages: 3
Course Outline


Business Modelling using UML

Course Overview In this course you will learn how to model the business process, business requirements and proposed business systems solution using the Universal Modelling Language (UML). The course will cover how to create and use Use Case Diagrams, Business Activity Diagrams, Business Class Diagrams, and Interaction Diagrams such as Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams. These UML artefacts will be positioned within a Systems Development Life Cycle framework using the Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology. You will be introduced to Rational Rose Enterprise Edition CASE tool and Visio as samples of tools that can be used in the documentation of the UML artefacts. In the face of increasingly complex systems, visual modelling becomes essential. As the complexity increases so too does the importance of good modelling techniques. Using standard notation such as Universal Modelling Language (UML) allows you to not only use a globally accepted method of analysing and determining the requirements but to collaboratively and visually communicate the solutions to all stakeholders, developed in an iterative way, where the results are arrived at in an efficient and effective manner. Information systems must provide solutions that deliver value to the business. Any business systems development project must be firmly grounded on a business perspective. There must be a clear understanding of the business domain and the business problems that need to be addressed. This understanding must be captured in a form that can successfully be used in the subsequent solution development phases.

With object-oriented (OO) approaches, the links between the business models and the systems design and development deliverables can be much more direct than the more traditional approaches. Use cases that describe business processes can drive iterative development, right through to scenarios for testing. “Things” central to the business (clients, products, or whatever) can be modelled as business classes, but appear at the heart of OO code. The artefacts developed by an OO business systems analyst have a direct correlation to the artefacts of the developers. Prior to international acceptance of the Unified Modelling Language (UML), a number of conventions were found in wide use to express OO models. A significant shift has occurred, with the UML being arguably the common language for expression, independent of eventual implementation platform. While UML has provided a consistent expression of modelling artefacts, it does not direct the process required to develop the artefacts. People talk of methodologies such as waterfall, spiral, and iterative methodologies. The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a well-known (iterative) methodology, and provides a sound foundation for positioning the UML artefacts within a systems development life cycle (SDLC) framework. It is used as a framework for this course, but attendees from organisations who follow other methodologies will not be disadvantaged; RUP is used to position the UML artefacts rather than being essential for application of course material.

>> Further information can be found at: All enquiries: City Campus: Level 10, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Ph: 8622 8900 Fax: 8622 8999

[email protected]

Course Outline

In addition to an organisation selecting a methodology, a tool selection must also be made. The course introduces Rational Rose and Visio as samples of tools, but student exercises will be performed without the tools to encourage a focus on learning UML rather than learning one specific tool. The UML addresses the full SDLC. Artefacts that are of particular interest to the business analyst such as business use cases & scenarios, business domain class diagrams and business activity diagrams are taught in some depth. Other artefacts that start to have a greater emphasis on design such as interaction diagrams (sequence and collaboration/communication), state machine diagrams, and package diagrams are also briefly introduced. Last but not least, some of the non-UML responsibilities of a business analyst (e.g. capturing vision statements, elicitation of business priorities, managing scope, and capturing “non-functional” requirements) are outlined to place them in context with the UML deliverables.

Course Objectives This course concentrates on the use of UML for initial workflows involved in constructing or reengineering business processes and information systems. Specifically, participants will be shown the role of UML in: • Modelling what the business is, and what it is desired to become. • Modelling what the business requires an Information Systems solution to include. • Modelling, in business terms, what the conceptual system solution might look like.

At completion of the course, participants will: • be able to effectively communicate using UML artefacts; • be able to understand their role within methodologies such as RUP; • have an introductory appreciation of some tools available to assist in UML artefact generation.

Who should attend? This course is suitable for Business Analysts, Project Managers, System Architects, Developers and Quality Assurance personnel who require knowledge of Object-Oriented techniques and the Unified Modelling Language (UML) in Business Modelling.

Pre-requisite Experience and a sound knowledge in business systems and computing concepts will be assumed although no prior knowledge of object-oriented development or modelling techniques is required, although a basic understanding of CASE tools and modelling business processes would be an advantage.

Topics covered include: • Setting the scene → → → → →

History of UML Introduction to sample UML artefacts Methodologies (waterfall, phased, iterative, agile) Rational Unified Process outline Correlation between UML artefacts and RUP phases → Issues for the business analyst (managing scope, the analysis vs. design debate, non-UML responsibilities)

To achieve these goals, UML artefacts commonly used by business analysts will be taught.

>> Further information can be found at: All enquiries: City Campus: Level 10, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Ph: 8622 8900 Fax: 8622 8999

[email protected]

Course Outline

• Modelling what the business is and is to become, independent of system solutions → →

Introduction to case study hypothetical Non-UML considerations (vision statement, constraints, …) → Modelling business processes (high-level use cases, scenarios, activity diagrams) → Modelling business domain objects as classes → Identifying “windows-of-opportunity” for process improvement, and setting priorities • Modelling the requirements / expectations the business has of a system →

Rework of business process models to extend detail and to incorporate black-box system considerations → System sequence diagrams • Essential object-oriented (OO) concepts → → → → → → →

Encapsulation of information by hiding it behind access methods Polymorphism (same request, different response, dependent on object type) Object IDs, and determination of object type Rich data types Containment of objects in objects Generalisation & specialisation of class types via inheritance Classes vs. objects

• Associated topics → → → → → →

Prototyping (business vs. architectural; lowfidelity vs. programmed) The role of the business analyst in later phases Introduction to UML tool supports (e.g. Visio, Rational Rose) UML’s model driven architecture (MDA) Modelling a system or modelling an enterprise Suggested further reading

Course Format This course will be presented over 3 consecutive days, or for 3 hours per week, over 7 weeks. The course will be presented in lecture/tutorial style using a combination of lectures and practical exercises. Students will gain experience in the development of the UML artefacts through the practical exercises. Each student will be provided with a full set of course notes.

Course Timetable Please click here

• Conceptual modelling, in business terms, of an object-oriented solution →

Class modelling: - Centrality of classes, Responsibility-driven modelling (vs. traditional data-centric models), Association, inheritance & containment relationships, Package diagrams for clusters of classes → Activity diagrams with class-based swim lanes → Interaction (sequence & collaboration / communication) diagrams for class-toclass interaction → State machine diagrams for complex classes

>> Further information can be found at: All enquiries: City Campus: Level 10, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Ph: 8622 8900 Fax: 8622 8999

[email protected]

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