Business Information System

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  • Words: 2,684
  • Pages: 67
Welcome to ACM 501

Technical Foundations of Business Information Systems

Information •

Data are raw facts –

physical phenomena

business transactions

Information is data transformed into meaningful and useful form for user

Almost all human activities require information –

getting to class means you know •

what time your class is held

where it is held

how do you get there

Having the right information at the right time can make all the difference

Sometimes hiding information is equally critical

System •

A system is –

a set of interrelated components

with a clearly defined boundary

working together

to achieve a common set of objectives

For example a political system may include –

government institutions, citizens, political parties, interest groups

defined by citizenship and territorial boundaries

who interact with each other

to provide the conditions of stability and prosperity ...hopefully

Basic Functions of a System •

Input –

Processing –

transformation process that converts input into output

Output –

capturing and assembling elements that enter the system to be processed

transferring transformed elements to their ultimate destination

Storage – retaining the inputs, the outputs, and the transformation procedures as needed

Information System •

An information system is an organized combination of – people – hardware and software – communication networks – data resources – policies and procedures

The system – stores, retrieves, transforms, and disseminates information in an organization

Types of Business Information Systems • Operations Support Systems – Efficiently process business transactions – Control industrial processes – Update corporate databases – Support communication and collaboration

• Management Support Systems – Provide information as reports and displays – Give direct computer support to managerial decision-making

Better, Faster and Cheaper •

Most modern information systems are based on computers

A computer is a device that can – input and store data for processing – input and store instructions for how to process data – process the data according to the instructions – output and store the results of the data processing

Information systems have become especially widespread with networks – provides automatic dissemination globally

Computers and networks have provided speed, accuracy and reliability – precisely the problems with people and earlier modes of communications

Computer systems increasingly provide these services cheaper as well

Information Technologies • Information Technologies – Computer Hardware – Networking Equipment – Software – Data management

Trends in Information Systems

Trends in Business Systems closely follow development of Computers and Networks

Uses of Business Systems

How E-Business is Being Used

User level




Programming & Logical Aspects

High Level Language Assembly Language Machine Code

Computer Architecture Logical Circuits Network Architecture

Electrical and Electronics

Semiconductor Circuit

Transmission Line

Mechanical and Manufacturing

Semiconductor defect

Liquid Crystal Defect

Solder Modeling

Drivers of IT

ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (1946)

Computer Technology

ENIAC -Took up a large room -Was based on fragile vacuum tubes and you may have had to check 19,000 tubes to find a failed one. -Needed manual programming by setting switches, and plugging and unplugging cables.

Hardware Miniaturization and Reliability

Hardware Cost

Smart Products

Board with Built-in Test Equipment

Programming Concepts • Stored Program Concept – Data and instructions are both stored in the memory.

– Used in the design of the IAS computer at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton by vonNeumann et al. in 1952.

– This is the prototype for later general purpose computers.

Programming Languages •

Higher level languages –

First generation, 1G, or machine languages required detailed knowledge of the insides of the computer, such as addresses of memory elements.

2G or assembly languages used mnemonics for numeric codes. Still useful for direct hardware manipulation.

3G languages such as Basic, Fortran, C/C++ allow for syntax that is easier for humans to understand.

4G languages are environments with more powerful statements for specialized applications. For example SAS or SPSS let users run statistical analyses using more complex statements that are available, instead of coding in 3G languages.

5G languages were attempted to give the computer the problem and the constraints and have it generate the algorithm generated by the computer. E.g. Prolog. Uses include AI applications. Mainly used in academic research. Alternatively, now refers to visual programming environments.

Communications and Networks •


Printing Press

Steam engine, Car, Railways, Aircraft




Wired packet switching networks –

Cheap and efficient data transfer between computers and increasingly other devices.

LANs, WANs, internet

E-business, virtual offices, global workgroups

Now you can connect your toaster to the internet. Some will even burn today’s weather forecast on your bread.

Wireless and satellite communications –




On the other hand ... •

Technological changes

Travel reservations systems: Rosenbluth, Travelocity, Orbitz

What IT could not do for businesses:



Andersen Consulting


Sophisticated technologies and models


Day Trading

Sub-prime lending: Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Sophisticated Modeling, Level 3 assets

Wall Street has no more investment banks!

Asian crises, UAL

Potential Considerations •

Business models and procedures are still the key – – – –

With a flawed business model you will make mistakes at the speed of light Many projects fail because of lack proper focus on business requirements There is a reason software is sold “as is” IT is a means for you to run your business better • •

Implementation costs and disruptions •

– – –

Bill Gates versus Warren Buffet You can have virtual inventories but you cannot sell a virtual product Customers want service, not a sophisticated mess (AT&T wireless)

If your raw material costs are higher than Chinese selling price Need to know why you are implementing IT Competitors may come up with similar or alternative services

Transforming organizations can be difficult – – –

People are resistant to change: habit, motivation, risks. Can and should management change its style? Vertical integration

Is Information Technology Still Important? •

Yes. More so than ever – – –

The hype phase of IT is over and useful applications have remained. Companies routinely use IT to solve appropriate problems. Customers expect a level of service and will not pay for your inefficiencies • •

in business processes in Information technology implementation

You can compete on factors other than cost – – – –

Service Quality Lower order quantities Faster deliveries

These factors can be helped by IT with proper implementation – – – – –

Better knowledge of global market conditions Better integration and communications with customers Better internal communications and controls Automated manufacturing processes, improved quality control Just-in-time manufacturing

Management Information Systems

Developing IS Solutions

Historical Development • •

We used to think ancient people had no computing technology They just used machines and tools for help with physical labor

Antikythera Mechanism • • • •

Fragments discovered in 1900 From around the 1st century BC Mechanical computer For astronomical calculations

Mechanical Calculators • • •

For the next 1500 years we did go back to the abacus Tables for navigation or scientific work had many mistakes 1600's – 1800's, gear technology was re-applied

Mechanical Calculators • The program was in the hardware itself ...

Reckoner 1674

Schickard 1623

Pascaline 1642 Difference Engine, 1822

Mechanical Computer – Analytical Engine – Designed by Babbage – General Purpose, Programmable • • • •

– – – – –

store (memory) mill (computation unit) input section (punched card reader) output section (punched or printed)

Ada Lovelace was the first programmer Analytical Engine, designed 1837-1871 Program on punched cards Technologically infeasible at the time Insufficient funding How can we make such advanced computers today? • we use computers to design and manufacture newer computers • better computers  increased applications  more investments

Electromechanical Computers • Late 1800's on, electromagnetic circuits

Punched Card Electromechanical Tabulators • Hermann Hollerith, 1890

Punched Card Electromechanical Tabulators • Programming – connecting cables on a panel – later removable panels • offline programming

• Idea became popular • Many businesses started using it • Company later became IBM

Electromechanical Relay Computers • Konrad Zuse 1930’s and early 40’s

Electromechanical Relay Computers • Mark I, Howards Aitken, 1942 – 8 feet tall, 51 feet long, 2 feet thick, weighed 5 tons, – used about 750,000 parts – memory on decimal wheels, instructions on paper tape

Electronic Computers • The first digital electronic computer was the Colossus

Electronic Computers • Vacuum Tube Technology

Electronic Computers • Vacuum Tube Technology

First Generation • First generation electronic computers – – – –

Used vacuum tubes Punched cards for input/ output Rotating magnetic drums for internal storage Programs were in machine or assembly language

First Generation •

ENIAC by Eckert and Mauchley – was to be used for calculating tables for heavy artillery – finished in 1946 after the war was over • • • • •

occupied a building weighed 30 tons consumed 140kW of power used 17500 vacuum tubes, 1500 relays

– Had to be programmed by • Setting up to 6000 switches • connecting wires to sockets

– – – –

First major calculation wrong Right answer 20% of the time 1000 times faster than Mark I Many similar computers followed • EDSAC, ILLIAC etc ...

– Inventors started their company • Later became Unisys

First Generation • Successor EDVAC was not a great success • Led to a report on EDVAC by John von Neumann • Neumann and his colleagues developed the IAS in 1952 – computer at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton

First Generation • IAS is very similar to modern computers in architecture • Modern machines follow the von Neumann architecture • The von Neumann machine has – – – –

Memory that stores data and instructions arithmetic logic unit control unit input and output

Central Processing Unit

Arithmetic Logic unit Input/ Output

Main Memory Program Control unit

First Generation • At the same time – MIT developed a computer Whirlwind I for real-time control • led to the development of Ferrite Core memory • eventually led to the development of mini-computers

– IBM started to develop vacuum tube based mainframes in 1953 • dominated scientific computing • series ran from 701 to 709

– Eckert and Mauchely developed the UNIVAC • general purpose commercial computer

Second Generation • Transistor technology • Shockley, Bardeen and Brittain, 1948 – solid state device – logic element is on a slice of silicon – compared to vacuum tubes • much smaller • much more reliable

– made vacuum tubes obsolete in 10 years

Second Generation • Second generation computers – – – –

Used transistors for logic elements Magnetic tape and disks began to replace punched cards Magnetic cores were the primary internal memory Supported higher level languages like FORTRAN and COBOL

• MIT built the first transistor-based computer, TX-0 – like the Whirlwind I – was a preliminary test device for TX-2

Second Generation •

IBM built the 7090, a transistorized version of the 709 – Fastest computer in the world at the time

Kenneth Olsen from the TX-2 group started DEC – the company created the first minicomputer, PDP 1 – half the performance of 7090 – cost $120,000 whereas the 7090 cost millions

Third Generation • Third generation computers – Around 1960 the integrated circuit was developed • Kilby and Noyce developed it independently

– the idea is to put more than one transistor on a wafer – makes circuits much smaller, faster, much more reliable

Third Generation •

Third generation computers – – – – –

individual transistors were replaced by integrated circuits magnetic tape and disks replaced punch cards memory started to be based on semiconductor chips Operating systems were developed Advanced programming languages like BASIC developed

Fourth Generation •

Fourth generation computers – trend is to put more and more transistors on one chip •


– microprocessors where entire CPU is on one chip •

ALU, control, memory circuits

– development of personal and mobile computing – applications such as spreadsheets, word-processing – graphical user interfaces such as Windows, OS X, X-Windows

Fourth Generation •

Enabling technologies – Surface mount manufacturing

Primary concerns – Heat Dissipation

Overview of Trend •

Computer technology has developed very fast – Faster, better, cheaper, more reliable, smaller

Overview of Trend •

Capabilities continue to rise and prices keep falling

Overview of Trend •

Applications programming is much easier – – – – –

hardwired in the mechanical tabulator and ENIAC machine level or assembly level in 1st generation Fortran, COBOL in second generation BASIC, C, in third generation visual and graphic programming in 4th generation

Types of Computers • The definition does not consider computer capabilities – how much data it can store – how fast it can process data – does it output colored video

• Performance requirements depend on the application – traded-off versus considerations such as cost, size, weight

• A variety of devices qualify to be called computers

Disposable Computers • • • •

Disposable computers are the smallest Cost a few cents Typically store a small amount of information Almost no processing – musical greeting cards – radio frequency identification (RFID) chips – smart cards

Microcontrollers • •

Microcontrollers are also called embedded computers Found in devices such as – – – –

• • • • •

home appliances and electronics computer peripherals medical devices automobile systems

Cost a few dollars Programmed by manufacturer specific to application Interact with user through device controls Work in real time Need to fit device constraints on size, power and weight

Game Boxes • • • •

Sony PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Cost in the range of $100 Processor slower than the latest personal computers Optimized for – highly interactive 3-D gaming – high quality stereo

Not many options for upgrades or extensions

Personal Computers • Most familiar type of computer • Earlier PC’s were for home use • Professional work needed workstations – faster processors such as SunSPARC – better graphics quality

• The difference is smaller now • Notebooks are designed for mobility – configured to be smaller – lighter than PC’s – consume less power

• PDAs are miniature versions

Servers • Basically higher capability PC’s or workstations – – – – – –

can have one or more processors much larger memory higher disk space high speed network connections used on networks handle thousands of transactions per second

Mainframes • • • •

Can carry out billions of calculations per second Can access vast amounts of data Cost hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars Used by large corporations – banking, airline reservations, aerospace, government accounting

Supercomputers • • •

Supercomputers cost millions of dollars Parallel computing based on many processors Carry out trillions of calculations per second – weather prediction – simulating nuclear explosions – complex engineering simulations

NEC SX-9 Supercomputer

Clusters of Workstations • • • • •

Supercomputers are becoming less popular Workstations can be interconnected into a cluster Special software lets them work together on one problem Cheaper as clusters are formed from COTS computers Easily scalable depending on the size of the problem

Common Points • Modern computers have basic commonalities – store all data in terms of binary digits – use simple semiconductor circuits which can basically • add or subtract numbers • compare two numbers

• The overall architecture can be divided as – – – – – –

Physical level Digital Logic level Microarchitecture level Instruction Set Architecture level Operating System Level Assembly and High Level Languages

Packaging Levels •

Chip – – –

Component – – –

protects the chip signal, power lines heat dissipation

Board – – – – –

digital logic elements memory elements on-chip circuitry

mechanical support signal, power connections expansion slots connectors for other boards connectors for peripherals

System – – –

board backplane power supply cooling system

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