Business Etiquette: By Mr. Pankaj Kumar

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  • Words: 1,705
  • Pages: 57
Business Etiquette By Mr. Pankaj Kumar

Why Prepare? It’s a jungle out there…..

Competition is strong, and the way we present ourselves is under closer examination more than ever before.

What is Etiquette? ► It

is an indefinite set of rules of good manner & behavior ► Etiquette, one aspect of decorum, is a code that governs the expectations of social behavior, according to the conventional norm within a society, social class, or group.

What Is Business Etiquette? ► Rules

that allow us to interact in a civilized fashion ► Code of behavior that is grounded in common sense and cultural norms ► Manners matter in the workplace

Social Skill

Making a good “First Impression” ► The

way you dress is the single biggest nonverbal communication you make about yourself. ► Your dress conveys success, trustworthiness, intelligence and suitability. ► Lean towards the conservative side of style. ► Avoid loud colors and printed fabrics ► Make sure your clothes are nicely pressed.

Difference Between College and Business College


► Individual

► Teamwork

► Tests

► Relationships

► Quantified

► Subjective

► Customer

► Employee

► Objective

► Judgments

► Written

► Verbal

► Senior

► Trainee

Most Important Skill How to read people. ► Become

a people watcher. ► Be a good listener. ► Predict what you think they’re going to do.

Most Important Skill Create Positive Relationships ► Find

out what people want and help them get it. ► Be alert to people’s interests and hobbies.

Most Important Skill Use Positive Relationships to Achieve Your Goals ► Once you establish a relationship never abuse them. Thank them!

New Skills Are Important ► Boss

Communication List: Tasks and achievements. ► Criticism: Accepting: How to accept it, admit it, thank them, and demonstrate change.

New Skills Are Important ► Criticism:

Giving. Have a plan, make it positive, and adjust your criticism. ► Give Compliments ► Acknowledge Others: Learn names & be friendly.

New Skills Are Important ► Positive

Attitude: Develop a + attitude and create a + image. ► General Knowledge: Stay current in your field. ► Control your Anger.

Your Boss ► Learn

& accept the importance of your boss. ► Learn what your boss expects from you: habits, skills, traits.

Your Boss ► If ❶ ❷ ❸

you disagree with your boss: Seek experienced outside advice. Discuss privately with boss. Remember your boss makes the final decision.

► Managing



Fear/Intimidation ❷ Logic/Reasoning ❸ Emotion/Instinct ❹ Expertise/technical knowledge ❶

Tricks for remembering names ► Repeat

the person’s name a few times to yourself after you’re introduced. ► Use the person’s name immediately in the conversation after an introduction. ► Immediately introduce that new person to someone else you know. ► Jot down the person’s name

Mastering the Handshake

The Pull-In

The Two-Handed Shake

The Topper

The Finger Squeeze

The Bone Crusher

The Palm Pinch

The Limp Fish

The Proper Handshake ► ► ► ►

Firm, but not bone-crushing Lasts about 3 seconds May be "pumped" once or twice from the elbow Is released after the shake, even if the introduction continues Includes good eye contact with the other person

Dining with Style and Grace

Your table manners are a reflection of how you will be perceived. If you are confident, capable and correct at the table, then people are willing to believe that you will be capable and correct in other aspects of your life. If you are rude and/or ignorant at the table, they will attribute that to you, as well. Excellent table manners take training and practice. Like any skill, practice makes perfect.

The Evolution of Eating Middle Ages Would use fingers to eat with  Reserved spoons as serving utensils only  Men brought own dagger to a meal  In a formal banquet, what you ate & where you sat at a table based upon your station in life

11th Century Italian, Domenico Selvo, marries a Greek Princess who brings the practice of using forks to his court  Charles V of France declares that forks are only to be used for foods that might stain fingers ► 1669 King Louis XIV of France bans pointed knives, as a weapon or at the table, as a method to reduce violence ►

► Mid

18th Century-

 Forks achieve their modern form of being 4 pronged ► 1920’s-

 Stainless steel utensils were created

Knowing table etiquette will put you at ease.

Your Basic Place Setting

Your Basic Place Setting

The Formal Dinner Table Setting

Where do I start?

Table Manners ► Unfold

napkin and place in lap. Wait for hostess to do so first. ► If it’s a large napkin, unfold to half its size. Begin eating after hostess picks up her first, or if a very large party, after five or six have been served.

Correct Silverware Usage ► Hold

fork between index finger and thumb, resting fork on middle finger about midway up the fork handle.

Like this!

Not like this!

Cutting Meat ► To

cut meat, hold fork in left hand and knife in right hand. Then switch fork to right hand to eat.

American style of using a knife and fork In the American style of eating, after cutting your meat you switch the fork to your right hand from the left, put your knife down on the plate and then eat it.

Between cuttings ►

Place knife on plate, diagonally, on upper right corner between cuttings. Don’t cut meat up all at once; preferably one bite at a time.

Pause ►

When you have paused in eating but have not finished, leave your fork and knife in this position. A trained waiter will know that you are signaling him not to remove your plate. Place your napkin in your seat or to the left of the plate.

Finished When you leave your fork and knife on the side of the plate in this position (fork tines may be up or down), it signals the waiter that you are through eating and that your plate may be removed.

Finished ► Place

the napkin to the left of the plate. Wait for the hostess to do so first. If the plate has already been removed, put the napkin in the plate’s place.

Table Manners Guidelines ► Dishes

are passed counterclockwise (to the person on your right). ► If someone on the far end asks for something to be passed, and you want some when it goes by you, it’s okay to help yourself as it goes by as long as you don’t get the last serving. ► If you’re a guest at a dinner party, it’s a good idea to wait until the hostess offers seconds.

Guidelines (cont.) ► Serving

dishes and pitchers with handles should be passed with handle toward person receiving it. ► Remember to say “please” and “thank you.” ► When passing your plate to the head of the table for seconds, leave the knife and fork on the plate, and be sure they are far enough on not to topple off.

Guidelines (cont.) ► If

you must leave before the others have finished, always say, “May I be excused, please?” Then say, “I enjoyed it” to the hostess. ► Contribute your share to polite conversation. (not illness, dental work, etc.)

Guidelines (cont.) ► If

something is in your mouth that you need to discard, whether it’s a bone, seed, or whatever; as inconspicuously as possible, spit it into your fork or fingers and quickly place it on the edge of your plate. Do not spit it into your napkin. ► If it happens to be a bug, or a hair, quietly discard it under the table. No need to ruin everyone else’s meal. You may use your napkin for a bug. If in a restaurant, notify the waiter.

Guidelines (cont.) ► If

you have a bite of chewed meat you can’t swallow; as inconspicuously as possible, remove the unconquered portion with your fingers and sneak it safely out of sight under a piece potato skin. ► You may use a piece of bread to push food onto your fork if you need to, or you may hold your knife in your left hand and use the knife to push the food onto the fork.

Guidelines (cont.) ► You

may mop up the last bit with bread, provided you do it with your fork; not your fingers. ► Bread should be pulled apart into moderate-sized pieces with your fingers. You may use your knife for biscuits or toast. Don’t butter rolls ahead, rather butter each piece and then eat it.

Guidelines (cont.) ► If

you have a bread and butter plate, keep your roll there. If not, keep it on the top left side of your plate. You can discreetly pick up crumbs and put on your plate. ► Soup – Dip spoon away from you. Eat from the side of the spoon. ► Spaghetti – Twirl with a fork. Don’t cut.

Guidelines (cont.) ► Don’t

use toothpicks or pick your teeth with your fingers at the table. Go to the restroom if you can’t wait. ► Sit erect with your feet on the floor, not on the furniture.

Guidelines (cont.) ► Never

sprawl your legs out far enough under the table to encroach upon the territory of others. ► Never blow your food to cool it. ► Never serve yourself with your own silver. ► No elbows on the table. ► Hands in lap when not eating. ► When eating, keep the hand you are not using in your lap.

Guidelines (cont.) ► Do

not talk with food in your mouth. ► Chew with your lips closed. ► Don’t gesture with your silverware. ► Don’t tip chairs. ► Don’t meet your food halfway. Bring it up to your mouth. ► If you have a spill…  In a home – say “I’m sorry.” Help, if needed.  In a restaurant – Call the waiter.

Guidelines (cont.) ► Wait

until you have swallowed your food to take a drink. ► Don’t encircle your plate with one arm while eating with the other. ► Don’t push back your plate when finished. Wait until it is removed or you clear it.

Any Questions???

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