Building Web Applications
Struts University Series
Building Web Applications Why build web applications? Can we use a conventional design? How are web applications organized? What value does Struts 2 add?
Building Web Applications Why build web applications? Can we use a conventional design? How are web applications organized? What value does Struts 2 add?
Why build web applications? Easier to find, use, and deploy Browsers pre-installed No desktop to maintain Suitable for intranet or Internet
Why build web applications? Downside
Complex task Web site front-end Desktop application equivalent
Are web applications so different? A web application uses a web site as the front-end to a more typical application. In a web application client data input executes business logic on the server. Minnesota State Colleges & Universities
Are web applications different? Regular Web Site
HTML, JavaScript, Graphics
Dynamic Web Application
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
Perl, PHP
CGI Equivalents
Fast CGI, Java, ASP.NET
How do we build web sites? Create dynamic content via code via server pages via client-side scripting and all three in any combination
Dynamic content via code
Dynamic content via server pages
Plain Old JSP <% User user = ActionContext.getContext() %>