Building Pyramids Using Primitive Technology

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Download & View Building Pyramids Using Primitive Technology as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 12,555
  • Pages: 82

c 2009 by Ajmal Beg. All rights reserved. Copyright °

Author and/or publisher shall not be liable for any kind of direct and/or indirect loss as a result of using information in this book.

ISBN: 978-0-9805610-6-7


Dedicated to my family


Contents 1 Introduction


2 What is gravity? 2.1 Gravity increases energy of falling photons . . . . . 2.2 Gravity increases the energy of passing by photons 2.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Graviton as a functional block of photon . . . . . . 2.5 Clouds of gravitons acting as refueling station . . . 2.6 Gravity and glow from early universe . . . . . . . . 2.7 Energy needs of cosmological bodies . . . . . . . . . 2.7.1 Energy needs of sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.2 Energy needs of moon . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Energy needs of atom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Flow of gravity in the universe . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Gravity and characteristics of orbits/spin . . . . . . 2.11 Gravity and Pauli’s Exclusion Principle . . . . . . . 2.12 Experiments to confirm gravity and light link . . . 2.13 Confirming the flow of gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 Overcoming the gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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3 3 5 7 7 16 22 24 25 28 29 30 35 39 42 43 43

3 Primitive building techniques 3.1 The source of energy available to the rulers of the Ancient Egypt 3.2 Baking bricks on the height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Assembling bricks at a height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Using water to lift heavy bricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Using animals to move heavy bricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Using hot air balloons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Using wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

45 45 45 57 61 67 71 71

4 Summary





Chapter 1 Introduction Some people believe that the civilization of the Ancient Egypt was very advance in technology. Ability to overcome gravity is thought to be the core technology behind such advancement in technology. It is thought that scientists of the Ancient Egypt not only developed technology to overcome gravity but also successfully used this technology for different purposes, such as: • The technology to overcome gravity was used to lift and move heavy objects such as heavy stones. This application of technology helped construction engineers of Ancient Egypt build huge building structures like the pyramids. • The technology to overcome gravity made possible for the rulers of the Ancient Egypt to visit other planets/stars. The space travel allowed rulers of Ancient Egypt build diplomatic relationships with aliens living in other planets/stars. It is also thought that rulers of Ancient Egypt had technology to build airplanes. • This technology helped rulers of the Ancient Egypt travel to other stars just by passing through a gate known as the Stargate. The technology of space travel was so superior that rulers of Ancient Egypt could arrive in the other stars in the matter of a few seconds (the time required to pass through a door). In other words, rulers of Ancient Egypt could travel faster than the speed of light. There is another theory which suggests that the rulers of Ancient Egypt did not need technology to overcome gravity as they were able to control nuclear reaction. Huge amount of energy obtained from controlled nuclear reaction was used to lift heavy stones to build huge structures like pyramids. 1



Another theory suggests that aliens from other planets who visited the rulers of the Ancient Egypt, built the pyramids. Modern science and engineering has reached to the current stage after centuries of hard work by scientists and engineers. Modern technology still has not reached to the point where we could develop a technology by which we could escape gravity without using huge power sources such as powerful rocket engines. It is very hard to believe that the Ancient Egypt could have technology to escape gravity without using huge force. The main purpose of this book is to investigate the feasibility of building huge pyramids using very primitive technologies. The book is divided into different chapters which deal with different aspects of construction of the pyramids. Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter describes the purpose of this book and introduces contents of each chapter of the book. Chapter 2: What is gravity? This chapter discusses what is gravity and how it can be overcome. Chapter 3: Primitive building techniques This chapter discusses different building methods which can be used to build pyramids by using primitive techniques. Chapter 4: Conclusion This chapter gives the summary of this book.

Chapter 2 What is gravity? This chapter discusses the real nature of gravity.


Gravity increases energy of falling photons

Light is thought to be a collection of particles called photons. Gravity is also thought to be a collection of particles known as gravitons. No one has been ever able to directly detect gravitons yet. However, the effect of gravity on photons can be confirmed by conducting a falling photon experiment. Figure 2.1 shows the details of a falling photon experiment. At height H, a photon emitting source is positioned and at the surface of the earth, the frequency of the falling photons is measured using light frequency detector. Increase in the frequency of the photons at the surface of the earth can confirm that gravity increases the energy of photons. The law of conservation of energy leads to the relationship below. KE represents Kinetic Energy and P E stands for Potential Energy. KE0 + P E0 = KE1 + P E1


Assuming that potential energy at the surface of the earth is represented by mgH, where photon mass is m = hf /c2 and H is the distance of the source of light from the surface of the earth, Equation 2.1 can be rewritten as: Ã


hf0 hf0 + gH = hf1 + 0 c2


It leads to Equation 2.3, which indicates that the frequency of light will increase when gravitational force acts on it. µ ¶ gH f1 = f0 1 + 2 (2.3) c 3



To confirm the above relationship, a falling photon experiment was conducted and it was confirmed that a falling photon increases its frequency under the influence of gravity. The results of the falling photon experiment were published by Pound and Rebka in Physics Review Letters (4:337, 1960).

Figure 2.1: Pound Rebka falling photon experiment



Gravity increases the energy of passing by photons

It is known that the light bends under the effect of gravity, when it passes near large cosmological bodies such as, sun and other stars. Figure 2.2 shows light bending phenomena when light from other stars passes by the sun. The bending of light results in showing stars at a different location than they actually are.

Figure 2.2: Star light bending under influence of sun’s gravity



For simplification purpose, let’s assume that there exists a uniform energy field from the surface of sun to the height R as shown in Figure 2.3. Any photon that passes through this energy field, increases its energy. Let’s consider two photons which pass through this uniform energy field. One photon does not bend and the other photon bends. The photon which bends, remains in the uniform energy field for longer period of time compared to the photon which does not bend. The act of bending results in increased input from the uniform energy field to the photon compared to the instance when photon passing by the sun does not bend.

Figure 2.3: Photon increases its energy by bending path





Objects around us are collection of particles, which show specific behaviors. We can improve our understanding of mechanisms governing the behavior of objects around us, if we understand how particles forming the objects interact with one other. As interaction between smaller particles cannot be observed directly, there is need for finding an indirect way to determine how smaller particles interact. This book uses methodology as illustrated in Fig. 2.4 to help understand interactions among smaller particles. This methodology assumes that: • All kinds of particles are formed from the same basic material. • All kinds of particles were formed through somewhat similar process and thus have somewhat similar functioning mechanism. • Large size particles are created through repetition of the same basic process which created small particles. • As we are unable to directly observe the interactions among smaller particles, we study the interaction among large particles for the purpose of improving understanding of the interaction among smaller particles.


Graviton as a functional block of photon

Einstein proposed relationship between mass of an object and the total energy it can contain as: E = mc2 (2.4) where E: Energy contained in the object m: Mass of the object at rest c: Speed of light Let’s discuss Equation 2.4 in details. • E is also believed to be the quantity of energy in which mass can convert into. However, there is no experimental proof that any object with non-zero mass ever completely converted into energy (photons). • Particles behave like as they have gained mass when they are moved at high speed in particle accelerators. This observation is used as an experimental evidence that energy can convert into mass. However, no one has ever been successful in creating a completely new mass by only



Figure 2.4: Methodology



increasing the concentration of photons in an empty three dimensional space. Based on above arguments, this book assumes that: • Mass is merely a container of photons. • Conversion of mass into energy is a process which releases photons which are contained in this container. Similarly, increase in the mass of object is the process which results in increase in the number of photons contained in this container. • Photons contained in an atoms are released when the atom is cracked. There is no conversion of particles which form an atom (such as protons and neutrons) into photons when an atom is cracked. In other words, an atom does not contain a factory to convert particles such as, electron and photons into photons. • Mass does not contain a factory to convert photons into particles like electron and protons. Mass can be represented mathematically as: Mass =

n X

Photoni + CP hoton



where CP hoton : Container for photons Photoni : i-th photon contained in container CP hoton n: Total number of photons contained in container CP hoton To understand the relationship between photons and gravitons, let’s consider an example of a container with dark green liquid. This container has one inlet for white color liquid and one outlet for liquid to come out. This container with dark green liquid has limited capacity. Liquid flows out for the outlet when the container is full and there is a supply of liquid through the inlet. Figure 2.5 illustrates such container at three different instances t1 , t2 and t3 , where t1 < t2 < t3 . • Before instance t1 , the container is full of dark green liquid. At instance t1 , white liquid start flowing inside the container. At this moment the color of the liquid that flows out of this container is dark green.


CHAPTER 2. WHAT IS GRAVITY? • At instance t2 , the color of the liquid that flows out of the container is light green as white liquid flowing inside the container and the dark green liquid that was originally there, has mixed. • At instance t3 , the liquid that flows out is white as the concentration of the dark green liquid that was originally in the container is almost zero. At this moment, container flushes out what flows in it. Figure 2.6 illustrates how the color of the flowing out liquid changes with the passage of time. • Let’s assume that photon is also a container with an inlet and outlet. Photon travels in the universe. Universe is a collection of cosmological bodies and dark matter. Cosmological bodies and dark matter both transfer gravitons to the photon. Thus, there is a continuous supply of gravitons to a photon. All gravitons that enter a photon need to flow out of photon. Photons merely acts like a channel of gravitons.

Let’s assume photon as a black box with input and output as shown in Figure 2.7. Photon receives gravitons and emits energy in the form of magnetic and electric field. Here, let’s assume that emitted energy from the photon is also in the form of field particles. From our daily observation, we know that a specific quantity of mass has limited capacity to store energy. Based on methodology of this book, we assume that photon also has a limited storage to accommodate field particles (gravitons) it receives. Under this assumption, photon needs to emit field particles (gravitons) it captures, as photon has limited storage capacity. In other words, photon is merely a channel of field particles (gravitons). The exact nature of impact of passing through photons is not known. The field particles (gravitons) may pass through photon while maintaining their characteristics or photon may be also working as a filter which changes characteristics of gravitons when they pass through it. Under above observations, it can be claimed that electric and magnetic fields is a form of gravity. If gravitons can pass through the photons, it can be claimed that electromagnetic field and gravity are same force. Electric/Magnetic field =

n X i=1




Figure 2.5: Container as a channel for fluid




Figure 2.6: Change in the color of flowing out liquid


Figure 2.7: Photon as a black box




Photon acts like a temporary container of gravitons, in the same manner as photons use mass as a temporary container. Photon =

n X

Gravitoni + CGraviton



where CGraviton : Container of gravitons Gravitoni : i-th graviton contained in container CGraviton n: Total number of gravitons contained in container CGraviton Photon’s frequency is the indicator of the energy it contains. Photon with high frequency has more energy compared to a photon with low frequency. Gravitons have not been detected yet so it is not known what indicates the energy level of gravitons. For simplification purpose, this book assumes that each graviton has a fixed amount of energy. It means high frequency photon has large number of gravitons compared to that of a low frequency photon. Thus, photon’s frequency is directly proportional to the number of gravitons it contains: fP hoton ∝ nGraviton (2.8) where fP hoton : Frequency of photon nGraviton : Number of gravitons contained in photon Mass contains photons and each photon further contains gravitons. Large mass such as cosmological bodies are like cloud of gravitons. Gravitons may be using photons as a carrier for moving from one location to another. Under this assumption, glow of the earth should also contain gravitons. Let’s see how a falling photon can increase its frequency. Figure 2.8 illustrates a falling photon which interacts with glow near the surface of the earth. • Mass forming the earth contains larger number of photons. Each such photon further contains multiple gravitons. • When a falling photon starts traveling toward the earth’s surface, photon from the surface of the earth jumps and couples with the falling photon. • Gravitons transfer between these two coupled photons while they move toward the earth.


Figure 2.8: Coupling of photons to exchange gravitons





Clouds of gravitons acting as refueling station

Figure 2.9 illustrates how energy carrying waves travel when a stone hit a pond full of water. The radius of energy carrying waves increases with time while energy these waves carry decreases. Photon also carries energy and keeps on reducing its energy (frequency) as it travels away from the source which emitted it. Let’s assume that photon is a flying vehicle which can fly long distance. As photon decreases its frequency while traveling, it is assumed here that it consumes energy while traveling in free space. Let’s assume that photon has a fuel tank with limited capacity that contains energy that photon uses while traveling in the free space. Photons are affected by gravity. Falling photon experiment proves that a photon increases its frequency (energy) while moving toward the earth. Photons also bend toward cosmological bodies while traveling in free space. Bending toward cosmological bodies can increase the energy of photons. In other words, gravity increases the fuel contained in the fuel tank of a photon. To calculate how much distance a photon can travel with the energy it can contain, let’s observe how far a photon can travel without refueling itself. The nearest star from our solar system is about 4.3 light years. Figure 2.10 shows the travel path of a photon from nearest star to the earth. The photon which has traveled from the nearest star is absorbed at earth. A photon takes about 4.3 light years to travel from the star to the earth surface. The height of the upper part of light cone is 4.3 light years. According to the concept of time and space developed by Einstein, the equal size cone needs to exist downward. So the total height of both cones is 8.6 light years. If the time unit of c2 is ignored, it is almost equal to 9 light years. Thus, it can be claimed that a photon can travel up to 9 light years with the energy it can contain within itself. The capacity to travel 9 light years without refilling is an over estimation of the fuel tank capacity of the photon, as space between nearest star and the earth is almost filled with dark matter and photon can recharge itself with the gravitons from the dark matter. Photon is capable of traveling with energy it contains up to 9 light years. To travel further than this distance, photon needs energy from external sources. There are stars millions of light years away from us and a photon is incapable of traveling such long distance. Photon needs to refill itself while traveling such long distances. Let’s assume dark matter is made of a specific type of particle P+ . For every particle, there exists an antiparticle. Hence, there should also exist antiparticle for P+ . This antiparticle is called P− here.


Figure 2.9: Travel path of energy carrying particle


CHAPTER 2. WHAT IS GRAVITY? • P+ exhibits gravity. In other words, P+ transfers gravitons to photons. • As P+ transfers gravitons to photons, P− should receive gravitons from passing photons. • Dark matter can be regarded as a three dimensional space with high concentration of P+ . • The three dimensional space where there is high concentration of P− is called anti dark matter here. • The free space is a combination of dark and anti-dark matter. • As photon always loses energy while traveling, it can be claimed that the quantity of anti dark matter is larger than that of dark matter in the free space. This book suggests that: • Photon is like a aircraft which can be refueled during its flight. • Photon starts its flight from one galaxy. • Photon travels on a path during its flight which passes near cosmological bodies. • Photon keeps on refueling its energy reserves by passing by the cosmological bodies or making rotations around the cosmological body. • Photon finishes its flight, when it reaches to its destination. It stays at this destination before embarking on a new trip.

Figure 2.11 illustrate how the photon flies from one cosmological body to another, when they are at a distance of more than 9 × 1016 meters. The photon grazes the surface of different cosmological bodies (or makes round trip around the cosmological bodies) and refuels itself. It continues the process of consuming energy and utilizing it, until it reaches to its destination. A fixed angle at which the photon bends toward the surface of sun has been an area of interest. This book postulates a new theory suggesting that: • The angle at which a photon bends toward the cosmological body while grazing it depends upon the quantity of energy this photon needs. A photon may make round trips around the cosmological bodies until its energy need is fulfilled. The number of round trips a photon make around the cosmological body depends on its energy need.

2.5. CLOUDS OF GRAVITONS ACTING AS REFUELING STATION 19 • Two photon traveling from the same point A to point B, may have different angle of bending (or number of round trips) toward the cosmological body depending upon the initial energy state (photon frequency), with which they started their journey. • It is not necessary that the all the photon leaving a star flies toward the same destination. A photons may have multiple destinations which it grazes. There is also a possibility that photons leaving a cosmological body may have different final destinations. • This book suggests that photons might be rotating around the cosmological bodies to recharge themselves with gravitons. Based on this, the angle of bending can be also treated as the difference between the angle at which the photon started its round trip around the cosmological bodies and the angle at which it left the cosmological body after recharging itself. In short, it can that claimed that the Gravity (collection of gravitons) becomes fuel for photons to enable them travel from one destinations to another destination. It is believed so far that gravity makes one cosmological body rotate around another and gravity has no other role in the functioning of the light and matter. This theory can be regarded as a major discovery of link between gravitons and the photons. As any mass is regarded as a container of photons, it can be claimed that any mass including cosmological bodies can travel up to 9 light years with the energy they contain. In case, the cosmological body with mass m is at rest, the energy it contains can be used to move an object of mass m a distance of 9 light years.



Figure 2.10: Maximum distance photon can travel without refueling


Figure 2.11: Journey path of photon using clouds of gravitons as refueling station




Gravity and glow from early universe

In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered microwave that was same in whatever direction the microwave detector was pointed out. It was same through out the year. The detected microwave was assumed to be a glow from early universe. This book suggests some other possible explanations for existence of such microwave. The earth has a special place in the universe Let’s assume a spherical space with very large radius which has our earth at its center. The boundary of this spherical space has very large number of same kind of uniformly distributed stars. Photons emitted by these star reach our earth. With this kind of universe structure, microwave antenna should be able to detect microwaves regardless of the direction it is pointed out. Our universe is enclosed in a container with mirror like inner surface Let’s assume a spherical container which has mirror like inner surface and contains our universe. Photons from cosmological bodies cannot escape this container as they always get reflected from mirror like inner surface of the container. This kind of structure can help universe function without photons being wasted in traveling infinite space where there is no matter which needs interaction with these photons. The earth in such container can receive photons from all directions. However, photons received on the earth will not be same in all directions unless; • Inner walls of the above spherical container act like photon energizer. Photons from different cosmological bodies that reach the inner wall of container are energized to a fixed level of frequency and then reflected back into the space within the container. • The earth or our solar system exists at almost the center of this container. The earth is traveling at a speed larger than c Let’s assume that the detected microwave is really a glow from early universe and creation of universe started from a specific space and time coordinate. If after the Big Bang, both light and origin of matter forming our earth started travel in the same direction from this specific space and time coordinate, then (2.9) dEarth = dGlow = vEarth t = vGlow t where dEarth : Distance traveled by the earth since the Big Bang



dGlow : Distance traveled by the glow since the Big Bang vEarth : Velocity with which the earth traveled since the Big Bang vGlow : Velocity with which the early glow traveled since the Big Bang t : Time since the Big Bang As modern physics assumes that light’s speed is constant, Equation 2.9 can be satisfied only in case when average speed of the earth and the glow (light) has been exactly same since the time of universe creation. If glow from early universe is arriving on the earth now, it means that the earth and the glow are in close race, where sometimes glow travels faster than the earth and sometimes the earth travels faster than the glow. It also means that even now our earth is traveling toward a specific target with at least speed of light. Any such explanation negates two follow important rules which form the basis of modern physics: • Speed of light is constant • Mass cannot travel faster than light The other possibility is that the Big Bang happened at the point where our earth exists now and since then the early glow from the universe remained attached to our earth. Cosmological bodies are energy hub Cosmological body (the earth) receives energy within a specific frequency range (microwave). It is also known that cosmological bodies (stars) have unique spectrum. Based on these two facts, it can be suggested that cosmological body is an energy transformer which changes received energy to new frequency and then distributes it to different points in the universe. It indicates the possibility that cosmological bodies in our universe play a specific energy transmission role while being part of a very huge energy distribution network. Photons need gravitons concentrated in matter for their survival The possible mechanism, due to which glow from early universe can be still detected on the earth can be due to existence of some kind of bond (relationship) between light and matter (cloud of gravitons). Due to this bond light (glow) needed to remain in vicinity of matter (the earth). In this scenario, glow from early universe and the origin of matter forming our earth started travel in the same direction at the same time. The earth traveled at a speed less than the speed of light while glow kept attached to the earth while traveling in vicinity of the earth at the speed of 3 ∗ 108 meters. Microwave detector can detect microwave regardless of direction it is pointed out, as even now significant quantity of this glow is moving in vicinity of around this earth due to some kind of bond (relationship) between light and matter.




Energy needs of cosmological bodies

The gravitational constant which forms the basis of Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation is not constant on different locations on the earth. Different locations on the earth have different value of Gravitational Constant, casting doubt that the current gravitational mathematical relationship can be applied to the whole universe in its current form. Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation has two main concepts: • Smaller mass orbits around larger mass. • Force making the smaller body rotate around the larger body reduces when distance between smaller and larger cosmological bodies increase. This book suggests that our universe is too complex to be described by a simple Gravitational Constant. Let’s evaluate the validity of the mathematical relationship proposed by Newton. Let’s assume that there are two types of object A and B with characteristics: Mass of an object OA of type A = m Mass of an object OB of type B = m/p p = An integer value Distance between the centers of object OA and object OB = r OA attracts Ob toward itself, or in other words, OA releases gravitational waves (the group of particles known as gravitons) toward OB . The extent of the force F released by OA is given as: F =

Gm2 =k pr2


where G: Gravitational constant Let’s assume another object OC with the same mass as OB is brought in proximity to OA at the distance r. Now the total energy released by the OA is given as: F = 2k (2.11) When n number of bodies are brought in proximity to OA at distance r, the total energy released by is OA given as: F = nk


n→∞⇒F →∞


In the case, n approaches infinites, F becomes infinite too. The relationship means a limited amount of mass in our galaxy can release infinite amount of



energy, which is against the basic understanding of modern physics. Figure 2.12 illustrates this concept. It is interested to know how cosmological bodies gain energy they need to perform their tasks. In the subsequent sub sections, the energy contained in sun and the earth is discussed.


Energy needs of sun

It is believed that gravitational force by sun is responsible for rotation of the earth around it. The earth is assumed to be 4.5 billion years old. Let’s calculate whether sun posses enough energy to be able to rotate the earth continuously around itself for 4.5 billion years. To calculate the energy sun can contain, following generally accepted values are used: Mass of the earth mEarth = 6 × 1024 kg Mass of sun mSun = 2 × 1030 kg Radius of the earth rEarth = 6.4 × 106 m Radius of sun rSun = 1.7 × 106 m Mean radius of the earth’s orbit REarth = 1.5 × 1011 m Assuming that there is no other cosmological body rotating around the sun except the earth, then the distance (meters) sun is able to move the earth is given by: mSun dSun,Earth = 9 × 1016 = 3 × 1022 m (2.14) mEarth Number of rotations the earth has made around the sun since its birth (4.5 billion years) is equal to: nEarth = 4.5 × 109


Total distance traveled by the earth so far is given by: dEarth = 2πREarth × 4.5 × 109 = 4.24 × 1021 m


These calculations show that the sun has consumed significant part of energy it can contains in rotating the earth around its orbit during the last 4.5 billion years. According to this book, it is clear that the earth can travel only 9 × 1016 meters by using all the energy it contains. This distance is much less than the distance already the earth has traveled. The solar system consists of nine follow planets: • Mercury • Venus



Figure 2.12: Mass as limited source of energy



• The earth • Mars • Jupiter • Saturn • Uranus • Neptune • Pluto Now, let’s pay attention to Jupiter and see whether sun has enough energy to be able to rotate other planets like Jupiter. The distance sun can move Jupiter by using all the energy it can contains is given by: dSun,Jupiter = 9 × 1016

mSun = 9.47 × 1019 mJupiter


mJupiter : 317.8 times of the earth’s mass. Assuming that Jupiter and the earth both came into being 4.5 billion years ago at the same time, then the number of rotations Jupiter has made around the sun are given as: nJupiter =

4.5 × 109 = 3.79 × 108 11.86


Assuming that Jupiter is rotating in a circle, the total distance Jupiter has traveled since it came into existence 4.5 billion years ago is given by: dJupiter = 2πRJupiter n = 1.85 × 1021


where RJupiter : Orbital radius of Jupiter which is 5.20 AU 1 Astronomical Unit (AU): 1.5 × 1011 meters From the calculations, it is obvious that the sun does not contain enough energy to rotate Jupiter around it for 4.5 billion years even when it uses all the energy it can contain. According to this book, Jupiter should not be able to travel more than 9 × 1016 meters by using all energy it contains. This distance is much less than the distance Jupiter already has traveled.




Energy needs of moon

The distance the earth is capable of rotating moon around is given by: dEarth,M oon = 9 × 1016

mEarth = 7.7 × 1018 mM oon


where Mass of the earth mEarth = 6 × 1024 kg Mass of moon mM oon = 7 × 1022 kg Assuming that the moon came into existence 4.5 billion years ago at the same time as the earth. The number of rotations moon has made around the earth is given as: nM oon =

4.5 × 109 × 365 = 6.0 × 1010 27


The total distance traveled by the moon since its existence 4.5 billion years is given as: dM oon = 2πRM oon nM oon = 1.5 × 1020 m (2.22) here, Radius of Moon’s orbit around the earth RM oon = 4 × 108 m It is obvious that even when the earth uses all the energy it can contain, it is not possible for the earth to rotate the moon around its orbit for 4.5 billion years.




Energy needs of atom

It is evident from the examples of cosmological bodies that they do not contain enough energy to perform their current tasks. Let’s investigate whether or not proton contains enough energy to able to rotate electron around its orbit. Here, let’s assume that the earth which contains this atom itself is not in motion. Hydrogen is the simplest element consisting of only one proton and one electron. It is thought that hydrogen atom was formed 700000 years after the Big Bang. The Big Bang is thought to have occurred 15 Billion years ago. For simplification purpose, the life of the hydrogen atom is assumed to 15 billion years here. The total distance electron can travel using energy contained in the proton is given as: dP roton,Electron = 9 × 1016

mP roton = 1.68 × 1020 m mElectron


where Mass of electron mElectron = 9.1 × 10−31 kg Mass of proton mP roton = 1.7 × 10−27 kg No one ever has been able to directly observe the time an electron spends in making one rotation around the proton. This work reverse calculates the distance, electron would have traveled in last 15 billion years if all of the energy proton can contains is used rotating electron. Here, the energy electron uses to spin around its own axis is ignored. The distance electron has so far traveled average in one second is given as: dElectron =

dP roton,Electron = 355.15m/sec 15 × 109 × 365 × 24 × 3600


The above calculations exclude the energy, proton uses to bind to other protons in the matter. A object traveling at 355.15 m/sec can be easily observed. Based on the calculated values, it can be claimed that the proton may not be capable of rotating electron around its orbit for 15 billion years, even when if it uses all the energy it can contain.




Flow of gravity in the universe

In the case of cosmological bodies, it is evident that they do not contain enough energy to perform the task, they had been performing for a very long time. • The earth is incapable of rotating moon using all the energy it can contain. • The sun is incapable of rotating planets around it using all energy it can contain. Releasing major part of energy from any object can make it useless. Let’s see how cosmological bodies can meet their energy needs. • Moon does not contain enough energy of its own which can enable it to rotate around the earth. The nearest possible channel of energy can be the planet (the earth) around which it is rotating. In other words, the planet (the earth) channels energy to the moon which enables the moon to keep on traveling in an orbit around the planet (the earth). The other possibility is that moon gets energy from the sun and reflects it toward different parts of the earth while rotating around the earth. Here, only first possibility is considered. • The planet (the earth) itself is rotating around the star (sun). The planet (the earth) itself has not enough energy , which could have enabled it keep on rotating around the star (sun). At the same time, the planet (the earth) also becomes path of energy flow to the moon. To be able to travel around the star (sun) and rotate moon in orbits, requires the supply of external energy. The star (sun) around which the planet (the earth) rotates can be path of the flow of this energy. • Sun (star) is moving in an orbit around another star. Sun (star) needs energy for its own movement around another star and also for rotating planets around itself. The center of galaxy can be the path of flow of this energy. • Let’s assume galaxies are moving on specific paths. Galaxies need energy to supply to stars it contain and also for movement of galaxies on specific paths. Galaxies need supply of energy from specific point in the universe. From the above observations, it can be concluded that:



• There is a very powerful flow of energy coming from some specific point in the universe. • The cosmological bodies acts as reflectors of this energy to other smaller bodies. In other words, there exists a huge infrastructure of energy supply to the universe, using cosmological bodies as energy reflectors/channels. It has been observed that: • Cosmological bodies are made of matter. Matter is a container of energy. • From energy point of view, the matter is a consumer of energy and at the same time matter is a path through which energy passes on its way to its destination. Matter is like a vehicle which is without fuel. To be able to move or function, it needs fuel from outside. • The universe to be able to function, there is a need a source which contain very massive quantity of energy. This source supplies energy to mass. At the time of universe creation, this source was at the maximum level of energy. With the passage of time, the energy this source is supplying to the universe is dropping. At a certain point in future, the universe will be without energy to be able to function. • As energy supply drops, everything in the universe becomes slower including the speed of photons. Figure 2.13 and Figure 2.14 shows how the cosmological bodies can act as a distributor of photons/gravitons. Figure 2.14 also shows two flow of gravitons/photons toward moon. First flow is from the earth which moon uses for moving around the earth and the other flow of gravitons/photons is from sun, which moon diverts toward the earth. In other words, moon is an energy reflector from sun toward the earth. Moon gets energy from the earth for rotating around the earth and while rotating around the earth distribute gravitons/photons from sun toward different parts of the earth. Figure 2.15 shows how atom acts like an energy hub.



Figure 2.13: Gravitons/photons distribution to galaxies


Figure 2.14: Gravitons travel paths within galaxy




Figure 2.15: Atom as an energy hub




Gravity and characteristics of orbits/spin

This book suggests: • Moving in orbits can help smaller objects reflect gravitons/photons to different parts of the larger object. Moving in orbits can also help smaller object gravitons/photons from larger objects. • Rotation of a smaller object can help smaller object gain gravitons/photons from different parts of the larger object. • The radius of the orbit depends upon the energy needs of the smaller and larger object. Object which needs larger quantity of energy, remains near the larger body to capture more gravitons/photons. The body which does not need much energy remains at a larger distance. Similarly when smaller object is acting as a reflector of energy toward larger body, the distance between the larger and smaller body depend on the energy need of the larger body. • Shape of the orbit depends upon the energy need of the object as illustrated in Figure 2.16. Round Orbit Objects which consume gravitons quickly need to remain at a constant distance from the larger mass. This leads to a smaller object rotating around a larger mass in circle. Eclipse Orbit Objects which have some good capacity to store additional gravitons are able to move larger distance away from the larger mass. These objects store energy and travel far away. When they have used major part of their stored energy, they come back near the larger body to refill gravitons. It leads to an orbit in eclipse shape. • Angle of inclination of the orbit around the larger mass also depends upon the energy needs of the smaller objects. The gravitational constant G is not constant on all points of the earth. It may lead to the conclusion that the density of gravitons/photons that are released from the surface of the earth is not constant at all points of the surface. The orbit at an inclined path may be helping capture gravitons according to needs of an object. The earth rotates around its own axis and similarly particles like electron also spin around their own axis. The particles are classified according the direction of spin and the extent of spin using number like 0, 1 and 2. This work suggests that:


CHAPTER 2. WHAT IS GRAVITY? • Spin helps particle capture gravitons on all sides the surface of the object. • As illustrated in Figure 2.17 the area A receives and stores the gravitons/photons when it is directly facing the larger body. With the spin of the object area A, it moves toward opposite side and consumes the gravitons/photons stored. Spin rotation around own axis helps all areas of the object gain gravitons/photons. • The speed of the spin depends upon how fast the received gravitons/photons are consumed. The objects which consume gravitons/photons very quickly and do not have larger graviton storage spin quickly. The objects which consume gravitons slowly and/or do have a good graviton storage capacity, spins slowly. • The direction of the spin (clockwise or anti clockwise) need not to be of very significance as rotating in clockwise or anti-clockwise both can help meet the gravitons/photons demands of the object. The direction of the spin depends upon the initial conditions when objects started its spin. • The objects which does not spin around own axis while rotating along a larger mass, can be described as objects which have a well developed gravitons/photons distribution system within themselves. Only one surface of the object receives gravitons/photons and gravitons/photons get distributed well throughout the inner of the object without need to have opposite sides directly getting exposed to gravitons/photons from larger body.


Figure 2.16: Shape of orbit depending on energy needs




Figure 2.17: Rotation around own axis




Gravity and Pauli’s Exclusion Principle

Pauli’s Exclusion Principle says that there can be no two electron in the same orbit with the exactly same state. However, there are some situations where Pauli’s Exclusion Principle does not seems to be useful, such as in case: • Assume, there are two smaller object A and B, which are rotating around object C. • Object A and B are both made of uniform density matter and consume only one type of field particle in equal quantity. • Object C has a supply of type of field particle which both, object A and object B consume. • In case, C has sufficient supply of field particle which can meet the energy demand of both A and B, A and B can exist in the same orbit while spinning around their own axis in the same direction (clockwise or anticlockwise). However, there are cases in which Pauli’s Exclusion Principle seems useful. The top part of Figure 2.18 illustrates a case, in which the smaller body (electron) is rotating around a larger body (nucleus). • The electron has two sides A and B with equal surface area ae . • Side A and B of the smaller body has different roles. • Side A and side B requires different types of field particles or the same type of field particles in different quantity to perform their roles. The bottom part of Figure 2.18 shows: • Two electrons in an orbit spinning around their own axis in two different directions. One electron spins in clockwise direction, while the other electron spins in anti-clockwise. • Lift hand side figure shows the case, when side A of both electrons is facing the same direction, while right hand side shows a situation when the side of each electron is in opposite direction to each other. The important features of such arrangement are:



Case 1 When both electrons face A is facing the same direction (bottom left side of the Figure 2.18) while they are spinning around their own axis, both electrons are able to capture gravitons using all parts of the surface A. Maximum area that gets directly get exposed at any instance during one spin is equal to 2ae . Case 2 When both electrons face A is facing opposite directions (bottom right side of the Figure 2.18) while they are spinning around their own axis, the maximum total area from both electron that directly gets exposed to the larger mass is equal to ae . Pauli’s Exclusion Principle can be useful for electrons only in situations such as : • In case 2, when the larger mass is able to pass field particles that can meet field particles requirement of only one electrons at any instance. By coordinating the the angle of spin of surfaces A (for example, two electrons place their surface A in complete opposite directions and rotates in opposite directions at the same rate), the both electrons are able to meet their field particles requirements. • In case 2, where - Larger body emits two different types of field particles gY and gZ meeting field particles requirements of area A and area B, respectively. - The gravitons gY and gZ are emitted during the same interval t. - The supply of field particles gY and gZ is not sufficient enough to meet all the requirements of 2 electrons during the interval t. - By coordinating the angle of spin of surfaces A (for example, two electrons place their surface A in complete opposite directions and start rotating in opposite directions at the same rate), the both electrons are able to meet their energy requirement. • The above discussion indicates that there is a limited supply of energy and objects/particles need to act in a coordinate manner to meet their energy needs.


Figure 2.18: Spin in opposite direction





Experiments to confirm gravity and light link

It can be easily confirmed with experiment that photon carries gravitons or in other words, gravity is the basic functional block of light. • During the day time, a certain point on the earth gets direct sunlight. If these photons from sun really carry gravitons with them, there should be a higher concentration of gravitons on the surface of the earth during the day time. Thus, the earth’s surface should show higher gravity during the day time. • During the night time, a certain point on the earth do not get direct sunlight. If photons from sun really carry gravitons with them, there should be less concentration of gravitons on the surface of the earth during the night time. Thus, the earth’s surface should show lower gravity during the night time. • Falling photon or falling object experiment should show different results in day and night time if photons from sun really carry gravitons with them. In case of falling photon, falling photon can show different speed and/or frequency during day and night. In case of falling object, different results can be in the form of different kinetic energy that falling object transfers. Objects might have different falling speed during day and night time. • Falling photon experiment can be done in open desert where there is very less chances of interference from external magnetic fields. • Falling photon experiment can be carried out throughout the year to see impact of weather on gravity. The sea level rises during the night time. The rise in the level of sea is contributed to gravity from moon. However, sea level rise can also be due the earth exerting less gravity on sea water during night time. If above experiment shows different behavior of photon during day and night, it can be claimed that objects are lighter during the night due to reduction in concentration of gravitons on the surface of the earth.




Confirming the flow of gravity

According to this book, there is a very well coordinated energy chain in the universe: • A source somewhere in the universe, is the main source of gravitons to the universe. • These gravitons gets disturbed in the universe through a very coordinated way. • Photon carries these gravitons and deliver them to objects which need them as a source of energy. This energy chain can be experimentally confirmed. A mechanical system should slow down when it is placed in darkness. Figure 2.19 shows an example of experiment. Any motor placed in complete darkness should show a different behavior compared to the system which is not placed in the darkness.


Overcoming the gravity

It has been observed in the previous sections that: • The mass needs supply of energy to be able to function as a mass. • Gravity is a mechanism which helps mass capture energy it needs for its survival. • There is a type of energy bond between objects. For example, we have a energy bond with the earth on which we live. To overcome earth’s gravity: • We need to break the energy bond between us and the earth. • After breaking this energy bond, we need to switch ourself to another flow of energy to meet our energy needs. We need huge force to be able to break our energy bond with the earth,. The powerful rocket engines are the only feasible way to escape from the earth’s gravity.



Figure 2.19: Mechanical system in complete darkness

Chapter 3 Primitive building techniques This chapter explores different ways to build pyramids using primitive building techniques.


The source of energy available to the rulers of the Ancient Egypt

It has been observed in Chapter 2, that it is not feasible to overcome gravity without using powerful source of energy. Thus, we also need a powerful source of energy to be able to lift/move heavy stones. In the era of the Ancient Egypt, the only sources of energy to lift/move heavy stones were: • Human • Animals In the preceding sections, it will be investigated how heavy stones can be moved using primitive engineering techniques which do not require powerful source of mechanical engineering.


Baking bricks on the height

A powerful source of energy is not required if the stones used in building pyramids are actually baked bricks. Bricks can be baked at the top level of the pyramid in construction as illustrated in Figure 3.1. Building material for each brick can be moved to the top level of the pyramid in construction in multiple trips. It eliminates the need of a powerful source of energy which is required to move one big heavy baked brick from the ground to the top level of the pyramid in construction. 45


CHAPTER 3. PRIMITIVE BUILDING TECHNIQUES • The top level of the pyramid in construction has at least one brick baking oven. • The material used in making bricks is moved to the top level of the pyramid from the ground level. Human or a trolley as shown in Figure 3.2 can be used to move material used in baking bricks. • The brick baking oven can be moved to the next level when one level of construction of the pyramid is complete, . • Fuel for the brick baking oven can be also moved in the same way as the building material is moved from the ground level to the top level of the pyramid in construction.

The trolley as shown in Figure 3.2 consists of : • A box fixed to the top of the trolley to accommodate building material. • Four wheels to make it easy to move. • Holders to attach the ropes used for pulling the trolley. One side of the pyramid has a slope. • This slope for moving trolley is extending from the ground to the level of the pyramid in construction. • The slope is extended one level further when the construction of one level is complete. • The slope build on the side of the pyramid is removed when the construction of the pyramid is complete. There are pulleys to pull the trolley to the level of the pyramid that is under construction. Construction workers who stand on the level of the pyramid that is under construction, can pull the ropes attached to the trolley. In case no trolley is used, stairs can be used by construction workers to move the construction material from the ground level to the top level. In case stairs are used for moving material, there is no need for construction workers to climb from the ground level to the top level carrying the construction material. A construction worker can stand on every step of the stair. He gets the bucket with the construction material from the worker on one step below and pass the bucket to the worker on one step above.


Figure 3.1: Baking at the top of the pyramid




Figure 3.2: Trolley used for moving heavy material



Cement is a commonly used as solidification agent. Figure 3.3 compares two processes of making bricks: • Making bricks by using cement as a solidification agent. • Making bricks by baking clay. There are four basic steps which are common on both of the above two processes. • Mix the raw material • Heat the mixed raw material • Add water • Place the material in a molding case The only difference among the above two processes is the order of the steps performed in the process of baking bricks. The structure of the pyramid may give some clues to help us distinguish the type of building blocks used. There can be two types of building blocks: • Bricks made of natural rocks. • Bricks made from baked clay. It is thought the pyramids are observatories which were later used as tombs. There is no evidence that the rulers of the Ancient Egypt have follow two core technologies to be able to build a advance functional observatory: • The technology to produce telescopes. • The technology to measure the distance to the stars. Under the absence of above two technologies, the best way to reduce the distance to the sky (space) is to build a tall building and go to the top of this building to observe the sky (space). The distance to stars from the earth is almost same when we observe sky (space) from the ground or when we observe sky (space) from the top of a tall building. In the absence of big and strong steel rods, there is need to arrange bricks in the form of a tall building. Figure 3.4 illustrates a tall building whose top level can be used for observing sky (space). • The building has a strong foundation so that the structure does not collapse under its own weight.


CHAPTER 3. PRIMITIVE BUILDING TECHNIQUES • The side walls are made of bricks. • The building has many levels and one can move from one level to another level using stairs. There is some flat space on each level so that the ruler could rest on their way to the top of the tall building. • The roof of each level is also made of some solid material. The roof may need to be supported by pillars. • The bricks used in building roofs need to be of large size, so that there is enough space on each level.

Below are the core requirements that need to be satisfied by the bricks if we want to construct a tall building. • A large number of blocks/bricks are required to build the side walls of the tall building. • Each blocks/bricks should be of precise size so that we could have a stable structure of the building. • Each block/bricks need to be strong. • The block/brick used in building roof need to be of large size. Furthermore, such tall building need to satisfy follow requirements. • There is a need of strong cement which could be used to join blocks/bricks to build side walls. • The building need to have a strong foundation. The rulers of the Ancient Egypt did not have some core technologies, the modern society is using to build tall buildings. • In case, the Ancient Egypt has good metallurgy know-how, the rulers of the Ancient Egypt could erect a tall steel structure and attach walls, floors and stairs to this tall steel structure. • The rulers could have also lifts to move them to higher levels without using stairs if they have a powerful mechanical source, such as a powerful electric motor. It could also help old age royals to move to the top level of the observatory without using stairs.


Figure 3.3: Process of making bricks




Figure 3.4: Construction of a tall building for use as an observatory



Bricks made of natural rocks are strong but it is not easy to build a tall building with them as: • It is difficult to collect large number of natural rocks. • It is not easy to cut the natural rocks in the exact same size. • It is not easy to collect rocks of large size. We do not face the above identified issues when we use bricks made from baked clay. However, the bricks made of baked clay are not very strong. This issue can be resolved by building a pyramid style tall building as illustrated in Figure 3.5: • The outer walls of the pyramid are made of baked clay bricks. The baked clay bricks are not very strong. • The outer wall enclose small sized natural rocks. The natural rocks are very strong and able to sustain heavy weights. • Each level of the pyramid is smaller in size compared to the next lower level of the pyramid. Each external wall rests on natural rocks and baked clay bricks forming the external wall of the lower level. It allows weight from the top divide into pressure on baked clay bricks and pressure on the natural rocks. Figure 3.5 illustrates the cross section of the pyramid. • On the top of the pyramid is a hall used by the rulers of the Ancient Egypt to observe the sky. The open hall is expected to be without a glass roof as the Ancient Egypt did not have the technology to build strong large sizes glass sheets which could be used as the roof. • A passage runs along the external walls of the pyramid. • The external walls, the roof and the ceiling of the passage are made of large flat pieces of some construction material. These large flat pieces of material are made of some light material such as wood. • The passage leading to the open hall on the top of the pyramid does not exist any more. It is expected that when the role of the pyramids finished, the light material which formed the passage leading to the top of the pyramid was replaced by the baked clay bricks. The baked clay bricks were made on spot, where the passage was used to move the building material.



Figure 3.7 illustrates the top view of the pyramid for the purpose of showing how a person can move from one level to another. Stairs or slopes between levels can be used to move from one level to another. It is convenient to use slopes when pushing trolleys with heavy building materials. The pyramid can have both stairs and slopes.

Figure 3.5: Cross section of the pyramid 1


Figure 3.6: Cross section of the pyramid 2




Figure 3.7: Internal structure of the pyramid




Assembling bricks at a height

A powerful source of energy is required to move heavy bricks from the ground to a height. However, a powerful source of energy is not needed when: • Small pieces which can be joined together to form a large size brick, are made on the ground level • These small pieces are moved to a height. • These small pieces are assembled into a large size brick at the top level of the pyramid in construction. Figure 3.8 illustrates one such example. A large size brick is assembled by using two types of smaller bricks. • Brick of type A has a long slot. Several bricks of type A are placed on top of one another. • Brick of type B is without a slot. Brick of type B fits the slot of the brick of type A. In case of baked bricks, large number of bricks with precise dimensions can be baked. By frictionally engaging bricks of type B with bricks of of type A, large size bricks can be assembled on the spot. Figure 3.9 illustrates another example of a large size brick, which is made of smaller parts. The large sized brick is assembled using: • A hollow box shaped brick with a bottom and an open top side. • A flat brick which is used to cover the hollow box. • Slabs (thin bricks) which fit into the hollow box. • Pebbles to fill in the empty space after the hollow box is filled with the slabs (thin bricks). Figure 3.10 illustrates another type of large size brick, which is assembled on the spot. • On ground level, very solid shaped bricks (slabs) are baked. • These solid slab shaped bricks are moved to the top level of the pyramid under construction. • At the top level of the pyramid, the slabs are joined with clay and baked again. This method helps strong bricks get baked quickly as there is no need to have all the material baked.



Figure 3.8: Assembling larger brick with small pieces 1


Figure 3.9: Assembling larger brick with small pieces 2




Figure 3.10: Assembling larger brick with small pieces 3




Using water to lift heavy bricks

Modern ship building industry assembles ships in the shipyard. Once the task of building a ship is complete, the shipyard is filled with water. The water raises the ship from the ground and the ship is moved into sea water very easily. The similar technique can be used to build pyramids. Figure 3.11 illustrates an architecture of pyramid yard. • Boats are moved and placed into a dry ground surface. • Heavy bricks are placed on these boats. Only limited number of the heavy bricks need to be placed on the boats. The interior of the pyramid is to be filled with small size natural stones which can be moved to height easily. • Pyramid yard is formed by erecting water proof walls around the area where boats with heavy bricks are placed. • Ground level of the pyramid is constructed. When one level is complete, the water is added to the pyramid yard to raise the level of the boats. The heavy bricks can also be easily moved within the pyramid yard as they are placed on the boats. • Once the construction of the pyramid is complete, the water is removed from the pyramid yard and surrounding walls are removed. Figure 3.12 illustrates how a valley can be used as a pyramid yard. • Boats and the construction material is moved into the valley. • The entrance to the valley is blocked. • The valley is filled with the specific quantity of water when there is a need to raise the level of the bricks. Figure 3.13 illustrates how a sandhill can be dig to be used as a pyramid yard. Figure 3.14 is a side view of a sandhill being used as a pyramid yard. It is interesting to observe that may discovered pyramids in Egypt are buried in sand. Figure 3.15 illustrate how a small water tank can be used to raise the level of a heavy brick. • Small water proof walls are erected around the three dimensional space which contains both existing and the desired bottom position of the heavy brick.


CHAPTER 3. PRIMITIVE BUILDING TECHNIQUES • This three dimensional space is filled with water to raise the position of the boat on which the heavy brick is placed. • Once the heavy brick is moved to the new position, the water proof walls are removed.

This method can be a smart way of saving water in the desert, as water is a precious resource in the desert.

Figure 3.11: Using boats to lift heavy bricks


Figure 3.12: Using valley to store water to lift heavy bricks




Figure 3.13: Using sand hills to store water to lift heavy bricks


Figure 3.14: Side view of a sand hill used to build pyramids




Figure 3.15: Using small water tank to raise heavy bricks




Using animals to move heavy bricks

Gravity can be used to position heavy bricks to a desired level. Figure 3.16 illustrates how gravity can be used to move heavy bricks to the desired level. • The construction site of the pyramid is near a cliff. The cliff can be natural or man made. The cliff has a paved path to move heavy bricks to the edge of the cliff. • The heavy bricks are dropped on the sand from the edge of the cliff. The sand on which the heavy bricks fall, acts like a cushion. • Once one level of pyramid is completed, the level of the sand is raised. • Once the construction of the pyramid is complete, the cliff and the sand is removed from the vicinity of the constructed pyramid. Figure 3.17 illustrates another way of moving heavy bricks. • A paved path which is not very steep is used to move the heavy bricks. • Animals pull the carts which contains the heavy bricks and other heavy construction material. • The heavy bricks are off loaded from the carts at the top end of the paved path. • Another paved path is used to lower down the heavy bricks by using gravity. • Sand at the bottom of the steep slope acts like a cushion. • Once one level of pyramid is completed, the level of the sand is raised. • Once the construction of the pyramid is complete, the paved path and the sand is removed from the vicinity of the constructed pyramid. Figure 3.18 illustrates how animals can be used to move heavy bricks to the desired position. Animals at the ground level pull the ropes which pull the trolley upward along the slope built on the side of the pyramid. Figure 3.16, Figure 3.18 and Figure 3.17 illustrate that animals and/or gravity can be effectively used to move heavy bricks to the desired level.



Figure 3.16: Using gravity to move heavy bricks to the desired level


Figure 3.17: Using animals to move heavy bricks




Figure 3.18: Using animals to move heavy bricks




Using hot air balloons

Heavy bricks can be lifted to desired heights by using hot balloons. Building hot balloons need follow technologies. • Large size strong cloth • Source of heat • Rope The Ancient Egypt has the ability to manufacture large size strong cloths as they had the ability to build sailing boats. The Ancient Egypt also had a strong source of heat as they purified gold and made gold jewelry. Figure 3.19 illustrates how hot balloons can be used to lift heavy bricks. Ropes are attached to the hot air balloon to control the position and height of the hot balloon.


Using wood

Wood swells when it absorbs water. This characteristics of the wood can be used to raise the position of a heavy brick. Figure 3.20 illustrates a method of raising the position of a heavy brick using dry wood and water. Dripping water on the dry wood makes the wood swollen, which raises the heavy brick as shown in stage 1 and stage 2. At stage 3, swollen wood is replaced with another dry piece of wood which absorbs water. The process can be repeated until the heavy brick has attained the desired height.



Figure 3.19: Using balloons to move heavy bricks


Figure 3.20: Using dry wood to raise a heavy bricks




Chapter 4 Summary This book investigates different primitive methods that can be used to build large pyramids without using any modern technology. This book concludes that: • Pyramid can be built without requiring powerful source of mechanical energy. So there existed no nuclear engineering or arrival of aliens from outer space to help build the pyramid in the era of the Ancient Egypt. • The inner of the pyramid is simply rubbles. • The structure of the pyramid indicates the possibility that the the big stones used in building the pyramids are actually baked bricks. • The architect of the pyramid was most probably very considerate toward the workers’ welfare. The architect preferred using different engineering methods rather than using labor for lifting the heavy stones to certain heights. • Modifications were made to the pyramids after their role as observatories finished.




Relevant literature THE SPACE TRAVEL OF THE PHARAOH by AJMAL BEG ISBN: 978-0-9864740-0-2 This book extends the concepts described in BUILDING PYRAMIDS USING PRIMITIVE TECHNOLOGY and gives clues about centuries old mysteries about the Ancient Egypt. • Why were Pyramids built? • Why were pictures used for writing? • Why the Ancient Egypt lost its military power? • Why the rulers of the Ancient Egypt lost control on civil government affairs? • What convinced the people to accept the Pharaoh as ruler? • How Pharaohs shut out philosophies which challenged their rule? • Why magic was preferred our science? • Did alien really visit the rulers from other planets? • Why are there symbols resembling flying vehicles? • Why the concept of aliens existed? • Why ordinary people believed in the aliens? • What was the purpose of mummification? • Why mummies were hidden in chambers? • Who stole the treasures?

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