Bugzilla Installation Guide 1218534521362869 9

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  • Pages: 47
Bugzilla Installation Guide

Installing Bugzilla From the TarBall Download the Bugzilla from: http://bugzilla.org/download.html (1.2 Meg). Bugzilla ships as a Tarball, which has the extension .tar.gz. Any decent Windows archive tool should be able to extract tarballs.

Extract the archive to the directory of your choice. For the remainder of this document I will assume that you have extracted Bugzilla into C:\Bugzilla.

Created by Usha Kannappan

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

MySQL Download MySQL Download the MySQL "Windows Essentials" installer from: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ (15.9 Meg).

Install MySQL has a standard Windows installer. It's ok to select a Typical MySQL install (the default).

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Download the latest version of mysql into your system. Click the exe file, it will start the installation procedure. Step 1: Click the mysql.exe(Installer), it will start the windows installer

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 2: click next button in the setup wizard for mysql

Step 3: choose typical and click next. This will install the mysql in the default directory

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 4: Suppose if you want the mysql to be install in specific directory , then choose custom and give the path in the next screen

Step 5:

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 6: Specify the path to install

Step 7: Continue

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 8: Click the install button to proceed for installation

Step 9: Installation Status

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 10: Click the skip sign up account

Step 11: Installation is finished. Inorder to configure for mysql server click the checkbox button and proceed further.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Step 12: click the next button

Step 13: click the detailed configuration

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 14: click the Developer Machine

Step 15: Click next to proceed

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 16: click the Decision Support (DSS/OLAP) (Default )

Step 17: Choose the port for mysql and click the next button

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 18: Click standard character set and click next button

Step 19: Choose the service name and click next button

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 20: Give root password for mysql ( for ex: I gave root as the password)

Step 21: The wizard will check whether mysql configured properly and services is running or not.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 22: Click finish and mysql is installed successfully

Create Bugs Database and User: Use the mysql command line utility to create the Bugzilla database and a MySQL account for Bugzilla. Note in the following example 'sockmonkey' is my password for the bugs account:

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Bugzilla Installation Guide If you are running MySQL 4.1 or higher, you may encounter the Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server error message. To fix this, once the user has been created you will have to reset the password using OLD_PASSWORD:

ActiveState Perl Download ActiveState Perl 5.8.1 or Higher Download the ActiveState Perl 5.8.1 or Higher MSI from: Click the following link & download the Active Perl for windows: http://downloads.activestate.com/ActivePerl/Windows/5.8/

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Install ActiveState Perl uses a standard Windows Installer. Install, sticking with the defaults, which will install Perl into C:\Perl. Note: Installing Perl into a directory that contains a space (eg "C:\Program Files") will break the Template-Toolkit installer. Once the intsall has completed, log out and log in again to pick up the changes to the PATH

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 1:. Click the Active perl exe, and it will start the installation. Click next to proceed

Step 2: Accept the license agreement

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Step 3: Choose a directory for Active Perl

Step 4: Click the Install button to proceed for installation

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 5: Installation Status

Step 6: Click finish, the active perl is installed successfully

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Upgrading Existing Installs If you already have ActiveState Perl installed, now's a good time to ensure you're running the latest version of ActiveState Perl, along with the latest versions of the modules. To upgrade ActiveState Perl, follow the directions at: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/ActivePerl/install.html To upgrade your modules, simply run ppm upgrade

Create Temp Directory On Windows, Perl has a hard time of locating the correct directory to write its temporary files (CGI.pm, File::Spec). Basically it has a list of paths hard coded to use, instead of querying Windows for the correct path. To avoid problems, create the C:\Temp directory (it has to be on drive C) and ensure SYSTEM has write and modify access. Install Modules Bugzilla requires a number of perl modules to be installed, all of which are available at http://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppm/. If you use a proxy server or a firewall you may have trouble running PPM. This is covered in the ActivePerl FAQ. The Net::LDAP module is only required if you want to use Active Directory for authentication. Sometimes it is difficult to download the Bugzilla bundle through command prompt. So click the following link http://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppm/ You can see the “bugzilla-bundle.zip” at the end .Download the bugzillabundle.zip. Unzip the bundle and put it in some folder. Then unzip the bundle in “D:\bugzilla-bundle”.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

In commond Prompt: Type “ppm path of the Perl Modules perlmodule.ppd (For Ex: ppm D:\bugzillabundle\AppConfig.ppd )

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

PatchReader 0.9.4 Make sure the version of PatchReader that is installed is 0.9.4 or higher. If you end up with an older version, uninstall the ppm and install the ppm from http://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppm/PatchReader.ppd.

Apache It is recommended that you run Bugzilla with the Apache web server. If you want to use IIS to run Bugzilla, there are configuration instructions in the Bugzilla documentation.

Download Apache 2.x Download the Apache HTTP Server version 2.x or high from: http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi (5.8 Meg). Click the following link to download: (if you find , latest version, then try to download it) •

Win32 Binary (MSI Installer): apache_2.0.59-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi [PGP] [MD5]

Installation Procedure: Click the apache.msi (executable file)

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 1: Click the Apache.exe, it will start the windows installer

Step 2: Click next to proceed

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 3: Accept the license agreement

Step 4:

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 5: Click the next button in the Installation Wizard screen

Step 6: By default the Apache retrieve the information from the system. If you want to specify certain value, you can give here and click next button to proceed

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Step 7: Choose typical and click next. If you want to install the apache in specific directory (not default) then click the custom and give the path of the directory.

Step 8: Click the next button to proceed (change button is used to change the directory)

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Step 9:

Step 10: Click the install button

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Step 11: Installation Status

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Step 12: In command prompt , you can see the status of the apache, successfully installed or problem in installation

Step 13: The installation of Apache is completed

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

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Bugzilla Installation Guide For the remainder of this document I will assume you installed Apache into the default location, C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2. If you are already running IIS, you must configure apache to run on a port other than 80, however you aren't asked the port to listen on at install time. Choose All Users (which says port 80), and we'll change the port later.

Grant write access for Apache account By default Apache will run as the SYSTEM account. This account needs write and modify access to the following directorys, and all their subdirectories. Depending on your version of Windows, this access may already be granted. • • •

C:\Bugzilla\data C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\logs C:\Temp

While installing you come across this page, By default, Apache retrieve the information from the system.

Note that C:\Bugzilla\data is created the first time you run checksetup.pl. Configure Port and DocumentRoot Edit C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf with your favourite text editor.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide To change the port that Apache runs on (listens on, or binds to), edit the Listen option.

Change the DocumentRoot setting to point to C:\Bugzilla. Note there are two locations in httpd.conf that need to be updated. Note you need to use / instead of \ as a path separator.

Configure CGI

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Bugzilla Installation Guide To enable CGI support in Apache, you need to enable the CGI handler, by uncommenting the AddHandler cgi-script .cgi line.

And allow .cgi scripts in the Bugzilla directory by adding the ExecCGI option. We also need to allow Bugzilla's .htaccess file to restrict access to sensitive documents by allowing it to override the defaults. This involves changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. Apache also needs to know to use Perl to execute .cgi files, via the ScriptInterpreterSource directive.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide You also should add index.cgi to the DirectoryIndex list.

In order for ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict to work, you also need to add an entry to the Registry so Apache will use Perl to execute .cgi files. Create a key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.cgi\Shell\ExecCGI\Command with the default value of the full path of perl.exe with a -T parameter. For example C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe –T Type regedit in command prompt, you can see the Registry Editor:

Disable Logging Unless you want to keep statistics on how many hits your Bugzilla install is getting, it's a good idea to disable logging by commenting out the CustomLog directive.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Restart Apache Finally, restart Apache to get it pick up the changes. Extras While Bugzilla has built in support for SMTP servers, it doesn't (yet) support SMTP authentication or debugging of SMTP errors. If you require SMTP authentiation (including POP before SMTP), you can use Glob's sendmail wrapper. Download and install as per the instructions on that site. If you enable logging in Sendmail, you need to ensure that your Apache account has write access to C:\usr\lib. Configure Bugzilla checksetup.pl Run checksetup.pl. This will check your Perl modules and create localconfig.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Depending upon the Bugzilla version, Bugzilla requires additional Perl modules which we need to be install. For bugzilla 3.0 the following modules are installed. 1. E-Mail-Send 2. Email-Address.ppd 3. Email-Simple.ppd 4. Module-Pluggable 5. Test-Simple 6. Return-Value 7.Email-MIME-Modifier 8. Email-MIME.ppd 9. Email-MIME-ContentType.ppd 10. /Email-MIME-Encodings 11. MIME-Base64.ppd 12. Email-MessageID.ppd 13. Email-MIME-Creator 14. Email-Reply 15. Email-Simple-Creator 16. Email-Date

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Bugzilla Installation Guide 17. Email-Abstract 18. Time-Piece.ppd 19. Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper.ppd

The following are the sites where you will be getting the required modules(almost) http://ppm4.activestate.com/PPMPackages/zips/8xx-builds-only/Windows/ http://ppm.tcool.org/archives/ How to identify required modules for Bugzilla: Click command prompt and Go to Bugzilla Directory (cd Bugzilla) type checksetup.pl . The checksetup.pl script will check the required modules for Bugzilla and mentioning the required perl modules to install. Download the modules from the following sites: http://ppm4.activestate.com/PPMPackages/zips/8xx-builds-only/Windows/ http://ppm.tcool.org/archives/

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Edit localconfig Open C:\Bugzilla\localconfig in your favourite text editor to configure Bugzilla. You have to tell Bugzilla how to access your database. If you used bugs/bugs, you'll only have to set db_pass.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

checksetup.pl Run checksetup.pl again. This time it will build your database tables and initialise Bugzilla.

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Parameters You should now be able to log into to Bugzilla using the account checksetup.pl just created. Point your web browser to http://localhost/, choose Log in to an existing account, and login. Configuring Sendmail for Bugzilla: Download the sendmail from the following site: http://www.glob.com.au/sendmail/ about

sendmail.exe is a simple windows console application that emulates sendmail's "-t" option to deliver emails piped via stdin. it is intended to ease running unix code that has /usr/lib/sendmail hardcoded as an email delivery means. it doesn't support deferred delivery, and requires an smtp server to perform the actual delivery of the messages. install •

download sendmail.zip

copy sendmail.exe and sendmail.ini to \usr\lib on the drive where the windows (Bugzilla) application is installed eg. if your application is installed in c:\bugzilla, sendmail.exe and sendmail.ini need to be copied to c:\usr\lib\sendmail.exe and c:\usr\lib\sendmail.ini.

configure smtp server and default domain in sendmail.ini

or download the installer (for bugzilla installs). Go to the “C:\usr\lib\sendmail.ini”

and Give the appropriate information of your mail

server smtp_server=”the machine where you installed Bugzilla mail ip address” smtp_port=25 default_domain=”The server machine mail IP Address” Install IIS on your system. And create default Virtual SMTP

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

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Bugzilla Installation Guide

Parameters You should now be able to log into to Bugzilla using the account checksetup.pl just created. Point your web browser to http://localhost/, choose Log in to an existing account, and login. In the page footer, choose Parameters. Put in your email address as the maintainer. maintainer: The email address of the person who maintains this installation of Bugzilla. [email protected] Put in the URL to Bugzilla in the urlbase field. This URL will be used in emails, so don't use localhost. urlbase: The URL that is the common initial leading part of all Bugzilla URLs. http://bugzilla.example.com/

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Bugzilla Installation Guide Download and install WebDot from http://www.graphviz.org/Download_windows.php. Put the complete path to dot.exe in webdotbase. webdotbase: It is possible to show graphs of dependent bugs. You may set this parameter to any of the following: * A complete file path to 'dot' (part of GraphViz) will generate the graphs locally. * A URL prefix pointing to an installation of the webdot package will generate the graphs remotely. * A blank value will disable dependency graphing. The default value is a publically-accessible webdot server. If you change this value, make certain that the webdot server can read files from your webdot directory. On Apache you do this by editing the .htaccess file, for other systems the needed measures may vary. You can run checksetup.pl to recreate the .htaccess file if it has been lost. C:/Program Files/ATT/Graphviz/bin/dot.exe

Scheduled Tasks collectstats.pl Add a Scheduled Task to run collectstats.pl nightly. Step-by-step for Windows XP: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks --> Add Scheduled Task Next Browse Find perl.exe (normally C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe) Give it a name, such as "Bugzilla Collect Stats" Perfom the task daily at your desired time If you're running Apache as a user, not as SYSTEM, enter that user here. Otherwise you're best off creating an account that has write access to the Bugzilla directory and using that 8. Tick "Open Advanced Properties.." and click Finish 9. Append the script name to the end of the "Run" field. eg C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe C:\Bugzilla\collectstats.pl 10. Change "start in" to the Bugzilla directory

whineatnews.pl Add a Scheduled Task to run whineatnews.pl nightly. The steps for setting up whineatnews.pl are as per collectstats.pl


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Bugzilla Installation Guide Add a Scheduled Task to run whine.pl nightly. The steps for setting up whine.pl are as per collectstats.pl, except whine.pl needs to run in Perl's Taint mode. The command line needs to include the -T option: C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -T C:\Bugzilla\whine.pl

Backing up Bugzilla You may want to backup the entire Bugzilla directory. It's small and you'll get all your settings and customisations on your backup media. The most important component of Bugzilla to backup is the Bugzilla Database. It contains all your Bugs, Users, Attachments, pretty well everything. Like most databases, backups with MySql are performed by generating a dump of the database and backing up the dump. Schedule the mysqldump utility to create the dump, and add the resulting file to your backup media. You'll find MySql's mysqldump documentation at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/mysqldump.html.

Congratulations, the Bugzilla installation process is complete!

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