Bug Sclwhitebblackbts

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 9

Jagan Mohan Julooru

Error: programmatically mistake leads to error. Bug: Deviation from the expected result. Defect: Problem in algorithm leads to failure. Failure: Result of any of the above.

Bug Life Cycles The duration or time span between the first time bug is found (‘New’) and closed successfully (status: ‘Closed’), rejected, postponed or deferred is called as ‘Bug/Error Life Cycle’. (Right from the first time any bug is detected till the point when the bug is fixed and closed, it is assigned various statuses which are New, Open, Postpone, Pending Retest, Retest, Pending Reject, Reject, Deferred, and Closed. For more information about various statuses used for a bug during a bug life cycle, you can refer to article ‘Software Testing – Bug & Statuses Used During A Bug Life Cycle’) There are seven different life cycles that a bug can passes through: < I > Cycle I: 1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead. 2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not. 3) Test lead finds that the bug is not valid and the bug is ‘Rejected’. < II > Cycle II: 1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead. 2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not. 3) The bug is verified and reported to development team with status as ‘New’. 4) The development leader and team verify if it is a valid bug. The bug is invalid and is marked with a status of ‘Pending Reject’ before passing it back to the testing team. 5) After getting a satisfactory reply from the development side, the test leader marks the bug as ‘Rejected’. < III > Cycle III: 1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead. 2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not. 3) The bug is verified and reported to development team with status as ‘New’. 4) The development leader and team verify if it is a valid bug. The bug is valid and the development leader assigns a developer to it marking the status as ‘Assigned’. 5) The developer solves the problem and marks the bug as ‘Fixed’ and passes it back to the Development leader. 6) The development leader changes the status of the bug to ‘Pending Retest’ and passes on to the testing team for retest. 7) The test leader changes the status of the bug to ‘Retest’ and passes it to a tester for retest. 8) The tester retests the bug and it is working fine, so the tester closes the bug and marks it as ‘Closed’. < IV > Cycle IV: 1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead. 2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not. 3) The bug is verified and reported to development team with status as ‘New’. 4) The development leader and team verify if it is a valid bug. The bug is valid and the development leader assigns a developer to it marking the status as ‘Assigned’. 5) The developer solves the problem and marks the bug as ‘Fixed’ and passes it back to the Development leader. 6) The development leader changes the status of the bug to ‘Pending Retest’ and passes on to the testing team for retest. 7) The test leader changes the status of the bug to ‘Retest’ and passes it to a tester for retest.

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8) The tester retests the bug and the same problem persists, so the tester after confirmation from test leader reopens the bug and marks it with ‘Reopen’ status. And the bug is passed back to the development team for fixing. < V > Cycle V: 1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead. 2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not. 3) The bug is verified and reported to development team with status as ‘New’. 4) The developer tries to verify if the bug is valid but fails in replicate the same scenario as was at the time of testing, but fails in that and asks for help from testing team. 5) The tester also fails to re-generate the scenario in which the bug was found. And developer rejects the bug marking it ‘Rejected’. < VI > Cycle VI: 1) After confirmation that the data is unavailable or certain functionality is unavailable, the solution and retest of the bug is postponed for indefinite time and it is marked as ‘Postponed’. < VII > Cycle VII: 1) If the bug does not stand importance and can be/needed to be postponed, then it is given a status as ‘Deferred’. This way, any bug that is found ends up with a status of Closed, Rejected, Deferred or Postponed.

The main purpose behind any Software Development process is to provide the client (Final/End User of the software product) with a complete solution (software product), which will help him in managing his business/work in cost effective and efficient way. A software product developed is considered successful if it satisfies all the requirements stated by the end user. Any software development process is incomplete if the most important phase of Testing of the developed product is excluded. Software testing is a process carried out in order to find out and fix previously undetected bugs/errors in the software product. It helps in improving the quality of the software product and make it secure for client to use. What is a bug/error? A bug or error in software product is any exception that can hinder the functionality of either the whole software or part of it. How do I find out a BUG/ERROR? Basically, test cases/scripts are run in order to find out any unexpected behavior of the software product under test. If any such unexpected behavior or exception occurs, it is called as a bug. What is a Test Case? A test case is a noted/documented set of steps/activities that are carried out or executed on the software in order to confirm its functionality/behavior to certain set of inputs. What do I do if I find a bug/error? In normal terms, if a bug or error is detected in a system, it needs to be communicated to the developer in order to get it fixed. Right from the first time any bug is detected till the point when the bug is fixed and closed, it is assigned various statuses which are New, Open, Postpone, Pending Retest, Retest, Pending Reject, Reject, Deferred, and Closed.

Jagan Mohan Julooru

(Please note that there are various ways to communicate the bug to the developer and track the bug status) Statuses associated with a bug: New: When a bug is found/revealed for the first time, the software tester communicates it to his/her team leader (Test Leader) in order to confirm if that is a valid bug. After getting confirmation from the Test Lead, the software tester logs the bug and the status of ‘New’ is assigned to the bug. Assigned: After the bug is reported as ‘New’, it comes to the Development Team. The development team verifies if the bug is valid. If the bug is valid, development leader assigns it to a developer to fix it and a status of ‘Assigned’ is assigned to it. Open: Once the developer starts working on the bug, he/she changes the status of the bug to ‘Open’ to indicate that he/she is working on it to find a solution. Fixed: Once the developer makes necessary changes in the code and verifies the code, he/she marks the bug as ‘Fixed’ and passes it over to the Development Lead in order to pass it to the Testing team. Pending Retest: After the bug is fixed, it is passed back to the testing team to get retested and the status of ‘Pending Retest’ is assigned to it. Retest: The testing team leader changes the status of the bug, which is previously marked with ‘Pending Retest’ to ‘Retest’ and assigns it to a tester for retesting. Closed: After the bug is assigned a status of ‘Retest’, it is again tested. If the problem is solved, the tester closes it and marks it with ‘Closed’ status. Reopen: If after retesting the software for the bug opened, if the system behaves in the same way or same bug arises once again, then the tester reopens the bug and again sends it back to the developer marking its status as ‘Reopen’. Pending Rejected: If the developers think that a particular behavior of the system, which the tester reports as a bug has to be same and the bug is invalid, in that case, the bug is rejected and marked as ‘Pending Reject’. Rejected: If the Testing Leader finds that the system is working according to the specifications or the bug is invalid as per the explanation from the development, he/she rejects the bug and marks its status as ‘Rejected’. Postponed:

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Sometimes, testing of a particular bug has to be postponed for an indefinite period. This situation may occur because of many reasons, such as unavailability of Test data, unavailability of particular functionality etc. That time, the bug is marked with ‘Postponed’ status. Deferred: In some cases a particular bug stands no importance and is needed to be/can be avoided, that time it is marked with ‘Deferred’ status. Contents of a Bug When a tester finds a defect, he/she needs to report a bug and enter certain fields, which helps in uniquely identifying the bug reported by the tester. The contents of a bug are as given below: Project: Name of the project under which the testing is being carried out. Subject: Description of the bug in short which will help in identifying the bug. This generally starts with the project identifier number/string. This string should be clear enough to help the reader in anticipate the problem/defect for which the bug has been reported. Description: Detailed description of the bug. This generally includes the steps that are involved in the test case and the actual results. At the end of the summary, the step at which the test case fails is described along with the actual result obtained and expected result. Summary: This field contains some keyword information about the bug, which can help in minimizing the number of records to be searched. Detected By: Name of the tester who detected/reported the bug. Assigned To: Name of the developer who is supposed to fix the bug. Generally this field contains the name of developer group leader, who then delegates the task to member of his team, and changes the name accordingly. Test Lead: Name of leader of testing team, under whom the tester reports the bug. Detected in Version: This field contains the version information of the software application in which the bug was detected. Closed in Version: This field contains the version information of the software application in which the bug was fixed. Date Detected: Date at which the bug was detected and reported. Expected Date of Closure: Date at which the bug is expected to be closed. This depends on the severity of the bug. Actual Date of Closure: As the name suggests, actual date of closure of the bug i.e. date at which the bug was fixed and retested successfully. Priority: Priority of the bug fixing. This specifically depends upon the functionality that it is hindering. Generally Medium, Low, High, Urgent are the type of severity that are used. Severity: This is typically a numerical field, which displays the severity of the bug. It can range from 1 to 5, where 1 is high severity and 5 is the lowest.

Jagan Mohan Julooru

Status: This field displays current status of the bug. A status of ‘New’ is automatically assigned to a bug when it is first time reported by the tester, further the status is changed to Assigned, Open, Retest, Pending Retest, Pending Reject, Rejected, Closed, Postponed, Deferred etc. as per the progress of bug fixing process. Bug ID: This is a unique ID i.e. number created for the bug at the time of reporting, which identifies the bug uniquely. Attachment: Sometimes it is necessary to attach screen-shots for the tested functionality that can help tester in explaining the testing he had done and it also helps developers in re-creating the similar testing condition. Test Case Failed: This field contains the test case that is failed for the bug. Any of above given fields can be made mandatory, in which the tester has to enter a valid data at the time of reporting a bug. Making a field mandatory or optional depends on the company requirements and can take place at any point of time in a Software Testing project. (Please Note: All the contents enlisted above are generally present for any bug reported in a bug-reporting tool. In some cases (for the customized bug-reporting tools) the number of fields and their meaning may change as per the company requirements.) How to Report/Log a bug? It’s a good practice to take screen shots of execution of every step during software testing. If any test case fails during execution, it needs to be failed in the bug-reporting tool and a bug has to be reported/logged for the same. The tester can choose to first report a bug and then fail the test case in the bug-reporting tool or fail a test case and report a bug. In any case, the Bug ID that is generated for the reported bug should be attached to the test case that is failed. At the time of reporting a bug, all the mandatory fields from the contents of bug (such as Project, Summary, Description, Status, Detected By, Assigned To, Date Detected, Test Lead, Detected in Version, Closed in Version, Expected Date of Closure, Actual Date of Closure, Severity, Priority and Bug ID etc.) are filled and detailed description of the bug is given along with the expected and actual results. The screen-shots taken at the time of execution of test case are attached to the bug for reference by the developer. After reporting a bug, a unique Bug ID is generated by the bug-reporting tool, which is then associated with the failed test case. This Bug ID helps in associating the bug with the failed test case. After the bug is reported, it is assigned a status of ‘New’, which goes on changing as the bug fixing process progresses. If more than one tester are testing the software application, it becomes a possibility that some other tester might already have reported a bug for the same defect found in the application. In such situation, it becomes very important for the tester to find out if any bug has been reported for similar type of defect. If yes, then the test case has to be blocked with the previously raised bug (in this case, the test case has to be executed once the bug is fixed). And if there is no such bug reported previously, the tester can report a new bug and fail the test case for the newly raised bug. If no bug-reporting tool is used, then in that case, the test case is written in a tabular manner in a file with four columns containing Test Step No, Test Step Description, Expected Result and Actual Result. The expected and actual results are written for each step and the test case is failed for the step at which the test case fails. This file containing test case and the screen shots taken are sent to the developers for reference. As the tracking process is not automated, it becomes important keep updated information of the bug that was raised till the time it is closed. (Please Note: The above given procedure of reporting a bug is general and not based on any particular project. Most of the times, the bug reporting procedures, values used for the various fields used at the time

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of reporting a bug and bug tracking system etc. may change as par the software testing project and company requirements.) White Box Testing Strategy White box testing strategy deals with the internal logic and structure of the code. White box testing is also called as glass, structural, open box or clear box testing. The tests written based on the white box testing strategy incorporate coverage of the code written, branches, paths, statements and internal logic of the code etc. In order to implement white box testing, the tester has to deal with the code and hence is needed to possess knowledge of coding and logic i.e. internal working of the code. White box test also needs the tester to look into the code and find out which unit/statement/chunk of the code is malfunctioning. Advantages of White box testing are: i) As the knowledge of internal coding structure is prerequisite, it becomes very easy to find out which type of input/data can help in testing the application effectively. ii) The other advantage of white box testing is that it helps in optimizing the code iii) It helps in removing the extra lines of code, which can bring in hidden defects. Disadvantages of white box testing are: i) As knowledge of code and internal structure is a prerequisite, a skilled tester is needed to carry out this type of testing, which increases the cost. ii) And it is nearly impossible to look into every bit of code to find out hidden errors, which may create problems, resulting in failure of the application. Types of testing under White/Glass Box Testing Strategy: Unit Testing: The developer carries out unit testing in order to check if the particular module or unit of code is working fine. The Unit Testing comes at the very basic level as it is carried out as and when the unit of the code is developed or a particular functionality is built. Static and dynamic Analysis: Static analysis involves going through the code in order to find out any possible defect in the code. Dynamic analysis involves executing the code and analyzing the output. Statement Coverage: In this type of testing the code is executed in such a manner that every statement of the application is executed at least once. It helps in assuring that all the statements execute without any side effect. Branch Coverage: No software application can be written in a continuous mode of coding, at some point we need to branch out the code in order to perform a particular functionality. Branch coverage testing helps in validating of all the branches in the code and making sure that no branching leads to abnormal behavior of the application.

Jagan Mohan Julooru

Security Testing: Security Testing is carried out in order to find out how well the system can protect itself from unauthorized access, hacking – cracking, any code damage etc. which deals with the code of application. This type of testing needs sophisticated testing techniques. Mutation Testing: A kind of testing in which, the application is tested for the code that was modified after fixing a particular bug/defect. It also helps in finding out which code and which strategy of coding can help in developing the functionality effectively. Black Box Testing Strategy Black Box Testing is not a type of testing; it instead is a testing strategy, which does not need any knowledge of internal design or code etc. As the name "black box" suggests, no knowledge of internal logic or code structure is required. The types of testing under this strategy are totally based/focused on the testing for requirements and functionality of the work product/software application. Black box testing is sometimes also called as "Opaque Testing", "Functional/Behavioral Testing" and "Closed Box Testing". The base of the Black box testing strategy lies in the selection of appropriate data as per functionality and testing it against the functional specifications in order to check for normal and abnormal behavior of the system. Now a days, it is becoming common to route the Testing work to a third party as the developer of the system knows too much of the internal logic and coding of the system, which makes it unfit to test the application by the developer. In order to implement Black Box Testing Strategy, the tester is needed to be thorough with the requirement specifications of the system and as a user, should know, how the system should behave in response to the particular action. Various testing types that fall under the Black Box Testing strategy are: functional testing, stress testing, recovery testing, volume testing, User Acceptance Testing (also known as UAT), system testing, Sanity or Smoke testing, load testing, Usability testing, Exploratory testing, ad-hoc testing, alpha testing, beta testing etc. These testing types are again divided in two groups: a) Testing in which user plays a role of tester and b) User is not required. Testing method where user is not required: Functional Testing: In this type of testing, the software is tested for the functional requirements. The tests are written in order to check if the application behaves as expected. Stress Testing: The application is tested against heavy load such as complex numerical values, large number of inputs, large number of queries etc. which checks for the stress/load the applications can withstand. Load Testing: The application is tested against heavy loads or inputs such as testing of web sites in order to find out at what point the web-site/application fails or at what point its performance degrades. Ad-hoc Testing:

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This type of testing is done without any formal Test Plan or Test Case creation. Ad-hoc testing helps in deciding the scope and duration of the various other testing and it also helps testers in learning the application prior starting with any other testing. Exploratory Testing: This testing is similar to the ad-hoc testing and is done in order to learn/explore the application. Usability Testing: This testing is also called as ‘Testing for User-Friendliness’. This testing is done if User Interface of the application stands an important consideration and needs to be specific for the specific type of user. Smoke Testing: This type of testing is also called sanity testing and is done in order to check if the application is ready for further major testing and is working properly without failing up to least expected level. Recovery Testing: Recovery testing is basically done in order to check how fast and better the application can recover against any type of crash or hardware failure etc. Type or extent of recovery is specified in the requirement specifications. Volume Testing: Volume testing is done against the efficiency of the application. Huge amount of data is processed through the application (which is being tested) in order to check the extreme limitations of the system. Testing where user plays a role/user is required: User Acceptance Testing: In this type of testing, the software is handed over to the user in order to find out if the software meets the user expectations and works as it is expected to. Alpha Testing: In this type of testing, the users are invited at the development center where they use the application and the developers note every particular input or action carried out by the user. Any type of abnormal behavior of the system is noted and rectified by the developers. Beta Testing: In this type of testing, the software is distributed as a beta version to the users and users test the application at their sites. As the users explore the software, in case if any exception/defect occurs that is reported to the developers.

Jagan Mohan Julooru

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