Bryanv Lessonplan

  • October 2019
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Instructor: Bryan Vogwill Course: AED 5150 Computer Graphics for the Art Room Lesson Plan Title: Album Covers Grade Level: Middle School Photoshop level: Advanced beginner to Advanced (Some Photoshop experience) Sessions: 3-4 classes Content: Students will learn about the artist Keith Haring and other modern artists. Students will then integrate art and music, through the basics of Photoshop. Students will use Photoshop to learn the fundamentals of graphic design by creating their own inspired CD Covers. Objectives: This lesson will focus on layers, by using basic Photoshop tools to transform pictures transferred from the internet. Michigan Art Education Curriculum Standards: MI Visual Art Education Content Standards and Bench Marks (Middle School): VA.1.1: Select materials, techniques, media technology, and process to achieve desired effects. VA.1.4: Be involved in the process and presentation of a final product or exhibit. VA.2.1. Select materials, techniques, and processes to effectively communicate ideas. VA.2.5: Integrate organizational structures and characteristics to create art for different purposes. VA.4.3: Analyze, describe, and demonstrate how factors of time and place ( such as climate, resources, ideas, and technology) influence visual characteristics that give meaning and value to a work of art. Materials: Crayons Newsprint Copy paper PC or Mac computers Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Digital projector Empty CD jewel cases Power point presentation with images of various works from Keith Haring and other modern artist. Filtered Internet communication Colored Printer Introduction: Show students images that relate to music and dance by Keith Haring will be shown on the digital projector through PowerPoint. Students will be asked to bring in appropriate music that may influence their art or inspire then to create an album cover. Crayon drawings will be made that show students how various lines can represent different types

of music. Then ask students questions pertaining to the works shown like, “How do you think the artist felt when he was making this painting?”, “What type of music do you think the painting is representing?”, and etc. Development and Procedure: Setting up before class: 1. Turn computers on and check to make sure that Photoshop works and the network connection is running. 2. Check to make sure the printer is working. 3. Hook up the digital projector to the computer that the demonstration will take place and turn it on. 4. Open Power Point Presentation. Then open the slide show of the images that will be discussed in class. Class time: Introduction and discussion: 1. After students sit down by their computer, start the slide show of the images by Keith Haring and other artist. 2. Using open-ended questions, engage the students in a class discussion about the artwork. The objective of the discussion is to show how Keith Haring’s artwork was influenced by music and dance. Drawing Exercise while Listening to Students Music: 1. Brainstorm different words to describe types of marks and lines that we saw or can think of (smudge, scratch, soft, dark, thick, thin, sloppy, etc.) 2. Ask students to create various marks to correspond to emotions (angry, sad, silly, joyous, anxious, etc.). 3. Students will be asked to experiment with different crayons to see how many different types of marks they can create. 4. I will play various types of appropriate music brought in by students. -On a large sheet of newsprint paper with different colored crayons, each student will be asked to draw using a series of line or other types of marks the sound, mood and emotion of the song while listening to it.. 5. After all three drawings are done they will be hung up on a wall and we will discuss them. We will talk about how this method of making drawing can be incorporated into the CD cover. We will also brainstorm other images that can be used to make a CD covers. Demonstrate using Adobe Photoshop: 1. Have students search for their own images off the internet, and save them to a created folder on the desktop. (Minimum of 4 images) 2. Using Photoshop show students how to transfer images to Photoshop, and have students use different layers and filters to create an original composition that will represent their music or artist of choice.

3. Then students will add a font that is to be designed to reflect the music. Show Students how to assimilate the font and images to create the final results of the CD cover. The font has to be designed to reflect the music. Students work on the assignment: 1. Remind students to save their work on the computer. 2. Have students log off the computer when their finished. 3. Collect the crayon drawings. Accommodations and Adaption's: For advanced students have them work more independent, and have students do more than one album cover using more than four images. Also, more advanced students can use various filters to create their album covers more original and unique. For students having trouble with the computer, have them sit next to more advanced students. Also, have struggling students use fewer filters than the more advanced students. Closure: Have the students print their projects and hang them up and have a class discussion about the pieces. -What emotions are you trying to convey? -What artist or type of music are you representing? -How did the computer help develop your designs? Assement All students will be graded on their three crayon drawings, final project, and their participation in class. Students are asked to turn in all paper copies, along with their digital files labeled with their name. Point Checklist = 100 points __________ 3 Crayon Drawings – each drawing must have various marks and a variety of color (10 points each) __________ Final Album cover- The final album cover must include a minimum of 4 images downloaded from the internet, and an application of text to the composition. This includes the paper copy and digital copies of the students work (50 points) __________ Class Participation (20 points)

Teacher Reflection

1. In creating the practice files, I had some trouble cutting the images to the specific areas that needed to be cut. I later found out by using the magnetic lasso and the eraser really helped to get the exact cut I was aiming for. 2. Students may encounter problems with getting images large enough to fit the correct resolution for a clear picture. Also, some students may have some problems downloading images from the internet. 3. When students become frustrated or have problems, I could take time out and show examples on the over head projector for the entire class, so those who may have problems can pay attention, and those students who are more experienced in Photoshop can continue to work. Also, seating arrangements Have students who are less experienced sit next to those students who know their way around Photoshop. 4. For students who miss parts of class their will be a list on the projector of what was covered the previous day. Also, there will be time assigned during school for students who want to use their lunch period to work on their assignment. Their will also be additional time before and after school, for students to catch up on their work. Bibliography

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