
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 342
  • Pages: 4
Remarkably, six genocides have major anniversaries in the month of April - a tragic testament to the international community's inexcusable failure to stop inhuman and barbarous acts.

This April, we - survivors of genocide and mass atrocities, their descendents, and anti-genocide advocates - will honor those who were lost and those who survived. And we will urge immediate action to stop the ongoing Darfur genocide.

Our collective voices will remind the international community to make its commitment to mass atrocity prevention absolute. Until we do, we are destined to repeat the most shameful chapters in human history.

Bosnian library in Chicago, the section Educating Against Prejudices, is organizing lectures and cultural educational program based on the theme of preventive effects and influences on the public based on the events in Darfur, genocide of the Bosniaks in Bosnia and other genocides which happened during the 20th century. Working on the preparations for our program and establishing of our contacts for cooperation with the organizations and ethnic communities-,Kurds, Jews, Rwanda, Cambodia, Darfur ,we found out that organization Dream for Darfur proclaimed April as a month dedicated to preventive action against genocide. Our April 25th event is one among Www.genocideprevention

Special guest: Zuhra Osmanovic, a Srebrenica Genocide witness and survivor. Moderators : Sanja Seferovic Mr. Eldin Kajevic, Consul general, BH Consulate General at Chicago will Drnovsek, a Bosnian Library Program Coordinator and Seferovic welcome the panelists and the audience. Selena, a Bosnian Library Director. All participants are volunteers. A documentary film CNN/Scream Panelists will present in English / Bloody Murder of Christine Bosnian translation. Questions from Amanpour. the audience will be translated. Contact us at Panelists: 1. Mr. Abdelkahman: Genocide in Darfur. 2. Emir Ramic, The Reasons for Establishing the Bosnian Institute on Genocide and other crimes against the international laws. 3. Steven Weine : The Project on Genocide, Psychiatry and Witnessing 4. Sanja Seferovic DrnovsekEducating Against Prejudice 5. Mujko Erovic, Answer to Genocide, Bosnian-American Association A photo exhibition: Ismet Ramic and Sanja Drnovsek.

Admission, coffee and sweets are free. Open to public.

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