/* // this is a brick ball game */ #include #include #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include #include <dos.h> int cx,cy,xp,yp,initial,flag=0,score; int incx,incy,game,count,width; int left,right,bottom,top; int b_left,b_top,b_right,b_bottom; int arr[320][6]; union regs i,o; /*
functions for mouse movement */
void showptr() { i.x.ax=1; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } int initmouse() { i.x.ax=0; int86(0x33,&i,&o); return(o.x.ax); } void hide() { i.x.ax=2; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } void getbutton(int *button,int *x,int *y) { i.x.ax=3; int86(0x33,&i,&o); *button=o.x.ax; *x=o.x.cx; *y=o.x.dx; } /*
code for moving brick through cursor
void move_brick(int b_left,int b_top,int b_right,int b_bottom) { int button,x,y; getbutton(&button,&x,&y); x=b_left-x; b_left=b_left-x;
b_right=b_right-x; setcolor(12); rectangle(b_left,b_top,b_right,b_bottom); delay(1); setcolor(0); rectangle(b_left,b_top,b_right,b_bottom);
void draw_break() { for(count=0;count<320;count++) { setcolor(arr[count][1]); if(arr[count][0]!=0) rectangle(arr[count][2],arr[count][3],arr[count][4],arr[count][5]); } game=count; } void brick_break(int cx,int cy) { cx=cx-30; cy=cy-14; xp=cx/30; yp=cy/14; initial=19*(yp-1)+xp; if(initial<320 && cy<=225 && cx<=570) if(arr[initial][0]==1) { setcolor(0); score+=arr[initial][1]; rectangle(arr[initial][2],arr[initial][3],arr[initial][4],arr[initial][5]); game--; arr[initial][0]=0; if(incx==-1 && incy==-1) incy=1; else if(incx==-1 && incy==1) incx=1; else if(incx==1 && incy==1) incy=-1; else if(incx==1 && incy==-1) incx=-1; for(count=0;count<320;count++) { setcolor(arr[count][1]); if(arr[count][0]!=0) rectangle(arr[count][2],arr[count][3],arr[count][4],arr[count][5]); } } } void reflect() {
if(incx==-1 && incy==-1) incy=1; else if(incx==-1 && incy==1) incx=1; else if(incx==1 && incy==1) incy=-1; else if(incx==1 && incy==-1) incx=-1; } void check_cur(int cx,int cy) { width=15; setcolor(4); /*on right side checking*/ if(cx>=b_left+width && cx<=b_right && cy>=b_top-5) { incx=1; incy=-1; } /*on left side checking*/ else if(cx<=b_left+width && cx>=b_left && cy>=b_top-5) { incx=-1; incy=-1; } else if(cy>b_top) { flag=1; } } /*
main function
int main(void) { int gdriver = detect, gmode, errorcode; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "d:\\borlandc\\bgi"); errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grok) /* an error occurred */ { printf("graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */ } if(initmouse()==0) { closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); printf("mouse driver not loaded"); } int midx = getmaxx() / 2;
int midy = getmaxy() / 2; int del=0; setbkcolor(8); for(int h=0;h<20;h++) { settextjustify(center_text, center_text); settextstyle(gothic_font, horiz_dir, 6); outtextxy(midx, midy-100, "break boll game"); settextstyle(triplex_font, horiz_dir, 1); outtextxy(midx+20,midy+20," amit gajjar"); settextstyle( sans_serif_font, horiz_dir, 1); outtextxy(400-(h*2),midy+100,"please wait..."); delay(100); setcolor(0); outtextxy(400-(h*2),midy+100,"please wait..."); setcolor(++del); line(200,190,450,190); } cleardevice(); left = 10; top = 10; right = 40; bottom = 24; int k; k=rand(); count=0; for(int i=0;i<16;i++) { for(int j=0;j<19;j++) { k=rand(); k=k%7; if(k==0) {k++;} setcolor(k); rectangle(left,top,right,bottom); arr[count][0]=1; arr[count][1]=k; arr[count][2]=left; arr[count][3]=top; arr[count][4]=right; arr[count][5]=bottom; count++; left=right+1; right=left+31; } left=10; top=bottom; right=40; bottom=top+14; } game=count; char key; int key_val;
int button,x,y; cx=getmaxx()/2; cy=getmaxy()-30; b_left=cx-10; b_top=getmaxy()-20; b_right=cx+20; b_bottom=getmaxy()-10; incx=incy=-1; while(!kbhit()) { setcolor(0); circle(cx,cy,5); cx=cx+incx; cy=cy+incy; if(cx<=20) reflect(); else if(cx>=getmaxx()-12) reflect(); else if(cy<=30) reflect(); else if(cy>=b_top-6) check_cur(cx,cy); //reflect(); if(flag==1) { cleardevice(); settextjustify(center_text, center_text); settextstyle(gothic_font, horiz_dir, 2); setcolor(20); outtextxy(midx, midy, "game over"); gotoxy(32,19); cout<<"your score is :"; cout<<score<<endl; if(game==0) { gotoxy(32,20); cout<<"win the match"; } else { gotoxy(32,20); cout<<"loss match"; } int col=0; while(!kbhit()) { delay(199); setcolor(++col); rectangle(210,230,430,260); }
} brick_break(cx,cy); setcolor(12); circle(cx,cy,5);
setcolor(0); circle(cx-incx,cy-incy,5); /* code for move brick and regenerate it */ getbutton(&button,&x,&y); x=b_left-x; b_left=b_left-x; b_right=b_right-x; setcolor(12); rectangle(b_left,b_top,b_right,b_bottom); delay(5); setcolor(0); rectangle(b_left,b_top,b_right,b_bottom);
} end:
if(game==0) { cleardevice(); gotoxy(32,13); cout<<"game over"<<endl; gotoxy(32,14); cout<<"win mathch"<<score<<endl; goto end; }
getch(); closegraph(); return 0;