Book 1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,789
  • Pages: 16
MY NEW COMIC Issue 1: The Park Incident Written by Bobby Nelson Comic Book Adaptaion by Chris Snipes 11/21/2008

Page 1. Panel 1. Full page. Interior of a dark cell. In the center of the room is the “Seer,” an otherworldly female figure. She is chained to the floor. The top of her head is removed and small cables are embedded into her brain leading to a small panel in the ceiling. She is wearing a dirty and torn white sleeveless dress. There is an I.V. inserted in her arm and various wires connected to her chest , temples and back leading to what looks like a medical monitoring machine keeping track of her vital signs (like the kind used for coma patients). A steal plate has been bolted to her face covering her eyes. Dry blood and scabs with puss oozing out surround the metal plate with the thickest areas of scabbing around the bolted areas. CAPTION:

G.A.T.E. facility… location unknown.

Sub-panel 1. Small panel in the lower right of the page. Close up of the Seer’s brain with cables coming out. Sub-panel 2. Small panel in the lower right, below sub-panel 1. Close on the Seer’s wrist, they are pink and bloody from the chains rubbing against them. The chains rattle as the wretch tries to pull free from them with what insignificant strength she has. Page 2. Panel 1. Wide letterbox panel. Establishing shot looking through a thick grove of trees, there is a small clearing up ahead with some homeless people gathered around a fire emanating from a metal garbage can. Off to one side we can see a couple huddled together by a large tree. The wind is blowing kicking up dirt and leaves. CAPTION:

Balboa Park - San Diego, California.

Panel 2. Wide letterbox panel. Over the shoulder of the bums at the fire. Behind them by the tree one of the homeless couple is yelling at them. WALTER:

Put out that damn fire! You’re gonna bring the cops down on us again!


Shud’up Walter, they don’t give a shit unless one of the fucking rent-a-pigs sees us getting to close to their precious museums!

Panel 3. Medium on the couple by the tree. Walter turns to his partner Sue. WALTER:

Dumb shits, they know the park rangers check this area. I’m gonna go pitch the tent over there.


Walter this is crazy. The winds are too strong for this!

Panel 4. Walter is walking into the trees, away from the rest of the group. Page 3. Panels 1-6. Six small panels at the top of the page showing Walter struggling to pitch the tent in the high winds. Panel 7. Walter beams with pride at finally completing the difficult task. Panel 8. Walter turns back to the direction he came from. WALTER:

See Sue, I told you I could do it!

Panel 9. Walter is walking back toward the clearing. WALTER:

Sue! I got the tent up darling! Where’d you go?

Page 4. Panel 1. The seer lets out a yell as she struggles against her chains. Her heart rate on the vital signs monitor is going through the roof. The oscilloscope monitor that outputs her brainwaves is jumping all over the place. SEER:



beep! beep! beep! beep!

Panel 2. Small panel. Close on the panel in the ceiling. Lights are blinking on the panel. Panel 3. Small panel. A winding sound can be heard as a projector pops out of the ceiling next to the panel. SFX:


Panel 4. A light flips on from the projector. SFX:


Panel 5. Bug’s eye view from behind the Seer looking up toward the ceiling. We see the light coming from the projector displaying an image on the wall in front of the Seer. We vaguely make out Walter at the campsite in Balboa Park looking around for Sue. Panel 6. Wide letterbox panel at the bottom of the page. Brian, an older bald gentleman with thick black glasses, sits at his command center hard at work on a Sudoku puzzle. A light on one of his consoles is lit. On one of his computer monitors the words “INCOMING TRANSMISSION” are displayed.

Page 5. Panel 1. Brian yawns and looks at the clock. BRIAN:


Panel 2. Brian notes the time as 02:35hr on a form attached to a clipboard. Panel 3. Sipping from a cup of coffee he clicks on the lighted button. The Seer, chained to the floor of her cell, plays on one of the screens and on the second we see the campsite at Balboa Park and Walter searching for Sue. Panel 4. Brian grabs a paper shooting out from a printer. Panel 5. Looking at the paper he speaks into a recorder. BRIAN:

Case number 5648 dash A. Time is 02:35 hours and location of subject appears to be somewhere in San Diego, California.

Panel 6. Brian spins in his chair over to a computer behind him. Panle 7. Typing away, he looks over to the video of Walter searching for Sue. BRIAN:

Sucks to be you man.

Page 6. Panel 1. Walter walks back into the clearing where he last saw Sue. The trash can everyone was gathered around has been tipped over and the fire has died to a small flickering producing very little light. WALTER:


Panel 2. walking further into the clearing he steps in something that makes an odd sound. SFX:


Panel 3. Walter lifts his foot and looks down to see what he stepped in. Panel 4. Close on Walter’s face, his eyes are wide in horror. Panel 5. Walter lets out a scream as he sees his shoe covered in blood. On the ground is a mound of ripped apart flesh, internal organs and severed limbs. There is no head and the mutilated body is barely recognizable as human.



Panel 6. Close on Walter. We can see the panic in his face, he is on the verge of a total breakdown. Something is approaching from behind him, but we can’t make out what it is. SFX:


Panel 7. Walter is looking back through the corners of his eyes, to petrified to turn around. Page 7. Panel 1. Brian is running down a corridor within the facility. He is carrying a sheet of paper and mumbling under his breath. BRIAN:

I’ve never seen anything like this… never!

Panel 2. Brian finally enters into a large room. A lone man sits behind a desk. He is known only as the “Chief.” BRIAN:

You’ve got to see this.

Panel 3. The Chief keeps his head down and continues to work on his own documents. CHIEF:

It can’t be that bad Brian. We’ve gone through this before. Dispatch the closest agents we have…

Panel 4. Brain slams down a report on the Chief’s desk. BRIAN:

This is a level five! We don’t have anyone on that has ever faced something like this!

Panel 5. The Chief picks up the paper and looks it over. CHIEF:

Do we have anyone available now that can intercept it?


I’ve already sent in G and Sachiko but their E.T.A. is over two hours.

Page 8. Panel 1.Walter is running for his life. Behind him are two glowing green eyes. The creature seems to be toying with him, it could have ripped him to shreds at any moment. Panel 2. Walter has made is way into the alcazar gardens. He is running straight through the flower beds making a mess of the beautiful gardens.

Panel 3. He gets tipped up on the last row of flowers and falls hard to the ground just in front of the covered walkway between the gardens and the street leading to the Cabrillo bridge. Panel 4. Jumping to his feet he looks behind him. Panel 5. He stares out into the night. Panel 6. Like a wisp, a figure leaps over Walter and lands on the roof of the covered walkway in front of him. Panel 7. Walter falls to the ground and stares up. Panel 8. The figure turns to face Walter. It’s body is shrouded in a dark mist. It’s green eyes cut through the darkness. Page 9. Panel 1. Slowly the figure removes something from its mouth. Panel 2. He throws the item down to walter. Panel 3. Walter catches it and screams. It’s Sues’s head. WALTER:

Jesus Christ!

Panel 4. In the foreground we see Sue’s head, dropped to the ground. Walter has scrambled to his feet and is starting off in the opposite direction. He is looking back at the head as he goes. SUE:




Panel 5. Walter has turned around and is staring at the head. SUE:

It’s ok Walter…




He needs our help… Walter…




Yes Walter.

Panel 6. Walter looks up to the figure on the roof above him. The figure is pointing to the other side of the street. Behind him we can see the front of the Museum of Man and the connecting California Tower rising into the sky. WALTER:

The Museum?

Panel 7. Walter Picks up Sue’s head. Panel 8. Holding the head in both arms, like a kid hugging a teddy bear, he begins walking toward the museum. Page 10. Panel 1. Large, wide panel, maybe half the page. Brian is typing away at the computer and looking back at the monitor behind him. He can see Walter talking to something but can’t make it out. The Chief is starring through a glass window. Behind it is the Seer. CHIEF:

Why would a level five be sent to a park?

Panel 2. Brian grabs a printout. We see on the paper in bold letters at the top reads “San Diego Museum of Man New Exhibit – Artifacts from Japan’s Past” BRIAN:

Already on that. I didn’t understand either ‘till I ran a check.

Panel 3. Brian hands the document to the Chief. CHIEF:

A piece of the key… how long ‘till our agents get there?


They’re still an hour out.

Panel 4. The Chief is looking at the paper with a very serious expression. CHIEF:


Page 11. Panel 1. A young boy is riding his bike through the streets of his local neighborhood. This is Chris. CAPTION:

18 years ago…

Panel 2. He weaves through traffic followed by his small puppy Tyler. Panel 3. Chris pulls into the driveway of a small house.

Panel 4. He jumps off the bike and leans it against the garage door. Panel 5. Chris is approaching the front door. Behind him we see the puppy, Tyler, sitting on the front lawn. TYLER:

Bark! Bark!

Panel 6. Chris turns back to Tyler and is motioning to him to come. The puppy is lying down with it’s head between it’s front paws in a very cute / sad expression. CHRIS:

Come on boy.


whine… whimper

Panel 7. Chris looks annoyed. CHRIS:

Fine. You can stay out here then.

Page. 12-13. Two page spread Panel 1. Chris opens the door and enters his home. All the lights are off and the curtains are drawn shut. Chris walks cautiously into the hallway. CHRIS:

Mom! Dad!

Panel 2. He fells for the light switch and flicks it to the on position but no lights come on. Panel 3. Chris tries several times but to no avail. Panel 4. He starts to walk down the long hallway. Panel 5. He accidentally bumps a small plaque hanging on the wall. CHRIS:


Panel 6. It falls to the ground shattering the glass of the frame. Panel 7. He picks up the broken plaque and attempts to put the pieces of the glass cover together again. Panel 8. Close on the plaque. The plaque has in bold type “To Timothy Snipes – Historian of the Year.” Panel 9. Chris is examining the plaque closely.

Panel 10. Suddenly Chris’ mother appears from across the hallway. She is running towards him. Her clothes are torn and blood streams from cuts all over body. Behind her in the doorway is Chris’ father, Timothy. He grips the doorjamb desperately with one arm, his other arm hangs lifeless at his side. TIMOTHY:


Panel 11. Suddenly Timothy’s body is thrust and pinned against the wall. A figure stands behind Timothy’s body and has it’s hand extended into his back and through his chest. Panel 12. Close on Timothy. He is looking directly at Chris. With his dying breath he lets out his last, whispered word. TIMOTHY:


Panel 13. Timothy’s head drops and his eyes close. Page 14. Panel 1. Chris’ mother is running toward him. We can see she has something in her hand. Panel 2. She thrusts the small object into Chris’ hands. Panel 3. She picks him up and runs to the front door. Panel 4. From outside the house we see Chris being pushed out the door. Panel 5. Something grabs Chris’ mother from behind and pulls her back inside. MOTHER:


Panel 6. The door slams shut, Chris stands outside staring at the front door. Page. 15. Panel 1. Wide letterbox panel at the top of the page. A now adult Chris lurches up to a sitting position in his bed as he wakes from his dream. CAPTION:

Present day.

Panel 2. Chris’ cell phone vibrates and rings on the bedside table next to him. With it is his police issue 9mm Beretta and badge. SFX:

Buzz! Buzz! ♫Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails, across the sea of years… With no provision but an open face, along the straits of fear♫ (Lead Zeppelin, Kashmir)

Panel 3. Wiping the sweat from his face he reaches over and answers his phone. CHRIS:

Yeah… Ok I’ll be right there.

Panel 4. Chris hangs up the phone and sits up on the bed. Panel 5. From the other side of the bed Tyler rests his head on Chris’ lap. Panel 6. Chris looks down at Tyler and rubs his head. Page 16. Panel 1. Chris stands looking into an exhibit that is surrounded by police tape. Panel 2. Bobby, a short African-American man with strong build is questioning the night shif security guard. An older gentleman named Jeff. BOBBY:

So you’re telling me you didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary?


No Sir. I was doing my rounds and I found the exhibit like this

Panel 3. Bobby begins to walk behind the officer. BOBBY:

Don’t this place have alarms that trigger when someone messes with this stuff?


Yes sir but the alarms didn’t go off for some reason.

Panel 4. Bobby snaps his fingers. BOBBY:

Cameras! You guys have cameras here?


Yes sir, but we didn’t catch anything on the tape. It was just too dark.

Panel 5. Bobby bites down on his finter nail. BOBBY:

Damn I really thought that would work.

Panel 6. Chris Lights a cigarette and takes a drag as he looks over the crime scene. JEFF:

I’m sorry sir there is no smoking in the museum.

Panel 7. Chris lets out a sigh and puts out the cigarette on one of the fixtures in the exhibit. Jeff opens his mouth to say something but decides not to.

Page 17. Panel 1. Bobby gets right in the security guards face and gives him an accusatory stare. BOBBY:

Did you vandalize the exhibit and steal on of the items?


No sir.

Panel 2. Bobby turns to Chris. Chris is laughing at his statement. BOBBY:

Well I’m out of ideas. I give up. Let’s be firemen instead.

Panel 3. Chris looks at the missing sword’s display stand and something catches his eye. The information placard has a picture of his father holding up the sword to the camera. Panel 4. Danny, a young officer, walks up to Chris. His eyes are blood shot and his face is sweating. He has a napkin around his mouth as he speaks. DANNY:

Detectives? You’re going to want to see this.

Panel 5. Bobby and Chris give each other a questioning look. Page 18. Panel 1. Chris and Bobby are following Danny down a pathway leading to the front of the museum. Panel 2. They come to the front of the building. There is a squad car parked with lights flashing. Three Officers surround Walter. He is pointing Sue’s head at them and yelling. WALTER:

The Harbinger wakes! Tell them Sue! Tell Them!

Panel 3. Sues’ tongue slips out of her mouth. Dann throws up into a near by bush. BOBBY:

So many jokes I can make right now.


None of which are appropriate.

Panel 4. Chris walks up to Walter motioning for the other officers to move back. CHRIS:

Ok guy lets calm it down a bit huh.

Panel 5. Walter looks over to Chris. He is holding Sue’s head next to his ear as if she is speaking to him.


Yes dear… yes. I’ll tell him. The Harbinger is waking.




Yes. He is finally waking and when he does…

Panel 6. Walter listens again to Sue’s head. WALTER:

He will reward us for helping him.


So… She’s talking to you…

Panel 7. Bobby walks up next to Chris. His .44 magnum revolver is drawn and has it trained on Walter. BOBBY:

Ask him if his head knows who won las nights football game.


San Diego by a field goal.


Are you serious?

Panel 8. Chris looks at Bobby. CHRIS:

Really? Now?

Page 19. Panel 1. They turn their focus back on Walter. He lets out a laugh at Chris’ question. CHRIS:

Who is this Harbringer?


HA HA HA HA HA… They thought they could seal him away. They thought they could contain him…

Panel 2. Walter’s body suddenly starts to jerk. Panel 3. He falls to the ground unconscious. Sue’s head lands in the street and rolls down the road. Behind Walter’s prone body are two people. They are the G.A.T.E. agents G and Sachiko. G is a tall wiry Asian man and Sachiko is a beautiful young Asian woman in great shape. G is holding a tasser gun and the leads end in Walter’s body. BOBBY:

Did someone order Chinese?

Panel 3. Chris storms up and looks G right in the eyes. CHRIS:

Who the hell are you and what do you think you’re doing?

Panel 4. G looks over to Sachiko. She nods her head. G:

I’m special agent G and this is agent Sachiko. We’re with the FBI.

Panel 5. Chris continues to stare down G. CHRIS:


Panel 6. G hands Chris a badge. Panel 7. Chris is looking it over. In small type are the words “GATE DIVISION” next to his name. Page 20. Panel 1. Bobby walks over to Sachiko. BOBBY:

You too crouching tiger.

Panel 2. Sachiko holds out her badge and bows. Panel 3. Holding the badge in his hand, Bobby is looking over to Chris. BOBBY:

Looks good.

Panel 4. Behind Chris and Bobby we see the other officers have handcuffed Walter and are carrying him toward the squad car which has it’s back door open. Panel 5. A small black van with no plates pulls in front of the museum. Panel 6. Two men in black suits jump out holding up FBI badges. Panel 7. Back on G and Chris. G:

We’re going to be taking the suspect with us. If you don’t mind.

Page 21. Panel 1. The two men in black take Walter from the other officers. They look to Chris, hoping he can put a stop to it. Panel 2. Chris just shrugs his shoulders as if to say, I don’t like it either but theirs nothing I can do. Panel 3. The men in black put Walter in the back of the van.

Panel 4. Bobby looks around the area that Walter fell. BOBBY:

Where’s the head?

Panel 5. The officers shrug and look around. BOBBY:

Better start looking.

Page 22. Panel 1. G and Sachiko are examining the crime scene. Chris and Bobby stand behind them. CHRIS:

Did you take a look at their badges?


Yeah, I don’t think that chick weighs 120 pounds.


They’re from a division of the F.B.I. called the G.A.T.E. ever hear of them?


Nope. You think she’s single?

Panel 2. G and Sachiko look at the display card for the missing sword. G has his cell phone out and is punching in some numbers. Panel 3. Close on G. G:

Hello Sir… I can’t confirm if what was stolen was a key fragment but from what I see it’s quite possible…

Panel 4. Sachiko walks over to Chris and Bobby holding the placard. SACHIKO:

I’d like to get in touch with this scientist here.

Panel 5. Sachiko hands the placard to Chris. He doesn’t even glance at it, he’s seen it already and knows exactly what’s on it. CHRIS:



Why not?


He’s dead.


And how do you know that detective?


He was my father.

Panel 6. Hanging up his phone, G walks up to Sachiko. Sachiko turns toward G and speaks to him in Japanese. SACHIKO:

This man’s father was Timothy Snipes.

Panel 7. G looks Chris up and down. Then speaks to Sachiko in Japanese. G:

He might be able to help us recover the fragment.

Page 23. Panel 1. Sachiko turns to Chris and Bobby. SACHIKO:

We’re taking the suspect with us to our facility for questiong. There’s no reason for us to fight over this. Maybe we can work together.

Panel 2. Chris folds his arms. Panel 3. Bobby notices this and copies him. CHRIS:

What did you want with my father?


We can discuss that at our office. Are you coming?

Panel 4. Chris and Bobby look at each other. BOBBY:

I don’t have anything today.

Panel 5. Chris nods his head. Panel 6. Chris looks back to Sachiko. CHRIS:

I’ll need to bring my dog.

Panel 7. Sachiko nods at the request. Page 24. Panel 1. Chris and Bobby follow G and Sachiko to an unmarked black car. Panel 2. Chris and Bobby sit in the back while G takes the wheel and Sachiko sits beside him.

Panel 3. Chris watches the sun begin to raise over the horizon. Panel 4. Large panel. The car is moving across the Cabrillo Bridge away from the museum and towards the freeway. Sub-panel 1. Chris closes his eyes deep in thought. Sub-panel 2. He has a vision of his father’s face looking at him before he died. His fathers last whispered words replay in his head. TIMOTHY:


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