Bogus Attorney And Bar Association

  • October 2019
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i am forwarding your messages to our office of disability policy

yosef fraser 09/19/2006 02:34 am to: [email protected] cc: subject: fwd: picture proof of my allegations, please reopen complaint refference number 04-06-0119-8 since hiring our former lawyer, we were told that we were waiting for some insurance company. they were going to come and investigate this matter which turned out to be a blatant lie. because our lawyer was in the process of double crossing us. when this was suspected, on our own accord we requested a transfer as according to the new lease that we were supposed to sign at a future date. only then, did all that have conspired against this family show itself. 1. it is also a fact that know we have been labeled as defendants, and we have not been served with legal documents. it will be much appreciated that we are served with legal documents. especially since it appears that some sort of corruption is taking place, due to the fact that my complaint has surfaced in many places, and the dishonest behavior expressed by my former lawyer. and the authorities involved in this matter. this behavior is not a chance at fair and equal opportunity housing. especially since theses actions make the legal system appear as an engine of discrimination. the result of theses actions are sick children. that d.c.f. may attempt to remove from a home because the children are sick. the legal system, and the housing departments actions have been purely hypocritical considering the facts at hand. 2. this endeavor of my entering a law suit against l.k white and severia franklin. was because white was the attorney for housing, and severia made promises to my wife in which she never intended to keep. while doing so severia franklin plotted to have the fraser family forfeit there dwelling. 3. multiple cases were filed against this family buy the housing authority. this family contracted a lawyer found through the lawyer referral service. this lawyer took my legal action and for who ever it concerned misrepresented our case, and placed this family in legal jeopardy, when none existed prior to his hiring. this lawyer entered into three defendant case actions when none existed, biasly and deceitfully placed this family as defendants. when in fact this lawyer was hired as a plaintiff against tha, and lary k white. it is also ironic how the opposing council even though a female the names could be used to loose a file perhaps, because they are so similar. our lawyer was given evidence as he requested maliciously, because he never intended to use this evidence. it would also greatly be appreciated that we are served with

legal documents, not to do so will be a gross infraction of the law. and also insight the idea of corruption being the cause of this tainted legal endeavor. these pictures i have provided will speak louder than words and prove the deceit that has taken place in order to run the housing authority like a slum lord project that is above the law and also has the right to make your children sick due to the apparent lack of maintenance. please notice the black paste used by the fumigator, this stuff needs a steam cleaner to clean it up (which has blown up in my face and burned my hands), the particle board that constantly falls from the dilapidated cabinets, the areas that have not been maintained which allow places for these insects to hide and live, the evidence that obviously we have cleaned so much it is damaging the walls and or paint, the soot that is sweating from behind the wall in the shower stall because it is in drastic need of repair also, the counter top is also shedding black particles which end up in the food as well as the particle board, last but not least notice please notice that there is lots of fumigator paste as well as lots of roaches. meaning that the use of this paste has only created a great mess and has not solved any infestation problem. it is also inconceivable that this authority would attempt to manipulate the legal system as well as deceive the court in order to continue to be an apparent slum lord. according to pictures labeled sept.8 2006, the fumigator has entered our home to take care of this problem in the second week. note this is the second week and they will be back next week. when there is a problem like this, it is not fair to make the tenants stay in this situation especially when the tenants did not create the problem. i also placed a pictures of our living room to illustrate that we live modest and clean except for this problem which is beyond our control. since this matter began again we have lived here my kids have been getting sick, and most of all when they leave who has to clean up these chemicals that are dripping every where. i know this is not what is considered equal housing. we are supposed to sign a new lease on sept. 20, 2006, and some kind of matter ratification would be greatly appreciated. it is also evident that if such an infestation problem is taking place tenants should be moved to ensure that none of there property is broken or contamination of food and clothes. please note that the children in this home suffer from allergies and asthma. i will send pictures later.

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