Bncc Information System - Member Services Design

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  • Words: 8,986
  • Pages: 39
BNCC Information System System Design

Prototype: Alpha One Member Services Event Attendance July 22, 2002 Sasmito Adibowo Wiratna Sari Wiguna Yusri Arcle Technologies


Table of Contents About This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Project History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Database Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 People Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Project History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Database Design . . . . . . . . . . People Tables . . . . . . . . Member Services . . . . . Administrative Services Event Organizer . . . . . .

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Shared Components . . . . Value Objects . . . . . Data-Access Objects Business Logic . . . .

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Member Services . . . . . . . Overview . . . . . . . . Sample Screens . . . Value Objects . . . . . Data-Access Objects Business Logic . . . .

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Event Organizer . . . . . . . . Overview . . . . . . . . Sample Screens . . . Value Objects . . . . . Data-Access Objects Business Logic . . . .

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Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

BNCC Information System System Design


About This Document

This document provides the design specification for the prototype of your new information system, code-named Buncis. The prototype consists of member services and attendance (which is a part of the planned event organizer) modules. Like any other system designs, this document only acts as a guide for the implementation and does not make every required implementation decision. Included in the design is the system's general architecture, database design, user interface design, business processes, and significant classes that will be placed in the system. 1.1 Project History BNCC is a Student Activity Unit that operates under the consent of Bina Nusantara University. It is organized as a club that focuses on computerrelated interest groups. It maintains an approximately constant sum of 300 – 400 members yearly, which most of the new members among them are first-year undergraduates. Its activities include tutoring, member meetings, annual publications, visitations, contests, seminars, expositions, and research. Its major income come from the yearly members' fees and sponsors. At the core of BNCC lies a committee that organizes all of its activities. The committee is divided categorically into several major divisions, and each led by a Division Chair. Each chair is organized horizontally and answers directly to the General Chair. The need for an information system was expressed in a meeting conducted by Faran Gunawan, – the former coordinator of Fave Club, now the general chair. Fave Club recognizes that the increasing number activities of BNCC and likewise the number of members involved in it poses a growing load to its core committee. To provide better service for its members, BNCC requires a strong information system to back its daily activities. The current information system employed by BNCC is primarily a manual system. The uses of computers are limited in the creation and storage of free-form documents and tables. Those documents and tables are created as files by standard office applications – such as word processing, spreadsheet, and file-based database software. There are no provisions to impose structure to those data, which creates difficulties in assessing information from them. This ad-hoc system – although it has been used for a significant amount of time – has impeded the performance of BNCC in servicing and maintaining its members. Since its first conception, Buncis has received positive attitudes from the organization. Additionally, it has expresses its commitment through the

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mandates assigned to both Fave Club and the Organization Development Team divisions in favor of Buncis’ development. The design phase of the project has been initiated. Because of the urgent need of a member registration and attendance system, the implementation of those parts of Buncis are made prominent. Therefore, the initial prototype consists of those modules.


General Description

Presentation Logic User

Security Control

2.1 System Architecture Architecturally, the system is separated into three primary subsystems: The Presentation Logics, the Business Logic, and the Data-Access Objects. This separation is modeled after the Model-View-Controller pattern, where the Presentation Logic interacts with the user acting as the View, the DataAccess Objects provides a model of the data, and finally the Business Logic controls the interaction between the two.

Business Logic

DataAccess Objects Value Objects

SQL Database

Figure 1 Buncis Architecture Overview

This architecture is selected to minimize the impact of change to the system. For instance, accommodation of new user interfaces will only affect the Presentation Logics. Likewise, changes in the database schema and/or DBMS will mostly affect the Data-Access Objects with minimal (if any) impact to the other components. The Data-Access Objects (DAO) perform queries to the database. Only the classes in this layer may perform JDBC/SQL queries to the DBMS. Other components that require to access the database must go through the methods in this layer. Data-Access Objects are also responsible for maintaining referential integrity of the records in the database. The Business Logic (BL) layer implements the business processes embedded in the system. Classes in this layer define how data are to be manipulated from a business perspective. This layer relies on the Data-Access Objects to actually manipulate the data in the database. Changes in business policies and/or workflow will mostly affect the classes in this layer.

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Consisting of JSP pages, the Presentation Logic drives the user interface. It provides user screens and accepts user input. User commands are translated into one or more actions in the Business Logic by this layer. By not performing business processes in the user interface, more user interfaces may be accommodated without re-coding the business process layer. Attached to the Business Logic is the Security Control layer. This layer determines whether the currently logged-on user is allowed to access specified functionalities of the Business Logic. Upon entry at each method in the Business Logic, the invoked method first queries the security control before executing the algorithm it contains. If the user is allowed access, then the method will continue to execute normally. Whereas the user doesn’t have access to the functionality, the method will throw an exception without executing any further. Instantiated by the Data-Access Objects, the Value Objects are simple data structures. Value Objects are -- by definition -- unintelligent, and must not perform processing on its own; the methods of these objects are only accessor methods. These objects are passed around as parameters in the system as required. 2.1.1 Prototype notes Currently, the Alpha One prototype does not implement the Security Control layer – thus security is not enforced. The Security Control layer design will be included in the User Management module.


Database Design

3.1 People Tables One of the goals of Buncis is to record the interaction of BNCC with other parties. This includes the people within and outside the organization. In relation to people, Buncis stores information about activists, staffs, seniors, and contact persons.

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person person_id

staff person_id (FK) active_year

name gender email birthday home_address home_phone mobile_phone personal_notes dt_lastupdate contact_person person_id (FK) organization_name (FK) office_address office_phone office_email dt_lastupdate

active_position senior person_id (FK) last_active_year last_staff_position

member person_id (FK) membership_year school_major

activist person_id (FK) active_year division

Figure 2 People Tables

3.1.1 Person The person table is the primary table which stores a person’s personal information. Entries in this table are created upon the person's first contact with BNCC. person

Field Name






primary key

For people who have a student’s identity card, this field is generated from the bar-code printed on the card. For others, this value is randomly generated in such a way that it will not conflict with a student’s identity card number.



alternate key, not null

The full name which that person is prefer to be referred to.




The sex group the person belongs to. Consists of either “M” or “F” values, for male or female, respectively.




The primary e-mail address of the person, if any.




The birth date of the person, if known.

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Field Name







The primary residence address of the person, if known.




The telephone number of the primary residence, if known or exists.




The primary mobile telephone number, if known or exists.




Free-form text which contains various notes about the person.


Date/ Time

not null

The timestamp of the record’s last update.

3.1.2 Members The member table stores data about members for each period of membership. Those members who register for more than one period of membership will have multiple entries in this table, but only one entry in the person table. It is assumed that a membership period lasts for one year. member

Field Name






primary key and foreign key to person

The unique identification of the member as a person.

(person_id) membersip_year


primary key

The member’s period of membership. This value is expressed as a four-digit year at which the member registered. Examples of valid values are {2002, 2003, 2004, ...}.




The member’s university major. This value is expressed as abbreviations of the major names. Examples of valid values are {TI, MI, TK, KA, ...}.



The activist table contains records about activists during a period of occupancy (which each occupancy is normally one year). Since activists are also people, this table records the occupancies of the person in question as an activist. It is facilitated in the system for a person to have more than one activist occupancy period, in which he/she will have one record in the person table, and one or more records in the activist table.

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Field Name






primary key and foreign key to

The unique identification of the activist as a person.

person (person_id) active_year


primary key

The activist’s period of occupancy. This value is expressed as a four-digit year at which the activist began his or her occupancy. Examples of valid values are {2002, 2003, 2004, ...}.




The division(s) of the activist in which he or she participates during occupancy. Multiple divisions are separated by commas.

3.1.4 Staffs The staff table contains data about staffs during their periods of occupancies. Each record in this table stores data about a person during one period of occupancy. When a person occupies more than one period, this table stores each occupancy as one record, referencing to that person’s identification in the person table. staff

Field Name






primary key and foreign key to person

The unique identification of the staff as a person.

(person_id) active_year


primary key

The staff’s period of occupancy. This value is expressed as a four-digit year at which the staff began his or her occupancy. Examples of valid values are {2002, 2003, 2004, ...}.



not null

Describes the position of the staff at this period of occupancy.

3.1.5 Seniors The senior table records data about staffs that are no longer in service. In other words, seniors are retired staffs. senior

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Field Name






primary key and foreign key to person

The unique identification of the senior as a person.

(person_id) last_active_year


primary key

The senior’s last period of occupancy. This value is expressed as a four-digit year at which the senior ends its occupancy. Examples of valid values are {2002, 2003, 2004, ...}.



not null

Describes the last position as a staff at this period of occupancy.

3.1.6 Contact Person The contact_person table records data about people which played a role as a representative for organizations outside of BNCC. The system allows a person to represent more than one organizations, which is expressed by more than one record in the contact_person table for that person. contact_person

Field Name






primary key and foreign key to person

The unique identification as a person.

(person_id) organization_name


primary key and foreign key to

The name of the organization that the person represents.

organization (organization_name) office_address



The branch/office address of the organization in which this person may be contacted.




The branch or office phone number of the organization in which this person may be contacted.




The branch/office e-mail address of the organization in which this person may be contacted.


Date/ Time

not null

Timestamp which this record was last updated.

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3.2 Member Services These tables (Figure 3) store administrative data of the members. Those data are magazines, member payments and magazine claims.

magazine magazine_id description amount_in_stock dt_lastupdate

member person_id (FK) membership_year school_major

member_take_magazine magazine_id (FK) person_id (FK) membership_year (FK) dt_taken

member_payment person_id (FK) membership_year (FK) payment_date amount

Figure 3 Member Services tables

3.2.1 Magazine The magazine table stores data about each printed edition of the magazines published by BNCC. magazine

Field Name






primary key

The identification number that signifies the magazine’s edition. This number is unique for each edition of the magazine, and is printed as bar codes in the magazine. Copies for the same edition have the same identification number.



alternate key, not null

The human-readable identification of the magazine’s edition.



not null, >= 0

The number of copies for the current edition which are still stored in stock.


Date/ Time

not null

Timestamp of the last update of this record.


Magazine Claims

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The member_take_magazine table records the members' magazine claims. Every time a member claims a magazine, a record is inserted into this table. Each member may only take one copy of a particular magazine edition. member_take_magazine

Field Name






primary key and foreign key to magazine

The identification number of the magazine taken.

(magazine_id) person_id


primary key and foreign key to member

The person_id of the member who took the magazine.

(person_id) membership_year


primary key and foreign key to member

The membership year of the member who took the magazine.

(membership_year) dt_taken

Date/ Time

not null

When was the magazine was taken by the member.

3.2.3 Member Payments The member_payment table keeps track of each member's installments. An entry in this table is inserted when a member provides payment. These installment data are used to validate the member's access to the events/facilities provided by BNCC. member_payment

Field Name






primary key and foreign key to member

The person_id of the member providing the payment.

(person_id) membership_year


primary key and foreign key to member

The membership year of the member providing the payment.

(membership_year) payment_date


primary key

When was the payment provided.



not null, > 0

The amount of payment provided, in monetary units.


Administrative Services

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event event_name

person person_id name gender email birthday home_address home_phone mobile_phone personal_notes dt_lastupdate

event_start event_finish

attendance person_id (FK) dt_attend event_name (FK)

Figure 4 Administrative Services tables

3.3.1 Attendance The attendance table records data about people who attend the various events held by BNCC. It is assumed that a person may not attend more than one event at an instance of time. attendance

Field Name






primary key and foreign key to person (person_id)

The Person’s ID of the attendee.


Date/ Time

primary key

The timestamp at when the person attends.



not null, and foreign key to

The event attended.

event (event_name)


Event Organizer

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contact_person person_id (FK) organization_name (FK)

organization organization_name primary_address primary_phone primary_website dt_lastupdate

office_address office_phone office_email dt_lastupdate event event_name event_start event_finish Figure 5 Event Organizer tables

3.4.1 Events The event table store data about the various events held by BNCC. Events are identified by their name, which must be unique for all events. Therefore, recurring (periodic) events must be made unique by appending the event name with time information (for example: "FA May 2003"). event

Field Name






primary key

The name of the event. Since this field is the primary key, event names must be globally unique for all events.



not null

The start date of the event.




The finish date of the event. If this date is not known, it may be null.



The organization table stores data about other organizations that came into contact with BNCC. Organizations are identified solely by their names. organization

Field Name






primary key

The name of the organization. This name must be globally unique for all organizations.

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Field Name







The address of the head office of the organization.




The telephone number of the head office of the organization.




The website address for the organization. Typically this is a URL which contains only the host name without any paths.


Date/ Time

not null

Timestamp which this record was last updated.


Shared Components


Value Objects

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ValueObject (from data)

PersonVO (from data)

name : Stri ng gen der : Stri ng emai l : String birthday : Date homeAddress : Stri ng homePhone : String mobi lePho ne : String personalNote s : String dtLastU pdate : Timestamp personID : String getNam e() : String getGender() : String getEm ail() : Strin g getDtLastUpda te() : Times tamp getPersonID() : PersonID getBi rthday() : Date getHom eAddre ss() : String getHom ePhone() : Stri ng getMobi lePho ne() : String getPersonal No tes() : String setNam e(name : Stri ng) : vo id setPersonID(id : String) : voi d setGender(gen der : Stri ng) : void setEm ail(g ender : String) : void setBi rthday(bi rthday : Date) : vo id setHom eAddre ss(homeAddress : Stri ng) : void setHom ePhone(homePho ne : String) : void setMobi lePho ne(mobi lePho ne : String) : void setPersonal No tes(personal Notes : String) : void setPersonID(personID : String) : void

ReportVO (from data)

TableModel (f rom table)

addTableModelListener() getColumnClass() getColumnCount() getColumnName() getRowCount() getValueAt() isCellEditable() removeTableModelListener() setValueAt()

Figure 6 Shared value objects

4.1.1 PersonVO Each PersonVO object represents a record in the person table. Like other value objects, the methods in the PersonVO class are only accessor methods. PersonVO

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This VO property is read-only, the related field is updated only by the DAO classes.

4.1.2 ReportVO Unlike most other value objects, ReportVO does not correspond to any table. Instead it is used to model spreadsheet-style report contents. The representation is done through the implementation of the TableModel interface (from javax.swing.table). 4.2

Data-Access Objects DataAccessObject (from data)

LoginSess ion (f rom con trol )


0..* getPoolManager() : ConnectionPoolManager <> createEmptyList() : List

PersonDAO (from data)

getPerson(personID : String) : PersonVO insertPerson(person : PersonVO) : void createPersonVO() : PersonVO updatePerson(person : PersonVO) : void

Figure 7 Shared Data-Access Objects classes

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4.2.1 DataAccessObject The DataAccessObject class is the base class of all the classes in the DataAccess Object layer. This class and its derivatives send SQL statements to the database. It also maintains the referential integrity of the tables it maintains. Besides data access, this class provides methods useful for data access, such as DBMS connection management and object creations. Method Summary public ConnectionPoolManager public List


Returns the object used for database connection pooling. createEmptyList()

A factory method [Gof95] to create objects which implements the List (from java.util) interface. This method is to be used by derived classes when returning a collection of objects.

4.2.2 PersonDAO The PersonDAO provides access to the person table. This table stores data about people who encountered the organization. Method Summary public PersonVO

The primary factory method [GoF95] to create PersonVO objects.

public PersonVO

Returns the personal data associated with the specified person's ID.

public void

public void


createPersonVO() getPerson(String personID) insertPerson(PersonVO person)

Creates a new entry in the person table. The new entry's personID must not already exist in the database. updatePerson(PersonVO person)

Updates the specified entry in the person's table. The personID property of the value object specifies the table to be updated, while the other properties specifies the new values of the record.

Business Logic

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Dat aAc cessObjec t

(f rom business)



(f rom data)

PeopleManager (f rom busin ess)

viewPersonProfile(personID : String) : PersonVO <> createPersonVO() : PersonVO

Reporter (from business)

getMemberListByYear(membershipYear : String) : ReportVO getTopActivists(numActivists : int = 10, activeYear : String) : ReportVO getMemberListByMajor(membershipYear : String, schoolMajor : String) : ReportVO getPersonDAO() : PersonDAO createAttendanceReportVO() : AttendanceReportVO generateAttendanceReport(eventName : String) : AttendanceReportVO getEventDAO() : EventDAO <> createReportVO() : ReportVO

Figure 8 Shared Business Logic classes

4.3.1 PeopleManager The PeopleManager class is responsible for managing the lowest-common denominators of people data recorded by the system. Method Summary public PersonVO

Pass-through to PersonDAO.createPersonVO() factory method [GoF95].


public PersonVO

Returns the person's personal data.

viewPersonProfile(String personID)

4.3.2 Reporter The Reporter class is responsible for generating various reports from the data in the database. To obtain the data used in creating the reports, it uses most of the DAO classes. The reports generated are in one-dimensional spreadsheet-style report tables, represented in ReportVO objects. This facilitates further data analysis and formatting by using general-purpose spreadsheet packages.

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Method Summary public ReportVO

getMemberListByYear(String membershipYear)

Returns a list of all members for the specified year. public ReportVO

getTopActivists(int numActivists,String activeYear)

Returns the most active activists for the specified year. public ReportVO

getMemberListByMajor(String membershipYear, String schoolMajor)

Returns a membership year grouped by their majors for the specified year. public PersonDAO public AttendanceReportVO

public AttendanceReportVO public EventDAO

getPersonDAO() Returns the PersonDAO

object used to query the database.


The primary factory method [GoF95] to create new instances of AttendanceReportVO objects. generateAttendanceReport(String eventName)

Generates an attendance report for the specified event. getEventDAO()

Returns the EventDAO object used to query the database. public ReportVO


The primary factory method [GoF95] to create new instances of ReportVO objects. Attendance Report The generate attendance report business process (Figure 9) is performed by the Reporter.generateAttendanceReport() method. This method first retrieves the list of all attendees for the event from the EventDAO object by calling getAttendanceByEventName(). Since the list of AttendanceVO objects refers to a person only by his/her person ID, the list must be formatted to fit human consumption. Formatting the list is done by providing names and details of each attendees that are obtained from the PersonDAO object by calling getPerson() repeatedly, one for each attendees.

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: Reporter

: EventDAO

: PersonDAO

: AttendanceReportVO

1: getPerson DAO( ) 2: getAttendanceByEventName(String)

3: *getPerson(String) 4: crea teAttendance Re portVO( )

5: *setValueAt(Object, int, int)

Figure 9 Generate Attendance Report business process


Member Services

5.1 Overview In the context of member services (Figure 10), a MemberDAO object is used by two business logic objects: MemberManager and Reporter. The MemberManager uses the DAO to manage member data, records the member’s payment data, records magazine claims, and retrieves the history about those payments and claims. MemberManager



(from business)

(f rom busi nes s)

(from data)



1 1


1 MemberVO (f rom da ta )






Report VO

(from data)

(from data)

Figure 10 Member Services classes overview

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These DAO and BL classes uses MemberVO objects to express data about a member. It contains the member’s personal data (which are inherited from PersonVO) and data about his/her current membership. 5.2 Sample Screens 5.2.1 Member Registration The Member Registration screen (Figure 11) allows registration along with data entry about the member’s personal information (name, address, phone, etc). It is visible that the membership year is automatically filled in (obtained from the system’s internal clock). This screen is optimized for fast data entry, where typing-intensive tasks are performed prior to selection tasks. The new member’s Person ID is obtained from his/her student identity number. This number is scanned from the bar code located in the student’s identity card.

Member Registration Period:



Person ID Name E-mail Address

Phone Mobile Phone Birthday










The birthday is entered numerically, with the Figure 11 Member Registration screen day ranges 1–31, month 1–12, and year is entered as four digits (such as 1984, 1985, etc.). All fields except Person ID and Name may be left blank – although the completion of all fields is desirable. When all data has been entered, the user clicks the Register button to enter the member’s data. 5.2.2 Member Sign-on For each event held by BNCC, members must sign 1.1.1 Member Sign-On on to validate access to the event. This is Membership Year: 2002 performed by Person ID: scanning the OK Exit 1.1.2 member’s Member name : Bunbun Figure 12 Member Sign-On Membership year : 2001 identity card Administrative Records to obtain his/her Person ID. The Payments received : Magazines taken this year : screen is shown in Figure 12. 1. 22 Jan 2002 Rp. 150.000 2. 21 Feb 2002 Rp. 300.000 ---------------SUM Rp 450.000

1. Feb 2002 2. Apr 2002

25 Feb 2002 25 Apr 2002

Action Pay membership fee Amount Rp

Take magazine Magazine ID



Figure 13 Member Administrative Records

After signing on, the screen in Figure 13 is displayed. This screen shows the member’s administrative records, which are his/her payments and magazine claims. The records displayed allow the operator to decide whether the member may or may not participate in the event and/or claim a Page 21 of 39

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magazine. Additionally, this screen may also be used to enter a record for the member’s payment, or claim a magazine. When a member decides to pay the fee, the operator places a check mark in the Pay membership fee check box and then enters the amount paid in the field provided. When a member claims a magazine, a check mark is placed in the Take magazine check box and the taken magazine’s ID is entered in the field provided nearby. This Magazine ID is obtained by scanning the bar code located on the magazine. Both the Pay membership fee and Take magazine actions may be performed in one step. The Confirm button performs the desired actions (pay or take, inclusively) and then re-displays the screen, showing the newly entered records. While the Finish button returns to the Member Sign-On screen (Figure 12).


Person ID / Membership year entered

1.1.1 Waiting for Person ID and Membership Year input

take magazine or pay fee

1.1.2 Waiting for action


quit These screens follow the state End diagram shown in Figure 14. The dotted numbers in the state names Figure 14 Member Sign-On state diagram correspond to the numbers shown in the upper-right of each screens.

5.2.3 Interaction with the business logic The Member Services user interface performs business processes by calling the appropriate methods in the MemberManager class. An example in Figure 15 illustrates the methods called when a member claims a magazine. 1: Request person ID and membership year 2: viewMemberProfile(String, String) 5: show member records 3: getMemberPaymentHistory(String, String) 4: getMagazineClaimHistory(String, String)

: JSP for Member Services

: Me mberManager

6: memberClai mMagazine (String, String, String)

Figure 15 Member Magazine Claims user interface.

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Value Objects ValueObject (from data)

Serializable (f rom io)

PersonVO (f ro m da ta)


Ta bleMode l

(from data)

(f rom table)

MemberTakeMagazineVO MemberVO

(from data)

(from data)

personID : String membershipYear : String magazineID : String dtTaken : Timestamp

me mbershipYear : Stri ng schoo lMajor : String getMembershipYear() : String getSchoolMajor() : Strin g setMembershipYear(membe rshipYear : String ) : void setSchoolMajor(s choolMajor : String ) : void

MemberHistoryReportVO (from data)

setPersonID() getPersonID() setMembershipYear() getMembershipYear() setDtTaken() getDtTaken()

MemberPaymentVO (from data)

perso nID : String mem bership Year : Stri ng paym entDa te : Date amou nt : floa t setPe rsonID() getPe rsonID() setMem bershipYear() getMem bershipYear() setPa ymentD ate() getPa ymentD ate() setAmount() getAmount()

Figure 16 Member Services value objects

5.3.1 MemberVO MemberVO is derived from PersonVO, therefore it inherits all of the parent class' properties. Each MemberVO object represents one record in the member table and its corresponding parent record in the person table. Updates on MemberVO objects affects both the member table and the person table. MemberVO








5.3.2 MemberTakeMagazineVO Each MemberTakeMagazineVO object represents one record in the member_take_magazine table. MemberTakeMagazineVO








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object represents one record in the
















Data-Access Objects DataAccessObject


(from data)

(from data)

MemberDAO (from data)

<> createMemberVO() : MemberVO insertMember(newMember : MemberVO) : void updateMember(member : MemberVO) : void deleteMember(member : MemberVO) : void getMemberVO(personID : String, membershipYear : String) : MemberVO getMemberByCriteria(membershipYear : String, criterias : Map) : List <> createMemberPaymentVO() : MemberPaymentVO insertMemberPayment(memberPayment : MemberPaymentVO) : void insertMemberTakeMagazine(magazineClaim : MemberTakeMagazineVO) : void <> createMemberTakeMagazineVO() : MemberTakeMagazineVO

Figure 17 Member Services data-access objects classes



The MemberDAO class manages data about the members. Member data are stored in the following tables: • •

people member

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• •

member_payment member_take_magazine

Method Summary public MemberVO


The primary factory method [GoF95] to create new instances of MemberVO objects. public void

insertMember(MemberVO newMember)

Inserts a new member in the member table. The parent record in the people table corresponding to the member must already exist, or this method will throw an exception. public void

updateMemberVO(MemberVO member)

Updates the member’s data. Both the member table and the people table are updated. public MemberVO

getMemberVO(String personID, String membershipYear)

Returns data about a member with the specified person ID and membership year. Data from both of the people table and member table are retrieved. public List

getMemberByCriteria(String membershipYear, Map criterias)

Returns a List (from java.util) which contains MemberVO objects for the members matching all of the specified criterias. The criterias parameter is specified by a set of (String name, Object value) pairs, where name is the field name requested (either from the people table or from the member table) and value is the matching value of the field. public MemberPaymentVO

public void


The primary factory method [GoF95] to create new instances of MemberPaymentVO objects. insertMemberPaymentVO()

Inserts a new entry in the member_payment table. The foreign keys (person_id and membership_year) must be valid at the time of insertion (the referred records exists). public MemberTakeMagazineVO

public void


The primary factory method [GoF95] to create new instances of MemberTakeMagazineVO objects. insertMemberTakeMagazine (MemberTakeMagazineVO magazineClaim) Inserts a new entry in the member_take_magazine table. The foreign keys (magazine_id, person_id, and membership_year)


be valid at the time of insertion (the referred records exists).

5.5 Business Logic 5.5.1 Member Manager The MemberManager business logic implements business rules concerning member services. At the beginning of each method, a security check is

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performed to verify whether the currently logged-on operator may perform the desired business action. If access to the action is denied, the corresponding method throws a security exception. Note that not all of the required methods are explained in the text. These unlisted methods are typically simple – they passthrough to the related methods in the DAO after performing some security checks and setting some easily-obtained values. Method Summary MemberVO


Pass-through to MemberDAO.createMemberVO() to create an empty MemberVO object. public void

public List

public List

protected MemberDAO

payMemberFee(String personID, String membershipYear, float amountPaid)

Registers a member's payment. The amount paid must be greater than zero, or this method will throw an exception. getMemberPaymentHistory (String personID, String membershipYear)

Returns a List (from java.util) which contains MemberPaymentVO objects for the specified member. The value objects returned represents a history of the member's payments for this period. getMagazineClaimHistory(String personID, String membershipYear)

Returns a List (from java.util) which contains MemberTakeMagazineVO objects for the specified member. The value objects returned represents a history of the member's payments for this period. getMemberDAO()

Returns the MemberDAO object associated with this business logic.

5.5.2 Create Member Member creation (Figure 18) is done when a member registers for a period of membership (one year). This process is invoked by the presentation logic and handled by the MemberManager business logic at the createMember() method. This method expects an initialized MemberVO object specifying the new member's data. Within the method, MemberManager first makes sure that the candidate member's personal data (in the person table) already exists -creating a new entry if necessary, or updating the existing entry. Then the person's membership data for this period (the current membership year) is created. The MemberDAO takes care of the actual details of handling the tables.

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: JSP for Me mb er Ser vices

: Se cu ri tyC on trol

: MemberManager

: Membe rDAO

createMember() called

The new member's data entered verify operator privileges

privilege records obtained

[ access denied ] [ a ccess granted ]

security clearance approved

get PersonID of the new m ember

[ data not exist ]

[ data exist ]

lookup profil e data in the people table

insert new record in the people table

update the current data in the people table

Person data obtai ned

New member created

insert new record in the member table

Figure 18 Create Member business process

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: MemberManager

: MemberDAO

1: getMemberDAO( )

2: getPerson(String) 3: insertPerson(PersonVO) 4: insertMemb er(Mem berVO)

Figure 19 Member Creation sequence

5.5.3 Member Payment The Pay Member Fee business process is handled by the MemberManager.payMemberFee() method. The method first verifies that the payment amount is larger than zero. If the condition does not apply, then the method will throw an exception. The process is shown in Figure 20.

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: JSP for Mem ber Ser vices

: Secur ityContr ol

Member's payment data entered

: Mem ber Manager

: Mem ber DAO

payMemberFee() called

verify operator privileges

privilege records obtained

[ acc es s denied ] [ access granted ]

security clearance approved

check payment am ount

amount > 0

insert member pay ment recor ds

am ount < = 0

payment denied

member payment recorded

Figure 20 Pay Member Fee business process

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: MemberManager

: MemberPaymentVO

: MemberDAO

1: getMemberDAO( )

2: createMemberPaymentVO( ) 3: setPersonID(String) 4: setMemb ershipYear(String)

5: setPaymentDate(Date) 6: setAmount(float ) 7: insertMemberP ayment(MemberPayment VO)

Figure 21 Sample sequence for Pay Member Fee business logic

A sample sequence of method calls is shown in Figure 21 -- the diagram shows that after some intermediate checks, the method passes through to the DAO. The intermediary MemberPaymentVO object is used for communicating the payment data to the DAO. Note: the sequence diagram in Figure 21 do not visualize the security checks that must be performed by the business logic beforehand. 5.5.4 Magazine Claims The Claim Magazine business process is handled by the MemberManager.memberClaimMagazine() method. After performing the necessary security checks, this method simply passes through to the corresponding DAO object (Figure 22).

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: JSP for Member Serv ices

: SecurityControl

Magazine ID, Person ID and Membership Year entered

: MemberManager

: MemberDAO

memberClaimMagazine() called verify operat or privileges

privilege records obtained [ acc ess denied ] [ access granted ]

security clearance approved

get magazine record

decrement magazine amount in stock by one update magazine record magazine amount updated insert magazine claim data magazine claim recorded

Figure 22 Magazine Claims business process

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: MemberManager

: MemberDAO

: MemberTakeMagazineVO

1: getMemb erDAO( ) 2: createMem berTakeMagazineVO( )

3: setPersonID(String) 4: getMembershipYear( ) 5: setDtTaken(Timestamp) 6: insertMemberTakeMagazine(MemberTakeMagazine VO)

Figure 23 Sample Claim Magazine sequence


Event Organizer

6.1 Overview In the context of event organizer (Figure 24), an EventDAO object is used by two business logic objects: EventManager and Reporter 1

EventManager (f rom business)







(from data)

(from data)



1 EventDAO

0..n 1..1

(from data)

1 1 Reporter (f rom business)


0..n ReportVO (from data)

AttendanceReportVO (from data)

Figure 24 Event Organizer Class Overview

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The EventManager uses the DAO to manage event data, records the event’s attendance data, and retrieves currently active events. These DAO and BL classes uses EventVO objects to express data about an event. It contains the event start and finish date, the attendance of the event, and of course the event name. 6.2 Sample Screens 6.2.1 Create Event The event creation screen (Figure 25) Create Event allows the event manager to create a new event in the database. The fields Event Name to be filled in are the event name, the event start date, and the event finish Event Start date. If the event manager wishes to Event Finish create an event that is not expected to end (such as the secretariate event), the event finish field should not be filled. Events are identified by Figure 25 Create Event user interface their names, thus the name of the newly-created event must not already exist in the database.


After all the fields (except event finish) has been filled in, the event manager then clicks the Create button and the new event will be created. This eventcreation process will fail if there is an already-existing event with the same name in the database. 6.2.2 Attend Event 3.1.1 After an event has been created, it can Attendance be attended by many people. To start Attend to active events the attendance service, the operator will 12 April 2001 ending not after: bring up the attendance screen shown Please select the event name : in Figure 26. This screen will prompt FA April 2001 the operator to select the event for which the attendance records will be OK entered. The screen also displays the current date, which is used to filter the Figure 26 Attendance user interface events available for selection. The operator then chooses the event and click the OK button after ensuring his choice is the right event. The available choices for the event are only the currently active events (The event which has not finished at the current date).

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BNCC Information System System Design 3.1.2 Figure 27 shows the screen after the Attend Event operator clicks on the OK button at Event name : FA April 2001 the attendance screen. This following Start : 12 April 2001 screen will wait the operator to enter for End : 12 April 2001 a Person ID. This ID number may be entered using any tools (such a bar Person ID code reader or keyboard). The operator Attend Quit should aware that there are two buttons available here. The Attend Figure 27 Attend Event user interface button should be clicked after the operator entered the ID of the person who is attending the event. The Quit button is used if there are no more people who will attend the event. The button will send the operator to screen 3.1.1 (Figure 26).

If the operator the operator clicks the 3.1.3 Confirm Attendance Attend button, he/she will go to the Name: John Doe confirmation screen (Figure 28). Here the operator may see the profile (name Address: One Doe's way, 1415, California and address) of the person attending the event. If the displayed profile Event FA April 2001 matches the real person, the operator Cancel Confirm then clicks on the Confirm button. Otherwise, the Cancel button will send Figure 28 Confirm Attendance user interface the operator to the previous screen. 6.3

Value Objects ValueObject (from data)

EventVO Report VO (from data)

At tendanceReportVO (from data)

(f rom d ata )

AttendanceVO (from data)

eventName : String eventStart : Date eventFinish : Date

pe rsonID : Strin g dtAtte nd : Timestam p eventName : String

setEventName(name : String) : void setEventStart(eventStart : Date) : void setEventFinish(finishDate : Date) : void getEventName() : String getEventStart() : Date getEventFinish() : Date

se tPersonID(personID : String) : void se tDtAttend(attend Timestamp : Tim estamp) : void se tEventName(eventN am e : String) : voi d ge tPersonID() : String ge tDtAttend() : Tim esta mp ge tEventName() : Stri ng

Figure 29 Event Organizer value objects

6.3.1 EventVO Each EventVO object represents a record in the event table. All properties are to be set and retrieved using the public methods provided by the object.

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6.3.2 AttendanceVO Each AttendanceVO object represents a record in the














Data-Access Objects Dat aAc cessObject (f rom dat a)

EventDAO (f rom dat a)

createEventVO() : EventVO insertEvent(newEvent : EventVO) : void updateEven t(event : EventVO) : void deleteEvent(event : Even tVO) : void getEventsBetwee n(startDate : Date, endDate : Date) : List createAttendance VO() : Atte ndanceVO getAttendan ceByEven tNam e(eve ntNam e : String) : List insertAttend ance(attendance : Atten danceVO) : void

Figure 30 Event Organizer data-access objects

The EventDAO class manages data about the events. Event data are stored in the event table and the attendance table

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Method Summary public EventVO

public void


The primary factory method [GoF95] to create new instances of EventVO objects. insertEvent(EventVO newEvent)

Inserts a new event in the event table. public void

updateEvent(EventVO event)

Updates the event’s data. Both the event table and the attendance table are updated. public void

deleteEvent(EventVO event)

Deletes an event in the event table. public List

getEventsBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate)

Returns a List (from java.util) which contains EventVO objects which are still active in the time period given. public AttendanceVO

public List


The primary factory method [GoF95] to create new instances of AttendanceVO objects. getAttendanceByEventName(String name)

Returns a List (from java.util) which contains AttendanceVO objects which event name is according to the parameter given. public void

insertAttendance(AttendanceVO attendance)

Inserts a new attendance into the attendance


6.5 Business Logic The EventManager business logic implements business rules concerning event organizer services. At the beginning of each method, a security check is performed to verify whether the currently logged-on operator may perform the desired business action. If access to the action is denied, the corresponding method throws a security exception. Note that not all of the required methods are explained in the text. These unlisted methods are typically simple – they passthrough to the related methods in the DAO after performing some security checks and setting some easily-obtained values.

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BusinessLogic (f rom business)

EventManager (from business)

enterAttendance(personID : Stri ng, eventName : String) : void createEvent(eventNam e : String, eventStart : Date, eventFini sh : Date) : void getEventDAO() : EventDAO getActiveEvents() : List

Figure 31 Event-Organizer business logic

Method Summary public void

enterAttendance(String personID, String eventName)

Pass-through to MemberDAO.createMemberVO() to insert an attendance to the database. public void

createEvent(String eventName, Date eventStart, Date eventFinish)

Creates a new event. public EventDAO public List


Returns an eventDAO object associated with this business logic. getActiveEvents()

Returns a List (from java.util) which contains EventVO objects which are still active for the current time. This method generate current date an pass it through the DAO.

6.5.1 Create Event The event organizer services provide a create event service to provide an event manager a tool to create a new event. If an event is going to be held, an event manager will use this service to input the event name, start date, and when will the event finish. These data will be very useful in generating documents (such as attendance) later. The process is shown in Figure 32.

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: JSP for Ev ent Management

: SecurityControl

New Event data entered

: Ev entManager

: Ev entDAO

createEvent() c alled verify operat or privileges

privilege records obtained

[ acc ess denied ]

[ acces s granted ]

security clearance approved insert new record in the event table new event created

Figure 32 Create Event business process

6.5.2 Attend Event This process is performed each time a person attends an event. It is assumed that a person could not attend more than one event at an instance of time. The business logic is shown in Figure 33.

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: JSP for Ev entAttendance

: Sec urityControl

: Ev e ntMa nage r

: Ev entDAO

event specified

Person ID obtained

enterAttendance() called verify operator privileges privilege records obtained [ access denied ] [ access granted ]

security clearance approved insert new record in the attendance table person attendance recorded

Figure 33 Enter Attendance business process



7.1 References [GoF95] Gamma, Erich, et. al. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1995. ISBN 0-201-63361-2. [Yu02] Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML.

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