Bmt Assigment 1(uzair)

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,039
  • Pages: 18
TASK 1: 1. Sales Budget for each four quarters of 2010

First Quarter Sales Unit: 1800 Quarterly unit increment: 200

MEGATECH SDN BHD Sales Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Expected Sales (in units) 1800 2000 2200 2400 Selling price (RM) 600 600 600 600 Total Sales (RM) 1080000 1200000 1320000 1440000

Calculation for Total Sales (RM)

Q1 = 1800 x 600 = RM 1080 000

Q3 = 2200 x 600 = RM 1320 000

Q2 = 2000 x 600 = RM 1 200 000

Q4 = 2400 x 500 = RM 1440 000

Year 8400 600 5040000

2. Production Budget for each four quarters of 2010 

Since this is a new venture, there is no opening stock.

In order to meet future sales requirement, your are requested to maintain a closing stock of 10% of the next quarter budgeted sales volume

MEGATECH SDN BHD Production Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Expected Sales (in units) 1800 2000 Add: Desired ending Finished goods (units) 200 220 Total required units 2000 2220 Less: Beginning Finished goods (units) 0 200 Required Production Units 2000 2020

Calculation for desired ending finished goods (units)

Q1 = 2000 x 10% = 200

Q3 = 2400 x 10%

Q2 = 2200 x 10% = 220

Q4 = 2600 x 10%

Q3 2200 240 2440 220 2220

Q4 2400 260 2660 240 2420



= 240

= 260

Calculation for Required Production Units

Q1 = 2000 - 0

Q2 = 2220 - 200

= 2000

= 2020

Q3 = 2440 - 220 = 2220

Q4 = 2660 - 240 = 2420

3. Direct Material Purchases Budget for each four quarters 2010 

Prepare the budget for TWO (2) types of direct material only

Since this is a new venture, there is no opening stock

Because of easy access to supplier, it is sufficient to hold a closing stock of raw material equal to 10% of next quarter’s budgeted production requirement

MEGATECH SDN BHD Direct Material (Water Pump) Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Units to be produced (from production budget) 2000 2020 Direct material per unit 1 1 Total DM required for production (units) 2 000 2020 Add: Ending DM (units) 202 222 Total DM required (units) 2202 2242 Less: Beginning DM (units) 0 202

Q3 2220 1 2220 242 2462 222

Q4 2420 1 2420 262 2682 242


Direct Material to be purchased (units) Cost per unit Total Cost of DM purchased (RM)

2202 27 56454

2040 27 55080

2240 27 60480

2440 27 65880

Q3 2220 1 2220 242 2462 222 2240 11 24640

Q4 2420 1 2420 262 2682 242 2440 11 26840


Calculation for Total Cost of DM purchased (RM) Q1 = 2202 x 27

Q2 = 2040 x 27

= 56454

= 55080

Q3 = 2240 x 27

Q4 = 2440 x 27

= 60480

= 65880

Total Cost of DM purchased (RM) = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 = 56454 + 55080 + 60480 + 65880 = RM 237894

MEGATECH SDN BHD Direct Material (Sprinkler) Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Units to be produced (from production budget) 2000 2020 Direct material per unit 1 1 Total DM required for production (units) 2000 2020 Add: Ending DM (units) 202 222 Total DM required (units) 2202 2242 Less: Beginning DM (units) 0 202 Direct Material to be purchased (units) 2202 2040 Cost per unit 11 11 Total Cost of DM purchased (RM) 24222 22440



Calculation for Total Cost of DM purchased (RM) Q1 = 2202 x 11

Q2 = 2040 x 11

= 24222

= 22440

Q3 = 2240 x 11

Q4 = 2440 x 11

= 24640

= 26840

Total Cost of DM purchased (RM) = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 = 24222 + 22440 + 26840 + 26840 = RM 98 142

4. Direct Labour Budget for each four quarters of 2010 

Prepare the budgets for Two (2) types of direct labour only

Based on standard labour time and standard pay rate in your jobs/ standard cost card

MEGATECH SDN BHD Direct Labour (Technician) Budget

For the Year Ending December 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Q3 Units to be produced (from production budget) 2000 2020 2220 Direct labour time per unit 20/60 20/60 20/60 Total required direct labour hours 666.67 673.3 740 Direct labour cost per hour 11.36 11.36 11.36 Total direct labour cost (RM) 7573.37 7648.69 8406.4

Q4 2420 20/60 806.67 11.36 9163.77



MAD’S SDN BHD Direct Labour (Carpenter) Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Q3 Units to be produced (from production budget) 2000 2020 2220 Direct labour time per unit 20/60 20/60 20/60 Total required direct labour hours 666.67 673.3 740 Direct labour cost per hour 10.23 10.23 10.23 Total direct labour cost (RM) 6820.03 6887.86 7570.2

Calculation for Total direct labour cost (RM)


Q1 = 333.33 x 10

Q2 = 336.67 x 10

= 3333.3

= 3366.7

Q4 2420 20/60 806.67 10.23 8252.23



Q3 = 370 x 10

Q4 = 403.33 x 10

= 3700

= 4033.3

Total direct labour cost (Technician) = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 = 3333.3 + 336.67 + 3700 + 4033.3 = RM 14433.30

Calculation for Total direct labour cost (RM)


Q1 = 666.67 x 10

Q2 = 673.33 x 10

= 6666.7

= 6733.3

Q3 = 740 x 10

Q4 = 806.67 x 10

= 7400

= 8066.7

Total direct labour cost (Carpenter)

= Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 = 6666.7 + 6733.3 + 7400 + 8066.7 = RM 28866.70

5. Factory Overhead Budget for each four quarters of 2010 

Distinguish and split between fixed and variable overhead cost

Calculate OAR using direct labour hour

MAD’S SDN BHD Factory Overhead Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Q3 Variable cost: 2000 2020 2220 13 333.33 13 466.67 14 800  Electricity bill (RM 3000) 4 444.44 4 488.89 4 933.33  Water bill (RM 1000) 2 222.22 2 244.44 2 466.67  Telephone bill (RM 500) Total Variable Cost (RM) 19 999.99 20 200 22 200 Fixed Cost:  Promotion (RM 2000)  Lorry selling and distribution (RM 2000)  Salaries (model) (RM 6000) Total Fixed Cost (RM) Total Factory Overhead (RM) Total Direct Labour Hours Factory overhead rate per direct labour hours

6000 6000 18 000 30 000 49 999.99 1000


Factory overhead rate per direct labour hours (OAR) OAR =

Total Factory Overhead

6000 6000 18 000 30 000 50 200 1010

6000 6000 18 000 30 000 52 200 1110

Q4 2420 16 133.33 5 377.78 2 688.89 24 200 6000 6000 18 000 30 000 54 200 1210


86 599.99

120 000 206 599.99 4 330 47.71

Total Direct Labour Hours =

206 599.99 / 4330



Variable Cost: Calculation for electricity bill

Q1 = 3000/ 450 x 2000 = 13 333.33

Q3 = 3000/ 450 x 2220 = 14800

Q2 = 3000/ 450 x 2020 = 13 466.67

Q4 = 3000/ 450 x 2420 = 16 133.33

Calculation for water bill

Q1 = 1000/ 450 x 2000 = 4 444.44

Q3 = 1000/ 450 x 2220

Q2 = 1000/ 450 x 2020 = 4 488.89

Q4 = 1000/ 450 x 2420

= 4 933.33

= 5 377.78

Calculation for telephone bill

Q1 = 500/ 450 x 2000

Q2 = 500/ 450 x 2020

= 2 222.22

Q3 = 500/ 450 x 2220

= 2 244.44

Q4 = 500/ 450 x 2420

= 2 466.67

Total Variable Cost

For Q1

= electricity bill + water bill + telephone bill = 13 333.33 + 4 444.44 + 2 222.22 = RM 19 999.99

= 2 688.89

For Q2

= electricity bill + water bill + telephone bill = 13 466.67 + 4 488.89 + 2 244.44 = RM 20 200

For Q3

= electricity bill + water bill + telephone bill = 14 800 + 4 933.33 + 2 466.67 = RM 22 200

For Q4

= electricity bill + water bill + telephone bill = 16 133.33 + 5 377.78 + 2 688.89 = RM 24 200

Total Variable Cost (RM) = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 = 19 999.99 + 20 200 + 22 200 + 24 200 = RM 86 599.99

Fixed Cost: Calculation for promotion

Q1 = 2000 x 3

Q2 = 2000 x 3

= 6 000

= 6 000

Q3 = 2000 x 3

Q4 = 2000 x 3

= 6 000

= 6 000

Calculation for lorry selling and distribution

Q1 = 2000 x 3

Q2 = 2000 x 3

= 6 000

= 6 000

Q3 = 2000 x 3

Q4 = 2000 x 3

= 6 000

= 6 000

Calculation for lorry salaries (model)

Q1 = 6000 x 3 = 18 000

Q3 = 6000 x 3 = 18 000

Q2 = 6000 x 3 = 18 000

Q4 = 6000 x 3 = 18 000

Total Fixed Cost

For Q1

= promotion + lorry selling + salaries = 6000 + 6000 + 18 000 = RM 30 000

For Q2

= promotion + lorry selling + salaries = 6000 + 6000 + 18 000 = RM 30 000

For Q3

= promotion + lorry selling + salaries = 6000 + 6000 + 18 000 = RM 30 000

For Q4

= promotion + lorry selling + salaries = 6000 + 6000 + 18 000 = RM 30 000

Total Variable Cost (RM) = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 = 30 000 + 30 000 + 30 000 + 30 000 = RM 120 000 Calculation for Factory Overhead Total Variable Cost + Total Fixed Cost

For Q1 = 19 999.99 + 30 000 = 49 999.99 For Q3 = 22 200 + 30 000 = 52 200

For Q2 = 20 200 + 30 000 = 50 200 For Q4 = 24 200 + 30 000 = 54 200

Calculation for Total Direct Labour Hours = Total req. DLH (technician) + Total req. DLH (carpenter) Q1 = 333.33 + 666.67 = 1000 Q3 = 370 + 740 = 1110

Total Direct Labour Hours = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4

Q2 = 336.67 + 673.33 = 1010 Q4 = 403.33 + 806.67 = 1210

= 1000 + 1010 + 1110 + 1210 = 4330

6. Closing Stock Budget as at December 31, 2010 

Prepare a budget for Direct Material Closing Stock and Finished Goods Closing Stock

MAD’S SDN BHD Closing Stock Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2010 Units Unit Cost (RM) Direct materials:  Pendaflour lamp  Plastic board Total DM stock

1572 524

Finished Goods:  Stuminidio Total Closing Stock


 Pendaflour lamp  Plastic board  Technician  Carpenter Factory Overhead

Units Cost (RM) 14.50 50 10 10

Total Value (RM)

14.50 50

22 794 26 200 48 994

Unit/Hour 6 2 10/60 20/60 1/2

Value (RM) 87 100 1.67 3.33

Unit Cost


Calculation for Total Value

Total value = Units x Units Cost (RM)

Pendaflour lamp

Plastic board

Total value

Total value

= 1572 x 14.50 = RM 22794

= 524 x 50 = 26200

Total Direct Material Stock = total value pendaflour lamp + total value plastic board = RM 22794 + RM 26200 = RM 48994 Finished Goods:

Calculation total value for Stuminidio

Total value

= Units x Units Cost (RM)

= 260 x 192 = RM 49920

Total Closing Stock = Total DM Stock + total value for Stuminidio = RM 48994 + RM 49920 = RM 98914

7. Cost of Goods Sold Budget as at December 31, 2010 

Since this is a new venture, there is no opening stock

MAD’S SDN BHD Cost of Goods Sold Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2010

RM Direct Material Used Direct Labour Factory Overhead Total Production Cost Add: Beginning FG Less: Ending FG Cost of Goods Sold

0 (49 920)

RM 1 668 414 43 300 206 599.97 1 918 313.97 (49 920) 1 868 393.97

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