Blue Print Ict

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,709
  • Pages: 11
introduction :ict in learning

e-learning methods and the use of information and communication technologies in education and training have changed the way of learning and teaching, providing a fundamental contribution in their processes of innovation and reform. through the integration of new technologies, education and training have become more accessible and more flexible, offering opportunities to all and at all educational levels. nevertheless new technologies and their integration in the education and training systems are no longer an issue of discussion. focus is now placed on the methodological and pedagogical implications linked to their use for learning and teaching purposes, starting from learning seen as a social process, offering better opportunities to collaborate with other learners, to facilitate interaction with the content, receive guidance from teachers and tutors and to support accessibility for people with disabilities of having time, age, space .constraints information and communication technology (ict) has become, within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society. many countries now regard understanding ict and mastering the basic skills and concepts of ict as part of the core of education, alongside reading, writing and .numeracy

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definition of ict ict stands for information and communication* .technology information and communication technology, or ict, is defined as the combination of informatics technology with other, related technologies,specifically .communication technology the main point in this definition is"informatics*

:"technology informatics technology is defined as the .technological applications other technologies include .computers,internet,multimedia,and telephone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

definition of e-learning :elearning planning •elearning refers to the exploration and use of a broad range of information and communication technologies (ict) to provide new learning environments that may be interactive or accessed online from home or within the community. the inclusion of elearning within the curriculum will enhance a school's teaching and give students new and valuable learning experiences. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


:ict in schools

reading, writing and mathematics will always be important in education, and technology can be a vital tool to help students better interact with these .fundamental skills knowing how to use technology also forms part of .the skill set students need for life in the 21st century information and communications technology, or ict , is the computer-related hardware and software that enables information to be digitally processed, stored .and communicated in today's technology-rich environment, integrating ict into teaching and learning will better equip young .people with real skills for the future should be an integration between the new technologies such as multimedia, e-learning and distance education to deliver them into their .educational systems

:ict curriculum** the information and communication technology (ict) curriculum provides students with a broad perspective on the nature of technology, how to use and apply a variety of technologies, and the impact of information and communication technologies on themselves and on society. the ict curriculum is not intended to stand alone, but rather to be infused .within core courses and programs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

:why teach with ict

the reasons:

1-because the future is here: ict is the learning and teaching tool of the 21st century. by teaching pupils using ict, you're not only helping them learn better; you're preparing them for a workplace – a world – already dominated by the .computer. this is today's technology, not tomorrow's 2-because pupils love it: incorporating ict and multimedia resources into your lessons is a great way to reach your pupils – using technologies, devices and applications that they .already love to use in the rest of their lives because it helps develop teaching professionals -3 :too teaching using ict offers you the chance to inject new passion into your subject, to adopt fresh approaches to familiar material, and to develop new skills to .expand your own career potential 4-because it saves time and energy: according to the 2003 ict in school survey, the majority of government-funded schools report that ict 'helps reduce teacher workload in terms of lesson .'preparation, planning and assessment .and because it's fun -5

using ict as a tool for learning :enables students to efficiently and effectively access digital -1 information to assist with investigating issues, solving problems and decision .making produce creative solutions to support learning and develop new understandings -in areas of learning. 2

communicate, share and work collaboratively in local and global -environments. 3 understand the legal, ethical and health . and safety implications of using ict and their responsibilities as users and developers 4-develop new thinking and -learning skills to support learning. 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

:teachers in ict

teacher education and professional ** development are essential for the success .of an ict curriculum in schools :some points to consider are the following 1-psychological or affective factors are critically is important to decrease teachers'fears of computers, and to show new learners that they are able to use a computer. confidence is as important as competence. confidence and competence can be acquired-2 through autonomous work, using carefully prepared learning materials and, where possible, some distance interactions through appropriate .communication tools teachers, like all learners, need to be provided with-3 .opportunities to make mistakes the most basic motor skills (e.g. pointing, clicking,-4 and dragging with a mouse) need to be mastered before developing skills to use ict tools: mastery is .about confidence and self-esteem

beginners have not only to be able to use ict tools-5 and environments, but to understand basic principles about architecture, file managing, and email .transmission it is important to provide accurate representations-6 of the computing systems and ict tools they are expected to use in their schools, not the theory of .what may happen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

:teacher competencies ** there are general ict competencies, common to all uses, regardless of the subject area. training and professional development will need to focus upon these competencies as teachers' technical confidence and competence grows and as they seek ways to improve their .teaching examples of general teacher competencies :include the following ability to decide why, when, where, and how -1 ict tools will contribute to teaching objectives, and how to choose from among a range of ict tools those that are most appropriate to :stimulate pupils’ learning, that is • choose ict tools and pedagogy from those recommended for specific subjects; • explain the reasons for choosing particular ict tools and pedagogy; • emphasize the content of students' productions; • plan a whole lesson sequence, deciding in advance when and how ict will best be

used. ability to manage a class-based learning -2 environment using team work to achieve :teaching objectives, that is • be able to describe difficulties in using ict to achieve planned lesson objectives; • understand differences between pupils according to their competencies in using ict; • have available strategies to manage such differences in the course of teaching. ability to decide when whole class or group -3 multimedia presentations will be useful, that :is • vary the kind of presentation or lesson materials according to the main goals and the teaching method; • analyze a presentation for legibility, structure, coherence with objectives, and suitability for students. 4-ability to analyze subject specific multimedia educational software,that is: • evaluate cd-roms, web sites, video and audio, courseware; • assess activities proposed for learners and the contribution of these to lesson objectives; • analyze the specific contribution of ict tools to individual students' learning. 5-ability to assist students to find, compare, and analyze information from the internet, and from other sources specific to a subject area, that is:

• teach students to construct simple searches; • help students to manage, to criticize, to synthesize and to present information using ict tools. 6-ability to select and use appropriate tools to communicate, according to teachers' own objectives, with colleagues or with fellow students, that is: • assess communication tools to use teaching situations to facilitate collaboration. 7-ability to use ict more efficiently, choosing training sessions and participating in new developments in order to enhance professional development, that is: • participate and be active in groups working on the use of ict; • use ict tools (forums, conferencing, bulletin boards, email) to collaborate in the improvement of teaching and learning and in the management of learning processes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

applying ict to teachers' subject areas:

after teachers have acquired basic ict skills and knowledge, they feel confident in using a number of generic and specialized ict tools that can be applied to the teaching of their subject areas. in my opinion, this applying effected by many factors such as the class enviroment,electronic equipments

that is available,students' altitude towardes technology,and the nature of the lesson itself. training courses, seminars and workshops on specific applications used in a teacher's subject area. it is sometimes recommended to include these ict workshops in accepted conferences within the specific teacher subject community in order to increase the opportunities for participation. also,teachers who share the same subject area can work together in their school to pool ideas and the learning resources they have prepared. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>

stages of teaching and learning:

studies of teaching and learning in schools around the world identify four broad stages in the way that teachers and students learn about and gain confidence in the use of ict. 1-discovering ict tools.

2-learning how to use ict tools. 3-understanding how and when to use ict tools. 4-specializing in the use of ict tools. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>.

some changes ict makes: •ict adds value to the processes of learning, and in the organization and management of learning institutions. •the internet is a driving force for much development and innovation in both developed and developing countries. •technological developments lead to changes in work and changes in the organization of work, and required competencies are therefore changing. •gaining in importance are the following competencies: 1-critical thinking, 2-generalist (broad) competencies. 3-ict competencies enabling expert work. 4-decision-making. 5-handling of dynamic situations. 6-working as a member of a team. 7-communicating effectively. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

technology applications in education:

the fundamental function served by the technology is that it enhances our ability to communicate

information.the human communication is based on interchange of information.

some application: 1-technology can be used to teach. 2-technology can be used to ensure that all students learn. 3-technology can be used to reduce time needed to teach instructional objectives. 4-students prefer technology-based instruction. 5-technology-based instruction can be cost effictive.

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