Block Grant 09 Application

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,526
  • Pages: 9
Fiscal Year 2OO9

CuyahogaCounty Department of Development Comm u n ity Developrnent BlockGrant Application M u n i c i p a lG r a n t P r o s r a m The Cedar Center RedevelopmentInfrastructu re Project November14, 2008

I certify that this Community possesse.t the legul authority to proceed with this project if it is awarded, that the informatiott cotttuined herein is true and correet and thut the submittal of this applicatiort has been duly authorized. Type Name of Chie.fExecutive Officer:

Georsine Welo Signatilre:

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General Information ProgramApplication a. Project Goals & Objectives b. Problem/Needldentification c. StrategyStatement d. ProjectLocation e. Project Status f. Relationship to HUD National Objectives g. Impact to Community h. Leveraging i. ProjectManagementTeam III. ProgramBudget a. Funding SourceChart b. Letter to DocumentLocal Match IV. Project ScheduleiMilestones V. RequiredAttachments a. City ITA/LMI CensusTract Map Showing Project Location b. PriorPerformanceDocumentation i. Fair Housing Legislation 1. Statementof City Commitment to Fair Housing 2. Fair Housing Codified Ordinancewith EnforcementProvision 3. City Council Resolutionin Supportof Fair Housing 4. EEO Annual Report ii. Affordable Housins Activities l. Affordable Housing Statement 2. List Registered& LicensedGroup Homes in the City 3. City Participationin CuyahogaCounty Housing Programs iii. RecentAudit iv. Statementof AdministrativeCapacity 1. Municipal Grant ProgramPrior Funding Chart 2. Exterior Maintenance Program Prior Funding Chart 3. CDBG Prior Funding Awards v. City Master Plan Documentation c. Budget i. Letter to DocumentLocal Match ii. Third Party Cost Estimate& Documentation d. Citizen Participation Efforts i. Public Hearing Advertisements ii. Resolution Authorizing Grant Application VI. Project Design & Impact




ProgramSpecific Information


Progtam Summary


ProgramNarrative o ProjectGoals & Objectives o Problem/Needldentification o StrategyStatement o ProjectLocation o Project Status o Relationshipto HUD National Objectives o Impact to Community o Leveraging o ProjectManagementTeam


ProjectBudget o Funding SourceChart o Letter to DocumentLocal Match





COM M ISSION ER S Ji m m yD i m or a Tim othyF .H agan PeterLaw s onIones Departmentof Development CompetitiveNlunicipal Grant Program

FY 2009 ApplicationFor Assistance I. GeneralInformation NI u rt ic ip al A pp Iic a tio rt Ranking: (circleonel


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Dote(s) of Newspaper Advertisentent:

Public Heuring Date(s):



City of SouthEuclid Community Name 1?dQ Qnrrth (.}roe-

Date of ResolutionApproval:


Mayor GeorgineWelo

Chief Executive OfJicer


( 2 1 6) 3 8 i - 0 4 0 0

Street Address

Direct Telephone#

SouthEuclid. Ohio 44121 City / Zip

K e i t hA . B e n i a m i n ContactPerson

34-6002695 Federal Tur ID #

Directorof Commr"rnity Services Title

1216)lR 1-0400 Main Telephone#

( 216) 381- 0400 ext.234 Direct Telephone# kbenjarnin@seuc E-Mail (216)381-0364 Fax Number

I certify that tltis Contnunifit possessesthe legal nuthority to proceed witlt this project if it is muarded, thst the infornntiort contained herein is true and correct ond tltat the subnitttl of this applicotiort ltts been duly ttrthorized. Type l{ame of Chief E-uecutiveOfJicer:



Mayor Dste: iYovember13,2008 .,i

Type of grant: (check one) Tier I (maximumfunding $325,000)_ Tier 2 (maximumfunding $100,00q r'

lI. Pro.iectSpecificInformation ProjectTitte:CedarCenterRedevelopment nfiastructr,rre Project. tf lltis k a joint applicttion please specify other conmunities tnd leod ogency:

National Objective: X X

(clteck thosethat flpply)

Benefitto Lorv/Nloderate IncomePersons PreventiEliminateSlum & Blieht

Anrourtt of CDBGFurtrls Requested: $100,000 Matching Funds S560,960 TotolCostof Project: $660,560 City's Leverage 85% CDBG Leveroge 15%

ProjectLocatiott:Descriptiort and CensusBlockGroups

By CensusBlock Groups:

CDBG Costper Beneficiary: CDBG fimds reqtrcsted S 100.000

Total Personsl,7Il

Totnl L,M/I Persons 728

OR Limited Clientele: Totul # of persons project will serve_ Total population of community per 2000 Census:

CedarCenterShoppingCenter,aka StanhopeRoad,located on 12-acresof landownedby the Cityof SouthEuclid,in the northwestcornerof the CedarRoad-Warrensville CenterRoad intersection. CensusTract1852.01 .

# of beneficiaries 1.71I CDBG Grant / Beneficiaries58.44 Number of Beneficiaries/ Totnl Populatiort: 8 %

23.369 III. ProiectSummarv (General Descrirrtion of the proiect in 50lvords or less): The projectconsistsof the completereplacement of the existingstormsewer,sanitaryse\,ver, and the watermainson Stanhope Road,rvhichis r,vithin the CedarCenterRedevelopment Project.The replacement will be bLrilton infrastrllcture landownedby ihe City and dedicaied to pubiicuse,to iacilitatetheledeveiopment of this commercialcenterrvhichis vital to the economyof the City andregion.

IV. Srrecifications for UsingRecvcled/Green/Sustainable Materialsand/or Comnonents:

% of project will be constructedfrom recycled/green/sustainable ntaterialsond/or components. Define g en er aI sp eciJicflt io ns an d/or p r o vi de docunrent ati on. The projectrvili utilize recycledconcreteand aggregatefrom the siteas premiumbackfill. The resulting savingswill averageapproximately15ohas comparedto the utilizationof virgin limestonefor backfill.

V. Statementof Need(Pleasedescribethe issue(s)the proiect rvill address):

The projectincludesthe completereplacement of the existingstom sewers,sanitarysew.ers and watet mains that are locatedin the StanhopeRoad ri-ght-of-r,vay, r,vhichedservedthe soon to be demolishedCedarCenterShoppingCenter. The Common trench storm and sanitarysewersr,vill be replaces'uvithnew lines built to current standardsusing modern materialswithin a new utility easement/right-of-way to faciiitate the redevelopmentof the blighted 12-acreproject area.The replacementsewerswill reduce the amount of infiltration and inflow (l/I) that currently enters the system, thereby reducing the incidenceof basementflooding in the adjoiningneighborhoodto the north of the project area. Also includedin the project is the completereplacementof the \.vatermains,r,vhichare beyond their useful life and have unacceptablylor.vfire flor,vrates. The sewersystemson the projectare morethan 80 yearsoid and built in a commontrench'uvith a configuration r,vith the storm sewer directly over the sanitary sewer. A barrel-to-barrel dimensionof six feetbetweenthe two systemsis requiredtoday. The hydraulicconditionof the existingse\,ver systemis critical,as is the poorpertbrmanceof the r,vater mains.Thesesystemsare f'ailing,and needto be reconstructed. Additionally,thesesystems must be relocatedto facilitate the redevelopmentof the Cedar Center ShoppingCenter,and w.hichconstitutesthe driving need for the project. The existing storm and sanitarysewersare locatedin a commontrench. The storm sewerdoesnot have adequatecapacityand the sanitary se\.versr.vereinstalled at gradientsfar less than current minimum standards,resulting in a need for frequentcleaning. Both systemshaving failing joints and being locatedin the sametrench, this contributesto local basementflooding.When the sanitaryseweris hydraulicallyoverloaded raw sewageenters the storm se\.versystem,thereby increasingthe fecal coiiform counts and BOD loadsin the Doan Creek,to r,vhichthis se'uver is tributary. The existingsystemshave undersizedpipe and r,vereinstalledat very flat slopes. Theseexisting pipes do not provide the necessarycapacity. Sincethey r,vereinstalledthe mortarjoints of the pipes have crackedand disintegrated.Thesefailed joints allor,vfor the storm lvater to flow from ihc

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se\,ver.The result is an overloadingof the sanitarysewer r,vithstorm r.vater.This water causes the sanitaryhouse service lateralsto back up, which in turn causesbasementflooding. The inability of the sewersto handle and pass the storm water results in the storm sewer being surchargedfor a longerperiod of time resultingin greateramountsinfiltrationinto the sanitary se\,ver.The resulting basementflooding of water mixed r,vith human 'wastecreatespotential problemsof coliform contaminationand mold growth, lvhich are threatsto humanhealth. The existingwater lines like the sewersystemsare 50+ yearsold and well beyondtheir useful life. Watermainsof this age generallyhaveconnectionscontaininglead. Theseconnectionsare required to be replaced r,vheneverservice is interrupted. Frequent breaks result in an undependabler.vaterline for emergencyprotection. The very low available fire flor,v is not adequateto protectthe proposedcommercialredevelopment.

VI. ProiectNarrative / Description(Solution): A) lfrho is the beneficicu'yof theproject?

The project site lies rvithin a HUD defined lor,v-moderate income area that consistsof the City'sonly designated ITA. The infrasttuctureproject is a componentof a $35 million redevelopment project locatedon property deemed sium and blight. The proposed redevelopmentplan is for mixed-use residential,retail, commercialand olfice. In addition,their w'ill be both outdoor and indoor public space for special events.commr,rnitymeetingsand generalenjoyment and use of residents. The project area sharesbordersr,viththe City of University Heights and the current condition of the project site negativelyimpactsthe 20,652 residentsthat live r,vithinin the one-mile radiussurroundingthe projectsite.

B) Hotv did you arrive at the numberof bene/icictries? Areasof slum,/blightnegativelyimpactsthe sunoundingregionanddraincritical resources andpropertyvaiues.The numberof beneficiariesis basedon populationstatisticsr,vithina one-mileradiusof the projetsite location.That includespopulationsdesignatedby HUD as Urban County Lor,v-ModerateIncome grollps,as lvell as ImprovernentTarget Areas.

C) lVhat is the goal of theproject? The specificgoal of the projectis to replaceand remediate50-80year-oldstorm and sanitary sewersto reducecurrentflooding issuesthat impactthe neighborhood north of projectsiteand preparethe site for fuiureresidential andcommcrcialeconomicdeielopment.

D) Hotv v,ill you meesurethesegouls? Goalswill be measuredby the successful remediationof projectdeficitsand the replacement infrastructure. of

E) Hotv will theproject be implentented? The infrastructure projectr,villbe implementedfollorvingthe City's Public replacement Serviceprojectsstructurefor, biddingand alvardof contractsper local, stateand federallar,vs.

F) lVhat is the impact of rheproiect on the community/beneficiaries? The projectsitervill havea positiveirnpacton the immediateSouthEuclid Block Groupby reducingflooding and replacingthe existing sanitaryand storm r,vatersewersystemsand preparingfor regionaleconomicdevelopmentbenefit.

G) Hotv doestheproject fit into the overall goals of the communie? The City is mandatedby its residentsto provide for the overall health,safetyand welfare of the community. The repair and replacementof aging and failing infrastructureand renewing blightedand obsoletecommercialdistrictsto productiveeconomicdevelopment reutilizationis a primarygoal for the bedroomcommunityof SouthEuclid.

H) lVhat is the exact location of theproject? CederCenterShoppingCenter,aka StanhopeRoad,locatedon 12 acresof land ownedby the City of SouthEuclid,in the northwestcomerof the CedarRoad- WarrensvilleCentelRoad intersection.

I) Is theproject in an ITA? No.

J) Indicate staf/positions that will hanclleeach a.spectof theproject. (Monitortng, constructionapproval,Davis Bacon edorcement,conrractor paymentsconlract changes anclreirnbtu"seme nt preparations) ProjectManager:Andrer.vK. Blackley,P.E.,City Engineer,E,dGailagher,ServiceDirectorand PatrlKowalczyk,Building Commissioner rvill overseemonitoring,constructionapproval,Davis Baconenforcementand additionalconstructionrelatedactivities. Chief FinancialOfficer: JosephFilippo,lvill approvecontractorpayments,contractchangesand reimbursement preparations. All documentsare reviewedand approvedby the City's Lar,v Diretor,Michael Losrosso.

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