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Version 2.0 March 15, 1992 Copyright 1 Total Support Service, Inc. Portions of this program Copyright 2 1983-1990 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Total Support Service, Inc. 5338 West Arbutus Cir. West Jordan, Utah 84084 U.S.A. Telephone: (801) 963-7717


INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE............................................................... ........1 Accounts Payable Summary................................................................. .............2 Effect on General Ledger.................................................. ................................4 PERSONALIZING THE SYSTEM................................................................................... ....5 GENERAL RULES FOR CREATING PROFILES........................................... .............6 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MENU.............................................................................. ..7 Terms Profile...................................................................................................... 8 Vendor Profile............................................................................................ ......13 COMPANY PROFILE MENU............................................................. ...................17 A/P Information..................................................................... ..........................20 IMPLEMENTATION CHECK-OFF LIST.............................................. ....................22 PROCESSING.................................................................................... ..........................23 A/P ACCOUNTING MENU............................................................. .....................24 TRANSACTIONS MENU......................................................................... ............25 Payable Transactions................................................................................. ......26 Payable Audit Report............................................................................... ........36 AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS MENU........................................... ..............................39 Prepare Payments.................................................................... .......................40 Payment Audit Report.......................................................... ...........................45 Payment Checks............................................................................................ ..49 Payment Remittance Advice....................................................................... .....51 MANUAL PAYMENTS MENU............................................................................... 53 Manual Payments..................................................................................... .......54 Manual Payment Remittance Advice................................... ............................57 Manual Payment Audit Report........................................................ .................60 APPLY CREDITS MENU................................................................................. .....64 Apply Credits.................................................................................................. .65 Apply Credits Audit Report...................................................... ........................67 Purge Prior Transactions.................................................................. ................69 Year End Processing................................................................. .......................70 REPORTING.............................................................................................................. ...72 DIRECTIONS FOR PRINTING REPORTS............................................ ..................73 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS....................................................................... ..74 Aged Invoice Register....................................................... ..............................75 Cash Requirements......................................................................... ................77 Terms Code Listing.......................................................................... ................79 Vendor Information Report......................................................... .....................81 Vendor Listing............................................................................... ..................83

Vendor Purchases......................................................................................... ...85 Vendor Mailing Labels................................................................ .....................88 INDEX 92

Accounts Payable 1

INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE The Accounts Payable module is designed to save you time and money. If you have entered an Inventory Receipt through Point of Sale, you can simply and automatically bring that receipt into Accounts Payable. It may then be revised or edited as necessary, and a check printed. Outside purchases may be retrieved in a similar manner. Also, you may inquire for Invoices by date and/or discount days allowed by your Vendor. Of course this permits you to take advantage of any discounts available, yet another way to save money through "VIP." Two methods of preparing payments are possible. You may have the computer automatically prepare payments based on the due dates of invoices you have entered. This is the method you will most often wish to use as it will save you the most time. You may also prepare you payments one at a time, if desired.

2 Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable Summary The Accounts Payable module is where you will pay your bills. Essentially, there are two types of bills you will be dealing with. The first is a bill for the purchase of inventory (or outside purchase.) The Accounts Payable process for these bills actually begins in Point of Sale when you enter the Inventory Receipt or Outside Purchase. The second type of bill is generally an operating expense such as rent, utilities, etc. The Accounts Payable process for these bills begins in the Accounts Payable Transactions screen where you will enter the bill into the system. Receiving Inventory (and Outside Purchases) When you order inventory, you begin by creating a Purchase Order. When the inventory is delivered, you change the Purchase Order to an Inventory Receipt. Or, if you do not use Purchase Orders, you simply enter the Inventory Receipt. If the item you have purchased is not one you would ordinarily stocked, you may have entered the item as an Outside Purchase. These purchases may be retrieved into Accounts Payable after "End of Day Processing" has been performed. Transactions When you receive the inventory, or shortly thereafter, you will receive a bill or invoice from the vendor. In order for the system to keep track of the amounts you owe your Vendors, those bills or invoices must be entered into the system. This process is done through the Transaction Menu. As the bills come into your business, you enter them through the Accounts Payable Entry screen. If an Inventory Receipt or Outside Purchase has been created through Point of Sale, the transaction can be brought into Accounts Payable. This can be done daily, weekly, or monthly depending on how it suits your business needs. This is also where you will enter non-inventory bills such as rent, utilities, etc. Some expenses, such as rent, are not accompanied by a bill. Be sure to enter a transaction for these even though you have not received a bill. As the bills are entered and confirmed this creates an Accounts Payable Batch and assigns it a number. An Audit Report should then be printed to indicate the items in that batch. An Audit Report can be printed for any of your outstanding batches and any time.

Accounts Payable 3

Payments - Automatic Once you have entered your bills in the Accounts Payable Transactions screen and "posted" these transactions by printing the Audit Report, you can pay those bills. In the Automatic Payments screen you can have the computer automatically determine which bills to pay based on the bill's due date. If a discount is offered, you can have the system pay the bills based on discount date as well. Payments - Manual If you have a bill which must be paid right away and cannot wait for you to perform your normal automatic payments processing, you can pay the bill manually through "Manual Payments." This process is much like writing a check except that it allows you to indicate which bills are being paid, and it marks those bills as paid so that you will not end up paying the same bill twice. It would be used if you need to quickly make out a check to a Vendor, possibly a partial payment, but you are not doing a whole batch of payments at that time. You would also use it to record payments which were made by a hand written check. Apply Credits Occasionally you may receive credit memos from your vendors. These credit memos reduce the amount you owe to your vendor. The credit memos are entered in Transactions just like any other transaction. However, credit memos may be "applied" or linked to a particular invoice or set of invoices. You may choose to have VIP automatically apply these credits to the oldest unpaid bill from that vendor or you may choose to manually apply those credits, or you may leave the credits unapplied. Purging Transactions After you have been using the system for a while, you may find that there are a lot of paid-off old bills which the system is still retaining. If you no longer need the information you can "purge" or erase which have been paid off before the date you choose. Using the QuikCheck portion of Banking. The Banking portion of the VIP Starter Kit provides the capability of printing checks to pay your bills. This will not, however, keep track of you bills; it simply prints the checks. If you enter a bill in Accounts Payable Transactions, you must pay in Accounts Payable and not in

4 Accounts Payable Banking. If you fail to do so, the computer will show that the bill has not been paid. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Effect on General Ledger The Accounts Payable module will automatically generate General Ledger entries for you whenever you complete an operation in Accounts Payable. Basically, two types of entries are made. One to increase your liability when you first purchase the item. The second to decrease your liability when you pay the bill. I. Transactions (bills) Entered -- Debt Increased When transactions are entered through the transaction menu, General Ledger entries are made. When you enter the bills or invoices, the following entries are made: 1000-1999 Assets and/or 5400-5999 Cost of Sales and/or 6000-6900 Expenses Debit Credit ───────────┬─────────── xxx.xx │ │ │

2000 Liability Accounts Payable


Credit ───────────┬─────────── │ xxx.xx

│ │

Exception: Credit Memos, National Account Credits, and Adjustments create the exact opposite entries from the standard invoice. That is, while a regular bill increases your debt, credit memos decrease your debt. The entries for credit memos are as shown. Credit Transactions 1000-1999 Assets and/or 2000 Liability 5400-5999 Cost of Sales and/or Accounts Payable 6000-6900 Expenses Debit Credit Debit ───────────┬─────────── │ xxx.xx xxx.xx │ │ │ │ │

Credit ───────────┬───────────

II. Transactions (bills) Paid -- Debt Reduced When you pay the bill through Automatic or Manual Payments, the following entries are made: 1010-1040 Cash in Bank(s)

2000 Liability

Accounts Payable 5 Cash

Accounts Payable

Debit Credit Debit ───────────┬─────────── │ xxx.xx xxx.xx │ │ │ │

Credit ───────────┬─────────── │


GENERAL RULES FOR CREATING PROFILES The profiles throughout the "VIP System" have been programmed to work as simply, and as similar to each other, as possible. Some general rules which applied for most of the profiles are described here. CANCEL

If you have entered some information into the profile, and then decide not to store this particular record, just press F7-CANCEL. A message will appear "RECORD NOT ENTERED." Press any key and continue with the next record.


If at any time you need to delete an existing record, type in the code to bring up the record in question, and press F9-DELETE. The system will ask "Are You Sure?" Type "Y" for "yes," and press "Enter." The message, "RECORD DELETED" will appear in red at the bottom of the screen. The record is now deleted from the system, and you may press any key to continue. The system will not allow you to delete a profile which currently holds information which is stored in a Point of Sale history file. You may want to check the "Guide To Deleting Profiles" in the "Starter Kit" manual.


When you are finished working in a profile, simply press F7-EXIT to leave the profile and return to the previous menu.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MENU As in the other modules of the "VIP System," you must create profiles which give information to the system. Then, with this information, the module can operate correctly. Within the "Accounts Payable Menu," you create the necessary Terms Profiles and define each Vendor.

SYSTEM MENU Point of Sale Accounting Reporting Personalizing The System

To reach Accounts Payable, select "Personalizing The System" from the "System Menu." You will see the menu pictured below.

PERSONALIZING THE SYSTEM Accounts Payable Menu (Scroll Down Screen) Accounts Receivable Menu Banking Menu Customer Notice Profile General Ledger Menu Fuel Profile Inventory & Pricing Menu Salesperson Profile Payroll Menu Technician Profile Service Code Menu System Standards Menu Vehicle Menu *

Next select "Accounts Payable Menu" from the "Personalizing The System" menu.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MENU Terms Profile Vendor Profile

Terms Profile A "Terms Profile" is created for each type of payment schedule. For instance if you have a Vendor or several Vendors who require a 2% ten net 30, you may set up a "Terms Profile" for that particular schedule. A "Terms Profile" may be created whenever necessary to accommodate any payment schedule.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MENU Terms Profile Vendor Profile

To reach the "Terms Profile," make that selection from the "Accounts Payable Menu." You will then see the following screen.

┌───────── Terms Profile ──────────┐ │ │ │ Code : │ │ │ │ Due not less than ?? days │ │ from invoice date : │ │ Day of the Month Due : │ │ │ │ Disc not less than ?? days │ │ from invoice date : │ │ Disc Day of Month Due : │ │ Discount % : │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────┘


Type in the "Code" you would like to use to describe this particular Terms Profile, and press "Enter."


You have the option of inquiring into this profile after entries have been made. If you would like to do this, press the F2INQUIRE key.


If the payment is due within a set number of days, type in that number, and press "Enter." The "Due not less than . . ." is added to the invoice date to determine the due date. For example, if the "Due not less than . . ." is 10, an invoice dated 2/10/91 would be due on 2/20/91. This field can be used alone or in conjunction with the "Day of the Month Due" field. If both are used, the system will first determine the due date based on the "Due not less than . . ." and will then look for the first occurrence of the

"Day of the Month Due" after that date. Using the above example, if the "Day of the Month Due" is the 15th, the above invoice would not be due until 3/15/91.


Type in the "Day of the Month" that this payment will be due,


If there is a discount allowed for a payment which is made prior


Type in the "Day of the Month" that payment must be made by in order to receive the discount, and press "Enter." Use this for vendors who expect payment by a certain day of the month. This functions much like the "Day of the Month Due" field except that it applies to the discount date instead of the due date.


and press "Enter." Use this for vendors who expect payment on a certain day of the month (i.e. due on the fifteenth of every month.) This field can be used alone or in conjunction with the "Due not less than . . .." This field can be used alone or in conjunction with the "Due not less than . . ." field. If both are used, the system will first determine the due date based on the "Due not less than . . ." and will then look for the first occurrence of the "Day of the Month Due" after that date. For example, an invoice dated 2/10/91 with a "Due not less than . . ." of 10 days, and a "Day of the Month Due" of the 15th, would be due on 3/15/91 (2/10/91 + 10 = 2/20/91. First "fifteenth of the month" after 2/20/91 is 3/15/91.) Great care should be exercised in using both "Due not less than . . ." and "Day of Month Due" to insure that the proper due date will be calculated. to the invoice date plus the "Disc. not less than . . ." days, type in the number of days allowed. This field functions like the "Due not less than . . ." field except that it is used to determine discount date instead of due date. It may be use by itself, or in conjunction with the "Disc.Day of the Month Due" field.

If a discount is allowed, type in the percentage of the discount.


When you have finished the screen and have pressed "Enter" after filling in the last field, press F8-CONFIRM to confirm the information. You are then ready to begin entering the next "Terms Profile."


For directions on how to print a Terms Code Listing, turn to the Reporting section of this manual and look under "Terms Code Listing." Sample Terms and Further Explanation Setting up your terms codes can be quite confusing until you "get the hang of it." The "Terms Profile" is actually quite flexible, however, and can be used for a variety of terms once you understand how the "Due not less than . . ." and "Day of the Month" fields work together. When entering your terms, remember that the system first adds the "Due not less than . . ." to the invoice date and then looks for the first occurrence of the "Day of the Month" after that date. Discount dates are calculated in the

same manner as due dates. Below are some sample terms to demonstrate this. SAMPLE #1: 2%/10 NET 30 A common term is "2%/10 NET 30." What this means is that, payment is due 30 days from the invoice date, and that a 2% discount may be taken if payment is made within 10 days of the invoice date. The terms profile looks like this: ┌───────── Terms Profile ──────────┐ │ │ │ Code : N30 │ │ │ │ Due not less than ?? days │ │ from invoice date : 30 │ │ Day of the Month Due : │ │ │ │ Disc not less than ?? days │ │ from invoice date : 10 │ │ Disc Day of Month Due : │ │ Discount % :2 │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────┘

Note that the "Day of the Month" and "Discount Day of the Month" are not used. This is because it does not matter what day of the month the payment is made. All that counts is that it is made within 30 days of the invoice date. SAMPLE #2: DUE ON THE 15TH, 2% DISCOUNT BY THE 5TH In the example, invoices are due on the 15th of the month following the invoice date. A 2% discount is offered if payment is made by the 5th of the following month. The terms profile would look like this. ┌───────── Terms Profile ──────────┐ │ │ │ Code : D15 │ │ │ │ Due not less than ?? days │ │ from invoice date : 15 │ │ Day of the Month Due : 15 │ │ │ │ Disc not less than ?? days │ │ from invoice date :5 │ │ Disc Day of Month Due : 5 │ │ Discount % :2 │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────┘

Note that both the "Due not less than . . ." and "Day of the Month Due" fields are

used. This because payments are not due until the 15th of the following month. That is, an invoice on February 14th is due on March 15th, not February 15th. To have the computer add 15 days to the invoice due date so that only January invoices will be due February 15th., only February invoices will be due March 15th, and so on, you must put a value in the "Due not less than . . ." field. In this case, the "Due not less than . . ." field is set to 15 so that invoices in the first 15 days of the month will be due the following month. A NOTE ON SPLIT TERMS Some companies use "split terms," the most common of which is "30/60/90." The amount owed is split into parts, each with its own due date. A balance owed on "30/60/90" terms, is divided into three parts. One-third is due in thirty days, onethird in sixty days, and the remainder in ninety days. To use these terms with VIP, you will need to create three terms profiles: one with "30" in the "Due not less than . . .", one with "60" in the "Due not less than . . .," and one with "90" in the "Due not less than . . ." field. When you enter each invoice into Accounts Payable Transactions, you will actually need to enter three invoices. Each invoice will be for one-third of the invoice amount and each will have a different terms code and thus, a different due date. FOR EXAMPLE: On 2/10/91 you receive Invoice #5678 for $90 from a vendor who uses "30/60/90" terms. You have already entered your three terms profiles. In Accounts Payable Transactions, you would split the invoice as shown. Invoice # 5678A 5678B 5678C

Terms Net 30 Days Net 60 Days Net 90 Days

Amount Due Date $30 3/10/91 $30 4/10/91 $30 5/10/91

Note that you must change the invoice number as Accounts Payable Transactions will not allow you to enter several transactions with the same reference number. When splitting an invoice out like this, we recommend that you put a letter on the end of the original invoice number. That way, your check to the vendor will show the invoice number and the payment amount.

Vendor Profile The "Vendor Profile" will keep track of all of your "Vendors" and all information relating to them.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MENU Terms Profile Vendor Profile

Make the selection "Vendor Profile," from the "Accounts Payable Menu," and the following screen will appear.

┌─────────────────────────── Vendor Profile ───────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Account # : (7 char) Name : (25 characters) │ │ │ │ Auto Cr App? : Y Street : (25 characters) │ │ Terms Code : (3 ch) City, ST : (15 characters) (2 ch) │ │ COA # : (6 ch) Zip Code : (9 characters) │ │ Def Exp COA# : (6 ch) Telephone : (10 characters) │ │ Contact : (25 characters) │ │ QuikPart-Tax ID # : (15 characters) │ │ Order # : (10 characters) │ │ Elec Mailbox # : (10 characters) │ │ Group Code : [] │ │ Order Method : [ ] │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────┘


Begin entering the Vendor with a seven character or less "Account #." Each of your Vendors will be required to have an account code. This can be numbers, letters, or a combination of both.


You have the option of inquiring into this profile after entries have been made. If you would like to do this, press the F2INQUIRE key.


Type in the "Name" of the vendor, in 25 characters or less, and press "Enter."


Next, type in the "Street Address" for this Vendor in 25 characters or less, and press "Enter."


The "City" is then typed in with up to 15 characters, followed by the two character State code.


There are nine characters available for the "Zip Code." Do not enter the dash (-) as it will automatically be entered for you.


The ten character "Telephone" number must be entered with an area code and no dashes (-).


If there is a specific person to contact, type in the name of the person, and press "Enter."


Type in the "Tax I.D. Number" for this vendor. There are 15 characters available.


If you would like the "VIP System" to automatically apply your credit memos or payments to the oldest invoice, type "Y" for "Yes." If not, type "N" for "No." If you have indicated "No," then when you are creating a batch in Accounts Payable, you may manually indicate which Invoices to credit.


Type in the "Terms Code" which has been designated for this Vendor. This must be a "Terms Code" which has previously been prepared in the Terms Profile. F2-INQUIRE is available for your use at this field.


Type in your Accounts Payable Chart of Accounts number, and press "Enter." This Chart of Account number would represent the Credit side of an Accounts Payable transaction when used in conjunction with the Default Expense account number. (See below.) Usually this number would be the same as the number in your Chart of Accounts Constants under Accounts Payable. If you are using the Chart of Accounts which came with the "VIP System," the number would be 2000. Usually this will be a liability account. Consult your accountant if you are unsure of the correct account number.


Type in the Chart of Account number, and press "Enter." This would be a Default account number for the debit side of an Accounts Payable transaction. If this vendor is primarily a supplier of inventory, this would be an Asset account. If this vendor is a supplier of services, such as power company or the gas company, use an expense account. The account number is then used whenever you bring up this Vendor in Accounts Payable. This is only the default account number and can be changed in Accounts Payable Transactions. EXAMPLE: If you have a Vendor account set up for your telephone company, you would want to enter the expense Chart of Account number for Telephone Expense. Then, whenever you bring up this particular Vendor in the Accounts Payable

module, the default Chart of Accounts number will automatically be entered for you. ORDER # ELEC MAILBOX #

Next, type in the ten character or less electronic "Order Modem #," and press "Enter." You will get this number from your Vendor. Type in the "Electronic Mailbox #," and press "Enter." There are ten characters available. This is the mailbox number of the place where the messages and electronic orders are sent. This number will come either from your distributor or from your vendor. (This feature is not currently available.)


There is a one character field available to enter the "Group Code" number which identifies the group which receives the Quick Part orders. Your vendor or your distributor will inform you of this number. (This feature is not currently available.)


Type in the Method of Order you use for this Vendor. The choices are: "A" - To a printer or computer direct; "B" - To a printer via the VIP Network; "C" - To a Fax Machine via the VIP Network; "D" - To a mailbox in the VIP Network. Your vendor or your distributor will inform you of this code.


When you have finished with the first screen and have pressed "Enter" after filling in the last field, press F8-CONFIRM to confirm the information. You are then ready to begin entering the next Vendor.


For directions on how to print a Vendor Listing, turn to the Reporting section of this manual and look under "Vendor Listing."

COMPANY PROFILE MENU There are seven separate sections under the "Company Profile Menu." In the "Company Profiles Menu" section you complete profiles which give the computer pertinent information about your business.

SYSTEM MENU Point of Sale Accounting Reporting Personalizing The System

To reach the A/P Information, select "Personalizing The System" from the "System Menu." You will then see the menu pictured below.

PERSONALIZING THE SYSTEM Accounts Payable Menu (Scroll Down Screen) Accounts Receivable Menu General Ledger Menu Bank Profile Inventory & Pricing Menu Customer Notice Profile Payroll Menu Fuel Profile Service Code Menu Salesperson Profile System Standards Menu Technician Profile Vehicle Menu *

Select "System Standards Menu" from the "Personalizing The System" menu. You will then see the following menu.

SYSTEM STANDARDS MENU Company Profile Menu Utilities Menu * Chart of Account Constants Document Sequence Profile Password Profile Printer Profile

To reach to the "Company Profile Menu," make that selection from "System Standards Menu." You will then see the following menu.

COMPANY PROFILE MENU General Information A/P Information A/R Information I/C Information Payroll Information POS Information POS Printer Information

A/P Information The "A/P Information" profile is where you set up the information the computer needs to print your checks from the Accounts Payable module. While VIP may be used with a variety of checks, be sure that you are using the "General Purpose" type of check. You may need to experiment a little to find the correct settings by printing a check and then adjusting the settings.

COMPANY PROFILE MENU General Information A/P Information A/R Information I/C Information Payroll Information POS Information POS Printer Information

To reach the "A/P Information" profile, make that selection from the "Company Profile Menu." You will then see the following screen.

┌───────────── A/P Standards Profile ────────────┐ │ │ │ Check Stub on T)op or B)ottom of Check? [T] │ │ │ │ Print Line Tab │ │ Check Number : Y 6 70 │ │ Check Date : 11 50 │ │ Amount in Words : Y 9 16 │ │ Amount in Numbers : 11 65 │ │ Vendor Name : 14 10 │ │ │ │ Default Automatic Credit Application: Y │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘


If the checks you print from the computer have the Stub on the top, type in a "T" for top. If they are on the bottom, type in a "B" for "Bottom," and press "Enter."


If you wish the system to print the "Check Number" on the check, type "Y" for "Yes." Next you will need to type in the "Line" and "Tab" numbers to indicate where the "Check Number" should print. You may need to measure your check stub to make these


calculations. If you are using compressed print, there are 17 characters per inch. Normal print has 10 characters per inch. Type in the "Line" and "Tab" number which corresponds with where the date should appear on the check.


If you would like the system to print the check amount in words, type in "Y" for "Yes." Next you will need to type in the "Line" and "Tab" numbers to indicate where the words should print.


Type in the "Line" and "Tab" number which corresponds with where the date should appear on the check.


Type in the "Line" and "Tab" number which corresponds with where the vendor name should appear on the check.


Type a "Y" for "Yes" if you would like a default "Y" in your Vendor Profile under the Automatic Credit Apply field. This is the field which tells the system that for this particular Vendor you would like all credits or payments to automatically apply to the oldest invoice. Similarly, if you typically set up your Vendor Profile with the default "N" for "No" in the Automatic Credit Apply field, you would type a "N" in this field. This field in the Vendor Profile would then tell the system that for this particular Vendor you would like to manually indicate which Invoices should be credited. To see how this works, you may wish to type in a "Y" and after confirming the profile, go to the Vendor Profile and you will see that the default "Y" is in the "Auto Cr App?" field. You may then return to the A/P Information profile and change the "Y" to "N" and again note the change in the Vendor Profile. You may want to set this default up before you enter your vendors so that the data entry process will be simpler.


When all the information has been entered into the profile correctly, press F8-CONFIRM to store the information.

IMPLEMENTATION CHECK-OFF LIST To operate the Accounts Payable module, be sure you have completed the implementation process properly. For you convenience we have provided you a check-off list. 1.

Accounts Payable Menu

[ ]

Terms Profile

[ ]

Vendor Profile


Company Profile Menu

[ ]

A/P Information

BEGINNING BALANCES After installing and implementing the Accounts Payable module, you will enter any outstanding invoices you have. This will enter the Accounts Payable Beginning Balances. As with other beginning balances, enter the amounts as of a selected startup date. Be sure to verify the beginning balances you enter against General Ledger module and/or you accountant. Enter your beginning balances through the "Payable Transactions" screen. Enter "I" for Invoice in the "Code" field and enter "Beg. Bal" in the "Ref#" field. Repeat this for each vendor. Any outstanding invoices should also be entered.


24 Accounts Payable

A/P ACCOUNTING MENU This section of the documentation will instruct you in the processing of Accounts Payable. It should be noted that the system will store only 300 outstanding invoices in an Accounts Payable batch for each Vendor. Should you reach that point, you must complete the batch before continuing.

SYSTEM MENU Point of Sale Accounting Reporting Personalizing The System

Select "Accounting" from the "System Menu." You will then see the following menu.

ACCOUNTING A/P Accounting Menu A/R Accounting Menu Banking Menu End of Period Menu G/L Accounting Menu Payroll Accounting Menu

Select "A/P Accounting Menu" from the "Accounting" menu, as shown above. You will then see the following menu.

A/P ACCOUNTING MENU Transaction Menu Automatic Payments Menu Manual Payments Menu Apply Credits Menu * Purge Prior Transactions

Accounts Payable 25

TRANSACTIONS MENU The "VIP System" will keep track of all of the amounts owing your Vendors. To accomplish this you must first enter the amounts. This process is done through the Transaction Menu. It is also necessary to accrue expenses if you are using the accrual method of accounting. As the bills come into your business, you enter them through the Accounts Payable Entry screen. This can be done daily, weekly, or monthly depending on how it suits your business needs. As the bills are entered and confirmed an Accounts Payable Batch is created and a batch number is assigned. An Audit Report should then be printed to indicate the items in that batch. An Audit Report can be printed for any of your unposted batches at any time.

A/P ACCOUNTING MENU Transaction Menu Automatic Payments Menu Manual Payments Menu Apply Credits Menu * Purge Prior Transactions

To reach the Accounts Payable Transactions section, make the selection "Transactions Menu" from the "Accounts Payable" menu.

TRANSACTIONS MENU Payable Transactions Payable Audit Report

26 Accounts Payable

Payable Transactions In this section you will enter into the computer the bills or Invoices that you receive from your Vendors. This information will then be kept in the system until you use it to calculate and generate payments. This is also where you will enter credit memos, National Account Credits, and other adjustments to the amount you owe your vendors. If you are just setting up your Accounts Payable for the first time, you will need to enter your beginning balances and any outstanding (unpaid) bills.

TRANSACTIONS MENU Payable Transactions Payable Audit Report

To reach the "Payable Transactions" screen, make that selection with the highlighted bar from the "Transactions Menu" menu. The following screen will appear.

┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Account No. : │ │ │ │ Vendor Name : │ │ Address : │ │ City, State : │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ Batch Code : AP Batch Date : / / Fiscal Period : ┌─C─╥─Vendor─╥──Ref. #──╥──Date──╥─Terms─╥───Due──╥───Amount───╥─Discount┐ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ └───╨────────╨──────────╨────────╨───────╨────────╨─────

Accounts Payable 27 ───────╨─────────┘


If you are adding Invoices to an existing Batch which has not yet been posted, type in the "Batch Code" for that Batch. F2-INQUIRE is available for your use in pulling up an existing Batch. If this is a new Batch press "Enter" to assign the next available number to this Batch. The system will then tell you "New Batch <press any key to continue>."

28 Accounts Payable


Today's date will appear in the "Batch Date" field. You want to type in the "Fiscal Period" that this batch will go against. EXAMPLE: January would be Fiscal Period 1, February Fiscal Period 2, etc.


The "C" above the first column represents Code. The choices are C=Credit, A=Adjustment, N=National Account, R=Receipt (Inventory), O=Outside Purchase, I=Invoice, D=Delete. F2INQUIRE is available for your use at this field. Within the system the "R," "O," and "I" codes are treated the same in the General Ledger, as are the "C," "A," and "N" codes. The codes "C," "A," and "N" are three different ways of applying credits and decreasing the amount that you owe the Vendor. These transactions will debit Accounts Payable and Credit the indicated Account. Because these transaction types are reducing your Accounts Payable liability, the amounts will be preceded by a Minus (-) sign on the audit reports. EXAMPLE: National Account - Goodyear Corporation has a nationwide deal with Hertz Rent A Car. If Hertz comes to a franchised Goodyear Tire dealer, the tire dealer gives the tire to Hertz at a predetermined cost set by Goodyear. The tire dealer then gets a reimbursement for the tire which shows up as a credit on his next bill from Goodyear. The "N" Code records this credit. The "R" code will Credit Accounts Payable and Debit the indicated Asset Account. The "R" Code works basically the same as an "I" Code except that it allows retrieval of an Inventory Receipt that has been created in Point of Sale. The "O" code will Credit Accounts Payable and Debit the indicated expense account (usually a cost of sales account.) The "O" code works like the "R" code except that it allows you to retrieve Outside Purchases instead of Inventory Receipts. Only Outside Purchases on invoices which have been through "End of Day Processing" may be retrieved. After the "O" transaction is completed, it is automatically changed to an "I" transaction. The "I" would be for an Invoice or Statement that you have received which requires payment, such as utilities, rent, etc. This will Credit Accounts Payable and Debit the chosen Expense or Asset account.

Accounts Payable 29 Using the "D" or Delete key will delete the line. Since an "I" Code is one of the Codes you will use often, we will use it for the purpose of this example. All of the codes are entered in a similar manner except the "R" or Receipt Code and the "O" or Outside Purchase Code, which will be explained further in the following documentation. VENDOR

Type in the Code for the correct "Vendor," and press "Enter." F2-INQUIRE is available for your use in this field.

REF. #

Type in the Reference Number which is usually the Vendor's purchase order or Invoice number. If you are paying by statement, you may wish to use the date of the statement.


Type in the "Date" of the Vendor's Invoice.


Indicate the "Terms" for this particular Vendor which has previously been described in the Terms Profile. If you wish, you may leave this blank and manually enter the due date.


The F1-OPTIONS key is available for your use if you wish to enter a new Vendor.


The date "Due" will automatically be entered as per the Terms Profile. If necessary, you may also manually enter this date.


Indicate the "Amount" of the Invoice or statement. If there is a "Discount" available, the amount will be indicated in this field. Press "Enter" to continue. If required, you may override this amount or zero it out. If no terms code was entered in the "Terms" field, you will need to manually calculate and enter any applicable discount. "I" (Invoice) Code (Same process used for "C", "N", and "A" codes) If you have used the line code "I" for Invoice, you will see the following screen upon completion of the line. On the lines of this screen you will indicate which Chart of Accounts numbers you want affected by this transaction. For example, if you entered an "I" code to record your telephone bill, you would enter COA# 6120-Telephone Expense. It is possible to enter several charts of accounts if this transaction affects more than one account. As you enter the dollar Amount of each line, the Balance amount will be decreased until the Balance is zero. At this point you are finished with this line of Payable Entry.

30 Accounts Payable

┌─COA No─┬─Loc─┬────────Description──────┬───Amount──┬───Balance─┐ │ │0001 │ │ 0.00 │ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ 0.00 │ │ └────────┴─────┴─────────────────────────┴───────────┴── ─────────┘


Type in the Chart of Account number which will be affected by this transaction. The default for this field was entered into the Vendor Profile under the "Def Exp COA #." It can be overwritten as necessary. The F2-INQUIRE key is available for your use in this field. Remember, this may be an asset or expense account. EXAMPLE: You may have a different expense COA number for Shop Supplies than you do for Laundry & Uniforms. However, you may have one Vendor who supplies you with both. The money amount on the Invoice would then be divided between the two, and two lines would be used in this screen to depict that division. (See the screen to follow).


Enter the correct Location. If you do not have a Multi-Location system, your location will always be 0001.


The "Description" of the Chart of Accounts number used will appear in this field.


Type in the dollar "Amount" which you wish applied to this particular Chart of Account number.


If you have entered a partial dollar amount in the Amount column, the amount remaining will appear in the "Balance" column. For instance, in the example below, an invoice for $102 is divided between two accounts.

┌─COA No─┬─Loc─┬────────Description──────┬───Amount──┬───Balance─┐ │ 6180 │0001 │SHOP SUPPLY EXPENSE │ 68.00 │ 0.00 │ │ 6240 │0001 │LAUNDRY-UNIFORMS EXPENSE │ 34.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ 0.00 │ │ └────────┴─────┴─────────────────────────┴───────────┴── ─────────┘

You will not be allowed to exit this screen until the amount in the "Balance" column is zero.

Accounts Payable 31 NOTE: Credit, National Account, and Adjustment transactions are entered just like an "I" type code. When you enter the amount, you will notice no negative sign. Despite this, the amount you enter will be a debit to your accounts payable account instead of a credit. When you enter amounts in the above screen, these amounts will be a credit to the expense accounts. The "Accounts Payable Audit Report" does display credit amounts with a negative (-) sign in front of them to avoid confusion. "D" (Delete) Code The "D" (Delete) Code will delete a line. To use this code your cursor must be on the line which you wish to delete. You then type the "D" over the existing code. The detail in the line will remain, but the money amounts will be deleted. "O" (Outside Purchase) Code If you have received an invoice or statement for an Outside Purchase, you can retrieve that Outside Purchase into Accounts Payable. Only Outside Purchases which have been through "End of Day Processing" can be retrieved into Accounts Payable. Type an "O" in the code field and complete the rest of the line as shown above. Once you enter the discount amount, the following screen will appear. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────┐ │ Reference Amount : 68.00 Amount Flaged : 0.00 │ │ Difference : 68.00 │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────┘ ┌─F─┬Loc─┬─Trans No─┬───Item No.──┬───────Description──────┬─Qty─┬─Extension─┐ │[ ]│0001│IN00000006│BUSHING - TR │BUSHING - TRANSMISSION M│ 2│ 68.00 │ │ │0001│IN00000006│SYNCHRO 1-2 │SYNCHRO GEAR - 1st/2nd │ 1│ 35.00 │ │ │0001│IN00000007│REBUILD TRANS│TRANSMISSION REBUILD │ 1│ 165.00 │ │ │0001│IN00000008│TACH │TACHOMETER │ 1│ 27.95 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 0│ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 0│ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 0│ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 0│ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 0│ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 0│ 0.00 │ └───┴────┴──────────┴─────────────┴─────────────────────

32 Accounts Payable ───┴─────┴───────────┘


The invoice of statement amount will be displayed here. You will need to scroll through the display to find the Outside Purchase(s) which match this amount.


As you go through and "flag" Outside Purchases to be paid, the total amounts will be displayed here.


You will not be allowed to exit this screen unless the total items flagged is less than or equal to the reference amount. The difference between the flagged and reference amounts is shown here.


In this column you will need to indicate or "flag" the Outside Purchases you will be paying. If you wish to "flag" an item, type an "X". If you have flagged an item and you wish to un-flag, press the spacebar. Use your arrow keys to go up and down and flag the Outside Purchases on the vendor's invoice or statement.


The number of the location which made this purchase will be displayed here.


The number of the POS transaction on which the Outside Purchase was made will be displayed here.


The Outside Purchase Item Number will be displayed here.


The description for this Outside Purchase will be displayed here.


The quantity of this item purchased is displayed here.


The total amount of the purchase of this item is displayed here. When you "flag" an item, this amount is added to the "Amount Flagged" field. When all purchases on the vendor's invoice have been flagged, press F8-CONFIRM. If the flagged amount is greater that the invoice or reference amount, you will not be allowed to exit until you "un-flag" something. If the flagged amount is less than or equal to the reference amount, the following screen will appear. ┌─COA No─┬─Loc─┬────────Description──────┬───Amount──┬───Balance─┐ │ │0001 │ │ 0.00 │ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ 0.00 │ │ └────────┴─────┴─────────────────────────┴───────────┴── ─────────┘


Type in the Chart of Account number which will be affected by

Accounts Payable 33 this transaction. The default for this field is taken from the "Line" code entered in the "Outside Purchase" box in Point of Sale. It can be overwritten as necessary. The F2-INQUIRE key is available for your use in this field. Usually, this will be a cost of sales account. There may be additional items on the vendor's invoice such as sales tax, service charges, etc. You would also enter the appropriate chart of account. LOC

Enter the correct Location. If you do not have a Multi-Location system, your location will always be 0001.


The "Description" of the Chart of Accounts number used will appear in this field.


Type in the dollar "Amount" which you wish applied to this particular Chart of Account number. The default cost of sales account will already be entered for you.


If you have entered a partial dollar amount in the Amount column, the amount remaining will appear in the "Balance" column. If you have entered the entire dollar amount, the "Balance" column will have a zero balance. After the "O" transaction has been confirmed, it will automatically be change to an "I" type and will appear on all reports like any other "I" transaction. "R" (Receipt, Inventory) Code If you have received an invoice or statement for inventory which you received using an "IR" in Point of Sale, use the line code "R" for Receipt of Inventory. You will see the following screen upon completion of the line.

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────┐ │ Location No. : Receipt No. : │ │ │ │ Total Receipt : │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────┘ ┌──Qty─╥───Item No───╥────── Description ──────╥──Cost───╥─Add──╥─Extension──┐ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │

34 Accounts Payable │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ └──────╨─────────────╨─────────────────────────╨──────── ─╨──────╨────────────┘


Type in the correct "Location No.," and press "Enter." If you do not have a Multi-Location system, type in a number one (1).


Type in the correct Inventory "Receipt No." which was created in Point of Sale, and press "Enter." If you do not know the IR number, you may press F2-INQUIRE for a list of inventory receipts from this vendor.


The total of the Inventory Receipt will appear in the "Total Receipt" field.


The Quantities which have been ordered will appear in the "QTY" field. If you have not received the total Quantity ordered, manually change the Quantity to be the correct amount received thus far.


The Inventory "Item No." will appear in the next field. The Inventory Item "Description" will appear on the screen.


The "Cost" will appear on the screen.


If there is an Add On or FET cost, the amount will appear in the "ADD" column.


The "Extension" will be calculated and will appear in the "Extension" column. One batch may actually contain 10 or 20 Vendors. There are 19 lines available for each code. ┌─COA No─┬─Loc─┬────────Description──────┬───Amount──┬───Balance─┐ │ │0001 │ │ 0.00 │ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ 0.00 │ │ └────────┴─────┴─────────────────────────┴───────────┴── ─────────┘


Type in the Chart of Account number which will be affected by this transaction. The default for this field was entered into the Vendor Profile under the "Def Exp COA#." It can be overwritten as necessary. The F2-INQUIRE key is available for your use in this

Accounts Payable 35 field. Usually, this will be an inventory asset account. There may be additional items on the vendor's invoice such as sales tax, service charges, etc. You would also enter the appropriate chart of account. LOC

Enter the correct Location. If you do not have a Multi-Location system, your location will always be 0001.


The "Description" of the Chart of Accounts number used will appear in this field.


Type in the dollar "Amount" which you wish applied to this particular Chart of Account number. The default asset account will already be entered for you.


If you have entered a partial dollar amount in the Amount column, the amount remaining will appear in the "Balance" column. If you have entered the entire dollar amount, the "Balance" column will have a zero balance.

36 Accounts Payable

Payable Audit Report After you have entered transactions in the Payable Transactions section, you will want to print a "Payable Audit Report" to keep on hand and to check the entries. At the end of printing this report, the system will ask you whether or not the batch is complete. You will say yes if you do not intend to add any more transactions to this batch. TRANSACTIONS MENU Payable Transactions Payable Audit Report

Make the selection "Payable Audit Report" from the "Transaction Menu." You will then see the following screen.

Accounts Payable Audit Report ┌──────────────────────┐ │ Batch Code: AP010 │ └──────────────────────┘

Check to make sure the correct Batch Code is appearing on the screen. When the number is correct, press F8-CONFIRM. The batch information will then be displayed. See the following.

Batch Code : AP010 Batch Date: 6/25/90 Fiscal Pd: 06

Next, follow the directions for printing a report located at the beginning of the reporting section of this manual. When the Audit Report is completed, you will see the Printer Select screen again, prior to printing the G/L Summary Report. BATCH COMPLETE?

After the report is printed, the system will ask if the Payable Transactions batch is complete. If you would like to edit or add transactions, type "N" and press "Enter." If all transactions are complete, type "Y" and press "Enter" to "post" these transactions. You will not be able to pay any of the bills you entered in "Accounts Payable Transactions" until you answer "Y" to this question.

Accounts Payable 37

Pay Aud Rpt

38 Accounts Payable

G/L Summary

Accounts Payable 39

AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS MENU Once you have entered and "posted" your transactions, you may pay your vendors. If you have a large number of bills to pay, you can use the "Automatic Payment Menu" functions to automatically determine which bills to pay and actually print the checks. If you wish to pay only certain bills at this time, use the "Manual Payments Menu." If you wish to manually apply credits against a vendor's invoice, you may do before preparing payments. However, when you apply the credit, you reduce the invoice amount and the credit is not shown on the check stub. If you wish both the original invoice and credit amounts to appear on the check stub and/or remittance advice, DO NOT apply credits at all. The credits will appear in the payments screen and on the check stub. See the "Apply Credits Menu" section in this documentation for more information. A/P ACCOUNTING MENU Transaction Menu Automatic Payments Menu Manual Payments Menu Apply Credits Menu * Purge Prior Transactions

From the "Accounts Payable" menu make the section "Automatic Payments Menu."

AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS MENU Prepare Payments Payment Audit Report Payment Checks Payment Remittance Advice

40 Accounts Payable

Prepare Payments "Prepare Payments" is the section within the Automatic Payments Menu where the system calculates Invoices that are due for payment. Only those bills or invoices which have been entered and "posted" through the "Transactions Menu" will be retrieved. Credit transactions which have not been applied are also retrieved.

AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS MENU Prepare Payments Payment Audit Report Payment Checks Payment Remittance Advice

Make the selection "Prepare Payments" from the "Automatic Payments Menu." You will then see the following screen.

Prepare Payables Due by : Prepare Payables Batch Fiscal Period : With Discounts Before : ┌─Pay─╥─Vendor─╥─────────Name─────────╥──Gross───╥───Disc─── ╥────Net────┐ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │ └─────╨────────╨──────────────────────╨──────────╨────── ────╨───────────┘ ┌──────────╥──────────╥───────────┐ TOTALS │ ║ ║ │ └──────────╨──────────╨───────────┘


Enter the desired date, and press "Enter." EXAMPLE: If the current date is 06/01/90 and you want to prepare payments for 06/10/90, you would enter that date.


The current "Batch Fiscal Period" will appear, but may be

Accounts Payable 41 PERIOD

changed if necessary.

42 Accounts Payable


If you wish to take advantage of discounts given to you by your Vendors and you are aware of the fact that you have several Vendor payments coming up which allow a discount if paid on or before the 10th of the month, you would enter that date. You will then see the following select screen.

┌───────────────────── Vendor Inquiry ───────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Sequence : │ │ │ │ Begin Range : │ │ Ending Range : │ │ ┌───Select Sequence─────┐ └──────────────────────────┤ Account │ Name, Account │ └───────────────────────┘


│ ├─────────────┘

Indicate the range of Vendors you would like to be considered in the preparing of these checks. If you would like to consider the entire range, you may "Enter" through both "Range" fields. On the screen you will then actually see the system scroll through the Vendors which have been selected, and the appropriate payables will be automatically brought into the screen. See the following.

┌─Pay─╥─Vendor─╥─────────Name─────────╥──Gross───╥───Disc─── ╥────Net────┐ │ [Y] ║ NAVY ║ U.S. Navy ║ 2790.00║ 95.00║ 2695.00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00║ .00║ .00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00║ .00║ .00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00║ .00║ .00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00║ .00║ .00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00║ .00║ .00 │ └─────╨────────╨──────────────────────╨──────────╨────── ────╨───────────┘


Type a "Y" for "Yes" in the "Pay" column for all items which you wish to pay in full at this time without any changes. If you indicate "N" for "No," the system will then bring up a list of outstanding Invoices so that you may choose which ones you would like to pay or edit the amounts to be paid, thus allowing partial payment of individual invoices. See the following.

Accounts Payable 43

Invoice Day Gross Net Amount to Inv No Date Due Due Discount Due be Paid ┌────────╥────────╥────────╥──────────╥──────────╥────── ────╥───────────┐ │ HD4523 ║05/01/90║05/31/90║ 810.00 ║ 20.00 ║ 790.00║ 790.00 │ │ NAVY3 ║05/01/90║06/30/90║ 1500.00 ║ 75.00 ║ 1425.00║ 1425.00 │ │ P-535 ║05/02/90║07/31/90║ 1000.00 ║ 50.00 ║ 950.00║ .00 │ │ 10043 ║05/04/90║06/01/90║ 500.00 ║ .00 ║ 500.00║ 500.00 │ │ 30089 ║05/15/90║06/01/90║ 75.00 ║ .00 ║ 75.00║ 75.00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00 ║ .00 ║ .00║ .00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00 ║ .00 ║ .00║ .00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00 ║ .00 ║ .00║ .00 │ └────────╨────────╨────────╨──────────╨──────────╨────── ────╨───────────┘

The due date of invoices which are due right now are highlighted. AMOUNT TO BE PAID

For each invoice shown, enter the amount you wish to pay in the "Amount to be Paid" column. If you do not wish to pay on an invoice at all, type a zero in the "Amount to be Paid" column.


If desired, you may change the "Discount Amount" shown by simply type in a new amount.


If you wish to cancel the changes you have made and return the "Prepare Payments" screen, press F7-CANCEL.


To save your changes and return to the "Prepare Payments" screen, press F8-CONFIRM.


The system will only bring up the first 300 outstanding invoices for a particular vendor. If there are more than 300 outstanding invoices for a vendor, you will need first complete the current automatic payments batch. Then, you will be able to access the next 300 outstanding invoices.


When you have completed preparing your payments, press F7EXIT to return to the "Prepare Payments Menu."


If you have made a mistake in this batch or if this batch contains vendors which you did not wish to prepare payments for, press F9DELETE. The payments "batch" will be deleted. You may then re-

44 Accounts Payable prepare the batch selecting the correct parameters.

Accounts Payable 45

Payment Audit Report After you have created a batch of payments to be made, you will want to examine the "Payment Audit Report." Following close consideration of this report, you may then print the actual checks.

AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS MENU Prepare Payments Payment Audit Report Payment Checks Payment Remittance Advice

Select "Payment Audit Report" from the "Accounts Payable" menu. You will then see the following screen.

Payment Audit Report ┌────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Bank Code : │ │ Beginning Check Number : │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────┘



Type in the "Bank Code" for the bank account you wish to use for the payment of these checks. The "Bank Code" is entered just as you have entered it into the Bank Account Profile in the Personalizing The System section of the software. Refer to your Starter Kit User's Guide for more information on the "Bank Account Profile." Type in the "Beginning Check Number," and press "Enter." The system will then print the Payment Audit Report. The screen will then give you information regarding the Batch Code, Batch Date, and Fiscal Period for this particular batch. For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual. Next, the system will print your "Payment G/L Summary Report." This report will show the distribution of monies for each of the Chart of Accounts affected.

46 Accounts Payable

Next, the system will want to know if you have completed this batch to your satisfaction. You will see the following screen.

╔═════════════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ Payment Batch Complete? [N] ║ ║ ║ ╚═════════════════════════════╝


If the Batch is complete, type "Y" for "Yes." The cursor will then be returned to the "Automatic Payments Menu." You may then go into the Payment Checks to print the checks. If you still have more transactions that you would like to add to this batch, you may type "N" for "No" and go back to the Prepare Payments section to do so.

Accounts Payable 47

Payment Audit Report, pg 1

48 Accounts Payable

Payment Audit Report, pg 2

Accounts Payable 49

Payment Checks The "Payment Checks" section is where you actually print the checks you have prepared.

AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS MENU Prepare Payments Payment Audit Report Payment Checks Payment Remittance Advice

Make the selection "Payment Checks" from the "Automatic Payments Menu." You will then see the following screen.

┌── Print Payment Checks ─┐ │ │ │ Batch Code : CD005 │ │ │ │ Begin Check : 00000000 │ │ Ending Check : 99999999 │ │ │ └─────────────────────────┘


The next "Batch Code" will appear on the screen. This is a Cash Dispersement batch number and will not be the same batch number created in the Transaction Menu.


If you wish the beginning check number to be automatically sequenced according to the last number used for this particular bank, simply "Enter" through both range fields. If you would like to assign beginning check number, you may type in that number, and press "Enter."


The "Ending Check" may be left blank if you are using the automatic sequencing. If you would like to assign an ending check number, you may type in that number, and press "Enter."


When the information has been entered correctly, press F8-CONFIRM. For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

50 Accounts Payable

Payments Check

Accounts Payable 51

Payment Remittance Advice When you print your checks you may find that you are paying more invoices than can be printed on the check stub. The "Payment Remittance Advice" allows you to print the check stub information on a separate piece of paper which you can then enclose with the check.

AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS MENU Prepare Payments Payment Audit Report Payment Checks Payment Remittance Advice

Make the selection "Payment Remittance Advice" from the "Automatic Payments Menu." You will then see the following screen.

┌── Remittance Advice ────┐ │ │ │ Batch Code : CD005 │ │ │ │ Begin Check : 00000000 │ │ Ending Check : 99999999 │ │ │ └─────────────────────────┘


The next "Batch Code" will appear on the screen. This is a Cash Dispersement batch number and will not be the same batch number created in the Transaction Menu.


Type in the first check for which you would like to print a remittance advice and press "Enter."


Type in the last check for which you would like to print a remittance advice and press "Enter."


When the information has been entered correctly, press F8-CONFIRM. For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

52 Accounts Payable

Remittance Advice

Accounts Payable 53

MANUAL PAYMENTS MENU If you have entered a bill which must be paid right away, but you do not wish to pay all of you outstanding bills, you can use the "Manual Payments Menu" to prepare your payments and print your checks one at a time. You would also use Manual Payments to enter hand-written checks into the computer.

A/P ACCOUNTING MENU Transaction Menu Automatic Payments Menu Manual Payments Menu Apply Credits Menu * Purge Prior Transactions

Make the selection "Manual Payments Menu" from the "Accounts Payable" menu.

MANUAL PAYMENTS MENU Manual Payments Manual Pmts. Remit. Advice Manual Payment Audit Rpt.

54 Accounts Payable

Manual Payments This section is similar to the QuikCheck option in the Banking section, but the payments or credits actually apply towards Accounts Payable. If you need to quickly print or hand write a check which should be applied towards Invoices in Accounts Payable, select "Manual Payments" in the "Manual Payments Menu." EXAMPLE: You may have an Invoice from one of your regular Vendors who requires a payment immediately. You would make this payment through the "Manual Payments" section and either hand write or print the check. Remember that all Accounts Payable Statements and Invoices must be entered through the Payable Transactions screen before payment can be made on them. If you have opted to pay an invoice in Automatic Payments, and have not completed the batch, you must not choose to pay that invoice in Manual Payments or you will double pay the invoice. MANUAL PAYMENTS MENU Manual Payments Manual Pmts. Remit. Advice Manual Payment Audit Rpt.

Make the selection "Manual Payments" from the "Manual Payments Menu." You will then see the following screen.

┌─Bank─╥─FP─╥─Date─╥─Check No─╥─Vendor─╥─Discount─╥──Amount──╥─Cr─╥─Man─┐ │ ║ ║/ /║ ║ ║ .00 ║ .00║ N ║ N │ └──────╨────╨──────╨──────────╨────────╨──────────╨───── ─────╨────╨─────┘ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────┐ │ ╔══╗ Check No. │ │ ║══╝ │ │ ║ AYABLE CHECK │ │ Date: / / │ │ │ │ Pay to the Order of: Amount: $.00 │ │ │

Accounts Payable 55 │ │ │ │ │ ____________________________ │ │ Authorized Signature │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────┘



Type in the code for the "Bank" on which the check will be drawn, and press "Enter." F2-INQUIRE is available for your use in this field. Type in the correct Fiscal Period (month), and press "Enter." Today's "Date" will be entered in the "Date" field. If necessary, you may type in a different "Date."


Type in the desired "Check No," and press "Enter."


Type in the Vendor's Account number, and press "Enter." F2-INQUIRE is available for your use in this field.


If there is a "Discount" due you, type in the amount of the "Discount."


Type in the "Amount" of the check, and press "Enter." If you are unsure of the amounts on the existing invoices, you may "Enter" through this field. A listing of invoices which belong to this Vendor will appear as shown below. Only the first 300 outstanding invoices will be displayed and can be edited. If there are more invoices for the vendor, it will be necessary to first complete the current manual payments batch.


If you wish to manually indicate which invoices are being paid by this check, type "Y" and press "Enter." If you wish the computer to automatically "apply" this check to the oldest invoices, type "N" and press "Enter."


If you have already hand written this check and simply wish to enter it into your Accounts Payable at this time, type in "Y" for "Yes" this is a manual check. If you are not going to hand write this check but instead would like to print this check, type "N" for "No." If you chose to manually indicate the invoices being paid, you will see the following screen. Invoice Day Gross Net Amount to Ref No Date Due Due Discount Due be Paid ┌─────────╥────────╥────────╥───────────╥──────────╥──── ───────╥─────────────┐

56 Accounts Payable │ R5822 ║05/01/90║05/31/90║ 810.00 ║ 20.00 ║ 790.00║ 790.00 │ │ HD453 ║05/01/90║06/30/90║ 1500.00 ║ 75.00 ║ 1425.00║ 1425.00 │ │ NAVY6 ║05/02/90║07/31/90║ 1000.00 ║ 50.00 ║ 950.00║ .00 │ │ 69345 ║05/04/90║06/01/90║ 500.00 ║ .00 ║ 500.00║ 500.00 │ │ 10005 ║05/15/90║06/01/90║ 75.00 ║ .00 ║ 75.00║ 75.00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00 ║ .00 ║ .00║ .00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00 ║ .00 ║ .00║ .00 │ │ ║ ║ ║ .00 ║ .00 ║ .00║ .00 │ └─────────╨────────╨────────╨───────────╨──────────╨──── ───────╨─────────────┘


F5-DISCOUNT DATE can be pressed while working in this screen. This will indicate the latest date you may make this payment and still take advantage of the discount amount.


Type in the "Amount" you wish to pay on each invoice. If you are not paying on one of the invoices listed, simply leave the "Amount" field blank and go on to the next. The combined total of each of these "Amounts" will constitute the check total.


When the amounts have been completed, press F8-CONFIRM. If you have answered No to Manual check, the system will next ask if you wish to print the check. Indicate "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No." VOIDING ACCOUNT PAYABLE CHECKS Occasionally you may find that, through Automatic or Manual Payments, a check is incorrect. To "void" this check you will need to first create a "negative" transaction which you will pay with a "negative" check. You may then reenter the original transaction information and issue a new check for the correct amount. Even though you will be creating a "negative" check, the original check will appear as a Void in the "Banking Transactions" screen if the correct procedure is followed. Below is the procedure to follow.


Before you can create a negative check you must first enter the transaction which will be "Paid" by the negative check. This transaction must equal the original invoice amount (including discount information.) To do this, go into "Payable Transactions" and enter a credit "C" invoice that is exactly opposite to the original invoice. If the check you wish to void paid several invoices, you can combine the amounts so that only one credit transaction need be entered. However, the credit transaction must have the same amount, discount, and Chart of Accounts distribution as the original invoices. When this is done, close the

Accounts Payable 57 transaction batch and go onto the next step. STEP 2: CREATE A NEGATIVE CHECK

Next, go into "Manual Payments" and create a negative check to pay the credit invoice you just entered. This check must use the same check date and check number as the check you wish to void. Be sure to say "Y" to both the "Manual Check" (MAN) field, and to the "CR" field. You must manually apply this check against the credit transaction you entered in step 1. When this "negative" check reaches the Banking module, it will void the original check provided that it has the same check number and date.


You may now reenter the original invoices just as you normally would. When this is done, you can create a check through Automatic or Manual payments to replace the incorrect original check.

Manual Payment Remittance Advice

When you print your checks you may find that you are paying more invoices than can be printed on the check stub. The "Manual Payment Remittance Advice" allows you to print the check stub information on a separate piece of paper which you can then enclose with the check.

MANUAL PAYMENTS MENU Manual Payments Manual Pmts. Remit. Advice Manual Payment Audit Rpt.

Make the selection "Manual Pmts. Remit. Advice" from the "Manual Payments Menu." You will then see the following screen.

┌── Remittance Advice ────┐ │ │ │ Bank Code : │ │ │ │ Begin Check : 0│ │ Ending Check : 99999999 │ │ │ └─────────────────────────┘


Enter the bank code for the account for which you will be printing remittance advices. You may press F2-INQUIRE for a list of available. If you have printed "Manual Payment" checks using

58 Accounts Payable several different banks, you will need to repeat this process to print remittance advices for each bank. BEGIN CHECK

Type in the first check for which you would like to print a remittance advice and press "Enter."


Type in the last check for which you would like to print a remittance advice and press "Enter."


When the information has been entered correctly, press F8-CONFIRM. For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

Accounts Payable 59

Manual Pay Remittance Advice

60 Accounts Payable

Manual Payment Audit Report When you have finished a batch of Manual Payments, you must print an Audit Report to keep for your records and to check for accuracy. The Audit Report will include all manual payments made since the last time the manual batch was completed.

MANUAL PAYMENTS MENU Manual Payments Manual Pmts. Remit. Advice Manual Payment Audit Rpt.

Select "Manual Payment Audit Rpt." for the "Manual Payments Menu." You will then see the following screen.

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Manual Payment Audit Report │ │ │ │ Batch Code: MP0001 Batch Date: 06/25/90 │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘


The system will want you to define the correct printer twice during this Audit Report. Once for the actual Audit Report, and once for the G/L Summary Report. If the correct printer code appears, simply press "Enter." If you desire a different printer, type in that printer's code, and press "Enter." For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

╔════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ Manual Payment Batch Complete? [N] ║ ║ ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════╝


If the Batch is complete, type "Y" for "Yes." The cursor will then be returned to the "Automatic Payments Menu." You may then go into the Payment Checks to print the checks. If you still have more transactions that you would like to add to

Accounts Payable 61 this batch, you may type "N" for "No" and go back to the Prepare Payments section to do so.

62 Accounts Payable

Man Pmt Audit Rpt

Accounts Payable 63

Man Pmt G/L Sum

64 Accounts Payable

APPLY CREDITS MENU Whenever you receive a credit memo there are basically two ways of showing that credit memo. If the credit memo is "applied" against an outstanding invoice, the amount of the invoice is reduced by the amount of the credit. The check stub will not show the credit, will it will only show the remainder of the invoice. That is, if you applied a $50 credit to a $100 invoice, the check stub would only show an invoice for $50 . If, however, you choose to not apply credits, the check stub would show an invoice for $100 and a credit for $50 (displayed as -$50.) The overall balance is same in either case, the only difference is how the detail is shown. If you have answered "No" to Automatic Credit Application in the Vendor Profile, you may choose to manually apply credits or you may choose to not apply credits. If you decide to manually apply credits, you will use the "Apply Credits Menu." If you have answered "Yes" to Automatic Credit Application in the Vendor Profile, credits are automatically applied against the oldest invoice when you print the "Payables Transaction Audit Report." However, if the credits automatically applied have exceeded the total due on existing Invoices, a Credit balance will exist. When new debits accumulate, the existing credit balance may be manually applied to these new invoices through the Apply Credits screen, or it may be left unapplied.

A/P ACCOUNTING MENU Transaction Menu Automatic Payments Menu Manual Payments Menu Apply Credits Menu * Purge Prior Transactions

Select "Apply Credits Menu" from the "Accounts Payable" menu and you will see the following menu. APPLY CREDITS MENU Apply Credits Apply Credits Audit Report

Accounts Payable 65

Apply Credits If you have decided that you wish to apply credits, this is done in the "Apply Credits" screen. You may only apply credits which have been entered through the Payable Transactions screen and posted. If applied credits for a vendor have exceeded the total due on existing Invoices, a Credit balance will exist. When new invoices accumulate, the existing credit balance may be manually applied. Applying credits is optional and any credits may be left unapplied.

APPLY CREDITS MENU Apply Credits Apply Credits Audit Report

Use the highlighted bar to select "Apply Credits" from the "Apply Credits Menu." You will then see the "Apply Credits" screen.

┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Account No. : │ │ │ │ Vendor Name : │ │ Address : │ │ City, State : │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ┌─Cr. Ref.#╥─Cr. Amount─╥╥──Ref.#───╥─Ref.Amount─╥───Applied──┐ │ ║ ║║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║║ ║ ║ │ │ ║ ║║ ║ ║ │ └──────────╨────────────╨╨──────────╨────────────╨────── ──────┘



Type in the Vendor "Account No," and press "Enter." The Vendor Name and Address will then appear. When you received the Credit Memo from your Vendor, you

66 Accounts Payable keyed the information from the memo into the Payable Transaction screen. You probably used the Vendors invoice number on the credit memo as a reference number. This number is the Credit Reference Number you need to enter in this field. If you are unsure of the number, F2-INQUIRE is available for your use and will bring up a listing of all of the Credits which have not yet been applied but have been entered through the Payable Transaction's screen for this Vendor. CR. AMOUNT

The dollar amount of this credit will appear.

REF. #

The "Ref #" is the number of the invoice to which you are applying the credit. If you have several Inventory Receipts for this Vendor on file, you may press F2-INQUIRE and see a listing. These are the invoices you choose from when you wish to apply a credit. You may want to print an Accounts Payable Aged Invoice Register which will list the current charges and credits per Vendor.


The total amount of the Inventory Receipt or invoice will be shown in this field. Type in the dollar "Amount" to be applied, and press "Enter." When you have finished applying the credits, the next step is to print the Apply Credits Audit Report. After close examination of the Audit Report to determine that all of the credits have been applied and applied correctly, you then post the batch. During posting the credits will actually be applied.

Accounts Payable 67

Apply Credits Audit Report When you have created a batch of Applied Credits, you will next print the Audit Report.

APPLY CREDITS MENU Apply Credits Apply Credits Audit Report

Select "Apply Credits Audit Report" from the "Apply Credits Menu." You will then see the following screen.

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────┐ │ A/P Apply Credits Audit Report │ │ │ │ Batch Code: AP001 Batch Date: 06/21/90 │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────┘

And then the Printer Select screen will appear. For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

68 Accounts Payable

Apply Cr Audit Rpt

Accounts Payable 69

Purge Prior Transactions The Purge utility is used to erase transactions which have been posted and paid off.

A/P ACCOUNTING MENU Transaction Menu Automatic Payments Menu Manual Payments Menu Apply Credits Menu * Purge Prior Transactions

Make the selection "Purge Prior Transactions" from the "Maintenance Posting" menu. You will then see the following screen.

┌──── Purge Prior Transactions ─────┐ │ │ │ Paid Off Accounts Payable │ │ transactions before _________ │ │ will be deleted from the system. │ │ │ │ Backups should be Current │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────┘

Type in the date of you choice. CONFIRM

When the date has been entered correctly, press F8-CONFIRM to begin the purge process. When the purging process is complete, you will be returned to the "Accounts Payable" menu.

NOTE: We strongly suggest that you purge transactions in small groups. That is, it is better to purge a few transactions every month than to purge a large number of transactions once or twice a year.

70 Accounts Payable

Year End Processing At the end of the year, you will want to complete the "Year End Processing." This process moves the year-to-date purchase history to the prior year and zeros out the current year. SYSTEM MENU Point of Sale Accounting Reporting Personalizing The System

Select "Accounting" from the "System Menu."

ACCOUNTING A/P Accounting Menu A/R Accounting Menu Banking Menu End of Period Menu G/L Accounting Menu Payroll Accounting Menu

Select "End of Period Menu" from the "Accounting" menu. END OF PERIOD MENU End of Day Processing End of Month Processing End of Year Menu

Select "End of Year Menu" from the "End of Period Menu" menu. END OF YEAR MENU Accounts Payable Year End General Ledger Year End Payroll Year End Sales History Year End

Make the selection "Accounts Payable Year End" from the "End of Year Menu." You will then see the following screen.

Accounts Payable 71

┌──────── Year End Processing (A/P) ─────────┐ │ This process was last run on _________ │ │ If continued, current year Vendor │ │ purchases will be moved to prior year │ │ purchases and current year will be zero. │ │ │ │ Backups should be current at this time. │ │ OK to Continue ? [N] │ └────────────────────────────────────────────┘

If you wish to continue the "Year End Processing," type "Y" for "Yes." If you do not wish to process at this time, type "N" for "No."


Always make a backup of your data before performing year end processing.


Accounts Payable 73

DIRECTIONS FOR PRINTING REPORTS To continue in the easy to use fashion of your "VIP System," most of the reports are printed in a similar manner. A Select Sequence Screen is shown. In this screen you indicate by what parameters you would like the report generated. You then select a specific range or indicate that you would like to see the entire range. EXAMPLE: If you were printing a report by a sequence number and you wished to see only items number 100 through 200, you would enter those numbers in the "Range" field. However, if you would like to see the entire "Range," you may simply press "Enter" through each of the "Range" fields, and it will automatically start at the beginning and run to the end. Occasionally an additional screen is necessary to access the information stored within the system. In these cases other questions will be listed on the screen for you to answer. The questions are uncomplicated and the directions easy to follow. The following is an example of the most commonly used sequence parameter for printing a report within the "VIP System." SELECT SEQUENCE

Make the "Sequence" choice, and press "Enter."


Inform the system of the beginning and ending "Range" you wish to use. If you would like the entire list, simply "Enter" through the "Range" fields.


If the correct printer code appears, simply press "Enter." If you desire a different printer, type in that printer's code, and press "Enter." The computer will then instruct you to:


Press "Enter" to print the report. If you decide not to print, press F7 to exit.


If at any time you are printing a report and wish to stop, press F6-STOP.

74 Accounts Payable

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS All of the "Accounts Payable" reports, both relating to Banking and Vendor, are located in this section of the reporting module.

SYSTEM MENU Point of Sale Accounting Reporting Personalizing The System

To reach the "Reporting" section of the software, please the highlighted "block" on that selection in the "System Menu."

REPORTING Accounts Payable Reports (Scroll Down Screen) Accounts Receivable Rpts Banking Reports Salesperson Reports Customer Followup Rpts Service Code Reports Fuel Reports Technician Reports General Ledger Reports Vehicle Reports Inventory Reports Vendor Reports Payroll Reports ... Point of Sale Reports Print a Report Text File Sales Reports

To reach The "Accounts Payable Reports" menu, place the highlighted "block" on that selection in the "Reporting" menu, and press "Enter."

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS Aged Invoice Register Cash Requirements Terms Code Listing Vendor Information Report Vendor Listing Vendor Purchases Vendor Mailing Labels

Accounts Payable 75

Aged Invoice Register The "Aged Invoice Register" will give you a listing of outstanding Accounts Payable Invoices. It will provide the Vendor information as well as the Invoice numbers and detail regarding each Invoice due. The report may be printed either by Vendor Name or Account Number.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS Aged Invoice Register Cash Requirements Terms Code Listing Vendor Information Report Vendor Listing Vendor Purchases Vendor Mailing Labels

Select "Aged Invoice Register" from the "Accounts Payable Reports" menu, and the following screen will appear.

┌──────── Accounts Payable Aged Invoice Register ──────────┐ │ │ │ Sequence : │ │ │ │ Begin Range : │ │ Ending Range : │ │ ┌────── Select Sequence ────┐ │ └────────────────────────│ Account │─────┘ │ Name, Account │ └───────────────────────────┘

For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

76 Accounts Payable

Aged Inv Reg

Accounts Payable 77

Cash Requirements The "Cash Requirements" report will indicate your current cash needs. It will print the Vendor's Account number and Name, the Due Date, and four columns of aging depending on the increment you select.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS Aged Invoice Register Cash Requirements Terms Code Listing Vendor Information Report Vendor Listing Vendor Purchases Vendor Mailing Labels

Select "Cash Requirements" from the "Accounts Payable Reports" menu. The following screen will appear.

╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Print amount due in increments of : 30 days ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝

The default increment days is 30. At the 30 day increment your columns would be Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, and 90 Days. EXAMPLE: If you wish to use the increment of 45 days, simply type in that number. Your four columns would then be Current, 45 Days, 90 Days, and 135 Days. It would increment by 45. Type in the increment of your choice, and press "Enter." If the default of 30 days is your choice, you may press F8-CONFIRM. You will then see the following sequence screen.

┌─────────────── Cash Requirements Report ─────────────────┐ │ │ │ Sequence : │ │ │ │ Begin Range : │ │ Ending Range : │ │ ┌────── Select Sequence ────┐ │

78 Accounts Payable └────────────────────────│ Account │─────┘ │ Name, Account │ └───────────────────────────┘

For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual. Cash Req

Accounts Payable 79

Terms Code Listing If you wish to print a hard copy of the Terms Codes you have created within the Terms Code Profile you may do so in the Reporting section.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS Aged Invoice Register Cash Requirements Terms Code Listing Vendor Information Report Vendor Listing Vendor Purchases Vendor Mailing Labels

Select "Terms Code Listing" from the "Accounts Payable Reports" menu. You will see the following screen.

┌───────── Accounts Payable Terms Code Listing ────────────┐ │ │ │ Sequence : Code │ │ │ │ Begin Range : │ │ Ending Range : ~~~ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───┘

For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

80 Accounts Payable

Terms Code Listing

Accounts Payable 81

Vendor Information Report Vendors are the people you pay for services, inventory, loans, etc. Informative reports are available to you through the "VIP System" regarding your Vendors. When you print "Vendor Information," the listing will include the Account Number, Name, Chart of Account Number, Discount Information, Net Due, Tax ID, Modem and Mailbox Numbers, etc. for each Vendor.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS Aged Invoice Register Cash Requirements Terms Code Listing Vendor Information Report Vendor Listing Vendor Purchases Vendor Mailing Labels

Select "Vendor Information Report" from the "Accounts Payable Reports" menu. You will see the following screen.

┌────────────── Vendor Information Report ─────────────────┐ │ │ │ Sequence : │ │ │ │ Begin Range : │ │ Ending Range : │ │ ┌────── Select Sequence ────┐ │ └────────────────────────│ Account │─────┘ │ Name, Account │ └───────────────────────────┘

For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

82 Accounts Payable

Vendor Info

Accounts Payable 83

Vendor Listing The "Vendor Listing" will print out your Vendor's Account Number, Name, Address and Phone Number. To print a listing of all the Vendors on file, follow the instructions below.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS Aged Invoice Register Cash Requirements Terms Code Listing Vendor Information Report Vendor Listing Vendor Purchases Vendor Mailing Labels

Select "Vendor Listing" from the "Accounts Payable Reports," and the following screen will appear.

┌───────────────── Vendor Listing ─────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Sequence : │ │ │ │ Begin Range : │ │ Ending Range : │ │ ┌───── Select Sequence ──────┐ │ │ │ Account │ │ └───────────────────────│ Name, Account │─────┘ └────────────────────────────┘

For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

84 Accounts Payable

Vendor List

Accounts Payable 85

Vendor Purchases The "Vendor Purchases" report will show the total amount of purchases for each of the fiscal periods selected. It will also show the "Prior Year" purchase history and the "Difference" between the two.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS Aged Invoice Register Cash Requirements Terms Code Listing Vendor Information Report Vendor Listing Vendor Purchases Vendor Mailing Labels

Select "Vendor Purchases" from the "Accounts Payable Reports" menu. You will see the following screen.

╔════════════════════════════╗ ║ Beginning period : 01 ║ ║ Ending period : 03 ║ ╚════════════════════════════╝

The "periods" in the above screen are fiscal periods. Type in the Beginning and Ending periods you wish to examine. EXAMPLE: If you want to see a report for the first quarter of the year, you type in 01 (January) for the "Beginning period" and 03 (March) for the "Ending period." CONFIRM

When the correct periods have been entered, press F8-CONFIRM, and you will see the sequence screen.

┌──────────────Vendor Purchases History──────────────────┐ │ │ │ Sequence : │ │ │ │ Begin Range : ┌───────────────────────────┐ │ │ End Range : │ Select Sequence │ │ └────────────────────┤ Account ├───────┘ │ Name, Account │

86 Accounts Payable └───────────────────────────┘

For directions on printing reports, please see the beginning of the Reporting section in this manual.

Accounts Payable 87

Vendor Purchases

88 Accounts Payable

Vendor Mailing Labels The "Vendor Mailing Labels" selection is where you can actually print labels for any Vendors selected.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORTS Aged Invoice Register Cash Requirements Terms Code Listing Vendor Information Report Vendor Listing Vendor Purchases Vendor Mailing Labels

Select "Vendor Mailing Labels" from the "Accounts Payable Reports" menu. The following screen will appear.

┌──────────────── Vendor Mailing Labels ───────────────────┐ │ │ │ Sequence : │ │ │ │ Begin Range : │ │ Ending Range : │ │ ┌────── Select Sequence ────┐ │ └────────────────────────│ Account │─────┘ │ Name, Account │ └───────────────────────────┘


Make the "Sequence" choice, and press "Enter."


Inform the system of the beginning and ending "Range" you wish to use. If you would like the entire list, simply "Enter" through the "Range" fields.


If the correct printer code appears, simply press "Enter." If you desire a different printer, type in that printer's code, and press "Enter." The computer will then instruct you to:


Press "Enter" to print, to print You will see the following screen.

Accounts Payable 89 ╔════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Lines Per Label : 0 ║ ║ Characters in left Margin : 0 ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════╝

90 Accounts Payable


Type in the number of lines included on your labels, and press "Enter."


Type in the number of characters (or spaces) you want in the left margin, and press "Enter."


When the numbers have been entered correctly, press F8CONFIRM to print the labels.

Accounts Payable 91 Vendor Mailing Labels

92 Accounts Payable

INDEX Accounts Payable'

effect on General Ledger'4 menu'7, 17 Accounts Payable Reports'74 cash requirements'77 terms code listing'79 vendor information report'81 vendor listing'83 vendor mailing labels'88 vendor purchases'85 Aged Invoice Register'75 Applied Credits' audit report'67 Apply credits' explanation'64 Apply Credits' audit report'64, 65 Audit Report' apply credits'64, 65 Automatic Payments' audit report'45 menu'39 prepare payments'40 preparing'40 Beginning Balance' entering'22 Cash' requirements report'77 Cash Requirements'77 Checks'20 automatic payments'49 hand-written'53 stubs'20 voiding'56 Company' A/P information'20 menu'18 Company Profile'17 Company Profile' use of'17 Credit Memos' entering'29 Directions for Printing Report'73 Implementation Check-Off List'22 Inventory Receipts' retrieving'33 Invoices' aged register'75

Accounts Payable 93

Mailing Labels' Manual Payments' Outside Purchases' Payable'

vendor'88 menu'53 retrieving'31

audit report'36 transactions'26 Payable Audit Report'36 Payable Reports' aged invoice register'75 Payable transactions' \'31, 33 Payable Transactions' \'29, 30 Payment Audit Report'45 Payments' manual'54 Prepare Payments' screen'40 Purge Prior Transactions'69 Reports' aged invoice register'75 cash requirements'77 directions for printing'73 labels'88 manual payment audit'60 payment audit'45 terms code listing'79 vendor information'81 vendor list'83 vendor purchases'85 Terms' listing'79 profile'8 using 30/60/90'12 Terms Code Listing'79 Transactions' audit report'36 definition'2 entering'26 purging'3, 69 Vendor' information report'81 listing'83 profile'13 purchases report'85 Vendor Information Report'81 Vendor Listing'83 Vendor Mailing Labels'88

94 Accounts Payable

Vendor Purchases'85 Year End' processing'70