Birds Of Loch Fyne

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 803
  • Pages: 3
BIRDS OF LOCH FYNE This is essentially a supplementary list to complement the "Birds of Kintyre - Online Wikipedia Links" uploaded earlier to the 'Kintyre On Record' archives on, where there are Wikipedia links to most of the birds here and, in many cases, to online video of the birds and their songs. Barn Owl - Occasional visitor. Black Guillemot - Present throughout the year Blackbird - Resident breeder in fair numbers. Not as common as Song Thrush. Blackcap - Summer visitor. Three or four singing males heard this spring. An uncommon species in Argyll. Black-headed Gull - Occasional visitor. Black-throated Diver - Occasional visitor offshore in Loch Fyne. Blue Tit - Common resident breeding species. Brambling - Occasional winter visitor in variable numbers. Bullfinch - Resident in small numbers. Buzzard - Residents. Canada Geese - Small groups regularly seen along the shore. Carrion Crow - Occasional individuals. Chaffinch - Common resident breeding species. Chiffchaff - Summer visitor. Coat Tit - Very common resident breeding species. Collared Dove - Occasional visitor. Common Crossbill - Occasional visitor. Common Gull - Present throughout the year in small numbers. Common Sandpiper - Summer visitor. Common Starling - Occasional visitor. Cormorant - Regularly seen off-shore. Cuckoo - Occasional visitor in summer. Curlew - One or two regularly seen along the shore. 1

Dipper - Occasional visitor along the shore. Dunnock - Resident in small numbers. Eider - Over 100 birds often present off-shore. Fieldfare - Regular winter visitor in flocks of up to 50. Gannet - Seen regularly in small groups fishing in Loch Fyne, mostly during the breeding season but occasionally in winter. Garden Warbler - Summer visitor. A scarce species in Argyll. Goldcrest - Common resident breeding species. Flocks of 50 or more in winter. Goldeneye - Two or three birds regularly present off-shore in winter. Goldfinch - Occasional visitor. Goosander - Occasional visitor off-shore. Grasshopper Warbler - Occasional summer visitor. Great Black-backed Gull - Present throughout year in small numbers. Great Spotted Woodpecker - Resident. Great Tit - Common resident breeding species. Greenfinch - Resident breeding species. Greenland White-fronted Geese - Occasional flocks passing over in winter. Greenshank - Occasional visitor on migration. Grey Heron - Regular visitor along the shore. Grey Wagtail - Occasional visitor along the streams. Greylag Geese - One or two birds seen occasionally along the shore. Guillemot - Occasional visitor off-shore. Herring Gull - Present all year, sometimes in flocks of several hundred. Hooded Crow - Resident breeding species. House Martin - Seen feeding overhead in summer. House Sparrow - Occasional visitor. Jay - Regular visitor in small numbers from autumn to spring. A scarce species in Argyll. Kestrel - Occasional visitor. Kittiwake - Occasional visitor off-shore. Lapwing - Occasional visitor. Lesser Black-backed Gull - Summer visitor. Lesser Redpoll - Occasional visitor. Little Grebe - Regular visitor off-shore during winter. Long-eared Owl - Has been reported. Long-tailed Tit - Resident. Mallard - Regularly present Meadow Pipit - Occasional visitor in winter. Merlin - Occasional visitor. Mistle Thrush - Resident. Mute Swan - Pair seen occasionally off-shore. Osprey - Has been reported. Oystercatcher - Regularly present. Peregrine - Occasional visitor. Pheasant - Occasional visitor. 2

Pied Flycatcher Summer visitor. Singing males recorded in spring. Rare breeding bird in Argyll. Pied Wagtail - Seen regularly along the shore in summer. Purple Sandpiper - Occasional visitor in winter. Raven - Resident in small numbers. Razorbill - Occasional visitor off-shore. Red-breasted Merganser - One or two pairs seen regularly off-shore. Breeds in the area. Redshank - One or two regularly seen along the shore in winter. Redstart - Summer visitor. Red-throated Diver - Regular visitor off-shore during summer. Redwing - Regular winter visitor. Reed Bunting - Occasional visitor. Ringed Plover - Passage migrant. Robin - Resident. Common breeder, even more numerous in winter. Rock Pipit - Seen regularly along the shore. Sand Martin - Occasional visitor in summer. Shag - Regularly seen offshore. Shelduck - One or two seen occasionally along the shore. Siskin - Resident breeding species. Snipe - Occasional visitor along the shore. Song Thrush - Resident breeder. Sparrowhawk - Resident. Spotted Flycatcher - Summer visitor. Swallow - Common breeding summer visitor, often seen feeding overhead. Swift - Occasional visitor seen flying overhead. Tawny Owl - Resident. Tree Creeper - Resident breeding species. Tree Pipit - Summer visitor. Turnstone - Regular winter visitor along the shore. Twite - Occasional visitor. Waxwing - Irregular visitor in winter. Wheatear - Occasional visitor on migration. Whitethroat - Occasional summer visitor. Whooper Swan - Occasional flocks off-shore at migration times. Wigeon - Regularly seen in winter. Willow Warbler - Common summer visitor. Wood Pigeon - Resident in small numbers. Wood Warbler - Summer visitor. Woodcock - Resident in the woodland, elusive species. Wren - Resident. Common breeder. Yellowhammer - Very occasional visitor.


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