BIOMES: An introduction Environmental Science Ms. Rust
We’ve talked about ecosystems…what is a biome and how is it different? • An ECOSYSTEM is a collection of biotic (living)
and abiotic (non-living) factors which work together. Think of a pond. Algae, fish, cattails (biotic) work together with the sun, rocks, water (abiotic) to survive
And a biome? • A biome is defined as an area that
has distinctive climate and organisms…meaning climate and organisms that are different from other biomes • Examples: desert and rain forest… different climate, different organisms live there • A biome can contain many ecosystems!
Back to the basics • What is climate? Climate is NOT the same as the daily weather. Climate = average temperature and precipitation over a long period of time
– Ex: The climate in a rain forest is very different than the climate in a desert…how so?
• Warm/humid with a lot of rain vs. dry/wet with very little rain
Why do we care about biomes? • Entire biomes are being destroyed by human actions
• How do you think the rain forest is being destroyed? The desert?
And the biggest factor…
Your task: • We are going to embark on a project that will help us learn more about each biome. By learning about the biome, you will learn why it is important and why it NEEDS to be protected.