Biographie Donatella

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Donatella Bernardi Application for a position as a professor in fine arts with specialization in digital media


The digital media signify above all a common encoding of the image, of sound or of text. This encoding, or “digitisation”, is developed out of concern for naturalism through a level of definition which aims to be the highest possible; high definition both in terms of the capturing of the signal and of its diffusion (and no doubt linked to the phenomenon of simulacrum and simulation). The interface is the locus of perception of this encoding, a kind of rallying point with which we are increasingly inclined to interact: it is no longer just a matter of looking at it, of listening to it, but also of touching it to make the desired information appear. The entire contents of a book can be displayed by turns on a single page, in the same way as a camera can now do without reels of film or cassettes. This compression of information is such that we sometimes feel like we are living in an immaterial world (Les immatériaux, curators: Jean-François Lyotard, Thierry Chaput, Paris, Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou, 1985). This illusion of immateriality is attracting renewed attention in the interface, for suddenly, “The sense appears and is played out on the surface, at least if one knows how to mix it properly, […] The deepest is the skin”. Gilles Deleuze, Logic of Sense, 1969). Marshall McLuhan wrote in 1957 “No sense operates in isolation”, in 1960: “What happened to the book after the newspaper? To the book after the movie? To the book after radio and television? Nobody seems to know. What has happened to the movie since television is much better known, and if studied not as a change in our view of the movies but as a change in the uses and forms of the movie, much can be learned about the movie, and about television and movie at the same time; i.e., much that could not be learned by inspecting merely one-at-a-time”. This method of analysis and experimentation through comparison and exchange will be central to my teaching in the possible form of personal interviews with students, outings, visits to exhibitions and festivals, as well as lectures and viewings. The educational programme will be adapted to the specialisations and research of each individual. It is disturbing to think that a sentence is always constructed in the same manner: subject, verb, object; and that when we write a narrative, we feel like we are actualising the Poetics of Aristotle, despite the installations of Eija-Liisa Ahtila, to give just one example. Hypertext is revealing in this respect: it is above all a question of neurology, whether it concerns the contemporary arborescences of our internet sites or the mnemonic techniques of Antiquity and then of the Renaissance deployed in the form of a palace or theatre of memory and linked to the art of the imaginary (Frances Yates, Art of Memory, 1966).

Donatella Bernardi Date of birth: 30 November 1976 Nationality: Swiss and Italian Languages, written and spoken: French, Italian, English, German Contact: +41 78 687 46 75 [email protected] 1


Born in Geneva, Donatella Bernardi lives and works between Neuchâtel, Switzerland and Maastricht, Holland. After having concurrently completed studies at the Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts of Geneva and the Hochschule für bildende Künste of Hamburg (diplomas awarded in 2001 and 2002), she concluded her training with a Master in History of Art and Philosophy at the University of Geneva (2006) and a postgraduate course in cinema-video in the atelier of the director Fosco Dubini (ESBA, Geneva, 2002-03). In 2001, she founded the artists’ collective Zorro & Bernardo and since 2004 has been a member of AICA (International Association of Art Critics). She publishes regularly as an independent critic. Member of the Swiss Institute of Rome for two years (2006-08), she has developed up to the present day: 1) an artistic practice, specialising in the realisation of audiovisual pieces and installations (regular exhibitions since 2004 and production of films since 1997, participation in numerous international film festivals) 2) work as a programme organiser and curator (Forde independent art space, Usine, Geneva, 2002-04; Wunder Stanza exhibition design; Eternal Tour artistic and scientific festival, Rome 2008, Neuchâtel 2009, Jerusalem 2010, Las Vegas 2011) 3) publishing projects (Décorum, supplement to KunstBulletin, Zürich, 10 issues, 2005-07, L’âne et le lion, L’asino e il leone, Société des arts de Genève, 2008, Short Guide, Eternal Tour 2008). For 2008 and 2009, she has been awarded a Fine Art Researcher grant at the Jan van Eyck Academie. She is currently completing her first full-length film, a documentary film about the Swiss Institute of Rome, Les héritiers de la Comtesse (Box Productions, Lausanne, Thierry Spicher and Elena Tatti). Commissioned by the City of Geneva, she is the conceptualizer and curator of the exhibition Post Tenebras Luxe which will be held at the Musée Rath in Geneva from 25 August to 27 September 2009 and will be accompanied by a publication from Editions Labor et Fides.









2006 Master in Art History, minors in Philosophy and Spanish. Université de Genève, Geneva, CH.

2008—2009 Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL.

2008 Swiss art award. Basel, CH.

Directing actors workshop with Pico Berkowitch. Function: Cinema, Geneva, CH. 2004 Postgraduate courses in film/ video with Fosco Dubini. Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts, Geneva, CH. 2002 Master in Visual Communication, Hochschule für bildende Künste, Hamburg, DE. 2001 Master in Fine Arts, Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts, Geneva, CH.

2006—2008 Istituto Svizzero di Roma (ISR), Rome, IT.

Curatorial award. Post Tenebras Luxe, Musée Rath, Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève (FMAC), Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève (MAH), Geneva, CH. 2007 Swiss art award. Basel, CH. Bourse Berthoud. Geneva, CH. 2006 Contemporary art mediation award. Geneva, CH. 2005 Prix culturel Manor. Geneva, CH. Swiss art award. Basel, CH. Bourse Berthoud. Geneva, CH.

Films/videos (selection)

2009 Les héritiers de la Comtesse. Documentary film, Box Productions, 90 min., HDV. 2007 Peccato mistico/making off. Essay. 1.19 min., DV. Peccato mistico/short. Essay. 10 min., Super 16 mm. 2006 Tuer le temps. Part of the experimental project 1 min., DV. Zürich, CH: Heller Enterprises. 2005 Fortuna Berlin. Fiction. 22.30 min., DV. (Mamco, Musée d’art et moderne et contemporain, Geneva, juin-sept. 2005; Festival international du Film, Mostra, São Paulo, Brasil; European Filmfestival Dokument ART, Neubrandenburg, Germany; Forum d’art contemporain, Sierre; 41es Journées de Soleure; Achtung Berlin Film Festival, 18e Festival de films de réalisatrices, Paris; Geneva Select Market, International film & television Market; Shift Festival, Basel) Le jardin secret de Daniel Zappelli. Part of the experimental project 3 min., DV. Zürich, CH: Heller Enterprises. Suivez-moi mademoiselle! Part of the experimental project 1 min., DV. Zürich, CH: Heller Enterprises. 2004 Installation. Fiction. 15 min., Super 16 mm. 2002 Splitternackt. Fiction. 20 min., DV. Geneva, CH: Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts.

Professional activities

(teaching, jury/committee membership, etc.) 2008 Workshop Artist and Professionalism, HEAD, Geneva University of Art and Design, Geneva, CH. Member of the jury for the Bourse pour artiste de plus de 35 ans (arts plastiques), Geneva, CH. Founder member of Eternal Tour committee, Geneva, CH/Rome, IT/Neuchâtel, CH. Member of Box Productions, Lausanne, CH. 2007 Workshops and member of the final exams jury. HEAD, Geneva University of Art and Design, Geneva, CH; Ecole cantonale d’art du Valais (ECAV), Sierre, CH. Member of the jury for the Bourse pour artiste de plus de 35 ans (arts plastiques), Geneva, CH. 2005—2006 Instructor on the course Art and culture. Ecole de Multimédia et d’Art de Fribourg (EMAF), Fribourg, CH. Since 2005, member of Forde committee, Geneva, CH. 2004 Director’s assistant. Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva, CH. Slide library assistant. Department of Art History, Université de Genève, Geneva, CH. Founder member of Zorro & Bernardo committee, Geneva, CH. Since 2004, member of www., Zürich, CH. Since 2004, member of AICA, International Association of Art Critics (Swiss section), Paris, FR. 2002—2004 Co-director of Forde, independent contemporary art space. Usine, Geneva, CH. 2001—2003 Research assistant HES on the Critical Curatorial Cybermedia programme. Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts, Geneva, CH.

Books/catalogues 2008 Eternal Tour Short Guide, published by Eternal Tour, designed by Rollergirl (Harry Bloch and Jacques Borel), written by Donatella Bernardi and Noémie Etienne, edited by Asuman Kardes, photography by Adrien Buchet, Italian/French/English, 87 pages, 14 color postcards, Geneva, Zürich, Rome, CH/IT. L’âne et le lion/L’asino e il leone, published by Société des arts de Genève, Classe des BeauxArts, designed by Niels Wehrspann, texts by Donatella Bernardi, Giordano Bruno, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Demis Quadri, illustrated by Dr. Shlomo, Nicolas Wagnières, edited by Zorro & Bernardo, Italian/French, 52 pages, Geneva, CH. 2005 Fortuna Berlin, poster, French/ English, published by Musée d’art moderne et contemporain (Mamco), design by Niels Wehrspann, texts by Donatella Bernardi and Christophe Cherix, photography by Oliver Eckert and Bettina Herzner, English/ French, Geneva, CH. 2004 Forde A4, production 2002-04, published by Forde, designed by schönwehrs, edited by Donatella Bernardi, Cicero Egli, and Daniel Ruggiero, English/French, distributed by JRP|Ringier, 124 pages, Zürich, CH.

Book/catalogue contributions (e.g. chapter in a book)

2009 “Beat Lippert, Véhicule”. In: exhibition catalogue, published by Société des arts de Genève, Classe des Beaux-Arts, Geneva, CH, p. 13.

7/10, Ja, aber nicht ohne Currywurst, with: Sandra d’Urso, Genêt Mayor, Markus Müller, Ibn al Rabin, September 2006.

2008 “Olfaction susurrante à fleur de peau/Susurrating olfaction, at skin depth”. In: Alexandre Joly, états de réalité non ordinaire, states of non-ordinary reality, edited by Monografik, distributed by Le comptoir des indépendants, Blou, FR, pp. 17-21/22-27.

9/10, Pénélope la Fallope, with Marie Sacconi, Vanessa Safavi, Stefan Schoettke, Nicolas Wagnières, April 2007.

“Entretien avec Kirsten Dufour: Let Us Speak Now, une archive vidéo féministe”. In: Inscriptions/ Transgressions, Kunstgeschichte und Gender Studies, Histoire de l’art et études genre, Art History and Gender Studies, published by Peter Lang, edited by Kornelia Imesch, Jennifer John, Daniela Mondini, Sigrid Schade, Nicole Schweizer, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, pp. 189-205. 2007 “Rudy Decelière, Ces quelques fleurs”. In: exhibition catalogue, published by Société des arts de Genève, Classe des Beaux-Arts, Geneva, CH, pp. 2-14. 2 Chapter introductions and 3 notes. In: La Renaissance italienne. Peintres et poètes dans les collections genevoises, published by Skira, edited by Michel Jeanneret and Mauro Natale, Milan, IT, pp. 116-117, 200-207, 238-245. 2005—2007 DECORUM. 10 issues, edited by Zorro & Bernardo, supplement to Kunst-Bulletin, Zürich, CH. 1/10, La Messe, with Laurence Bonvin, Daniel Baumann, Hans Ulrich Obrist, June 2005. 2/10, Médor, with Annette Kosak, Francisco Torres, Pierre-Philippe Freymond, September 2005. 3/10, Je est un autre sous le signe du scorpion, with Cary Kwork, Gisèle Vienne, Dr Shlomo, November 2005. 4/10, Travail au noir en bleu de travail, with Ian Anüll, Blue Noses, Pascal Colrat, Patrick de Werra, Véronique Merckx, January 2006. 5/10, Un cerf nommé cheval, with Thierry Dubois, Maurice Evard, Hee, Andrea Thal, Pierre Steulet, April 2006. 6/10, Mondo Casino, with Fabrice Gygi, INOUT, Adeline Rosenstein, June 2006

8/10, Allélui’Allah, with Rudy Decelière, Stéphane Fischer, Jan Lacki, Schönwehrs, December 2006.

10/10, Décorum 10/10, with Donatella Bernardi, Bettina Herzner, Alessandra Lukinovich, Christoph Riedweg, Martin Steinrück, June 2007.





L’A S I N O &



S O C I É T É D E S A R T S D E G E N È VE Classe des Beaux-Arts Palais de l’Athénée, Sala Crosnier , rue de l’Athénée ·  Ginevra Esposizione dal  gennaio al  febbraio  Vernissage il  gennaio alle ore  Esposizione aperta dal lunedì al venerdì dalle  alle , il sabato dalle  alle  & dalle  alle   +     ·  +     ·  [email protected]


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(e.g. journal or newspaper article, selection) 2009 Beat Lippert, “L’épine du «Spinario» et le «Véhicule»”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, JanuaryFebruary, pp. 40-43. 2008 “Shahryar Nashat, La qualité humide et molle du béton”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, June, pp. 54-57. 2007 “La boîte à outils des Fulguro”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, October, pp. 49-52. “Grand tour, Môtiers, Bellinzona, Paris…”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, September, pp. 44-46. “Alexandre Joly, La réanimation de la matière morte”. In: KunstBulletin, July, p. 51. 2006 “San qui rit, san qui pleurt”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, December, pp. 48-50. “Numéro 10”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, October, pp. 56-58. “Photo-trafic”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, June, pp. 50-52. “L’Atelier: du coq à l’âne”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, March, pp. 46-48. 2005 “Death by inertia”. In: KunstBulletin, November, pp. 42-44. “Misses Henriod déshabillées par Galliano”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, July/ August, pp. 46-48. “La meilleure conscience possible”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, June, pp. 50-52. “De la zone au bonsaï”. In: KunstBulletin, March, pp. 38-40. 2004 “Entretien avec Katya García Antón, Shirana Shahbazi et Ingrid Wildi”. In: Passages/Passagen (Pro Helvetia) Swixx Switzerland’ cultural worlds, 37, pp. 22-27. “Ingrid Wildi. De palabra en palabra”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, pp. 48-49. “La Suisse berlinoise: quelques protagonistes”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, November, pp. 40-41. “Manifesta: With all due intent”. In: Kunst-Bulletin, August, pp. 38-39. “Forde: manifeste”. In: KunstBulletin, February, pp. 34-35. 2003 “Le programme postgrade, critical curatorial cybermedia”. In: KunstBulletin, January/February, pp. 36-37.

Articles on web POST TENEBRAS LUXE, Les urbanités, 2 March 2009, blog/2009/03/02/musee-rath/ GRAND TOUR CAPITOLINO,, 2 July 2008, asp?idnotizia=24118.

Reviews of my work (selection)

2008 Brian Galileo, “Das Fähnchen nach dem Wind drehen”. In: Shifting Identities, [Swiss] Art today, exhibition catalogue, Kunsthaus Zürich, edited by JRP|Ringier, Zürich, CH, pp. 233-235.

Lectures/ presentations

Exhibitions Solo exhibitions

2009 Talking Objects. (16 January). Maastricht, NL: Jan van Eyck Academie.

2009 Talking Object Einstein (working title). Bern, CH: LOGE

2008 Talking Objects. (7 January). Maastricht, NL: Jan van Eyck Academie.

Sabine Rusterholz, “Zorro & Bernardo & Sibylle Stœckli”. In: Speicher ist fast voll, exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Solothurn, edited by Edition Fink, Zürich, CH, pp. 7-8, 22-25.

2007 Glocal, laboratorio rifrazioni. (12 November). Luzern, CH: Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst.

2007 Philippe Cuenat, “La grâce en différé”. In: 12e Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Centre pour l’image contemporaine, Geneva, edited by JRP|Ringier, Zürich, CH, pp. 37-39, 81-83, 148-150.

Apparaître faire apparaître (La révolte intime). (8 February). Sierre, CH: Ecole cantonale d’art du Valais (ECAV).

2005 Grégoire Extermann, “Médaille pisanellienne”. In: Retourner sa veste, flyer, edited by Zorro & Bernardo, Geneva, CH, pp. 1-5.

WAF. World artist fund. (24 August). In: Mutamenti. Bellinzona, CH.

2006 Montagnes. (16 September). In: Communauté, milieu ou réseau: qu’est-ce qu’une scène artistique? Geneva, CH: Bâtiment d’art contemporain. Revolt, she said! (28 January). Rennes, FR: La Criée Centre d’Art Contemporain. 2005 Justine et les vases communicants. (24 November). Geneva, CH: Duplex, espace d’arts contemporains. Fortuna Berlin. (10 November). In: Forum d’art contemporain. Sierre, CH. Kirsten Dufour: Let us speak now. (14 October). In: Inscriptions/ transgressions: Colloque Histoire de l’art et études genre. Lausanne, CH: Musée cantonale des Beaux-Arts. Présentation Forde 6. (3 February). Grenoble, FR: Magasin. Centre National d’Art Contemporain de Grenoble. 2004 Une installation documentée. (3 December). Bern, CH: Hochschule der Künste Bern. 2003 Adorno: Filmtransparente. (31 January). In: Graduate students colloquium. Geneva, CH: Université de Genève.

2008 L’âne et le lion. With Demis Quadri, Geneva, CH: Salle Crosnier, Palais de l’Athénée. Fortuna Berlin, Peccato mistico/ short. Paris, FR: Centre Culturel Suisse. Talking Objects I. Geneva, CH: Forde. Prototipi Manzoni. Milan Furniture Fair, Milan, IT: Teatro Manzoni. 2007 Wunder stanza. Geneva, CH: Bâtiment d’art contemporain. Igloo Party. Lugano, CH: Galerie AP4-ART. 2005 Fortuna. Geneva, CH: Musée d’art moderne et contemporain (Mamco).

Group exhibitions



2009 Utopics, 11e Exposition Suisse de Sculpture. Bienne, CH: Maison Farel. MUSEUM. Lausanne, CH: Galerie Lucy Mackintosh. Eternal Tour 2009. Neuchâtel–Val-de-Travers– La-Chaux-de-Fonds, CH: various locations.

2006 Exposition du concours de la Bourse Berthoud-LissignolChevalier-Galland 2006. Geneva, CH: Centre d’Art Contemporain. Retourner sa veste III. Paris, FR: Centre Culturel Suisse. Retourner sa veste/Scarlatti forever. Rome, IT: Istituto Svizzero di Roma (ISR).

Post Tenebras Luxe. Geneva, CH: Musée Rath.

Retourner sa veste. Neuchâtel, CH: Théâtre Tumulte.

I am by birth a Genevese. And my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic. London, GB: Vegas Gallery; Geneva, CH: Forde.

Swiss art awards. Basel, CH.

2008 Seek Refuge. Venise, IT: Camping Venezia Village. Abstraction Extension, une scène romande et ses connexions. Alex, FR: Fondation pour l’art contemporain Claudine et Jean-Marc Salomon. Speicher fast voll. Solothurn, CH: Kunstmuseum. Eternal Tour 2008. Rome, IT: various locations. Shifting Identities – [Swiss] Art today. Zürich, CH: Kunsthaus. Swiss art awards. Basel, CH. Under Construction – Rifrazioni 2008, with Beat Lippert & Ibis Onlus. Rome, IT: Istituto Svizzero di Roma. Opening Week. Maastricht, NL: Jan van Eyck Academie. 2007 12th Biennale de l’image en mouvement. Geneva, CH: Saint-Gervais. Rifrazioni, festival di arti performative. Nettuno, IT: Forte Sangallo. Art en plein air. Môtiers 2007. Môtiers, CH. Swiss art awards. Basel, CH. Eau sauvage 2. London, GB: Fieldgate Gallery. Accélération. CH: NeuchâtelSerrières. Exposition du concours des Bourses Berthoud-LissignolChevalier-Galland 2007. Geneva, CH: Centre d’Art Contemporain. Tryingtoland. Roma, IT: MACRO Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Cinem’art. Roma, IT: Auditorium Parco della Musica

Mémoire et oubli. Grand-Lancy, CH: Villa Bernasconi. 2005 Exposition des lauréats des Bourses Berthoud-LissignolChevalier-Galland 2005. Geneva, CH: Centre d’Art en île. Fortuna Berlin. Locarno, CH: La Rada. Trivial pursuit. Geneva, CH: Galerie AP4-ART. Swiss art awards. Basel, CH. 2004 Exposition des Bourses des Fonds Berthoud, LissignolChevalier et Galland. Geneva, CH: Centre d’Art Contemporain. Le rayon noir. With Mai-Thu Perret and Fabrice Stroun. Lausanne, CH: Circuit.

Collection Philippe Nordmann, Manor, Geneva Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève, FMAC Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, FCAC, Geneva

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1. Installation, 2004 2. Splitternackt, 2002 3. Post Tenebras Luxe, 2009 4. Wunder Stanza, 2007 5. Talking Objects, 2008 6. Under Construction – Rifrazioni 2008, 2008 7. Médaille pisanellienne, 2005 8. Post Tenebras Luxe, 2009 9. Wunder Stanza II, 2008 10. Décorum 10/10, 2007 11. Under Construction – Rifrazioni 2008, 2008 12. Post Tenebras Luxe, 2009 13. Post Tenebras Luxe, 2009 14. Revolt She Said !, 2004 15. Installation, 2004 16. Décorum 10/10, 2007 17. Décorum 10/10, 2007 18. Under Construction – Rifrazioni 2008, 2008 19. L’âne et le lion / L’asino e il leone, 2008 20. Post Tenebras Luxe, 2009 21. Post Tenebras Luxe, 2009 22. Post Tenebras Luxe, 2009 23. Fortuna Berlin, 2005 24. Peccato mistico/short, 2007 25. Post Tenebras Luxe, 2009 26. Installation, 2004 27. Talking Object HA, 2008 28. Fortuna Berlin, 2005 29. Fortuna Berlin, 2005 30. Peccato mistico/short, 2007 31. Edrof, 2002 32. Installation, 2004 33. Splitternackt, 2002 34. Les héritiers de la Comtesse, 2008 35. Peccato mistico/short, 2007 36. Installation, 2004 37. Eternal Tour, 2009 38. Fortuna Berlin, 2005 39. Wunder Stanza II, 2008 40. Les héritiers de la Comtesse, 2008 41. Talking Object HA, 2008

© 2009 Donatella Bernardi

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