Biografia Jocelyn

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 623
  • Pages: 1
My name is Jocelyn Maribel Villarroel Soto. I was born in Edimburgo, Escocia, on 23rd of July, 1930. My mother was a very beautiful woman I loved. My mother married my father at age 21 and my father had 35 years, I'm the oldest of three brothers. My brother who was born after me when I was nine months old. Then my mother was blessed with twins. My parents were excellent parents they raised us with love and dedication my parents gave me good advice. When I was four years old my parents bought me a toy motorcycle. After eight years of age I was present at a hearing and stay with the paper main my parents were very proud of me. At age 12 I had my first birthday party and was costume which was a big party. After the age of fourteen I kept acting. At that time I was very successful. I had my first boyfriend at age sixteen was my first teenage love. His name was Thomas Johnson; he was a boy very handsome and intelligent our love lasted one year. My twenty years of age and was known as the most famous actress times going from party to party. This time was the best I met many people, traveling to many places was recognized around the world. I married Tom Cruise at twenty-five years of age was the biggest event of the time, was the happiest day of my life, I enjoyed my first marriage .Of this marriage my first daughter was born. His name is Cruise Tabatha Villarroel. . I baptized my daughter when she was ten months old My first marriage lasted eight years and ended when I had to leave to go to record a new movie. It took a long time, when I got back; things were not equal and thus ended the marriage. Spend two years of my break from my first marriage and I remarried and had my second son named Robert Pattinson. He is a great actor like his mother. At forty years old I did a movie and was highly criticized in that it spoke for the first time on AIDS and homosexuality. But was still very light. I turned forty in an unforgettable party with many famous actors such as Melanie Griffith, Cher, Linda Hamilton, Denzel Washington, John Malkovich, among others were very famous. At fifty I received the saddest news of my life, I had breast cancer died and another was suffering from very good news I had won an Oscar for playing the most evil villain in the world, this is what I did decline in this disease and Devi I should think my fans and my family. At sixty years of age stop fighting my illness and that he had beaten was tough so I had to live. But I had done with the support of all my family and my fans. When I was eighty years old I married my third husband. My second husband died ten years before I met my husband, I have to thank God for my husbands because they were always very good to me I thought I wanted very much. Never remarry again. At 88 years old cáncer returned and I can not do subtraction nothing.Only expect me my time to go to a new life with my God. My 90 years of age the most prominent actors I pay homage to me like a big Hollywood star who has had. My life was very beautiful with my husband and my children if I have to die, I die in peace, because all I had to do here on earth I did and well I'll be happy when they leave.

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