Biogenic Emissions in the Central Valley Jonathan Wang Brown University 2010
OUTLINE Introduction
• Project outline, objectives, motivation • Description of isoprene, α-Pinene, β-Pinene
• Methods: sampling and analysis • Limitations
• Ozone contribution (MIR and OFP) • Patterns of emissions: grid vs airborne • Patterns of emissions: seasonal variability
• Flight data: elevated levels near strong sources • Spatial Distribution: surprising urban concentration • Seasonal Dependence: reflect ecological condition
Project Outline Aircraft
and ground grid whole air samples Characterize biogenic or “background” natural hydrocarbon emissions Identify temporal and spatial patterns of biogenic emissions
Isoprene: "Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do." -- Ronald Reagan, 1981 Primary biogenic atmospheric emission Emitted by many woody plants as heat stress response Specific mechanism unknown: may also aid in oxidative stress, circadian rhythm, induce flowering Not emitted from crops, grasses Extremely short lifetime: about an hour High ozone forming potential (MIR =
α-Pinene, β-Pinene Volatile emission from conifers Monoterpenes present in pine resin, essential oils Emitted as defense against fungal infection or injury (bark beetle attack) Extremely short lifetime (0.5-3.5 hours) Small ozone forming potential High secondary organic aerosol
Methods Whole air canister samples collected at 1-3 minute intervals on aircraft July 22nd and 24th WAS collected on grid July 24th throughout Central Valley. Grid samples collected away from dairies, no attention paid to vegetation Gas chromatography, FID and MS Google Earth • Earthpoint, Earthplot
Previous study: Melissa Yang, collected 3/6/2008 : colder climate, only grid (no flight)
Limitations No
biological data collected: cannot compare emissions to evidence of damage, leaf temperature, etc No ozone measurements, so cannot test actual ozone production in high biogenics areas
Ozone Forming Potential
Carter, 1998: Maximum Incremental Reactivity estimates Ozone Forming Potential Overestimate: does not consider important aspects such as NOx Top 5 OFP Gases: Isoprene a big factor
Patterns of Emissions: Isoprene from Flights •Overall, low background concentrations •Several hot spots where isoprene reaches altitude •Hot spots indicate source locations: short lifespan precludes transport. •No Sacramento data: can’t fly over heavily populated zone •Integrates area: not so influenced by sources
Patterns of Emission: Isoprene on Grid •Points marked where measured concentration breaks scale •Overall higher concentrations than flights: closer to sources •Source-dominated measurements: grid measurements must be careful •2490 point matches with elevated levels in flight •Sacramento, Fresno: heavy urban zone’s isoprene: parks as source
α-Pinene Flight data 2009
Grid data 2009
•Some match up between flight and grid, not robust •Low concentrations throughout •Point sources reaching up to altitude
“Cold” Grid Data Data
collected for a previous study by Melissa Yang. 3/6/08 vs 7/24/09: about 11.6 degree C difference in temperature Expect
changes in isoprene: no heat stress, no isoprene emissions from oaks
“Cold” Isoprene Noted Differences •On a much lower scale •Fewer, different hotspots •No heat stress: isoprene emissions at T = 25 – 40 C •Avg T in ‘cold’ grid: 18 C •Sacramento emissions drastically reduced •Due to sampling near or far from trees?
“Cold” α-Pinene •Much higher levels of α-Pinene in March than in summer •Significant hot spots around Stockton •Rough latitudinal correlation •Elevated levels in Sacramento •Short lifetime: samples never bleed very far out •Elevated levels related to climate: wetter, colder in March than in
Seasonal Changes
•In the early spring (March): relax heat stress and virtually eliminate isoprene emissions •Colder temperatures: α-Pinene drastically increases •α-Pinene known to have longer lifetime in winter/night •Identify periods of heat stress, pest stress in vegetation based on gas emissions?
Seasonal OFP
•Isoprene contributon to ozone drastically reduced (from 4.7%), ranked 23rd (from 5th) •α-Pinene contribution to ozone greatly increased (from 0.33%), ranked 12th (from 23rd) •Isoprene concentrated at specific sources: small, wooded areas •Urban isoprene significant: parks are a major source! Not just “biogenic.”
Further Work Focus
of project was not on biology Grid samples intentionally taken near and far from forests or even single trees: quantify impact of single, definite sources Diurnal and seasonal measurements Species profile of valley: predict patterns Ozone measurements: direct observation of parks’ impact
Conclusions Isoprene emissions heavily source based: must be mindful of oaks when taking grid samples Strong sources bleed to atmosphere: can be identified by plane (more general, less of a single, overpowering point) Significant contribution to total ozone forming potential Temperature dependence: seasonal fluctuations in emissions and OFP Urban parks contribute much isoprene: seasonality to air quality in urban areas with parks? Gases isoprene, pinene are ecosystem’s “breath” that indicate heat, biotic stresses
Acknowledgements Dr.
Melissa Yang Dr. Donald Blake Dr. Sherwood Rowland University of North Dakota NASA Airborne Science Program Thank
you for listening! <3