Billy Raphiel
Level 6 Elite Retard
Medium Natural Humanoid
Initiative: +6
Senses: Perception +
HP: 92
Bloodied: 46
AC 17; Fort 17; Ref 17; Will 13 Speed: 6
Saves: +2
Action Point: 1
Rolling Pin (Standard; At-Will) Weapon Melee; +7 vs. AC (1d3+5 damage) Range 10/15; +9 vs. AC (1d6+3 damage) (Billy has three on hand ) Fruit Knife (Standard; At-Will) Weapon Melee; +12 vs. AC (1d3+5 damage) Cleaver (Standard; At-Will) Weapon Melee; +12 vs. AC (1d8+5 damage) The Old Heave-Ho! (Standard; Recharges when bloodied) Melee; +9 vs. Reflex; Pushes target 1d4+2 squares and knocks them prone. Affected targets are stunned until the start of Billy’s next round. Alignment-Unaligned Strength: 20 (+6)
Languages- Common Dexterity: 10 (+3)
4 (+0) Constitution: 16 (+4)
Intelligence: 5 (0)
(+2) Skills: Athletics +12, Acrobatics +10, Endurance +10