Bhagavad Gita Chapterwise Summary.pdf

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,334
  • Pages: 4
Section Titles of Bhagavad Gita C h apters BG - Chapter 1 - Observing the Armi es on the Battl efield of Kurukshl'. tra 46 verses divided into 3 section s Section 1: Verse N o. 1 to 19 - Description of armies a._nd conchshells Section 2: Verse No. 20 to 27 -Arjuna observes the army Secti on 3: Verse N o. 28 to 46 - Arjuna's re acti on BG - Chapter 2 - Contents of the Gita Summarized 72 verses which can be divided into 5 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 10 - Arjuna's confusion and submission Section 2: Verses 11 to 30-Sankh ya Yoga Section 3: Verses 31 to 38-Perform prescribed duty Section 4: Verses 39 to 53-Buddhi Yoga Section 5: Verses 54 to 72-Symptoms of one fixed in transcendence BG - Chapter 3 - Karma Yoga 43 verses which can be divided into 4 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 2 - Arjuna's confusion Section 2: Verses 3 to 16-Karma Yoga explained Section 3: Verses 17 to 35-Liberated souls also perform duties Section 4: Verses 36 to 43-Beware of Lust and Anger BG - Chapter 4 - Transcendental Knowledge 42 verses which can be divided into 5 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 10 - Krishna re-establishes Parampara Section 2: Verses 11 to 15 - Working in divine consciousness Section 3: Verses 16 to 24 - Full knowledge of action Section 4: Verses 25 to 33 - Types of sacrifices Section 5: Verses 34 to 42 - Transcendental Knowledge BG - Chapter 5 - Karma-yoga-Action in Kr~l).a Consciousness 29 verses which can be divided into 5 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 6 - Path of Work in devotion and Renunciation Section 2: Verses 7 to 12 - Working in devotion Section 3: Verses 13 to 16 - Embodied Spirit Section 4: Verses 17 to 26 - Liberation in the Supreme Section 5: Verses 27 to 29 - Peace Formula

BG - Chapter 6 - Sankhya-yoga 47 verses which can be divided into 6 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 4 - Yoga and Renunciation Section 2: Verses 5 to 9 - Advancing in Yoga Section 3: Verses 10 to 32 - Process of Astanga Yoga Section 4: Verses 33 to 36 - Difficulty in practice of Astanga Yoga Section 5: Verses 37 to 45 - Fate of an unsuccessful yogi Section 6: Verses 46 to 47 - Topmost yogi BG - Chapter 7 - Knowledge of the Absolute 30 verses which can be divided into 6 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 3-Complete Knowledge Section 2: Verses 4 to 12 - Krishna's energies Section 3: Verses 13 to 14-Modes of Nature - Difficult to overcome Section 4: Verses 15 to 19-Fortunate Four and Unfortunate Four Section 5: Verses 20 to 25-Demigod Worshippers and lmpersonalists Section 6: Verses 26 to 30-Understanding Krishna BG - Chapter 8 - Attaining the Supreme 28 verses which can be divided into 6 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 4 - Krishna answers Arjuna's questions Section 2: Verses 5 to 8-Remembering Krishna at the time of death Section 3: Verses 9 to 13- How to remember Krishna Section 4: Verses 14 to 16 - Krishna is easy to obtain for the devotees Section 5: Verses 17 to 22 - Material and Spiritual Worlds Section 6: Verses 23 to 28 - Passing away at different times BG - Chapter 9 - The Most Confidential Knowledge 34 verses which can be divided into 4 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 3- King of Knowledge Section 2: Verses 4 to 10- Krishna is present everywhere Section 3: Verses 11 to 25- Krishna is the object of all sacrifices Section 4: Verses 26 to 34- Pure Devotional service BG - Chapter 10 - The Opulence of the Absolute 42 verses which can be divided into 4 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 7- Glory and Power of Krishna Section 2: Verses 8 to 11- Catuh-Shloki Gita Section 3: Verses 12 to 18- Krishna's Supreme position Section 4: Verses 19 to 42- Krishna's opulences


BG_ Chapter 11 _ The Universal Form 55 verses which can be divided into 5 sections Section l: Verses 1 to 8 - Arjuna's request Section 2: Verses 9 to 31 - Krishna's Universal Form Section 3: Verses 32 to 34 - Krishna's mission Section 4: Verses 35 to 46 - Arjuna's prayers Section 5: Verses 47 to 55 - Krishna's two-handed form BG - Chapter 12 - Devotional Service 20 verses which can be divided into 3 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 7 - Bhakti is superior to lmpersonalism Section 2: Verses 8 to 12 - Levels of Devotion Section 3: Verses 13 to 20 - Qualities that endear one to Krishna BG - Chapter 13 - Nature, The enjoyer and Consciousness 35 verses which can be divided into 5 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 7 - The field and its Knower Section 2: Verses 8 to 12 - Items of Knowledge Section 3: Verses 13 to 19 - Knowable - Soul and Supersoul Section 4: Verses 20 to 26 - Nature and Enjoyer Section 5: Verses 27 to 35 - Vision of Knowledge BG - Chapter 14 - The Three Modes of Material Nature 27 verses which can be divided into 5 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 4 - Liberation and Conditioning Section 2: Verses 5 to 9 - Modes bind the pure soul Section 3: Verses 10 to 13 - Recognizing a mode's supremacy Section 4: Verses 14 to 18 - Acting and dying within the modes Section 5: Verses 19 to 27 - Transcending the modes BG - Chapter 15 - The Yoga of the Supreme Person 20 verses which can be divided into 5 sections Section 1: Verses 1 to 6 - Becoming detached Section 2: Verses 7 to 11 - Transmigration of Soul Sect ~on 3: Verses 12 to 15 - Krishna the Maintainer ~ect~on 4: Verses 16 to 18 - Three categories of persons ect1on 5: Ver ses 19 to 20 Th S e upreme Personality of Godhead BG - Chapte r 16 - The Divine d D . 24 ve rses which ca n b d ' 'd d _an emon1ac Natures Secti on 1ยท V 1 e 1v1 e into 3 secti ons . erses to 6 - T wo k. d f Secti on 2: Verses 7 to 20 I.~ . s o created be ings Section 3: Verses 21 to 24 - ~~ l'.t ,es of demon iac people tee gateways to hell

BG _ Chapter 17 - The Divisions of Faith 28 verses which can be divided into 6 sections Section L Verses I to 7 - Faith in t he th ree irnxlcs Section 2: Verses 8 to 10 - Food in rhe three modes Section): Verses 11 to 13 - Sacrifice in the three modes Section 4: Ve rses 14 to 19 - Austerity in the three modes Section 5: Verses 20 to Z2 - Charity in the three modes Section 6: Verse> 23 to 28 - Om Tat Sat BG_ C hapter 18 - Conclusion - The Pe rfection of Renuncia tion 78 verses which ca n be divided into 11 sections Section I: Verses I to 12 - Renunciation and renounced order of life Section 2: Verses 13 to 18 - Analysis of Action Section 3: Verses 19 to 40 - Items of Action in the three modes Section 4: Verses 4! to 48 - Worship of the Lord by doing du ty Section 5: Verses 49 to 55 - Self realied soul Section 6: Verses 56 to 60 - Krishna's perso nal instructions Section 7: Verses 61 to 63 - Surrender to Paramatma Section 8: Verses 64 to 66 - Krishna's Supreme instruction Section 9: Verses 67 to 71 - Res ults of preaching Gita Section 10: Verses 72 to 73 - Arjuna is enlightened Section IL Verses 74 to 78 - Sanjaya's conclusion

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